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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1912)
V-c.;u- HARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 191 2.-EVENING EDITION. r 2 V COOS BAY TIMES Bl. C. MALONEY.. Editor nml Pub. DAN K. MALONEY... News Editor An Independent Republican new paper published ovcry ovonlng except Sunday, and Weekly by The Coo Hay Times Publishing Co. Official Paper of Coos County. ZJedlcatod to tlio sorvlco ot the jpcoplo, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall ittt thrlvo unopp iscd. Address nil communications to COOS MAY DAILY TIMES. Marshfleld :; :; :; ; OrcRoa Entered at tho postofflco nt Marsh Held, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second clasi mall matter. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY BROWN ALLIANCt OUT FOR EUREKA GEORORH BROWN, the present prosecuting nttornoy, tins mailo a good record In his olllclnl po sition. Ho Is a randldato for ro-olec-tlon for nnothor term nnd his record In tho dlschargo of his duties Bhould testiro his rc-clcctlon on tho republi can tlckot. Mr. Drown Is n man of ability nnd onorgy and has brought xo mo disciinrgo or tlio duties of his offlco a fidelity of purpose that haB characterized nnd marked his admir ation of affairs in n public onico. Ho HaB nlwnys been dlllgont In guarding tho rights of tho public and In prose cuting with vigor nnd success tho law violators In his district. Ho has boon s faithful and courageous public olll clnl nnd his record should rccolvo tho hearty nnd cordlnl support of tho lotcrs. Thoro arc no npologles clthor from or for n man who does his duty In tho enforcement of tho laws ns ho finds thorn. The ondorscment nnd approval of tho olectornto of this dis trict should spring from tho bollof and knowlcdgo that Ocorgo Drown Is Influenced In tho discharge of his duties only by tho purposo to enforce tho. Inws fairly and Impartially. Till STOMACH. ff your Btomach'B working right, iqlng duty day and night, you will find this llfo n blessing, mire ounugh, but when It hns Jumped tho trnck ev erything scorns out ot whnck and tho road on which you toddlo'H pretty rough. When n man can sit nnd oat steaks nnd 'tators and repeat, you will find ho Is contented nnd soreno; hut tho man whoso stomnch groans very tlmo ho gnnwR somo bones, gots to bo a chronic Horohoad, cross and mean. Oh, his works nro full of storms, nnd ho clamors for reforms, and ho grouches round tho vitiligo by tho year: when. If ho could eat somo krnut without turning Inside out, you would boo him wear u hiiiIIo from oar to oar. I'enplo talk of broken hearts, nnn uioy wocp by IUh nnd starts, tell Arrives from Portland Sunday and Sails for South This Morning. ' Tim steamer Alllanco arrived horo from Portland Sundny. Sho brought passengers nnd a largo cargo of frelcht. Thoro wos ovor COO tons : freight aboard, about 200 tons ot which was for Coos Day and tho rest for Etirakn. Sho left freight at l'ort In ml which sho could not bring this tilp. Incoming List. V. Humphreys, Mrs. C. A. Schroo dcr. Wm. Winklomnn, A. Poison, A. C. Woldon, P. II. Dollnrdo, P. Mc Knlght, A. Dcomnn, E. W. Law rence, J. M. DIossom, A. Lucas, J. II. Nelson, M. Llndah, C. Erickson, P. J. Lcro nnd J. Audcrson. Outgoing Passengers. Tho Alllanco loft at 11 a. m. today for Eureka. Tho passengers from thla placo for Euroka besides Uioao who camo from Portland woro as fillows: H. Coles. D. Roe, P. L. Mead, F. Whlto, Mrs. Paul Hunt, P. J. Peyton nnd Mrs. P. J. Peyton. SEEKS OUR SETTLERS Offers Special Freight Induce . ments for People of the Pacific Northwest. (Dy Assoclntcd Pross to Tho Coos Day Times.) WINNIPEG, Canada, Oct. 28. Tho Canadian Pacific has nnnounccd n reduction of lfi por cent on Bot tlers' effects from Washington, Ore gon nnd Montana, to Southern Al-burta. WHOLESALE MURDER. In- Frlghtful Crlnio Committed by sane Coloriulo Unuclicr. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Cooi Day Times.) PAONIA. Colo., Oct. 20. C. G. Pox. uged 12, n rnnchor living thrco miles northwcflt of horo, shot his 0-yenr-old daughter, 4-yonr-old sun and ll-ninnths-old baby nnit He Is believed thou killed himself. trig how thoy long to slumber lii tho Insane. Mrs. Pox discovered mo lour iieuii uuuiun mi uui lumiii home after an hour's absenco. TAI'T IS 1JUSY. (Dy F Pukes Up Business That Piled Up Dining Ills Yiicntlon. Associated Pross to Tho Coot Day Times.) WASHINGTON. 1). C. Oct. 28. Tuft has plunged Into tho accumulat ing state affairs which nwaitou ins re turn from his summer vncntlon. Sec. Knox wiiB tho first cnllor, coming to discuss Great Drltaln's protest against tho Panama Canal hill and tho situa tion In Cuba, Momlult'iin Republican nnd Mexico. Tho campaign was also dtscussod and It was decided that tho secretary Hhould mnko sovorai speeches. Ono will bo In Ohio, YOUNG WOMAN MURDERED. Body of Tesslo McCnrty Found Near Ios AngelcH. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 28. The body of tho young woman found murdorcd In tho brush along 8llvor Lako yesterday was Identified ns Miss Tesslo McCarty, by hor motner, who could nfford no cluo. HOTEL ARRIVALS. tomb; If their stotuaclm would allow thorn to oat chunk of cow, thoy would soon forsnko their brooding and tholr gloom, Nearly all tho grief nnd woo that wo liiimnn bolngs know romo from stomachs out of killer, suro ns fate: when man's stomach's In repair, he's us frisky as n bear and his bosom has no room for fear or Date, L IS ATJUGENE Julius Krutschnitt of Southern Pacific Company Inspects Coos Bay Line. The grading of tho Eugcno-toos Sny lino of tho Southern Pacific was to bo inspected In an uutonin fello hv n party of Southorn Pa rRlo ntllclals. Including Julius Krutt scnltt, director of maintenance unit oporntlnu of tho Southern Pacific, who went to Eugono to look at tlio work of tho company in that jnrt of tho state. Regnrdlug tlio visit of tho ofll lnls, tho Eugene Register says: "This Is Mr. Kruttschnltt's first visit since his return from Eurnpo and his first inspection of tho elec trification work In the Willamette Talley, His principal comment Is thnt more sett lew must bo brougnt hi to fill the vacant places nnil make the construction of even more railroads Imperative o does not like to sco tho great upon spaces without railroad facilities. "President Strahorn last ovoulng had a short" confluence with Mayor Derger and with J. S. Mnglanly, president of the commercial club, In rognrd to tho railroad's Improve ments that are being made In Eu gono. "Mr. Strahorn said work op tho Eugono-C'orvallls line Is progressing vory satisfactorily. Tho grading Is now 7C per cent completed, nnd It Is expected that tho Inylng of track can begin In three or four woeks, The 'contractors, Plngg & Stnndlfer, luivo material on thoJMr. Thomas. T. Scely, Mrs. Per ground for tho greater part of tho Kins. E, Perkins, Misses V nnd P. trostllng that Is ronulrod, and tho P.lMnhor, Miss E. Cnrlson, Miss L. E. & E. hns contracted for the, Young. Mrs. Hill. Ruola Hill, P. G. Miller. Hurtle norwndor. J. Dyles, Mis, n. C. Dullard, Mrs Stafford, J. D. Mltcholl, A. S. Hammond, Mrs. Malehorn, Prancls Smith. Mrs, Small. O. Hands, Mrs, O. Dnnds. Mrs. Qunto, O. Tliumens. Mrs, O'lliien, Miss O'llrlen, W. P. Mur phy. C. D. Sanders. P. Ast. I. Pet erson. H. Loror. J. Hill, O. llln kleninnn, E. Hlnkerlmnnn, W. Johnson. HOMER GIVEN OIL CONTRACT DISCUSS PLAN OF CONDENSARY Owners of Canned Milk Insti tution May Have to Move Plant. ' Tho futuro fnto of tlio North Dcnd Condonsniy wl'.l bo decided upon at a coniorenco oi mo own- Steamer Will Carry Combusti bles Here Washington in Sunday. Tho Washington arrived In yes tordav from San Francisco with a good list of passongors nnd a car- nrs hero In a dry or two. E. D. go of miscellaneous freight. Sho .Duffy of Porllnn.1 and T. R. Shcrl hnd a fair trip up tho const. dan of Roscbu.g. two of tho prln- Th'o Homor, which hnB boon ply- clpal owners, nio horo for tho con ing between horo nnd San Fran- feronco. clsco, and which Is operated joint-1 Thc condcnsary hos boon unaUlo ly with tho "Washington by W. S.'to obtlln Bufflclont milk hero to op Scnmmol, has Just secured tho con- ornto lt nt fl,n cnpaclty and unless tract for carrying combiiBtlblo otl nrrnnBomo,its can bo mado to In here regularly from San Frnnclsco. crenB0 tho supply, lt may bo nocos Thls takes hor out of tho passenger, flnry t0 ,novo tho condcnsary. trado nnd will moan that sho tyv-'. Mr. Duffy said today that- tho bo overhauled and changed consia- xorth Dcnd condcnsary was turning orably to Increaso hor fro ght cnr-0t n botlcr grn,,0 nrtlclo tnan nny rylng capacity. Sho will h'nvo horn)ld Umt thy ,md CBtabllshed n aftorcabln removed nnd tho Blzo,,nnrkct for lta oulpul nt ft hB)lor nnd cnpaclty of tho hold Increased. ,)rlco thnn tno oth(!r conccrnB woro Tho Washington will sail -from. Bcttl1Bi ijowovor, thoy nro unnblo horo Wednesday noon nnd outgoing L fl tllclr onlors nnd nro tmiB will have n shipment of 1000 bun-lcrIppllug tholr trmlc Not loB nB0 dies of broom hnndloB from Utolthey BUpHcd n cnrload to tho 1-orndnlo broom handlo factory. This nrookIyn Nnvy ynrd nn,i collid lmvo factory, which has attracted on-soM much moro to tho government sldernblo attention horo, Is grow ing rnpldly. Tho following passongors arrived on tho Washington: Mrs. W. R. DrofT, C. II. Jackson and wlfo, Mrs. A. E. Simons, R. W. Lotts nnd wlfo, A. J. Gulltman, J. G. Sterling, P. G. Holtzor. E. J. Chand ler, T. W. Harvoy and wlfo, W. L. Dnchtel, Mrs. M. T. Marhoffor, Mrs. H. Jonos, Mrs. P Jones, Arthur Joucb, G. Rossi nnd D. Norman. LAUNCH IIP AT EASTSIDE Comet Swamped While Tied to Dock Opposite This City. Tho gasoline launch Comet, owned by Capt. Holdormnn, sunk on tho mudflats at Eastsldo loBt night. Tho launch was tlod up In front of tho boat building shop nnd swamped dur ing tho night. Tho top of tho cabin nnd pilot houso was all that could bo scon abnvo wator this morning. Tho lnunch will bo raised without nny difficulty. DROP IX at tho GUNNERY and seo tho NEW ilO-OALIDRE PUMP ACTION REMINGTON RIFLE, tho LATEST GUN on tho markot. KEEP YOUR FEET DR.Y Our shoes do If. We have Hie best nnil most complete line we Tim cnninnlirii wns also".""" " ") ."? Stti M5 'ot- '" look nt. these piles mid come In nnil see (lie shoes: Littlo Gouts' sizes S to 12, wolt soles $2.00 Little Gouts', best grndo, sizes 8 to 12 js-ti.U.T had thoy been nblo tp supply lt. Only last Saturday, Manager Gcorgo Sheridan had to run down nn order for 1000 cases ot milk. Mr. Duffy says that San Frnnclsco uinrKots cnll for about n cnrload a dny If they could supply lt, but thoy can not turn out moro thnn n carload n week. I THE CHANDLER T. V. Cattor 1 1 it and wife, Diuidon:: James Slb bon. Comilllo: J. O. Stemmler, Myrtle Point; S. A. Cnrmlchaol, Portland: W. M. Diittlo. Now York: A. L. Johnston. Portland; G. W. Daxtor, Coqulllo; E. W. Wright. Portland; 1). Vnnco, Portland; M. R. Novlu. Snn Prnuclscn; Chos. E. Schroeder nnd wife, Coqulllo; j. R. Hamllno. Portland; D. Lllyroth. Denver Hill. 11REAKWATER LIST. Names of Those Who Left for Port laud Saturday. The following Is tho list of pass engers who loft on tho Dronkwator Saturday: Miss P. M. Gcorgo, Geo. Kuohn, W. G. Rnnisloy. Mrs. W. G. Rams leg. Felix Ramsloy, T. R. Hodges. G. P. Kimball. Mrs. O. P. Kimball. W. II. Drowp, Mrs. W. II. Drown, H. Llghtner, C. J. Osterdahl, Mrs. Charles Hamlin. J. D. Mitchell, Mrs. Rehfeld, Miss E. Flook, J. T. Hall, necessary ties, rnese, .Mr. siranorn snld. are bolng brought from the small mills ndjacent to the Hue. in accordnnco with tho company's poli cy of buying all posslblo material at homo "Mr. Stnihoin leaves for Albany this nfteruoou, ns ho Is to be the guest of honor at a banquet there, and tho other railroad nion leave In tholr spoclal train late today or tomorrow inpinliig for California." RFMEMItEK WEDNESDAY, OCT. SO tho last time that you can M'Y n $1.10 SACK OP GROWN FLOl'H VOR $1,15 by signing tho slip mat ldll bo published Tuesday, Oct. 30. Tho wh,olo qrjd. usoij American gold penB.' ' Youth's Rest Shoes, sizes 12 to 2 $2.25 and $2.50 Doys' best shoes, sizes 2V4 to 5 'j $2.50 and $2.75 Men's Shoes from. .$2.50 to $0.00 Wo enrry tho famous Top Grado Shoo, mado by tho Packard fac tory, nt from ?5 to G. In high top shoes wo hnvo: Little Gout's sizes $3.00 Youths' $5.25 Doys' $3.50 Men's High Top Shoes.. $0 to $7.50 Wo hnvo Mason's fnmous Chip powa Loggers at $0, $7 nnd $H. The Bazar "Storo of Quality." Phono 32. To thc Voters of Coos and Curry Counties: Slnco my candidacy for Joint Son ator wob announced nnd my plat form published and distributed, 1 hnvo been trying to moot nu many electors ns posslblo within tho dis trict In order to understand their Ideas and learn their wishes. It has boon n Biirprlso as woll ns n plcasuro to mo to find my posi tion on loglslntlvo questions ns sot forth In my platform, nlmost uni versally approved, nnd to rcccivo bo many assurances of support from mombcrs ot nil political parties, I hnvo bcon frnuk and lmvo trlod to stato my position fully on ml Important questions, but If thoro Is nny point concerning which you need n further statement, Bpcnk to mo about It or wrlto mo It I rati to aeo you, for I cannot moot you nil, nnd I want n thorough undor standing with you. Tho noxt four yoars will witness great dovolopmonts In this district, that may bo gravely Influoncea by loglslntlon, and lt Is Importnnt tnnt you bo guided In your choice of legislators by sound Judgment, un influenced by partisan projudlco or porsonal leanings. I wish It thoroughly undoratood that: First. I represent no corporations and novor hnvo hnd nny connec tions with thorn. Second. I nm allied to no special Interest; my own Intorosts nro var ied nnd nro fairly ropiwontatlvo ot thoso of tho peoplo of tho district. Third. I havo mado no promUes outsldo my platform and no por sonal promises whatovor. v mm in, i iini running my own cnmpniBn, and rm nnilor no ontl- giuions, nunncinl or otherwise, to anyone. Fifth. I hnvo been n resldont of tho district for 30 years and am familiar with Its needs. Sixth. I am a strictly Indopond ont candidate nnd stnnd squnroly on my own' platform. If It is yours, stnnd with mo. (Slgnod) J. O. STEMMLER. Cnndldato for Joint Sonator for Coos nnd Curry Counties. fRPfffSjON JOEL OSTLINI), f .. 1,'no Tuner nnd Repairer. 415 S. Sixth Streot. Phono 103-L "CDNa LOWBK LARSON. PInlst ond Teacher. Harmony, Musical History Phono 254-R. T W. IlENNETT Dennett Swnnton, Tom T. Donnott Attorneys nd Counsellors nt Law. Flanagan & Dennett nank Unlldlnir. Mawhfleld, Coos Co., Oregon The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do nil kinds qf hauling on short notice. W6 meet all trains and boat and we also have the latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J. or 49-L. pERL RILEY IJALLINGER A Pianist and Teacher Resldonca-Studlo, 237 So. Droadway Phono 18-L. TEW KEYZER, " " T" , Violin Instructor. Apply Ualneei Muslo Store. Class Start September 1. WM. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Marshfleld. Oregon. DR. W, MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Rplldlng, over Grand Theater. Qfllco Phone 320. Anybody can attach the plug tAfew!ti?.SB Tho G.E. Flatiron then heals itself in about three minutes and will stay hot without fur. titer attention. Saves time, steps and fuel If the washing and ironing arc sent out, thc G.E. Electric Iron will still be found a marvclously convenient utensil to have in thc house. There arc many little things women like to iron themselves, and many times it be comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs, etc., before thc "wash" comes home. When occasions like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy, it is the work of but a moment to attach thc cord to a lamp socket and thc iron is ready. Get one today. t OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178. CONDENSED STATESIENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At Uio cloeo of buslncM, September 4, 1012, RESOURCES. LoanB and Discounts $305,414.71 Overdrafts Donds, warrants and socurltloB 63.689.J0 U. S. Donds to socuro circulation 25,000.00 Roal ostato, f urlturo nnd fixtures 80,000.00 Cash nnd alght oxchango 149.208.6S Total $623,476.39 LIADILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 11,419.71 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Doposlts 488,0(0.(1 Total $623,470.3) In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholm u 9100,000.00. "" INTEREST PAID ON TIME ANH SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President DORSEY KREITZGlt, Cwliler. STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSUFIELD, OREGON, At tho closo of business, September 1, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $465,211.87 Dnnklng houso 50,000.00 Cash and oxchangoa 307,835.48 Total ., $81S,047. LIADILITIES. . ..... Capital stock paid In 50'922 Surplus and undivided profits B9,?5rJi Doposlts 703,494.(6 Total- $813,047.35 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance . Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIENitr BENGSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqullle Offle Phone 191 Plattlns Lands a pellty. Farou Timber Coal andtnta "EABTSIDIV" Central A Marshfleld Office 14-J. Boys' Shoes 100 pairs iluo welts on sale at the The Electric Shoe Store 180 So, Broadway. Uar'hfleld. E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domeitlo Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right here. 870 North Front Street Sfawhileld. TXT G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 302, Coko Building Marshfleld, Oregon. IIDY NOW. Some choice lota la NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price It taken now. B. 8. OBAR ft CO., riret National Baak. DR. BIRD B. CLARKE, Specialist In Jervo, Illicumatlcni and Spinal disease. Office Hours, 1 to 6 p Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COME IN AND 0 OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND HOOFING PAPER, SHINGLES l.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPEK, ONB PLY, f 1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. jg RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Bfifcli'',!" m. Office, 804 Coke Building. MARSUFIELD OREGON DR, A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high class work e,n, afcort notice at the very lowest prjpes. Examination free. Lady atfemUnL Coke Bldg., ppp. Chandler Hotel, phoae 112-J. GET RID OP MICE Trap them. They start Ares. Care will do much to prevent fires. Our lnsurnnco policies do EV ERYTHING to prevent Joss on your part if you have a fire (and a policy.) Ask us your rate. The cost Is trifling, the Insurance per fect. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Frpat fltreet WE WILL MAIL YOU for each set of old Paha . , sent us. Highest prices Pj ' i waico"' and P'"1 old Gold, Silver, broken Jewelry Stones. , .r-ii Money Sent by Return VW Phlla. Smelting & ncfinh EsUbllshed 20 Year. 808 Chestnut St., PblhlrtPbU' TO DENTISTS' We will buy yonr Gold Gold Scran, and PlaUnuni, P yt,pcy yw;