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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1912)
ijfCAWT ALL FLY HIGH, BUT ALL WHO TRY CAN MOVE ONWARD AND JJPWARD -TTIJvKUlISINa in The TIMES S I'ut Vour Ileal EsUto "in (E003 WANT ADVERTISING In The TIME Will ICccp your Income frost Furnished Itooms Steady. YOU can ronlly holp the family rovonuon by renting n few furnished rooms nntl, If you know how ana' mmt tll0 Market" Effectively j it will Put tll fnclB "V,1 J0Ur " :,. boforo tho oyoa of nil "pos- '.ff. b?yara" in town. And If thoro flbino of thorn who ought to own i on n i when to uso tho classified columns, V t, JOUIl B- " you may keep that llttlo extra In' como as "steady as n clock." MEM11EK OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES mm .. WVWI IMnnl'sHcu in into VOL AAAVIia9 Tilo Const Afnll. NIARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1912. EVENING EDITION. jjrarEMffls 61 CHRISTOFFERSOH SUCCESS A Consolldntlon of Times, Const Mali nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 86. Birdman Makes Two Fine Flights Sunday After ' noon Here. ILSO MADE MOONLIGHT L FLIGHTS LAST NIGHT. First Night Ascensions by Hy droplaneMany Praise Aviator. Yesterday was a Brent dny ror yinhdeld nnd Tho Coos liny T'vot'only did It wltnoss two 01 tho belt aeroplane fllghtB over given, bat last ovcnlng tho first hyuro rline WcUt ovor given by nioon llcht was successfully given ny aims Cirlstofforson of Portlnnd. In nd iltlon to this, It Is clnlmod th'nt Hi demonstration Inst night wnB tho Irst flying mnchlno oxhlhltlon glvon It moonlight In the northwest. A few moonlight or twilight fllghtB hire boon given by onstorn nvlntora In aeroplanes, hut they woro con MteH Mlrcniclv hnzurdoiiB mid cinr of tlic neroplnno clubs nnvo ruscd resolutions opposing tlioin. It was Sllns Chrlstofforson'B Ilrst attempt to fly nftor dusk nnd ho enjoyed tho two flights Inst ovoning ilmost ns much ns tho great crown tht watched hltn. All In nil. It wns n romnrknblo mat. Wlillo ho wnB unnblo to nt tila tho altitude thnt ho hud hopod to, owing to tho uppor nurrcntn of ilr Icing too Hlrong, his fllghtH tere perfect nnd ninny who nnd previously witnessed fllghtH olso vbere by somo of tho most famous itlitors In tho world, declnro Hint 111 exhibitions yestordny oxcolted any of them, Fred Powoih unci Georpo Goodriun, who linvo wlt ceued n number In tho south nnd mlJwest, say Chrlstofforson'H oxlil lltlon yestcrdny oxcolted nnyth'ng tkey ever saw A yonr ngo Mr. Goodrum witnessed n number of tho Wlljhtsln New York whon tio went eut to nttend tho Elks Grand Lodge nt Jersey City nnd lio BayH that Clirlstofferson la tho poor of tar ho saw. Yesterday wns n porfect day for tt event so fnr na tho nvorngo person could determine Ilrlght nun llht and llttlo wlnil w&3 In evi dence. Tho strong nlr currents Mch Mr. Chrlstofforson encounter ed at tho hlghor nltltuiln wns not la eTldenco on tho ground. Tho trong currents of tho heights nro aat mako tho hlrdmnn'a trips most uuraoiiB ns no rises into tnom without warning nnd tlioy ofton Miiso "air porkots," whlcli nro ro Mm llko whirlpools nro to tho iMmmer. Not only did Mr. Chrlstofforson KsVe perfect nsconslon nnd fllgnta ht ho gavo tho nudlonco nn exhi bition of the perfect control thnt le has over his Curtis noroplnno. The glldo and dip, tho most dtffl- Ult feats of tlio nvlnlnr wnrn rlnni. witratcd perfectly nnd tho inncnliio t'Jrned completely nround tho rnco fwrse. pracUcnlly without swerving ium ins rourso. "I WOllldn't linvn mloiin.1 Olirlsl person's exhibit for $50," roinurit- " wue oi tno men who wltnessod e feats yestordny nftornoon. Ilo "nwsijii tno sontlmont of prnctic "'J every ono who snw tho flights. .1 S? flrBl I'ltlnintlon tho crowd hnd rt. i ,-,u"ft iillluillD ill till 111' e. height to which Mr. Chrlstoffor- had arisen enmo whon In mnk- ;,?.. B. "in nt nbout tho groatcst wutuae ho renched, his mnchlno rnf ?dl.great,J'' H wns nbout tho uY. '"'.'"'n'lon of thoro holng nny r.r.d ?. ,lie Hht8 nnd then tho Si (1Jl ,not npproelato It. At '"jneh Chrlstnfforson's cool nervo Sin?0!1 nllow ll,m t0 admit any Ku.lar dn,iBe' ho did not nt ln . p0 "iKhor hut circled ovor lou'ii1 nanl Slough valley and Howly descended. hn,?Ce, 0r twco ho romoved his In. si 'rom tho steering whoot, glld lDS,'onR In tho air llko a bird. alter Mi second flight ho landed BwM,inear tho uonot t0 ,mvo nl8 thTiS 1!"uly t0 transfer It from It , hef'8 to the scow, converting Jlanft nerPlnno to tho hydro iot ;(MMay of tho crowd who old lil3 ,. "iMouncor's stntomont thPi' . . hlln t0 return and when do! "ce,ved word that ho camo hehinear tho rtPt thought that H0d,Ii1Pt .V,th somo nccldont. It soi I r' ,hclr fears woro qulck a L i reqt nnd ln fov minutes ftthuro? of fcovornl hundred had 'be St ar"nd hIs raacu,no ,ienr UXI,,l,,Lr,,'!,,t ArmiiRwf. ranee, n.'8htJa "'b'1 waa not av atli .'Jn fact wasn't suggested, how nPper tlniG- None of thbso "me hid na 'l10 f,lsnt" m th0 an' Dch , tu, le tomoHty to suggest ferson!hlllB- bt finally ChrlstoN Hmseif r;,a'llC(l !t' "o yasn't sure he ' i?nt auout 8 o'clock' when niefbo br'slt It wns on tho rlth hi, "astoned to tho depot Crowlov ,roUlr an(l Machinist The.T1 stnrte'1 n dock ami nnco was WnR at her turnlnc l(,?s thought that tho all him S-f, ,hor searchlight mlgnt "" This was arranged for, I S i Christofferson's Moonlight As cent Surprise to Hundreds. Last night's moonlight flights by Avlntor Chrlstofforson caused much commotion around town. It was not generally known that ho was goln to lly Inst ovoning nnd whon tho people In tholr homos, In plny-houscs, churches and other places heard tho whirring sound, tlioy woro puzzled. Most of thotu had witnessed tho nero plnno hut tlioy could not bcllovo tholr hearing. Homo rushed out nnd saw him pausing ovor but tlioy even doubted tholr eyes until others us siirud them that It was roally rtio iiyuig mncuino. Homo thought It wns ono of tho sposd boats In the bay, others that It wii!i an auto or a motorcycle and con sequently many did not get out to see Chrlstoffersou soaring around In the twilight. Mr. ChrlstolTorsou Intoudcd to take up ono or two puBsongurs In Ills lllghts yostorduy but tho fairgrounds from whero his mnchlno hnd to start wns so soft Hint ho did not daro to at tempt It. Tho soft ground made It risky beeauso tho whools sank Into tho soft mud and ho feared It would not rluo nnd might collide with tho fence. Ho can safoly carry ovor 250 pounds In tho mnchlno. A spcclnl train from Myrtlo I'olnt nnd Coiulllo brought ovor u hundred people hero to wltnoss tho oxhlhltlon. 10 FLY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SERVIAN ARMY IS PRAISED Aviator Christofferson to Make Six Hydroplane Ascensions and Carry Passengers. MONEY ItAISEI). Tho business men nro Biibscrlb I Ing generously to tho freo flight 1 for Wednesday and Thursday. 1 Mnny of them nro cnthuslnstlc I nbout It nnd thoro Is no doubt I tho full amount will bo rnlscd. At thrco o'clock more than $300 was raised. - Arrnngoinonts nro being mndo to dny whereby Sllns Chrlstofforson, tho nvlntor brought hero by Tho Coos Dny Times, will ninko six freo fllghta WodnoBdny nnd Thursdny in his hydroplane. Tho freo flights nro being nrrnnged by Mnrshflold Busi ness men ns a trent for tholr pat rons nnd tho genornt public. Tho oxponso will bo consldornhlo, hut It will probnbly ho a long tlmo hotoro nnothcr opportunity will bo nfforded to bco a flying mnchlno In Coos county, nnd lornl business men rto elded thnt It should not bo passed up. Tho plan Is to havo n flight ench forenoon and two each nftornoon. This will onnblo prnctlcnlly ovcry ono who comes to Mnrshflold cither dny to witness ono of tho most re marknblo exhibitions of tho ngc. Mr. Christofferson will Btnrt from tho Hay, circle over tho town surrounding section nnd nllght. In addition to tho exhibition it self, tho flights Wednesday and Thursday wilt afford an additional fcaturo In thnt local pcoplo nro planning to accompany htm each trip. Ho has ngrced to carry tour peoplo for Tho Times and tho oal nnco ho will hnvo to chnrgo for. For Tho Times It Is expected thnt tho editor, M. C. Mnloney, Dan 13. Malonoy, Miss Nolllo Tribboy nil Mrs. II. K. Hooch will ninko tho flight. On tho othor trips, Mr. Chrlstor ferson will mnko a chnrgo ot $15 for cneh pnssonger nnd will enrry them ten miles. 13. W. Steele, W. S. Turpcn nnd a number of othors hnvo nlrcndy mndo applications. Thcso applications nro being tnken nt Tho Tlmos ompo. OAKLAND WINS TRE 1912 PENNANT RILL SUES EOR $8,900 Onklnnd won nil four gnmes hnt- ernon won thrco nnd lost ono. Hnd Ver non won all four games tho team would have secured tho winning or hnd Oakland lost ono of tho four gnmos Vernon would hnvo won, bo tho result narrowed down to n very closo contost. Onklnnd won 120 games and lost BY EUROPEA MILITARY H IAFT BLAMES TARIFF REFORM Says in Statement It Caused Four Years of Hard Times. (Dy Associated Proas to Tho Cous Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 Presi dent Tnft mndo public today n statement In which ho dcclnrcd that tho four years of depression which followed tho second election of President Cleveland, wnB duo to tho promlso of tarlf roforin nnd Domo crntlc chnngos In tho tnrlff rnto tnnt followed. Tariff Iteforni. Tho Btntoment snys, In pnrt: "In vlow of tho erroneous Btntoment ro gnrdlng tho eniinos of tho four years' depression whlcli followed tho second olectlon of Prosldcnt CIovo lnnd, It mnv bo well to recall tho facts. In his formal letter of ac ceptance, Septomhor 2fi, 181)2, Mr. Clovoland omphaslzed tho need of tnrlff reform and mndo It a leading Issuo botweon tho parties. Tho tar iff reform la still our purposo, ho snld. "Thin linn a fnnilllnr sound to- WANTS DAMAGES KHOM THE C. A. SMITH COMPANY l-'OIt IX.IL'it- IES INTHEMII.Ij. Alfrod Hill, through tils attorney, Chns. I. Itolgnrd, has tarted a dam ago suit for ?S,900 against tho C. A. Smith Lumhor & Manufacturing com pany. Amo Moreon, Georgo P. Murch nnd A. S. Gngnon nro nlso mndo (lofonilnnta ns ofllcors In chnrgo of tho plnnt nt tho tlmo. Hill, it will bo romomborcd, wns Injured In tho milt Inst January. Ho was caught on tho sprocket of n wheol nnd thrown to tho floor nnd In tho declnr- ntlon of tho suit It Is nlloged thnt his loft log was brokon nnd Is now por- mnnently stirr nnd tliat no susiaincu othor injuries. Ho buck for ?900 loss of tlmo nnd fS.OO personni injuries. Tho pnpors woro sorvod todny. hut tho glnro tonded to blind him ns ho enmo up tho bay. Ho stopped aa ho motored up tho hay and Indlcatod to turn It off and then speeded up for tho ascoat. Ho loft tho water oppesito tho Mnntot nvenuo wlinrf nnd circled ovor tho crowd nnd doscondod nonr tho nrnrt-shnw-Klniball company. Aftor a m tlo tlmo ho mndo tho second ns cont nud circled far out ovor tho town. . . It wns oven prottlor to bco Win circling nround in tho moonlight thnn It wns in tho bright sunlight.' In tho interim botweon tho first nnd second flights consldornhlo appro honslon wnB manifested by tho big erowd along tho wntorfront lost no hnd met with a mishap. II Is second descent wns mndo opposlto tno Market nvenuo wharf and In plain sight of tho throng. Mr. Chrlstofforson says tho moon light flight Is ovon moro onjoyablo than tho daylight ascent. Tho only thing that bothered him was Judg ing tho dlstnnco from tho wnter. Tho Tlmos feels highly olntod over tho success of Mr. Chrlsofforson s domonstrntlon. Tho nttondnnco whllo not ns lnrgo na might hnvo been ex pected wns fair and nulto a few re mained on tho outsido nnd got n long dlstnnco vlow of It froe nnd possibly nro sntlsfled with themselves. Howovor Tho Times feols well re paid for tho oxponso nnd effort nec ossnry to bring tho exhibit. VOW SALI3 Mattress nnd Uphols tering factory, with patent carpet cloanor In connection. Must no sold at onco. Inqutro of Homo Trust Co., ovor First National Dank, Marshftold. STKAMEK FIFIKM1 Balls TUES DAY AVTEItXOON from lUMH'.V Day passengors should take Tues day morning's train, nervations can bo mado at TITLE GUAUAV TEE AND ABSTRACT OFFICE. Vprnnil Cln?P SpRnnH and tllfW Oakland won all four gnmos vuiiuii wuM, otouiu dim uiLuri,ay nn(, gmlnV whll0 v, nace was uecmeu oaiur day and Sunday. (Dy Assoclntod Prosa to Tho Coos Dny Times.) PORTLAND, Oct. 28. Oakland wins tho 1912 pennnnt of tho Const league, with Vernon a closo second. 83 nnd hnu a porcontngo of .501. Ileforo tho games woro played Sat-: Vernon won US games, aim lost urday, thoro was a chance for el-. S3, the same as Oakland, and has dny, snvo that Instead of tnrlff ro- tlinp Ontdmnl nr Vprnnn to urln'n norcontnen nf .RS7. Tlio flenrns! fiirin. tlm nmnnppnlln ulnrrnn la lnr. ""- w " " -T" " - ....... . ---.,- -- . .- - --- , - ... .v. .... ..... u...n i. nnd thoro was great Interest in tho of Saturdays and Sundays gamos Iff for rovenuo only.' According to outcome. 'follow: tho Daltlmoro platform tho tarltf Ih not merely to bo reformed, but n prlnclplo of protecting Amorlrnn in dustry Ib to lio exorcised by tho Itoot branch. On thnt plntform Gov ernor Wilson stands. Herein Proi)oilty. "Mr. Clovolnnd wns undoubtedly slncoro In IiIb belief thnt tho alarm lug nnd extraordinary huslnoss mi uatlon, ns ho cnlled It In his spe cial moBsngo of Augunt, was auo to tho Shermnn sliver purchnso net, but tho fnrt remains thnt after tho net wns repealed, Nov. 1, 1803, tho business situation becntno moro nnd moro nlnrmlng and American onor gy nnd ontorprlso woro prontrnto throughout Cleveland's torm, holng vivified ngnln with tho election of McKlnloy nnd tho constnnt nssur- nnco thnt tho 'tariff roforin experi ment would booh glvo way to pro tection." Tho president then rcvlowB tho business situation of tho last thrco years nnd declaros: "Tho figures aro nlmost overwhelming. Tlioy toll mo n story of prosperity which siiouhl not no Disturbed. Other Countries Did Not Ex pect Such Victories by That Nation. ALLIED FORCES ARE STILL WINNING Turks Lose Important Strong hold But Soon to Be Reinforced. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Uny Times) III3LOHADI3, Oct. 28. Tho Scr vlnn troops hnvo tnken tho town ot Mltrovltza on tho railroad to tha north of Uskup, and Verlzovltz lirui nlso fallen Into their hands, tha Turks abandoning great quantltlco of ammunition and modom rlfloa nud guns. All tho neighboring towns nro surrendering to tho Sir-vlnns. COAST LEAGUE (WOULD CUT BALL SCORES; TRE Los Angeles 110 03 Portlnnd 85 100 Snn Francisco 89 115 Sacramento 73 121 Sat unlay Gaines. ment for World's Series Is Considered. l-'ltinl Kfniiilliii'. W ljl Viu P'an fr Different Arrange Oakland 120 83 .591 mnnf fnn lAfnMi cn.;nn Vernon 118 83 .587 .511 .459 .430 (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos .370 Day Times.) I NEW YOItK. Oct. 28. A plan to Tho scores of Saturday's games cut tho players' aharo of tho ro- follow: ' eclpts of tho world's sorlcs of unse- At San Francisco R. II. 13. hall games will ho glvon sorlous San Francisco 0 8 3 consideration by tho national base Oakland 10 13 0 ball commission this winter. August Second Game It. II. 13. Horrmnn, chairman of tho commts- Lob Angolcs 0 0 0 slou, Is ono of tho ndvocates of tho Oakland 2 7 2 schomo which will limit each moin- At Los Angeles It. II. E. her of tho winning team to $1000, Portland C 15 u whllo tho losors got $750. This Vernon 4 10 2 money is to bo deducted from GO Second Game II. II. 13. ' porcont of tho first four gnmos, tho Portlnnd 0 5 1 bnlnnco to bo distributed equally Vernon S 14 0 nmong tho players of tho othor 14 At Sacramento It. II. E. mnjor league clubs. Sacramento C 8 0. Under audi n plan tho world's U sorlcs would provide a nlco bonus B. for tho major lcaguo playors, ovon 0 tho tnll-endora, nnd It is bollovcd It 0 , would put nn end to squabbling und I possible Bcanunl. San Francisco 7 10 Second Gamo H. II. Sacramento 7 9 San Francisco 2 8 Sunday Game. scores of Sunday's gnmeai The follow: 'a. At San Francisco It. II. 13. T Oakland 5 a il. Los Ancoles 4 7 3i Second Gnmo Los AnKoles 0 '1 1 Oakland C 7 1 At Los Angelos It. II. 13. Vernon 5 Portland 4 Second Gnme R. Vernon , 0 Portland 3 12 At Sncrnmento u. is. Sncramonto 0 13 San Francisco iu Second Gamo R. II. Sacramento 7 San Francisco o FOOTBALL RESULTS. - I 4 Will VAOIltln n Cntlll..ln'n Anll.nll a ..' V games follow: Minnesota CO; Iowa 7. Michigan 7. Syracuso 18. WESTERN GA.MES. Pullman 7 University of Oregon 0 Washington University .. ..20 Idaho University 0 Euroo Pi-uInci. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coon Day Times) LONDON, Oct. 28. Europonn mllltnry circles nro sounding tlm praises of tho Sorvlnn armies' nohlovomonts. Tho Sorvlnns, trom whom Europo did not expect much, nro now In poBsosslon of virtually tho wholo of old Servla and in con junctions with tho MontonegnnnB hold tho host pnrt or tho district of Novlpnzur. Groat Stroke. (Dy Assoclntod Prosa to Tho Coon Dny Tlmos) LONDON, Oct. 2S. In ono At tho greatost strokos of tholr cam paign tho Dulgarlans havo eut tho railroad between Constantinople and. Adrlnuoplo nud hns thus Isolated tho hitter city. This wnn Indicated todny In n special dispatch from, Sofia, which declares tho Invaders had solzod a Turkish military tram on tho railroad. (Dy Tin I ii In Tnken. Associated Prosg to Tho Com Day Times.) SOFIA, Oct. 28. Tho Dulgnrlnnn hnvo captured n military train in tho vicinity of Esklbnbn cnrrylne supplies from Constantinople In Adrlnuoplo. REPORTS ARE EXAGGERATED 5 9 3 II. B. 7 0 0 E. 0 0 E. y o 9 0 BECKER RAS LOST ROPE FARMER KILLS E W M HANGS HIMSELF. (Dy Associated Press.) SHEDOYGAN, Wis., Oct. 28. Roohr'a body was found to- SVYS HE HAS LITTLE CHANCE dny hanging to n treo in tlio ',,,.'Ii '""" J,,B " tho sceno of tho tragedy. It Is mm '. i, ii, . . . . . ... : (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Joob supposea no commuted suicuio, v ' nnv Tlmos.) fearing vengoanco by tho posso. NEW YORK, Oct. 28. "I nm no longer optimistic thnt my lawyers - will cet mo a now trial. I might (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos snv I am hopeless of a successtul1 Day Times.) appeal." With these words, Decner SHEDOYGAN. Wis., Oct. 28 1.-A1-in n coll today lamented tho fact vln Roohr, ngod 33, a young farmer thnt ho failed to take tho stand at of Plymouth, shot nnd Wiled his tho trial at which ho was condemn- fathor-ln-law, Philip J. Ott, Mrs. od to ho elect" c chnlr for tho mur-ptt nnd Mrs ;. Ott'a father. Fred ,u l . ' ,,.mn unaon-Hnii. Ho re-Hunt, aged 80, when ho was re peated his statement that ho had fused permission to seo his wife, nn connection with tho murder and with whom ho had not been living, charged that tho Informers, Roso.The ,man escaped, vniinn and Webber not only engin- Mrs. Roohr nnd baby oscapod by eored it, but planned to murUhldJng for three hours Tho shoot Sor "gambler1: but tho plot m.s-.n took coj-torday, tho news Vice President Is III But Not So Serious as It Has Been Reported. (Dy Associated Pross to the Coos Day Times). UTICA, N. Y Oct. 28. Alorm Ing rumors ot tho condition of Vlco President Sherman hnvo boon sot nsldo by tho physician who Is sued a bulletin or n ronssuring cuar actor. Ho 1b a sick man, but tho roporta nro groatly exaggerated. Tho physicians do not anticipate any Immediate crisis. GAG CASRIER; STEAL $5,000 HIGHWAYMEN IN DROOKLYN ROD OFFICE OF AN INSUR ANCE COMPANY. (ry Associated Pross to Tho Coos Times.) NEW YOItK, Oct. 28. Throo hlghwaymon ontorod tho branch of flco of tho Prudential Llfo Insur ance Co. at Drooklyn this ufternon, bound and gagged Mlsa Alio Hron nolss, the cashier, and oscapod with $5000. When In need of . PLUMIUNG, HEATING, TINNING, SHEET METAL AVORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER HDW'RE . CO., When done by us it Is dono right. Tlio Tnrklxli Story. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tlio Coon nny Tlmos.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 28- .Official dlspntclios from tho Turkish minis ter of foreign affairs recolved nero today by tho Turkish ambassador nro Interpreted nt tho ombnssy as news thnt tho Diilgnrlnun hnvo beca ropulBed from Kirk Kllllssoh rvltb honvy losa nnd tho city rotnken by tho Turks. A Dulgnrlnn do feat as Mnrasch was nlso reported. T. ROOSEVELT GAINS SLOWLY Does Not Recover Strength as Rapidly as Physicians Hoped For. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Coon Dny Tlmos.) OYSTER DAY, Oct. 28. Roobb volt la stronger toduy, but tl wound Is still opon and ho Is not gaining strongth ns tho physicians hnd hoped ho would. Up to onrly todny ho took n short walk, but was obliged to movo about slowly. OREGON HAS 160,253 VOTERS (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Oct. 28. Tho total registration or Orogon for this year la 1G0.253, Including Curry county, ostlmatod at 700. All othor coun tries havo reported official regis tration. Tho registration in 191C wns 122,742. Leave In Haste. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Day Times.) HRLGRADI5, Oct. 28.- Tho Turks ovaouatod Uskup In suoh hasto that tlioy klllod one nnother ln flghtlnc for plncou In tho wagons nna rail road cars, says reports from ths U. M. O. SPEED THE GUNNERY. SHELLS ct