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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1912)
"III HkHHMMIpHBM MOREHENS 1 - rEUxisiNa in Tho TIMES S rut your nci auf '. WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMER Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can renlly holp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnlahod rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns,' you may keep that ltttlo extra 1- como as "steady as a clock." amttra .1. Market" KlTcctlTOIjri lu the facts about your 11 Wfore tho oycs of all "pos- tlr,S?ln town. And If thoro rfMw'?rfhBm who ought to own iv ' MEMHKH OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES . . ... i .1 I.. iUTU MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. I. wvil i;sil,"',niu ",,,, lflLAAAVltt9 T,0 Const Mnll. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull nud Coos liny Advertiser. No. 85. (linos ita I FLIGHT MADE TODAY 6! VIATOR Wn Ever Seen Hero Securea uj m - Great Success. rtSElCrffinnM TOMUntW" hi luniiww. h .Eft. , S!SL a Large inumuui m -h"" tOrS IIOIII vcuiuy. rfOFMailTB TOMORROW. , ni.clntors did not un- Ujntand that t'n' thoro mid bo a Bccond flight. To morrow there will ho two ifjAts and possibly thrco with i.tth m Intermission hotweon. 'in iccond flight will ho bot i: than. tho first. Weather i Millions nrc now favornblo Icrsood flights tomorrow. Eji Cbrlstofferson, tho aviator, aJ S ipicnuia lligni mm uuur xaittho race track. It wns thd in erent of tho kind ovor scon i till rart of tho stnto and was treat success In every wny. Tho iter was brought 10 .Mnrsuiioiu ii tho Coos Hay Tlmcn nnd ii public wns greatly plciised with li trtnt. Iciorrow another flight will ho 1-U. Tien Mr. Chrlslofferson started ma for probably 100 foot on '((round nnd then tho ncroplnuo ra and went toward Hunker 1II1I. 'n tie blrdninn turned toward '.n Back slouch and turned hnclc fi'a toward tho rlty. Uoturnlnrr wi tho rnco track ho clrctod rati for several times and land i la the sanio placo from which ti'irted. Weather Good. Vllle thft wrailiiv for iininn ilnvo ut was highly un favornblo for cuwrs to attend nnd Tor tho "bin to go up fnrttmntoly tt ai lafflclently today to innko UODI RUOU, I food nltfnilnurn cntlmrml nf ' rice track this nftornoon to i its erent nnd It wan tho ono :jcrtint thine nf iim iinv Tim i was called over tho telc ft all day by persons who wnnt i w know If tho hlrdmnn vfnn llo mako his flight nnd this &2t thtrrt U'nrA inn tit Uifmlftna ; from out of the city, to know i.. AflfP ltiv-i1 Vr. Chrlslofferson will tomorrow III In .ffft l t i a. n .... ....... ,u "",I l" raeine Ut rworil tn nii..i..i i. ...i.. 'itli.l. . """""K IIUIKIH. Jim, mnko B",rn'B. which Ih R'dW "'"iruii roat, nnu 3 ..,. 7" ""?." V. ""'ornsio VAitk.i V,u "-"en mo greatest tiM.i cvor ,,ccn "itnlncd aTator8 Curtis noroplnno " I'vuicunii mis nftornoon. n "itohj- riensei . h, "" " " , "pecmiorn wns .il.h. r(VN;th t10 oxiiibition. 'tliiini l "mo nmt anything l cmn,"? " "."' ror a" iltwai -U)0 BC0 nn avlntor !, Bir ,7' "I'i'rcciaieu. ifh Lw nP8S('! tho evenr irs h SI, h,,,ltlon nnd to- ( irlsoF -ii, M1" "ottor, na i' ?wn'1LI,mnUo I'lghcr Kl,r.7y ""I RIVO Sumo fnnhiM. 'H-'ontotho first trial today. noosEvmr mvnm. 3rl"OC,8tel1M t0 T" Coos ?3 -ondiroifowa8s '& nl,?-; ?"l ths Colonel thmir 1?.7? tho hill saying ho 'In howv hosnn to climb !, m h etn ,f,0 " !!?! 'Hit. "ov, iuj no wiia 3K5niXQ. 2tixo, I,JXIX0 1? SICTAL WOniC. JSS ,;V'"K CO., ranti'l I!"8 "'ornlng If i or rH "mlt on tho Vnir- ' "M''01'11 on tho andrne,6..,sacks during tho i'G RFst fVft8 "8 t,lnt 1T 4UCsheaEneae3kWS R B0d 31 Wr"! '"O'ilfri. "I..MOCKATIO SPEED over IWIiilllHlHIillN NEW RECORD ESTABLISHED Earl Dougherty Takes Up Five Passengers In Machine In Illinois. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos liny Times. ) JOL.I13T, III., Oct. 2C Friends of Enrl Dougherty, tho aviator, claim a now pnssongor-carrylng record for him. In n hlplnnu ho took up flvo passengers at Coal City. RAVE TROUBLE WITH GREEKS Shooting Is Result of the Strike Trouble at Bing ham, Utah. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) IHNGIIAM, Utah. Oct. 2C After roving nbout tho hills nil night, n posso of deputy sheriffs which loft Upper ninghnin last evening in sonreh of tho ntrlko plekotn who 11 rod upon Deputy Shorlff Loltoy J. Tld woll nnd two Orcoks whom Tldwoll wns taking to work nt tho United Stntcs initio returned to Dlnghnm this morning empty handed. No trace of tho offenders wns found. Harry Simpson, ono of tho Grcoks, wns In jured nnd In expected to dlo moment nrlly. REBEL DIAZ IS SENTENCED TO DIE Court Martial Demands His Life But Effort Will Be Made to Save It. COUIlTMAUTIAIiEl). I Felix Dlnz by courtmnrtlnl I was sentenced to death for treas I on. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooi Dny Times.) .MEXICO CITY, Oct. 20. Follx Dlnz, tho captured leader of an nbor tlvo rebellion against tho Mndero government of Mexico assumed nil responsibility for tho uprising in n Btntcmont mndo nt his trial by court mnrtlal nt Vora Cruz. EffortH to snvo Diaz's llfo aro ho Ing continued by men of high stand ing In Mexico. Tho supremo court today Instructed tho Judgo nt Vera Cruz to Insist on a suspension of sen tence pronounced by tho court mar tini on Dlnz. Must I'nco Charge. Eighteen prisoners fnrod courtmar- tlnl nt Vera Cruz nnd of theso thir teen aro commissioned olllcers. They nrc llnblo to tho death pennlty. Predicts Collapse. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) NEW YORK, Oct. 2C, In a tele gram from Mexico City, published hero todny, President Mndero pre dicts tho collnpso of tho Dlnz revolu tion will menu tho rapid establish ment of pcaco throughout Mexico, Stands for Mexico. I By As&oclated Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) MEXICO CITY, Oct. 2C Fran cisco do In Dnrra, ox-provisional president , spoke to tho sonnto un til a Into hour last night, In con nection with tho trlnl of Felix Diaz. Uo snld that ho had always stood for JiiBtlco whllo occupying tho proBldcntlnl ofllco and would con tinue to maintain tho snmo nttltudo ns a senator. Ho mado n plea for n full Investigation Into tho revo lutionary movomont led by Dlnz. Ho wnrned tho country against Bnnp judgment BECKER FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER IK FIRST DEGREE WILL SLEEP UNDISTURBED1 SO FAR ARE W S ,pRoS?qk,IJ21 that tins o I0r.-- -l" "UNNEI IS A MIL Confesses Crime Which Must Be Paid for by His ' Life. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) GREENVILLE, S. C, Oct. 20. Rov. Thurston U. Vaughn chnrged with crlmlnnlly assaulting thrco llt tlo girls, todny wns found guilty. Tho jury mndo no recommendations. This menus that Vaughn will bo Bontonced to death. Tho assault was mado last Mny at tho Soutn Carolina Odd Fellows' Homo, whoro Vaughn wns siiporlntondont. Vnughn confossod today that ho had mistreated two others In nddi tlon to thoso mentioned In tho n dlctment. Vnuglin's confession brought tho trlnl to n sensntlonnl closo. Thoro had beon no intimation that tho formor clorgymnn would confess. "I hnvp ncted devilishly, I have noted shnmolessly," bognn Vnughn. "Tho dovll tompted mo nnd i hnvo fnllon," ho oxclnlmod In .ls plea to tho Jury, whllo Judgo, Jur ors nnd spectators wept. Tho Jury brought In a vordlct without vec ommendntlon nftor four minutes deliberation. AFTER JACK JOHNSON. Federal Olllcers Aro Looking Into tfio Cnso Thoroughly. (Dy Associated Pross to The Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Tho Depart ment of Justlco nt Washington has betomo deeply Interested In tho In vestigation mado hero Into tho Jack Johnson-Lucllo Cameron case, Involv ing federal authorities, who say they lmvo a message from Attornoy Gener al Wlckorsham ordering them to mnko nn oxhnustlvo Investigation. To this end, Dort J. Myor, local spec ial ngont, today departed for St. Jos oph. Mich., to lntervlow persona be lieved to have Information regarding tho ense. This is the first tlmo that definite clews nro said to have led to Investigation into nnother state. The federal grand Jury will resumo its session Monday when Lucllo Camer on Is expected to testify, TlfiTIT vnnr "WAY With pocket FLASH LIGHTS at GUNNERY. DON'T GET LEPr. Sign tho slip published Tuesday, Oct. 29. and got n $1.10 SACK OF CROWN FLOUR for 91.18, on Wednesday, Oct. '30. QUATERMASS for FIIOTOS. All Indications Are That the Allied Troops Have All the Best of the Turks. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) LONDON, Oct. 2C Tho llnlkan allies up to the- present hnvo hnd nil tho best or the righting In tholr wnr ngnlnst tho Turks, so far as can bo gnthercd rrom odlclnl re ports. Tho mnjorlty or theso re ports como rrom Dnlkan sources. According to theso they nro push ing tholr ndvantago In every direction. Turkx Rocrt. (Dy Associated Pross to the Coos Day Times.) BELGRADE, Oct. 20. Tho Turk ish stronghold or Usuknh Is reported In telegrams which reached priva u persons hero todny to lmvo beon taken by the allied Servian and Bulgarian armies. Rejioit Turks Winners. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Oct. 20. Tho Turkish nrmy has gained n great victory nccordlng to n nows agency dis pntch rrom Constantinople, which says an ulllclnl announcement was Issued at 5:40 this cvonlng. No dotnlls were given as to tlmo or plnco. Abandon Stronghold. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Dm Times.) vn.w'VA. Sorvln. Oct. 20. Tho Tiirla nrn ronortoil to lmVO nbnil- doncd tholr stronghold nt Uskup in order to concontrnto inrinor to wio annMi Tt In linllovod tllOV I aVO entrenched themsolvcs In tho hills south of tho city, which would rivo play mm them n good ndvantago, owing to tho nnturo of the ground. Many Prisoners. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Timos.) SOFIA, Oct. 20. Tho SCO pris oners who nrrlvcd hero from Mutn pah Passim woro captured In some of tho Hinnllor towns tnkon by the Bulgarians. Tho entire nbsouco of Turkish officers nmong tho prison ers captured at Kirk Kllllsso Is much commented on nn tho first re ports wns that tho wholo garrison lind been tnkon, Many Killed. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Day Times; ATHENS, Oct. 20. Tho loss of tho Grcok nrmy nt tho bnttlo of tho pass of Snrandapnrto totnllcd IS olllcers nnd 109 soldiers killed nnd 10 officers nnd 1037 men wounded, Tho Turkish losses wero very hen vy. Tho clvlllnn population wns stricken with panic, many families emigrating to Egypt. Set Fire to Town. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Tlmtis.) SOFIA, Oct. 20. A portion of the town of Adrlnnoplo hns been sot on flro by tho Bulgarian art'l lory, nccordlng to n prlvnto dls pntch recolvcd hero. Tho Bulgnrian troops hnvo tnkon tho outlying rortn or Mnrns, Hnvnrna and Su rilar nnd hnvo also capture! tho railroad station nt tho oxtromo out skirts of tho town. Eighteen hun dred persons hnvo fallen Into tholr hands. Tho Bulgarian army Is re ported advancing nlong tho wholo rront nnd n dispatch to tho gov ernment organ, Mlras, Bays that tho Turks aro rotreatlng In n pi.nic whllo tho clvlllnn poplntlon Is rieo- Ing townrd Constantinople MYRTLE High School Football Team Plays Aggregation in the Valley This Afternoon. BALL MARSHFIELD WINS. (Specinl to Tho Times) MYRTLE POINT, Oct. 20. Tho Mnrshflold foot ball team .n frnm Mvrtln Point tills Of- KUil .---.. - i ternoon. Tho score wns m w 12V i Tho Mnrshflold High School foot hall team loft lor Mrytlo Point this morning and will play against tho High school team thoro this after noon. Tho Mnrshflold team con sists or Lyons, Haines, Curtis, A. Johnson, F. Walters, G. Johnson, Jensen, Kruso, Isaacson, Seaman, Stutsman, Fairchllds and Lecocq. Tho famous WATERPROOF "DUXI1AK" HUNTING CLOTHES at THE GUNNERY. NO EXTENSION of tlmo will bo glvon for REDEEMING tho news paper slips published Oct. 29 nnd redeemable Wednesday, Oct. 30. TXFFIES and PEANUT BRITTLE 20 CENTS POUND at STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and Sunday. iiuunniMT RALLY TONIGHT -at ODD FELLOWS HALL. - TAFFIES and PEANUT HRITTLE "O CENTS POUND at STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and Sunday. Portland and Vernon Tie in Ninth Inning When Game Is Called. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Oct. 20. Portland played a tlo gamo with Vernon yestordny. Tho scoro wns 9 to 9 when tho gamo was called on ac count of darkness. Tho scores or Frlday'B games follow: At Oakland R. H. E. Oakland 2 7 3 Los Angolea 4 13 0 At Los Angeles R. H. E. Vernon 9 14 4 Portland 9 11 2 Sacramento-San Francisco game postponed on account of rain. Tiiursauy's unities. The scores of Thursday's games delayed becauso of wlro trouble, fol low: At Los Angoles R II E Vernon 7 10 5 Portland 2 8 3 At Sacramento R H E Sacramento 5 7 0 San Francisco 3 10 0 At Oakland R II E Oakland 4 12 1 Governor Wilson Expects to Retire at Nine 0'Clock ' Election Night. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 20 Gov. Wilson would rather go to bed at v o clock on election night nud tnko n long sleep nnd find out tho next morning whether or not ho Is elected president, thnn to sit up nnd watch tho roturns. Tho gov ernor watched a workman Install n telegraph lino to his homo through tho courtesy of tho tele graph company and wondered If tho nolso of tho instrument would not disturb his s Hi inborn. Case Is to Be Taken to the New York State Court of Appeals. GOES TO SING SING IN THE MEANTIME May Be a Year Before Final Decision Is Handed Down. FOUND (ll'Hl'Y. Police Lieutenant Becker, charged with the murder oi Gambler Rosenthal, wns yester day found guilty of murder in the flrwt degree. 4.410 IS TOTAL Republicans Lead Other Par ties Reported by the Countv Clerk. Tho totnl registration In Coos county as roportcd by County Clork Watson is 1,110. Tho number regis tered under each party follows: Republican 2,3Gd Democratic S0G Prohibition .in Socialist 478 Independent 278 Refused to stnto 419 Non-partisan 7 Progressive 22 BEVERIDGE ON WITNESS STAND Tells About Large Contribution to His 1904 Cam paign Fund. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Timos) WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Formor Sonntor Albort J. Bovorldgo or In diann boforo tho Clapp commltteo corroborated today othor testimony that In his 1904 cnmpnlgn ror son nto ho received $30,000 from Geo. W. PorkliiB, ?2r.,000 from Edwnrd L. McLean nnd $2500 from Glfford Plnchot. Porklns testified thnt ho gnvo Bovorldgo $10,000 which wns returned. Contributions totalling $591,030, nnd expenditures of $558,311.25 In tho Republican presidential limn wns disclosed In tho financial state mont or tho Republican untlonal commltteo, filed today with tho clerk of tho houso of representa tives. Charles P. Tnft. brothor of tho president, was tho heavlost contributor, giving $cc,ooo. J. r. Morgnn nlso gnvo $25,000. Bovorldgo producod coplos of loi ters written by donors to tho cnm pnlgn funds roturnlng tho money. Tho letters woro written tho day af ter election and woro numerously signed by witnesses to tho transac tion. Bovorldgo said no othor funds woro furnished by Porklns. Porono said his Information wns that Porklns sup plied through Bovorldgo $200,000 to ilnanco tho Indianapolis Star. Bov orldgo said ho novor heard of such a transaction. (Dy Assoclnted rrcss to Tho Coo Dny Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 2C ChnrloB Becker, automatically dropped from pollco rolls by conviction, will pay, ono visit hi pollco hendnuartors before ho goes to Sing Sing to nwnlt notion on his npponl to tho court of Appeals, from tho verdict convicting him for tho munior ot Gnmhlor Rnsonthnl. Ho will Do tnkon rrom the Tombs to tho Bu reau or Identification to bo Bcr tllloned for tho roguos' gallery. Work to got Beckor'H caso be fore tho court ot npponls will ho gln niter sentonco Is pronouncod by Justlco Goff next Wodnesdny. Notlco of npponl will bo filed forth with. Tho raso Is not likely to ho set for an argument ror several months nnd tho decision or tho np ponl Is not expected lor n year or moro. In tho ovont or a rovorsal or ver dict Becker would ho romandod to tho Tombs again without hall to wait n now trlnl. This rollowB a precedent sot In tho Mollnonux caso In which Justlco doff wns rovorsod by tho court of npponls niter a dolny ol two yeara. Mollnonux wan acquitted on tho second trlnl. Although Becker will bo run toncod Wednesdny next, ho will not go to Sing Sing until Novombor 9, ton dnys doing generally nllowed for consultation with counsol. Elovon points on which tho nn- penl will bo based woro outlined to day In n Btatomout prepared ny Beekor'B chief counsol. Moro thnn 1000 exceptions wero tnkon during tho trlnl to tho rulings mndo by Justlco Cion. Ml D Los Angoles 0 0 0 SPECIAL CANDY SALE nt STAFFORD'S SATURDAY' and SUN DAY. PEANUT BRITTLE nnd TAFFIES 20 CENTS POUND. O. P. COSHOW of Rosehurg will SPEAK TONIGHT In ODD FEL LOWS HALL on DEMOCRATIC ISSUES. MOULD HAVE RELIC. Cuban Government Wants Part of Battleship Maine. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. A relic of tho battloshlp Malnos has beon sought by tho Cuban government through its minister horo, for pre servation nt tho national musoum at Havana. Elthor tho flgurohead which was on tho prow of tho 111 fnted battloship or tho six-Inch gun and mount is doslroU. O. P. COSHOW of Rosoburg will SPEAK TONIGHT In ODD FEL LOWS HALL on DEMOCRATIC ISSUES. DEMOCRAT RALLY TONIGHT at ODD FELLOWS HALL. MACGENN TALK Captain of Breakwater Assists Outside Speaker at Pro gressive Meeting. Sanflold McDonald, a representa tive ot tho progressive party, dollvor cd an address last night nt tho Odd Follows hnll In tho IntorontH or tho cniidldntos on tho progrostdvo ticket. Precoodliig Mr. MrDonnld's nddross dipt. Macgeiin, muster of tho htuamor I liea It water, Hindu an Interesting and rousing speech, About olgthy persons woro In the hall whon the meeting opened. Somo loft during tho courso of Mr. McDon nld'a address and othors enmo In nnd took scats. Mr, McDounld spoke un til nbout 12 o'clock. In his nddross do told tho votora of tho principles of tho progressive pnrty. Ho partic ularly urgod that tho men of Orognn voto for A. E. Clnrk for Unltod States Sonntor. Ho said that this would break tho ring of Chamhorlaln nnd Bourno. Mr. McDonnld said that tho pooplo should voto for Clark hut It thoy could not do that to bo suro U voto for Lano but by no meana lo voto for Bouino. Ho Bald that Cham horlaln did not want Lano olectol bo cnuso ho thought thnt Wilson would ho elected president nnd that if ho had n ropubllean rolloaguo ho would lmvo n hotter chnnro to d!st'buto tho vnrlous political plums In ' w stnto. Others Talked. During tho courso or his talk, Mi. McDonnld wns Interrupted by Bovornl who had romnrks or nnswors to make to his statements. In fact tho meot Ing was unusual from tho fnct that tho persons in tho nudlonco rroquont ly took part In tho discussion. Mr. McDonald chnllongod nnyono to toll whoro Wilson hnd ovor dono nnythlng progressive In tho wny or loglslntlon. Hugh McLnln took up tho chnllongo nnd horo was somolino of a discus sion. At tho conclusion of tho nddross. Mr. McDonnld. while distributing cir culars which ho carried, had qulto a llttlo discussion on tho senator ques tion with Charles Powors, an admlr or of Bourno. 'P., M of Liberty. Cant. Macgonn In his addresg.talkj- (Continued from Page Ono.) WM(