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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
Sv US COSTS A LOT OP MONEY TO KEEP THE SCHOOL OE EXPERIENCE GOING TJivERTisiNa in Tho times ?.. .v Real EsUto "In Olofla lag Sftttwa WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIME Will Keep your Income from Furnished Uooiiih Btwidr. tvui rut ..- ll,o Market" Effectively! " Pt th0 fnctfl nP V,1 -?'0Ur 11 Ji boforo tlio oyoa of nil "pob- 2hrJrV" in town,. And It thoro fiJ oMUom wbo'ought to own !f .n'il soil ui YOU can really holp tho family, rovonucR by renting n few furnlshe rooms ami, If you know how and; when to Uso tlio cmssiucu columns, you mny kcop that llttlo extra la coino ns "steady as a clock," iw - MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES 7 WVWI Established 1 J"! VOL. AAAVKas Tl0 Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1912. EVENING EDITION 6 P AGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mill Coos liny Advertiser. No. 87 If T0FFER50N GIVES THREE BE FUGHISJIERE TOMORROW , ,.., , w M &ykrvJ'jf Aviator Will Make Ascensions Forenoon and After- "" noon. EXHIBITION ARRANGED BY LOCAL BUSINESS MEN. First Flight at 11 O'clock, Second at 2 and Third at 3. Sllai ciirlstofforson, whoso romnrk ible aeroplnno nnd hydroplnno flights ! Saturday nnd Sundny under tho luplcei of tho Coos Dny Times mndo nth ii hit tomorrow will glvo thrco fret hydroplnno exhibitions. Thcso Urt been nrrnnged for by Mnrshflold Dtrcktnti ns n trcnt to tholr pnt rom and tho public generally. Chrlaloffcrson will fly rnln or thine, His first nsconslon will bo made at 11 o'clock, tho second nt 2 b'clMk nnd tho third nt nbout 3 o'clock. This will onnblo nil who code to town tomorrow to sco nt leut ono of his flights hoforo their boat, or twin, dopnrts. Mr. Chrlstof fenon IH start somowhoro hotweon Central nnd Mnrkot nnd proinlseB tome lino flights. Cnrry I'nsiPiiRcrs. Afeaturo of his hydroplnno fllghtB tomorrow nnd noxt dny will bo thnt be will carry pnasongors with lilni. Four passengers will bo cnrrlod for The Coos Hay Times nnd others nro wringing for trips. Ho Is innkinR -dirge of JIG for tho sporlnl pnBson ten and ninny nro booking trlpB nt The Times ofllco. Ho plnns to fly nt t(itt 10 miles. Tho minimum spcod el als hydroplnno Ih forty-flvo mlleB per hour nnd tho mnxlmum spood alx I; miles. Among thoso who will fly lth him nro: M. 0. Mnloncy. Dan E. Mnloney. Mri. R. K. Ilnoth. Mlis Nolllo Trlbboy. Edgar Simpson. E. W. Steele. Mr. Gorst. D. L. Footo. A numbor of others nro nlBO plan ting trips hut owing to objections b; members of tholr fmnlllos nro keeping tholr names back until tho trip Is ready. Mr. Chrlstofforson Ih In receipt of Buy letters from glrla nnd othorfl uklng permission to rldo tho nlrwith tin. He Is uninnrrlcil but during his lights, ho hns llttlo tlmo for light gosilp. Mr, Chrlstofforson nlso plnns to BiVe thrco fllghtB Thurfidny. Nearly Btilllclent monoy hns boon wbscrlbod to dofrny tho cxponso of lke nddltlonnl flights nnd It Is not expected thnt thoro will ho nny dlfll ltr In obtaining tho bnlnnco. Tho PMtles soliciting subscriptions linvo jot had tlmo to sco nenrly nil of tho business houses nnd nil who fool so Inclined nnd hnvo not boon scon nro requested to mnko tholr contributions t "he Times ofllco. SOU CASE IS STILL ON Cameron Girl's Mother Will Have to Give Her or Hus band Up. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos num. Bay Times.) .;'CO, Oct. 29. Mrs. Camor- fwal cone'to. mother of Lucllo Meron' whoB0 Infatuation for Jack oanjpn, tho nogro pugilist, caused LTVi)ana Moral authorities to ttfS!ifa.te. tholr nlloged relations. "used today to discuss tho roport orL5erL Becon(1 husband had In- ltCd.her.,that Bn must glvo up nl er da8hter or him. dliAM-, arlns on tn chnrgo of Cam..r,5r conuct against Lucllo Temw,was Postponed until No- atin J4; Charges of abduction b Tf Johnson were scheduled to dar w bo,fore Juaee Hopkins to ' out Johnson'H hnnrlnf wna wponed ponding action by tho InSSu rana J"1 " that body indict. tho negro, tho state's case tty be dropped no- NOTICE TO MARINER. clh fo,lowne appears In tho ro mariners: harf iiCo.a Ba5r- Glasgow ind iiJiT. Structure carried away M rsh.,ine3tUnBII,ahod' October . tober is and llgnt replaced, Oc- dM?L,lB,nt' heretofore reported lift? wE?yea; Wa rebuilt and tho 8t replaced, October 19. Uoya'TnoR-EAK YOUR NECK. t,,e &mY.FIiAsn LIGIIT Rt er rent V"aYe anything to sell, trade. at or w"t help, .try a Want Ad. ROOSEVELT TO SPEAK Rests Today to Save Strength for Madison Square Gar den Tomorrow Night. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Cooi Day Times.) OYSTEIl DAY, N. Y Oct. 29. Colonol Roosevolt rcBtod todny by tho doctor's orders to snvo his strength for tomorrow night's speech nt Madison Square Qnrdon. - YOUTHFUL S Three Loot Express and Bag gage Cars on the "Katy," Near Enala, Okla., Today. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) MUSKOGEE, Okln., Oct. 29. Three youthful robbers hold up tho southbound Missouri, Knnsns & Texns trnln south of Eunnla todny, compelled tiie engineer to dotnr.h tho express nnd bnggngo enrs, run them a mile, nhend over n brldgo, which they had to bring tho trnln to n stop. After they pnBscd over the brldgo, It fell. Tho robbers blnstcd nnd rifled tho express snfo nnd secured sev eral thousand dollars, lb Is bcltoved. An nlnrm wns given nnd n posso sent out on n special trnln. From tho nppenrnnco of tho rob bers, none, of them was over 25 yenrs old TO I S BETTER TODAY Some Improvement in J. P. Sherman's Condition but Danger Not Passed. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Dny Tlmos) UT1CA, N. Y., Oct. 29. Or. V. II. Pock reportod today thnt Vlco Prosldont Slionnnn Is In a hottor condition todny thnn nt nny tlmo for tho last four dnys. Ho could not Buy thnt tho cruclnl danger hnd passed or glvo nssurnnco of whnt might follow In enso of ono so wenkoned ns Shormnn Is. Howovor, ho felt ho mo oncourngomont. SOGGESTSllDE FLAT IIEST1 Capt. Harris Refers to Court Decision as Applying to Coos Bay. Cnpt. W. C. Ilnrrls of Sumnor calls IlUC'Illll'll (II lliu iniv. ... - of tldo flats which ho says ho rogards . .... ...... n-io... nnnatlnna lie. ns ono oi uiu uiiii ii -I"-- -- foro tho pcoplo of Coos Dny nnd tho port commission. Cnpt. Ilnrrls refers to n recent communication In tho Portland Journal rogardlng tide lands. Tho nrtlelo tolls how Pitts burg got tho full uso of tho rlvor up to tho high water mnrk and suggests thnt Portland do tho snmo thing. Tho following decision by Justlc o Hughos 1b cited iiB estnbllshlng tho Oregon law nnd Is BUggestod by Cnpt. Harris ns being nppllcnhlo to Coos .J; , . ,.,, .nfnra nrn m "1011(18 UIHIOI iiw -- -- capable of cultivation and Improio. ment n mo iniiunui ", "Wi high water mnrk. Thoy are of groat nihil ' ,,,, i,0 nurnoso 5sss.B.-a8as T noir i npn MS' ' T sub- aKt,pSndr.glU Sem To vested 'in the (stoTo) for tho benefit of the wholo people. , , . .lnn n. ti.e g& SerofX-shorerthntwIllbope, SK .,VWaa States tbSbrln,! no title right below high water mark. TXDIAXS AnO.MW. Went on tho AlHnnco from Eureka to Portland. Thn Journal says: Thoro nrrivod en fho sSer Alliance when iha cot In from Euroka and Coos Day f in last night, three Innran S from Eureka to attend Uo covornment school at Clieman. The Alliance brought C4 passengers m well ns a largo amount of freight. When in ncci? HEATING, ZIhf!et r METAL WORK, Wlien donoliyiisltJsdono right. TUXCK at EAGLES' IIAM. SAT URDAY XIOnT. KEYZER'S OR CHESTRA. New South Wales Cabinet Has Scheme to Build Great Steel Works. ' (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) SYDNEY, N. S. W.. Oct. 29. A nntlonnl steel works to supply steel rails for government rnllwnys Is being seriously considered hero by tho cnblnct. Ilnlls for building tho grcnt transcontinental rnllwny now under wny from Porth to Adclnldo nro to bo manufactured. Tho gov ernment originally placed an order with a Japancso firm hut tho or der wan not filled and manipula tion Is blnmcd for tho fnlluro. A mnjorlty of tho government Is be lieved to favor tho nntlonnl steel works, dcsplto tho lingo cxponso nnd delay Involved. TAFT ANXIOUS TO GET III MI President Makes Special Plea to Voters of His Home State for Election. ' (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. "No mnu would enro to hnvo his state fall him, but wholly apart from selfish reasons I want to sco Ohio go Ilcpubllcnn by n lnrgo mnjorlty," snld President Tnfr In n lottor to Fred A. Color of Cincinnati, mndo public today. Tlio president nt tncked Governor Wilson nnd tho Doniocrnttc nnrty on tho tnrlff mien tlon nnd said Ohio would suffor particularly If the present tariff protecting tlio stcol, wool ami poi tory business Is disturbed. IS UP AGAIN Chanae in Terminal Railway Franchise Promised, Is Asked. Tho much mooted "common user clause" In tho Terminal Rnllwny fHiittrtlilan ti'na lttflll IMI ( 11 Tl mP fllRPIIfl Hion nt Inst night's council uicotlng., It wns brought up by Councilman Copplo who nskod whnt Mr. Donnott hnd done nbout tho "common usor, clnuso" thnt ho hnd promised when tho Southorn Pnclflc nnd C. J. MIHIb wore mnklng application for tho fran chise . , I City Recordor Ilutler reported thnt tho drnft wns In IiIb snfo. Ho sold thnt Mr. IJonnott hnd Informed him thnt ho nnd C. A. sniliii nan ngrcea to It nnd thnt W. S. Chnndlor nnd. L. J. Simpson hnd opposed it. PHu Aliunini- r.nsm llltnrlccted tllO romnrk thnt tho Southern Pnclflc wns tho ono opposing it. i Mayor Straw said that ho "guessed It must bo In MIUIs' vest pocket." Nothing doflnlto was dono but It Is expected thnt J. W. Dennett who pro- ...Iei.,1 Mm nlmnr-A wlion llm exIstlllR common usor clnuso In tho Terminal's frnnchlso wns questioned win roponi in thn mnttnr nt the next meeting of tho council noxt Monday. I .snliHius iiencr. i Mayor Strnw reported to tho city ...nni1 Inat nvnnlnor that there had been a marked Improvement In tho Mnrshflold snioons sinco n wcim k". ti oni.i iimt flvn of tho snloon men hnd como around nnd wnnted to know what to do to oo savou nnu exinimuu a '.spirit of cooperation by asking whnt wns to bo oxpected of them In handling drunks, etc. Mayor Straw statod Inter that he forgot to bring up the matter of hay ing anothor pollcoman. Tho plnn Is to put on a man to work part of tho ..'.! ,.nntniya iniB Wnpnlnc n man on service nonr tho city hnll nil the tlmo nnd allowing warsm i - tlmo to got out nnd mnke the city a collections. After Water Company. City Attornoy Gos3 In a llttlo Infor mal talk with Mayor Straw and the councllmen requested that the coun cil nt Its next meeting take steps to authorize him to Institute action against tho Coos nay Water Company to enforce Its franchise under the Malarkey bill. This bill, a new pub lic utilities law, which enables astate commission to force public utility corporations to Ornish ndequato ser vice, was enacted by the legislature but tho referendum was Invoked on It and it will be voted upon at tho Nov ember olectlon. Itl s oxpected that t will carry and Mr. Goes wants to have his action started early so that t will bo among tho first to receive at tention. ,, Routine Proceedings. Councilman Snvnge wns aoswu last evening, tho first meeting he hns missed In a long time. The council will meet again next Mon- daCounchilman Ferguson asked tnat nn elavaied sidewalk be built across the North Droadway bridge. Io safd the bridge Is a little narrow and when two autos . pass i on it. istrians nro in ."""p cc (Continued on Pago Six.) BALTIMORE WOMAN FOUND III S T IN BAD PLAGE Bulgarian Success Will Prob' ably Mean Fall of Constantinople. (Py Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coot Times.) LONDON, Oct. 29. Claiming that ho will st,om tho onrush of tho vic torious Dulgnrlnu nnny or porlBh In tho fight, Nnzlm Pasha, tho Turk ish minister of war, hurled hlmsolf nnd four nnny corps todny ncross tho path of King Ferdinand's exult ant troops. His is n portions posi tion. Though ho still holdB tho lino from Tchorlit to Lulo NurgnB, tho Dulgarlnn Invaders on his right at EskI Dnbn, hnvo cut him off from tho mnln army at Adrlanoplo. Destruction of a brldgo over tho Tchorlu rlvor prevents his obtain ing Btippllos and rolnforcoments from Constantinople. Should tho Krent turning movo- mont, now being uttompted by the Bulgarians, bo as succcsbiui as wiuy plan, NnElm Pasha would bo driven to tho wcstwnrd and Constantino ple less thnn 80 miles nwny, loft at tho morcy of tho Invaders. meetIoIght AT Good Roads Movement to Be Boosted There This Evening. Another of tho series of Good Roads mootlngs will ho hold In North Dend this evening and It Is expected thnt It will bo largely attended. Tho meeting has been callod for tho purpose of enlightening tho vot ers on tho good roads hills that will bo voted on noxt Tuesday. Thpro oro soveral measures up and Coos county good ronds boostors who hnvo thor oughly Invostlgnted thorn sny that tho voters horo should turn down all tho bills except number 3 CO which should he unanamlously supported. At tonlght'a meeting. It la oxpected that Mayor Morrison of Coqulllo will bo presont and preside Several will deliver Impromptu talks on tho situa tion. A number of North Bond men will also address tho meeting. FEAR CURAX TROUIUiE. (By Associated Pres3 to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. In pro pnrntlon for any sudden call for Amorjcan Intervention In Cuba, tho cruiser Baltimore, of tho resorvo fleet in the Phlladolphln nnvy yard. Is beng made In readlnesa to sail within the next 48 hours. The Baltimore Is bplng mado ready be cause of a lack of small vessels which could bo used In West In dian waters. The Yankton Is being held In New York for a similar call. THAT IE SPOKE Convicted New York Police Lieutenant Regains Nerve Regrets Talk. (Dy Acsoclated Press to Tho Coos Dny Tlmos) NEW YORK, Oct. 29. Lloutcn- nnt Decker, who has shown signs of n hysterical collapso during tho past two days, had regained his nervo todny nnd wns tho snmo col lected, quiet, calm mnn of Iron ho wns beforo ho henrd himself pro nounced guilty of murder In tho first degree. Ho regretted todny his statement of yesterday thnt ho had no hope nnd thnt ho hnd vlo latcd tho Instructions of his coun sel forbidding him to talk. Decker tomorrow will fnco nn ordeal just as trying ns wns his listening to tho verdict, when ho will bo cnllcd on to stand up in court nnd hear sentence- pronounced upon him. In hln stntomont yos tordny ho snld ho would, when nsk od If ho know nny good renson why sontonco should not bo passed up on him, toll tho story ho hnd plan nod to tell on tho witness stand In his own dofonso. It Is almost cor tatn now thnt ho will mnko no such stntomont. John F. Mclutyro, Dcck or'a chief coiinsol, todny snld that Uockor's Ill-advised Btatomont of yesterday would mnko hnrdor tho work of his Inwyers In propnrlng his enso for nppoal. Tho four witnesses nnd Inform ers ngnlnst Docker will bo kopt In Jail Indefinitely, It Is nnld, ponding tho outcomo of Docker's npponl. WATERFRONT PROBLEM YET m Unable to Get Property Own ers Together on Improvement. Councilman Allen, chairman of tho waterfront coiiimltteo of tho city council, reported last ovon'ig thnt very slow progress was ho lng mndo In tho project for Im proving tho wntorfront. Ho Bain thnt threo dirioroiti kuiub m con trncts hnd been drafted nnd Btnrts mniln to L'nt tlio DrODUltV OWUOrB togothor. However, tho contrncts thnt wore agrcoauio to bohio woro opposed by others and It lookod llko a hopoloss Job. Ho said that ho thought tno only wny tho object could bo nt tnluod would bo to hnvo tho city or poit commission condomn it. Mayor Straw suggested that possi bly tho stato might tako It ovor. City Recorder Hutlor said thnt tno rut nt pntiilntnnntlnn llindo It Ollt of tho qucfitlon for tho city to do anything just now. After Wnrelwiise. Tho quostlon was brought up In a dlscuBSIon of tho Standard uu wnrohouso. Mayor Straw said Hint minimi imii rnninialiicii to him re cently about U, pointing out that nn oxpiosion or nro ai mo amnuuiu Oil wnrohouso would menn thnt tno burning oil would bo scnttored over tho water and all along tho wntor front, endnngorlng wharves, build ings, etc. Councilman Forguson Joshlngly suggested thnt It might bo ono wny of clearing up tho waterfront. Then the water front problom was brought up but nothing doflnlto wns dono about It. In relation to tho Standard Oil warehouso, tho flro and water com mltteo of tho council was Instructed to look It up. City Hall Impiovemcnts. Counctlmnn Allen reported that tho special commltteo In charge of tho city hall Improvements nad several contractors figuring on tho work to ascortaln tho cost, but hnd not ordorod tho work dono yet. Mayor Straw said that It seom ed that ho and Allen ought to bo put on a salary by tho city for tho amount of work thoy were doing. TWO ARE DROWNED. (Ry Associated Press to Tho Coob Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. Two Amorlcans, Miss D,esslo Lamport and A. V. Monso, were killed In tho recent typhoons In tho Phlllpplno Islands, according to n cablo re ceived horo by tho Duroau of, Insu lar Affairs, Man That She Was to Marrr Tomorrow Arrested on Suspicion. THREE OTHERS ARE ' SOUGHT BY POLICE Weathy Grass Widow Believeri Murdered for Money and Jewelry. (Dy Associated Prosa to Tho Cot Day Times,) CHICAGO, Oct. 29. MIsb Sophia G. Singer, tho 29-yonr-old daughter of Mrs. O. II. Slngcr( a Dattlmor widow, wob found murdorod, her arms and legs wcro bound with a rope, her bIcmII crushed, n chloro formed handkerchief wns stuffed n her mouth nnd tho body wna wrap ped In n blnnkct. Tho ghnBtly 'find wns mndo In nn Indtnna avonn rooming Iioubo enrly today. William R. Worthon, who ac companied her from tho cast, was taken Into custody. According; to his story sho was to bo nmrrlc tomorrow. Chnrlcs D. Conway, snld to bo if high diver, nnd his wlfo, known ns Dcntrlco Rlall nnd Mny Monte, a variety netrens, who roomed In the snmo apartment nnd who had bcoa bofrlondcd by Worthon, nro bolng; sought by tho police In connection with tho crime. Tho body of MIbb Slngor vrnn found In n bed room which hnd been occupied by thorn, Tho rnuplo hnd been In tho hnns during tho evening, but thoro Is no trnco of them slnco tho dlscovery of tho body. Tho four moved Into tho rooms whoro tho murder wna committed only yesterday. Worthon told tho pollco ho had pnld tho expnnscn of tho Con ways, ns well ns those of MIbb Slngor, rtntl hlmsolf slnco Joining thorn, Wor thon declared thnt hoforo lonvlnc tho houso Inst night ho hnndod his flnnco $48 In tho prosouco of tho ConwnyB nnd then wont down town. After midnight when ho roturno ho dlflcovored .tho tragedy nnd thea nrousod other roomers. Tho money alleged to havo been given Mlms Slngor Is missing, togothor with soveral articles of Jewelry. Worthon wnn questioned for boi ernl hours, hut bin atnrv wns not shnkon. Tho police bollovo rnbbory wan tho'motlvo. A Boareh la be ing mado for tho ConwnyB. BROTHER IS WEALTHY. Claims Sister Had $1000 When She 1'ft Vvw Wt'ckn Ago. (Dy Assoclnted Press to tha Coos Day Tim 08 1. BALTIMORE. Md.. Oct, 29. -It lo learned thnt MIbb Slngor, nn nc rcBB, hnd nppenrcd nt n lncrtl nmusomont park this summer. Frank 0, Slngor, Jr., n prominent builder of tho city, Is her brother. Worthon, her reputed Bwoothonrt. wna formorly n Btrcct railway coav ductor horo. Ho quit his position about a month ago. Miss Singer's hrnthor declares his sinter had fully $1000 In her possession whon she wont to Chlcngo. Miss Slngor loft horo Oct. C. The Slngors nro of v. good family. Mrs. Loulso Slngor. tho mother. Is n widow. When Miss Slngor loft Baltimore sbo had several thousand dollars In monoy. Sho Inherited nbout $30,000 from her father's estates Wlillo mouthers of Miss Singer's family expressed Ignorance of hor association with Worthon and nvor rod thoy did not know that sho was with hint In Chicago, or anything; roiirornlng tholr contemplated innr rlngo, Mrs. Worthon snld bIio wns not surprised to henr thoy wore to gothor or thnt they Intended to wed. Mlsn Singer wna n frequorrt vlBltor nt tholr homo. Tho story that Miss Slngor was nn actress was pronounced untrue by inombers of her family. The court record show Hint Sophia Gcr trudo Slngor wob married Soptom bor 1, 1897, to Thomns O. Wallet, and obtnlued a divorce from lilm two years ago on statutory grounds. Wallea was a grocory clork. The wedding was n quiet ono, only tho members of the family bolng pres ent. REFORMS IX NEW YORK. Rccker and Rosenthal Caso Revela tions Inspire New Plans . (By Associated Press to Tho I'oot Bny Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 29 Tho divorce of tho Now York Polleo Department from tho enforcement of tho gamV Hng, oxcIbo nnd Ico laws will bo re commended to tho Btoto legislature nt Its noxt session. In tho city linn, pollco headquarters and In tho ofllcos r nnlnlln,, .li.vntnil in (1 L' ll t i II ET ViCO. tho proposal Is receiving porlous at tention. Exelso control, It Is pro posed, will bo dologatod entirely c tho stato excise dopartmont. A honrd of Puhllo Morals under tho now schorno would bo formod to enforce tho laws against gambling nnd vice. DANCE nt EAGLES' HALL SAT! TODAY NIGHT. KEYZER'S OR CHESTHA. J