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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGOH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. v Men's Shoes """""i" MM m.5 In our exclusive Merits Shoe department we are showing the most up-to-date line of Men's Footwear We are sole agents for Selz Royal Blue $3.50 to $5.00 Florsheim Shoes $5.00 to $6.00 "Hunkidori" Chippewa High Tops for Loggers Onto. 2SIHrs. Ft . 29 lira. Ft.. 4.10 5.1 I.G8 4.S October. 0.07 3.27 9.59 2.7 C.9 1.2 9.4C 4.17 10.41 3.2 C.7 1.1 WEATHER FORECAST. (Dy Associated Press) OREGON Hnln tonight nnd Tuesday In the west nnd fair In the east; southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE POUT. For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:13 n. in., Oct. 28, by UonJ. Ostllnd, spoolnl government meteorological observer: Maximum CO Minimum 32 At 4:43 n. in 39 Precipitation 39. Wind Southwest; calm, clear. PERSONAL NOTES 55. T. SIOUX Is In town. W. H. CAVAXAUOH of Knstldo Is In town. SAM SHOOK of Xorth Coos River Is In town, Woolen Mill Store Men's Outfitters. Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Wx ' i -'arc. m K&WPV ife TwW -i kidHMfc&A " ' " y -r ,- lfAV ,. I &'' urfcjt ,t V v.. - ii?, t?J, '-; vt ?''' '.,-.. ',ni- MM in? (iv -m an-'" mm IMh " " -wfffVTfi'tfTW"BfTlnHiM -f jt '"r TINNnn i "IJwliTWK T?CV '.e irssrTiv'r"- ll.tC-'T? ' ' v..TW- '.-.'. ".... ... . Vi L.--yrjrl- - ?v DONT BE UP IN THE AIR When you need anything in the Drug Line. Call up 298, 'The Busy Corner," and we'll do the rest. Prices always right lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Some Are Gone OthersGoing hut e Mill have left somo choice bargains in really In nml nbout Myrtle Point. Severn! business opportunities, Lnmlu In sinnl! Iructn, largo tracts, any filzo you hInIi, Timber lands, etc. All roads lead to Myrtle Point. Oct n move on. Horace W. Ames &Co. C. I. REIQARD Is a business visitor In Coqulllo today. M. J. DOWRON of Henryvlllo Is hero for tho day. AIITIIUU M'KEOWX Is hunting In tho Sand Hills. FRANK HODSOX of South Klver Is In Mnrahflold. Coos MAYOR JORDAX of Eastsldo is a Marshflold visitor today. W. II. MEREDITH returned to his homo In Port Orford today. DILLIE MANXER1XO of Coos River Is In town ou business today. DR. E. MIXOUS loft for Floronco yestorday In response to n call. PAUL RASMUSSEX camo down from Coos RIvor this morning. ASSESSOR T. J. THRIFT loft lor his homo In Coqulllo this morning. PAT HEXXESSBY and son, Del, re turned to Henryvlllo this morn ing. MRS. JOHX SEARS nnd children will leavo this weok for Califor nia, W. S. TURPEX hns returned from an over Sunday hunt In tho Sand Hills. CIIAS. 8TAUFF has gono to tho Sand Hills for n few days nt his ranch. MRS. 1). 11. LAROEXT went to Dandon this morning to bo gono n week. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE . MAIM 9QR US Myrtlo Point Oregon Tmprovo linker)'. Tho Coos Day Dakory has a forco of men nt work rcdocoratlng and Improving tho in terior. Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshftcld city council will moot this evening to tnko up a numbor of Btrcot im provement projects nnd othor muni cipal mattors. liOtcH lint. Somcono took Marsh al Cartor's flno now lint from his oITlco a few days ago. Thoy ovldently did It as n Joko aud mcnnwhllo tho Marshal hns to wear his old headgear oven on dress occasions. Will Olvo Parly. Tho young peo ple of tho Mothodlstc hurch will glvo n party In tho Finnish hnll next Fri day ovcnlng, Nov. 1. All will moot nt tho Methodist church not Inter 'than 8:30 o'clock and nro nlso re quested to bring tholr nlckles nnd pennies. Second Sonipntack. A second largo smokestack Is being erected nt tho C. A. Smith mill nnd Is for tho now pulp mill. It Is of con crete nnd will ho 200 feet high, not qulto as high ,ns tho othor largo ono for tho mill nnd electric plant, wnich is nbout 240 feet high, Plnn to llulld. Tho Dradloy Can dy compnny Is plnnnlng to erect n three-story building on Its lot on Xorth Front strot, near Its Inter section with nrondway. Tho build ing Is planned to bo thrco stories, COxlOO, nnd tho lower stories will bo utilized for tho factory nnd of- I flees of the compnny. 1 A Missouri editor nBks: "Aro thero nny sweoter words In tho English inngiingo than 'I lovo your To which nnothor Missouri editor truthfully replica: "Perhaps not, but tho words, 'Hero nro four crol lars nnd n hnlf I owo on subscrip tion,' nro not lacking In delightful enunciation to tho car of n news paper man." Mwt Tonight. Tho Port of Coos nay Commission will hold n meet ing this ovcnlng to nrrango for tho passage of tho ordlnnnco for tho snlo of tho 1300,000 bond Issue. Action will probnbly bo taken on tho harbor lines. Citizens of East sldo nro expected to bo present to petition tho Commission for rlght-of-wny for n G0-foot wntortront streot. Won Prlzo nt Fair. Mrs. Peter Scott of this city who Is now nt innuaui, wiwii.. wns ono oi i o rBV, FATHER Sl'RIXOEIt of exhibitors nt tho Abordeon fnlr. v,ii, iio..,i i,nU t....nn,i r,n. .. valley today nftcr n short whllo spent In this vicinity. MRS. JAS RICHMOND of Coqulllo Is a Marshflold visitor today. MRS. ELMORE of Allegany is a Marshflold shopper todny. MRS. D, D. PIERCE and Mrs. E. A. Tyrell of Coqulllo nro Marshflold visitors. C. II. JACKSON returned todny from California bringing his wlfo who went south for her health. JAS. HOONE was down from tho Smith-Powers camp on Upper Isthmus Inlet to spend Sunday with friends. GEORGE ROTNOR of tho Woolon Mill Storo will lcavo Thursday morning overland for Portland to buy goods. IRVING CHANDLER arrlvod In on tho Wnshlncton yestorday from n short visit with friends In Snn Frnnclsco. MISS ROSE McCLAY has roturnod to Riverside, tho Gould homo near Allognny, after a short visit nt tho E. C. Darker homo. MRS. DORSBY KREIT55ER nnd MRS. A. L. IIOU8BWORTII, who liavo been visiting In Portland, returned on the nrenkwator. MR. and MRS. LITTLER loft erf tho trnln this morning for Gold llonch. whoro Mr. Littler will go Into tho hnrdwnro business. POSTMASTER W. D. CURTIS nncT wlfo returned yestordny vln Dan don from n two weoks visit nt vnrlous California points. CIIAS. PETERSON nnd wlfo nnd son expect to leavo on tho noxt Rcdondo for California. Thoy will tnko their auto with them. MRS. LAWRENCE A. LILJQUIST and Miss Clnro Shorwood woro guest of Mrs. Xorrls Jonson yestordny, attending tho aviation meet. WANT ADS. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE loft for Co. qulllo this morning nftcr n stay in tins city. RODERT SWAXTON returned yea tordny from n hunting trip to mo lower uny. FRED and JOE DENNETT spent a few dnys nt their homestead tho Inst of tho week. MR. and MRS. LOUIE ST. DEN NIE camo In from tholr Ten Mllo ranch this morning. MR. nnd MRS. K. N. M'DOXXELL ontortnlned nt dlnnor Inst ovcnlng nt tholr homo on Park nvonuo. MRS. F. C. DIRCH who hns been visiting In California, will return to tho Day on tho noxt Kcdoudo. D. O. KEXYOX of Pulrvlow Is in town todny on his wny to Ton Mllo, whoro ho will visit his fnin- DEL DEXGSTOX hns roturnert from MlnnenpollH whoro ho was called by tho dcatlt of his mother. PORTLAND HOUSE Room mid board. 207 X. Third St., corner Comiuorclnl. Olvmnic Flour Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PRICfc $1.40 PER. SACK North western bard wheat used ex. cluslvoly in milling theso brands or flour. ffnoBuaucQ-, WANTED Girl for gencrnl house work. Phono 47-X. WANTED Eight or len room house or apartments, unfurnlshod, cIobo In. Address M, Times office. WANTED Furnished liouso r npartmeuts. Address RX., enro Times. WANTED Girl for Rciicrul house work. Family of two. Apply nt once at Xo. G20 Central nvonuo. FOR RALlv A tow Monarch strain Pokln ducks. Stock from Mrs. Young, Importer direct from Chi na of vory largo ducks. Mrs. J. II. Price, Allogany, Ore. 'KAIFE t8A- " HODGINS ttShfialrl D.!i. i?fiaf Co- " ttu.u, uregoi 'will'IKIjll. r( vnir L A "ESSEN- r Tfwj ometldng sent for PONE 'U do 154-Ii U, Charges reason hSls QRAVnv Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Some choice sites If you seo me at once. AUG. FRI7J3EN. an rv-i Ave. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges, Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time. Stands Blancp Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store- Dy Phones .78 and 48. RARKKR A OOODAT.I8. proprUtoni ' hi .i ,, KAKKKH UWMWim Wrm.' It Y i ill II I " ' TH? TIMBS' 'DPflQQir YOUR J0P MINTING DO FOR RENT Ono furnished room, Address 334 First street. FOR RENT Fifteen nnd n hnlf acre ranch on Ross Inlot, six acres under cultivation. Apply to Illgglnson & Son, Marshfleld, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and ai der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono lf.iJ-L. ROOM AND HOARD The Roycrest, 388 First street. Phone 123-X. Umbrellas Covered nt tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AOENTS. Phono 1B8-R 172 Ilrondway Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Tho World of thnt city In giving n list of tho nwnrds of prizes men tions Mrs. Scott ns having won flrst prlzo on tho host collection of pa por flowors. Mrs. Scott's frlonds hero will romombor fllio wns qulto an nrtlsf In mnklug pniior flowors. WmitH ltelonglngN. Marshal Car tor has rocolved word from A. W. Joy- nor of GIG Montgomery street, Snvnn- nah, On., asking that all tho offectaj or his son, w. a. Joynor, who myster iously disappeared on South Slough a few months ngo, bo forwardod to him. Mr. Joynor says ho hadn't seen his son for twolvo yonrs and ho Is vory anxious thnt all his effects, whothor valuablo or not, bo sont to him. Nothing now 'has developed In tho enso. Involves $100,000. Tho 3,000 ncres of (Imborlnnd on tho Coqulllo which Is Involved In tho suit of Mrs. J. M. McDonald vs. M. J. McDonald and his wlfo Is now worth about M GO, 000. Charges and counter char ges of fraud aro being made. M. J. McDonnld Insists that tho deed which ho gave his brother for tho land was merely a mortgago to socuro a num ber of notes nmountlng to nbout 132, 0000. He claims to hnvo paid theso notos nnd now wants his brother's widow to deed back tho land. She In slsts ho has no claim on tho lnnd. Doth fnmlllcs nro woll to do and whllo thoy havo always rcsldod In Snn Frnnclsco, tho deceased Capt. Mc Donald is woll remembered by old residents. M. J. McDonald, bettor known ns Jasper, owns considerable property on tho Coqulllo. Henry Sengstackon beenmo Involvod In tho case by having acted as agont for M. J. McDonald bore. C. R. Peck Is representing M. J. McDonald In tho litigation. missionary visit to Coqulllo nnd uniuioii. MR. nnd MRS. F. D. COHAN en tertained a fow friends nt ainnor nt tholr h'nino In West Mnrahflold Inst ovcnlng. MRS. FRANK MARIIOFFER roturn od on tho Washington yestordny from an oxtonded visit with' roin tlves In Utah. D. T. DAWSON of tho Mooro-Wnt-son Dry Qoods Co. of Snn Fran cisco, camo In on tho Alllnnco from Eurokn. S. O. MISH, ropresontlng Xnthnn & Dormnn camo up tho roast from Eurokn and reports tho ronds In bnd condition. CHAUXCBY CLARKE, tlmokeopor nt tho Smith-Powers enmp on South Coos RIvor, was down to spend Sunday. Har your Job printing dope at fie TlmM' om. WK HAVE 'EM Phili Nuts Tho new nutH from tho Phil ippines. Two Pounds for u Quarter. Also Hallowe'en Pumpkins nnd Sweet Cider ' Stauf f Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MA&KEV8 DANDIES CARL DEROMAN, formorly mnnn gor of tho Co-opomtlvQ Cannery on tlio riiusinw, but now located at Coqulllo, wns In Mnrahflold yestorday on business nnd plena uro, 11. C. CORDES roturnod yostorany from a thrco dnys hunting trip to his homiMJtend In tho Sand HIIIb. Mr. Cordes brought homo 2C ducks. WALTER 8TULL. who lives on tho Fuller plnco on tho West rork of North Coos River, lino boon In town sovernl dnys attending to business. MRS. M. L. DOUOLAS will leavo on tho noxt Rcdondo for South' em California, whoro sho will spend tho winter will friends nnd relatives. MI88 URSULA FARR1XOER enter tained n number of her young frlonds yestordny at hor homo on South Third street In honor of hor lCth blrth'dny. MRS. FANNIE O'DONNELL nnd lit tlo dnughtor, Mnrgarot, loft on tho IVroakwntor, Saturday, for Eugene, whoro tho llttlo girl will bo placed In tho Slstor'a school. MRS. OTTO 8CHETTER roturnod Inst evening from Snu Frnnclsco, coining homo vln Dandon. Sho has practically recovored from hor recent operation. Mr. Solici tor mot hor nt llnndnn, Thoy rnino on thu special train last evening. Enlarge House. W. 8. Drown Is hnvlng an addition built to his houso on South Droadwny. Wilson & Savago aro doing tho work. ALONO THE WATERFRONT I Tho Ruby arrived In nt Dandon to dny. Tho Sausallto nrrlvod In horo today. Tho Osproy, Nowborg and Alllnnco sailed from horo todny. VICTOR WICKMAN, a Coqulllo resldont, loft for his homo In tlio : - Poultry To thoso who wish to Improvo tholr flocks of turkeys and chick ens: Xow is tho tlmo to got your males and femalos, M. D. Gobblors. samo ns thoso Ilhat took first prize at tho Coos nnd Curry County Fair, from ?3.50 .to JG.00 each', hens, from $3,00 to ' tr. nnnl. Young Roosters From l.HO to $.'!.H5 each, of tlio following breeds: S. C. W. Leghorns, bluo ribbon strain; S. C. D. Leghorns; S. O. M. Anconns; 8. C. D. Rocks; S. C. C. RockH; 8. C. W. Orpingtons; S. O. D. Jnvas; S. C. D. Andnlualans nnd Houdans. I hnvo nothing but fine blood, and most of theso won firsts at tho fair, Trios Rorks, J5.C0 to 0.00; Anconns. JD.CO to $0.00; W. Log liorns. i&.GO; D, Leghorns, $5.2G; D. Andaluslnns, ?0.00; W. Orping tons, 16,00. F. H. NEEH'B IIALDHIMj 1H)UI TRY YARDS, Ilionp, Fnrincnj fHSxB, Myrtle Point , Oregon Tho Homer nnd Hnrdy arrived In yestorday from Snn Francisco. Tho Orogonlnn snys; Unless ear lier calculations fall tho stoamer Cnmlnn, which lost tho uso of nor, propollor off tho Orogon coast Sat urday, will bo In condition to pro ceed to sea today. A diver mndo nn examination nt Snn Frnnclsco nnd found thnt four blndcs had boon broken, nnd now onos worn provldod without dolny. Tho Alaskn Pnclflc Steamship company, owning tho stonmor Watson, which towod tho Camlno Into tho Golden Onto, hns fllod n libol, but It Is under stood thnt thoro will bo n settle ment offectou without legal aid. Handsomo profits aro being real ized by tho whaling Industry, which hns rccontly oxporlenced a revival. Winchester, Stevens nnd Reming ton PUMP OUNS at THE GUN D. & S. Cold and Rheumatis Capsules will lin'tik up iv cold or relievo rliciiiiintlHin la n few hour, without Imrmfiil effects, THEY TONE your nyiiteiii, dehtroy harmful bacteria, mid eliiiilunto uric arid from tho blood. Ono trial will convince you that thN In tlio la-st cold preparation on thu market. Money back If not satisfied. MmiBMmSSmtSm