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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. 4 I t IS HI UP, 5 M Mayor of North Bend Gives a Good Boost For City at Portland. L. J. Simpson, Jimyor of North IJcnd, who is now In Portland, la quoted at length In tlio Journal .of tlmt city regarding the prospoetB of North Ilend nml Coos Hny. Tlio artl clo In tho Journnl follows: "North Hond Is coining out of It," said L. J. Simpson, mnyor of North Uond, Coos county, nt tho Portlnnd hotol this morn lug, meaning Hint North Uond Is gradually coming Into Its own, nftor flvo yenrs of stagna tlon. Mnyor Simpson, who Is In Portlnnd on business, Is most outliusinstlc over tho prospects of North I lend, nnu that W II JOINT DEBATE Democrats and Progressive Speakers to Talk Over Issues at tsancion. Tho first Joint ilobnto of tho present cnmpnlgn In Coos county will tnko plnco nt Ilnndon tonight, when Snnlleld McDonald of Pori lnnd, tho Hull Mooso orntor, nml O. P. Coshow, tho Kosoburg orntor, sent hero to spenk for tho Nntlon nl Democratic ticket, will meet. Tho Joint debnto was nrrnnged Into Sat urday night. Tho Bull Mooso rally had boon ndvortlsed thoro for tonight-. Mr. Coshow found that It would bo moro convlcnlont for lilm to nmko Hnndon tonight nnd nlso plnnncd to speak. It wns suggested thnt ho chnngc his dnto ns n mu tual benefit, but ho flnnlly Biiggost- scction of the stnto, which lins n long oil tho Joint debate. Mr. McDonald list of Improvements under wny nnd "i""" ""' u"-' "" '"' """" omWnniiilntitil (1 lmi'lr llll Ilia nlltl- l"" luuiiiiiihi .W..W.'...t. ...,... ..j- ... -.--- liilsm. Not tho lonst among theso Is tho progress being mndo on tho Southern PacIHc Iliillrond company's lino Into North Hcnd, nml In addition lnrgo Interests nro planning now en terprises, nil tho mills nro working full blast, after n period of Inactivity, nnd altogether prospects nro rosy. "When tho Southorn Pacific sus pended operations In n building way after tho 1007 panic," said Mayor 8lnipson, "It put moro or loss of n crimp In nil our activities, nnd it lins been n long, unlilll fight to get things going good ngaln. However, wo hnva tlio resources, tlio spirii ana mo rigiu Saturday night Mr. Coshow spoko nt tho Odd Fellows hall hero. Thoro was not a very lnrgo turnout, but It wns considered n good mooting. Mr. Coshow discussed tho issues nnd devoted much of his tnlk to nn explanation of tho Democratic platform. C. F. McKnlght presided ns chair man. W. H. Meredith of Port Or- ford spoko brlofty in behalf of his cnndldncy for Joint roprosonntivo. Hugh McLnln of Mnrshflcld nlso addressed tho meeting nn tho noort roads legislation In Oregon. Ho spoko In bchnlf of bill No. 300, which Coos county nnd most of tlio WEEK'S DOINGS AT DE IINK SAGE TEA WILL DARKEN w kind of citizenship, nnd. naturally,,' counties In Oregon nro indorsing. nothing can kcop us bnck, Hiiildliig Hlg Mill. "Tho cntrnnco of tho Southern Pu rine Into North Hond will put us on the man In nn unmlstnblo wny. Wo Mr. McLnln snld Hint Coos county wns opposed to tho Stnto Highway Commission project for raising ?1, 000.000 n yenr to build stnto roads. Ho explained tlint under this men nro already 'Vlam.lng 'n 'big ce.obra-t BS7SVC0 0!!"n!: ..J ulnXIjg Hon In honor of tho event, though It ?n1S;. ,')0LnyP0"rn ' ' ', '" i.. ..,,. ..,n.,ii,u . iinui,ino Mm' to pay Its sharo of tho wholo mil- is sonio months nwny. Besides tho Southorn Pacific work, tho big C. A. Smith Interests nro building n line, ostensibly for logging purposes, from tho point of navigation nt Myrtlo Point to n point 25 miles up tho Co qulllo river. Tho fact tlint 75 pound stool Is being used on this rond, to gether with other ilicu instances, In dicates to ninny tlint t 111 w 'logging road' Is really to lieconio a unit in an other proposed tcrmlnnl railroad pro position. If such Is tho case, so much tho hotter. "Ono of tho blggost propositions now under way nt North Huid Is tho erection of u ii"iv $1,000,000 pulp mill by tho Smith Powers Logging company. This mill, snld to bo tho first or Its kind In tho United States, will Introduce n now process of pnpor mnniifncturo from waste products, tho Invention of n Norwegian. Aiddn from Its unique fonturos, tho now mill will considerably Increaso tho pny rolls which support tho city and Its economic vnluo will ho groat. Port (o Issue lloiuN. "Now development Is under wny. In tho conl mining Industry, ton, and with rail shipments possible, It Is probublo that eventually tho bonoflts of Orcgnu-mliiod coal will bo felt throughout tho slate, ns well ns In our own locality. "Our port commission has boon re organized, too, nnd has been author ized to oNccuto bonds to tlio amount of f.'IOO.OOO for hnrbor Improve ments.. Wo linvo started by offering tho United Stiiles government $200, 000 worth of these bonds, providing tho government In return will mnko our chnnnol 1100 foot wide, with n dopls of 25 foot to tho bar, nnd .'10 to 10 foot on tho bar from tho point of navigation, "Thoro Is no limit to what ono might truthfully say regarding tho prospects for North Hond nnd Coos liny country. Our ngrlculturnl and dairying Interests nro extensive thoro is no place on earth that has liner scenery or n more oven cllinnto (tho govornnient rocords prove this), so that In tlmo our section will be tho Moccn of tourists as well ns n grent Industrial contor." Mnyor Simpson will be In Portlnnd for a week or ten dnys looking after liusluoss Interests nnd "boosting." Hon nnd thon wasn't rortnln of got ting nny of tho stnto work except what could bo dono with tho $13, 000. This would bo detrimental to tho less densely populated counties, nnd beneficial to tho moro densely populated. Hill No. 300 will enable tho cou.i ty to bond Itsolf for whnt lit doom ed necessary In fact will permit "I homo rulo In tho mntter, allowing uvory rciiim.v in ino Mine 10 lilllld Its own roads. POLITICS ARE Events of Coos County Town Interestingly Told by Times Special Correspondent. (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) DENMARK, Oct. 21. George V. Chonoweth wont to Hnndon tho first of tho week to have sonio den tal work dono. A mass mooting Is called nt Donmurk to bo held Sunday, Oct. 27, for the discussion or mo ini tiative measures. So mnny of the voters linvo frankly acknowledged themselves uncortnln ns to tho mcr ltr of the proposed measures Hint ll was decided to have n freo-for-al! discussion. Hrlng your lunch and stny all day. Everybody Is In vited to bring everybody else. Mr. and Mrs. Dennett drove over to Hnndon Monday on n business trip, returning Into Wednesday ev ening well laden with parcels. The little girls of Denmnrk fchool are all very much Interested In a sowing class recently organ ized, which will bo taught during tho Inst session of school every Thtirsdny. Tho boys will uso the period In which to loam tho first slope of liiechnnleaL drawing. II, Horg, who has boon living nt Mnishfleid for tho past fow weeks went through' Denmark on tho stage Wednesday evening en route for Six Mile, whero ho expects to locnto for tho winter. Ho and tho nonmnrk schoolina'ani wore- ship mates on tho Alllnnro recently, when tho big pond whb not so smooth ns It might havo boon. Each wns trying to explain to tho other a hnsty departure from deck en that momornble occasion. W. P. Polsom of tho Mnrshflcld Cnndy fnctory wns In Donmnrk on business not long ngo, and now the Denmnrk girls will no doubt bo "no sweot ns sugnr cnndy" for a long time. A lively young porson of sonio seven pounds enme Inst Friday to mriln tint iinrimiiiniit linllln with Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Sabln of Lnng- 1018. Mrs. Harvey Smith, who lins boon 111 for sovornl wcoks past, Is ro- i.nrlntl na Itmtrnvliwr nn rntilillv nl could bo expected, under tho enro of Dr. Pcmucrton. OW W M boosts von lank. t. u. Slieiidau of ItoM'hurg Boosts for Democrat. T. R. Sherldnii, well known on Coos liny, who Ir Id Mnishfleid on tuisliiosH. Is boosting for Harp I.nno for Unltod Slates senator from Ore gon. Mr. Sliorldnn Is Inclined tow ards tho Domocrntlc cnuso, but is bound to Mr. I.nuo by old boyhood ties. However, ho says that tho Tuft sontlmeiit l growing nud that tlmo would menu a chniiKo In tho politi cal oompioNion. K. Ji Warren Bachtel, T. R. Sheri dan and E. B. Duffy Talk About Situation. Politics arc much moro keen out' side than they nro hero according to warren Bncntol, who roturned today via tho Southorn route from Tennessee. Ho was called thoro about a mouth ngo by tho donth u his wlfo, who succumbed beforo lso reached hor mother's homo whero alio passed uway. His 121yonr-oia daughter romaliicd with hor grand mothor. "Of courso I was In a Domocrntlc country, but nt Hint thoro was n strong Roosovolt sentiment." de elnred Mr. Bachtel. "Tho Chatta noogn Times, n staunch Democratic nowspnper. enmo out editorially nnd said Roosovolt would enrry Ponn sylvnnln, Ohio nnd Illinois nud hnd a strong chnnro of cnrrylng Now York, since Strauss had been nom inated for governor. They wero placing two to ono bots Hint Taft would carry four states Rhodo Is land, Now Hampshire, Vormont nnd IMnh. They claimed back thoro mat Wilson would have tho 'Solid South' but that will avail him llttlo it tholr other forecasts come true. "I had quite n visit In San Fran cisco and last Thursday witnessed tho ceremonlos of tho Chlnoso se lection of tho site- for their exluoit nt tho Panama exhibition. Tho mt dross was mndo in Chlnoso nun I guess it wns all right from tho way tho Orlontnls thoro took It. "I didn't soo nny plnco on my trip that looked ns good as Coos Bay. My trip back was very pleas ant, flvo Inches of rnlu In Texas having cooled tho atmosphere." QUICK GROWTH freight and passengor agent of tlio Denver & Rio Grnndo nt Portland, says Hint unloss tho Southern Pa- Duffy of Portlsnil. n bind- clfle hurries its lino to Coos Bnv. licss associate or .Mr. siieridnn. isinotlior road will bent them in nn ardent Taft man nnd nlno nibore. Tho Gould peoplo, who own otrong supporter of Jonnthnn Burns. ' tho D. & R. O., nlso own tho Wost Mr. Sheridan has been spending' orn Pacific and Mr. Duffy expects to most of tho time tho Inst four see the latter enter Oregon via months In San FrHiiclseo with hls.Rono and Klamath Falls and con- wiro nnd (Hiiikuiois. no say iio.nect up witn tlio Hill lines, tlius hasn't hoard any new railroad news so far ns the connecting link no tween RosoburK and Mnishfleid is concerned. Mr, Duffy, who Is trnvcHiiK giving them direct access to tho var ious parts of Oregon. FRKSH barrel of GUARANTEED h.vitkimes nt the gunnery. LITTLE TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS By W. A. REID. A recent dispatch from Kingston. X. Y . tells of a bov who leaped out of a tilrd-story window uf a factory upon a bale of woolen goods, on a hot of ont dollar thnr e could do It safely. Tlio dispatch states that ho won his bet. thnt Is, be landed on the bale- of goods, but that his knee ttnui; his eyo unl Injured him so badly that- ho mav lose his sight. Moral: Look well before you loap. If you nro contemplating m investment In real ostato or look ing for n homcslto H will pay you to look at our Portia n Park proporty. It U close in and offers tho host Induce ments to homo bulldors or Investors, SEE REID ABOUT IT. Owner's Agont, Cok Building, Store Is to Be Opened and All Houses Arc Being Occupied. Another stop has boon mndo In tho rovlvnl of business nt I.lbby with tho opening of tho storo nt thnt place, Georgo Doll, who has a lease on tho I.lbby mine nnd Is operating It, has decided to open tho storo which lins been closed for sonio tlmo past. A regular lino of groceries ami provis ions will bo carried for tho benefit of tho families living In I.lbby nnd nlso for tho rnnchors of tho vicinity. Tho Increaso in tho population of tho plnco warrants tho opening of tho storo nud ns Mnrshfleld now Is tho nearest market plnco tho establish ment of tho local store again will be n groat convonlenco for tho peoplo of tho locnllty particularly that tho win- tor senson Is starting. I.lbby has been quite llvoly Bine tho mlno stnrtod operations again. Tho pupils of tho school number forty nnd prnetlcnlly overy houso in tho plnco Is occuplod nnd tho little sottlo ment Is tnklng'on its old tlmo activ ity. MYRTLE POINT POIXTERS. Xews of Upper Coqulllo Valley n" Told iiy tlio i;nterpilse. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Guerln loft on tho last stoamor for Snn Frnn- cIsco, whoro they will visit for a couplo of wcoks with relatives. From there they will go to Wash ington, whero Kelt will spend the winter in tho main olllco of tho Coast nnd Geodetic stirvoy. In the spring ho will roturn to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McColIum of North Bend passed through yos terday on their wny to New York. They expect to roturn nnd spend Christinas in San Frnnclsco. arriv ing homo nbout New Year. Herbort Abraham of Rosoburg, who Is starting a logging camp nn tho old Hughes ostnte, just this sldo of Rock creek on tho Middle For, came Saturday to reeolvo tlio first one of his donkey engines which -wns brought up on Saturday's train. Tho Weekly brothers hauled the machinery out for him the first of the week. The socond donkoy will nrrivo later ami .Mr. Abraham will havo n lnrgo forco of loggers at work this winter. The logs will bo floated down the Middle fork of tro coqulllo during freshets. Messrs. Burr and Shaw of tho Wlllott & Burr company arrived last wool; to take charge of their departments In th construction of the Sinlth-Powors logging road. An engine for tho Smith company ar rived on tho last Redondo and special work trains are being run nlmost every day to bring up addi tional material. E. Baker Informs the Enterprise that the railroad contractors linvo, near his place on the South Fork, a powder house that will Btoro inreo or four tons of powder. Restore Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color; Dand ruff Quickly Removed. There Is nothing new nbout tho Idea of using Sngo for restoring tho color of the hnlr. Our grnnd ...... i. .ia irnnH iimir hnlr dark, glossy and abundant by tho ubo of n slniplo "sago tea." Whenever their hair fell out or took on n dull, faded or Btronkod appearance, they mndo a brow of sago leavs, and applied it to tneir nnir wonderfully boneflclnl effect. Vnwfiilnva 'n ililll't. hllVO tO I'O- sort to tho old-tlmo tlrcsoino meth od gathering tho herbs ami mail ing the ten. This Is dono by skill ful pIipiiiIrIr bettor tlinil WO COUlll do It ourselves; and nil wo linvo to do Is to cnll for mo rcuuy-inuuu product, Wyoth's Sngo nnd Sulphur Hnlr Remedy, contnlnlng sngo in tho proper strength, with tho addi tion of sulphur, nnothcr old-tlmo scalp remedy. This preparation gives youthful color and beauty to tho hair, and Is ono of tho host remedies you can uso for dandruff, dry, fovcrls'i, Itching scalp, and falling nnir. u-n n CO cent bottlo from your ilrtm glst today, and you will bo sur prised nt tho quick results. All druggists soil it, under giinrnnloo Hint tho monoy will bo refunded If tho remedy Is not exnetly ns represented. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Mall or telephone orders promptly attended to. A big stock of elect ileal material to se lect from. Lumps for nil purposes. Phono ":7-.J. l,:t Broadway X. The Wickham House Dining Room COQUILLK, ORE. Reopened October 1, 1912 Newly paltered, painted nn gen erally renovated. Spcclnl attention nml tlio best of servl.o to tho traveling public. MRS. 0. K. WICKHAM, Coqullle, Ore. Fisher Auto Service Win. FMior, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyor's Clgnr Stnnd, Phono 1S-J. After 11 p. m. phono C-J. Night phono 181-R. Mnrshfleld, Oregon, STADDEN ALT KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Bromide Enlarging nud Kodak Finishing. A modern Brlclc ulldlug, Electrl: Light, Stenra Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. II OTEL O O O S O. A. Metlin, Prop. Rates! BO cents a day nnd upwards Cor. Broadway nnd Market Marsiifleld & North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. Cara leavo Marshflela every 45 mlnutea from 7:15 a. ra. until 12:30 midnight. Leave North nena on samo echedulo, starting at 7 a. m until midnight. Sea Saturday Time for Bohedulo. BENJAMIN CLOTHES STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES ARROW SHIRTS All sold one wixyCASJf ONLY, Belter values i'or less money because "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe (j Marslificld. BandonJ Steamer WashingtOI Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENOintS AND FRKlOni r. s. now, Akl OmmDociI $ . 'XIIK FltlKNI) OF COOH HAY' S. ALLIANC1 KQUIPPKI) WITH WIKKIiKSS Sails from marshfield for Portland THURSDAY, OCTOBER; CONNECTING! WITH TIIK NORTH HANK ROAD AT P0HTUI NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 1 1. O. F. McGE0rtGB,lH FAST AND COSIMOWOUS Steamer Redcmd Equipped with wireless nnd sohmarlne bdl SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR M ARSHFI1 TUESDAY, OCT. 29th at 3 p. m. All PntmenKcr ItescrviitloiiH Fr om Snn FrancLico Mut II 5Wm 803 Fife. llluldtiiL', or Pier No. If). All ivcrvatloiu romtMi lien up -I liours lieforo miIIIiik'. IVTlJlt-OCKAN TnANSl'OltTATIOV CO. PHONR A A. O. F. McQEOROE. Itntl EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwate ALWAYS ON TIME. JLS FROM AINSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. 31, OOJ , S3, ao. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SKUVICC OFTUEi"! SAIL 1(1 OCT. 5, 12, 10, 20. Phono Main 8IhL. J. O. jnLLEn, AF"A The Sign of Good Candy Always We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 07.J Marsliflold, Oregon. Llbbv COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. DATES to ho REMEMHERED: Saturday and Sunday, October 20 and 27 Tho Times Great Airship Ex-blbitlon. BlancharcTs Livery Wo havo secured tho llvory bus nesa of L. II. Helsnor, and nro pro pared to render excellent service to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to the public. Phone us for a driv ing horse, a rig or anything needed In tho livery line. Wo also do truck ing business of all kinds. 11LANCHAHD HROTIIERS, Phone 1!18-.T. Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 111 First nnd Alder Streets Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTARLE STAND IiA.MTS. PHONM 181-R. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. You Auto Call Fo viniir itDM mo. m-j "" 7,1 SUnd front otjtoftjf TtU nun "T. niter - . i ..nwldwIona Will M'" 1Tir 'J - Unique Pantatoj Agent for Edrdn.6U.i i - atltt. - ","5?.RiS,mT: Pb"i .K UMIMDIIV" WANTED! PIANOS TO CLA, Jfr iimtlo Cleaning , I'tion "" . ..m IJU1LDING A ' VartM House Moving C"T, Wo are preparea w by the day or contract JJV4 saUsfactlon UtM u;. ; m-? rnow w. Have That Roof ' NOW Sco GOJiTB1 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING D0NHATTHE 'CmJHp