Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
, I 4 III I » vV -• * Î >>>lf t r ’r ‘ 7 ' ' r '“ f - t * r - 4 ' . r . 77 e NYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 15 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1949 guests at the John Bowen home Ray Griffitte, Mr. and Mrs. Lester EASTER OBSERVED Gilbert Holmes and daughters and Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers and 1 Cleaver, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard AT SUNDAY SCHOOL l family. Mrs. Alva Ooodell accompanied Day. Mrs. Loyd Adams and Mrs. Thur Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and OREGON TRAIL, April 21—Easter BUENA VISTA, April 21—Mr. *nd man Hill to Boise Friday. ! family were Sunday dinner guests was observed at Oregon Trail Sun DINNER IS GIVEN Leslie Topliff spent several days Mrs. Geo Cleaver were dinner at the S. B. Hoffman home. FOR EVANGELIST the past week at his ranch near Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at day school with a program Sun day morning. The program was Ola, Idaho. tended a dairy sale near New j given as follows: Beginners class, APPLE VALLEY. April 21—Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram attended a family dinner at the Plymouth, where they purchased flower exercise; guitar duet by and Mrs. Herbert Nelson entertain some dairy cows. Carol Adams and Lila Holmes; ed Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson. Glen Hershey home In Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and primary class, exercise: young | Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family, Sunday. Leslie Topliff spent several days Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver were peoples class, reading of Che scrip Mr. and Mis. Earl Dodds, and ture Easter story; and intermediate Dwight Wilson at dinner Sunday. the past week at his ranch neear in Ontario Tuesday. Mrs. Glen Hoffman was hostess class, reading and musical exercise. Ola, Idaho. A dinner was held in the church The Merry Matrons club met Sunday in honor of the professor Mrs. La Vern Cleaver entertain to the Out Our Way club with 12 with Alberta Bowers as hostess members attending. Games were ed Saturday evening in observance holding the pre-Easter services. Ap of her husband’s birthday. Guests played, with Leslie Topliff winning Wednesday afternoon, April 13th. proximately 25 were present in The afternoon was spent socially, high prize. Refreshments of sand attending the buffett luncheon cluding Mr. and Mis. Harry Ernst were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savage, wiches, celery, pkkles, pie and cof but some work was done on the of Colorado and his grandfather, scrapbook. Twelve members and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, Mr. fee were served. The next meet Mr. Rhodes of Caldwell. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mr. and ing will be held at the George one guest, Bernice Cleaver, ans Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dutro of wered Roll Call with "What I Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver home, May 12. Nampa spent Sunday evening at Would Like to Have.” Iva Adams the Conley Wilsons home. presented a very interesting paper Mrs. Forrest Reed's brother, on "How Sm art Am I in Buying?" Games were played with Iva Adams Elton Stethens of Portland, and ROW CROP OR FULL COVERAGE and Bernice Cleaver winning prizes. Sid Russell of San Francisco were Lunch was served by the hostess Wednesday dinner gueests at the SPRAYERS assisted by Bernice Cleaver. The Reed home. next meeting will be held April Mr. and Mrs. Cris Meltvelt and Built to fit your job, with power take-off or 27th at the home of Peggy Brown. Holton Stethens of Boise and Car- Seed and plants will be exchanged. ren and Rodger Mcllveen of Boise belt drive pumps, deliver pressures 10 to 120 Mr. and 'Mrs. Alfred Adams and were Sunday guests of Mr. and family were Easter dinner guests Sirs. Forrest Reed. lbs. Nozzles to deliver from 5 gallons per acre Mrs. Martha Norland's two old of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat est boys were away on business to 100 gallons or more. near Mitchell butte. Jack Bowen spent the week-end last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hild, Sr., with Joel Mitchell of Nyssa. Built onto your tractor, spray bar to suit you, Mrs. F. C. Fry was hostess to the and family went on a fishing trip Sunday. adjustible in all directions. Book club Saturday afternoon. Larry Fivecoat was an overnight Mrs. H. V. Garrett and Mrs. Don guest Saturday at the home of his Magnuson of Payette were Thurs It will be complete when you get it. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Al day guests of Mrs. Garold Horn. Little Judy Fox spent from Fri fred Adams. Priced from $97.50 to $110.00 Mr. and Mis. John Bowen, Rob day until Sunday in Boise. Mrs. Earl Boston's parents and ert and Billie were Easter Sunday We will sell you all parts if you prefer dinner guests of Mrs. Grace Mills Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers and Ruby Rodi’ ers, Ed Brumbock of Roswell of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and Ralph Rodgers of Boise were M ack’s A n li-W eed Gun Sec "tyowi 'p ti& tclltf were hosts at Easter dinner Sun day for 28 guests. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Austin Good- Ranch-Way Deafer Spray Rig Specialist san and fam ily of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Robert and 1424 Chicago St., Caldwell, Idaho NYSSA ELEVATOR Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes, and Bonnie Kressly, Mr. and Mrs. Phone 42 HUSBAND HONORED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY SwinÇ t0 \ à SECOND SECTION Sunday guests at the Earl Boston home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bab- bit of Boise, and Mr. Fur's father were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Severt Fox. Appears In College P la y - Lee Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider of Nyssa, is taking a leading role in the dramatic production, “Androcles and the Lion” by George Bernard ahaw , at Whitman college at Walla Walla. COME W A N D MEET O U R SW E E TH E A R T " beautena T Y O U R S T O R E WjTH THE C H E C K E R B O A R D S I G N TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL M B B R I B E i B B B B B B B B B B B * e r ’s ' b l d d b u u i i l O regon too*1* > l V ¡ g BV *US,H[SS Building a greater Oregon demanda building individual proiperity for all. The First National Bank of Portland, and all our affiliated banks, are sponsoring a program to promota our atata by showing how banking services can help individual! toward greater financial success. Call at our naarait banking offics and tall ua how we can best help you and your community. K 1 L ' w ,. ,‘y J THESE ARE THE BANNING OFFICES IN THE FIRST NATIONAL GROUP Statement of Condition...First Notional Bonk of Portland Aran l i , m * RESOURCES Cash in vault and in F.d .ra l R .s.rv . B o n k ................. .........$ > 9 ,7 2 9 ,3 6 4 .3 3 Due from B a n k s ................................................................ ilJStJMT.tS Total C o s h ...................................................... United States Government O bligations, Direct and Fully Guaranteed State, County an d M unicipal Bonds and W a rra n ts............... Other Bonds and Securities..................................... Stock In Federal Reserve B a n k .......................... . Loans and D isc o u n ts................ Accrued Inter««) Receivable............................................... Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and Safe Deposit Vaults Other Real Estate o w n e d ....................................... . . . . . . Custom ers' Liability on Accounts of Letters of Credit, Acceptances, and Endorsed B ills................. • • • • • • • O ther Resources................................................................ T O T A l B E S O U B C E S ......................................... * $ 1 1 7 ,4 8 *.1 5 2 .0 8 1 8 0 ,4 3 7 ,4 6 2 .8 6 3 4 ,6 3 3 ,9 4 4 .6 2 1 ,3 2 6 ,3 3 1 .0 6 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 1 6 2 ,5 8 0 ,8 8 2 .6 3 1 ,0 7 1 ,0 8 8 .0 6 4 , 7 7 9 ,8 2 9 .9 7 1.00 4 ,3 2 3 ,2 2 1 .5 3 2 7 4 ,8 3 1 .8 9 $ 5 0 7 ,3 6 5 ,7 4 5 7 0 LIABILITIES C a p i t a l ...................................................... ................... $ S u r p lu s ........................................................................... Undivided Profits and Reserves ........ Total Capital F u n d 4 ,5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 1 3 ,8 4 3 ,6 0 4 .7 3 s 30, 843, 604. 72 D EPO SITS i I Savings P * mond and . V Tim i ................................................ e................. ................... . 1 4 2 ,3 3 3 ,3 1 5 .9 0 ) 4 6 9 , 0 * 2 , 3 6 3 9 9 Liability for Letters of Credit an d as Acceptor Endorser or M a k e r of Acceptances and Foreign B ills............... 4 ,3 2 3 ,2 2 1 .5 3 Interest Received in A d v a n c e ................................ 1 ,4 9 7 ,5 7 4 .7 2 Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc....... • • • • • • • • • • • • • ........... 1 ,4 9 2 ,3 7 1 .5 9 Other Liabilities................................. 1 2 6 ,6 0 9 .1 3 T O T A l L IA B IL IT IE S........................................... | 3 0 7 , 3 6 5,745^70 In a d d it io n to iff 4 3 b r a n t h o t t h r o u g h o u t O r o g o n , 13 o t h o r O r e g o n b a n k t a r o m e m b e r » o f th o H r e f N a t io n a l B a n k G r o u p DEPO SITS The First N ational Bank of Portland an d 43 B ronchos........................ 15 other O regon banks in the First N ational G r o u p ......................... L O A N S A N D D IS C O U N T * $ 4 6 9 ,0 8 2 ,3 6 3 .9 9 9 7 ,5 3 8 ,5 5 1 .4 7 $ 5 6 6 ,6 2 0 ,9 1 5 4 6 Th. First N ational Bank . ( Portland a n d 4 5 B ra n c h .« ........................ 15 other O rego n banks in the First N otion al G r o u p ................... . TOTAL B ESO U BC ES ■ $ 1 6 2 ,5 8 0 ,8 8 2 .6 3 2 3 ,9 0 2 ,0 1 0 0 6 $ 1 .6 .4 .2 .9 2 * 9 The First N ational Bank of Portlond ond 45 Branches. ....................... 15 other O rego n banks in the First N otional G r o u p .......................... $ 5 0 7 ,3 6 5 ,7 4 5 .7 0 1 0 3 ,4 9 3 ,7 7 6 .3 0 TOTAL RESO U RCES of the 61 B A N K IN G OFFICES hi the FIRST N A T IO N A L G R O U P $ 6 1 0 , 8 5 9 ,5 2 2 0 0 h • ~ IN THE SAUSAGE. LADY PORTLAND BRANCHES r h t i ~ P O R T L A N D M A I N B RA N C H SIX T H A N D M O R R IS O N B R A N C H U P T O W N BRANCH EAST P O R T LA N D BRAN CH HAW THORNE BO U LEV ARD BRANCH L IV E ST O C K -K E N T O N B R A N C H M O N T A V IL L A BRAN CH RO SE C IT Y BRANCH SO U T H EA ST PO RTLAN D B R A N C H U N IO N A N D RUSSELL B R A N C H BRANCHES OUT OF PORTLAND A L B A N Y BRAN CH A S H L A N D BRAN CH A S T O R IA BRAN CH B f N D BRAN CH C E N T R A L P O IN T BRAN CH C O N D O N BRAN CH C O O S B A Y BRAN CH C O O U IL L E BRANCH E N TERP RISE BRAN CH F O S S IL BRAN CH G R A N T S PA SS BRAN CH G R E S H A M BRAN CH H E P P N E R BRAN CH H IL L S B O R O BRAN CH H O O D R IV E R B RA N C H K L A M A T H F A IL S BR A N C H SO U TH SIXTH STREET B R A N C H L A G R A N D E BRAN CH L A K E V IE W BRAN CH M E D F O R D B RA N C H M E R R IL L B RA N C H M O L A L L A BRAN CH N E W B E R G BRAN CH N O R T H B EN D BRAN CH N Y S S A BRAN CH O A K R ID G E BRAN CH O R E G O N C ITY BRAN CH P E N D L E T O N BRAN CH S A L E M BRAN CH S H E R M A N CO U N TY B R A N C H S T A Y T O N BRAN CH THE D A L L E S BRAN CH T IL L A M O O K BRAN CH U N IO N BRAN CH W O O U B U R N BRAN CH NATIONAL Carlton Stato ond S a v in g . Bank Benton County S*at. Bank (Cervallt.) Philom ath Branch (Philom ath) Tho Fir.t N ation al Bonk ef Cottage Grove Tho Fir.t N otion al Bonk of Eugono Thu Fir.t N ation al Bank ef Faro.t Grove Tho Fir.t N otion al Bonk ef Lebanon Stato Bank of M alh ou r County M o nro e Stato Bank M o ro l and -Sol I w ood Bank (Portland) Tho Fir.t N ation al Bank of Prlnovillo Scio Stato Bank C la tso p County Bank (Sootldo) C o o lid g o and M cC lam o Bank (SHvorloel B ank of Swoot Homo hill Stato Bank BANK r t t ù * AP« c r ( O l t o i k t i O k * F or F arm ,« If you live on a farm, chances are you do freeze a lot o f your own produce, ft’» a wise and economic way o f pro viding food for the family. And preserving food by freez ing is not at all difficult. Any home freezer you buy— — chest, upright, or walk-in type— will carry with it simple instructions For freezing foods and for maintenance. . . . . or T o w n In the city home, you can purchase an unlimited variety o f commercially frozen foods and keep them perfectly in your freezer. Your butcher can supply meats and poultry in the cuts and weights desired. And with freezer storage, you can save money by buying in quautitie. when prices Other Banks m Tht First National 6.oup î ~m----------. . . a . - —» FIRST I Salt hastens oxidation in ground meat and causes fat to become rancid when freezing. And salt limits the time frozen foods will keep. This is one of the things to remem ber when freezing your own foods. of p o r t l a n d Enjoy your favorite dishes whenever you want them. Let your dealer help you live better electrically with a home frceaer.