Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
PAGE TW O a L I P R n r RAM IS 4-H r K U U K A M l b W ELL ATTENDED N EW E LL H E IG H TS , April 31—The fifth , sixth, seventh and eighth grades of Adrian enjoyed a roller skating party at Ontario Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rauligh M cK ia - nley, Mrs. Stanley H ill and Mrs. Forest Hardman were among those taking their cars fo r transportation. The 4-H program Wednesday night was very successful. Muny families attended from Newell Heights as well as the rest o f the community. T h e program consisted ot musical numbers, several songs by the 4-H Children, some dancing n umbers from Nyssa as well as several musicals. Mrs. Threlma Elliott reported taking in approx- imately $110. Part of the money will be used for scholarships to 4-H summer schools and a set oi flags for the riding club. 4-H Clubs meeting in Newel! THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, A P R IL 21, 1949 Heights Thursday included the consoled of a number by the Hemmera at Mrs Charles „„m is of eeach room and a song Crooked Hetuners at Mrs. Charles pupils of w a h room, ana a ng homes. Mrs. Thelm a Elliot b, * * C .rl Scout-. pro met with this group. Tue girls K'ani was followed by inspection of learned h)W t0 darn‘ n ie meet. , the -ichool rooms and refreshment* ins? was f o i l e d by a game and of < axe, ice cream, coffee and refreshments o f cup cakes and pumh. Some dancing was enjoyed. Mr., M L. Kurtz gave a waffle punch. U J J |« V i for i W l her n v i Sunday u v u u a u j 1~ school * * “ ''* class - Mrs. Daloris Hammon's club met O upper at her home Friday. Mrs. Maurice Thursday evening in the Presby- enan church basement. Judd was hostess to the home- The G irl Scouts went for a making club at her home. The *■.m Monday after school at Sniv- ghls enjoyed an Easter party. B e freshmenLs were served. Each girl iey s hot springs. All took a sack lunch. Those taking cars for received an Easter bunny. were Mrs. Francis Mrs. Rauleigh M cKinnley met ra> importation with her poultry club. A ll mem- O ffe r , M ss Mary Weir and Mrs. Charles Harris. bers received their books, o.uo den No. 2 m et at the home Nowell Heights members attend- ed a meeting at the Billy Looney of their den mother, Mrs. Jake home in Adrian for a cooking club Borge, Monday afternoon. Games outing. Charlene Harris and Jan- were played. A primary preparation meeting ice Goulet demonstrated creamed was held Tuesday evening at Mrs. t\pgs on toast. Those P. T. A. held open house at the Kenneth Smith’s home. new school Saturday night. A present were Mrs. Nellie Tamraer- large crowd attended. T h e ’program son, Vera Patterson, Ruth Barrett Emily Curtis, Martha Besoendorfer, James Peterson and Lavell Ashby. l^lgigtgl^ ^ atiM eifil^ l^ 'lfiilH l'tlW i^ liolS l^ lklh fciy'aL ^ J tieiai'oM S lS L 'alS lS ’SLtilHl | NU-ACRES BOYS GO ON JUDGING TOUR MURESCO HOT W A TE R KALSOMINE Modern Color»— Easily Applied Now In Complete Stock At The NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY Nyssa, Ore. Phone 118W ¿OSB5& APPROVED - \ KAISER-FRAZER SERVICE) Sales € r Service ❖ If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30 Ontario, Oregon East of Town Phone 2S7 WHERE and Mr». Van Tuyl of Seattle were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Van ^ ^ ^ „tu rn ed from a tr.p to Holland, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Stmt's families. Mr. — ••*■ *“ ™ - "¿¿s Mrs. 8m it were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot _ ° ' Nyaba. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne spent Easter Sunday with friends and relatives at Nampa. In the after- noon the group had an outing at Lake Lowell. Evelyn Evans underwent an ap- pendectomy at the Samaritan hos pital at Nampa Tnursday morning. Evelyn was recovering nicely and planned on returning to her home Tuesday afternoon. Gary Thomson has recovered from the mumps and now his mother, Mrs. M erl Thomson, has the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans and Janice were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ballard of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Foster and Eleanor of Nyssa were Sunday a f ternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and family. Barbara Marschman of New Plymouth was a Sunday night .guest of Mary Lou Grassmick. T h e Pinochle club met at the Nu-Acres community hall Satur day night. Hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durrington and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ellibee. M en’s high was won by Frank Preston and low by Leo Ellibee and women's high by Marian Anderson and low by Martha Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw and family enjoyed a picnic lunch witli Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy at the Meroney ranch Sun day. Karl Evans celebrated his birth day with a party with 28 attend ing. Gamees were played and at the end o f die evening refresh ments of “ hot dogs", marshamal- lows and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk and fam ily of Parma, M r. and Mrs. E. M. Seuell and Darryl, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and daughters of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Baker and fam ily of Weiser, Mr. and Mis. Frank Preston and family, M r. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Lloyd, Jean Blakesley and Terry enjoyed a picnic at the Black Canyon dam Easter Sunday. NU-ACRES, April 21—The Do- More 4-H boys and their leader, Sherman Keck, went on a Judging tour Saturday. They judged cat tle at the Joe Pritzl farm and went through Mr. P ritzl’s grade A dairy bam. Mrs. Curtis Fry and M ary Jo and Geraldine made a business trip to Payette and Ontario Saturday. While in Ontario they called on Mrs. Si.v.el and daughters and saw their newly built home. Roger. Mary Jo and Larry Jen kins jvcre among those attending the glee club and band concert in Fruitland Friday night. Sev eral of the school children in this community participated in the con cert. Roqer Jenkins attended the sun rise services witli a group of young people of the Methodist church of Frutttand. In the afternoon R og er, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Davis and Betty went to Emmett to view the famous cherry blossoms in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Hunter of Nyssa called at the Fry liome Tues day, afternoon. Pat Holistadt made a trip to Burns, Oregon with Ills brother, Terry, to bring back a load of furniture Saturday. T erry is mov BIG BEND MAN IS ing on to a place near the Gay- HURT IN RUN A W A Y Way. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Holistadt and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cusic of B IG BEND, April 21—Ben Maxie Melba have gone to Cove, Oregon was taken to the Mercy hospital to visit Mr. Hohstadt’s and Mrs last Tuesday because of injuries Herman’s parents, Mr. and M r s , sustained when a team of horses ran away. Several of his ribs were H. T. Holistadt. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen broken and dootors at first feared were Easter dinner guests of Mr.l he had sustained internal injuries and Mrs. Frank Olson. | Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hodge of Mr... George Smit returned home Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wednesday from Goodrich, where Patton of Owyhee were Sunday she visited a few days with her dinner guests o f M r. and Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Glenn Gallant and Zeb Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of family. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Nyssa ate Sunday dinner with Mr. Parma were Friday dinner guests and Mrs. John Adams Mrs. Packwood's brother and of Mr. and Mrs. Oeonge Smit. Mr. wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. G . Parrot of Walnut Creek, California, and Mrs. Edna Parrot of Caldwell, were Thursday evening visitors at the John Packwood home. T hey were enroute to Madras, Oregon. Harry Hultgren of the college of Idaho was an overnight guest at the H. F. Chaney home last week Vernen Carlson sold his farm, stock and implements at public auction Monday. Mns. Packwood and Mrs. Robeits L * au ction of T h e Owyhee upper room pupils gave a party and Easter egg hunt gain April 26 on the question of defeated the Wade baseball team 'consolidation with Kingman. Last Thursday at the Big Bend park. the vote was 20 against and The middle room pupils of Ow- T h e B« H A „ e a t many who yhee played W ades lower room, met Friday at the Wade school three f l a v o r to wished to vote, could not because ■ “"* •!££ T ’- n i i U «»» ™>~»">* The Wade lower room mother^ elected Janet B ell to replace him tax roll. ______________________ MY tu o 0U9 I Only $69.80 Down and monthly payments. G ive your children the best— let them learn music on the finest, the Acrosonic. This wonderful little piano has a responsive touch which makes it easy for small fingers to play, and its full rich tone makes practicing a pleasure. The Acrosonic built by Baldwin is a revelation to see— to hear— to play. Come in and see it today. Convenient terms. easy Don’t s u p press the music career of your children; Acrosonic get a B a l d w i n today. We have several models on hand. Come in and look them over. Also used pianos. P. S. All the Kids Want Acrosonics Now. Griggs Brothers and Butler Bybee Bldg, at “ Y ” ELSE CA! N YSSA r BUY SO MUCH CAR? YO U R CAR IS BEING i WRECKED Y o u ’ll find the complete line of Pitts burgh Paints in our store—a finish for e v e ry purpose, all priced to fit your pocketbook. There’s real econom y in using only the highest quality paints be cause they will w e a r longer— look better — re a lly enhance the value of your pro p e rty . Today Pittsburgh Paints, in m any respects, a re better than e v e r before. TlAOlMAtW __ __ — FO RD S IX TU DOR SEDAN U N D ERSEAL 9 T h e n 's a W M " f V for every home need. ^ M IN D This delivered price includes Oil Bath Air Cleaner, Q U IB IR IZ iO Oil filter, delivery and handling charges, gas (15 P R O T IC T IV I C O A T IN G gallons) and oil. State taxes, license and accessoriet fight« underbody deitrwtloe •f rv«t, corroiion, W H f Every mil* you drive, the undrrbody of vour car ia being a tta ck ed by fly in a rocka. gravel, corrosiva road chemicals They causa rust, rot fenders, make your car rattle and squeak G et car- protecting ’U N D E R S E A L .” the new apraved-on coating that repels rocka, rast, cor rosion, and m uffles body nomea keeps cars new and quiet riding longer I t ’.gu or onterd to protect for the Ufa of your car. extra. And it includes that wonderful new Ford "fe e l” . . . the feel o f Ford’s "M id Ship" Ride . • . "M agic Action" Brakes . . . "H ydra-Coil" and "P ara Flex” Springs . • • "Fingertip" Steering. Come in and drive the '49 Ford. You'll want to order right now. There's in your future Herriman Motor Company ^ FA S H IO N ACADEM Y OF NEW YORK SELECTS TH E 48 fO R O AS “ FASHION CAR O F TH E YEAR" W a g g o n e r M o to r Com pany SUN-PROOF— W AUHIDi— Superior exterior Paint W on d ar-w ork in g oil basa paint— covers any surfac. uniform rich sheen coating—can be washed repeatedly. —contains “ V itoliied O il« " — Prlm .r seals thoroughly— Finishing coat stays live, tough and .lastic. F10RHIDF — The Floor Paint that withstands heavy foot traffic— use it on floors and stap s o f w ood , cement, metal or wont linoleum. WATERSPAR ENAMEL — Quick-drying Enamel —give« woodwork and fumitura new beauty and added life— real eta marring— claana easily, Come in today for fRtt booklet, "Color Dynamics for Your H a m a " Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co. AND Nyssa Lumber Co.