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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1949)
* y '- r - r '- r -t- r ~ p - r r - w * - F • K l [ . I . , < -A ;. * 4 ' 7-AeNYSSA VOLUME XXX XIV NO. 16 Bulldogs Take Baseball Title In Malheur Co. JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, A PR IL 2S, l«)4t) IDAHO POWER CO. IS DICKERING FOR ELECTRIC CO-OP Liors Complete Carnival Flans For Sat. Night T h e board o f directors of the Malheur Electric Co-operative as sociation, known as the REA at Vale, has unanimously approved acceptance of an offer for pur chase of uhe system and property by the Idaho Power company. The acceptance is subject to ap proval of the membership. The election to determine the attitude of the members will be held May 16, according to information mail ed by the co-operative to custom ers. T h e system Includes 400 miles of service line and served 600 custom ers. TWO SECTIONS— 10 PAGES NYSSA SACKERS Labor Sponsors ARE PRACTICING 3 TIMES A W EEK1 Plan To Seek i New Members Twenty-three men turned out Sunday for practice with the Nvssa Nyssa Noses Out Tigers Chances On Door Prizes oa-a»ba:i team, which is entered' I ) j , , o Will Conduct 6 to 5 After Trail Must Be Bought Before n the Iiialio-Oregon league. Prac Campaign; Housing Is tice will be held each Sunday at ing 4 innings Carnival Opening Major Problem 2:30 and each Tuesday and F ri The Nyssa Buildups defeated the At their noon luncheon Monday, day at 6 p. m. until the opening Members uf the Malheur County of the season. Ontario high school bast ja il team the Nyssa Lions club completed Farm Labor Sponsoring association on the Nyssa diamond Ttiesday The players looked rather tough plans for the carnival to be held afternoon by a score of 6 to 5 to ibis week, but have prospects of decided at a meeting held Monday Saturday night,' April 30 in the developing into a fairly good team. night in the Nyssa gymnasium to clinch the [Malheur county title for the year. Nyssa gymnasium. John Del Dotto, formerly of encourage memberships In the a..- Parma, which is playing in the Featuring many attractions for Nampa, the main pitcher, looks soclation to raise money for tne Oregon division, could tie Nyssa Pete Mechiim of Nyssa is coming year's operations. young and old, the club feels that hood. in the race for the Oregon pen developing a good style of play. The association directors, meet -he carnival will be a grand suc nant in the Snake River Valley Don Syme of Payette lias a fast ing Tuesday night, decided on a league. Payette defeated Emmett cess, and that those attending will ball as a pitcher. Three Parma plan for sponsoring an active ca.u- 6 to 1 this week, throwing the reel the evening was well spent. residents are practicing with th elpaign for memberships Idaho division into a tie between team. Koas of the College of Idaho On the agricultural labor front Headliners for the event will the two teams. will try out Friday as a catcher. this year, housing is tihe major be the many concessions that have Nyssa scored one run in the Tlie new cluo suits are expected problem, association officers said, fourth inning and Ontario scored been planned, including bingo, to be cleaned and delivered May adding that living quarters will have two in the same frame, and the roulette, blackjack, fish pond, fpr- 2. Emil Stunz, A1 Chadwick. Bem - to be found for the large number 'iigers held the advantage until tune telliu;, food and beverage '“ ld Eastman and Bernard Frost uf transients who have alreauy the fifth , when the Bulldogs came Tobler's Feed and Fuel started one chick with four legs arrived will solicit the merchants to d e started arriving in the county. The James Stephen, Jr. suffered sev developing into the lead with a five-run chickens with four at the broiler plant north of town. booths and baseball and basket termine those who wish to spon labor camp at Nyssa and the p riv ere injury to his left eye Wednes drum sticks for large families last The chick is shown above in a ball throws. splurge. sor suits. ate housing available will not be One of the main attractions will Bowen scored the fourth-inning day morning when a mixture of week, but the process lacked con picture taken by Thomas Evans of adequate for the labor corps. be the door prizes, which will be -ru n on a triple and an error. In acetic acid and alcohol spurted tinuity, with the result that only Evans studio. The association would like to a mangle, automatic coffee maker the fifth, Cleaver led o ff with a front a tube during an experiment open small camps at Ontario, Vale and combination sandwich grill triple and Wilson reached first on that was conducting in general and Adrian. It can do that If tlie and w affle iron. The committee an error, as Cleaver scampered science class in the high school. membership campaign is success wishes to point out that only the The boy was immediately taken home. Pounds collected three bas ful. tickets that are now on sale will es on an error, scoring Wilson. by Superintendent Henry Hartley M any Mexicans from California, oe used as chances on the door Itamura followed Pounds with a to an Ontario eye specialist, who Prospective changes in the Nyssa New Mexico, Texas, Montana and prizes. The top part o f the ticket three-'b&jger, scoring Pounds. Bow gave assurance that he would not high school and grade school fac- other states and a goodly number will be redeemable in carnival en hit a home run with Itamura iose the sight of the eye. However, Nyssa high school continued its uliies for the coming year were of while transients have arrived money to be used at the conces on base to score two runs for Che the injury will give him consider two-year string o f track victories announced Wednesday by Super here for row crop work. Many sions and the smaller part of the victory. The next three Nyssa able pain for a few days. intendent Henry H. Hartley. are already working, but others ticket wyi give the holder a chance Th e instructor, Charles Steffens, by defeating the Baker and Emmett Nyssa batters failed to reach first. Boys Participate on the door prizes. In order to Lewis Schrati, high school science will have to await further devel Ontario scored three runs on two said the acid and alcohol would nigh school squads in an invitation teacher, has resigned to continue opment In the farm fields. In Green Bar Maneu secure chances on the door prizes, each other, but he al m eet on the local field W ed hits and an error in the sixth, but neutralize his schooling. Audrey Stall, high a person must buy his tickets be pointed out that the liquid was nesday night under the lights. did not score in the seventh. vers here school social science teacher, plans fore Saturday night. Tickets Nyssa took 63 1/3 points. Baker Each pitcher struck out six men. soiling hot when it spurted from to be married. Harold Reedy, bought at the carnival will be good Nyssa players were Wilson cf. the test tube, which is. supposed 41 1/3 and Emmett 21 1/3. Nyssa boys and their leaders were English teacher in the high school, at the concessions, but will not be Hale of Nyssa was high point Pounds 3b, Itamura if, Bowen ss, to be held with the opening away resigned, but did not announce his man with 16 '* points, followed by among the scores of Boy Scouts and included in the drawing. No ad plans. Hale 16, Takami c. Chadwick rf, from the body and face. Harold Newman, science scouters who participated in the mission will be charged for the W hen the accident occurred, Staub o f Baker with 13 3/4 points. Holcomb 2b, Cleaver p. and K now l teacher and coach in the grade carnival. Stephen and other members of the Malheur district green bar maneuv The results were as follows: es substitute for Holcomb at sec school, has resigned to take a pos Announcing a series o f meetings T h e net proceeds from the car class were conducting individual High hurdles— Hale of Nyssa, ers held in the Nyssa city park ond base. ition as superintendent of the new to be held in the Nyssa section dur nival will be used for the pur experiments to develop fruit flav Chadwick, Emmett, and Low, Nyssa. Batteries for Ontario were district at Adrian. April 23 and -24. ing the next few days, Charles chase o f equipment for the hos ors. :16.3. Jackson and Davis. Dale Overstake, a world war vet Chritton, field supervisor for tlie Members of troop 19 o f Nyssa pital. M ile run— Bush of Nyssa, Parrott, eran who has been attending Colo- wheat division of tlie Malheur collected wood and willows and Baker, Hunter, Emmett, 4:53. lado State college at Boulder, will County Agricultural Conservation RULES GOVERNING 100-yard dash, Stub. Baker, made other necessary arrangements relace Mr. Schrag. association, stated that "In the face SAFETY ARE CITED Takami, Nyssa, Wilson, Nyssa. :10.2. for the camp Saturday afternoon, Miss Marie Coate, principal of of prospects for the second largest 4 4 0 - yard run— Peter, Baker, A fter the patrols had set up the the Halfway high school, has been wheat crop this year in the na Representatives of the Nyssa Smither Peter, Baker, Pecka, Nyssa, campsite and demonstration area employed to succeed Mr. Reedy. tion's history, it looks like there public safety council met with the :S6.7. they cooked their supper and at M. S. Ingebrltsen, principal of will ibe some kind of curtailment 220-yard—Staub, Takami, Chad- 8 o'clock held a demonstration, In Mrs. Roscoe Smith of Seattle, city firemen Monday night to dis- the „Glenns Ferry h jjh school, will of acres fo r 1940, possibly an al T lie Nyssa grade school will pre field lecturer for the Research I cuss plans to encourage motorists wich of Nyssa, :22.9. cluding water purification, camp replace Miss Stall. lotment” . ■ 860-yarcf—Peters, Bear of Nyssa, sanitation and «packs and pudatng. sent its annual spring program in Poitndntic:» f >r A' ‘»holism of ihç to drive to the curb when a fire Murl Lancaster, superintendent T iie A C A is now securing data state of Washington, told members tiuck or other emergency vehicle Hindman, Baker, 2:09. Around the campfire, the boys die N y ;* » gyimv-sium M ay 5 at of schools at Fruitland. will take on all crops raised on each farm 8 p. m. This year it w ill be en approaches or at the time of the Pole vault— Thompson, Baker, o f the Nyssa Lions club at a lunch sang songs, played games and stag Mr. Newman's place in the grade ■for the past five years to form a Krul, Nyssa, Lowe, Nyssa and ed stunts, with Leon Myers of On titled “ Latin American Fiesta". eon Monday noon that alcoholism sounding of the fire siren. soflool. basis for the farm program. • The orchestra will play “O Soli “ Firem en also aprpeal to children Olson, Nyssa, tied for third, 10 is definitely a disease and should tario, scout executive, in charge. "Quite a number of farmers have M io”, "M aria M ari", "D on Jaun", a receive the prpoer medical atten and parents not to dash into a feet, 8 inches. Following reveille and a flag during tlie war years and since öhotput—Howell, Emmett, Pecka, ceremony conducted by an Ontario Spanish serenade, and “ La Con- street to see in which direction the tion. diverted many o f their acres to The Mrs. Smith, wife of a physician, emergency vehicle is traveling. As Chadwick of Emmett, 43 feet, 8Vi troop at 6:45 Sunday morning, the chita’’, a Mexican tango. our so-called war crops", Mr. Chrit- pointed out that "practically all all of the firemen's cars are equip inches. boys prepared breakfast and clean remained of the rogram will con Uin said. “ Where this was done, Discus—Long, Nyssa, Mitchell, ed up their campsites, which were sist of songs and dances. Those alcoholics want to quit drinking. ped w ith red lights, they are even thouijh no wheat was grown easily identified at night. Nyssa, Donaldson, Emmett, 118 feet, inspected by Leon They hate to be slaves to alcohol Myers and assisting the teachers witli the that farm will retain its original Council members attending the 10 ism. There is no disease that Inches. Dusty Rhodes o f Ontario, scout dance routines were Mrs. Roland A home talent jamboree will be wheat status. T h at is one reason Highjum p—Chadwick of Emmett, commissioner. The inspection was Maw, Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and Fred held in the Nyssa theater May 9 at why it Is important that we re brings as much grief to the victim firemen's meeting were Hamilton Baker, (three way) followed by demonstrations and eric Fife. or his or her fam ily as alcoholism. Chadderdon and Charles Landreth Thompson, 9 o'olock under tlie auspices of ceive Uiis history at every farm, T h e numbers will be given as Hunter, Nyssa, Cruishank, Emmett practice in knots and pioneering, It is definitely a disease and science tlie women’s auxiliary o f Malheur regardless of whether wheat has follows: Sixth grade, Mexico, "Pul and Wyckoff, Baker, 6 feet, inch. mapping and compass and knife is 'beginning to recognize it as such. Memorial Hospital association. The been grown ill the ast few years. omita” , "Chiapanecas” , "L a Cuca- Drunkenness is simply exposing Javelin—Long, Nyssa, Donald, and axe. auxiliary, attempting to secure all "This Information must be In the Emmett, Pounds, Nyssa, 167 feet, one's self to alcoholism. Around A t the church services, following racha” and "T h e Jaratae"; fifth of the best talent in Nyssa for the hands of our county committee in grade, Panama and Peru, “H ojita 1 H inches. five per cent of all those who singing and reading of the scrip show, will also give the Jamboree the next few days. T lie committee Broadjump—Hale, Nyssa, Staub, ture, Joe Wagner of Ontario gave De Guarumal” , “ The Shepherd", in observance of National liospital is anxious to see that our quota drink alcohol in any form become "The Llam a" and "T h e Reaping Cruishank, 19 feet 5 inches. alcoholics. That is the crux of a short talk on scouting and re in this county be as large as pos Song"; Junior high school, Argen day. M ay 12. Fred Keeny, who was employed R elay—'Nyssa, Baker, Emmett, ligion. the situation. W hy do 95 per cent T7ie program will consist of danc sible. This is not an obligation on tina and Brazil, "El Capotln” , "L a on the Roy Holmes farm three 1:35.8. of them not become alcoholics? In a firebuilding and cooking ing, singing, instrumental numbers, Hie part o f the farmer, but it does "T h e disease cannot be cured oy miles southwest of Nyssa, died demonstration at 10 a. m., the Golondrina", "Estrelita" and "The readings, impersonations of movie put the history o f his farm in present-day medical treatment. E l Wednesday morning after a short WINNERS REVEALED members of troop 19, under the Last Campfire", and finale, by all stars and skits. form that can be, i f allotments are M r. Keeney became ill imination of ttie desire is the only illness. direction of Scoutmaster Walter grades, "Americas, Shake Hands' Booths fo r sale of tickets will be given, to his advantage” . Wednesday morning and was found IN POSTER CONTEST MoPartland, demonstrated the use cure” . open In tlie post office und between Sign-up meetings in this section Mrs. Smith said there are four dead in his bunk at noon. of aluminum foil for cooking, the NYSSA RESIDENTS (he Idaho Power building and of tlie county will be held as fol Mr. Keeny, who had been em methods of treatment. The relig The winners of the annual Dutch oven, the reflector oven and Eder's store this week-end and all lows: Adrian, today and Friday, SEEKING CHARTER of ious appeal, as it has 'been handled ployed by Mr. Holmes three years, American Legion auxiliary poppy without utensils. next week each day from 11 a. April 28 and 2» in the old post through the years, is only tempor had lived here and at Caldwell poster contest were announced this The maneuvers were concluded FOR TOASTMASTERS m. until 1 p. m. und from 3 to 6. o t h e r building; Nyssa. city hall, ary, site stated. The psychiatric for several years. week by the Nyssa American Legion with a demonstration o f tent except that on Saturday booths will Saturday, April 30 and Monday, Survivors are a daughter. Mis. auxiliary. approach is o f value to only about pitching and wide area games and A group o f Nyssa men have be open all day. I f the sale of May 9 between tlie hours of 8 a. one in 25. The aversion treatment Dorothy Ferri o f Oakland, C ali Winners for the junior high di a flag ceremony. sent an application to Toastmast tickets exceeds the number of seats m. and 5 p. m. and Sunset valley fornia; two brothers. Henry and is very successful, said Mrs. Smith, vision include Doris Rigney, first ers, International, Santa Ana, Cali in the theater, a repeat perform community hall, Tuesday, M ay 3 who also discussed briefly the John, and a sister, Mrs. Maud ■prize; Carol F ife, second prze, and fornia fo r a charter for organ ance will be given. from 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. MEXICAN IS HELD Johnson of Oakland. Vela Dee Poulsen, Ann House and pentothol interview method. ization of a Toastmasters club here Farmers may also sign up at the Mrs. Ferri w ill be here Friday to Phyllis Hadley, honorable mention. ON WEAPON CHARGE T h e maximum membership al A. C. A. office in the city hall in IMPROVEMENT OF arrange lo r funeral services. The In the grade school group, Garry lowed under the charter is 30. Ontario during the next few days. 3 NYSSA WOMEN body is in the Nyssa funeral home. F ife was awarded first prize; Har- Jose J. Soto, a Mexican, charged Twenty men have signified their MAIL BOXES URGED HURT IN ACCIDENT ryette Gardner, second; and Bar with carry a concealed weapon, Intention of joining the club. The COMMITTEE SEEKS bara Baker, Jean W alker and was fined $100 and sentenced to group is holding a few places for HIGH GRADES MADE Johnny T lie postoffice department has Chavez, honorable mention. 100 days In jail by Judge Don M. farm leaders or potential leaders. designated the First week in May M rs .. W alter Nye of Nyssa was CARRIER SERVICE BY MILLER JENSEN The prizes consist of $2.50 for first Graham in justice court April 25. Farmers who are interested in be as Knrul Mail Box Improvement still in the Holy Rosary hospital prize and $1 for second prize. Wednesday suffering from injuries During a quarrel with lose coming members, even though they week. A chamber of commerce com M iller Jensen of Nyssa has earn The prize winning posters are on Qrayilva and Alex Lopez, Soto is cannot meet during the summer, sustained in an automobile accident Rural mail Boxes. Which are Im mittee working on a plan to secure six miles south o f Fruitland last ed a place on the University of display at the Nyssa R ealty office. alleged to have told .them he was may contact Hamilton Ohadder- properly erected or which are not city mail delivery, reports that the Oregon honor roll for the winter going home to get his gun. When don or Ed Knettle. Friday evening. in good servlcable condition, should two principal factors preventing Mrs. Lee M iller and Mrs. Tam term, according to information re Automobile Damaged— he returned to the Ace Pastime Th e proposed meeting date Is be properly erected or replaced the establishment o f carrier ser Bernard Frost's automobile was with the gun city police officers Friday and the meeting place with a servlcable box. Weeks of Nyssa, who were riding ceived here by his mother, Mrs. vice are lack of sidewalks and with Mrs. Nye in an automobile M ary E. Jensen from H. K . New- badly damaged Friday night when placed him under arrest. Brownie’s c a f e . The gather Boxes without names On them house numbers. driven by Harold Brumquist, were burn, president of the university. it was hit by a truck operated by a ings will be breakfast meetings, should have the names affixed in Inform ation on numbering of In order to "m ake” the honor hit-and-run driver about four miles hospitalized for bruises and shock. starting at 7 o’clock. ilack letters one inch in helglh, houses and also the numbers may DEMONSTRATION ON They were later dismissed from roll, a student must make at least north o f Nyssa. C lifford Coleman, and the boxes and posts painted be secured at the city hall free half A's and half B's in his cours driving the car, and Janice Frost WEED SPRAY GIVEN Return From Trip— the hospital. white. T hey should tie erected 3 of charge. Property owners m and another young couple were re T h e automobile in which the es. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Freeman and 14 or 4 feet above the surface each block are asked to have side "Such a fine scholastic showing turning to Nyssa from Ontario Nyssa residents were driving and a How to save mean tempers and have returned from a month's tup if the ground. walks laid a block at a time. This As aching backs by spraying for weeds that took them into Nevada, A r i car operated by Mrs. Mildred is worthy of high praise", Mr. New- when the accident occurred. Where It Ls convenlntly possible, method provides sidewalks at French collided when Mrs. French burn said. “ It is not an easy task the truck approached from the on ditch banks was demonstrated zona, Mexico, and California. Deep boxes which can be grouped to cheaper cost. was turning into the driveway at even for a student with consider south, Coleman was forced to drive on several farms in the county sea fishing was enjoyed in Mexico. gether, should be grouped, exped "T h e sooner the people co-oper able ability, to make such a high onto the Shoulder of the road and recently, according to Oeonje Bain, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman visited Cat iting delivery of the mails. her home near Fruitland. ate in numbering their houses and average under the high academic even then the car was not far county extension agent. alina Island, making the trip back installing the sidewalks the soon standards which the university enough over to avoid the crash. LE G IO N A U X IL A IR Y M EETS By mixing one quart at a contact to the mainland from Catalina by er we will get carrier servlep". S P R IN G C O NC ER T HELD At a meeting o f the American seeks to maintain. You have every No one was Injured. knockdown chemical, fifteen gallons plane. In California, they visited Bernard A large crowd attended the Committee Chairman Legion and the American Legion reason to be proud of M iller and o f fuel oil, and 85 gallons of water the Palomar conservatory, and sev spring concert presented by the Frost said. auxiliary held at the veterans hall | this note is just to tell you that Returns To Home— and spraying this mix on approxi eral missions. They visited at the Nyssa high school band under the last Thursday evening, the prize we, too, appreciate the outstand Mrs. Emma P, Kesler of Burley, mately an acre of ditch bank or home of M r and Mrs. F*red Bur direction o f Lynn Lawrence at the Graduation Scheduled— winning essays in the recent essay ing work he is doing here". Idaho left Monday morning for fence row, the annual weeds and gess at Compton, California. All high school gymnasium Tuesday Graduation of the guide boys her home after visiting at the grasses die within 48 hours, Bain types o f weather, from snow storms evening. T h e rogram opened with of the L. D. 8. second ward will contest were read. home of her two sons, V. L. and explained He says that 100 gallons to dust storms, were encountered the spirited University of Idaho be held Sunday night at 8 o'clock For these essays, Jimmy Liss- Attend Church Meeting— Mrs. Nick Sralt. Mrs. Teresa Ber- C. R. Kesler, She visited here In of this m ix will cost about $6 00 or on the trip. man was resented with a prize of Th e eight boys, March by K. L. K ing and closed in the chapel. $10, and Bhirley Dola/i with a anek. Mrs. Herman Towne and Mr. January, went to Portland to visit less, and should cover at least one- To New Plymouth— with Sousa's El Capltan March. Rodney Beus. Richard and Robci t prize of $5. Both Lissman and and Mrs 8tan!ey Ooulet attended her daughter for two months and half mile of ditch bank or fence Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler and An interesting number was the Eaplin, Ronny Ooopera, LaVelle Miss Dolan are freshman at Nyssa a church meeting at the Catholic returned here the latter part of row, depending on the width of the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler were M ilitary Escort played In four In Day, Carl Kesler, Ivan Flake and church in Pendleton Monday. high school. March. strip sprayed visitors Sunday at the Evan Tobler terpretations. T lie novelty num Oary Fife, have completed eight Following the joint meeting, the home in New Plymouth ber. "Down on the Farm", a medley years of primary work. Their To Pocatello— auxiliary met for its regular meet Sen Born— l.eave fo r Í ouer D'Alene >f fam iliar tunes, was especially leather this year ls Mrs. Carl Jen M rs Louise M cO avem left Sun ing. Mrs. E. K. Burton gave a Dr. and Mrs. John K op p are the Mr and Mrs. H. K. C o llin » s ill Pre-School Nursery Organised— sen. Tlie graduation will be con enjoyed by the audience. talk on Venezuela which has been day lo r Pocatello, where she will parents o f a son bom on April 18 leave Friday for a visit with Mrs. Mrs. Rolland Laurence i*f Nyssa ducted under the direction o f the visit for sometime. selected as the national auxiliary's at the Holy Rosary hospital. The Collin's son. Merlin O'Neill, at i has organized a co-operative nurs- Visit Here— primary jiresldent, Mrs. Elwood baby /weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces, Couer D'Alene, Idaho. Pan-American country for the year. ery school for pre-school children. The boys will be pre Mr. and Mrs, A1 Thompson of Flinders. O fficers announced that at the Daughter has been named James Robert. ------------------------ The school ls held each Thursday Enterprise visited in Nyssa W e d sented to Bishop Hubert Christen Mr. and Mrs Alva Watta at meetirsf to be held M ay 5, election To Hold Thrift Sale— afternoon and follows the program nesday. Th ey were en route home sen and he in turn will present of officers will be elected. Further Parma are the parents of a daugh Return From Portland— A thrift sale w ill be held by the < itt larger pre-school play schools. Irani Tw in Falls, Where they vis- them to Scoutmaster Leo W. Child. plans were also made for the round ter. M artha Ellen, bom April It. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell St. Paul's guild at the parish hall Mrs Laurence has been assisted in ited their daughter. Mr. and Mrs The boys were honored Wednesday robin benefit parties to be given W atts W manager of the Watts .returned Sunday front a three day May 9. 3. 4. and 6 from 1 until 4 the nursery sc hool bv Mrs Harold | Thompson, former Nyssa residents, with a apodal dance and party at Seed company of Nyssa and Parma business trip to Portland. by the auxiliary members. p m. | Henlgson and Mrs. Frank Pollard, also attended to business here. the Nyssa chapel. Boy’s Eye Hurt In Experiment Local Faculty Changes Made Nyssa W ins In Scouts Conduct Three-way Meet Maneuvers For County Troops Wheat Sign-up Meetings Set Alcoholism Is Subject O f Talk Children W ill Give Program Talent Show To He Staged Here ',4 Fred Keeny O f Nyssa Succumbs