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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1949 Social Notes BON V O Y A G E P A R T Y G IV E N Mrs. Don Graham was honor guest at a party given by the mem bers of the American Legion M on day evening at the American Legion hall, prior to her depart ure Wedne-xiay from New York on a trip to England for a visit. T oe evening was spent informally, with Linda Myrick giving a sontg and tap dance number. Mrs. Oraham was presented with a g ift and bon voyage messages were written in a book fo r her. The refresh ment table was centered with an If- you’re choosy about WALLPAPER , arrangement of spring flowers, with Roy Bibbey presented a skit and HO NORED O N B lilT H D A Y T U E S D A Y CLUB P L A Y S I demonstrate the various new danc Mrs. Ella Smith was honored at T h e members of the Tuesday es learned during that period. | the tea service at one end o f the some musical numbers. Bingo was her home last week on her 82 -5 - table and at the other an arrange- | in play dining the evening, with evening bridge club were guests PR E S ID E N T HONORED tnis week at the home of Mrs. birthday. Neighbors and friends nient of ships on a mirror with prizes going to the winners. At Henry Hartley. Mrs. Ersel Beus. retiring presi called during the afternoon, be-1 High score was) figurines, carrying out the de- the close of the evening refresh- held by Mrs. BurnaU Brown and dent of the Nyssa Second ward sides her children and grandchil parture theme. Refreshments were ments of sandwiches, salad and second high by Mrs. John Beck- R elief society, was honored with a dren who were with her lo r the served by the Legion auxiliary coffee were served by the hostesses, 11 am. Guests for the evening were I party Monday afternoon in the ■ occasion. A high light o f the a f members. Mrs. Graham will sail Mrs. Roy B.ooey and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Beckham an d 1 church, where the members m e t1 ternoon was the serving of the from New York City April 25 on storm, Mrs. Frank Cranney. 1 to pay their respects and best' birthday cake, which had been the S. S. Nieuw Amsterdam for —« _ 1 wishes. Games were the diversion | sent from Iowa by Mrs. Sm ith’s her home in Brighton, Sussex, A N N IV E R S A R Y OBSERVED of the afternoon, and refreshments 1 oldest brother, Dr. W. F. Dean. D ANCE F E S T IV A L HELD England. She will roturn home Marzene Gardner was guest ol Mrs. Beus received Members of the fam ily who were Approximately 100 dancers took were served. in the same ship June 23. Mrs. honor at a party given Saturday part in a special floor show and a lovely church book, in appreci-1 present included Mr. and Mrs. Graham will be met in Stuttgart,I evening when Mrs. Ja k Sopher stake dance festival held in Nyssa ation of her services during the Dean Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Germany by her niece, Mrs. Nora en.ertain-d in honor of her birtn- at the school gymnasium Friday, past year. She recently moved to Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fry, W ittl'ff and the two will go to day. Games were enjoyed, with re- April 15. with a capacity in at Sunset valley. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Tucker and •aris for a visit. j irt omenta being served at the tendance. T h e dances were un family, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Paris — J— _____ close of the evening. The honor der the direction of the stake HO NORED A T P A R T Y of Pocatello, Mrs. Lucille John CHURCH G R O U P E N T E R T A IN E D gm .t received a number ol gilts dancer director, Mr. Grover, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Storm were ston of Twin Falls and Dwight The members o f the Loyalty lor the occasion, his assistants from each ward. guests of honor Easter Sunday in Johnston of Ontario. lass of the Christian church en- — $— Laurel Hall, activity counselor gave their home in celebration o f their .ertained the members o f the E N T E R T A IN A T D IN N E R the welcome address. eleventh w e d d i n g anniversary. L E G IO N A U X IL IA R Y M EETS C ime-Dotlble" younger married Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Poulsen en- The dancers, especially dressed Those present were Mr. and Mrs. The American Legion auxiliary people's class at the church Tues lecia.ned with an Easter Sunday for the occasion, presented the fo l Storm and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. met April 7 at the Veterans build day evening. Henry Storm and dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Elden lowing dances: Rey Waltz, three- Ralph Capper of Nyssa, Mr. and ing. Plans were discussed lor the Pearsen and Mr. and Mrs. Milton step, Berlinr polka, tango, Gavotte. Mrs. Percy Capper of Nyssa, Mr. j series of bridge or pinochle bene Carver and families o f Apple val- s -hottiche, the American fox trot, and Mrs. Glen Osborn of Parma fit parties to be given by mem 1 u . '*■ I**-:* ley. In the aUernoon an Easter varsovienne. Mazurka and Senor- and Mr. and Mrs. Roy M iller and bers of the group. egg hunt was held with B ry ce, Ua M ia Tang0 q , special interest Gordon o f Parma. In the a fter Mrs. E. H. Pleshman gave a talk Career reieiving the prize. Group and color was Che plain quadrille noon a long distance call was put on child welfare. The announce pictures were taken to be sent to given by members of the Nyssa through to Gering, Nebraska to ment was made o f the Legion aux | Udell Poulsen, who is on an L. D. second ward. Mrs. Storm's sister, Mrs. Cecil iliary district convention to be held 8. mission in Finland. In the stake floor show, “T h e j Richards. .n Bums April 30 at 2:30 p. m. Blue Danube” , the dancers per- j What’s the fare M A R R IE D IN JAPAN formed under green and yellow | Miss Fusako Faye Nakagawa, spjtUghts, which cast a lovely, from here to — daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jakichi graceful, atmosphere albout the en Nakagawa of Watsonville, C ali tire dance The affair, free to the PORTLAND fornia, and Raymond Hashitani, public, is held once each year, to The answer is son of Mr. and Mrs H. K Hash itani of Nyssa, were united in mar surprisingly low riage at a ceremony performed at the general headquarters chapel center In Tokyo on the afternoon of April 10. A reception followed at the Prince Takamatsu house at Tokyo. Mrs. Hasnitanl, who is from California, has been employ ed on the general headquarters Fares to a mapful o f other staff in Japan. Mr. Hasnitanl Is points . . . near or far . . . a graduate of the Nyssa high By I.ew Herriman are also a m a z in g ly low. FU - -JI m school and of Oregon State college. You don't have to hit a radio And you save 20% on the —I — jackpot to get into big money. D IN N E R G IVEN FOR CLUB T ra v e l Q u iz : J return trip when you buy roun d t rip tickets. Go Greyhound — Go now I W . '*•< ' .VBri There are N O LOW'HR LARES You’ll wont to see ' cur hundreds Typical Bargains iwtui Ogden, Utah Portland, Ore. Los Angeles, Calif. Denver, Colo. I,a Grande. Ore. Cheyenne, Wyo. ] of new patterns . . . p r i c e d to fit your daccrating budget DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE $ 7.55 7.70 18.05 18.30 3.05 17.05 D E PO T AT C A R L'S D O LL IlOUSJj GREYHOUND IE ID S IN COURTFSY/ For Your A irplane D usting Needs Call Us For Immediate Service WE ARE PREPARED TO DUST YOUR BEETS, PEAS, POTATOES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, ONIONS AND OTHER SEED Mrs’.*'Joe Maughan entertained Ju-St mvent 'somt' 1“ “ the members of her Wednesday ° r P*°Ple w an t.. .and you'll have evening bridge club at a dinner a fortune you can't cart o ff in a at the Doll House last week. Bridge wheelbarrow. T h e mlllmaker who followed the dinner, with prizes f “ ‘st Kot Che idea of putting erasers going to Miss Kay Peterson a n d , “ n _Uu* encl j r f a 'pencil garnered Mrs. Gene Fle.vlimun. Guest play a cool $100,000. A prairie farmer ers for the evening were Miss Pet invented barbed wire, and Gillette erson, Mrs. Flesliman and Mi's was a traveling salesman when he got tile idea for his razor. The Robert Talbot. fellow who first made a kiddy car —§ - for his offspring patented the GARDEN CLUB M EETS Mrs. Walter McPartland enter brainstorm and made a million. tained Che members of Che A. N. Find a new idea or a new twist K. garden club at her home Tues for an old Idea, and you're in. Let's day afternoon. Mrs. Glenn Suit see, now if we bend this hairpin... The Russ claim they’ll make er announced that Che Amalgamat ed Sugar company would furnish films that you can see and hear, he White Satin miniature sugar and also smell. A local critic claims lacks to be used as favors at the Hollywood has been doing that for National federation of Garden years. I f you’d like to see a star Clubs convention to be held in performance on car repairs and Portland in June. The group made services, stop in and see our auto plans for a covered dish luncheon motive experts a t work at HHRRI- meeting at which time the favors M AN M O TO R OO. Phone 77. will be made. Mrs. Maurice Judd had charge of the program which consisted of reports on table ar rangements that might be used when garden flowers were not available. Refreshments followed the meeting, served by Mi-s. Mc Partland and the co-hostess, Mrs. C. H. Bennett. The May meeting I will be held at the home of Mrs. i Dale Ashcraft. C O O K -JO H N S O N Dusting Service, Inc. Phone Parma 37 Phone Caldwell 1034-.J N Y S S A p r o g r a m T elephone IOÔ THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AP.R1L 22-23 Love Thrills! Adventure Thrills! Star Thrills! MGM PRESENTS LASSIE In “ HILLS OF HOME” Filmed In Technicolor Edmund Gwenn —Donald Crisp Tom Drake—Janet Leigh COLOR CARTOON AND SPORTS Mat . I a I h I M ) Adm. ,.tk 8 i Adm. tvrnlngs 44c-9c Inc. Tax I t v SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 24-25 Veronica Lake— Mona Freeman Marry Hatcher Billy DeWolfe In "ISN’T IT ROMANTIC” Three lovely girls wrestle with the problem of getting their dad to work so they can wed . . . Oldtime songs in the days when niehelodeons and bicycles were the rage. Mat., Sun., t:it, Adm. 30r-9e. Inc. Tax. Adm. Evening» 44c-Sc Inc. Tax TUESDAY. APRIL 26 BARG AIN NIGHT Ray Milland Florence Marly In “ SEALED VERDICT” 2-REEL WESTERN MUSICAL SPORTS AdniLnsion 30c-9c, Inc. T ax . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. APRIL 27-28 Dick Powell— Malta Toren Vincent Price Stephen McNally In “ ROGUES’ REGIMENT” A story o f Love and Adventure in the far East! CARTOON Matinee Wednesday 2:30, Admission 30c-9e. Adm. Evenings 44c-9e Inc. Tax :g ||gj2 ED UC ATO RS ELECT The Nyssa Education association, meeting Wednesday, April 6, with Miss Margery Nihard presiding, elected officers for the 1949-50 year. The new officers are Mrs. Dor othy Nolan, president; Mrs. Muriel Judd, vice president; Miss Kathryn Crandall, secretary; Miss Viola Fothergill, treasurer, and Miss Viola Dunkley, reporter. They will assume their duties in September, j Refreshments were served by Mrs. Engstrom and her committee. W O M EN T O M EET T h e Women's society o f the Me :hodist chiirch w ill meet Thurs day, April 28 at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. S. W. Smiley. Guest speaker for the afternoon w ill be Mrs. J. N. Crump of Payette dis trict, president o f the W. S. C. S. M ISCELLANEO US— Attention bean growers. Bybee Brothel's have or ganized a bean growing association in Nyssa. Lim ited amount o f seed available, acreage wanted, phone 25J or 05J3. 21alxc ■ V > TYPE 112 SHEETS AND CASES A T THESE NEW LOW PRICES " ^ : id d :— i 00 X 108 ...........................$1.69 90 X 99 .............................. $1.69 81 X 108............................ $1.69 8 1 X9 9 $1.69 72 X 108 .............................. $1.59 42 X 36 Cases.......................... 39 TYPE 140 SHEETS AND CASES ALSO A T REDUCED PRICES 81 X 108 ........................... $1.79 81 X 99 ............................ $1.79 Herriman Motor Company P R O PS D IN N E R HO STS Mr. and Mrs. Geonje M itchell entertained at dinner on Easter Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Donnelly and daughters o f Cald well. Mrs. Charles Ross and Dale Donelly of Council. Idaho, and Miss Doris Kuntz of Boise. S HE E T S NEWS VIEWS by ß R B ^ 0UND There will be a banquet in the eve ning, followed by a social time. Anyone wishing id attend is asked to write for reservations to the Burns auxiliary. The members of the Nyssa auxiliary expressed thanks to all those who had as sisted w ith the purchase of the oxygen tent fo r the hospital. 72 X 108 ........................... $1.79 42 X 36 Cases ..........................39 Golden Rule Store NYSSA imSBBmSS8& SHOP HERE & Save More - - j Malheur District Hoy Scout GREEN BAR Maneuvers A pril 23-24 C IT Y PARK IN N YSSA Visitors will be wel come at the demonstra tions and other man euvers. Demonstrations at 8 p. m. Saturday and at 8:45 a. m., 10 a. m. and 1 |>. m. Sunday. Church service at 9:30 a. m. Sunday. We suggest that par ents and friends of scouts give encourage ment to the boys. H E R R IM A N MOTOR CO. Grapefruit Juice Arrow Rock PEAS V ELV EETA Cheese CA M PB ELL S 4 6 oz. can 3 Pounds Pure Porl< 22c Saus ;age U Cans 89 c Pound 29c ^rank furters 35c •ON f r 4 2 Pounds 7 Ç C 3 cans Tomato Soup 25c SQ W 1RES I9 C COFFEE P°U"d A n y Brand 52c w ILLIAfUS FOOD 1MARKET PHONE 284-W PRICES GOOD THROUGH SUNDAY FREE DELIVERY