Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
TOTTRNAL. NYSSA, OREGON- THURSDAY. APRII. .21, THE W SSA GATE CITY M Y S S PACE FIV E PH A R M A C Y 21 , 22 and 23 REXALL Drug Store Y o u r C o rn e r e a a iC ORIGINAL NE CENTS mom B y. •• : V of 2 for / plus 1c Not 1c Sale Merchandise. Super Values Offered in Appreciation o f Yo ur Patronage. Sorry — only One Solo to a C uttom or, Subject to Stock on H a nd . 0 f0 k a » fO t 5 Q C m M S B ’ ’ s iia ' - i H elen Cornell ......... SPtCIM COLD WAVE KIT ^ 4? Victoria Water Bottle 0k0% 2 for 1,99 I I MIC 0 2 for 1,91 Adrienne . . . “ u Beauty a Budget” c on -------- w ... ' -------1 «‘ ¡«n« Powders i Creams, lotions, Powders ft ft Lipsticl Lipsticks A few drops keep your hair ^ *% 0 2 for 2 9 c “and, Mama, don't forget my Hall's!” orderly. 4 ezs. . . R E G . 25c Full pound tin of Baby Talc. R EG . - . 9 , . ^ 0 0k 2 for 0 9 c M M Rexall Eyelo ^ 0 0k 2 for 9 9 e QUALITY tKSJm d OUALITY 2 r .r S 0 e PRODUCT For protection from Moth ^ q u a lity ^ * requirements in o child’s diet 7 2 s . . . 1 2 0 0 SIZE Reg. ^ 0 \0 2 for 2*91 ^ 0 * 0 0 Cocoanut Oil Shampoo plus spray I »■"VALUE M M for 8 6 c ^ 0 This Is »set e Tc Sole Offer but you pay only Ic for »he 7tc sprey. 0k 0 2 for 1,91 The W hole Tew« * T a lk in g About , *50,000 Chocolate Syrup a « . EE*g. I St, 7 oz. Tin 9 f o r 2 7 C ÍL HARRIS ft ALICE FAYE I t o • :« '• !] \ t|Q v c r*4 J O fU tf it 5 A ll Rficas listed ¡« T h ii Advert;* • » • *» that >•»•/ »• Siza t Vaf*R« l# p re te -t M o i b - foc»wF«r t Sv«s«t»»d f e ll Retail Frica » !»#<•• are S e l e c t U Federal Tee. On Our R e x a ll R ad io Show ‘ » • r * Su n day Iv o . ^ fo r$ % P * PRODUCT Helen Cornell Shampoo end Defender Shampoo Sprey 2 for 1*70 _ 0 Æ 0 0 0 Special Combination! N o t a O n e C e n t S a le It e m H u t an U n u s u a l V a lu e V e ry s p e c ia lly p r ie d I 4 9 c 1 0 0 's QUALITY Ü M 1 H ABDG Multiple Capsules 4 especially important vi- tomins. 50 s $ 1 .0 0 S IZ E £ Full 5 grain aspirin te overcome ordinary pain and High Potency Cod liver Oil Rich source of Vitamins A & D. 16 ozs. $ 1 .7 5 SIZE PRODUCT simple headaches. All doily vitamin supplements having known ABDG Multiple Capsules 4 .s p e c ia lly ¡mportoni vi- tomins. 5 0 '.. » 1 .0 0 SIZE - o* - 1 / i l 2 fO t 1 , V I m 2 for the price o f 1 plus 1 c Regular 39c, 2 fo r 40c REXALL SACCH ARIN TABLETS, Sweetening tobleli; ft groin, 1000'c,. . , Regular 16c, 2 f . r 17c REXALL puretest ASPIRIN TABLETS Polycaps for Children M O D S VA LU ES at *0 0 M ONACET CO M PO UN D TABS, For hoodoch.s, 25 s ................................................ Regular 29c, 2 fo r 30c H YDRO GEN PERO XIDE, 10% by volume. Pint.......................................................... Regular 43c, 2 fo r 46c 2 for 4 0 e Reg. 39e Pint 2 for 7 9 c damage. Pint . . 75c S IZ E 2 for 2,91 0 REXALL REX -SA LV IN E, For burns, 1 ft ounc. t u b ....................................................R.gular 49c, 2 fo r 50c *9 0 ** Elkay’s Moth Killer ft Control Liquid 0k 0 ^ 2 for 7,79 REXALL FO O T P O W D ER, 4 ouncos................................................................................. Regular 29c, 2 fo r 30c sp o onfu l in w ater fo r la xotivo use. prs. for 7 9 c m k D. 16 ozs. .$ 1 .7 5 SIZE REXALL PURETEST RUBRINO A LC O H O L CO M PO UN D, Pint................................. R.gular 49c, 2 fo r 70c GLYCERINE SU PPO SITO RIES, Infants', I2 's ............................................................... Regular 35c, 2 fo r 3»c One tea sp oon fu l In w ater acts a t a n anta cid . O ne fab le - ^ 2 for 70 C LAVENDER SH AVE CREAM , M .ntholal.d loth.r or Brushtoss, choic#. . Rag. 49c .a c h , 2 fo r 50c REXALL SH A V IN G LO T IO N , t ouncos......................................................................... R.gular 55c, 2 fo r 5«c Red rubber. Non-slip outside finish. Chocolate reg . 7 St rr 2 Rich source of Vitamins A *0 0 LAVENDER AFTER SH A VE LO T IO N , 4 o u n c.s.......................................................... Regular 75c, 2 f . r 7 * c Rex-Maid Household Gloves colored lining. High Potency Cod Liver Oil ^ REXALL PEARL TOOTH PO W D ER, 3 f t o u n c.s...................................... R.gular 29c, 3 fo r 30c REXALL K LEN ZO TOOTH PASTE, 3 ft o u n c.s.............................................................Regular 45c, 2 fo r 4«c REXALL M ILK O f M AG N ESIA TOOTH PASTE, 2 ft o u n c.s...............................25c Sice, 2 fo r 2 « c REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA ANTACID AND LAXATIVE 2 for o 9 c *00 REXALL TOOTH PASTE, 2% o u n c .s ...................................................................... R.gular 30c, 2 fo r 31 c Polishes g en tly; cleanses thoroughly. Reg. 2 9 c Tube ^ 2 prs. for 79e Elkay’s Moth Killer ft Control Liquid REXALL CO LD CREAM , 2 o u n c .t................................................... PRODUCT Delightful flavor, reg . 7St n. M A SC A L’S HAND LO T IO N . Full pint.................................................. R.gular 59c, 2 fo r 60c GO O O FO RM N YLO N H AIR N E T ....................................................................................R.gular 10c, 2 f . r 11c REXALL BRITEN TOOTH PASTE & 0 fo r 8 $ C LAVENDER RATH SALTS o r B O D Y POW DER, Your c h o ic ...........R.gular »1.00 .a c h , 2 f a r 1.01 ADRIENNE VELOUR PUFF, V / . " s i c . ............................................................................ R.gular 15c, 3 f a r l« c ¿fe * ^ 2 REXALL TIN Y TOT BABY O IL , Anlis.ptic, 6 ounens..............................................37c Sica, 2 f . r 58c First Time at One Cent Sale Prices l loxative. Non habit forming; non Sic £ 00k A D RIEN N I RATH PO W D ER, 7</t o u n c e ..................................................... R.gular $1.00, 3 f . r 1.01 *0 0 k & 0 0 0 _ Each, Reg. 69e Pint ^ 2 for 99c Rex-Maid Household Gloves ♦ M i 31 or K l.n i« . Rexall poretest Mineral Oil eyes. S s i . . . . . REG. 59c PRODUCT ^ 2 for 55c Soothes and cleanses the 9 9 c For protection from Moth diet. 72’s . . . $ 2 .0 0 SIZE Keep your moulh feeling sw eet, refreshed w ith .It h e r Minimize discomfort from acid-upset fo r 0 m Red rubber. Non-slip outside finish. Chocolate requirements in a child's fo r 0 O >») ” ?■ \ Rex-Seltzer Alkalizer Tabs fattening in effect. Pint. SIZE f C REXALL Ml 31 SOLUTION or REXALL KLENZ0 ANTISEPTIC *1 ^ A ll d aily vitamin supplements having known * k S Ä + 2 fOt 2 5 C REG. 25c colored lining. Polycaps for Children e* orderly. 4 oss. fattening in effect. Pint. •5< SIZE ¡M R Take Dependable Rexall! stomach, colds ond pain. 54c SIZE O f 25 » 0 * A few drops keep your h hair air A la x a tiv e . Non-habit forming; non REXALL Sterilized QUIK-SWABS 2 70 C Rexall puretest Mineral Oil ^ 0P0P** 2 for 99 c Martel's Hair Oil *0 0 fo r wind or sun. 8 oz. REG. 5 9c 2 Tico Famous Rexall Mouth Washes on Sale! y' 0k 0 Rexall Eyelo damage. Pint . . 75c S IZ E QUALITY Rexall Gypsy Cream Soothes ond cleanses the eyes. 8 oz............ R EG . 59c 9 4 REG. 75 c 2 Handy Cotton-tipped Applicators Reg. 27c 100 s m m fo r skin discomfort due to wind or sun. 8 oz. REG. 59c * ^ For skin discomfort due to A .« » — — sprin g y 3 " slick». 2 for 5 0 c fo r 7 0 C Rexall Gypsy Cream Snow y cotton of finest quality attached to Hall’s Borated Talc 2 4 ounces . . . . . J Martel’s Hair Oil 7u g ra y , p in k, b lu e. Lined envs. $2.00 Value 0 0 7 M inimize discomfort from acid-upset *0 0 For both men and women. alw ays acceptable gift. T r n n n i - ; 0 stomach, colds and pain. ^ 5 4c SIZE OF 25 » m Lavender Deodorant Cologne Beautifully designed square compact. A n • Full pound of q u ality c re a m ................REG. $ 1 .0 0 A drienne Products. reg M 1 ,9 1 at 2 for the price of 1 plus 1c. Any 2 identical Box of 2 4 sheets, 2 4 envelopes. Choice 0k 0 *0 0 fo r WRITING PAPER VALUE lavender Deodorant Cologne ^ 0k 0 Rex-Seltzer Alkalizer Tabs J 8 £ N *0 SPECIAL....GOES ON SALE SATURDAY 2 for 7 9 c 0 Adrienne . .. “Beauty on u Budget” 2 for 1*91 For both men and women. 4 o u n ce s................R E 9 . 75c 2 for 5 0 c R EG . 49c Creams, Lotions, Powders ft Lipsticks fMORlltS LOOSE POWDER COMPACT 0 Full pound tin of Baby Talc. 7 ,9 0 Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream ^ g ray, black . . REG. $ 1 .0 0 2 $1.00 Value t 0 0 2 fu 76c Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream Full pound of quality c re a m .............R EG . $ 1 .0 0 fo r retailin g up to $ 1 .5 0 par lb . ot ^ *or *^e price of 1 plus 1«. Any 2 identical REG. 75c Gold colored cap. Maroon, SPECIAL .......... GOES ON SALE FRIDAY 0k 0 gray, block . . R EG . $ 1 .0 0 A d r i e n n e P ro d u ct». 2 Belmont Ball Point Pen 1 lb. box 0 0 ^ ^ 0k0k Selected pieces from candy assortments Belmont Ball Point Pen Cold colored cap. Maroon, Hall's Borated Talc ^ »1*9 2 for 50c “and, Mama, don’t forget my Hall’s!” REG. 59c TINT 2 for 1,91 Take Dependable Rexall! Hom eniaid POPULAR ^ Durable Red Rubber, 2 Quart } .,\ * t * . . . . « o SPECIAL ....... GOES ON SALE THURSDAY ^ n Posili ve laxative action. $2.00 Value / ¡)f Durable Red Rubber , 2 Quart Solid neck construction. 1 p ie c e _____ REG $ 1 .6 9 2 for 50c REG. 49c SINT Solid neck construction. W ith 5 0 p lastic curlers. £ 0 k** Highly Refined, Tasteless Mineral Oil Rexall Petrofol Victoria Water Bottle G iv e yourself a lovely, lasting permanent. Rexall Petrofol Invigorating Rubbing Alcohol! Ruxall Alco-Rex Fast-evaporating, relaxing. SPECIAL ... GOES ON SALE WEDNESDAY Rexall Alco-Rex Positive laxative actien. REG. 59c P/N7 — — .am. Nationally Advertised REXALL PRODUCTS at the price o f 2 fo r 1 plus 1c D A IL Y S P E C IA L S I nvigo'rating Rubbing Alcohol/ Highly Refined, Tasteless Mineral Oil ---- — ..... >* $39 Nationally Advertised REXALL PRODUCTS at the price Fast-evoporating, relaxing. ^ R EG . 49c P/N7 ^ — Æ7 ¡0,000 REXALL O r* w i _ . V*, _____ SODIUM PERBORATE, O ral hygiono powder, 4 o u n c.............................. R.gular 39c, 2 fo r 40c BORIC ACID, Powdor or crystals, 4 ouncos..................................................................R.gulor 29c, 2 fo r 30c ASPIRIN TABLETS, 5 grain, 36 s .......................................................................................R.gular 25c, 2 fo r 26c M ERCUROCHROM E, Antiseptic, ft o u n c e ..................................................................R.gulor 25c, 2 fo r 2 6 c TINCTURE IODINE M ILD, local antiseptic, 1 ounce.................................. Regular 25c, 2 fo r 36c REXALL MILK OP M AO N ESIA TABLETS, 36’| . ..................................................... 25c Silo , 2 fo r 26c POPULAR CASCADE STA TIO N ERY, 60 shoals.................................................... R.gulor 70c, 2 fo r 7 1 c CASCADE M ATCHIN G EN VELO PES, 60 s .....................................................................Regular 60c, 3 f . r 4 1 c MEDFORD SO CIA L N O TES, 16 d .s ig n .d n o l.i with e n v e lo p e s .,.............. Regular 50c, 2 f . r S i c MEDFORD * y « ' WHITE EN V ELO PES. 2S’i .................................................................. R.gular 10c, 3 fo r l i e GRAPH BLUE OR BLUE-BLACK IN K , 3 o u n c.s.......................................................... R.gulor 15c. 3 fo r 16< OLD C O LO N Y U A D PENCILS ................................................................................ Regular 5c. 2 fo r 6< MEDFORD PLAIN O R RULED T A B IE Y ...................................................................Regular 10c, 2 fo r 11« ELKAV 'S SPEED O LAZE AU TO PO LISH AND CLEAN ER...................Regular S1.00 pint, 2 fo r 1.01 ELK A Y 'S FLO O R BRITE W A X , No-rub, Pint....................................................... R.gulor 59c, 2 fo r 6 0 c K L IN Z O RA ZO R RLAD IB, Double-Edge 3's or Single Edge 4 's. . Reg. 10c pkg., 3 pkgc. fo r l i t M AXIM UM HARD RUBBER CO M B, 7 ’ ................................................................ Regular 25c, 2 fo r 364 ELK A Y 'S MOTH FUME CRYSTA LS, 16 ounces..........................................................75c Site, 2 fo r 76« ELK A Y 'S G LA SS CLEANER, B o u n ce .............................................................................2Sc Site, 2 f o r 36« S m g. THIAMIN CHLORIDB, B Campion vitamins, 100's...............................$1.19 Sine, 2 f . r 1 .2 0 HALIBUT LIVER O IL C A P S, Vitamin A, 30 s ...................................................... *1.10 SI« ., 2 fo r 1.11 YEAST 6 IRO N TABLETS, 100'«..................................................................................... 73c S i« ., 2 fo r 76« The Rexall Original Tc Sale Not ° 0ne Cent Sale l,fm’ But an Vnu,ual yalut is you, Opportunity to Buy ’5M0° tb~•lo,• w * V try spatially pricadl _ - duality in Quantity at Savings Reg. i sc, 7 oz. Tin J fo r 2 9 c 1 AM pflcas listtd in this sdvtrlitarnsnt thst rotor to tiia or valua rsprssant manufsctursr't suuastad full ratail prka Cosmattc Hams subiact to Fad. Tax ONE CENT S AL E K S Â S Ï Ï .Î S - ............ ONE CENT S A L E