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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. TACE FOUR Porterfield, Mrs. Stephen's YOUNG COUPLES OF j Mrs. daughter, at Santa Cruz. They APPLE VALLEY WED a .so visited two days with Mis. APPLE VALLEY, Dec. 16—Marvin Sorenson of Apple valley and Verl Dunav'iy of Parma were united In marriage Sunday at 3 o'clock at the Parma community church. Rev. Ernest of the Apple valley church officiated The P T. A. will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the school- house. Sunday visitors at the Earl Boston home were Mrs. Boston's brother and family of Boise and her father. Mr D. A. Rogers of Roswell. Because of bad weather and slick roads the W 8. C S. meeting held at the Hicks home December 1 was very poorly attended The next meeting will be the Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs Waldo Smalley. At this meet ing the ladles will have for sale the things made for the Christmas bazaar. Elotse Smalley came here from Caldwell Sunday to visit her par ents. Mr and Mrs. Waldo Smalley. The young people of the Apple valley community church are hav ing a party and gift exchange Thursday evening. Mrs. Ellse Thamton and Oene Luttle, both of Apple valley, were married Tuesday December 7. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher and »on, Don, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher at Nyssa. Mrs. Henry Meier has purchased a home in Nyssa to which she moved Tuesday. Her son, Albert Meier, and family of Welser are moving out to the ranch. Mrs. Etta St John left Monday for her home at Santa Barbara, California after visiting for some time with her sister, Mrs. John Fisher. Mr. Pilcher attended the co-op business meeting in Caldwell Tues day. The Apple valley grade school Christmas program will be held Monday evening, December 20lh at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pilcher and family were Saturday visitors at the Mlers home in New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs. William Bumpus, who bought the Jack Moran place last spring, moved here the past, week from Sweet Home. Oregon. Ralph and Rose Summy of Boise visited their mother, Mrs. John Fisher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eason were Boise business visitors Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Oene Honey spent (our days the past week attending the Newipan-Wlgglns trial ai Welser. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Reed and ■on, Robert, and Mrs. Ella Stephens have returned from a trip to Cali fornia, where they visited Mr. and Bertha Morris of Fairfax, Cali fornia. Mr. Reed attended the Notre Dame i.amt, and traveled o several points of Interest as sell- ,ng agent for the Parma Water Lifter Co. The Reed’s were called home by the death . of his father, Jer.e Reed of Lincoln Heights. C. C. Meltvedt was here from Boise last week-end to attend the funeral of Oene Reed. Mrs. Seivert Fox who broke her arm November 11 is having the cast removed this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey and Olive went to Emmett Sunday to visit Mrs. Ida Riley, who Is cook ing at one of the Little sheep ranches. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Vertree vis ited Saturday at the hill home. Mr and Mrs. Oene Luttle called at the Paul Luttle home, east of Floyd Eason has finished harv- Parma Sunday, esting his corn. HOUSE-WARMING IS HELD ON COLUMBIA COLUMBIA AVE., Dec. 16—Several Iriends and neighbors gathered at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Olen Cooper for a house warming party Friday evening. Dick Groot was a business visitor In Ontario Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beranek call ed on Mrs. T. H Beranek of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. Jake Groot return ed recently from a trip to Port land. C. M. Tensen and Carl Beranek were in Ontario Wednesday. Mrs. T. H. Beranek is a patient .n the Ontario hospital. Mrs. L. R. Fields and small son left Friday evening for their home in Jasper, Minnesota after a three weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot and other relatives and friends. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot. Mrs. Darwin Jensen returned Fri day evening from Baker. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Carolyn were In Vale Thursday. Mrs. L. R. Fields visited friends In Boise Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt Oroot of Apple valley entertained at dinner for Mis. L. R. Field and Mr. Dick Oroot. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smit of Nu-Acres called on iriends of this community Wednesday morning. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1948 | with the games and the singing the local church are invited to December 20 and anyone may view it on Saturday. Sunday or Mon- of carols. There was an official attend, day. visit from Santa Claus with gifts. pop corn balls and candy for all Exhibits Paint m g s - CARD OF THANKS PKSent- I Marco Murolo, Italian artist, w ho' We wish to thank the many --------------------------- I is making his headquarter. In friends who J o^ r£ « 0Ved Church Men To Payette— Nyssa. has 30 of his on s i c k n e s s and <*eat . the On Monday evening at 8 o'- display at the Boise A t museum, “ nd and brother and for the clock at the Payette Church of Mr. Murolo's art work is being floral h aIld family. Christ the quarterly meeting and shown in a display with the paint- Mrs. Ma y williams banquet of the Laymen's league ,-ngs of Katherine Evans of Boise.' Mr and Mrs. Fred Williams, will be held. All of the men of ! This exhibit will be in Boise until Walter Lyncn. —. The Bridge That Isn't Thera ave Y o u S e e n Our New R P H -M A © 72 T h i» 1 1th A irb o rn « D iv is io n d e m o litio n cro w in J a p a n h as |u st detonated a c h a r je of a sp lo sive s in b low in g up a b rid g e d u rin g ta c tic o l train in g co urses. T h e se m en a re re c e ivin g '.So fin e s t t ra in in g a v a ila b le , ond w ill becam e e ffic ie n t , w e ll-tra in e d so ld ie r-s p e c ia lis ts . M a n an occu p atio n d uty, as w ell as e lsa w h a ra , h a v a a x c a lle n t o p p o rtu n ities fa r ca re e rs w ith a fu tu re in the U. S. A rm y . IN TERN A TIO N A L II and 15 Cubic Foot Cubs Have Christmas Party— Return From Boise— Approximately 50 Cub Scouts i Mrs. Joe Maughan and Mrs Louise McGavern returned Sunday and there parents attended a from Boise, where they had visited Christmas party given Monday | for several days. evening at the Legion hall. The j affair was arranged by the com- | To Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray left mitteemen and the Cub Scout den! Boy scouts | last week-end for Portland, where mothers and dads. who serve as den chiefs assisted l they will spend several days. Home Freezers? ALSO OUR Various Sizes And Models O f WE STILL HAVE S0ME|| , n te rn a t;o n a | 6 - C ro s U y GOOD Refrigerators? “ The Perfect Christmas Gift ’9 USED CARS Owyhee Truck & imp. Co. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY AND T H E Y ARE PRICED RICHT Called To California— Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybec left Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, where they were called because of the death of Mrs Bvbee’s father, Nathaniel Stelinle of Redlands, California. O Bi^via^M tiTBi^ei^iiG i^sM iaM sieisM sisieesiaeK iaiaisiBiB BiapieisisisM eiBis HERRIMAN MOTOR CO.. *■ ' ' YOUR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALER Nyssa Phone 245 , Oregon - .*» W E ARE H AP PY T O P L A Y SANTA TO YOU! A Special Purchase Of Ranges Allows Us To Make This Sensational Christmas Offer! We Will Allow You a Sensational = T N Allowance Regardless of Condition! ON V O I R OLD RANGE, BE IT COAL OR ELECTRIC, TO W AR D THE P IR C H A S E OF A NEW . . . % I W estinghouse See This Sensational Feature And Ask ( s About Our Save time—save work! Just prepare your meal; pop it into the oven and set the dials. Vour dinner will come out piping hot, ready to serve, OOOUED AU TOMATICALLY! Come in and R ange aee this new Westinghouse range, see for yourself its many many new work-saving fealnres . . . You’ll be glad you waited for Westinghouse! SPECIAL OFFER! Ostrom Brothers Appliance Company a t m v c c a i i i u d l ' d m n e n r r DISPLAY ROOM AT NYSSA LUMBER CO. OFFICE D n n M ■ PHONE 118W