Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
' i J flftf T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , NYSSA, OREGON O W YH E E TO H AVE T H U R S D A Y , DECEMBER li>, 1943 PA G E THREE HOM E SCENE O F P A R T Y This party for the members and | members of her Wednesday even-1 and Mrs. bridge club at their home Mr. and Mrs. Don Engstrom en their husbands will feature a pot- m g bridge club. Honors went to 1 st Wednesday evening. The no- X M A S. P R O G R A M Owyhee Sunday school will have I tertained at their new home in the tuck dinner and gift exchange. Mrs. Harry Miner anB Mrs. Beri I nost d.nner was followed by an ___ ________ I Its Christmas program Sunday Stunz addition. Novel games were Lienkaemper. Guest players w ere! evening of bridge, with honors OW YH EE, Dec 16— Mr. and Mrs. morning December 19. ST. P A U L'S Q U IL D ELECTS .•njoyed by the guests during the | Mrs. George Sallee. Mrs. Bud W il- j going to Mrs. Ed Knettle for high Darrell Williams made a business H A V E C H R IS T M A S P A R T Y T h e Owyhee grade school team Mrs. Bernard Eastman was hos 1 son and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper trip to Boise Friday. They were j defeit#d ^ Wade team in the score and to Eldon Ulm er for A general meeting o f the wo .•vening with the prizes oolng to accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa gymnasium Friday afternoon Mrs. Lynn Lawrence. Mrs. Walter tess to the members of the St second hirh. Guest p la y er» were men's council of the Christian Paul's Episcopal guild at her home i Howard Evans o f Parma. ~ 8~ in its first basketball game o f the .hurch was held last Thursday a f vfoPartland. M r and Mrs. Harold VQ-HOST U IN N E n SERVED Mr. and Mrs Ed Knettle. A special Officers were Teedy and K. E. Keveren. A late Monday evening. Ike Mitchell has returned home reason by a score of 38 to 4. Dewey Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis en- feature of the evening was sev after spending the summer in Col Ray was high point man for O wy ternoon at the home of Mrs. R oj ■upper was served following the elected with Mrs. W illiam Schire- er iued the members of their Mr. eral solos sung by Charles Taylor. orado. He Is staying with his par hee and Hatch and Silllonis each Bibbey with 25 women present. sanies. Guests in addition to the man chosen as president; Mrs. J. J. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. made one basket for Wade. Owy- During the business meeting the members o i the high school fa c Sarazin, vice-president, and Mis. ulty ——\ Mr- and Mrs. Henry Hilda Tensen, secretary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ciofoalo o f nee will play Kingman Kolony F ri women discussed the making ol Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc- Rev. C. L. Callahan was a special Adrian were dinner guests Satur day afternoon, December 17 in the pillows as their p ro ject for the Partland, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miller guest at the meeting. day night in the Kenneth M cDon Adrian gymnasium. Hospital auxiliary. Mrs. Roy ind Mrs. John Beckham. ald home. Playground equipment consisting B R ID G E CLUB E N T E R T A IN E D Rudolph Hite and Lorraine. of a slide, two swings and some Barnes was appointed publications Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee e n A M IT Y CLUB MEETS Louise, and Sonny Hite went to trapeze bars were installed In the chairman for the council. Tiie Junior Women’s Amity club tertained the members of then Haines Friday to visit relatives school yard this week. A ll items A program followed the business met last Friday evening at tiie Sunday evening bridge club at then with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson j ¿eem to be getting plenty of play. High score was a | home last week. and sons in the Wilson's new Ford Bus driver Wilbur Chapin tried meetings, with the presentation oi nome o f Mrs. Frank Skeen. neld by Mrs. Sallee and second by car. The group returned Sunday the slide and evidently pro a Christmas story and skit. "Silent Christmas story, “ Bearing Gifts," | Harry Miner. evening. claimed it safe as it has been in Night” was sun,? by Mrs. John vas told by Mrs. John Schenk. Stafford, Mrs. Orien Moyes and Plans for the annual Christmas; - 5 - constant use since. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M cDon B R ID O E CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Chet Mosier. Mrs. Roy Barnes »arty to be held at the home o f ! ald and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brew Ma. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon Mrs. L. A. Maulding was hostess er attended the basketball game ald were dinner guests in Home- gave a reading, "K eeping Christ- .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis Sat in Nyssa Friday night between the dale Sunday In the Ray Fletcher nas,” by Henry Van Dyke. A gift urday, December 18 ^ere discussed. last Wednesday evening to the 3xchange of the secret "h eart” sis- A ll American Circus and a Nyssa nome. isaas's»*:« » -, ers, was held, and the identity of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., the secret sisters revealed. R e and Paulette shopped in Ontario freshments were served by Mrs. ¡ Saturday. Bibbey and her committee. i Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz and The next general meeting will 1 Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda I visited in the Henry Peutz home be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Bibbey January 13. in Payette Sunday. V . . . c _ D all-star team. Mr. Brewer played I D A - - *'uh the Nyssa team. Social Nutt's #o von HOVE m Scrap Iron? WHY NOT TURN IT Zenith L .ong Distance telephone calls will p i l e up, t o o , this Christmas. We'll be right on the ¡ob with e v e r y circuit and switchboard in serv ice but we cannot possibly stretch the s e r v i c e enough to meet this tremendous o n c e - a - y e a r rush. To avoid the rush/ m ake yo ur calls before Christmas Eve...or after Ch ristmas Day. M ALH E U R HOME T E L E P H O N E CO. Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves of 1 Nyssa were dinner guests in tnt Jesse Ditty home Friday evening. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson called on Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams Thursday evening. Mrs. Don Franklin and sons and Mrs. Lynn K ygar attended to bus iness in Boise Wednesday and vis ited in the Dick Brown home while there. The sunset valley extension unit met Wednesday in the Sunset v a l ley hall with nine members pres ent. Due to the absence o f the chairman, vice chairman and sec retary, no business meeting was neld. Project Leaders Maude Coop er and Emily Bergam gave their demonstration on roll making and the rolls were served at luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McEwan entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters, Betty Tiliman and Jack Walters. * Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbert son and Larry made a business trip to Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and Ronnie returned Wednesday after spending a week in P ort land visiting friends and relatives. The P atton’s went with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot o f Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn were m Nampa W ednesday' attending to business. The 4-H sewing club met with Mrs. Fred Babcock Monday a fter noon. Shirley Hoke was elected president and Bernadine Price, sec retary, and Maxine K ygar was ap pointed reporter. Refreshments of popcorn, candy, cake, and Jello were served by Mrs. Babcock. The next meeting will be held January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Earl W illiams of Nyssa called in the Hugh Glenn Home Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer shopped in Boise Saturday. Owyhee P. T . A. m et at the schoolhouse T h u rsd » evening. Russell Patton, Jr., played several numbers on the electric guitar, ac companied by Mrs. B ill Cook. The members decided to sponsor a drive to get toys for the polio victims ir. the Elks convalescent home in Boise. Anyone who cares to, may place a toy in the box provided for that purpose at the. school- house. The Christmas program is to be held Wednesday evening, December 22 at 8 p. m. Treats will be given to the children. Mrs. Ira Price and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald are to buy the treats and the room mothers, Mrs. Price and Mrs. M c Donald, Mrs. Lynn Kygar, Mrs. Clyde Hoke, Mrs. Claude Skinner and Mrs. Fred Babcock, are to sack the candy and make popcorn balls. Journal W ant Adv’s P ay Profits! Beautiful Cedar Chests $ 59.95 Appliances Washers lroners Electric Ranges Arvin Radios DANCE... Saturday Night, Dec. 18 Cow Hollow Hall Gold Coast Rangers Orchestra Into Cash? W E BUY S C R A P IRON, BRASS, C O PPE R , BATTER IES, R A D IA T O R S , ETC. See Mac Or W ayne At The Adm. $1.25 per Couple Marshall-Wells Store Sponsored by Chalk Butte Grange S E W R IG H T m m m -»* t < & Nyssa Auto Body Shop Phone 107W T E R R Y , Owners MMMMN »» S ta tio n e ry . 3 9 c , 6 9 c , 7 9 c a n d u p Children's Stationery 15c up Evening In Paris, Sets $1.50 Max Factor Sets . $3.25 up Plastic Toys . . . 10c up Coty Sets . . . . $3.50 up Christmas Light Bulbs 1 Oc Gift S o a p s . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Christmas Gift Wrap 1 Oc Musical Powd. Boxes $6.50 C H R IS T M A S C A R D S £ .,5 Ä . P: Ä Schick Elect. Razors $18.00 Holly Wreaths Amity Leather Goods $1.89 * Cortley Men's Sets $2.00 up Palmolive Men’s Sets 50c up Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West Of R. R. Depot $3.00 up Jewelite Hairbrushes $2.00 up Ronson Lighters $6.00 up Dresser Sets $2.98 up A OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 THROUGH CHRISTMAS k. i n rÍÉ tu , Lucky the family, newly established or other wise, that procures one of our aromatic cedar chests, veneered with beautifully-grained hard woods, to store its precious woolens in! Evans Lighters C O SM ETIC S P L U S T A X OWYHEE DRUG PR ESC R IPT IO N S PR E C ISIO N F IL LE D C. H. PEIRSOL PH O NE 29W