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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
/ » IV* r/ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X III NO. 50 * y r —-* - ^ ~ TX - * Y* > - j ^ ^ r * <✓ ' É1TY JOURNAL "> T > i THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON i HUKSDAY, DECEMBER 23, I94S Santa Arrives To Give Treats To Nyssa Youth Cold Weather And Storms Hit Nyssa Section The temperature dropped to zero in Nyssa this morning, weather bureau officials said. ANTELOPES LOSE TO HOMEDALE FIVE The A drian Antelopes suffered their 3 setback of the basketball season when they lost to Homedaie last Friday evening on the H om e- dale floor. Neither team was at its best, each team losing numerous shots throughout the game. Holly and Scheimer led the way for Adrian, each making 6 points. High point m an for Homedaie was Kershner, with 13 points. Hom e- dale's gain of 18 points in the last quarter, broke up the 17-17 tie at the end o f the third quarter. The game ended with Homedaie scor in g 33 to A drian’s 23. DISTRICT WILL NOT BE PENALIZED FOR BRIDGE ERECTION Representatives o f M alheur coun ty were told by the state highway commission at a meeting in P ort land Tuesday that the ndfc- Snake river bridges at Payette and Weiser would not be built entirely at the expense o f the eastern Oregon district. M alheur residents gained the im pression several weeks ago that the cost o f the bridges would be deducted from funds available for road construction in the eastern Oregon district. This belief Was dissipated by the statement made by the commission this week. Members of the M alheur delega tion conferring with the commis sion were County Commissioner Alva Goodell of Nyssa, and Dyre Bennett and Dari Bopp of Ontario. H all H ouse-W arm ing Planned— A joint meeting of all veterans of the community will be held December 30 at 8 p. m. for a house warm ing in the new veterans base ment hall at Second street and Ehrgood avenue. All veterans and their wives are invited to attend. Here From Utah— Mr. and M rs. Ed Leavitt of L e w iston, U tah , arrived in Nyssa last; Thursday for a visit at the K en - nebh Cottle and Frell B lair homes ] Mrs. B lair and M rs Cottle are daughters of M r. an d Mrs. Leavitt This is Nyssa’s M ain street as it appears at night i street is the during the Christmas season through the camera of intersection, iiud Conery of Nyssa. The ball of Ught over the Lions Club To * H dp Hospital Christmas FANCY BOOTS ARE STOLEN ON TRAIN; LOCATED IN NYSSA The Lions club voted at a lunch- I H arry Yearian, transient, ch arg eon M onday to sponsor a project' ed with being drunk, was arrested to purchase some m ajor piece of by city police officers Tuesday equipment for the M alheur mem night following the theft of a pair orial hospital, such as an x-ray, of expensive cowboy boots fro m a east in, r something over $4,000. passenger on Union Pacific train .The club president, G le a Billings, No. 12, eastbound. appointe) a committee to decide Y earian was fined $25 in city on the activity to be undertaken police court Wednesday by Judge and outline- plans for the event. Felton Duncan, but the fine was O ther groups in Nyssa and vicin suspended upon condition that the ity are urged by the board of direc defendent leave town. tors o f the hospital to sponsor The owner o f the boots, a Mr. projects to finance the purchase Poe of Seattle, was en route to of specific items o f equipment. Texas. He said he went to the smoking room on the train and when he returned to his coach the boots were missing. A sailor gave Poe a description o f the man believed to have picked up the A series o f dances w ill be given boots and Poe notified officers in the Nyssa gymnasium between when he arrived at Nampa. In now and the first of the year. the meantime Yearian left the T he Nyssa first ward, L. D. 8., train at Nyssa. The Nam pa o f will give a dance in the gymnasium ficers telephoned to a Nyssa ra il and the Owyhee w ard will give a road employe, who said a man party in the Oregon T rail school- answering the description was sit house, both Friday night. ting in the Nyssa depot waiting The Owyhee Riding d u b will give room. City police officers were its annual Christmas dance S at notified and m ade the arrest. Poe urday night. refused to swear to a complaint A M alheur Mem orial hospital of theft, because that would en committee will sponsor a benefit tail his return to Nyssa to appear dance next W ednesday night. It in court, officers said. will be sem i-form al, with no cor sages. Entertainment will be pro vided at intermission. The second ward, L. D. S., will give a dance Friday night, D e cember 31. This dance will be the last to be held in the gym nasium until after the basketball A . short discussion on the pro season. posed control o f bicycle riding in Nyssa was held at the weekly luncheon of the Nyssa cham ber of commerce W ednesday noon. Ed Knettle, chairm an of the The annual Christm as party of Nyssa public safety council sug the Oregon T rail G ran ge was held gested a city ordinance and an educational program to help elim at the last regular meeting. Sixty members and their fa m inate violations of safety rules. ilies attending the a ffa ir sang Members pointed out that present Christmas carols an d played cards practices of riding on sidewalks and checkers. Refreshments of and violating general traffic reg*» sandwiches, pie, cocoa and coffee lations are dangerous. Licensing of bicycles and reg and candy were served. Mrs. Wyaitt Sm ith -was admitted istration of owners were suggested as a new member during a short as means of providing greater safe ty for children and tracing stolen business meeting. bicycles. The license fee would be very low, but bicycle riders would College Students Return— Last week-end m any college stud be required to pass examinations. Th e chamber suggested that the ents returned to Nyssa, where they will spend their holiday vacation. safety council draft a resolution to From Eastern Oregon College of be presented to the _ city council Education are Ruth Toombs, Mardi for consideration. Sallee, Evalene Towne, Hosako Kido, Ellen Ann Herman, Margorie Merrick and Shirley Whitley. A r riving from Oregon State college at Corvallis are Dick Tensen, R a y M r. and Mrs. H. M. Herren have mond Larson. Harriet H erm an and Doris Beirs, Reid Cottle and Clyde purchased the Sweet shop from Mr. Smith. From University of O re and Mrs. Carson Healey, they an gon are David Sarazin, John B a r- nounced today. M r. and Mrs. Herren recently tholoma, Beth M itchell and Greta Stunz. M ary Lou Schenk, M a r- sold ther partnership with M r. and lorie Bishop, Eld red Irving, Jerry Mrs. Jim Kirkland in a dry goods Williams. Louise Lewis, Joyce Stok store ait Soap Lake, Washington, er and Marion Ballantyne have re where they lived for seven months.» turned from Brigham Young uni They formerly operated the O a te ' versity. June Savage and Thom as City cafe and Red's auto court in Haumond have hem m ed to their Nyssa. Tthey will keep the Sweet homes from the University of Idaho shop open seven days a week. SERIES OF DANCES SET FOR HOLIDAYS Bicycle Control In Nvssa Asked GRANGERS HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY MR., MRS. HERREN BUY SWEET SHOP at Moscow. Jerry Bellon is at the ing from the State College o f Id a - home of his parents after retu m - ho. Billy Baer Is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Baer after returning from the u n i versity oi Southern California, and Lee Snider is at his home from W hitm an college at W a lla W alla. Adrian Defeats Melba— The Adrian Antelopes defeated the Melba Mustangs 45 to 25 and won their first victory in basket ball on Tuesday evening. Both Adrian and Melba were trying for their first victory in the game that Here From Pocatello— Mrs. Aitón Paris and baby son, was 10-1 at the end o f the first o f Pocatello arrived Wednesday to quarter. Holly led the scoring for spend the holidays at the home ol tdrian with 18 points, and Bchetm- Mrs. Paris' parents, Mr. and Mrs 1 er came in second with 9 paints Nelson led far M elba with 7 points. D ean Smith. Return From Portland— M r and Mrs. Carrol Zikes have retpm ed from a week's stay in Portland W h ile in Portland. Mr Zikes received medical attention at the veterans hospital. MRÍ e ^ District P,° n °¿ p T F? c e R i " e h a r t s W i " Attorney Charles Swan tins ruled that Mrs. Kathryn C lay- Visit From Twin Falls— M r and Mrs. Dean Johnston and Mrs Lucille Johnston o f T w in Flails arrived today to spend the holidays at the Frank Frv home and visit friends and relatives. star at the Second street Bulldogs Lose To Vale 43-28 Although defeated by a score of 43 to 28, the Nyssa Bulldogs made a better showing in their basket ball gam e on the Vale Viking's floor Tuesdy night than they did in their three previous games. Coach H ow ard Lovejoy said the boys Showed improvement in "spots”. They looked better on the backboard and in places in the of fense. The Bulldogs tied the count in the second quarter, but the Vik ings held the advantage during the remainder o f the game. Quarter scores were 8 to 5 at the end of the first quarter, 20 to 11 at the half an d 34 to 22 at three-quarter time. Nyssa players were Koyano 5, W ilder 7, Alvin Pecka 5, Lowe 6, Williams 3, Chadwick 1, Albert Pecka 1 and Hunter. Fulwyler of Vale was high point player with 13 points. Nyssa B squad trounced the Vale B's by a score of 46 to 29. Holcomb was high point man with 18 points Other Nyssa players were Pounds 6. M arcum 9, Bowen 4, Wilson 7. Reynolds, Knowles, R. Jensen 2 Duncan, L . Jensen, Keveren, A n drews and Mitchell. The Bulldogs will play New Plymouth there 7 ecember 30 in their only game lufliri; the Christ mas school vacation. EAGLES TIED FOR LEAGUE LEADERSHIP The Nyssa Eagles are tied for first place with Vale and the O n tario Lions in the western division of the Idaho-O regon Sem i- prq Basketball league. Vale has won 3, Nyssa 2 and the Ontario Lions 1. They have not lost a game. New Plymouth is in fourth place with .500, Payette fifth with .333 and Weiser and Ontario C. C. Anderson in the cellar with nothing. COUPLE PURCHASE BOWLING CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Owen Martens of Cheyenne, Wyoming have purch ased the Nyssa Bowling center from Tom Eldredge, and Mr. Martens has taken charge of the business. Mrs. Martens, who will arrive here the end of this week, and Mr. Martens are leasing a place on the Idaho side of Snake river Mr. Martens, a brother of Mrs. Walter Freeman, said the bowling alleys will be open afternoons daily, beginning at 1:30. Mass Scheduled— Midnight mass will be said the Catholic church in • Nyssa 12 o’clock Friday night. Hours confession will be from 8 to 9 m„ Thursday and from 3 to 4 m. FYiday. in at of p p Leave For Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. H arry Kingrey left Wednesday morning by car for Soattle, where they will spend the holidays at the home of their Sailors Visit— Jerry Cran dall and Robert daughters. Pharaoh of Nyssa are here for the Christmas holidays from the navy's To Prairie City— Mr. and Mrs. W alter Fox left “boot" camp at San Diego. They will finish "boot” camp in Janu Wednesday for Prairie City, where ary and will then receive assign they will visit at the home of ments. Pharaoh is a son o f Mr. their daughter, Mrs. Jack Hore and Mrs. W illiam P haraoh and and family. Crandall is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crandall. Visits In Nyssa— Frank Anderson, a student at Oregon State college and a member Firemen Called— Firemen were called to the depot of last year's graduating class, is at 4 A. M. W ednesday to extinguish visiting in Nyssa during the Christ a blaze in the cab of the Union mas holidays. Pacific switch engine. Because of the cold weather, firemen had to Visit Here— M r and Mrs. L. C. Buffington thaw the hose after using It. of Wallowa were week-end gues s of friends in Sunset valley and Here From Coos Bay— M r and Mrs. D. W . W alker re Nyssa. They went to Nam pa Tues turned Saturday to their home in day to spend the holidays. Coos Bay after visiting for several days at the home o f M r. and M rs Roy Barnes. Here From School— Claudine Tomlinson, senior at San Jos* Bible college at San Jose. California, is home to spend the Leave On Visit— M r and Mrs. Chris W aldege and Christmas holidays. children left today for Utah and Here From V;— Visit In Boise— Return From Salt Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Verne Larson ,and Colorado to spend Christmas with M r and Mrs. John O s tram and Mr and Mrs B ud Wilson return M r Waldege's parents. They plan family of Vale spent last week-end Mrs. H ahner Ostrom visited two a Christmas fam ily reunion in ed to Nyssa Monday after spending at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C liff days last week st the Adolph Boe several days in 8alt Lake City. Colorado Main. home In Boise. Contest Award For Decorations x).l, county s. hool superintendent, s cm entitled h u m to io eive rive in her nei present piesein t 1 . r i position until the general election n 1950. As a result of the decision, ■ he county court has announced •hat Mrs Claypool will remain in ifft.e until that time. Santa Claus arrived In Nyssa at The present situation developed " * r' an“ Mrs. O ran t Rinehart 1:30 this afternoon as a climax to from the announced intention of were awarded first place tor their he week-long observance of Christ Mrs. Claypool not to seek re-elect- | home display in the Christmaa dec- mas. ion No candidate appeared on the J lating contest conducted by the — Santa distributed treats to the ballot in tiie May primary and the Nyssa Civic club. kiddles shortly after his arrival in names oi many persons were writ Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, M r. town on the city fire truck and ten in. Mrs. Claypool received the and Mrs. J. L. Her liman and MY. number of votes and and Mrs. Bernard Eastman were along with the chamber of com greatest merce, Eagles lodge and Nyssa Dennis Patch, Nyssa high school given honorable mention far their heater played host to the young principal received the third highest colorful displays. sters at a free motion picture show, The second highest candidate did The Rinehart window display featuring “Th e Prince and the not qualify and the names of Mrs ¿hows San..i Claus hovering over Pauper”. Claypool and Mr. Patch appeared town as he prepares to make hie a n “M y Christmas Scrapbook" was on the election ballot in November, nual visit during a snowstorm, rep although Mr. Patch announced that resented by bits o f cotton affixed to the theme of the Christm as pro gram presented Tuesday evening at be did not want the position. Mr. strings. The scene below Includes the gymnasium by the upper gra d Patch was elected, but refused to a doll house and trees. The R ine es of the Nyssa elementary school. accept the position and Mrs. Clay hart Christmas tree near another The pages o f a large scrapbook pool has remained in office. window and a live fir tree in tha at the left of the stage were slowly yard are decorated with colored turned while the scenes o f the lights. Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart have scrap book were enacted upon the placed a large candy cane topped stage. The story of the scenes were with a cluster of red bells on tiie carried out in song, while they porch. were portrayed. Th e first pages Tiie Herriman display also de of the scrapbookk showed the dec picts falling snow, but from the oration of the Christmas tree and Harold Henigson. Nyssa attorney, street gives the effect of a large the arrival o f S an ta in a large has been appointed as city attor picture featuring a Christmas scene. sleigh draw n by eight reindeer. The ney, effective the first of the year, The Sarazin display • include* pages of the scrapbook were tu rn City Manager E. K. Burton an many brightly colored lights and ed to show Christm as cards. In nounced this week. a large star over the door. Tableau, cards with ringing Christ Tony Yturrt of Ontario, who has The Eastman entry in the contest mas bells, Christmas candles, c a r- been city attorney since July 1, was voted honorable mention be oilers and angles were shown. The 1916, has resigned the position. cause of its “homey” Christinas nativity scenes portrayed the shep The city was without an attorney spirit. It includes a large S anta herd scene, the wise men an d the for several months following the Claus over the door and large red manger scene with the music fu rn resignation of C arl Coad. candles on either side. ished by the junior high school Mr. Henigson came here about In the business division, Jack glee club under the direction ot two years ago. He formerly prac son’s Jewelery store was awarded Mr. Weatherspoon. Preceding the ticed law in New York City. first place for a window display, program a prelude of Christmas and Olean Wells was given hon music was played :by the grade orable mention for his exhibit til school orchestra under the direct the lobby of the Nyssa theater. ion of Lynn Lawrence. The intricate details of the two Special Christmas programs were displays required much time and held last Sunday moiTiing by the Adrian defeated me Aggies 34 effort in their effective arran ge Sunday schools o f the Christian to 30 in an overtime period in a ment. church, where the prim ary depart city league contest M onday night, The Episcopal church, the only ment igave a special program and the regular game time ended with church to enter the contest, was at the second ward L. D. S. church the score standing at 30 all. given honorable mention in that The Adrian Community church Other scores were Bracken's 23 division. N N presented an evening program of and Stunz 21; M . I. A. 44 and O w - Announcement of th f winners music followed by a Christmas get- -yhee ward 15. *..< u.aric Wednesday night bv together in tihe ’ church parlors. High point payers were Steinke Mrs. J. L. Church, c.«airman ot Last Sunday evening a t the C a th of Bracken's 9, Miner of Stunz 6, the committee. Other members of olic church a Christmas program Brewer of A drian 9, Bailey of the the committee were M is. C. A. was held fork the children o f the Aggies 21, K in g o f M. I. A. 26 and Mar.ley, Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. ohurch. A Christmas vesper can- G a m e r o f Owyhee 8. Clyde Snider and Mrs. 45.* K . dleight service was held last S u n Burton. day afternoon a t the Methodist L E G IO N A U X IL IA R Y M EETS church with the church school de Mrs. Don G rah am entertained partments find choir presenting the the members of the Legion A uxil Christmas story in verse and song. iary at her home last Thursday The churches of Nyssa sponsor evening. D uring the business meet ed Christinas caroling by a group ing it was reported that $70 53 had of young people Wednesday night, been contributed In the “gifts to beginning alt 7:30. Following the the Y an k s W h o G ave” containers, Malheur county school district caroling the group attended a chill and the auxiliary expressed thanks No. 18 Owyhee, will hold a bond feed in the Methodist church. to the schools and tiie public for election February 4. 1948 between The high school Christmas pro for the^r generous contributions. 2 and 7 p. m. for the purpose of gram was held in Che gymnasium Reports were also made on the voting on the question of whether at the end of fourth period W e d Christmas baskets that would be the school district shall issue 'bonds nesday. The program was pre sent to needy, and to the $10 C A R E in the sum ot $51,500 for construct sented by the music department package that h a d been sent to a ion of a new elementary school- under the direction of Lynn Low - war orphan, of St. Die. Fiance who house, and to equip and furnish rence. has been adopted by the auxiliary. It, along with the purchase of Tiie Nyssa schools were dismissed Mrs. Joe M aughan, president of three acres of adjoining land for Wednesday afternoon for Che the auxiliary, was presented with a an additional playground area. Christmas holidays and classes will gift from the group. • The election will be held in the not be resumed until January 3. Following the meeting. Mrs. G r a Owyhee sohoolhouse. The second W a rd Relief society ham kliowed some |>uintiivs that The school board urges all resi of Che L. D. S. church held a pro had been done by a friend in Eng dents of the district who are not gram and gift exchange in the land. registered voters to register as soon (hurch Wednesday afternoon. The The next meeting of the auxiliary as possible in order to have an op M. I. A. of the same ward held a will be held at the home of Mrs. portunity to vote. The registra program and social Wednesday H. H. Collins January 6. tion books are open in the city hall night. In Nyssa. The first ward o f the L. D. 8. Visit Relatives— Requirements for voters in school hurch will hold a Christmas pro Mr. an d Mrs. H. G. Bagley and elections were drastically changed gram tonight, beginning at 7 o'- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Schirm of M ont in a constitutional amendment pro "lock. A visit from Santa will be pelier, Idaho spent the week-end claimed by the governor December followed by entertainment. visiting at the homes of their two 2, 1948. Santa Claus will also visit the daughters, Mrs. Leslie Burbanks A statement issued by the state children of St. Paul's Episcopal and Mrs. Newbern Olenn. They department of education reveals church this evening at 7:30. Fal left M onday fo r Orland, California lowing the program, a social hour to spend Christmas with their son. that “In order to vote at any •will be held for everyone. The H u m Bagley, Jr., and family. Mrs. school election henceforth, regard "hureh's Christmas service will be Bagley, Jr. recently left a hospital less of whether it is fo r bonds, budgets, election of directors or held December 26. following a m ajor operation. Mr. The Catholics of Nyssa will hold Batjley, Sr., who has been 111 for any other purpose for which an election is authorized to be held midnight mass Friday. sometime, hopes his visit in C a l by a school district, such an elect- ifornia will 'Improve his health. tor must be a registered voter, a Visits Mother— resident of the scsool district for Charles Leuck arrived In Nyssa Here From Idaho— six months preceding the election this week from Portland to spend Chase Kim ball of Rigby, Idaho ‘he holidays with his mother, Mrs. spent Sunday visiting at the home and able to read and write the English language. These are the Minnie Leuck. Last FYiday evening, of his brother-in-law, Newberg new requirements and are the Mrs. Leuck received a Christmas Olenn. Mr. Kimball was viiittng call from San Pedro, in which She In N am pa at the home of his only requirements.” a Iked to her sons, Robert and daughter. REBEKAHS H OLD PA R TY Hubert Leuck. • The annual Christmas party of From Portland— the Rebekah lodge was held last To Nam pa— Mrs. G ladys Welsh arrived in Mrs. Tom Lile was a business Nyssa this week from Portland, Friday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall Seventy were present to en visitor in Nam pa Tuesday. where she will visit for two weeks joy the dinner that was folloyed at the home of her daughter, Mrs by an e v e n ly of dancing. A I-eave For Holdays— Ed Knettle. special feature of the party was Mrs. Clora H arris and Miss the gift exchange that -was hod. Oeorgia Nichols will spend the Released From Hospital— The committee in charge of a r holidays at Notus. Miss Virginia Bob Kido, who has been confined Voigt will go to H allw ay to visit in the hospital with a broken knee, rangements was composed of Mrs. friends during the Christmas va following a recent automobile ac Owen Gann, Mrs. John Reeves and Mrs. Joe Bellon. cation. cident, was released and returned to his home Mondav. Here From Boise— Visit Son— M r and Mrs Macum Smith and Mr. and M rs W D Emery of Nursing Home— Mr and Mrs Ken Hunter and W alla W a lla are visiting at the C liff Beaumont of Kingman K o l- home of their son, John Emery, and ony entered the Nyssa Nursing families of Boise were guests S u n day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. will remain for the holidays. home Monday for medical obser H. E. Collins. vation and treatment. Visits Aunt— Mrs. Nora Clomch, who was en Ill At Home— route from Vale to her home in Mrs. Hilda Jensen assistant In y ou Pocatello, visited last week at the home of her aunt, Ethel Langford. at her home Wednesday. Program Is Presented At School; Caroling Spon sored By Churches Moisture In Mountains Better, But Storage Water Is Down W hile storms o f the last several days have been piling up snow on the watershed of the Owyhee res ervoir, Nyssa and vicinity has not been without cold weather and also considerable snow. The temperature dropped to three degrees above aero Wednesday morning, giving Nyssa its coldest weather since December, 1945, when the mercury tumbled to two de grees above aero, according to figures released at the office of the bureau o f reclamation in Nyssa. The low temperature Wednesday at the dam w as nine above and at the O ntario air port three be low. All of NyBsa, except the unain- traveled streets, w as still blank eted with snow today. Although moisture conditions on the Owyhee watershed are consid erably better than last year, stor age in the reservoir as reported December 2 was 255.110 acre feet as compared with 270,530 acre feet on the same date In 1947. “T h e only authentic information received to date concerns the O w yhee watershed in Idaho, which indicates the snowfall is the heav iest in the last three years” M a n ager James Spofford anounced. Three feet o f snow was reported on South mountain, 20 inches at Jordan Valley an d heavy snowfall in Duck valley in Idaho. "Reports from the great ru n off area into the reservoir, which Is located in Nevada, indicated that the heaviest December storms in three years have occured,” Mr. Spofford said, “but the amount has not been determined. Snow surveys in January will provide more comprehensive information." * JHCkSOH 5 Jewelry StOTO Wins In Business Division Henigson Named City Attorney ADRIAN WINS IN OVERTIME PERIOD Owyhee To Vote ; On Bond Issue ■ . SAFETY SLOGAN Jf ^rink, don’t drive, If yOU dl1V6, don t dnnk.