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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1948 PAGE THREE IFOR RENT— Polish your own | works of the Anderson Ranch Dam NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION I Owyhee, and Kingman, and Mrs. Dick Oroot and Klaas floors. Rent our high-speed pol- | project on the Boise River in the UPON Ql'ESTION OF INCREAS-' Clothing and cooking exhibits Siam of Oregon Trail called Sunday ishing equipment. Easily handled I State of Idaho and re-payment by IN TAX LEVY OVER AMOCNT; *“ v di p ayed, and eight cooking. BY SECTION SECTION II, 11 AH cloth‘n* and were 0116 given. homenSking i Groot **enlni of on Appl^ Mr and rrtt by women. Nyssa Lumber company the Park Unit of the Big Bend LIMITED AR- I aemonstrations val ey Mrs- and ° « Dick 3AtIc Irrigation District oi the propor 1 H LE fc.D XI, BY STATE. (O N S1ITI- l ie following girls participated ISeilman, who is here from Medford. tionate share of the cost thereof TION . !n the demonstrations: Lynelte Mr. and Mrs. C. W. de Boer called Found allocated to irrigation purposes and Notice is hereby given that an Hickmal> and Diana Jones. June on relatives in this community &in- and Phyllis Cheldelin, hay afternoon. POUND— Upper plate of teeth as to the validity of said contract, election will be held Monday, June Feterson RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. After one month one I Owner Ioann Crocker and Shirley Hoke, | Boise visitors Thursday afternoon may have them by calling at and for an order approving and 21 in School district No. 26C of Bernadine Price and Jackie Smith, were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen Journal office and paying for this confirming the same and that said Malheur County, State of Ore Bonita Langlois cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. Molly Con- land family. advertisement. 3Jlxc petition is now pending in said gon, from 2:00 P. M. to 7:00 P. M. -lau hy, Erancene and Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirksen and at the Nyssa Grade School In Lynda Blanch, and Bonita Lang' family of Richland were Sunday Circuit Court; that on the 8th day said school district, for the pur WANTED ois and Darlene Smith, Geneva dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake of May 1948, upon motion of the pose of submitting to the legal chrome table and sink edgings, w a n ted — Practical nursing work petitioners the Court made and en voters of said district the question Ccnnaughy and Pauline Howard, Groot of Arcadia. For Sale waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Pur- for young people. Blanche Deaville tered its order fixing the 29th day of increasing the tax levy for the Charlene Hanes and Adele Ham- Clayton Jensen and Ronald of FOR SALE— M and M two-row niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc.! Overstreet road between Adrian and ol June 1948, at the hour of 11:00 fiscal year 1948-1949 over the am mon. Euith Dean and Shirley Nyssa called on Mrs. T. H. Beran- iparks, Mar.elyn McKinley and ek Thursday afternoon. 3Jlxp. o'clock in the forenoon as the time ount limited by section 11, article -»etty i east ^ at^ of a£ Notus, V ° rn/ Art . U“ Tews. iVator' on*.™lle FOR~~SALE^ Very atracüve t ^ |0ntario- Hail. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen and when, and the Circuit Court root» XI. of the Constitution of Oregon. 3Jlxp. bedroom WANTED— Lady 25 to 35, single home. Modem except heat, E. M. Hauser, county club agent, Mr. and Mrs. John Broad were in of the Malheur County Courthouse The reasons for increasing such or married, to leam typing and judged the demonstrations. The two Ontario Saturday evening. FOR SALE— 50 by 117 lot on North I garage, nice yard, trees and shrubs. office work and selling, high school at Vale, Oregon, as the place where levy are: said petition and the proceedings Increased costs of operation •est teams from each club and all Mrs. Florence Larsen and grand education, permanent work for quire ____________________________ IflL “ “ * estate, 2” ^ in- right person, phone 144-J, Alva thereunder will be heard: that pur brought about by increased en single teams from any one club son, Larry, left for Ogden last week Bernard Eastman, real said aider hearing of said rollment, higher salaries, higher gave their demonstration at the to spend Memorial day. FOR SALE— Golden canaries, at ! surance. Phone 64. 6Mtfc. Watts. 29Atic suant to and the proceedings there costs of instructional supplies fuel it** sPr*11* show In Ontario June 3. Callers at the Joe St am home Marshall Wells, L. Faries, phone FOR SALE— Good home with four WANTED— Cleaning: Furniture, petition under will be heard on the 29th and other items. The budget In The style show given by the 4-H in Nyssa Thursday were Mr. and 165-W, 8 to 6. 3J3xp. apartments, modem and good lo rugs and carpets, in your home. day of June, 1948 at the hour of cludes an item of $25.000.90 in the girls completed the program. A gift Mrs. Dick Groot. was presented to Betty Jean Toomb Miss Thelma Cooper of Oakland, 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon In the construction fund. FOR SALE— 1946 model H John cation. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In- Phone or write Roy Vawter, Nampa Circuit Room of the Malheur The amount of tax, in excess of oy the 4-H clubs of Kingman. Miss California is visiting her parents, Deere tractor, with spud and beet j surance Agency, 22A8xp. County Court 6Mtfc. 468 or box 175. Courthouse at Vale, Ore the 6 per cent limitation, proposed Toomb has not only ‘been a 4-H Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cooper and other cultivators and beet lifter. 1941' SALE— Small homes, build WANTED— To buy anything in gon; that in said order the Court to be levied for said fiscal year is -lub member, but has acted as pia relatives. Allis Chalmers combine with aux FOR nist for a great many group singing Mrs. Gerrit Groot erf Apple val lots for home or business. Ralph beef or veal. Also custom killed directed that notice be served on $51.061.44. iliary motor and tandem wheels, ing ley and her son, Jake Groot, left and delivered to Polar Cold Stor all persons and parties concerned Dated this 19th day of May, 1948. programs and style reviews. good shape. Clifford Wolfe, five Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. Friday for Medford, returning Sat 6Mtfc. age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. by publication thereof for three Attest: miles west of Owyhee corner. 3J2xp. a -companied by her uncle, (3i succesive weeks, being four (4) Henry H. Hartley, SEVERAL ON VISITS urday, SALE— AG6 cletrac crawler Disk Seilman. publications, in the Gate City Jour FOR SALE— 1946 model Blackstone FOR District Clerk MISCELLANEOUS to AT NEWELL HEIGHTS Tires, Tubes Burn— nal, published at Nyssa, Oregon, washing machine, excellent condi tractor, good condition, ready Loyd Adams, Nyssa. MISCELLANEOUS — Opportunity and that jurisdiction of the Court tion. Ostrom Brow Appliance, phone go, S. E. Flanagan, route 2, 29Atfc. Chairman Board of Directors for right man. good salary, big com in the premises be complete at the NEWELL HEIGHTS, June 3— Mrs. City firemen were called Wednes 118-W. • 3Jtfc. missions, permanent job. See Bud expiration of ten days after the full W W. Smith is visiting this week day night to North First street, PROCLAMATION OF THE FOR SALE— Milk cows. Zack FOR SALE— International 52-R Walker, phone 78NR. Sherman, B and M equipment Co., publication of this notice; that the at the home oi her daughter, Mrs. where several tires and tubes MAYOR 22Atfc caught fire in the basement of a combine with alfalfa, clover, grain | _______________________________ Nyssa, phone 270-W. 27Mtfc. date of the first publication of this STATE OF OREGON Alvin McGinnis, in Adrian. and bean screens and attachments, f o r SALE— One utility two-wheel MISCELLANEOUS— Joe Sharbo notice is May 13th, 1948, and that County -several women in the community residence. The house was filled of Malheur ss. Used two seasons. Willard Hall, 249 trailer. Leo Fife, phone 05-R11 and Co. says Olympic club and Ace the date of the last publication is City of Nyssa attended the bridal shower given with smoke. The name of the own miles northeast of Adrian. 27M2xp. 18Mtfc. Pastime cleanest places in town June 3rd, 1948; and for Betty Toomb in the Legion hall er, who was not at home, was not WHEREAS, pursuant to resolu learned. You are hereby further notified tion duly and regularly passed and m Adrian Thursday afternoon. FOR SALE— Small house on 66 by f o r SALE— Half horse air com- and good places to get sandwiches. that you and each of you, or any Caroline Scheuner participated hi adopted by the City Council of 27M2xp 77-foot lot, three rooms and bath, pressor, complete and ready to use. in Utah— or party interested, may at the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, . the piano recital - given last Tuesday — „ Visit living room 10 by 16, bedroom 10 by Leo Fife, phone 05-R11, route 2, MISCELLANEOUS - I will not be person Mr. and Mrs. Frell Blair and any time prior to the expiration of Oregon on the 27th day of April,, ,lss Hoffmans pupils in Parma. 12, small kitchen and bath. Beau Nyssa. Boyd left last Saturday for Utah. 18Mtfc. ten (10) days after the 3rd day of 1948, there were submitted to the J^yce Kurtz was in Ontario Wed- responsible for debts contracted by tiful hardwood floors in livingroom They will visit for a week at Lewis June 1948, appear and contest the anyone other than myself. Martin legal voters of the Oity of Nyssa, In , ay’ inlaid linoleum in kitchen and FOR SALE— Three-room house A. Teske. ton and Ogden. validity of this proceeding or any Oregon, for their approval or re-* ’ Gy<® McGinnis of Adrian was 13M4xc bath. 3-piece modem bath set. 441 with bath, electric water tank, 75 the acts or things covered by jectlon, several proposed amend- f!1 ov< 1 night guest of Shirley Smith North Sixth street. H. A. Sweet. by 119 corner lot, nice lawn, easy MISCELLANEOUS— Want your of To Twin Falls— this proceeding and recited and ments to the Charter of the City Monday night. terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mtfc. 27M2xc. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis and own business? 80-year-old reputa- enumerated in said petition, and of Jerry McGinnis of Owyhee was Sandra Nyssa, at a special eleotion held spent the week-end at tio and our capital will back you. if you fail so to appear the Court on May 18, 1918, pursuant to said an overnight guest of Gary Smith Twin Palls. FOR SALE— Used electric Hot- FOR SALE—Have farms and homes Others up bo $10,000 year will proceed In Its judicial exam resolution, with ballot titles as luesday night. point range, phone 188W or 193R for sale. Need more, list with Ken ly. No earning experience required. Write ination and enter Its judgment and follows, to-wit: Jimmy Wooster of Adrian visited 27Mtfc Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter ave decree as to the regularity and CHARTER AMENDMENT SUB Gary Smith Wednesday evening. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and nue, Seattle 9, Washington. 6M7xc. legality of such proceedings and of MITTED TO THE VOTERS BY Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ammann oi NYSSA INSURANCE FOR SALE!— Pick your own straw supplies all kinds at your Wes each and all of such proceedings, Colorado visited last week at the berries in quantities. I. C. Story, tinghouse of dealers. THE COUNCIL Ostrom Bros. MISCELLANEOUS— Send us your acts and things covered by said Shall the Acme cf Mrs. Ammann’s brother, one mile southwest of Nyssa. Charter of the City AGENCY for sharpening, gumming or petition, and declaring said contract of Nyssa be amended by adding Lee Saxton, and family. 27M2xc. Appliance Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. saws re-toothing to any size teeth you bo be a legal, valid and binding Mr. and Mrs. Charley West re thereto a new Chapter ratfying ceived an announcement of the Fire and Automobile SALE— Phone 144-J or write Patterson saw shop, North obligation of the district. FOR SALE:— 1946 Case V.A.C. row FOR and approving all contracts made graduation Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for wish. First street. lAtfc. This notice is given by me under crop tractor with mower, cultivator Willys of Buddy Rogers, son Insurance steps taken by the Council for Mr. and Mrs. parts, motors, extra equip MISCELLANEOUS— Hav? excellent seal of the above entitled Court and and plow. Also, John Deere pick-up ment, jeeps, Ted Rogers, former issuance of bonds to construct water of wagons, pickup tenant for farm. Prefers row crop pursuant to and by authority of mains hay bailer. Good condition. $495. tracks, tires, station residents of Newell Heights, now Rentals Bonds and authorizing the Coun living in Junction City, Oregon. tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. the order of Hon. M. A. Biggs, cil to issue Three miles north, 2 miles west on and sell ninety thous Many Newell Heights residents Gem avenue. Barney Ligart. Judge of the Circuit Court of the SALE— Imperial wallpaper. MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, In State of Oregon for the County of and dollars ($90,000.00) bonds to attended tile American Legion Me Ralph Lawrence, Agent 27M2xp. FOR Guaranteed to be washable and stallation funds for construction of morial services at Adrian Sunday made and entered on the provide of heating systems, coal Malheur, Nyssa, Oregon said water mains, and authorizing morning. Joyce Kurtz, Caroline FOR SALE— Fuller wallpaper in non-fading tor three years. Good or oil. Also 8th day of May, 1948. and repair. a tax levy to pay for said bonds? wide assortment of patterns and stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com- Phone 169-W; servicing Dated and sealed at Vale, Ore after 6 p.m. 289-R. Scheuner, Joyce Stoker and Shirley 500 ...................................Yes 26 J tic. prices, washable and light proof. pany. 15Jtfc. gon, on this, the 8th day of May 501 Smith played in the band and Bob .......................................No, Nyssa Furniture company, one block FOR SAE— New Westlnghouse el 1948. CHARTER AMENDENT SUB- I Kurtz took part in the military straight west of U. P. depot. 20Mtfc. ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom MISCELLANEOUS— Available now H. S. Sackett, County Clerk MITTED TO THE VOTERS BY dril1 cleaners and air puri of the Circuit Court. Shirley Smith and Roy Mecham DR. G.W. GRAVES FOR SALE— Let us measure your Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. Electrolux THE COUNCIL fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An First Pub. May 13, 1948 Monday in Vale at the Rone 15Jtfc. derson, route i Welser, Idaho. Last Pub. June 3, 1948 windows for Venetian blinds. No Shall the Charter of the City spent Optometrist charge for this service or estimates. of Nyssa amended by adding there Mecham home. Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfe. For Rent Obtainable in one week. Assorted to a new Chapter ratifying and IN THE COUNTY COURT OF colors in steel or aluminum slats. MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and THE STATE OF OREGON FOK approving all contracts entered in COLUMBIA AVENUE RENT— Two-room house with free Eyes Examined Nyssa Furniture company, phone FOR pick-up or your dead, crippied THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR to and steps taken by the Council bath, partly furnished, at 133 En- 149-W. . 20Mtfc. pertaining to issuance of bonds Boise visitors Friday were Mr. I or sick livestock. Calls received be- In the Matter of the Guardianship St., Nyssa. See or write D. 3Jlxp, Pam- Iore 9 oclock o’clock are picxea picked up up py by of the Estate of FRED LINDER, for street and alley intersection and Mrs. John Broad, Mrs. Dick I perien. Vale, Oregon. FOR SALE— Nearly new Fox pick nis Phone 720 improvements and authorizing the Oroot, Mrs. Pete Tensen and Dick Efficient are drivers. Call col up hay chopper with blower. E. M. TOR RENT— Two sleeping rooms. ' j noon. an Incompetant Person Council to improve and oil certain lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Tensen. NOTICE OF SALE Bair, pihone 288-NW. 20M4xp Phone 286-J, 502 N. Third street. sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Producta 718 Arthur St. and alley Intersections In Dave Hawkins was in Ontario NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN street the City of Nyssa, and to issue and 5Jtfc. that FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, Memorial day. 27M2xc. Company. under and by virtue of an sell thirty-five thousand ($35,000.00) Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot and Caldwell, Idaho of the County Court of Mal dollars bonds to provide funds for Mrs. Kris van Zelf of Arcadia, Mr. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? order heur County, Oregon, made and Loans on farms for refinancing, entered on the 18th day of May, said purpose and authorizing a tax building, Improvements, b u yi n g . 1948, in the matter of the guardian levy to pay said bonds? Long term, iow Interest, see Ber ship ..................................... Yes of the estate of F'red Linder, 502 nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. an Incompetent 503 .............. No person, the under 3Atfc. signed as guardian of said guard WHEREAS, at said special elec held pursuant to said resolu NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids estate will sell at private tion MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car ianship tion on May 18, 1948, the legal will be received until the hour of 8:00 o’clock P.M. or cash In hand or on such voters and cylinder lock keys made. H ’n- sale of the City of Nyssa, Oregon as might be or the best in- did vote neman’s. 250tfc. terms upon the said measures on Friday, the 11th day of June, 1948, and immedi terets of said estate, on and after and each of them; and, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING June 19, 1948, subject to confirma WHEREAS, at said election there ately thereafter publicly opened by the City Council of the within court, the fol were cast In favor Stock received Monday, Tuesday, tion am of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, at the Council Cham lowing described real property, to- endment authorizing of the Charter Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. •wit: City Coun to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. The NMtN'-zSWNW’i of Section cil to issue and sell thirty-five bers in said City, for the purchase of the City of No stock received on Sunday. thousand dollars ($35,000.00) bonds Nyssa Street Intersection Bonds, Series A, being PHYSICIANS DENTISTS 31, Township 19 S., Range 47 for Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery E.W.M. Improving and oiling certain general obligation bonds, in the sum of Thirty- together with 5 shares to Polar locker plant. , street and alley intersections 125 five Thousand ($35,000.00) Dollars, said bonds of Capital Stock of the Owyhee SARAZIN CLINIC One mile west on Alberta avenue water right appurtenant thereto. votes, and there were cast at said Phone 05R1 election against the proposed Char being in denominations of $1,000.00 and $500.00 The undersigned will receive bids Dr. J. J. Sarazln JAKE FISCHER DR. C. M. TYLER amendment and issuance of each, for the saile of said property at ter all bearing date of June 1, 1948, and maturing said bonds in the sum of $35,000 00 his office at Main Street In the for Dr. K E. Kerby said purpose a total of 7 votefe; serially in numerical order as follows: Legal Advertising Wilson Building City of Nyssa, Oregon, on and Physician and Surgeons June 19, 1948 and until such WHREAS, at said special election Bond Numbers IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF after Amount Date of Maturity time as said real property shall there Phone 165-J, Nyssa THE STATE OF OREGON FOR liave (1 bond if $1,000.00) cast In favor of issuing 2 1 $1.000 00 June 1, 1949 been sold That a deed will ninety were THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR (1 bond ® $500 00) thousand dollars ($90,000.00) 3 500.00 June 1, 1949 executed to the best and high bonds for Matter of the Confirmation he L. A. Maulding, M. D. Office hours from 9 to 5 except of In the (1 bond if $ 1 . 000 . 0 0 ) 1,000.00 paying for construction 4 June 1, 19.50 bidder therefor, subject to the l water mains the Proceedings in Relation to est (1 bond «i $500.00) 500 00 a total of 128 votes 5 June 1, 1950 Physician and Surgeon right of said guardian to reject o and Saturdays, 9 to 12. the Contract of the Big Bend Irri any (1 bond if $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) 1.000 00 there were cast against said 6 June 1, 1951 and all bids and subject to the "barter gation District with the United confirmation Phone 37 (1 bond $500.00) amendment and against 500 00 June 1, 1951 of the within court. States of America. (1 bond if $1,000 00) 1.000 00 Issuance of $90.000 00 worth of 7 8 June 1, 1952 Hours: 10 to 1" and 2 to 5 Dated tms 19th day of May, 1948 said N O T I C E (1 bond ii $500.00) 500.00 4 votes, June 1, 1952 Frank T. Morgan, Guardian of jonds • Daily—Except Sunday To the BIO BEND IRRIGATION the 9 (1 bond if $1.000.00) 1,000 00 THEREFORE, under and 10 June 1, 1953 of Fred Linder, an by NOW.1 DISTRICT and to all freeholders, Ditch Estate (1 bond it $500.00) 500.00 June 1, 1953 oi the authority vested In Company, representing the me virtue J. R. CUNDALL legal voters and assessment payers Incompetent (1 bond $1,000.00) 1,000.00 June 1, 1954 by the laws of the State of 11 Person. JEWELRY STORES within said District: 12 (1 bond ii $600 00) 500.00 Oregon and Ordinances of the City 13 June 1, 1954 First pub. May 20. 1948. Notice is hereby given that on Last Dentist (1 bond if $ 1 . 0 00 . 00 ) 1,000.00 June 1, 1956 of Nyssa, I, R. G. WHITAKER. 14 pub. June 17, 1948. ! this 11th day of May, 1948 H. R. (1 bond $500.00) 500 00 Mayor of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, June 1, 1955 Phone 56-J PAULUS | Hatch, Joseph King and Arthur C. IN THE COUNTY COfRT OF do hereby proclaim that each of 15 (1 bond if $1,000.00) 1.000 00 June 1, 1956 Holly, directors of the Big Bend 16 (1 bond ® $500 00) 500 00 June 1, 1956 the proposed amendments sub JEWELRY STORE Sarazln Clinic STATE OF OREGON FOK mitted at the special election May 17 I Irrigation District filed In the Cir THE (1 bond $1.000.00) 1.000.00 June 1, 1957 Union Pacific Time Inspector NYSSA THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR cuit Court o it the State of Oregon (1 bond <0 $500 00) OREGON 500.00 June 1, 1957 18, 1948 has been duly approved 18 In the Matter of the Adoption of by JEWELRY — DIAMONDS for Malheur County their petition BEVERLY 19 (1 bond ii $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) 1.000.00 June 1, 1958 of the voters in fav 20 JOYCE SMITH, an In or of a majority WATCHES praying for a Judicial examination fant of Joyce (1 bond ii $500.00) 500.00 June 1, 1958 each of said proposed emend- E. Smith Glenn and and judgment as to the regularity Main Street a. Second (2 bonds if $1,000.00) 2,000 00 June 1, 1959 and that a majority of all 21-22 Smith, mother and father, ments. and legality of the proceedings of Richard (2 bonds if $1.000 00) 2,000.00 June 1, 1960 votes cast upon each of said pro 23-24 OPTOMETRISTS the petitioners and the District respectively. (2 bonds $1.000.00) 2.000.00 June 1, 1961 posed amendments were in favor 25-26 CITATION in the authorization and execution (2 bonds if $1.000 00) 2,000.00 June 1, 1962 the adoption thereof, and I do 27-28 RICHARD SMITH, father of of WYCKOFF of the contract of the District with To 29-30 (2 bonds $1.000.00) 2.000 00 June 1, 1963 hereby proclaim that each of said Beverly Joyce Smith, a minor under the United States of America for JEWELRY STORE DR. J. A. MCFALL the construction of the irrigation 31-32 (2 bonds $1,000.00) 2.000.00 June 1, 1964 proposed amendments as set forth 33-34 14 years of age (2 bonds $1,000.00) Official Time Inspector for 2,000.00 June 1, 1965 in said resolution of April 27, 1948 35-36 In the Name of the State of Ore (2 bonds if $1.000 00) 2,000.00 June 1, 1966 Union Pacific be and are and do constitute a 37-38 gon, You are hereby cited, required part DR. JOHN EASLY (2 bond* if $1,000 00) 2 000 00 June 1, 1967 of the Charter of the City 39-40 ONTARIO OREGON and commanded to appear before of Nyssa (2 bonds ® $1,000.00) 2.000.00 June 1. 1968 and I do announce and this court on the 22nd day of June. Free Pick Up 1948, at 10:00 o’clock A.M of said proclaim that said proposed amend- LODGES Said bonds will be sold to the highest and best day at the Court Room of thl.s | rrie-nt.s are a part and^ parce^and constitute a part of the Char bidder and for the highest price obtainable, but • Of Your Court in the Courthouse at Vale, do of the City of Nyssa as of May Malheur County. Oregon, then and ter Nyssa Post No. 79 shall not be sold for less than par and accumulated 18, 1948 there to show cause, if any you Dead and Worthless Whitaker, American Legion have, why a decree should not be - Mayor R. of O. interest. the City of Nyssa granted by tne Honorable Irwin Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs.i All of said bonds bearing interest at a rate not Animals Troxell, Judge of the County Court E ATTEST: for Malheur County. Oregon for the K Burton Project ° ffice, 8 p. m. phone 21, Ontario, Ore to exceed five (5) per cent per annum, payable Call Collect adoption of vour minor daughter City Recorder All Veterans vv elcome semi-annually, both principal and interest payable prayed for in the Petition of Pirst Pub. May 27, 1948 There Is a Phone Near You as Dick R Stockman and Helen Fran Last Pub. June 3, 1948. at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Stockham on file in said Court Gate City Lodge VETERINARIANS Nyssa 100 Parma 2S ces Witness Nyssa, Oregon. All bids must be unconditioned and the Honorable Irwin SHOW OF No. 214 Troxell, Judge of the County Court SPRING be accompanied by a certified checlr in the sum of Ontario 53 ADRIAN 4-H HELD of Malheur County. Bute of Ore DR. HAL 1). WHIT!-; I.O.O.F. $800.00 to become the property of the City of Nyssa "We Haul the Day You Call" gon. this 18th day of May. 1948 Meets every Monday ADRIAN, June 3— The annual if the successful bidder fails to comply with the ATTEST H 8. Backett, Clerk of Veterinarian the County Court of Malheur 4-H local spring show was held in contract of sale awarding said bonds to the bidder. Ida-Ore Rendering Co. County. night, 8:30. the Adrian high school building Oregon. South First Street Phone Ontario 100 Thursday evening. Four-H club BY R W Lewis. Deputy. Nyssa, Oregon E. K. Burton members and leaders were present First pub. May 20, 1948 from Rldgevlew, Wade, Lower Bend, Last pub. June 17, 1948. City Recorder Professional And Business Dlreciory Notice Of Bond Sale ii if ii if ii ii ii