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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1948)
%* >> ------- ,- g e V y . KV' The NYSSA VOLUME XXXXI1I NO. 225 Annual School Election Will Be Held June 21 TROPHIES WON BY NYSSA BOATMEN IN REGATTA AT EMMETT JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 Showmanship Is Won by V. Child NYSSA WOMEN GO TO P.T.A. MEETING CITY WILL OFFER City Budget Of Playground In l BONDS FOR SALE $52,685 Passed AT FRI. MEETING City Park W ill By Councilmen At a meeting to be held Friday Be Opened Tues. night in the city hall, the city will The county council of the P ar ent-Teacher association met Satur day morning, June 5 at Ontario. Those attending from Nyssa were open bids on street and water bonds Mrs. W. W. Poster, Mrs. John Lane, People W ill Vote On Pro designed to provide funds with Experienced Directors A re posal To Exceed Six Mrs. Dean F ife, Mrs. Leo Gonyer, Secured For Recrea which to pave city streets and im Mrs. John Schenk and Mrs. Ed Per Cent Limitation prove the water system. tion Program Frost. M rs Ed Frost was re-elected Bonds amounting to $71,500 for A tentative 1948-49 budget for county treasurer of tha P.T.A. O th The summer recreation program the city o f Nyssa was approved at streets and bonds amounting to er county officers include Mrs. •ponsored for children by the Nysaa $90,000 for the water department a meeting of the city budget board civic organizations will be started Dick Jensen, Ontario, county presi and the council in the city hall will be offered for sale. dent; Mrs. A. P. Ackerman, O ntar in the city park Tuesday, June 15. I f suitable bids are offered, the last Friday night, with the budget io, vice president, and Mi's. Myrtle All children who are interested bonds will be sold and work will total amounting to $52.685. O f this in taking advantage o f the p ro Wilburn o f Va;e, secretary. be started immediately on the The meeting was attended by amount $16.290 will be raised within streets.City Manager E. K. Burton gram are asked to register at the about 40 members from over the *ht six per cent limitation and $8- said The street work should be park Monday rooming, June 14. county, representing nine P.T.A 150 outside the six per cent lim ita finished by the middle of July, beginning at 9 o’clock. groups. A fter the installation of tion, or a total of $24,449 to be rais The playground will be open officers, reports from the P.T.A. ed by taxation. The remainder, or $28,236, will units were made, as well as special from Monday to Friday, Inclusive, reports on the county health work be secured from other resources, from 9 a.m. to 12 and from 1 p.m. by Miss Margaret Beattie, and such as fines, licenses, state gas to 4 p.m. Children of school age, liv tax, state liquor tax and county county reading groups by Miss L il ing in Nyssa ana the rural areas, ian Nisbett. Mrs. Jensen reported road fund. The total for this past that Malheur county now has 743 year as compared to the $52,685 was are invited to attend the program. Funeral services were held in the members representing 13 P.T.A. $41,221. The m ajor cause o f the Henry Crowley of Wellptnit, Wash- increase is an item of $9800 for Methodist church in Nyssa W ed groups. ngton will be the director. He will A t noon the group enjoyed a streets, which will ¡be paid from the nesday afternoon at 2 o’clock for be assisted by Miss K ing o f Parma. lunch, with drinks and Ice cream new county 10-mill levy, so that Mrs. Robert R Overstreet, pioneer College o f Idaho graduate who furnished by the P.T.A. to both tile in reality the budget is only $1664 resident of the Owyhee area, who died in a Boise hospital Saturday majored in physical education. P.T.A. and 4-H groups. For the larger than this year. Grade ’A ’ equipment of all types The water fund total is $21,500 night. afternoon session the P.T.A. joined Rev. H. J. Gernhardt officiated. has been purchased by the Parent- with the county 4-H groups to hear jand the sewer department total is Teacher association in sufficient Harry Seymore, former state 4-H $11,100. Both departments are self- Mrs. L. G. Klinkenberg, accom panied by Mrs. K. E. Keveren, sang quantity to guarantee a fu ll day leader, and to view the 4-H style sustaining. The people will vote June 22 on two solos. Interment was in the of play for children o f all age lev review. els, sponsors said. Schedules o f 21 years of age and a resident of its annual ¡boat carnival Sunday, in item of $6500 proposed to be Owyhee cemetery. the district m ay vote for school LARGE FISH ARE June 20 on the Snake river at the raised outside the six per cent lim i . Georgia Mae Scott was born Aug games will be posted on the park PICTURE CONTEST director. Only those whose names bridge. tation. The total to be raised out ust 28, 1868 at Delevan, Illinois and bulletin board. Rules regulating the ENTERED IN DERBY Nyssa will also be posted. appear on the assessor’s rolls or The program will include ex STARTED BY FIRMS side the six per cent is $8150, but spent her youth at Gibson Oity, playground A baseball league will be organiz who oan show evidence o f owner hibition water skiing, surfboard rid ’ he allowable increase without a Illinois. She was married to Robert T h e largest fish caught so far ed, with each team to play five ship tn a corporation, partnership ing and boat racing. Keen compe Five Ir business firms, Brack- vote Is $1650, so that only $6500 Reading Overstreet March 15, 1904. games a week. At the close o f the or other firm doing business and in the fish derby sponsored by the tition is expected in the races be en's, Nys food Center, Firestone is involved In the election. The rln that year the couple moved to a Olympic club was a five-pound year the league champions will be paying taxes in the district are eli cause o f past performances. The store, Oi ie Drug company and polls will be open in the city hall ranch in the Owyhee section and rowned. gible to vote to exceed the six per trout taken by Elmer Stradley of carnival will be started at 1 p.m., Intermou in 1909 moved to Kingm an Koiony, *i Furniture company, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nyssa. T h e catch gives Stradley the but the first part of the afternoon along w i > _ Ivans’ cent limitation. The final hearing on the budget where they have since resided. Jv studio, have an lead for the grand prize and also will be devoted to boat riding. Mrs. Overstreet was an active HERRIMAN MOTOR TO nounced * they will conduct a will be held July 13 In the council for the June prize. The boat club will erect bleachers chambers. The budget will be pub members of the United Presbyterian CROP INSPECTION SHOW 49 FORD CAR R oy Pounds won the May prize on the Amalgamated Sugar com children’s picture contest. Anyone purchasing $5 worth of lished in detail in the G ate City church and civic organizations. She DEADLINE IS SET for bass with a 4 5/8 pound fish pany property on the west side merchandise was on of the first county presi Journal next week. a t any of the five Oarl Burningham won the trout of the river for the convenience J. L. Herriman, operator of the dents of the P.T.A. and was presi stores will receive and order for a dent of the county Parent-Teacher Herriman M otor company has re The deadline for field inspection ¡ontest in M ay with a 4*4 pound o f .mectators. The club w ill use the free photo at Evans’ studio. The proceeds of the carnival to help pay photos will be entered in the con organization when the county turned home from San Francisco, requests on certified seed crops has atch. George Vaughn said 165 men are tts Malheur Memorial hospital test and will be Judged by a com health association was formed. Mrs. where he attended a dealers show been set fo r June 15, Leeds Bailey, pledge. Overstreet was also instrumental ing of the 1949 Ford automobile. assistant county agent, announced now entered in the fish derby. mittee selected by the Nyssa Civic Eleven hundred dealers from six The Eagles, who will have charge club. Prizes amounting to more than in securing a county agent and Tuesday. Applications are taken at county 4-H leader for Malheur western districts were in attendance of the concessions, will use the $50 will be givyn. The pictures will the county agent's office. — . i * at the two-day meeting. T b e first proceeds from the sales to help pay be shown *n he firm windows. An increased number o f farmers Henry Storm was elected com county. She was one of the early showing of the new Ford w ill be its public recreation program pledge. are planting certified seed because mander o f Nyssa post No. 79, of members o f the original Kingman held at the Herriman garage June of the protectii *i t l c t it gives them Ministers Assigned— the American Legion a t a meeting Koiony book club. To Pittsburgh— Besides her husband. Mrs. Over 18. r-c.1. noxious weikli -Talley explain Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, pastor of held last Thursday night. A precedent has been established Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown, who the Methodist dhurch In Nyssa for ed. The seed is tested for purity The other new officers for tne street is survived Vy a daughter. in the low-priced automotive field Division winners in the 4-H have been visiting at the home of the last four years, has been as coming year are Robert Talbot, Jr., Mrs. Maurice Judd of Nyssa; a and germination at the state seed laboratory and rejected i f the rigid spring show held in Ontario last Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown for signed to the First Methodist church first vice commander; Harold Kurtz, son, Robert S. Overstreet of Boise; by combining handsomeness and standards set up for certified seed week were awarded scholarships to the past week, left this week for o f LaGrande. Rev. Gernhardt will •¡eeond vice commander; Arthur a brother, Henry R. Scott of San beauty with durability and com fort the 4-H summer school to be held Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, where Mr. preach his last sermon here Sunday Rouse, adjutant; Ira Sage, finance Francisco; five sisters, Mrs. Edith in the Interiors of the 1949 Ford are not met. Certification w ill cost the farmer on the Oregon State college campus Brown will train on a fellowship morning at 11 o'clock and he and officer; Don Graham, chaplain; Ennis, Mrs. Emma Watson, Mrs. cars. Mr. Herriman said. “ Ford has broken away from the awarded him by the Westinghouse Mrs. Gernhardt will leave sometime Delbert Rouse, historian; Homer Martha Hughson and Miss Ellen about one-half cent per pound for this summer. Geraldine Dickey o f Brogan won company. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were next week fo r L a Grande. Rev. Chadderdon, service officer, and Scott, all of San Francisco, and neutral tones which have been tra alfalfa and red clover and one cent per pound for ladino clover on fields in two division, in the closing di accompanied as far as Kansas City Donald Campbell of Boise, execu Don Buel, sergeant-at-arms. Trus Mrs. Ann Applegate of LaJolla, ditional for mass production auto mobiles as designers have turned with average sized yields, Bailey vision and in the style show. As she by Mrs. Brown’s parents, Mr. and tive secretary of the board o f edu tees fo r the Nyssa Veterans as California, and three grandchildren, to textured fabrics popular in fa could receive only one scholarship, Mrs. O. E. Dorman. added. cation of the Idaho conference last sociation are Henry Storm, Leon Robert Don Overstreet of Boise shions ¡and Interior decorating” , the the style revue scholarship was and Maurice Overstreet Judd and year, has been assigned to the ard Huseby and John Telisak. dealer reported. awarded to Arlene Piercy o f K in g- Return from Utah Trip— Nyssa Girls See Flood Victims— Nyssa church. He will preach here The Legion plans to install o f Ellen Catherine Judd of Nyssa. “ O f the three new fabrics, the Word has been received from man Koiony, the reserve champion. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee for the first time June 20. Rev. ficers June 17. Robert Damon, dis most unusual is a soft gray tweed Nannett Bybee and ¡Barbara Tucker T h e other division winners were and Colleen and G erry spent five Floyd E. White, form er Nyssa pas trict commander, will be the in mixture with a blue stripe which that when they left for their vaca Ardyce Hurst o f Kingman Koiony, days in Ogden during the holidays. tor, has been transferred out of stalling officer. gives the 1949 Ford Interiors a tion a t Roslyn, Washington 10 days grand champion in the dollar din T hey visited a t the home of Mr. the conference and will go to Crys freshly tailored look. I t has been ago they witnessed part o f the ner contest, and Mollie Connaugihy and Mrs. W ayne Barker. tal Point, Indiana. Rev. M. H. Returns to Greenville— combined with a bolster o f blue- flood, and saw people forced out of Owyhee, grand champion in the Greenlee, pastor of the Methodist Miss LaRee Blacker returned Sun- I gray broadcloth to protect the up of their homes into little rowboats. cooking exhibits. Here from Salem— church in Nyssa prior to the time day to her home at Greenville, per section of ¡both front and rear Joanne Skinner o f Jordan Valley M aking most of the trip by train, Mr. and Mrs. Seuperman of Sa of Rev. Gernhardt, has been re Utah, after staying the past three Nyssa’s city baseball team was seats. the girls rode on a bus from Y a k i was awarded a scholarship by the lem were visitors at the E. K. assigned to Cascade. Other as months in Nyssa with her aunt, badly defeated by the Wilder nine “T h e same tailored good looks m a to CleElum. T h ey said the cars Ontario chamber of commerce be Burton home Saturday. Mr. Seu signments included Rev. Alvin Ear Mrs. Lester Jamison. last Sunday night at Wilder by a are obtained with the other fabrics in front o f them had to be towed cause o f her years in 4-H club perman is with the state engin nest at Apple Valley, Rev. Logan A. score of 10 to 1. —a smooth green striped broadcloth on account o f the high water on work, her interest and quality of eering department. Pruitt at Ontario and Rev. Leslie To Pocatello— Nyssa’s lone score came in the and two new adaptions o f mohair the highway. T h ey said the sight her work. B. Bailey at Jordan Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bellon spent second inning when Sam Hartley In a green and maroon stripe and In addition to Miss Connaughy, Veterans Will Meet— was ‘terrible” . last week-end in Pocatello. They doubled and Wilson batted a groun gray stripe combination. In proper several members of the Happy-Go- The American Legion and V eter Church Services Underway— were accompaned home by then- der to the third baseman who combination, the complement tha Luck Cooking club o f the Owyhee ans o f Foreign Wars w ill hold a Visiting Here^- The Middle Oregon Baptist as son, Jerry Bellon, who Is a student fumbled it, allowing Hartley to Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Duncan and district won prizes a t the spring special m eeting Friday evening at sociation sessions held at the Mis at the Idaho State College in advance to third. Lewis then sac new Ford fxterior colors such as sea mist green, birch gray. Arabian four daughters, Marcena., Mary, fair. 8 o’clock in the veterans adminis sionary Baptist ¡church at Nyssa, Pocatello. rificed, bringing Hartley in. green and Bayview blue. Darlene Haney won a first place tration building for the purpose of are well underway, with more than Linda and Naomi, of Porterville, T h e ability o f big left hander, The instrument panel o f the new California are here attending a ribbon on her sponge cake and discussing plans for the new vet 100 persons In attendance every Enjoy Pienie at Regatta— Garman, was proved by the record Ford has been simplified. A ll In- conference of the Missionary Bap Bonita Langlois a first on her erans memorial building and the day. Free meals are served three Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee and of ony three Nyssa hits in the (Continued On Page Seven) tist church and visiting friends. angelfood cake. T h e following girls ground-breaking ceremony. times each day for those in at fam ily were among the many Nyssa entire contest. This, coupled with Rev. Duncan was formerly pastor won second awards: Darlene Smith. tendance at the I.O.O.F. hall. residents to see the Black Canyon the apparent poor support received Returns to Nyssa— Fern Price, Jacqueline Smith and Goes to California— of the Nyssa chinch. regatta Sunday. They also enjoyed by Ison from the remainder of the Miss Evalene Towne, daughter of Bem adine Price. Third awards were Earl M arshall left Wednesday on Attend Ontario Party— a picnic with the following: Mr. club, cost the game. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne, who won by Oenieve Connaughy and a business trip to San Francisco. Return from Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bybee and Mr. and Mrs. George Courtney, Mr. and Nyssa has been attending school In K la Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison Vivian Hoke. Pauline Howard won and Mrs. Dayle Moss attended a Mrs. Gerald Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Name AB R H PO A math Falls, has arrived at her have returned home from a trip a ribbon fo r exhibiting. Returns from Salt Lake— birthday party Friday evening in Jay Bybee, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Rambaud, If 2 0 0 0 0 home In Nyssa, where she will spend Darlene Haney and Bonita. Lan g to Grants Pass and Klam ath Falls, Miss Elaine Peterson has returned honor of Lorin K ing at his home Courtney and Claudina Wilson. The Bellon. If 2 0 1 0 0 the summer. where they visited relatives and lois were awarded 4-H summer from a trip to Salt Lake City. She in Ontario. Centerpiece for the tab party enjoyed an evening lunch on Wohlcke, If 0 0 0 0 0 attended to business for four days. school scholarships by the local accompanied Mrs. Dwayne Ander le was a musical plate, supporting the lawns of the S. P. Bybee home Koyano, as 4 0 1 3 5 Visit In Nyssa— club, Mollie Connaughy a trip spon son and family. candy doll favors. The plate turned, in Nyssa afterward. Graham, of 4 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pfost and sored by the Owyhee P . T A and Transferred to Payette— playing “ Happy Birthday to You '. S. Hartley, rf 3 1 1 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chase o f Nam V em Farson, service man of the Fern Price a scholarship sponsored Farewell Planned— Program Scheduled— F. Wilson, lb-c 4 0 0 7 1 pa were Sunday visitors at the Joe Idaho Power company in Nyssa, by the county health association. A ll members of the Methodist Heaths Have Family Reunion— The Church of the Nazarene will Lewis, c 0 0 0 2 0 Maughan home. has received notice o f transfer to The girls also won their demonstra church o f Nyssa, and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Heath of hold a vacation Bible school pro- Sutherland, lb 2 0 0 10 0 Payette as foreman o f a line crew. tions. M olly Connaughy and Bonita Rev. and Mrs. Gernhardt are in Bountiful, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. C lar-lgra m Friday night a t 8 o’clock. The M Hartley, 3b 4 0 0 1 2 Health Group Meets— Mr. Farson, who moved to Nyssa Langlois won first and Vivian Hoke vited to attend a going-away party ence Heath, and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. i public Ls invited to attend. Holcomb, lb 1 0 0 0 0 A meeting was held last W ed with his fam ily three years ago and Darlene Smith second, for the Gernhardt fam ily following Bowers of Nyssa attended a fam ily ‘ C Wilson. 2b 2 0 0 0 2 nesday night at the Dennis Patch from Payette, will start work at Mrs. Harold Fivecoat is leader the program o f the daily vacation reunion tn Ontario Sunday after Pienie Planned— Iserl, 2b 0 0 0 1 4 home for the purpose of organizing Payette next week, but his family of the Owyhee girls. The annual Beam and Loftpn Ison, y Bible school at the church at 8 noon at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. 3 0 0 0 10 some county health committees for w ill remain here for a few weeks. Clarence J. Heath. Fourteen were clan picnic will be held in the R iv Total»* 31 1 3 24 24 o’clock Friday evening. Nyssa and community. Miss Mar He resigned as chief of the Nyssa Babies Arrive— erside park in Vale Sunday, June present. Wilder garet Beattie, executive secretary Five babies were bom at the Civic Club to Meet— fire department Monday night. Name 13. AH R II PO A of the Malheur County Tubercul- Frank Morris was advanced to the Nyssa Nursing home during the T h e meeting o f the Nyssa Civic In Grandview, Idaho— Farley, cf 3 2 1 1 0 ■ai.x and Health association, spoke position at chief fipon the resigna last fe w days. They are as fo l club will be a lawn meeting at D. O. and W. A. By bee spent Visit in Mid-West— Ward, rf 4 1 1 2 0 of the work of the Malheur as lows: June 7, Mr. and Mrs. Olin the home o f Mrs. O errit Stam Tuesday at their 400-acre farm at tion of Farson. Mrs. Ewen Chard and Mrs. Rhoda Faylor, Bb 5 2 2 0 5 sociation. and Mrs Donald Crego Nichols, Seneca, daughter, 8 pounds, Wednesday. June 16 at 2:30. Pro Orandview, Idaho attending to busi M ettlen left Tuesday by train for Batt, If 5 0 1 0 0 of Vale reported on the state social 2 ounces; June 8, Mr. and Mrs. fessor Ian Morton o f the College ness. Return from California— Birdaall, ss » 0 1 0 1 hygiene conference she had at M r and Mrs. Thomas O. Jones Delbert Herring, Nyssa, son, 6 of Idaho will be the guest speaker. Hultz. lb 5 1 1 13 0 tended at Portland. have returned home from Los A n pounds. 2 ounces; June 8. Mr. and T h e meeting will be the last of Here from Ogden— night 8 haffer, c 4 2 0 11 0 geles. where they visited relatives Mrs. Renie Baahon, Ironside, son, the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William Coop and the former p A x Oarman. p 3 1 2 0 1 Visit in Nyssa— for three months. Mr. Jones. Un 8 pounds, 11 Mi ounces: June 9 Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson and Kerfoot, 3b 4 1 3 0 3 Mr and Mrs. Henry Crowley o f ion Pacific agent at Nyssa. under and Mrs Robert Edison. Nyssa, son, Return from Visit— son. Bdbby. of Ogden, spent the Totals sa III IS 27 10 WeMplntt. Washington visited over went three m ajor operations dur 9 pounds; June 2, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R ay C. Lewis and sons. week-end in Nyssa visiting their visit relatives and friends. Sacrifices, Lewis. Garman. Tv.'o- the week-end at the home o f Mrs. ing the tim e he was in California. J. B. McKinney. Nyssa, son. 7 Mural and Tommy, and daughters, daughter. Mrs Grant Jones, and ------------------------ I base hits, 8. Hartley. Faylor, Oar- Crowley's sister. Mrs. Bernard Frost. He returned to work at the depot pounds, 9 'j ounces. Oladys and Amy. have returned family. M r Johnson and Mrs. Jones T o Boise— man 2. Runs batted In. Lewis, Far- Mr. Crowley will have charge of the are brother and si-ter. today. Mr and Mrs Ward Wleneke and ley, Batt, Blrdsall 2 Garman 2. Nyssa summer recreation program. from a visit to Idaho aad Utah. Enter College— Garry were guests Sunday at the struck out. by Ison 2 Oarman 11. Selma Stam and Elois Crocker of Attend Birthday Party— Graduates at Baker— Here from Burley— home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paul- Hits off Ison 12 in 8 Innings, Oar- Here from t'tah— Jean Short, formerly of Nyssa, Nyssa enrolled last week fo r secre Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beck and son of Boise. Mr. and Mrs C. R. Kesler and man 3 In 9 innings Basds on Balls. Joe Maughan. Sr . o f Smlthfieid, was graduated from St. Francis tarial training in Nampa Business Mr. and Mrs Vlbert Kesler attend fam ily of Burley spent several days ------------------------ by Ison 1, Oarman 1. L eft on bases. Utah, ls visiting at the home of academy in Baker May 28. Mrs. college. ed a birthday party Friday at Pay- this week visiting at the home of ’At Pavelte lake*— Nysoa 6. Wilder 9 Winning pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maughan. Charles McConnell o f Nyssa at M r and Mrs. Gordon Ray spent Garman. otte in honor o f their brother. M r and Mrs J. M Beck. T h e men Attend Family Reunion— tended the graduation exercises. several days vacationing at P ay-1 - __________________ are brothers. Oerald Ooodfellow. Visit In California— M r and Mrs W alter Wood and Return Home— Mr. and Mrs Lynn Lawrence and Legion to Hold Installation— fam ily attended a Wood fam ily Go to Oakley— Students Home— ----------- I. Mrs Henry Hartley and sons. son, accompanied by Mrs. Law Installation of officers will be reunion Sunday at Reynolds Creek, Miss Adrienne Peterson and Spen To l l a l i — Mrs. F H. Peterson and Orvtll 'Robert and Darld. who have been rence’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clea held by the American Legion in Just south of Nampa Mr. and Mrs Olsen and fam ilies went to Oak lev cer Beus. students at Brigham Mr and Mrs Don Engstrom left violtlng at Dallas. Oregon, returned ver o f Preston, Idaho, left last the home economic» rooms a# the Jack Lewis and a brother, Victor, I _ _ _____________ for Decoration _____________________ day Mrs Peterson Young university at Provo, Utah, Monday for Utah, where they will to Nyssa Monday They were ac- week to visit tn Pasadena and other high school building Thursday e v - jo f Portland flew here for the o c - 1 plans on staying their with rela have returned to their homes in spend this week at Ogden and Salt | com pan led by Mrs Hartley's ne- California cities. They plan to bo ening. June 17 at 8 o’clock. •casion F ifty persons attended. • üves tar the summer. Nyssa. Lake City. phew. Robert Orant o f Coos Biy.'gnne about two weeks. Seven members o f the Nyssa Val Child o f Nyssa won the grand Boat club returned home with champion showmanship prize and trophies won a.t the Black canyon Parr And Schenk Candi sold his 1020 Hereford steer to Bert regatta six miles from Emmett Anderson for 37 cents per pound dates; People To Vote last Sunday. at the first annual F.F.A. fat stock On Budget Item Regatta piacmgs are as follows: h o w held in Ontario Monday, June Sweepstakes—first, Howard By T h e annual school election of bee, Nyssa; second, Dale Garrison, Norvelle Robbins, also o f Nyssa, dlsrict No. 26C will he held M on Nyssa; third Ted Berreth, Ontario. sold five Angus steers for an aver Class A midgets- first, Charles age o f $30.25 per hundred. The av day, June 21 from 2 to 7 p.m. in Williams. Boise; second, Mark Bur erage weight of these animals was the grade school building. Nominees for directors are Prank ton, Nampa; third, Bill Stevens, 940 pounds. The animals sold by Nyssa boys included 23 fat steers, Parr, representing the south end of Emmett. Class C service (212% horsepower) 2G fat hogs and 11 fa t sheep. the district and Jack Schenk, rep first, Dale Gross, Nampa: second, The m ajority at the stock was resenting the north end. Blank spaces will be ¡provided on the bal T. L. Scott, Nampa; third, Stanley bought by Safeway stores, C. C. Hill, Nyssa. Anderson, M arket Basket and O n lots for write-in candidates. Nomi Class B inboard—first, tie be tario ¿.Vestock Commission com nation for directors is by petition. tween Jim Savage, Nyssa, and H. pany, John Smead and Ontario Forms may be secured at the of fire of Henry H. Hartley, clerk, in Keith, Vale; second, tie between Meat company, all of Ontario. The Everett Dobbs, Nampa, and Merle hope lias been expressed by some the grade school building. The Marcum, Nyssa. that next year more Nyssa con deadline for filing will be Saturday, Class E (33'4 horsepower)—first, cerns will buy some of the stock. June 12. Bob Webster, Nyssa; second, C lif Joe Church and Clayt Tsohirgi Also at the time o f the director were the auctioneers and Bert A n election, voters will pass on a pro ford Patterson, Nyssa. Class F outboard— first, Alvin derson and Ellis W hite were ring posal to exceed the six per cent limitation in the annual school Orvis, Boise; second, Don Pitts, •assistants. Clerks were M organ Bqek and Luther Fritts. budget by $51,061.44. I f approved, Emmett. Class A inboard—'first, Bybee; the increase will bring the millage to approximately 31 mills, as com eeond, Garrison; third, J. Schoen, pared to 33.3 mills this year. In Nyssa. Dale Garrison, Warren Parmer creased costs o f peration created ¡by a growing enrollment make it and Evert Dobbs presented a nov- necessary to exceed the six per etly water-ski and surfboard act. Eight o f the local club members cent limitation by $51,061.44. Any citizen o f the state who is presented a boat drill. The Nyssa Boat club will hold Mrs. Overstreet, Pioneer, Passes Boat Carnival Set for June 20 American Legion Officers Chosen 4 Scholarships Given to Girls Nyssa Loses To Wilder 10 to 1