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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1948)
FOUR PAGES SECOND SECTION \ Ï vV. 1 I . . ■ * 77)<?NYSSA VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 20 BILLINGS ELECTED FLOWER SHOW AND LIONS PRESIDENT PROGRAM ENJOYEE JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948 Mr. Glenn pointed out that al- laws at all times” , mast all highway accidents are the Glenn urged motorists to cooper- result of excessive speed, traffic ?*e in the life-sav'ng campaign by violations, or other driver errors, holding down speeds and refusing Members of the Nyssa Civic club Olea Billings was elected presi- dent of the Nyssa Lions club in an election held at a luncheon Monday roon The other officers are Tom Sep- pioii, vice president; Everett Heldt, secretary-treasurer; Ward Wiemce, director; Dennis Patch and Vern _ ’ „ Parson, tail twisters, and Gene Stunz, lion-tamer. Saturday Special Mr. and Mrs. W alter Freeman, operators of the Ideal Gas and Appliance business, have moved their office and plant to their new May 29, 1948 First Quality 42-Inch Pillow Tubing PRICE—? See Special on Philco Radios During The Springtime Philco Week. WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE C H O O S E YO U R FIELD O F S P E C IA L T R A IN IN G B EFO R E YO U E N L IS T ! I f you are 18 to 34 (17 with parents’ consent) and a high school graduate, you can select your course of training in the Army or the Air Force before enlisting. Under the Army Technical School Plan you can specify two different courses that appeal to you in each of two fields. The Army will check to make sure there is an opening in one of the four courses you have selected, and a place will be reserved for you in that course. Then you enlist for 3, 4 or 5 years, and after passing the physical and mental examina tions and completing basic training you will be guaranteed training in your chosen field. The Air Force offers a similar opportunity in its Aviation Career Plan, giving you a pre-enlistment choice of 3 among the more than 40 USAF Specialist Schools. There is no better way to get a start in the great and growing field of aviation. EXTENSION PLANS FOR YEAR GIVEN Either plan gives you good pay, excellent training and a splendid chance for advancement in a real career. You can get full information, including lists of available Specialist Schools and Technical Courses, at your nearest Army and Air Force Recruiting Station. Miriam J. Black, home demon stration agent for Malheur county reports that on M ay 18 the Malheur homemakers extension program was made for 1948-49, Tw o women rep resenting each community voted on the projects that would be most in teresting to theffi. Communities represented were Ontario. Oregon Trail, W hite Set tlement, Vale, Sunset valley. W il- iowereek, Brogan, Jamieson, Ontario heights, Nyssa, Adrian, and Arcadia. Projects which Miss Black will demonstrate during the year will be work shop on different types of home made rugs, planning for kitchen cabinet storage, clothing work shop in which women will make blouses and slips, home fur nishings to include furniture ar rangement, color in the home, and w all finishes, in foods, freezing of « U. S. ARMY AND U. S. AIR FORCE RECRUITING SERVICE WILSON BUILDING, ONTARIO, OREGON street building, 30 by 50 feet, is shown above. » t0 ,take cha,nces » " * » « * • « ’ dt e rirlier and taking a little longer to get there is "the best way I to enjoy a vacation trip, he sug- ge 'e l , adding “ the life you save may be your own” . , ------------------------ Return Home— | 1 Mr. and Mrs. Garold Warren of Elgin, Illinois returned to their home Monday after spending three weeks visiting at the home of Mis. W arren’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. r i Warren. Our Stations Will Be Closed Mon., May 31 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL. . the STATEMENT year ended December 31. F E D E R A L INSURANCES COM PANY o f Raritan Townahlp, In the State o f New Jersey, made to the Insurance Commissioner o f the State o f Oregon, pursuant to law: M A INCOME Net p r e m i u m s re ceived ____________ $13,061,272.08 Total Interest, dividends and real estate income ----------------- 874,687.87 Income from other sources ---------------- 330,482.26 fo r Total In co m e_$14,275,411.01 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses _ --------------- $ 4,564,237 04 Loss adjustment ex- penses ----------------- 230,724.37 Underwriting expenses- 4,061,030.10 Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, $620,000) ________ 620,000.00 All other expenditures «Including investment expenses) ------------- 201,461.35 T o t a l -------------------$ 9 777,352.05 A D M IT TE D ASSETS Value o f bonds owned (am ortized) _______ $13,036,603.63 Value o f stocks owned (market value) ___ 18.100,361.23 Cash In banka and on hand ------------------- 8,170,264.57 Premiums in course o f collection w r i t t e n since September 30, 1947 ------------------- 438,702.13 Interest and rents dus and a c c ru e d _______ 67,136.93 Other asseta (n et) _ _ 341.636.93 Total admitted assets ----------------- 138 063,705.46 L IA B IL IT IE S SURPLU S AN D OTHER FUNDS Tgtal unpaid claims __$ 4,801,102.84 Estimated loss adjust ment expense for un paid c la im s _______ _ 151.930 93 Total unearned premiums __________ 7,137.645 88 All other liabilities _ _ 4.584.424 32 Total liabilities, except c a p it a l_____ $16,675.103.97 -IN OBSERVANCE OF MEMORIAL DAY Capital paid up $ 4,000,000 00 •Special surplus funds 17.388 601.49 Surplus as regards policyholders ______ $21,388.601 49 T o t a l ______________ $38.063.705.46 •Including reserve for Security Fluctuation $ 2.427.060 33 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received $ 224.858 MO Net Kisses p a i d ______ 52.610 04 Principal office tn Oregon: DOOI.EY & COMPANY Hoard o f Trade Bldg., Portland, Or KAISER and FRAZER have h e r e ’ s a big day coming soon — the day when you get your diploma. By enlisting in the Army or Air Force after grad uation you can take full advantage of one of the finest opportunities ever offered a young man. W IN YOUR W IN G S with theUviation Cadets First Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jordan of Nampa were Sunday visitor In Nyssa at the homes o f Mrs. M ary Bybee and other relatives. Curry Produce Nampa Creamery Co. T I f you are single, 20 to 26Vi years old, physically sound, and have completed at least 2 years of college or the equivalent, you may be quali fied for pilot training as an Aviation Cadet. Get full details now. Next CAREERS W I T H A F U T U R E class starts July 1, 1948. on IN SAFETY PROGRAM CLASS OF ’48 To Men with 2 Years or More of College building M a m street and Bower avenue. The two number by the high school j cooked foods, vegetable cookery, orchestra, "Hungarian Comedy” by buffet meals, and fancy rolls; in Bela, and "G avotte” by Thomas, arts and crafts, textile painting. under the direction of Lynn Law A district meeting on spring gar rence, with M ary Lou Schenk at dening will be held. he piano. Portraying the negro Mrs. Mable Richmond of Ontario iolk music and spirituals, ' Swing i was in charge of registration for Lew, Sweet Chariot” and “ Dry it he day, Mrs. Thelma Parr, eoun- Bones” was sung by June Savage, oharlman o f the day. Mrs. Threlma Mrs. Lynn Lawrence and Mrs. ty chairman, of Nyssa, was the Vernon Chadwick. A group from Elliot o f Adrian led group singing the fifth grade under the direction and represented 4-H clubs. Mrs. of Mrs. Nye, presented a square Mable Mack .assistant state home dance as another pnase or Am eri- j demonstration leader, helped the can folk music. A number from group in planning the program. the American composer, Edward ___________________ McDowell, ''Scottish Poem ” w'as y i 17 M M p A r v p r n a t p c played by Alice Warner, who also ’ ' C U U i r.I\ / \ i L .a played "Norwegian Dance” by Greig, Mrs. Robert Thurston o f Vale sang “Thine Alone” by Victor Her- S h e r i f f C. W. Glenn today an- bert, and “Surely the Tim e for nounced his co-operation with Sec- Making Songs Has Come” by R o- rotary of State E a r l. T. Newbry gers, accompanied by Mrs, Charles ] and other officials in a campaign Fuller. Closing the program, the to reduce traffic accidents this Ontario'wom en's choral group sang summer. Dedication" by Franz, “Come “Oregon has reached the point Where My Love Lies Dreaming” by where 80 per cent of all traffic I Stephen Foster and Giannina M ia” deaths occur outside of city limits” , j by Friml, under the direction of s h e riff G lenn declared. "This com- ; Mrs. L. L. Kline, accompanied by pares with 61 per cent in 1944 for j Mrs. Fuller. .the strongest passible indictment I T h e annual spring flower show, o f present highway driving habits” , under the chairmanship of Mrs. George Mitchell, brought a display of a variety of spring flowers, with Gome unique arrangements. One of the outstanding arrangements was a Dutch windmill made of white narcissus entered by Mrs. Pete Ten- sen. During the short business meet ing which preceded the program, Mrs. Houston Wilson appointed chairmen for the summer round robin parties to raise funds for the library fund. Mrs. W illiam Schire- Some " N E W " man was appointed general chair man, with Mrs. Edward Boydell cars are chairman for bridge, Mrs. Harry K ingrey for pinochle and Mrs. C. H. j Bennett for Kensington. like this I The tea table was centered with | an arrangement of yellow Iris, with I yellow and blue tapers. Serving on I the tea committee were Mrs. Frank I Morgan, Mrs. Barney Wilson, Mrs. and some Henry Hartley and Mrs. C. C. Cot seatroom ton. To Men of the High School U. S . A r m y a n d U. S . A i r F o rc e with intoxication high in the list , , , , . . , of factors which increase in ini- portance during summer months. "A t the present rate, approxi- irately one in every four registered vehicles will be involved in an accl- dent this year” , the sheriff report- ed. 'Indications point to the heavi- est traffic volume in history this summer. These two facts together add up to a demand for drivers to acquire sound judgement and a willingness to observe traffic *learJ a program of American music at tnc regular May meeting Wednesday o f last week at the ! | parish hall. The program was given under the direction of Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Mrs. Walter McPartland I and Mrs. Henry Hartley, with Mrs. | Buchner as narrator. Mrs. Bueh- ' « r told how National Music week originated m Boise in June, 1919, an£j i:llce has been observed na- tionaily. The program opened with Here from Nampa— N EW " cars but no headroom Ore like this . n but only the KAISER FRAZER and ore headroom but no seatroom like this plenty of headroom! plenty of seatroom! »■a T RUE Farmers Attention W e H ave A Few Lockers Available Now ----New Opening and Closing Hours— 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. On and after May 1, Closed on Sundays and holidays v'#' F U N C T I O N A L D E S I G True Functional Design is beauty with a pur the Kaiser and the Frazer have more usable pose. For exam ple, the STREAM-THRU fenders space. M O RE SEA T W ID THI . . . M O RE HEAD o f the K a iser or the Fra zer are a style feature others have attem pted to copy. But the real R O O M i . . . /MORE L U G G A G E S P A C E I The Kaiser and the Fra zer aren't the same old girl* reason fo r the design has been overlook ed . in a new dress— they're new from the road upl The true function is to provide Best o f all these modern cars from W illo w Ru« more usable space without increasing over-oil width. O nly a re yours at no increase in price! > < , We Invite You to SEE, DRIVE and COMPARE Them,Todoyl Polar Cold Storage —PHONE 124-W— Bybee Motor and Equipment 0