Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1918 H IE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FOUR CONSOLIDATION OF SCHOOLS REJECTED SUNSET VALLEY. June 3— The proposed conslidation of school dis trict 19 with district 61. was voted down by the taxpayers at the Thursday evening election at the Owyhee schoolhouse. The returns were 20 to 28. Ralph Moon of Riverton, Utah, who spent several days visiting his sister, Mrs. Lila Mitchell, made a trip to Portland and Into Washing ton and back. Moon plans to leave the first of the week. Frank Knottingham is now at tending a body and fender school FOR YOUR Airplane Dusting Needs CALL US FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE WE ARE PREPARED TO DUST YOUR BEETS, PEAS, POTATOES, ALFALFA, CLOVER, ONIONS & OTHER SEED CROPS. Cook-Johnson Dusting Service Inc. PHONE PARMA PHONE CALDWELL 1034-J 37 the graduation of Sidney Robert Ditty and family, Mra. Char DERRICK MOVERS , electric lines, he should call on the members are especially asked to be tended Brown from the University of Ida F a i i / F M \ u \ d W I M P nearest Idaho Power company of- present. les Ditty and Mary Query and GIVEN WARNING fke fop uaisUnee Help wU b# ho. daughter, Sharon. The Newell fami Leave for California— Every haying ,-ea.son there are «wen as promptly as possibly and ly. who have been visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler and To California— in the valley the past week, return needless accidents resulting from without cost”. Frost said. "Tne Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chadwick daughters leit Wednesday on a ed to their home Monday. the moving of hay derricks beneath ’ company, nowever, needs to have 24 Mi L. T. Rea and Mattie Faye or near electrx lines. Bexnarcr Frost, j hours notice of the proposed move”, tr.p that will take them to San left last Thursday for a trip through Francisco and other points in Cali California. They will be gone 18 and Charles Rea of Fail-view, Idaho jistrict manager for the Idaho Po- fornia, where they will visit friends days. arrived Thursday at the hotne of wer company warns. B ib le S ch o o l S c h e d u le d — and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Roberts, Mrs. Actually these hay derrick acct- | A daily vacation Bible school will Rea’s parents. Mrs. Rea returned dents have decreased during the be held in the Christian church Blackfoot— • home Saturday while the children post 10 years. There weTe no fatal Monday through Saturday of next To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steffens are spending a month on the farm ■njuries in the areas served by the week June 7 to 12. Sessions will visited over the week-end with Mr. th their grandparents. -dcho Power company last year, begin at 9 a.m„ and close at 11:30 Steffens' father, H. A. Steffens, of Public dairy sale, eight mile west Mrs. Eva Davis, who has been out the hazards remain unless a am . All the children who would ol Vale on Burns road. Turn right visiting her brothers in the valley, lew simple precautions are fol- like to attend are invited. Ages Blackfoot, Idaho. at Hope store, l ‘v miles north, then a f t for her hotne at Renton, Wa . .wed regularly”. </4 nn.e south. Sale starts 1 o'clock, | include the little youngsters, 3 and To Ogden— shington Wednesday. Frost said thé farmer moving a 4, through Junior high school age. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevenson j Friday, June 11. Terms, cash. In- Grant Boyd and son, Loren, of trrick should take the time to The program will include songs and left last Friday for Ogden, Utah to c.udes 19 cattle and also machinery. McAllen, Texas were guests at the make sure the derrick is low en- | choruses, scripture memorizing. Bib- oe gone for a week. Owner. J. H. Miller. Auctioneers, Kenneth Lorensen home four days jUgn to go under power lines with le drills, workbooks, hand work, Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe lasrt week. Church; Clerk, L. H. Fritts. plenty of room for clearance. | recreation, worship, plays, stories Return to Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland and "A poor guess is apt to cause an and expression. Mrs. Jesse Rigney Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding re daughter were Sunday dinner guests accident”, he strewed. “The boom1 will superintend the junior-inter- turned Monday from Gresham, PUBLIC FARM SALE—Wednesday, of Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith. should not be permitted to swing, mediate department and Mrs. Paul where they visited relatives. June 9. at 1 m. Eight miles south Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, It is recommened that the boom Bergam will superintend the chil- west ol Ontario or 2 miles west and who visited In Idaho Tuesday, also ce leveled and tied down at both I dren’s department. A picnic in the To Moscow— 1 s miles south of Cairo Junction. entertained Mrs. Mary Hoist of ends. As the derrick is being moved park Saturday noon and a program Cattle, wiiite brood sow, machinery, Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brown and Caldwell and Mrs. Loren Beebout leneath or near the lines, chains, for parents and friends Sunday Marion, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dor and miscellaneous articles. F. N. of Meridian at dinner in Boise. cables or other metal parts should mght, June 13 will be the high- man and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown ; payers, owner; Cols. Bert Anderson Lama Reed of Portland was a at be touched". lights of the school. A display of of Boise spent the week-end at > and Joe Church, auctioneers; L. H. week-end guest at the home of her Frost said that no one should at hand work will be made at this Moscow, Idaho, where they at- Fritts, clerk. sister, Mrs. Jim Ohadd. Connie tempt to raise or move electric public service. Locket of Willow Creek, Elaine wires other than employes of th« Jones and Homer Didericksen of power company who are trained Ilebekah Lodge to Meet— Caldwell planned a Sunday picnic to handle electric wires safely. The Yellow Rose Rebekah lodge at Weiser with the Jim Ohadd ”.f there is any doubt in the will meet Thursday evening. June family and their guest. farmer's mind about the safe mov 10 at 8 o’clock at the I.O.O.F. hall Mrs. Marie C. Black and her ing of his derrick near or beneath for its regular meeting. All new riece, Karla Kay Guthrie of Jack- o f son, Wyoming, were Friday after noon visitors at the Lew McCoy home. Rosalie 'McCoy was a week end guest of Mrs. Black and her niece. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cleaver and I daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis in o f Nampa. Ledora Davis returned with the Cleaver family for a visit and Charlotte Davis with the Fivecoat family for a visit. Charlie Schweiaer and Charlie Glenn spent most of the week on the range helping brand cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marshall and Adrian, Malheur County, Oregon Sherry of Nyssa were Sunday af ternoon visitors at the Thomas Ni- shitani home. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble of Apple valley Sunday. (Polls open from 2 P.M. until 7 P.M.) Miss Sophia Rafaezyk of Port QUESTION I land arrived Friday to spend the week-end at the home of her par Shall Union High School District No. 4, Ad ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk. rian, Malheur County, Oregon contract a bond Bert Smith was an overnight guest at the Fred Mitchell home ed indebtedness in the sum of ($15,000.00) for last Friday evening. Smith plans to the purpose of providing funds with which to leave June 10 on an L.DJS. mission to South Africa. build houses for teachers, in and for said dis Mrs. Nolan Field and daughter trict? returned Wednesday after visiting QUESTION II for two weeks in Oklahoma. Ray Aston of California and Ger Shall Union High School District No. 4, Ad trude McCracken of Portland were rian, Malheur County, Oregon contract a bond Monday visitors at the M A. Ratae zyk home. ed indebtedness in the sum of ($10,000.00) for Boise visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil the purpose of providing funds with which to Pline and son, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder three days repair and improve existing school buildings in 7 MILES NORTHEAST OF EMMETT and guests In the Grover Cooper and for said school district? home two days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and (The majority cf the money in Ques family of Haines arrived Thursday tion II would be used to repair the RACES START AT 1 P.M .------ P.A. SYSTEM to visit at the John Reffett home Mrs. Roffett and 'Mrs. Hite made gymnasium, which has been condemn a trip to Cascade, Idaho Saturday. ed by the State Department of Edu Robert and John Reeves of Nyssa cation, and if not repaired this sum worked on Charles Ditty’s pressure All Classes of Outboard and Inboard Boats system last week. mer, will possibly not be available to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe of Nam the students this fall.) pa were dinner guests at the Clif ford Wolfe home Sunday. TAXPAYERS OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS No. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gamer, ac- WATER S K IIN G -ST U N T S— CONCESSIONS 18, 19, 46, 47 and 61, which comprise Union ’ounpanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker left Saturday to spend Mem High District No. 4, please turn out and vote orlal day at Rupert. Idaho. on these two questions. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil and Vera Faye and Paul were Sunday VOTING AT ADRIAN HIGH SCHOOL BLDG. evening guests at the home of Joe Picnic Grounds — Free Busses from Emmett SATURDAY, JUNE 5th, 1948 Cotm-sil In Nyssa. Mrs. Fred -Mitchell. -Mrs Lila 2:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. Mitchell and 'Mrs. Vem Garner attended the L.D.S. Relief society social Tuesday afternoon at the Legion hall In Adrian. The social was the last of the season. Mr. and Mrs Clifford Wolfe and daughter were Monday visitors at the Forest Cozad home in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Young and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. James Skelton at Marslng. Idaho. m Portland under tl»e government program. R...nie McCoy of Caldwell ar rived Wedne.-.Jjy to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy. Benatline Price and Jacky Smith of the Happy-Go-Lucky 4-H group, gave a demonstration on biscuit making la t T iiurs.ay evening at the Adrian high school. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wylie and daughter, Loraine, were dinner g te li at the John Cooper home Sunday. Tuesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brewer, were 'Mr. and Mrs. Chet Newell and Jean, Sharri, and Marionette Ne well, all of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. W e Have an Inexpensive Sprayer Power Take-off Drive, 18 Boom Low Gallonage System “Get your noxious weeds now” “The I louse of Oliver” Nyssa Im plem ent Co. Stunz and Thomas FOR MORFsSUi Install SALE CALENDAR NOTICE Black Canyon UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4 REGATTA . . . It's Easy to GET . . . at Boise Payettel Unconditionally GUARANTEED II you ar# not entirely satisfied w ith tho ad v a n ta g e s of B alsam Woo) • . . after you havo usod It lor 12 months . , . . Bole# P ay o tto will rsm oT* tho Insulation and rotund yo u r monoy. Including ontlro coot of matortal and lab o r. You can be sur6 ot added comfort this summer . . . tuel savings next winter and every year to come, when you insul ate with Balsam Wool. Balsam Wool Is designed for use In both new and old homes. It's moisture-proof . . . wind- proof . . . ¡ire resistant . . . rot proof and gives a life time of service at a cost that soon pays for Itself in fuel savings alone. Balsam Wool is available for immediate de livery! Budget-Building Terms . . . . of a s Little as $5.00 per Month . . . . Are Easy to GET . . . . at LION’S PARK ■TN O PS19 O F A N NU AL 8TA TKM K NT fo r th e y e a r e n d ed D ecem b er 31. 1947, o f th # V IG IL A N T IN S U R A N C E COM I ’ANY o f N#w Y ork. In th e S ta te o f N ew Y ork, m a d e to th # In su ra n c e C o m m issio n e r o f th # S ta te o f Oregon, p u r s u a n t to l a w : IN C O M E N e t p re m iu m s receiv ed $ 2 .4 5 1 .1 7 1 .3 6 T o ta l In te re s t, d iv id e n d s a n d re a l e s ta te Incom e SO 3 5 6 40 In co m e fro m o th e r so u rc e « . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 7 9 0 50 T o ta l d is b u rs e m e n ts $ 1 .7 4 8 .7 3 2 .0 2 A D M IT T E D A SSE T S V atu # o f b o n d s ow ned • a m o r t is e d » ----------- $ 5 . 3 5 1 .9 9 4 48 V alu e o f s to c k s ow ned « m a rk e t value» --------- 1 0 0 .2 2 0 0 0 C a sh in b a n k s a n d on h a n d ................. .................. $ 2 8 3 9 9 12 P re m iu m s In c o u rse o f co lle c tio n w r itte n since S e p te m b e r 30. 1 9 4 7 . . 261 5 6 2 15 I n te r e s t a n d r e n ts due a n d a c c ru e d _________ 3 0 .3 1 9 12 O th e r a s s e ts ( n e t ) ------- 1 1 8 0 1 2 24 T o ta l a d m itte d a sse t« $ 6 .6 9 1 0 0 7 . i l L IA B IL IT IE S S U R P L U S A N D O T H E R FU N I >8 T o ta l u n p a id c la im s $1 0 8 3 .4 9 8 98 E s tim a te d I o m a d ju s t m en t e x p e n se f o r u»- p a id c l a i m « ----------- S 3 9 8 6 81 T o ta l u n e a rn e d p re m iu m s ____________ . . . 1 .0 6 4 9 3 1 94 All o th e r lia b ilitie s . . . 7 3 7 3 2 8 94 S u rp lu s a s r e t a r d s pol icy h o ld e r# ..........................$3 T?(VT60 44 T o ta l ............ - - - . - - - » 6 69 1 0 0 7 I I BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEA* N et p rem iu m « receiv ed . . . $ 1 4 3 5 6 9 3 N et kwoee p a id . . . ----------- 2 6 4 4 64 P rin c ip a l o ffic# In O regon. C la c k a m a s . Mgr. NYSSA, OREGON 3-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite For Only $87.50 T o ta l i n c o m e ................. - $ 2 5 S 9 .3 t5 .2 6 D IS B U R S E M E N T S N e t a m o u n t p a id fo r loses# .................................$ 9 2 9 04 1 33 L o ss a d ju s tm e n t ex p e n ses ................................ 4 3 13 3 92 U n d e rw ritin g expense« _ T 0 5 ,0 9 3 .3 8 All o th e r e x p e n d itu re s ( in c lu d in g In v e s tm e n t e x p e n se s $ 2 1 2 41» . . . . T 1 4 6 3 39 T o ta l lia b ilitie s. except e a p l t a l ................................$ 2 9 2 0 .2 4 * 6 7 i C a p ita l p a id u p $ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U n a s s tg n e d fu n d s I su r plus» I.T T 0 .7 6 0 44 O. L. GALLOWAY Saturday, June 5, 1948 Sunday, June 6 Balsam Wool Sealed Insulation NOW1 School District Bond Election K IN O * S E E L E Y . A c e r ts P o r tla n d Or. $10 DOWN; $7.75 A MONTH A BEAUTIFUL BLONDE OR WALNUT SUITE WITH A LARGE PLATE GLASS MIRROR OR VANITY. FULL SIZE BED AND LARGE CHEST. P eterso n -N ew so m F u rn itu re C om pany U r » ? A rH * O N E PETERSON FURNITURE CO. ONTARIO. VALE & PAYETTE