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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
V tue P\O E TW O I he Gate City Journal E ditor ItLASS V. PO W ELL SU B S C R IPTIO N and A D V E R T IS IN G H ATH* One Y ea r............... ............ «¿00 Six Months... ...............- ....$1 -25 Single Copies...................- ...... -0® (Strictly In Advance) Publisher K A T «iS Open rate, per Inch_____JPtf National, per Inch.............40c elusali wds, pet word ... 9u Minimum ....... 30r Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Uirough the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the ac oi March 3, 1879 find $24,000 for a full-time county health unit, which many people have advocated for a long time. The county will be re-imbursed some $6600 by the state on the health unit expendi ture. These expenditures are certain to be felt by residents o f Nyssa and the county generally in their tax payments, but they are determined to have the advantages enjoyed by residents of other communities. Because the county has developed rapidly, the expense o f improve ments must be met in a rather short period of time instead o f the longer period that could be taken advantage o f in the case of slower growth. _________ will be held in Weiser June 6. Vis itors from tne general board will be in attendance. , Mrs. Jess Callahan and son of (Uontinurd from Page One) Tacoma are visiting relatives and ing the answers. friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W olf and Mr. and "However, M you can’t be a schol ar you can at least be nice to peo Mrs. Irvin Durfee and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Callahan, all of New Plym ple. Be nice to peopel and remem outh, called at the Joseph Calla ber their names. It will get you han home last Sunday. out of a lot of trouble. I have told Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud you what we expect of people w h o 1 and their children have moved have had 12 years of education, b u t' from Kenmore, North Dakota and remember, It will be 20 years before I are visiting at the Joseph Callahan you can get our Jobs. You have I home until they are located. unlimited opportunities In this coun Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Durfee, for try if you follow there precepts that merly of Nyssa, are the parents of we h iv e outlined for you’’. a baby girl. Mrs. Durfee is in the C mmander Leonard Huseby pre- Brittingham Nursing home in On cnted the American Legion citizen tario. ship awards to Marjorie Ann Sallee and Farrell Peterson. He extended he congratulations of the Legion as well as him self to the recipients of the awards and the entire class. Superintendent Hartley said the THE CHURCH OF THE ■lass of 1918 had been an e x c e p tionally fane class; very co-opera NAZARENE tive, helpful and exceedingly good 10 a. m.. Sunday school. citizens. Mr. Hartley announced that 11 a. m„ worship service. three students have received college 7:15 p. m., young people, teen scholarships as follows: John Relk, age and Junior services. Oregon State college; Florence Nic- 8 p. m „ evangelistic service. um, University of Oregon, and W e are having vacation Bible Ruth Toombs, Eastern Oregon Col- school every day excepting Satur ege o f Education. Mr. H an ley also day and Sunday from 9 a. m. tc announced the honor students— 11:30 a. m. Merlin Anderson, Joyce Nell Bair Turner, Lois Byee, Donna Mae C A TH O LIC CHURCH Franklin, Tom Kawauchl, Louise Park Avenue and Third Street Lewis, Florence Niccum, Elaine Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Peterson, Farrell Peterson, John Beginning the first Sunday in Re k. Marjorie Ann Sallee, Mary June and continuing through Julv Louise Schenk and Alice Maxine and August the time of mass in Warner. the Catholic church will be at 8 Principal Dennis Patch said " I f am . every Sunday. there was any one thing that char acterized this group of students It ST. P A U L ’S E PISCO PAL CHURCH was their willingness during the Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rzctor last year to work together and ren Holy communion at 9 a.m. or. der service. I am sure that Is one second Sunday o f each month; of tire attributes of a good citizen’’. evening prayer at 4 p.m. on first, Before presenting the class to Loyd third and fourth Sundays. Adams, chairman o f the school Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. * board. Mr. Patch said the name of Shirley Lassiter had been Inad ASSEM BLY OF GOD vertently omitted from the list of Sterl D. Splesz, Pastor graduates. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Other numbers on the program Worship service at 11 a. m. were given as follows: Processional, Junior church at 7 p. m. "Pomp and Chivalry’’, Nyssa high Continuing the message theme of school band, directed by Lynn Law "W hat W e Believe and W hy We rence; Invocation, Rev. George Believe I t ” . Whipple; selection, “ I Love a Little Evangelistic service, 8 p .m . C ottage”, group o f senior girls; selection, “ The Crusaders Overture" F A IT H LU T H E R A N CHURCH high school and; vocal solo, "June Roland G. Wuest. Pastor Brought the Roses", Margery Bish For this Sunday only Sunday op; benediction. Bishop Dean Fife school and divine worship will be of the first ward, L.D.S. church, and gin one-half hour earlier. recessional. Maestoso from "T h e 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. Class Traveler", band. es for all age groups. OPTIMISM IS GIVEN NOTICE A T SERVICE W E ARE B U Y IN G A LOT With the exception of the school election, which will be held this month, Nyssa residents have emerged from an epidemic o f elections and group activities that will place this develop ing community on a par with older sections having similar resources and natural advan tages. The only proposal that was rejected was the Nyssa park and recreation district proposition that was defeated by an overwhelming margin. Two o f this community’s most important projects will be erection of a $260,000 hospital, which we hope will he under construction with in the next few weeks, and the construction oi a new school gymnasium and addition to the high school building at a cost of $400,000. The people pledged the money for the hospital and voted for the issuance o f bonds for the school improvement. The people also recently voted to give the city council authority to issue bonds fo r the improvement of streets and the water system. As a result of the vote, work on the streets will soon be resumed. Residents of the county voted on a special ballot in the primary election for a 10-mill le w for improvement o f the county’s roads, which will cost the taxpayers more than one million dollars in five years. The county court even dug deep enough to Let U s R e p a i r Y O U R H A Y IN G MACHINERY BEFORE H A Y IN G TIME W e sharpen all cultivating tools Cat and tractor overhauling done — All Work Guaranteed — Your Radiators Repaired Carl and Burt’s Machine Shop r' a d d this PUSH-OFF TO y o u g FARMHAND ioader ...FOR 6 ft . higher STACKS• Mrs. Baker o f Ogden, who has been visiting her sons, Thum , C ar ol and Lewis, the past two weeks In this vicinity, returned last M on day. Mrs. T h u m Baker as home from the hospital with her baby sen, Hugh James. Mrs. Shoultyce o f Utah is visiting her son and fam ily o f this vicinity. Mrs. Harold Callahan returned last week ffrom the Nyssa Nursing home with a baby daughter, Susan Jane. i Bishop Maw. W ayne Barrett. Ev- 'e re tt Callahan and Mr and Mrs. | Charles Durfee attended an L.DS, leadership meeting In Weiser last Sunday. i An L.D S. quarterly conference SY N O P S IS O F A N N U A L . STATEM ENT for the year ended December 31. 1947, of the G E N E R A L 1 * A Si! A L T Y COM l’ A N Y OK A M E R IC A of Seattle. In the State of Washington, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: IN C O M E Net premium* received $11.400.888 JO Total Interest divi dend* and real estate Income --------------------- 356.142.01 Income from other _ mm sources ..................... 7 1 0 01 7 5 Total Income _______ $11.828,032.06 D IS B U R S E M E N T S Net amount paid for __ losses __________________ $ 3.400.880.05 Los* adjustment ex 813 190 16 pense* ----------------------- 4.314 529 03 Unde rwrrlt Inn expenses Dividends paid to stock *4 0 000 00 holders t cash > --------- Dividends paid or cred « 3 606 86 ited to policyholders - All other expenditures tIncluding Investment 38 734 46 expenses. $11.700 06) BU ILD HUGE STACKS with that famous F ar m h a n d high-reach Hydraulic Loader p lu s this new “Push-off” at tachment! Adds 6 extra feet to the gigantic 21-foot reach of the F Loader to give you extra high 27-foot stacks that weather well and retain top quality. "Push-off" is com pletely hydraulic . . . fits on hay basket easily . . . operates from its own control valve through the regular F Loader hydraulic pressure system. Pushes half-ton loads off ends of basket tines to center o f stack. Light aluminum construction. Folds flat . . . doesn't cut down basket ca pacity. Another F time-saving, work-saving, m o n e y -saving accessory you'll want. See it I armhand arm hand arm h and with M W Total disbursements. $ 8 890.049 56 A D M IT T E D ASSETS Value of b.«ml* owned «am ortised) -------------$11.817.762 29 Value of stocks owned (m arket v a l u e ) ------- 2.765,474.00 Cash in banks and on h a n d .........................- 763 088 68 Premiums tn court# of collection written etnc4 1 907.076 40 September 30. 1947__ Interest and rents due 34.206 11 and a c c r u e d ----------- -- 06 424 76 Other aseets ( n e t '— . Total admitted aseete $17 474.032 33 L IA B IL IT IE S . S U R P L U S A N D OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claim *- $ 5,548 153.52 Estimated loas adjust ment expenee for un- . _ _ paid claims ------------- 137.000 00 Total unearned pre- mtum* ---------- •W 5 6 S V S 0 All other liabllttlee - 030 342 33 Total liabtllttee • «< * !* „ .. ____ $12 671 J27.44 L. D. S. CHURCH First Ward Dean Fife, Bi-diop Sunday. fl a. m., Sunday .vtinni W ILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Phone 32 7/Let it Hail. . . I’m Protected^ It’s a great feeling to know that your crops are protected against hail. You may get hail this year! Protect vour income. Buv Hail Insurance. See or call us today. Nyssa, Oregon A W EEK S KEYED Total -----------------------j 17.4T4 032 33 B U S I N E S S ^ O K * . IO N FOR H ¿ Net premiums received DON T T A NB LBSS! To get you OUT OF DEBT D o os m any o th er su ccessfu l Fo rm ers d o “ U se the L a n d B ank S ystem to p v t your n o fK to l a v o irs m sm ooth, k e y e d o rd e r 3 0 y e a rs e x CHOOSE THE TIR ES THAT CHAMPIONS U S E ... Insurance Agency eo hre o i "PUSH-OFF” ATTACHMENT PAY O N LY Renstrom p e rie n c e a n d co u n tie st Hydraulic Loader 8 8 «1 EQUIPMENT CO. INC. Saturday Special 10:30 a. m., divine worship with adult confirmation. Sermon theme: "Obedience Is Better Than Sac- su ccessfu l lo o n s p ro v e the Farmhand Sunday, 10:30 a. m. priesthood lenre, Nampa, Idaho. June 6, 10:30 a.m. meeting. Sunday, 6:30 p. m., sacrament C H R IS T IA N CH URCH or last meeting. 5th and Ennis Sts. Tuesday, 2 p. m „ R elief society George Whipple, Pastor meeting. Bible school 10 a.m. Tuesuay, 4 p. m., primary meet Morning worship, 11 a.m. "T h e ing. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m „ geneological Meaning o i Stewardship” . Evening service: Tord Ostrom, training class. vi. Iting his uncle, John Thur.-uUy, 7:30 p. m „ Mutual w! i ) M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Improvement association meeting. Oiitrom, in Nyssa, will speak. Mr. Sunday, 5:30 p. m „ ward welfare Ostrom is a native of Sweden, and John Benedict, Supply Pastor meeting. (First and third Sundays) I a graduate of Swedish university Sunday school, 10 am . i in the field of education. He will Morning worship, 11 a.m. THE M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY j speak of religious conditions in Evening worship, 8 pm . i Sweden and of conditions after the Wednesday prayer service, 8 p.m. CHURCH J war. The public is especially invited Itev. II. J. Gernliardt, Pastor I to attend. Mr. Ostrojn speaks flu C I I I ’RCH OK JE S l’ S C H R IS T Sunday school, 9:45. OF Closing service of Idaho confer- ent English. L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S SECOND W A R D (Mormon) Arvel Child, Bishop Sunday. 11:30, Sunday school. 10:30. Priesthood meeting. June 5, 1948 Sunday. 8 p.m.. Sacrament ser vices. C U R T A IN M A T E R IA L Wednesday, 2 p.m.. R elief society. 42 Inches W ide Wednesday, 4 p.m.. Primary. Assorted Patterns Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Mutual Improvement Price ? rifice", based on 1 Samuel 15:10-22 There will be a special meeting oi the congregation immediately following the worship service. At the conclusion of the business meeting a ground-breaking service will be conducted on tlge site of the new church. The service will be short but all members and friends are invited to take part in tins historic and important event. Church Notes Cow Hollow 269-W RHONE T H U R S D A Y , JUNE 3, 1018 NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON YOUR USED TIRES ARE WORTH MORE I A T FIRESTONE Gu7 E X T R A S A F E T Y c r j EXTRA MILEAGE at N O EXTRA COST Now is the time to trade unsafe tires for safety-proven Firestone De Luxe Champions. You SAVE because WE BUY ALL THE UNUSED MILEAGE IN YOUR TIRES. With our big trade-in allowance you’ll be surprised at how little genuine Firestone De Luxe Champions cost. Don’t drive another day on unsafe tires. Come in and get Firestone Tires — THE 0 N IY T IR ES WADE TH A T ARE SAFETY-PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY. LAND BANK LOANS HERBERT J. D AVIS Sec T - T rra v Payette. Idaho Don B. Moss Firestone Dealer Store % ft ft II lî