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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 6. 194S TENANT HOUSE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE were fighting the fire with all a v -jell left early Saturday morning, sister, Mrs. Neil Dimmick, Wednes- and Donna Lee spent Sunday driv NEWS OF RECORD Divorce. Credit Bureaus, Inc. vs. E. A. ailal>‘e equipment, the Julum house | Others were Bill and Jesse O regg,1 day. Mr. and Mrs Lathen spent ing to the Black canyon dam and MARRIAGE LICENSES and * several miles beyond the dam. Dewey, et. ux. Recovery on account. _____ _ was saved, despite a southwest i Robert Reffett, Oren Hite of Haines, several weeks in Oklahoma ‘ Wilford Lee McConkev and Paul Frank Johnson visited his niece, I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of Al- Arkansas on business. Lathen was Mrs. Owen Blanden, and fam ily. ine Shirley Adams, both of On $368.51. SUNSET VALLEY, May G— Fire wind, O. W. Wolcott of Wood Lake,! bany and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace called back to Walla Walla a couple PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT completely destroyed the tenant of Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ] tario. Rataezyk and Wallace. of weeks ago, while Mrs. Lathen Blanden recently moved here. Edwin D. Rondsack and Lillian | Guardianship o i Douglas Wayne house on the Helmer Julum farm Nebraska visited in the home of , w i Ch ipta ittd ' -'il nrwnlghl Ontario shoppers during the week vl-uted Mrs. Robert Cox of Salem, Green. E. Wubbens, both of Spokane. near Cleavers corner store Friday guest Thursday. Wolcott is a bro- were Mr. and Mrs. Robert R el Arkansas. Mr and Mrs. Lathen Estate of Leona May Cunning Charles Edward Topliff and Ida aftemoon. Cause of the fire was ther-in-law of Mrs. Chapin and a ief t, Mary Query and Mrs. Charles are moving their home from Walla STUDENTS MAY GO ham. deceased. Mae Deffenbaugh, both of Nyssa. not definitely determined. The ten- brother of Mrs. D. D. Sparentcr Ditty, and Rob Thompson and Mrs Walla to Pullman, where Mr. La TO MUSIC CAMP COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Guardianship of Karl Bernard Paul E. Bergam. then is employed. ant house was occupied by a Mexi- of Caldwell. Carl W. Plercy vs. Doris Piercy. Wyckoff. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg were The cattlemen's association met ca family. The burning building was The rains in the valley eased the Local school authorities received located only about 50 feet west of irrigation o many farmers slipped dinner guests of Sandy Taylor in Friday evening at the Chalk Butte an invitation this week to recom hall. the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jul- away to the dam or Dry creek fcr Nyssa Sunday mend one or two of the most tal Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bergam, Mr. and Mrs. O. P Counsil and ented local music students for par However, through the united fishing. Delbert Garner. Wayne and efforts of over 20 neighbors, who Norman Garner and Jarvis Mitch- \ and Darvis and Paula. Mrs. Bessie Paul were Sunday dinner guests ticipation this summer in the ac | Eidum and Marlene Bergam drove at the home of Joe Counsil in tivities of the Arrowhead Music : to Yakima recently to attend the Nyssa. camp, an educational institution ¡wedding of Oliver Bergam, grand incorporated under the laws of son of Mrs. Eidum and nephew of the state of California, not for pro Paul Bergam. The group also vis BUENA VISTA MAN fit. Two hundred students will be ited and were overnight guests at RETURNS FROM TRIP selected from the 11 western states the homes of the Tosch brothers at General trucking anywhere in Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing to participate in a most unusual Prosser. BUENA VISTA, May 6— Leonard musical and recreational vacation — Contact— Mis. Frances Titus of Belling Cleaver has returned from Mis under the direction of world-fam ham, Washington and her sister. souri, where he spent several ous musicians and outstanding mu Oregon and Idaho Mrs. Eva Davis of Renton, Wash months. sic educators and recreational lead ington spent three days last week Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at ers. visiting their brother, Claude Wil tended the meeting of the Owyhee Grain, household goods, building materials In many cases scholarships are son, Gporge Wilson, and Pete Wil Riding club at the Neil Dimmick furnished by the camp and by local NYSSA, OREGON son and their families, Mrs. Char home Friday evening. organizations and individuals so as We Guarantee Our Work For One Year les Wilson and Mrs. Lester Züri and heavy equipment hauled. Howard Day. Jim Ritchie, and to make this musical opportunity cher and daughter, Sharon, were Lester, Loyd and Delbert Cleaver available Free Estimates— Phone 196-J ot those worthy students Friday afternoon visitors at the fished at the Owyhee dam Sat who need additional financial as Robb home, Mrs. Titus and Mrs. urday. sistance and who are selected to Davis accompanied Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell, and in ii n ri i! 11 ii h 11 niniiuMiiiiimiii in ii m in iii mill n m 111:1 ti min m 11 m 1111111 m 11 m m m mini m m 111111 un Wilson to Roswell to spend a few Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram at represent their area at AMC. days at the home of their brother, tended the horse sale at Ontario Additional information may be se cured by writing to Leonard N. Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mrs. Saturday. Steimle, president, Arrow-head Mus Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and baby William Gregg were visitors and ic Camp, 396 E. Jefferson avenue, dinner guests of Reverend and Mrs. daughter returned home from the Pomona. California. Mr. Steimle is Nursing home last week. R. L. Chandler in Caldwell Friday. Mrs. D. O. Bybee’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker of Phone 53 or 191-J Albany, Oregon were week-end Glendia were in Ontario Wed To Receive Degree— guests at the home of M. A. Ratae nesday. Friends of Spencer Lane, who Several from this district en taught in the Nyssa high school, zyk, Mrs. Parker’s parents. A birthday dinner for Gary Chard joyed the rodeo at Vale Saturday have received word that he will was given at the Elver Nielsen night and Sunday afternoon receive his master’s degree Unopposed Candidate on the Democratic Ticket home Monday evening. Guests were Alva Goodell was in Westfall soon from the University of Missouri. Mrs. Rhoda Mettlan. Mrs. Kenneth Saturday. He has a position in the English I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maize spent department at Westminster College Chard of Nyssa, Earl Chard, Clif for the office of ford Nielsen, and Mr. and Mrs, Sunday at the S. B. Hoffman for Men at Fulton, Missouri and | Ewen Chard and family. Mrs. Glenn home. MALHEUR COUNTY SHERIFF will join the staff at the beginning Several from thus community at of the fall term. McGinnis and sons were evening FRIDAY, MAY 21 tended the practice ball game be visitors. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and children tween Ontario and Nyssa at Nyssa Honored at School— I have had several years of law enforcement ind Mrs. Robert Wilson and three Sunday, Angela Herrman of Nyssa was daughters of Nyssa called Sunday experience. recently elected to membership in afternoon at the Sid E. Flanagan PROGRAM IS GIVEN Kappa Kappa Alpha, national art I promise, if elected, to devote my undivided home, visiting their mother, Mrs. honorary for men and women. Miss FOR 4-H CLUBBERS attention to the administration of the office. Harriet Holman. Herrman is a senior in home econ Mr. and Mrs. Bud Charland were omics at Oregon State college. I will serve the county faithfully and well. NU-ACRES, May 6— A rural life upper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed I will extend courtesy to all and partiality to program for the 4-H clubs of the Steiner Sunday evening. Charlie McCoy was an overnight surroundnig communities was held none. In the Brethern church at Fruit- visitor in Boise Wednesday. —Paid Pol. Adv. Miss Gerd Lid of Norway ar- land Sunday. Approximately 2d B U L B S and O V ER 8 0 0 mill | III l'| III I'l 1 1 I I I I III III lil III IIMII'HI I N I'l I'l mill I 'K I! I HI m III I'l I'l I I 1 1 II HI I’l I'l 11 M» ri»ed Friday to visit her aunt, Nu-Acres club members were pres FLOWER SEEDS— P o s t p a i d Mrs. Andrew Titland. Miss Lid has ent at the gathering. SEN SA T IO N A L F L O W E R O F F E R ! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips had Yo u’ll rec ei ve 60 str ong-bloom ing size been attending school In Seattle for Sunday dinner guests, Frank g la di ol u s bu lb s in a rai nbo w mix of 20 the past six months. FOR YOUR Mrs. Floyd Young and sons, Bob Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl f am ou s color va r i et i es P L U S A B O N U S and Chuck, visited in Marsing and Peterson and family of Caldwell. A S S O R T M E N T of 800 to 900 seeds fo r an fa shi one d garden. In cludes zinnias, ca l also made a business trip to Boise The occasion was In celebration of old- endu la, la rk sp ur , lobelia and ma ny o th e r Mrs. Peterson’s birthday. the first of the week. ha r d y ann ua ls. J u s t imagine this yar df ul of Those visiting in the Ed Mer- b e a ut if u l flowers for only $1 postpaid, or Sunday dinner guests at the Al bert Nothels home were Mr. and oney home the past few days were S E N D NO M O N E Y and p ay po s tm a n Mrs. Keith Bailey of Burley, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Noah. Mr. and Mrs. C.O.D. E v e r y b u lb g u a r a n t e e d to b lo o m CALL US FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE r o r it w i l l be r e p la c e d tw o fo r one. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olson of On George Grasmick, Mrs. Ira Marrs, t O h r is d e y r e a by ma il and p la n t im m ed i at el y on WE ARE tario, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mrs. Alvin Marrs. Mrs. Frank Ned- a r r i v a l from B R I A R W O O D G A R D E N S . balek, Mrs. Frank Preston, Mrs. PREPARED TO DUST YOUR Cloninger. Oswego, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and Sid Boren, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw, BOX 24-AL. OSWEGO, OREGON BEETS, PEAS, POTATOES, ALFALFA, family were dinner guests of Mr. R. H. Johnson, Bob Imbler, Mrs. W. CLOVER, ONIONS & OTHER SEED CROPS. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg last Sun E. Durham, Mrs. Henry Orcutt, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Nyssa, day. — 2:30 P.M.— John Grottveit and George Wil and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Lane of RANDOLPH C.O.2 son helped Mike Rataezyk two Ontario. The sewing group of the 4-H days in setting up a metal flume Something new and club met at the hall Saturday, for irrigation. outstanding in fire pro Robert Forney of Parma was a ind the cooking group met at the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Dwight Durrington home Tuesday. tection. Will knock out Wayne Durrington and Richard Newgen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lemon and Jenkins attended the Snake Rivet- tough fires in split sec track meet at Ontario Sat PHONE CALDWELL children of Nyssa were evening vis valley PHONE PARMA onds. Carbon dioxide is itors at the Grover Cooper home urday. 1034-J 87 harmless to finest of Mr. and Mrs Doyle Hodges and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow were son left for California Saturday. clothing, food or hu dinner guests at the Hudson Robb They have been staying in the man flesh. Ed Meroney home while Mrs. Mer- home Sunday. The Worthwhile club will meet aney was in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marostica See Your Local Dealer Thursday afternoon, May 20 at the Elver Nielsen home. Mrs. Nielsen and family of Ontario spent Sun and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe will be day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CLAUD WILLSON Nedbalek and Rudy. CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION AS co-hostesses. Several of the community folks Mr. and Mns. Fred Aral and Box 184 family of Jamelson were supper attended the shower Thursday ev Admission: Adults $1, Children 50c, Inc. Tax COUNTY COMMISSIONER ening at the hall for Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hiroto Ok- Phone 128-J Evenings Leroy Barney, who were recently ano Sunday evening. Mrs. Arai is TO THE VOTERS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF married. They received many lovely a sister of Mrs. Okano. Mrs. Finery Hobson and Mrs. and useful gifts. Several interesting MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON: George Shwetzer visited in Notus numbers were presented by the community folk. Monday. Please note that I have lived over 29 years In this county The F.F.A. fair was held at the Mr. and Mrs. Asa Roberts of of Malheur, State of Oregon; that I have helped to build its Nampa were dinner guests of Mr. Frultland school Friday, April 30. roads and canals throughout the years since I came. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger Sunday. with approximately 50 livestock en I am a farmer, and I am also the owner of the Pioneer Sand Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper and tries. Wayne Durrington won the and Gravel company, and I am very much Interested in good family spent Thursday as guests honor of being the outstanding roads In Uie county for all of us. at the Charles Wylie home near project member. After the show the I believe the county ought to be divided Into road districts, group attended the Weiser-Fruit- Adrian. with a supervtoor over each district. Frances Hall and Mr and Mrs. and ball game. I believe the Farmers have enough equipment, save and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager Leslie Ditty and family of Ontario I hereby announce my candidacy for the except dumps, to build and gravel the county roads. They have were dinner guests at the Charles and family. Bealer Sager, and Mr. manure loaders, carry-alls and trucks; all they lack is the dumps. office of Sheriff of Malheur County. Ditty home Sunday. Mrs. Nolan Sager's father visited in the Harley Let him earn his own tax money by saving through our and daughter were afternoon guests. Sager home last week. I am 37 years old, married, and have co-operation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek Wayne and Elmer Ellison of Ar This cun be done, without too great expense. four children. I came to Oregon from Cali ena valley were guests of Mr. and Mrs Ora Newgen last week-end. Yours Respectfully, fornia in 1933. After receiving further Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley and CHARLES KEPLINGER training in California, I returned to Oregon family were dinner guests at the Paid political adv. by Chius. Kcplinger, Vale, O r e Pete Wilson home last Sunday. in 1944. I live on my own farm near Vale, Mrs. Frank Lathen. a former on which I am engaged in general farming resident of this area, was an over night guest at hte home of her at the present time. Nyssa Transfer Co. PLUMBING Brower Plumbing Shop Lyle Bartron To The Voters Of Malheur County. Robert L. ‘Bob’ Davis Frank Law rence Donkey Baseball 60 1 GLADIOLUS5 Airplane Dusting Needs Sunday, May 9 Cook-Johnson Dusting Service Inc. NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS Sp o n so re d B y N y ssa CHARLES KEPLINGER Lions C lu b To The Republican Voters Oi Malheur County Farmers Attention We H a v e A Few Lockers A v a ila b le N ow — New Opening and Closing Hours— 7 to 7 p.m. On and after May 1, Closed on Sundays and holidays Polar Cold Storage — PHONE 124-W— I feel that I am well qualified for this office. I have had seven years experience as Deputy Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California. I have had one year experience as Federal Guard, and was attached with the Naval Intelligence during the last war. I also took a graduate course in the Tech nical Institute for Peace Officers at the University of California, Los Angeles, giv en by F. B. I. instructors. I bclie\e tjiat my educational background and practical experience quality me toi the exacting duties of this office, and if I am nomin- ated and elected, I will administer the affairs of the office promptly and ('tt ic ientl\, 10 n(i 0 i ing courteous and impartial service to everyone hav- ing contact with the office. I i oi dial 1\ invite investigation of my past record, and any inquiry you may desire as to my ability. \ou r vote in the May Primaries, and again in the general election will be very greatly appreciated. John C. Elfering —Paid Pol. Adv.