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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY <>, 194S PAGE THREE | FOR RENT— Garden spot . S. C. | said Guardianship Estate in the thence easterly along the township election be held in said proposed Community Park and Recreation McConnell, Box 306, Nyssa. 22A3xp. I following describe'-, rea: property line between townships 20 S and district pursuant to Chapter 327 District” or words equivalent there- ¡located in Malheui County. Oregon, 21 S., to the Snake river; thence of Oregon Laws. 1941. Now at this to and shall also give notice of the FOR RENT-- Polish your own to-wit: floors. Rent our high-speed pol The N ‘i of the N'_. of the SW 'i - w W t t K J T o W ! , being th e Mme a n d i d a te - t*»,e a a d ‘>uce w here su c h ishing equipment. Easily handled | Place flxed by said Court for such | election will be held. of the NW 1. of Section 31. Town ginning. I by women. Nyssa Lumber company. ship 19 S.. Range 47 E.WM., to The ballots to be used at said | hearing, the Court proceeded with IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR title . gether with 5 shares of Capital election shall contain the words i-<vald hearing of such petition and DERED and DECREED that at Stock of the Owyhee Ditch Com "I vote in favor o t the creation of | received the testimony off several RATES. Two cents per worn for each Issue. Alter one month one WANTED- pany representing the water right creation District. Yes” witnesses with respect thereto and said election there shall be elect* appurtenant thereto Nyssa Community Park and Re- in favor of the organization of said ed three directors-at-large, whose cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance. Is 30c. WANTED— Man or woman to sup as prayed for in the Petition of and “I vote in favor of the crea proposed District and of the boun terms shall expire in one, two and ply consumers daily needs for Raw- Frank T. Morgan. Guardian of the tion of Nyssa Community Park and daries thereof as set forth in said three years, respectively, from the letgh Products. Part or full time. Estate of F’red Linder, and incom Recreation District. No". petition and no persons having 1st Tuesday in January next suc Nearly 200 home products, on cre petent, on file in said Court. appeared at such hearing in opp The voters shall place a cross (X> easy terms. Inquire first house left dit if desired. Splendid opportuni their election and whose WITNFSS the Honorable Irwin between tne word "District" and osition thereto and the hearing on_i ceeding resoerTive^T For Sale erms shall be decided on East Third street. 25Mtfc. ty to earn more and help meet Troxell, Judge of the County Court the word "Yes’ or between the word said petition having been conclud by lot. Nominations for members FOR SALE;— Consol well driller. FOR RALE— One utility two-wheel | higher living costs. Quick sales, of Malheur County, State of Ore "District” and the word ”No", ed. now therefore, of the Board of Directors shall be large profits. For information ■write gon, this 7th day of April, 1948. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND made New and ready for operation. $400. whichever indicates their choice. by petition of not less Chan J. W. Kygar, route 1, Nyssa. 6M4xp. trailer. Leo Fife, phone 05-R11. I Riwleigh's. Dept. ORE 331-235, Attest : The ballots shall also contain the DEX'RFKD that the petition as pre ten (10) resident freeholders with 6Mlxp. lBMtfc. | Oakland. 7 California. H. S. Sackett. Clerk of the names of the persons nominated sented herein be. and the same is FOR SALE;— 12 by 12 cabin to be County Court of Malheur Coun as candidates for the offices of approved and that the exterior in said proposed district which nominating petition shall be filed moved. Suitable for house. G. H. FOR SALE— Half horse air com I WANTED— House work and car ty. Oregon. Director-at-Large and shall also boundaries of such proposed Dis with the County Court at least fif Horn, route 2, Parma, Idaho, ac pressor, complete and ready to use. ing for children this summer In By: trict shall be as follow's /s / contain a blank line thereon for Nyssa. Write Gladys Moses, route teen (15) days prior to said elec ross from Apple Valley hotel. R. W. Lewis, Deputy the voters to write in the name of i Beginning at a point where the tion. and the Clerk of this Court Leo Fife, phone 05-R11, route 2, 1. Nyssa. 29A2xp 6M2xp. any candidate voted for as such half section line running east and is directed and shall cause the Nyssa. 18Mtfc. west through Section 33. Township NOTICE OF FINAL Director-at-Large. names of the persons so nominated FOR SALE;— Two-bedroom house, FOR SALE— Three-room house WANTED— Lady 25 to 35. single SETTLEMENT or married, to learn typing and At the next regular meeting of 18. S„ Range 47 E. W M . inter to be placed on the ballots as can modern except heat, part basement, sects the west bank of the Snake In the Matter of the Estate of office work and selling, high school the County Court following such with bath, electric water tank, 75 insulated, hardwood floors, bath and River, thence running due west on didates for the respective offices shower, landscaped, beautiful lawn, by 119 comer lot, nice lawn, easy education, permanent work for AUBREY L. FLETCHER Deceased election the Court will proceed to the half section line through Sec for which they have been nomin NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, canvass the votes oast and will right person, phone 144-J, Alva ated. lot 75 by 118. Phone 148-W. 6M2xp. terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mtfc. Watts. 29Atfc That Susan Jean Fletcher, Ad enter an order declaring the result tions 33. 32 and 31, Twshp. 18 S . Dated at Vale, Oregon this 7th Range 47 E.WM. and on half of the election and if a majority ministratrix of the estate of AU FOR SALE;— AG6 cletrac crawler FOR SALE- Seed potatoes, WHITE day of April, 1948. WANTED— Cleaning: Furniture, section line through Section 36, of the votes cast at such election BREY L. FLETCHER, deceased, tractor, good condition, ready to ROSE certified, tagged or bln run. Irwin Troxell go, S. E. Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa. , Gems, grown from certified blue rugs and carpets, in your home. has rendered and filed her final shall be in favor of the creation Township 18 S., Range 46 to the County Judge Phone or write Roy Vawter, Nampa western boundary line of Section of the Nyssa Community Park and account of the administration of 29Atfc. tag, some from foundation stock, A. P. Goodell 468 or box 175. 22A8xp. the estate of Aubrey L. Fletcher, Recreation District the Court shall 36. Township 18 S.. Range 46: County Commissioner j Ira Ure, phone U6R2. 12Ftfc thence southerly along the west FOR SALE— Used equipment, Hot- make and cause to be entered into deceased. John L. Caldwell, Jr. WANTED— Custom land leveling point electric sink with dish-washer FOR SALE— Onion seed, white by hour or contract. Howard By That the 10th day of May, 1948 the journal of said Court an order boundary line of Section 36, Town County Commissioner and dispo6all, Hotpoint range and Spanish and yellow globe. Ira Ure, bee, King avenue, phone 179-W. at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. that a park and recreation district, ship 18 S., Range 45 to the north ATTEST: boundary line of Section 2. Town 40-gallon water heater. General phone 06-R2. 19Fttc. H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. 8A5xp. at the County Court House at of the name and with the bound ship 19 S.. Range 46. E.W.M.; thence Electric spinner type clothes wa Vale, Oregon is fixed and appoint aries stated in the order calling First pub. April 15, 1948. sher, two H.P. single phase G.E. FOR SALE;— Bring your sacks and WANTED— The best one-man ed as the time and place for hear said election, has been duly es westerly on said north line of Sec Last pub. May 13. 1948. tion 2: Township 19 S„ Range 46. motor. Also two good hay derricks. get your eating potatoes, $1.50 per business in this county now avail ing of objections to the said final tablished. See Bernard Frost at Idaho Power bag. L. J. Josephson and Son ware able. Income starts at once. We account. By order of the County Court, Mal EWM.; to the west line of said RICHLAND 15Jtfc. furnish capital. Write J. R. Wat office. 29A2xp house, Payette, Idaho. All persons having objections to heur County, Oregon, dated April Section 2; thence southerly on the I west line of said Section 2 to the said final account shall appear at 7, 1948. kins Co., 137 Dexter avenue, Sea FOR SALE;— Monarch coal and FOR SALE;—Have farms and homes ttle 9, Washington. Mrs. Robert Runcorn returned H. S. Sackett half section line of Section 3, Town 25M7xc. said time and place and show cause, electric range in good condition. for sale. Need more, list with Ken ship 19 S , Range 46. E.W M.; then home Sunday after undergoing a County Clerk if any exists, why the said final 29Jtfc. WANTED— To buy anything In account should not be allowed and First pub. April 15, 1948. Dresser with large mirror and large Renstrom. Phone 264-W. ce westerly along the half section major operation in Portland four drawer. Buffet, kitchen table and line to the western boundary of weeks ago. beef or veal. Also custom killed approved. Last pub. May 13, 1948. FOR SALE— New Westinghouse re cabinet. Mrs. Nell Dimmick, route said Section 3, Township 19 S., and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schenk and Susan Jean Fletcher, Adminis frigerators. Ostrom Bros. Appliance 2, Nyssa. 29A2xc. age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. tratrix of the estate of Aubrey IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Range 46; thence southerly along family, Bus Ball and Howard My- Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR the western boundary line of said rick were dinner guests of Mr. and L. Fletcher, deceased. FOR SALE— 84-base piano ac- Section 3 and Section 10 to the Mrs. Cliff Beckstead Sunday. MISCELLANEOUS THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR First publication April 15, 1948. cordian $150. Practically new. Art FOR SALE— Electric wiring and northeast corner of Section 16, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Diven and Last publication May 13, 1948. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Sparks at Overstreet beet dump. supplies of all kinds at your Wes MISCELLANEOUS— I will not be In the Matter of the Application o' Township 19 S„ Range 46; thence Richard and Margaret were dinner 29A2xu. tinghouse dealer's. Ostrom Bros. responsible for debts contracted by westerly along the section lines to guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lan- Appliance Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ELDRED GARRETT the northeast corner of Section 18, dreth Sunday at a dinner given in anyone other than myself. Cleona THE STATE OF OREGON FOR BURNINGHAM FOR SATE— Spray outfit, com F. Teske. 29A2xp. Township 19 S., Range 45: thence FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Diven’s THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR for Change of Name plete; two spray guns; two quart NOTICE OF ELECTION Eldred Garrett Bumingham hav southerly along the section line to 26th anniversary. cups and guns; one gun. inter j Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for MISCELLANEOUS— Send us your the Towaship line between Tmvn- Willys parts, motors, extra equlp- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and changeable; 75 feet air hose, 75 saws for sharpening, gumming or In the Matter of the Formation of ing filed a petition wiith the County ships 19 and 20; thence westerly feet fluid hose, 60 feet air hose ; ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup re-toothing to any size teeth you Nyssa Community Park and Re Court of Malheur County, Oregon, along said township line to the children Becky Lou and Victor, j trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. creation District for an order changing his name __ . _ .. and connections: compressor tank, wish. Patterson saw shop, North Notice is hereby given that upon from Eldred Garrett Bumingham | northwest corner of Section 6 and Mrs. Wallace Gregg. 8 CFM and post; extra tank; ex FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. First street. * lAtfc. Warren Lundy spent the week the petition of Wilbur W. Piaster to Tom Garrett Bumingham and Township 20 S.. Range 45; thence tension ladder, 30 feet. Phone I Guaranteed to be washable and southerly along the range line be 163-W,, box 276, Nyssa. 29A2xp. non-lading tor three years. Good MISCELLANEOUS— Have excellent and more than 25‘"<> of the resi sufficient reason appearing there tween ranges 44 E.W.M. and 45 E. end in Salem with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt and tenant for farm. Prefers row crop dent freeholders of certain lands, for. FOR SALE— Or trade, furniture ¡stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. the boundaries of which are here IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that W.M. to the northwest corner of daughter, Carolyne, were in Boise 26JtIc. for three rooms. Will trade for pany. inafter more particularly set forth, all persons interested in the matter Section 6. Township 21 S„ Range Saturday. car. E. O. Blandin, 580 Eighth St. FOR SAE— New Westinghouse el- MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in proposing the organization of a lforesald appear at the Court 45 E.W.M.: thence easterly along the hownshlp line between Town stallation of heating systems, coal 29A2xp. ! ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom or oil. Also servicing and repair. Park and Recreation District, pur Room of this Court in the Court ships 20 S and 21 S„ to the Snake MEETING IS HELD suant to the provisions of Chapter house at Vale, Malheur County FOR SALE— Milk cows. Zack j Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. 327, Oregon Law, 1941, duly filed Oregon, on the' 11th day of M a y l ^ J*“ “ » northeasterly along BY SUNSHINE CLUB 15Jtfc. Walker, phone 78NR. 22Atfc 15Jtfc. with the County Clerk, and after a 1948 at 10:00 o'clock A M of said ™ J > a n k of the; Snake River : to the point of beginning. ARCADIA, May 6— The Arcadia FOR SALE— F12 Farmall tractor MISCELLANEOUS— Available now hearing on said petition and no day, then and there to show cause, IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR- Sunshine club met at the home of For Rent having appeared in opposi- if any exisU w^y ^ id applica- D AND DECREED that an completely overhauled, good two- Electrolux cleaners and air puri person Mrs. George Husk April 30. Thir should not be granted, and . , . ... , .. way International beet and potato FOR RENT— Three-room apart fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An- thereto or having objected to the tion IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR-1 election be held within the pro- cultivator bar with all tools com ment, unfurnished with bath. J. B. j derson, route 7 Welser, Idaho. boundaries of such district as pro DERED that a copy of this order 1>?6ei? district upon the question teen members and one visitor, Mrs. Ben Houston, were present. The posed or having requested the in plete; 7-foot International mowing McKinney, Gate City Cleaners. ¡Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. clusion of any lands therein, and to show cause be published in the oi wheUlpr or the Nvssa Com- afternoon was spent in embroider- 8M2xp. machine; International beet puller munity Park and Recreation Dis- i ing tea towels for the hostess. Ber- MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and r/>on the order of the County Court Gate City Journal, a newspaper of and Phillips crowner. This is an "~Matheriy "'received the d ^ r general .................. circulation published in the excellent buy. Western Corrugator FOR RENT—Two apartments, three free pick-up or your dead, crlppied of Malheur County, Oregon, duly City of Nyssa, County of M alheur,!^6 Provisions of Chapter 327 of prlze an<j rrene Dowers received company. 8Ati’o. and four rooms, inquire a t No. 1. or sick livestocx. Calls received be made and entered in its journal, City of Nyssa, County of Malheur, Bybee apartments Saturday and fore 9 o’clock are picked up by the County Court has called and for two ( 2 ) successive weeks, and ’ | _ " wt ' twther o r - the birthday gift for the month. The next meeting will be held May FOR SALE;— Trailer house, call Sunday. 6Mlxp. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col there will be held, within the boun ,n three <» consecutive issues. next „ £ £ " T o L ^ ^ a n daries of the proposed district, an 290-O after 6:30. 8Atfc preceding the date set for the etect, sha„ hcld on Wedne.s_ 13. with Mrs. Cecil Houston. FOR RENT— Account of old age, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys election upon the question of wheth hearing thereof. day. May 26. 1948 between the Mr and Mrs- Ellis Warner and FOR SALE OR TRADE;— Three- I want to rent my ranch, adapted sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products er or not such district shall be Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 20th hours of 8:00 o’clock in the morn Mrs. Lily Dement were business 5Jtfc. room frame house, bath, comer lot, to cattle, 5 years lease or cash rent. Company. visitors in Boise last week. organized. day of April, 1948 ing and 5:00 o’clock in the after I Mr. and nice lawn, close in, immediate pos Emil John, Owyhee dam road, 20 MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Such election will be held at the Mrs. Stanley Robbins Irwin Troxell, County Judge. noon of said day of election, and session, consider late model car. miles from Nyssa. 6M2xp. of Ogden were dinner guests of Loans on farms for refinancing, Grade School building in the City First publication 4/22/48 that there shall be one polling building. Improvements, b u y i n g . of Nyssa, in said proposed dis Last publication 5/6/48 place, to wit: The Grade School Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shilling Thurs day evening. Long term, low Interest, see Ber trict on the 26th day or May, 1948 between the hours of 8:00 o’clock IN THE COUNTY COURT OF building, in the City of Nyssa with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lakey and nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. in said proposed district, and that 3Atfc. in the morning and 5:00 o’clock in THE STATE OF OREGON FOR the entire body of land embraced family of Boise spent Sunday here the afternoon of said day. with relatives. THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR At said election only resident In the matter of the formation of within the boundaries of said dis Mrs. Nell Bowers’ 4-H sewing MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car trict as hereinbefore described. and clyinder lock keys made. Wes freeholders within the proposed NYSSA COMMUNITY PARK AND shall constitute one voting pre- club met her " May l. The RECREATION DISTRICT tern Àuto Store. 250tfc. district, as shown by the last Coun for the purpose of said elec- wlU, * held May ty assessment, shall be entitled to Order Determining Boundaries and cinct tlon 15 at the home of Mrs. Bowers. vote. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Directing Election to be Held IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR- work should be finished by At said election there shall be The petition of Wilbur W. Fos DERED and DECREED that Mar- , thf"' Stock received Monday, Tuesday, _ . . , ,___ elected three Dlrectors-at-Large. ter and more than 25% of the jorle Eastman. Joyce Llenkaemper i Mr®. Lily Dement, who has been Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m to i p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. whose terms shall expire in one, resident freeholders of certain lands and and Ida Ida Miner who are are three three coni com- hi at the home of her daughtei, Miner, who two and three years, respectively, the boundaries of which are set No stock received on Sunday. petent and qualified persons and Mrs. Ellis Warner, resumed her Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery from the first Tuesday in January forth in said petition, proposing resident freeholders of said pro work in Ontario last week. next succeeding their election, and Staff Sergeant James E. Cook, the organization of a park and posed district, are hereby appointed to Polar locker plant. DENTISTS PHYSICIANS One mile west on Alberta avenue whose respective terms Shall be recreation district pursuant to the a Board of Election for said elec son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Cook, left decided by lot. provisions of Chapter 327, Oregon last week for McGrath, Alaska, Phone 05R1 Nominations for three (3) Dir- Laws, 1941, having been filed with tion. JAKE FISCHER SARAZIN CLINIC IT IS HEREBY FURTHER OR where he will be stationed for sev ectors-at-Large shall be made by this Court on March 23, 1948 at DERED and DECREED that the eral months. DR. C. M. TYLER IN THE COUNTY COURT OF petition, signed by not less than a special meeting and term of the Clerk of this Court shall give not Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and Dr. J. J. Sarazln ten (10) qualified resident free County Court held on said date, ice of said election so to be held, family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc THE STATE OF OREGON holders within said proposed dis and upon the filing of such pet by publication of notice of election Kinney and Garland McKinney Wilson Building FOR THE COUNTY OF Dr. K E. Kerby trict which nominating petition ition accompanied by a bond in once each week for at least four visited C. B. Miller In New Ply MALHEUR Phone 165-J, Nyssa Physician and Surgeons In the Matter of the Guardianship shall be filed with the County the sum of three hundred ($300) (4) successive weeks, being five mouth Sunday. of the Estate of FREI) LINDER, Clerk. Malheur County. Oregon, dollars which was approved by the i consecutive publications prior Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Chandler and Office hours from 9 to 5 except at least fifteen (15) days prior to County Court and which is deem- an Incompetent Person the date of the holding of such sons of Caldwell visited the Ar the date of said election. CITATION roving the formation of said D ls -! election, In the Gate City Journal, cadia Sunday school Sunday. They Saturdays, 9 to 12. L. A. Maulding, M. D. The name of the proposed dis ed sufficient to cover the probable TO: The Superintendent of the newspaper published In Nyssa, were dinner guests in the home of Eastern Oregon State Hospital, trict is Nyssa Community Park cost of organizing said dlsti let and j Oregon, and having a general cir- Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and Physician and Surgeon Custodian of fthe Person of Fred and Recreation District and the a certified copy of a resolution of j culatlon within the boundaries of family. Phone 37 Linder, an incompetent, and to boundaries of said proposed dis the City Council of the City of projK(spd district and that the Mr. and Mr. Otis Bullard and Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 J. R. CUNDALL A11 Others Whom It May Con trict are as follows: Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon, I ^ published shall describe -------„. family. ------ Mrs. ------- Anna Dali, Mr. and Beginning at a point where the cern. having been filed therewith, app- j the boundaries of the proposed dis- Mrs. Dale Lakey and family and Daily—Except Sunday half section line running east and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ’rict; and the County Court having trict, shall designate the name of I Harold Dally visited in the Theo Dentist OF OREGON. You are hereby west througn Section S3. Town fixed a time and place for t h e . (^p pj'qpqgqd district and shall not -1 Matherly home Sunday, ship 18, S.. Range 47 E.W.M., in Phone 56-J cited, required and commanded to hearing of said petition And hav-1 ify the resident freeholders of said j Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and JEWELRY STORES appear before this Court on the tersects the west bank of the Snake ing ordered notice of sudh hearing pn)tKxsed district that they will be I family, Mr. and Mrs. George Moel- Sarazln Clinic River, thence running due west on 18th day of May. 1948 at 10:00 to be given by publication thereof required to cast ballots containing 1 ler and family. Garland McKinney o’clock AM. of said day at the the half section line through Sec for at least two <2> weeks In ihe words "i vote in favor of thelV em Butler, Elmer and Billy Strad- NYSSA OREX30N PAULUS Court Room of this Court In the tions 33, 32 and 31, Twshp. 18 S.. Oate City Journal, a weekly news- creation 0f Nyssa Community Park | ley, Clyde and Don Bowers. Fred Courthouse at Vale, Malheur Coun Range 47 E.W.M. ana on half sec oaper JEWELRY STORE of general circulation pud - and Recreation District” or "I I Shilling and Charles Bullard fished ty. Oregon, then and there to show tion line through Section 36, Town lished in the City of Nyssa, Mai- votp against the creation of Nyssa at the Owyhee dam Saturday, Union Pacific Time Inspector OPTOMETRISTS ship 18 S„ Range 46 to the west hour County, Oregon, and said pe cause. If any exists, why an order JEWELRY — DIAMONDS should not be granted by the Hon ern boundary line of Section36, tition having also been published WATCHES orable Irwin Troxell, Judge of the Township 19 S., Range 46 E.WM. in said Gate City Journal for Main Street a . Second DR. J. A. MCFALL County Court for Malheur County, southerly along the west boundary two (2) weeks and this matter Oregon, authorting and directing line of Section 30, Township 18 S., having come on regularly to be Frank T. Morgan, guardian of the Range 45 to the north boundary heard on the 7th day of April, DR. JOHN EASLY estate of Fred Linder, an incom line of Section 2, Township 19 S., 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A. M., WYCKOFF petent person, to sell the undivided Range 46 E.W.M.; thence westerly being the time fixed by the County JEWELRY STORE one-half (H ) interest owned by on said north line of Section 2; Court for such hearing, and Har Township 19 S., Range 46 E.W.M.: old Henigson. the attorney for the Official Time Inspector for to the west line of said Section 2; petitioner, having appeared and Union Pacific thence southerly on the west line presented to and filed herein the ONTARIO OREGON of said section 2 to the half sec affidavits of the publisher of the Free Pick Up tion line of Section 3, Township 19 Gate City Journal, a newspaper LODGES 5., Range 46 EWM.; thence west published in Nyssa. Malheur Coun We have listings which will help you select Of Your erly along the half section line to ty, Oregon, showing by said aff the western boundary of said Sec idavits of publication that the not Phone 21, Ontario, Ore your future home. Ny*sa Post No. 79 3, Township 19 S , Range 4«; ice of hearing and the petition Dead and Worthless tion thence southerly along the western herein had been given by publica American Legion Let us be of service to you. boundary line of said Section 3 and tion thereof for two (2) successive Animals Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. GRAVE MARKERS Section 10 to the northeast com weeks, the first publication of said er of Section 16, Township 19 S., notice of hearing and petition be Project Office, 8 p. m. Call Collect Range 46; thence westerly along ing March 25. 1948 and the second All Veterans Welcome For grave markers and the section lines to the northeast publication thereof being April 1, There is a Phone Near You comer of Section 18, Township 19 1948 and said notice of hearing and monuments write or see 5., Range 45; thence southerly al petition as so puubtshed having Nyssa 100 Parma 20 ong the section line to the Town stated the boundaries of such pro Gate City Lodge 252 South Fourth Street R. A. BENTLEY ship line between Townships 19 and posed District and said notice of No. 214 Ontario 53 20: thence westerly along said I hearing having stated the time Office in my home, 2 blocks south of I.O.O.F. Haines, Oregon ’’We Haul the Day You Call" township line to the northwest and place of hearing and having required that all persons interest comer of Section 6. Township 20 Meets every Monday Owyhee Implement Company. Better Values Ida-Ore Rendering Co. 5., Range 45; thence southerly al ed therein show cause why an or night, 8:30. der should not be made describ ong the range line between rang Phone 65-J Lower Prices es 44 E.W.M and 45 EW.M. to the ing the exterior boundaries of said South First Street Nyssa, Oregon northwest Comer of Section 6. District as determined by said Township 21 8., Range 45, E WM. County Court and directing that an L Classified lir Advertising Professional And Business Dire dory Farms-Homes-Ranches F O R SA LE E. L. Jamison