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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
1 HE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, PACK TWO I he Gate City Journal GLASS V. P O W E L L ................................. Editor and Publisher THURSDAY, MAY G, 1918 OREGON The Portrait of A Chris- theme term". based an on Proverbs Gallagher suggested that some tlan Motner”, based dairy work te done at the Malheur 31: 10-31. There will be a «pedal meeting experiment station. of the congregation immediately after the morning service. All vot ing members are asked to be pres ent. The church council will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday evening, May 10 at 8 o’clock in SUNSET VALLEY the parsonage. ASSEMBLY OF GOD The adult p class will Rev. J. E. Dodson, Pastor meet Wednesday •vend May l-’. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. it 7 o’clock In the parsonage. Morning worship, 11 am. Evangelistic services, 7:45 'em. Wednesday Bible study, 7:45 p.m L. D. S. CHURCH First Ward Dean Fife, Bishop MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sundiy, 9 a. m„ Sunday school. J. H. Benedict, Supply Pastor Sunday, 10:30 a. m., priesthood Two blocks north of Eider Hdwe. meeting. Bible school, 10 a m. Sunday, 6:30 p. m.. sacrament Warship service, 11 a.m. or fast meeting. Evening services, 8 pm . Tuesday, 2 p. m „ Relief society Prayer meeting, Wednesday ev ening, 8 pm. Church Notes SUBSCRIPTION BATHS ADVERTISING K AT»d One Year....' ___ ________ $2.00 Six Months......;______ ___.... $1.25 Single Copies................... .........JDo (Strictly In Advance) Open rate, per Inch.......... SSe National, per Inch..............40c Classifieds, per w ord......... do Minimum ____ 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States halls, as second class matter, under the ac. ot March 3, 1870. CHRISTIAN CHURCH CALDWELL URGES MEMBERS GATHER 10 MILL TAX LEVY (Continued Fiom i age i) The Nyssa Christian church was meeting last year. We did get some do-host with the Vale and Ontario :;tate money. We are operating on a churches for the annual convention 1 ol the Christian churches of East tax base established about 1932. ern Oregon Tuesday and Wednes- Curing the depre-slon the county day of this week In Ontario. i did not take advantage of the Sessions were held In the morn- I S1X per cent Increase; in fact it lng, ufternoon and evening of each reduced its budget-. When the day, following the theme “Chris- county started taking the six per tian Crusade". Highlights of the cent. It was too little too late. This convention were addresses both ev- Ls a pay-as-you-go program. Good enlngs by the convention speaker, roads will bring good jieople to Aides Webb, nationally known writ- the county”, er and editor and now pastor of I andldates Speak the Christian church at Tillamook, ‘ State Senator J. N. Jones of Jun- Oregon; addresses by E. R. Moon, tmu said Malheur county is fam- veteran missionary of the Belgian oua far Its <rr"°t crops and this Congo and Jamaica; a special wo- year is no exception in the crop men’s session, a conference for of candidates for public office, preachers and laymen and a fel- The senator .said "1 am running lowship banquet each evening. ¡for re-sbottOQ on my record. I am The presiding officer for the classed as a Conservative and ex convention was C. Paul Moore of poet to continue along that line”. Athena. In charge of music was Prank Morgan gave Senator Jones George Whliiple, Nyssa pastor. Par- much credit for establishment of ticlpating in the convention were the Nyssa road assessment district C. L. Swander, state secretary of and the Malheur experiment sta- tihe Oregon Christian churches for tlon. 40 years; Charles Addleman of Rep. Martin Gallagher of On- Portland; Kern Park, state crusade tario, W'ho is seeking re-nomina- charman; Walter Myers, field rep- tlon on the republican ticket, sug- resentatlve for the northwest home grated that the state gasoline tax for aged at Beaverton; Ed Eldridge, be divided among the counties field representative for the North- three ways— one-third on the west Christian college at Eugene, number of cars registered in the and Clery Parrish, state evangel- county, one-third on the area of ■ 1st. the county and one-third on the Twenty-three churches between basis of number of miles of feder- The Dulles, Wallowa and Burns al and state highways in the were represented. TTie convention county, Instead of being divided Is probably the last one that will solely an the number of cars, be held locally, as grounds have “ I think you know how I voted been purchased at Cove, where a in the legislature” , Gallagher said, permanent convention camp will be “ I have been there two years and established. I hope to go back at least another We Are In The Market To Buy Good Used Cars At Fair Prices We Have A Good 1939 Ford Truck For Sale HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. II. J. Gernhardt. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. "Honoring Motherhood” . Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Young adult fellowship, 7 pm . Worship, hymn sing, Bible study, 8 pm. Prayer fellowship, Wednesday, 8 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. Splesz, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Junior church. 7 p.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Tuesday prayer and Bible study, 8 p.m. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school, Roger Tucker, superintendent. 11 a.m., Congregational and spe cial singing and sermon by the pastor. 7:15 p.m., Young people, teen age and Junior services. 8 p.m., Evangelistic service, Rev. Winston Ketcum of Columbus. Ne braska will preach at this service. Prayer and fasting service Friday noon at Dwight Seward’s home. Services every Wednesday night at 8 o ’clock. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS SECOND WARD (Mormon) Arvel Child, Bishop Sunday, 11:30, Sunday school. 10:30, Priesthood meeting. Sunday, 8 p.m., Sacrament ser vices. Wednesday, 2 p.m., Relief society. Wednesday, 4 p.m., Primary. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Mutual Improvement CHRISTIAN CHURCH 5 th and Er, ms Sts George Whipple, Pastor Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evening service, 8 p.m. Sunday is Mother’s day. Special recognition will be given all mo thers at the Bible school hour. A Mother’s day sermon will be delivered at the worship hour. A brief report of the eastern Ore gon convention held in Ontario this past week will be given at the announcement time «Sunday morn ing. Members should remember that Sunday. May 16 Is election Sunday and all possible should plan to be present. IS E A S IE R TO G £ l r a t PAINT SYSTEM r a » B U D G E ...... m i« TERMS j T& o to Z T ^ a yeL % * * Yes . . . . your home will be more beautifully painted, and more economically, too . . . . with Devoe’s 2-coat sys tem. Devote Is doubly econ omical because (1) It takes only TWO coats to cover; and (2) The finished Job lasts longerl O ther D ev os Q ualify Paint Products: MIRROLAC ENAMEL §7 SPAR VARNISH HEAVY DUTY ENAMEL VELOU* WALL FINISH DEVOPAKE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Holy communion at 9 a. m. on second Sunday of each month; evening prayer at 4 p. m. on first, third and fourth Sundays. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Visit in Weiser— Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Lloyd, and Mrs. Jean Blakesly and Terry, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker of Weiser. Springtime - P F P for your car! 'ó y - *j<r* » M gr. < fjt? fjt/ 5 Ì ^ ->-v. . ’ArN' Spring Dresses HINKING of getting out the old fishing rods and golf clubs, now that Spring's headed this way? That's fíne. But remember—they're no use at all unless your car gets you there. So how about a thorough Engine Tune-up right now? T Our experienced engine men can make a tired old car act like a yearling. They use factory-approved methods and parts, and special labor-saving equipment that makes the fob go fast and right. They'll go over your engine • • . checking, cleaning, tightening, adjusting, renewing. Rayon Gowns Several Styles and Colors. An Appropriate Gift For Mother Slips You'll drive out in a car that's feelin' her oats and rarin' to go places. And best of all. the investment will probably come right back into your pocket in m better trade-in price when you get youx new Chryslerl White, Peach and Black $2.98 UP Nylon Hose Waggoner Motor Company "W e a im to ta k e c a r e o f o u r ow n ” w ith C h r y s le r-P ly m o u th s e r v i c e th n * m a tch es C h r y s le r-P ly m o u th e n g in e e r in g Á* s The Newest Colors in Sheer to Service Weight Shoes For Spring and Summer. White, Black and A Few Lighter Shades Golden Rule Store awiovio ■ DEWEY URGES RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF POWER AND IRRIGATION IN COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN G > OVERNOR THOMAS E. DEWEY believes earnestly in rapid development o f hydro electric power and irrigation in Oregon. He believes in harnessing the great productive potential o f the Pacific Northwest. Governor Dewey’s record o f building business and jo b opportunities in New York State is one o f his outstanding achievements. He knows how to work with management and labor because both management and labor trust and admire him. The country needs his experience and compe tence in achieving for Oregon and the entire Northwest the benefits o f greater industrial produc tion that he has accomplished so successfully in New York State. Development Must Continue Full Blast Here is what he says: “ Here in the Columbia River drainage basin you have the nation’s greatest reseñes o f hydro power, together with the naviga tion facilities and the growing population which have already made the Pacific Northwest an expand ing center o f industry. Both for the Nation's defense and for the greatest advancement o f our people’s well-being, this is a development which must be continued full blast. “ It is our oountry’s good fortune that the Columbia River system has ready for development PRIMARY O. L. Galloway • . ' ,x :. ^ X :r; COTTONS, RAYONS AND BEMBERGS $4.95 TO $12.95 VOTE FOR J Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., geneologleal training class. Thursaay, 7:30 p. m.. Mutual Improvement association meeting. Sunday, 5:30 p. m., ward welfare meeting. (First and third Sundays) O ' I / / , Ara Easier »0 GET . . . at Budget terms can be ar ranged to cover entire c o s t . . . . labor as well as paint . . . . for as little as $5 per month. l operation at the Holy Rosary hos- major pital Monaay morning. Undergoes Operation— Joe Bellon underwent ing- CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Gaire, Paster Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a.m Confessions this Saturday and from 8 to 9 p.m. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Roland G. Waest. Pastor 10 am .. Sunday school. Classes for all age groups. 11 a.m., Worship service. Sermon “ Your Ford Dealer” meeting. Tuesday, 4 p. m.. primary meet Paid Adv —D»w*t f“ ELECTION the nation’s greatest new source o f electric energy. The great river systems o f this country are among the most precious assets o f our people, but as long as they are undeveloped they are going to waste. Their rapid development for complete use is one o f the most urgent tasks before us. “ Hydro-electric power and irrigation are clearly essential for the healthy growth o f the Pacific Northwest and I urge that they go forward to the full extent that they can be honestly self-sustaining and self-liquidating. On this basis, public appro priations are to be regarded as investments in America’s productive future. The same is true o f needed flood control and navigation projects. Aggressive Program, Federal Help Proposed "River development should be on a regional basis. Such large scale multiple-purpose projects as those for the drainage basins o f the Columbia, the Mis souri and the Willamette are a natural responsibility for the Federal Government. I propose an aggres sive and a continued orderly program o f developing all such major resources for the benefit o f the nation. And by that I mean to include McNary Dam, and Foster Creek and Hungry Horse and such others as may be feasible, all together or in their logical succession. “ In these resources some sections are more’richly endowed than others, but this is not a sectional matter. Anything that builds a bigger West, builds a greater and stronger America for all our people.’ ’ MAY 2 1 S T DEWEY for PRESIDENT F W - » " ) C— » 1* O * « r f l W W *. O ™ * » . I . k . C Hkort«. c - . . r , l B .lr h D. Moo™.. O ™ *,« w f