Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1948)
..{¿¿»‘A lili y. .;£ k. P? * V * ^ r/ieNYSSA GA' VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 18 Specialist To Judge Cows At Show in Nyssa Cliff Wright Cow Will Be Presented As Jer sey Queen ■ /M JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948 TRACKMEN TAKE FIFTH PLACE IN d i s t r i c t MEET Ontario Man Is I Killed As Plane Coach K. E. Keveren's track team, Dives In Field after capturing the Snake river valley championship, came in fifth in a district track and field meet which was held in La Grande S at urday, May 8. Four of the team members and the 880 relay team earned the right to enter the state track meet in Corvallis next Friday and Satur day, May 14 and 15, by placing third or better in the various ev ents. Despite the more than abundant rainfall the men in both the track and field events scoied compara tively well. The individual scores are as follows: 220-dash. Wilder, fifth; broadjump, Iseri, second with 20 feet, 7 inches; 880-run, Pecka, third, and Bates fourth; javelin, Keck, third, and Ling, fourth; 880- relay, Nyssa, second; low hurdles, tseri, fifth. Ì1 ^ . Machine Operated By Wendall Dullea Used In Dusting $1500 COLLECTED in o n e d a y h e r e FOR SCOUT WORK Approximately *1500 was collected in the fund-raising campaign start ed for the Boy Scouts Tuesday, May 11 at a 6:30 kick-off break fast held at Brownie’s cafe. The event was attended by about 60 men in t res ted in the activities of scouting. At the meeting, six teams, headed by team captains, were appointed to be in charge of the campaign, which lasted all day Tuesday. The reported collections total about $100 more than last year's figures. The team captains were Ralph Lawrence, Hugh Tobler, Warren Parmer, Ken Renstrom, Olean Wells and Don Mac:. n , Hallot Measures Are Considered At C-C Luncheon Governor Dewey Highlights Trip With Sugar Plant Visit Men Talk On Proposals OFFICERS NAMED Candidate Urges Driving To Be Voted On At Commies Into Open BY STUDENT BODY Three Elections For Fight The Nyssa high school student G. C. Anderson, dairy specialist Wendall Dullea, 24, of Ontario The proposed city oharter amend body, in an election held this week, of the University of Idaho, will Governor Thomas E. Dewey of was killed Tuesday morning when ment. the Malheur county road tax elected student body officers for New York, characterized by speak again judge the Malheur County the airplane with which he was spring jersey show to be held on proposal and the Nyssa park dis the year. ers as a great contemporary Ameri dusting crops crashed on a farm the Nyssa grade school grounds trict measure, which will be voted Students elected are James Heldt, can. highlighted a hurried trip to Saturday, May 15. 10 miles southwest of Nyssa. on a t three elections to be held president: Floyd Hale, vice presi Malheur county Tuesday with a Mr. Anderson, recommended by Ralph Crane, operator of the within the next two weeks were dent; Ruth Russell, secretary; Cliff trip to the Nyssa sugar factory, the American Jersey Cattle club Ontario airport, who was at the treasurer and Viva Mary where he addressed a crowd of as an official jersey judge, will discussd at the weekly luncheon Coleman, Leseberg, inter-class rivalry chair more than 1000 persons. ranch directing the dusting opera came to Nyssa with H. G. Myers, of the Nyssa chamber of commerce man. western director of the American tions, ran to the plan after it stall Accompanied by three officials at Wednesday noon. The outgoing officers are Dean of the Amalgamated Sugar com Jersey club. Predicted by Jersey ed and crashed. The plane caught Sutherland, president; Bob Wilder, R. G. Whitaker, chairman of the enthusiasts as one of the north fire, but Crane was able to pull pany, Governor Dewey spent half city council, said Nyssa residents vice president; Viva Mary Lese an hour in the sugar factory. Al west’s outstanding spring shows, Dullea’s body from the cockpit, berg, secretary; Duane Holcomb, will be called upon again to vote the day promises to be a success though the plant is not in operation although he was burned on the on the proposed issuance of bonds treasurer and Tommy Bates, inter- at the present time, R. G. Larson ful one. Judging and showmanship hands and face in the rescue. Crane class rivalry chairman. for street improvements and wa awards in Future Farmer and 4-H said that apparently Dullea was of Nyssa, district manager of the ter system improvements, because divisions promise to strengthen the company, explained details of the killed by the impact before the Dean Erwin, 16, is in the Holy the bonds were not approved by junior show, officers said. fire broke out. operation to the governor. Other Rosary hospital in Ontario as a Featured at the show will be members of the party were H. A. Crane intended to quit the dust result of a gunshot wound received attorneys for the bond buyers. The bonds are not in addition to those Blodgett Observer Gertie, seven- Benning of Ogden, president of the ing operations because of a strong about 10 a. m. Saturday, May 8 year-old registered Jersey cow, company, and Marriner S. Eccles, wind and motioned to Dullea to trom a .38 calibre revolver, which approved by the people last year. Mr. Whitaker said “We had all whose butterfat record of 610 an official of the company and a return to the airport. Dullea made was accidentally discharged by his of the necessary proceedings pre pounds in 305 days tapped all cows member of the federal reserve another turn over the field and friend, David Garren. pared, the proposal was voted on on Malheur D j H.I. t^st in 1947. The Nyssa high school Bulldogs the plane stalled out near the Harold E. Stassen, candidate for board. The two boys were examining the and carried by a huge majority. the republican nomination for pres* The cow, owned by Cliff Wright of won the right to represent the eas ground and crashed. Governor Dewey was interested Adrian, will 'be presented the Jersey tern district class A schools in a Crane, survived by his wife and weapon, Which Dean had unloaded. We received some very favorable ident of the United States, will vis in visiting the sugar factory, one of After looking at it Dean re-loaded bids. Final acceptance of the bids queen cup, awarded by the Far baseball contest With the western one child, was the third man killed it Malheur county Tuesday, May 18. the mast modem in the world, be the revolver and replaced it in Us mers Co-op creamery at Payette. The Candidate will be met at the cause he worked in a sugar factory district winners by defeating the in an airplan crash in the Nyssa place on the gun shelf. As he turn was subject to approval of the bidders’ attorneys and we were O ther trophies will be awarded Baker nine 4 to 2 in a thrilling area within the last two weeks. Ontario airport at 9:30 a. m. by in Michigan as a boy when much ed to leave the bedroom, David, not rather shocked when the issue was by the Nyssa chamber of com contest on the home diamond Wed a party that will escort him to the of the work was done by hand. Dullea was the third man killed knowing the gun to be loaded, merce, Tobler's Feed and Fuel and nesday, May 12. |gfs Following _ the insjiection of the in airplane accidents in the Nyssa picked it up and before Dean could rejected. The attorney said the Ontario athletic field, where he charter did not give the council the Nyssa Elevator. will deliver an address. A parade' plant, Governor Dewey was greeted The winners of the two districts vicinity during the last two weeks. stop him fired a shot into Erwin's authority to sell bonds or in fact George Mitchell of the Nyssa will play In the state tournament Funeral services were held Sun will be formed at the edge of the in front of the company office by branch of the First National Bank in Portland. The time of the game day, May 9 for William Connor of right side. His brother heard the spend any money. At the time, business district for the trip to hundreds of school youngsters and shots and rushed into the room to attorneys had approved the char of Portland has announced that is not known at this time, but Nyssa, who was killed when a plane the field. men and women gathered to catch colored movies of the show will Coach Howard Lovejoy stated that piloted by Evans R. McCurdy of find Dean on the bed and David ter, which was drafted by the The public is invited to attend a glimpse of one of the few presi standing over him with the gun League of Oregon Cities and their be filmed through fhe co-operation the game must be played before Nyssa crashed into the Owyhee the rally and participate in Stass- dential candidates ever to visit still clutched in his hand. His attorneys. The same charter is in en’s question and answer session Malheur of his bank. county. , May 20. Word has not yet been re reservoir. Rev. H. J. G em hardt Broadcasts will be made by KSRV ceived at to the identity of the conducted the services at the chap brother took him to an automobile, effect in other cities that have the immediately following his talk. The governor was introduced by which he borrowed from some men city manager form of government. during the day and will feature western district representative. Tentative plans call for Mr. Stas Frank T. Morgan, Chairman of the el and the American Legion post, working in the next block and bond attorney insists that we sen to be welcomed by members of Nyssa reception committee, who Harry Sandquist in the regular In the Wednesday game, the with Chaplain Dan Graham off transported him to the hospital in The go back to the voters, who are county agent’s hour at 10:30. the riding clubs of Nyssa, Ontario briefly outlined Dewey's record as Baker nine ran in their two scores iciating, conducted rites a t the asked to ratify the previous action and Vale. The Ontario high school governor of New York. For the added convenience of in the first half of the second inn grave. Interm ent was in the vet Ontario. Doctors reported th at Dean had and give authority to the council band will play. the hundreds who are expected to ing, with two successive homers erans plot in the Nyssa cemetery. "We are honored today by the lost about a quart of blood inter attend the show, ringside bleachers made by Durgan and Cole. The presence of the governor of a great The body of Mr. McCurdy was nally although there was very to issue the bonds. I t is not a new bond issue and no more bonds will will be arranged on the grassy lawn Nyssa drib came back In the sec sent to Portland for services and state”, Mr. Morgan said. "We are little external bleeding. The youth be issued. The vote is merely to A public address system will enable ond half of the same inning and cremation. honored by the presence of a man was passed the danger point Tues verify the people’s previous action. the audience to hear Mr. Ander scored three runs on three succ seeking the presidency of the Un- day and is said to be recovering "The street contractors have aric- son's evaluation of the animals essive hits. Then Kayono, Nyssa satisfactorily. ed to be relieved of the local street as they are judged. \ After reviewing the outstanding hurler rapped out a homer in the work for three weeks to attend to The Jersey club will serve lunch last half of-the sixth, inning. Which ______ | record of Dewey as governor, Mor- other work. In addition, the city j on the grounds a t noon FUNERAL IS HELD brought the fourth and final score '“ V sllcd » « •* » * • desires to wait until hot weather/ Charles Eder. former Nyssa re s-' *an of the errorless ball game. FOR MRS. SEBAYAN far applying the surface oourse. Went, died in the Holy Rosary, ?,u* 1 a ^ presldent of U' e The Nyssa lineup was as follows: . There is nothing bad about the hospital in Ontario Wednesday as Udiled, , ta .1 ’ . . . Osborne ss, Green 2b, Itam ura If, Several state officials investigat the result of injuries sustained in I ®Peakln« 'oud; sPe“ ^ r* Funeral services for Mrs. Max Kayono p, 1 Takami c, Bowen rf, ing the feasibility of making the Sebayan of Parma, who died last situation, but it must be straight a n ’ automobile accident near the ^ at «nphasiz«* the huskmess of If you approve the plan, Holcomb 3b, Sutherland lb and Owyhee reservoir area into a state Thursday ' morning in the Nyssa ened out. will move along in good time, Payette-Ontarlo Junction on high-, h k voice, caused by■laryngitis. Oov- Iseri cf. The Baker batteries were park visited the territory Wednes Nursing home, were held in the work 30 last Saturday eTnor Dewey laughingly remarked weather permitting. Everyone who wav a woman, Mrs Phoebe r Lynch of I to in Nyssa and Ontario Calderwood and Durgan. A ., audiences . • _ day in company with members of Nyssa Funeral home Chapel Monday is registered to vote may vote on The Nyssa town team defeated New Plymouth, was killed and Y°u are <JeoP‘* the Nyssa Boat chib and the Mal afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment this issue”. the Ontario nine in a practice base SECOND WEEK OF heur Game league. 0 made i r that w was in the Nampa cemetery. The special bond election will be Mrs. Charles Eder and Mr. a n d 1^ dreary days of the new “L deal ball game last Sunday by a score The officials, apparently very Mrs. Sebayan, daughter of Mr. held Tuesday, May 18 in the city Mrs. Floyd E. Terry of Quincy, 111 you never made the horrible mis SOFTBALL STARTED of 6 to 1 prior to the opening of inois were injured. The injured are take of sending a new deal senator much interested in. the area, were and Mrs. Jack Stewart of Weiser, hall. the Idaho-Oregon league schedule a t the beauty of the former Nyssa residents, was born Harold Henigson said that on reportedly recovering in the Holy to Washington". Nyssa softball play goes into the surprised next Sunday. scenery and the odd geological in Oklahoma 16 years ago. She May 26 at a special election the Rosary hospital. For his longest talk of the day, second week with Hartley Produce The Nyssa team will play Vale Coroner Gifford R. Shaffer of delivered formations. had been In the nursing home for proposed creation of a park dis at the athletic field in at Vale May 16 in its first league setting the pace, with two wins Payette county said the accident Boats for the trip to the back three weeks. trict will be voted on. Voters will Ontario about 1 p.m., Governor against no losses, followed by MIA waters of the reservoir were fur contest occurred when an automobile driv decide whether they want, a park Dewey was introduced by P. O. G al and Waggoner Motor company with nished by Ed Pruyn, Murle Mar Nyssa Batting Order district and will vote on three di en by Mr. Eder skidded on the wet lagher of Ontario. GORDON RAY ADDS AB R H PO A one win each Name pavement after the machine had cum, Dale Garrison and James rectors, who will serve as a board “I had to come all of the’ way to 5 0 0 0 2 A good attendance has been evi Savage. Included In the -party of M. Hartley, 3b BAKERY TO HIS of directors in oase the district Is been driven onto the shoulder of (Continued un Page Seven) Bellon, If 1 1 0 0 0 dent at the games and from all state officials were R. H. Baldock, the road and crashed against the DRIVE-IN MARKET formed. 2 1 0 0 1 indications the teams appear to be state highway engineer, and 8. M. Rambaud, lf-p Terry automobile, which Was trav The park district is similar to an Graham, cf 5 0 1 3 0 evenly matched and keen competi Boardman, state -park superinten Gordon Ray has added a bakery irrigation district or a school dis eling between 40 and 45 miles an 4 1 1 3 0 tion is expected. S. Hartley, rf dent. department to his drive-in store trict in the sense that it is a hour Mrs. Lynch was apparently Hartley Produce will step out of 0 0 0 1 0 Tobler, c If the area back of the dam is at Sixth and Main streets. The quasi-municipal entity thait has the killed Instantly. the league Thursday niight to play 0 Lewis, lb-c 4 1 1 5 Mr. Eder was interested in the designated as a state park, the right to levy taxes, issue bonds 4 0 1 9 1 the strong Moose team of the Boise state will probably maintain the bakery will be operated by Mr. and otherwise further the interests Eder Hardware company, which F. Wilson, c-lb Ray's brother, Kenneth Ray, who softball league a t Riverside park 3 1 3 3 5 Lovejoy, ss roads into the territory. of the district. Under the proposed bears his name, In Nyssa for a few has moved here from Utah. / 3 1 1 3 0 In Boise at 8:30 p.m. C. Wilson, 21b At a meeting of the Oregon Oordon Ray built a grocery ware plan the directors may levy a 10 years prior to leaving here in 1923. 1 0 0 0 1 Iseri, 2b-p house at the rear of Gordon's drive- mill tax for operation and mainten He sold his interest in the Nyssa Trail Grange Tuesday night Loyd 1 0 0 0 3 HERBERT WALTERS Wohlcke, p in to make room in the main build ance of its program. No tax could business and returned to New Adams, agriculture chairman, asked 1 0 0 0 0 B. Wilson, p TAKEN BY DEATH ing for the bakery department. All be assessed for the present year, Plymouth, where he was employed all Grangers to fight weeds as now 36 6 8 27 11 Total of the baker equipment is new and Henigson said. The highest tax rate by the Van Petten Lumber com is the time that the work will do Ontario batting order not av- might not exceed two mills for op pany for 33 years. Besides his wid the most good. modem. ailable. Ontario, 3 hits, 1 run, 5 Nyssa friends recently received Mr. Adams also gave a report Kenneth Ray has had 15 years eration and maintenance, the speak ow, Mr. Eder Is survived by a son, word of the death of Herb Walters errors. on what the potato growers must The City council let a contract of experience as a baker. Before op er said. A 10-mill tax on present Harry. Errors, S. Hartley, M. Hartley; in Riggins, Idaho March 11. do to be eligible for government Funeral services for Mr. Eder Mr. Walters, former resident of a t a meeting in the city hall Tues erating a bakery in Layton, Utah valuations would amount to ap had not been arranged Wednesday support. Frank Sherwood also gave runs batted in, Lewis 2, F. Wilson; proximately $60,000, but Henigson for two years, Mr. Ray was fore day niight for footings for an ele three-base hits, Love joy; homeruns, this area, is survived by his wife, an agriculture report. said “Under no stretch of the im night. Lewis; strikeouts, Wohlcke 3, Iseri Hattie of Riggins; his mother, Mrs. vated water tank to be erected at man of the Continental bake shop agination could that amount of Bob Holmes said that a purebred in Ogden. His family will move here Third street and Locust avenue. H. Walters and two brother, Bruce 2, Rambaud 1; hits off, Wohlcke, gilt had been purchased for the money be spent for the operation FIELDS SELECTED as soon as living quarters are found. The contract was awarded to and David of Riggins. 1 in 4 innings, Iseri 1 in 2 innings; hog chain and was turned to the and maintenance of such a park Leslie W. Stoker of Nyssa, whose B. Wilson, 1 in 2 Innings, Rambaud, STASSEN CHAIRMAN FF.A. chapter of Nyssa. district here”. bid was $1290. The only other bid To Gresham— PIRATES TAKE SRV 0 in 1 Inning. Winning pitcher, Harold Henigson of Nyssa gave County Commissioner Alva Good- Wohlcke, losing pitcher, Brunner. Mrs. L. A. Maulding and children der, J. Vear VanNoy of Ontario, Robert Fields has been selected a report on the proposed park ell of Nyssa spoke in favor of BASEBALL PENNANT submitted a bid of $2300. left Friday far Gresham, Oregon to Nyssa 000 122 001 6 the proposed county road levy, as chairman of the Nyssa Stassen district, which will be voted on Construction of the tank will be Ontario 000 000 100 1 visit relatives. The Payette Pirates defeated the which will be voted on in the pri for President club. Olean Wells was May 26. started in June by the Chicago Lewis drove a home run to deep! Elmo Smith, candidate for the Bridge and Steel company, so that Nyssa Bulldogs last Friday after mary election to be held May 21. •.elected as secretary. right field in the sixth to score S To Corvallis— noon on the Payette diamond by He gave assurance th at the Nyssa John H. Travis of Hood River, republican nomination for state it will be ready for use this fall. Mrs. Ray Larson and Mrs. Hilda Hartley, who had walked. for delegate to the re senator, was a visitor at the meet- Tensen spent the week-end on the The overflow of the tank will be a score of 9 to 5 to take the Snake road assessment district would re candidate ceive its just share of taxes collect publican national convention, was in*. River Valley conference title the same height as th a t of the campus at O.S.C., where they were Chimes Installed— Bernard Frost, manager of the The Bulldogs, winners of tne ed under the special levy, which in Nyssa last week-end promotlitg Chimes are being installed this guests for the mother's week-end present tank. Both will be used on Malheur county title, also lost the would be used entirely for roads. his own candidacy and helping in Nyssa office of the Idaho Power the entire water system. activities. week at the Methodist church and showed a motion picture, A petition for vacation of Pine first game of the play-off series, Cities would also receive a return the organization of a Stassen club. company, will be ready to be played Sunday "The Snake". avenue from First street to Third dropping It by a score of 11 to 2 cf 50 per cent of the money raised morning. The project is sponsored To San Francisco— Mr and Mrs. Charles Newbill Here from Prinevllle— within their boundaries. by the Young Adult fellowship of Carlos Buchner, manager of Ev street was submitted. The council Thursday. Mrs. Olivia Rinehart arrived Fri Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander and erybody's Store, left Friday an a adopted a resolution to start pro Short score: the Methodist churoh. day to visit at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell furn Payette ......... 430 101 0—9 11 5 New Arrivals at Home— ceedings to vacate the street. business trip to San Francisco. Born May 5 to Mr. and Mrs. son. G rant Rinehart, and family ished refreshments. 122 100 0—5 7 t The council passed an ordinance Nyssa To St. Louis— Kirk and Dourghalthaus ana George DeHaven of Adrian, a Mrs. Rinehart has been visiting a providing for sale of the Bancroft Wayne Morris and Lorin Goats Program Completed— Returns Home— daughter, 7 pounds, 10 ounces; May daughter in Prineville. Plans have been completed in bonds for property affected in the Rose; Koyano and Itamura. have returned " from attending the Joe Bellon returned home Sun- 7. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. 8tmpson of street improvement district. A F of L convention at St. Louis. connection with the annual storing Go to l a G rande-- Jay from the Holy Rosary hospital Adrian, a daughter, 7 pounds, 8 Speaks on Candidary— Hugh Tobler asked the council Mr. Morris returned by way of program to be presented by the Mrs. O. L. Galloway, Mrs. W. C. at Ontario, where he underwent Martin P. "Buck" Gallagher of ounces, and May 8, Mr. and Mrs. Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he vis fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth to sell him 10 acres of land at the Ontario, candidate for renomination J. T. Johnson of Parma, a girl, 7 Brown. Mrs. Roy Herrman and a major operation last week. dump gounds located on the ex grades Friday, May 14 at 8 p.m. ited his sister. M ri H. J. O em hardt attended the The program, to be presented in tension of Third street. A commit as a republican to the state legis pounds, 14 ounces. Mother’s day program at the East Attend Meeting— lature. delivered a talk at the Nyssa tee consisting of Emil Stunz, Fred the gymnasium, will follow the Republican Women to Meet— Nine Nyssa ladles attended a ern Oregon College of Education Livestock company auction Wed To Boise— Bracken and Harry Miner, was ap theme ’Musical America’’. A meeting of the Nyssa unit of Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. John at La Grande over the week-end. meeting and luncheon of the Del nesday on roads and legislation pointed to consider the proposal. the Oregon Council of Republican society last Thursday at Attorney Harold Henigson asked passed at the last session of the Beckham and Mrs, Kenneth Ren- The mothers were honored at a phian Women will be held at Carl’s Doll Worker Injured— legislature. He said he Is In favor strom were Boise visitors Saturday. tea and play TTiey attended Sun Boise in the Boise hotel. Mrs. Lena the city to make a property survey Pat Gibbons was injured Tuesday House Friday, May 14 at 2 o’clock. day morning breakfast at tha Saca- Latham Ortjle. Pacific coast sup of raising the gasoline tax to two ervisor of the national society, was All women interested are asked to when a tractor overturned on him for the Nyssa-Arcadia drainage dis cents a gallon for the purpose of .41 Kurhn Honored— )awea hotel. trict. which will install a pipeline in Apple valley while he was work the principal speaker. Mrs. Frank attend. A plaque given for his service to ing for Ivan Carpenter Gibbons for a distance of about one-half building county roads. Morgan gave a talk on "American the Nyssa fire department was Home from Yakima— To Eagle_ was taken to the Nyssa Nursing mile south of Alberta avenue. Mrs. George Hankins returned Industry". presented to Alvin KuChn by the Here from Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Main and son home suffering from fractures of Mr and Mrs. S. W Abersold members of the department Tues Sunday from Yakima, where she Conference Held— visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. | several ribs and bruises. of Logan. Utah, former Nyssa resi day ight prior to his departure visitel her sister, Mrs. W. T. Mei- Nursing Home Note The L D A first ward held its Pat Gibbons of Nyssa and Mrs. Main's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wes- i — —— for Boulder. Colorado, where he smer. primary conference Sunday. May 9. dents, visited here last week. ley Mace of Eagle. Firemen Called— Helmer Julum of Nyssa route 2 will make his home. Mr. Kuehn _______________ I Firemen were called to north The entire program was furnished entered the Nyssa Nursing home organized the present fire depart Cub Pack Meets— Third street Wednesday because of by the children. One hundred nine Attending Meeting— Pomona Grange to Meet— A CUb pack meeting was held at for treatment Tuesday, May 11. On City Manager E K. Burton went ment. The plaque reads as follows. ty attended tne primary conference a blase in the studio of Vinao The Malheur County Pomona to Boise today to attend a North "Presented to Alvin Kuehn in rec the high school Monday evening. Wednesday, May 12, Frank Rook- Orange will meet in the Nyssa high Murolo. Italian sculptor However. west Water Works association meet ognition of distinguished service Following thp presentation of a- .stool, route 1. Nyssa. Mrs. William Here from (aidwell— Mr. Murolo himself extinguished school building May 26. An evening ing, which will be held today. Fri as chief of the Nyssa volunteer wards. Cubmaster E. J. Sherman Hadley of Nyssa. and 16-months-old Mrs May Herriman of Caldwell the blaze before any damage was meal will be served at 6 o’clock. read the rules for the marble tour- Billy Lawrence of Nvasa entered at the J. L. Herriman home day and Saturday He will return fire department, Nyssa. Oregon nament to be held May 29. The Oregon Trail Orange will be done. The blaze started from an visited for medical treatment. home Friday evening. | years 1945-47" from Monday until Wednesday I overheated oil stove. the host. Dean Erwin Is Shot by Friend Stassen Plans Malheur Visit Bulldogs Take District Title Officials View Proposed Park Charles Eder Is t atally Injured Ny ssa Defeats Ontario 6 to 1 Varied Grange Program Given Elevated Tank Contract is Let