Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON MAGPIE CONTROL CONTEST STARTS sa; Turner's Sporting Goods in Ontario; Vale Lockers, Vale; and Bob Webster’s Adrian. Feet will be collected each Monday and results announced weekly. The contest runs until June 15. Hunter hun ing off their cwn pro perty must have regulation license in their possession to hunt any of the wild birds or animals Crow’s feet will be acceptable also. To aid in control of magpies in Malheur county, the Malheur game league is sponsoring a contest am ong Ontario, Vale, Nyssa and Ad rian sportsmen and farmers. The contest starts immediately. The contest is for magpie feet in pairs for both adult and young Guests Here— Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong birds. Feet may be turned in at the following business establish of Wilder were Sunday guests of ments: Hollingsworths', Inc., Nys- Mr. and Mrs. George McKee. WE STAND BETWEEN YOU AND LOSS Frank T. Morgan "iïlii Orders Rre To Use (lUda® 100% PURE PRII1T! The reason's cloar-Ceco is all paint No fillers nor extenders. Just pure ingredients mixed with skill and care. The result-every drop of Ceco 100% Pure Paint gives the utmost in surface pro tection Because it lasts longer and goes further, it's much more economical. If you have a paint ing problem of any kind, come in and let us help you. Ask for the Ceco 100% Pure Paint color card. LOCAI NEWS Visits Parents— Bob Church, student of Eastern Oregon College of Education at La Grande, visited at the home of his parents over the week-end. On Saturday he participated in the Founder's day meet at the College of Idaho as a member ol the track team from E.O.C.E. PACE FIVE T H U R SD A Y , M A Y 6, 19 IS of Mathematics” Special music will Elm, write box 263. Nyssa. Oregon. ! TAKEN UP— Sorrel saddle horse f, ed, damage- and advertising. E. C. 6Mlxp. Owner may have it by paying fa r . Larsson, Columbia avenue. 6M3xp. I be arranged. ! MISCELLANEOUS— Want your Visit in Huntington— 1 own business? 80-year-old reputa- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and tio and our capital will back you. family visited over the week-end Others earning up to $10,000 year at the Perry Ward home in Hunt l y . No experience required. Write jj . R. Watkins Co.. 137 Dexter ave ington. nue. Seattle 9. Washington. 6M7xc Called to Roseburg— FOR SALE— 9-foot wide print Mr. and Mrs. Marion Fiske have linoleum in yard goods. Nyssa returned from Roseburg, Oregon, furniture company, phone 149-W 6Mtfc where they were called because of the death of Mr. Flske’s brother. FOR SALE— Dining room set En route home they visited their davenport and chair, bedroom set: daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. oil heater, small coal range and O. Hayes at Murphy, Oregon and other household items. See Mrs at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ethel Crawford, across from cltj Bosch near Bend. hall. 6M2xp Attend A.A.U.W. Tea— Mardi Sallee. Margery Bishop, Lois Bybee, Louise Lewis, Eva Hie- ter and Ruth Toombs, accompanied by Mrs. Don Engstrom, attended the tea given by the Ontario Uni FOR SALE— Very atractive two- versity Women's association at the Receives Recognition— Potter home in Ontario f rnday Eldred Irving, son of Mr. and bed room home. Modern except heat Mrs. E. W. Irving, was recently garage, nice yard, trees and shrubs afternoon. appointed a member of the Bull Very good location, 66 by 217 lot Here from Illinois— dog staff at Brigham Young uni Bernard Eastman, real estate. In 6Mtfc Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Warren ar versity at Provo, Utah. Following is surance. Phone 64. rived Sunday at the home of Mr. a humorous short item, recently FOR SALE— Good home with four and Mrs. Ed Warren, where they published in the "Y News”. ’ Be apartments, modem and good lo will make an extended visit. hind a mask of dejection there was cation. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa ^In- a subtle smile o f hope on the face ,-urance Agency. 6Mtfc Attend Funeral— of Udel Poulson (Nyssa student) Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Findling as the cafeteria line, known for FOR SALE— Small homes, build went to Nampa Monday to attend it’s great length, and merciless oust ing lots for home or business. Ralph the funeral of Mrs. Findling’s uncle, ing of ’chiselers’ politely made way Lawrence, Nyssa. Insurance Agency 6Mtfc for him, as he ’crutched’ his way William Frost. to the front of the line. Udel brave WANTED— For quick sale, list your Boise Visitors Here— ly objected when someone had Guests last Thursday at the to carry his tray to the table. His property with Ralph Lawrence 6Mtfc home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack M c face ¿low ed determination even Nyssa Insurance Agency. Kee, were Mrs. McKee’s mother, though he knew the crutches would H elect Hi L and Mrs. Charles McConnell and her not permit his balancing the tray. FOR SAL/E— and well grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Marker, The cheery atmosphere of the meal range. three burners 6M2XC and two aunts, Mrs. Ed Marker and was broken by an offer to empty Phone 169-W. Mrs. Jesse Marker, all of Boise. Poulson’s tray. ” 1 can do it” he vol unteered. but nobody would hear of Play School Planned— it. As the thoughtful student emp — FOR SALE— Plans are being made for the tied the tray, Poulson picked up New Columbus annual play school sponsored each his crutches in one hand and walk spring by the home economics de ed out.” partment under the direction of Mrs. Charles Steffens. The play To Give Mother’s Program— <-ehool will be held from May 17 The Nyssa first ward L.D.S. Sun 18-Foot, Completely to 21, and wlU take children from day school will present a special the ages 4 to 6. Any mother in Mother’s day program at the church modern. terested in having her child at Sunday, May 9 at 9 o’clock. Must Act Soon tend this school is asked to contact Mrs. Steffens. Return from Coast— May be seen at Vest Mrs. Clifford Nielsen and Jill Hospital Program Cancelled— Marie returned Tuesday morning Bros. Farm The program and dance being from a 10-day Visit with relatives planned by the memorial hospital in Portland and Toledo, Washing board and the women’s hospital ton. auxiliary in observance of Na tional hospital day, May 12, have Too Late To Classify House Trailer been cancelled because of lack of FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, a place to hold the affair on that chrome table and sink edgings, date. waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. Nyssa PT.A. to Meet— The regular meeting of the Nyssa FOR SALE— 1948 Frazer, can’t Parent-Teacher association will be tell from new, $275 below cost. El held at the high school May 13 mer Holtzclaw, Frank’s roller rink, at 8 o’clock. The program will in Ontario, or phone Ontario 51-RW 6Mlxp. clude a short report by Mrs. Fos after 1 p.m. ter on the state P.T.A. convention FOR SALE— Thor washing ma held last week at Klamath Falls, and installation of the officers for chine, $30. Phone 05-R1, Jake Fis 6M1XC. next year. The guest speaker will cher. h0,.0 ' WiUiatnq of Boise, clmlk FOR SALE__ Modem four-room ta k artist and entertainer, who home 6 ]awn> trees> will speak on The Amusing Side nowers garden. well and pump for irrigation, garage, chiekenhouse, fenced chicken lot, cowshed, whole place fenced and cross-fenced. Nine blocks north of Main street on First street, turn right half block, 1011 STOP LOOK & THINK YOUR POTATOES WILL BE READY BEFORE YOU KNOW IT. SO COME IN AND PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR YOUR POTATO DE-VINER AND BEET TOPPER. IF IN NEED OF A NEW BEET BED, CALL US. MACHINE W O R K OF ALL KINDS Carl & Burt’s Machine Shop PHONE 269-W Oregon Voters Governor Thom as E. Dewey Republican Candidate for the Presidency of The United States Cooked F ood SALE Saturday, May 8 Graham’s Realty Office By the ladies of the St. Anne’s Altar Society Attention All Veterans 't » s I .............■ . +..¿..¿4 The Perfect Graduation Gift 4 ■ m greater aid to their vet- Committee^ on Military Will Visit M alheur Cou nty The enactment of these beneficial laws is due to his ability and interest in veterans’ affairs. c These helpful statutes should he extended with amendments designated to obtain for the veteran and his family adequate and deserved assistance. No. 343 1 . Combine« Ameriten W ei. J nutwith.N'ewGuineeendZebrewoods. Has Lene s petented automatic tray. O th *f Lon« C h e sN P o p u la r ly P rice d a I 77io Gift That Start « tha Horn« $4 9 .95. $5 9 .9 5 . $6 9 .95, and up. Give your sweetheart the real love-gift—a Lane ced ar hope che,t for gradua tion! The only tested AROMA - TIGHT cedar chest in the world with Lane's exclusive patented features. Choose now from our selection of styles and models. A vote for Buck Gallagher is a vote for vet erans’ welfare. No. ftl on the ballot. May 21st, 1948. This advertisement is sponsored by: Don M. Graham, Service Officer: FREE moth insur ance policy with every Lane chest Term«: Only $10 Down Gallagher is a veteran and will get the job done. He stood for us— Let’s stand for him! Nyssa Post No. 79, American Legion modern design in wheat- color matched Mahogany. Peterson-Newsom Furniture Company PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Ontario Vale Payette Service Officer: Owyhee Post No. 3506, V. F. W . Virgil E. Glaves, Past Commander, V .F .W . John Easley Tuesday-M ay 11, 1948 The governor will speak at the high school athletic field at Ontario at 1 o’clock, P. M. and will visit Nyssa, speaking at the sugar factory at 2:30 P. M. He will hold a conference with Idaho dele gations at the Moore hotel at 3:30 P. M. and depart for Baker at 4:40. The public is cordially invited to hear and meet Governor Dewey while he is in Malheur county. This advertisement is sponsored and paid for by the Malheur County Republican committee. JOHN CALDWELL, Chairman Vale, Oregon