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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1946)
1 Music Plus News _THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL, N YSSA, OREGON CAGE F O U R Lola Sunset Valley Callahan, Charles Chapin, , al farm loan associations own $3, Jackie Wilson, Jess Assumendl and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintz and Phyllis Eastman. (our sons, HUmer, Halmut, Rudy and Donnie, who have made their home in Bellingham, Washington Bait Sawdust Arrives Here (or the past three years, arrived in the valley Sunday to make their home. 103,700 of the stock and direct bor rowers, »66,900 The bank’s legal reserve stands at »3,805,000, Its earned surplus at »3,608 000, and Its reserve for losses, »2,553,000." Cow Hollow They visited relatives in A carload of sawdust, containing Yakima and also the Adolph approximately 60 tons, lias been Mr and Mrs. Everett Callahan Schneider family, formerly ol Sun- received by the county from the of Ontario visited at the tiome ot | set valley, at Prosser, Washing bureau of entomology for use in his parents, Mr. and Mrs Joseph making grasshopper bait for the ton, while en route here. Calahan. Bob Adams, son of Mr, and l<>f; season, according to Harry Mr and Mrs William Callahan Mrs Lester Adams, is ill and will SandquLst, county agent. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan shopped This sawdust will be mixed with be confined to his bed for two in Ontario Saturday. weeks. He is under the care of a bran and poison during the winter Charles Durfee had an acci and will be available to farmers prysician. dent last week while hauling a Phyllis Eastman of Adrian spent and ranchers needing It next year load of beets into the beet dump tile week-end with Vera Faye Coup-; without cost. when other truck drivers crowded sil. j Surveys made by representatives his truck o ff the road. The load Mrs. Mary R effett and daughter, from the county agent's office and was overturned and Mr. Durfee Mrs. Helen Hite, entertained at a Oregon State College extension ser- was quite badly shaken. plnk and blue shower Tuesday vice Indicate that damage from Eight or 10 L. D. S. rKsstonaries at the Sunset community hall in grasshoppers will be greater in 1847 and geneological workers of the honor of Mrs Donna Steiner. | than during the past season. Owyhee branch will attend the Twenty-six friends gathered at Good control is obtained if bait excursion to Idaho Falls, starting the church Friday night for a is applied early in the season When November 20. Those planning to farewell get-together for Mr. and beds of young grasshopper» are go on the trip are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Ditty and children, who first discovered SandquLst stated, Charles Durfee. Mrs. Delone Dur have moved to Ontario to make Baiting the hatching grounds re- fee, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin J. Calla thelr home, and for Rev. and Mrs. duces the amount o f bait neces- han, Mrs. Fred Mitchell and Mr Alfred Brim, who have pastored sary and Is effective in destroying and Mrs. Vem Gamer. the church here for the past year, the pests before they can become Mrs. Haskins of Utah Is vLsltlng end the Brim children. Refresh- widespread and do dantSge. her daughter, Mrs. Tan Ashby, ments of gingerbread, whipped Nearly 15 tons of bait were dls- and will stay until after Mrs, cream, coffee and hot chocolate trlbuted by the county agent’s of- Ashby Is operated 6n this coming were served. | flee during the past season. Most week. Mary Query and daughter, 8har- of thLs was used in the Arock and Mrs. Nellie Tanner's mother of on returned Wednesday evening' Oow Lakes area. Those sections Washington Is visiting h er' She from LaGrande, where they spent that were baited early were con will be here until after the holi trolled effectively and damage was a few days visiting relatives. days. Sunday dinner guests of Rev. held to a minimum. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Hood and Mrs. Alfred Brim were Mr. River have been visiting here for and Mrs. Oraham and Mr. and BORROW ERS W IL L the last two weeks. Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Hall of Vale. was formerly Mrs. Archie East Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ostercamp ' RECEIVE D IV ID E N D S man. and son of Boise were recent Mrs. Wayne Barrett is visiting More than 300 farmers and ran guests of O. P. Counsll and family. chers In Payette, Washington, Ad relatives in Utah. Vera Faye Counsll and Joan The Wetser high counselors vis ams and Malheur counties will Price entertained friends at a par share In a 6 i>er cent dividend de ited the Owyhee branch of the ty at the Counsll home Saturday c-lured by the Federal Land bank L. D. S. church last Sunday even evening. Games were played, after of Spokane, Herbert J. IJavls, sec ing. which refreshments of sandwiches, retary-treasurer of the Payette A miscellaneous shower was given cake and cocoa were served. Guests National Farm Loan association for Mrs. Delone Durfee at the were Ramon, Laurelle and Don with headquarters in Payette, an home of Mrs. Pearl Ballantyne Bergam, Oeorgla Ward. Buster November 23 at 2 p. m. nounced Tuesday. Talbot, Buddy and Darlene Smith, “ThLs dividend, amounting to Hugh and Dale Parker, Donnie »190.000, Is payable to all stock Share, Marion and Kenneth Price, holders of record September 30, Kenneth Rookstool, David High 1946." said Mr. Davis. "T h e Payette land, John Nlccum, Ray, Fay and Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft NFLA and 76 similar associations In Idaho, Motana. Oregon and entertained Thursday evening, N ov Doe» your W ork O ffer a Washington, along with a few dir ember 14 at a pinochle party In ect borrowers, own all the capital celebration of their 26th anntver- P L E A S A N T and ___________________ _______ __ and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde stock of the bank. __ Payment of the sary j Adrian dividend, therefore, will enable t h e 1 Steelma'1-s I3Ul anniversary. Those association to further strengthen l",?'*'111 WL‘re Mr. anc* Mrs. R. E. pass on 1 c' Mi. unt* Mrs. Dale Ash- I f you have ambition and a deter Its financial position and that part of i M r ant* Mi-s. Bert Davis, mination to succeed, then you'll do to member-borrowers well to Investigate your own chanc the dividend not needed to assure ] r ant* Mrs. J W Stacey and es In the new United States Army. a long-time, sound business oper- , r: and Mrs. Clyde Steelman. Mrs. Ashcraft and R. E. Dtlle This great organization does offer atlon and meet future contlngen- made high score. Refreshments of a pleasant, profitable and guaran ciea," "A similar dividend was paid by " (ream . cookies and coffee were teed future to those who can qual ify. I f you have an Army, Navy, the bank a year ago. The bank served. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis, Mr. and Marine Corps or Coast Guard now has total capital, surplus and MOS, you can re-enllst in a grade | reserves o f $13,135,600. The nation- Mrs. J. W. Stacey and son of eastern Idaho are visiting In th* appropriate to your training and William Ashcraft home. Mr. Dav experience. Check your MOS today, is and Mr. Stacey are sister and then see your local army recruit B ILL L A N E brother o f Mrs. William Ashcraft. ing station immediately for an Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft assured profitable and pleasant Auctioneer were Sunday dinner guests In Nam career. IPhone 116.T Nyssaj pa at Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nelson's 419 FEDERAL BLDG., BOISE, IDA. home. The occasion was In celebra tion o f Mr. Nelson's birthday and Mr. and Mrs Ashcraft's anniver sary. Mrs. Nelson and Mr. Ash craft are sister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb en tertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Glen Brown at a dinner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and Donna Lee visited Sunday In the parental M r and Mrs. Frank Steel man home near Middleton. Several Adrian ladles attended Adjustable length. On 16-inch rubber. the M ary and Martha society meet ing held Thursday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. M. L. Kurtz. Venna Patterson, a returned miss ionary, was an out-of-town guest five foot and speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson have moved to Nyssa from the Big Bend community to make their home. 18-inch Bearcat Oeorge Cartwright arrived home Thursday evening after receiving his discharge. He served a year overseas in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon P a rx e r! and Paul are visiting In Union, Oregon at the home o f Mrs. P ar ker's niece. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor. Mr Parker will hunt deer In the At Stunz Lumber Yard Cove area on a special tag Janet and Bobby are staying with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker, while their parents are away. Howard Hatch Is with thesn on the trip. Carnival tickets were given to the class treasurers Friday, N ov ember 8 T h e tickets were then distributed to the students to be sold at 10 cents each. The soph omores are leading In the con test. having sold »100 worth of tickets. The juniors are trillin g with only »21 worth turned In. The freshmen and seniors are hold ing medium positions. This is to announce our entrance Howard Hatch and M r and Mrs to Nyssa. Vernon Parker and Paul returned home Monday afternoon from a I f you have need of any of these services con deer hunt with two does. sult us as we believe our past experience and Mr. and Mrs K I Peterson and knowledge o f these services will result in mu Donna were dinner guests Satur day evening In the F. A. Cahill tual benefit. home near Nyssa. W e will occupy rooms 5 and 6 in the Frye TH U R S D A Y , NOVEM BER 21, 1946 PLUS DRAMA EQU,ALS Entertaining Radio Listening For Nyssa P R O F IT A B L E Future? Rubber Tired Wagons Shock W aterin g Tanks Miskin Scrapers Feed Chopper Nyssa Implement Company INCOME TAX FEDERAL and STATE ACCOUNTING Custom Bookkeeping Building at Nyssa and will be ready to serve you on and after December 5. W e invite you to drop in and get acquainted. 1450 C. “Your Voice Of The Snake River Valley ON AIR 11 a. m. Saturday, Nov. 23 Program» of Special interest to Nyssa “Tune to the top of your dial for the summit Salute to Nvssa in Radio Enjoyment. Report to the Valley Nyssa Hi Presents Today’s Best Buys