Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON FOR ing new. north Classified Advertising RATES: Tw o cents per worn for each issue. Alter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. good rubber tired wagon. Hite bro For Sale thers, 14 mile east of FOR SALE— Enameled trash burn schoolhouse. er. Earl Farr, 770 First street.21N2p Owyhee 14N2xp. F O R SALE— International K7 COE P Q $ SALE— 1936 Dodge 1 1/2 ton truck. A - l condition. Case model truck, good rubber, motor over VAC tractor, cultivator, planters hauled. spare tire and wheel, ex weed attachment. Used two sess cellent buy at *650. Owyhee Truck and Implement company. Phone i ions. W. T. Eubanks, phone 396-JU, 14N2xp. 83-J. 21Nlxc I Nampa. FOR SALE— Black male cocker FO R SALE— 4-room house. Im pup. 3/4 bed spring and mattress. Eight-tube Packard Belle radio. A l mediate possession. Call 533 North l4N7xp. so new leather wallets and belts. 5th, Owen Oann. Mae Cook, route 1, Nyssa. 21N2xp FOR SALE— Extra nice potatoes, FO R SALE — 80 acres, 40 under *2.25 per sack delivered. Less in 10- pump. Good 6 room house, elec sack lots. Ed Jamison, phone 65-J. tric lights, pressure water system. 3!Otfc. Good chicken house, 20 by 60. *6000. Inquire Journal office. 21Nlxc F O R S A L E— New commercia FOR SALE— Tw o tires and tubes, building Just completed. Building sie 6:00x16, *20. Leonard Huseby, is 50 by 70 with modern two bed at post office. 21Nlxp room apartment. Excellent locatiot FOR SA LE — Juvenile furniture and with parking area in front and sleds. Select now for Xmas lay rear. Best of construction. Must away. H l-W ay Mdse. Mart. 14Ntlc be seen to be appreciated. Bem arc Eastman. Phone 64. 7Ntfc FO R SALE— Several new all en amel coal ranges. Used coal FOR SALE— 60 acres under tht heaters and circulators. A ll re Owyhee ditch, southwest of Nyssa, conditioned. H i-W ay Mdse. Mart known as the £tam place, Klaas 14Nllc Stam. 7N4xp FO R SALID— Finished and un FO R SALE OR LEASE— 80-acre finished chests and chairs. Hl-Way row-crop farm. Marion Chard. Box Mdse. Mart. 14Ntfc 814. 3101xp. FO R SALE — "Breakfaster", for toasting bread and frying meat, eggs or potatoes simultaneously. *12.95. Nyssa Furniture Co. 14Ntfc. FO R SALE— Electric ironsr'Guar- anteed one year. All chrome fin ish. *3.45. Nyssa Furniture Co. 14Ntfc. FO R SALE!— One 4-00x15 new tractor tire. David Beers, route 2. Nyssa 21Nlxp FO R SALE— 1939 K15 Studebaker cabover engine truck, 16-ft. beet rack, 18:25 tires 2-speed rear axle, flood condition. Stanley R effett Rt. 2. 3!Otfc. PO R SALE— New Willys en gines, New Jeeps and Willys parts. All makes and models used cars. Watts Motor Co. Phone 144-J Nyssa. FO R SALE FO R SALE — Dressed or live tur 80 acres row crop land on Adrian keys. Mail orders to Fred Kratz- 1 bench. Fair house, good well, berg route 1 Nyssa or call at farm for land only. 2 14 miles south-west Nyssa. Drawn 15 acres in Apple valley, 2 room ready for oven on request, 75c ex house, cow shed, chicken house, 3 tra. 14N3xp miles from Nyssa. Price $3800. 3 bedroom house, lawn, shade, FOR SALE:— Eating potatoes. *1 cwt. Bring your sack. L. J. Joseph- garage, close in. F*rice *5750. 3 room house, fully furnished, son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, Idaho. 310tfc. full basement, 3 blocks from Main street. FO R SALE— Ann Arbor power Several Improved and unim hay baler, 17 by 22, 3 wire, steel proved acreages. gears, good condition. H all type KEN RENSTROM, REAL ESTATE. hay hoist complete with Jackson SUCCESSOR TO A. L. ATKKSON Phone 47-J fork and motor and mounted on Professional And Business Directory PH YS IC IA N S OPTO M ETRISTS S A R A Z IN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons DR. J. A. M C F A LL DR. JOHN E A S LY L. A. Mauldin?, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Pnone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 aitd 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday DENTISTS J. R. CU ND ALE Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic N YS SA OREGON . F. BODMER Dentist Ph. 187W Wilson Bldg. HAY BUYER Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FLOOR SANDING New or old floors sancT ed perfectly. Large commercial machine and experienced oper ators. Telephone Boise 6189R. FLOOR LAYING AND SANDING Refinished, Filled. Varnished By Experienced Men W rite N, J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho Sales Service Supplies W . F. JA H N __________________ s_______________ Dealer in hay and grain W ORLD FAM O US Third at Good Ave. JEW ELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS W A T'"R E S Main Street * . Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREOON ELECTROLUX Cleaner & A ir Purifier E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Weiser, Idaho SALE— Two-toned circulat sewing machine repairing. Complete ; Autocrat heater, practically stock of new parts :or all macnmes. \ *35. Earl Purv«s. one block including electrics Rebuilt macn- | of sugar factor). aiNixp. ¡nes for sale Buy Rnd , . ade f 20JUC. FOR SALE— Modern home In Par Lett Sackett, Ontario. ma. Five rooms, also bedroom in M ISCELLANEOUS— For better ra basement. New stoker. Electric hot dio service bring vour lauios n. water heater. Insulated. Hardwood Nordaie-Newsom Furmture store Gene Seybold, radictncian. 13Jtfc. floors. Built in 1941. Phone 113W, Parma, Idaho. Harold Foster. 7N3p M ISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate ca. and cylinder lock keys made. Gam- 2a0aic FOR SALE— 1946 Ford tractor ole store. Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. SlOtfc. BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Mon PO R SALE— 1946 J. I. Case Com day and Friday. Beef, sheep »no bine. Used to cut 200 acres. *1000. pork. Sanitary Dutcnerlng guaran Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. 310tfc teed Phone 05R1 An stock must come In Thursday or .Sunday at;er- noon between 12 o'clock and 6. No FOR SALE— New grates and re stock accepted on butchering day pairs for any make of stove. Also One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta stove pipe, dampers, flue stops. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29M11C Nyssa FYirniture Co. 240tfc. FO R SALE—New Willys Watts Motor company. General Contractor Builder & J. C. KRUL Box 509 No. 1st St. Nyssa, Oregon A d v e r t i s i ng N O TIC E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT I m i .. IN TI1E C O UNTY C O l R T OF FO R SA LE — Eight-piece dining! t h e STATE OF OREGON FOR room set. Phone 06R4. 24-0tlc. I THE CO U NTY OF MALHEUR ___ ~ r r - ,,, . I in the Matter of the Estate of Chevrolet truck. Qood rubber. B e ! *'*' . PH6 10 Z W ' W “ o MOt° r H N O TIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Phone 144-J Nyssa, Oregon.______ ^ ^ undersigned. Lora E. Pills- B tTlY SUE ^NEW SOM FURNITURE CO. 1 DRlVL.t CON/t-R^- A LO T OF GRCXJNO / W ANTED T O R E NT— 80 acres, share crop, some row crop. George H. Evans, route 1, Eagle, Idaho. 14N2xp. W ANTE D — T o buy anything In b-cf or "eal. Also buy banger cows or win handle for hide and offall Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc. W A N TE D — W ill buy any model Willys cars, highest prices paid telephone 144J. Watts Motor com pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized dealer, Malheur and Payette coun ties. lA tfc . W ANTED—Dead or worthless ani mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep and hogs Phone collect Nyssa 102W, Payette 560J3. Fruitland 3713 or Nampa 1000. 7Mtfe. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS— W ill work af ter school taking care of small children Phone 189-R 21Nlxc. PERSO NAL— Anyone wishing per sonal or civic announcements broadcast or wishes to appear on NYSSA'S radio program" SALUTE T O N Y S S A " over K SRV, “The Voice o f the Snake River Valley," write or contact ALYC E W AD A at the Nyssa high school. (Re. Sal ute to Nysaa K S R V ) 21N3xc M ISCELLANEOUS— All kinds of sewing done. Room 4. Wilson's ap artments. Mrs. Marion Chard. 14N5xp MISCELLANEOUS— I will not be responsible for any checks, bills or I damage for Mrs. Oladys Oeokan. Alex Geokan. 7N4xp Deer and Elk Hides Raw Fur Hides, Pelts and W ool Jermnlowske Bros. Phone 504 Weiser. Idaho M ISCELLANEOUS— Storage See ¡Jake at P lx-it shop. SAtfc M ISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed ^ S A V W HAT K IN O T 1 OF A MACHINE. OO VOO ORIVE, MR. J INKS ? NYSSA FU NE R AL HOME S U E . 1_____’ %The Jfote & ÍhíOjfiíjj «w ¿ NEW5DM FuRN I which place is hereby designated OWYHEE as the place of business In all matters connected with said estate. A large crowd attended the A. L. Fletcher, Administrator Estate of Anna E. Goshert.Deceased Parent-Teacher association meet First pub. Nov. 14, 1946 ing last Thursday at the school Last pub. Dec. 12, 1946 house. County agent Sandqulst showed pictures and talked on 4-H N O T IC E . OF F IN A L H E AR IN G work and presented pins to the N O TICE IS H EREBY OIVEN, That 4-H club members. Mrs. Charle» Leo L. Utter, the Administrator of Culbertson, Mrs. Kenneth McDon the estate of Roy Alfred Utter, de ald and Mrs. Harold F'lvecoat, ceased, having filed herein his first hostesses for the evening, served and final account of his adminis cookies, coffee and cocoa. tration In the County Court of tne Prayer meeting was held at the State of Oregon for the County of Martha Kllngback home Tuesday Malheur, the County Judge has evening. Rev. Kriner was the lead fixed Mondy, December 16th 1946. er. at the hour of two o'clock p.m. as Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain and Mrs. the time and the County Court Dorothy Fox were callers at the Room in the City o f Vale, Oregon, Klingback home FYlday. as the place, for hearing any ob Vera Faye Council gave a party jections to said account and for Friday evening for her flrends. the settlement thereof. Among those from Owyhee were All persons Interested In said Betty Culbertson and- Vivian Hoke. estate may appear at said time Mr. and Mrs. Mearl McClure and place and file objections in and sons were dinner guests of writing to said account and be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson heard thereon.. Said account is for Sunday. final settlement and upon the same Kenneth McDonald and Merle being approved and settlffll, said Kygar made a business trip to W ei estate will be closed, distribution ser Monday. made of the property remaining Cattle men from this district in the hands of the administrator spent last week rounding up their and said Administrator dlcharged stock in the hills. of his trust. Dated this 12th day of November 1946. Leo L. Utter, Administrator Estate o f Roy Alfred Utter, Mrs. Henry ISstrtck and Vaugnn Deceased. of Meridian spent Saturday and First Pub. Nov. 14, 1946 Sunday at the Alva Goodell home. Last Pub. Dec. 12, 1946 Mrs. George Cleaver and LaVem and Leonard and Mrs. John Bowen NOTICE OF F IN A L H EARING and Bernice were in Nampa Tues NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN. That day. Hilda L. Tensen, Executrix of the Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver were last will and testament of Dirk In Caldwell Saturday. Tensen, otherwise known as Dick Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman Tensen. deceased, has filed in the spent Wednesday In Nampa. County Court for Malheur County Mrs. Glenn Hoffman and Mrs. her first and final account of her H. L. Day were hosts to the Friend administration, and that the Coun ly Neighbor and Out-Our-Way ty Judge has filed Monday the 16th clubs at the Hoffman home Thurs day of December 1946 at the hour day afternoon. Roll call "Was ans of 2 o'clock p.m. of said day and wered by seven visitors and 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS the County Court Room In the NO TICE HEREBY IS G IV EN to City of Vale, Oregon, as the time members on "W hat you like about the creditors and all persons In and place for the hearing by the your neighbors.” Mrs. Alvie Pora- terested in the estate of Anna E Court on said account and the set plun was a guest. Group discussion was held on Goshert. deceased, that the under tlement thereof, and that upon the signed has been appointed admin approval of said account, the es the entertainment of the associat istrator of the estate of Anna E. tate will be in condition to be ed clubs soon. Refreshments of Goshert, deceased and has quali closed, and the property belonging of chicken salad, wafers, pumpkin fied as such. A ll persons having to said deceased will be distribu pie and coffee were served. As the next regular meeting -lalms against said estate are re ted to the persons entitled thereto quired to present same with the under the provisions of the last would normally fall on Thanksgiv proper vouchers duly verified with will an testament of said deceased. ing day, the next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 26 at the in six months of the date of the All persons Interested In said es first publication of this notice, to tate are hereby notified to appear Ray G rlffits home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op llff were the undersigned, at his office, 122 at said time and place and file Mam Street in the City of Nyssa, in writing any objections that they in Vale Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and j may have to said account and be Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver were heard thereon. in Boise Sunday evening. 1 Said account is for final settle Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op llff and ment and upon the same being Mr. and Mrs. Ray G rlffits were settled and approved said adminis tration will be brought to à close, In Boise Friday. I'L L T A K E V A N IL L A Remember when the drug store soda I o u n t a in was a square marble a f fair back of the counter, and dispen sed three f l a v o r s : vanilla sarsaparill t and chocolate? The counter was marble t o p p ed, and the stools high, four leg ged ones. Today's comfort was lacking. B tT T V V DRIVE. A STEAM ROLLER/, Drive a stiff bargain....make the N E W S O M FU R N ITU R E COM P A N Y your headquarters for your home needs. Whether it’s to refurnish your home, to buy furniture and app liance gifts, or simply to select an odd table or chair for one o f your rooms, come to us. FOR SALE— No 1 field bags, 10 bury, administrator of the estate unce burlap, vacuum cleaned ana 1 of Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased, «atohed. Jermuluwske brothers, has filed his Final Account a Weiser, Idaho Phone 504. 5Stfc raid aaministrator In the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, FOR SALE—Three acres, close in. and that said Court has appointed Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc. Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1946 at 11:00 o'clock in the fore PO R SALE— 1943 Ford or Willys noon of said day, for the hearing Jeep, *850. New top, extra tire. of objections to said Final Account F*owell Service Oarage. 3!Otfc. and the settlement thereof. NOW. THEREFORE, all liersons FOR SALE Dwelling lot, 50 by Interested In the estate of Eliza 147, Insured tille Bernard East beth M. Pillsbury, deceased, are man. 19Stfc. hereby notified and required to FOR SALE—Hay derrick, *50.90. appear at the County Court Room See Frame T. Morgan! 13Jtfc. in the Court House at Vale, Mal heur County, Oregon, at said time, FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. to then and there show cause, If Public Liability, Property Damage. any there be, why said Account Fire, T h eft and Collision. PlaceU should not be settled, allowed and in llie best companies at lowest approved and said estate distribu possible rates. Bernard Eastman. ted and said administrator dis 14FU C charged. Dated and first published October FOR SALE— Dining table, buffet dressing table, bureau and various 31, 1946. Date of last publication other articles. Mrs. C. C. Hunt. 5th November 28, 1946. Administrator of the Estate of and Emlson. 14N2xp. Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased. Lytle, Kilpatrick and Campbell Found Attorneys for Administrator FOUND— Pair of horn-rimmed N O TIC E TO CREDITORS glasses east o f railroad tracks Owner may have them by calling N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN to at Journal office and paying for the rceditors and all persons in this advertisement. 21Nlxc. terested in the estate of William S. Clelland, deceased, that the un dersigned has been appointed ad WANTED ministrator of the estate of W ill NOTICE— I will not be respon iam S. Clelland, deceased, and has sible for any debts eotracted by qualified as such. All persons hav Helen Hopkins or Mrs. Bill Hop ing claims against said estate are kins. ’ 14N2xp required to present the same with W ANTED— Live poultry wanted. proper vouchers duly verified with j Bring your chickens, ducks and in six months of the date of the geese. Nyssa Produce, phone 13W first publication of this notice, to buyers o f cream, poultry and egg, the undersigned at his office 122 one block south underpass. 21N4xp Main Street in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, which place is hereby des W ANTED T o Rent— Good row crop ignated as the place of business In land, 40 acres or more. Harry all matters connected with said Masto, Route 1, Homedale, Idaho, estate. or five miles south of Adrian. A. L. Fletcher, Administrator 14N4xo. Estate of William S. Clelland, Deceased. W ANTED — Work with sheep or First pub. NbV. 14, 1946 cattle outfit. George H. Evans, Last pub. Dec. 12, 1946. route 1, Eagle, Idaho. 14N2xp. Always buying at top ortces. CONTRACTORS Legal engine FACE THREE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1946 NOTICE OF PUBLIC H E AR IN G NO TICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held be fore Melvin J. Conklin, Examiner for the Department o f Agriculture, Milk Control Section, State of Oregon, at the Moore Hotel, Ont ario, Oregon, at the hour o f 1:15 P. M „ Friday, November 22, 1946, to receive evidence and testimony on matters relating to production sale and dllstrlbutlon of fluid milk and cream; minimum wholesale and retail prices and minimum prlae distributors shall pay to pro ducers In Malheur County, Ore gon, Marketing Aiea No. 1. Dated at Portland. Oregon, this 7th day of November, 194«. Thomas L. Ohlsen. Chief Milk Control Section Department of Agriculture State of Oregon COLLEGE PLEDGES ARE ANNOUNCED COLLEGE O F IDAHO, NOV. 6. (S P E C IA L )----- The “Orlons", one of the men's fraternities on the College of Idaho campus, has released the names of men ndmltted as pledges for the current year. The pledges will be formally Initiated into the group near the beginning of the second semester. The pledges Included Jack Long of Nyssa and Lowell Sayre, Daniel Maher and Lester Rookstool of Parma. Kingman Kolony Mrs. Frank Cummins returned home last Wednesday after a two- weeks visit with relatives In Idaho Falls. Mrs. Ouy Moore went to Boise on business Thursday and return ed home by way of Letha, Idaho, where she visited a lew days In the James Sneed home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hall were In Caldwell on business Thursday. Virgil Corley has been confined to his home by a leg Infection fol lowing a car accident which he was In recently. Oscar Schafer has been receiv ing osteopathic treatments In Pay ette the post two weeks. Delorts Salters, Ardls Hurst, A r lene Plercy and Ilea Kreager were among the high school students from the Kolony attending the party given FYlday night by the losing side in a recent school paper subscription contest held between the girls and the boys. Among those from the Kolony who called on D. J. Hurst while he was a patient In the Holy Ros ary hospital In Ontario last week were J. O. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. G H. Salters and James Peterson. Lynn Hurst was quite "Seriously hurt by a steer while assisting In the auction ring In Ontario last Tuesday when the 4-H club mem bers sold their club calves. He was taken to the hospital where tie re mained until Saturday. He is now at home convalescing from his In juries. On Monday about 50 man and boys with tractors, beet loaders and trucks assembled at the Hurst NEWS OF RECORD farm to harvest the Hurst beet M A R R IA G E LICENSES crop. Henry Reuter, Adrian FFA Delbert D. Cleaver and Donna instructor, and a large number of Belle Goodell, both of Nyssa. high school boys who were brought Raymond E. Robinson of Rich out In the school bus helped In mond, California and Ida Lou the harvest with local men of the Dooms of Caldwell. community. The Kingman Kolony James Reynolds Hayden and Jo Orange H. E. club ladies served a Ann Maltsberger, both of Cald chicken pie dinner at noon. well. Those club members from the W illiam Grant Peet and M il Kolony attending the 4-H auction dred Ann Olson, both of Boise sale and selling calves In Ontario James Wyllys F ille r and Leti- Tuesday were Ross Lane, Francis tla Nevada Oroesbeck, both of Thiel, Edward Hall, Ilea Kreager Boise. and Ardls Hurst. Adults attending George Frederick Clark and Mary were Club Leader t Kreager and Anne Stetgele, both of Salt Lake Mrs. Kreager. Mrs. Willard Hall City, Utah. and Lynn Hurst. Mrs. Wesley Plercy entertained C O M PLAIN TS. C IR C U IT CO URT with a dinner one evening last James Young vs. Martha Jenkins, week for 20 relatives and friends. et. al. Recovery on note *500. Mrs. C. W. Wilson and sons. In the matter of the application Charles and Jimmy, were Sunday of John E. Reynolds for writ of evening callers in the Lynn Hurst habeas corpus. home. In the matter of the application The hot lunches being served at of Elva E. Reynolds for writ of the Kingman Kolony grade school habeas corpus. are proving a success and are P E TIT IO N S , PROBATE CO URT greatly appreciated by both pupils Fktate of Anna E. Ooshert, de and teachers. ceased. The Overstreet beet dump la full Jacqueline West vs Oordon West and beets are now being loaded Divorce. directly from the trucks Into the Jean Hyde vs. Vernon Hyde railroad cars. Buena V ista distribution made of the property remaining in the hands c f the Executrix and said Executrix dis charged of her trust. Nyssa. Oregon. November 12, 1946 Hilda L. Tensen, Executrix Estate of Dirk Tensen, other wise known as Dick Tensen Deceased. First Pub. Nov. 14, 1946 Last Pub. Dec. 12. 1946 Divorce. Stanley Augustyn vs. Mary Aug- ustyn. Divorce. Hazel F. Krul vs. John C. Krul. Divorce. Jack Orcutt Luehrs, et al., vs Oregon and Western Colonization Co. T o quiet title. Della Maez vs. Nick Maez. Div orce. Estate of WUliam D. Broadhurst, deceased. FState of Irving Price, deceased.