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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1946)
PAGE TWO THLNY.SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1946 milk and milk products and pres- banquet and Nyssa hospitality, around employment. The beet su owner; Cols. Bert Anderson and Visit In Union— Leno Christensen and his dau ented an interesting talk on the Herbert Tleg of Ntwipa, repres- gar Industry has meant more to Joe Church, aucts. ghter, Betty, spent last week-end milky way”. A lunch was prepared enting the Nyssa-Nampa district the Snake river valley than any In Union, Oregon. He attended a Guests In Nyssa— by Mrs. Anderson consisting of beet growers association, reviewed thing in many, many years". After Mr. Harlan and presented iheese rarebit, oatmeal heaitn history of the organization, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pigg and committee meeting making plans KI.AS.3 V. P O W E L L .......................... Editor and PuMJohrr oread, cream puffs, ice cream -md whkh v u organlzed under the the plaque to the company for its son of Everett, Washington, and for the Union Livestock show, ( oflee. 1 twine of the Nyssa Sugar Beet grow record as “a good citizen”, Mr. Mrs. Lowman of Los Animas. Col The next meeting will be held ers association. He pointed out that Larson said “we are mighty proud orado were overnight guests of Mr. which will be held In the spring. November 27 with Dona Mitchell C. A. Marshall of Nyssa was the of this token and we are pleased and Mrs. C. W. Bennett last Sun Betty visited her aunt and uncle ADVERTISING KAT^S S U B S C R IP T IO N KATES Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schneeflock. as hostess. Roll call wlil be ans with the sentiment back of it". day. first president. Open rate, per Inch...... .. 35c One Year ..... *2.00 C. A. Marshall won the gallon wered by “what I am most thank Mr. Tleg said the Amalgamated National, per Inch _____ Me Six M o n th * .............................. » 1.25 ful for this year". Mrs. Brown Sugar company is an outstanding of syrup given away by Gordan’s S ingle C opies ............ 06 Classifieds, per word.........2c Drive-in market. Joined the chib. concern and one of the best fixed M,I,nim m ...... 30c (Strictly In Advancer Mr». B F. Rookstool Is in the Holy financially, with officers that are Mr. Morgan announced that the Rosary hospital in Ontario recup very progressive and leadihg the dinner was served by the Nyssa Civic club. erating from an operation. field in the advancement of sugar Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Mr and Mrs. Robert Kidd and processing and anything that can ^ T h e group voted to meet in Par- Entered at the postofflees at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Headley of be done to further the interests ol ^ In January. through the United States Malts, as second class matter, under La3alle, Colorado visited Saturday the industry. the a.T of March 3, 1879. at the F. G. Holmes and F. 8. "This is one of the higher yield Byers homes. ing areas In the state”, Mr. Tieg said, ‘Tunning about 18 tons to the I Seven members and three guests, Monday, November 25, 12:30 p. acre. To maintain tnose yields we m., 6 miles south and west of ! Opal Holmes, Mrs. Brown and O re g o n Trail must fertilize heavily. The fact Ontario, 1 mile west of Cairo Junc For the Best Cab Service in Town Mrs. Anderson, answered roll call that income from su^ar beets is tion, then 1/4 mile north or 2 The Merry Matrons club met with "My most detested household HE METHODIST COMMUNITY ¡spendable takes a lot of the wor miles east and 1/2 south of Mal at the home of Florence Toombs ry off the farmers’ shoulders". task". CHURCH heur butte. 28 cattle including Wednesday, Noveimeber 13. Percy Batt of Caldwell, producer 11 dairy cows; 5 horses, 31 hogs, Mrs Anderson, home service sup- Rev H J Gernhardt. Pastor 24-Hour Service The afternoon was spent embrotd- pany, demonstrated the use of Sunday school, 10 a. m. and shipper, also paid tribute to hay, machinery, household goods, the Amalgamated company for its Otis King, owner; Bert Ander erlng tea towels for the hostess. I ervlsor for the Idaho Power com- Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. importane« to the community. Intermediate fellowship 7 p. m. son and Joe Church, aucts. "In 1938 the farmers were suf Youth and Young Adult fellow Wednesday, November 27, 9 miles fering from over-production", Mr. ship. 7 o’clock. south of Ontario, 3 miles south of Batt said. “Despite the fact that Evening service, quarterly con Malheur butte, 2 1/2 miles west of ference, 8 p. m. Dr. McCallister ^ was interested in other types oi bird farm or 1‘4 mile south and 1 produce. I welcomed the planting of mile west of Lincoln school, 14 preaching and officiating. Bible study and prayer Wed- a sugar beet acreage. Far less cattle, 2 horses, farm machinery nesday. 8 p. m. growers are raising beets at a loss and miscellaneous. Lee Smith, own _______________than any other crop. er; Bert Anderson and Joe Church We Are Now In The Market For TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH "This year green peas brought Aucts. OK PARMA little or nothing to the grower, A home that cost $6,000 to build before the Tuesday, November 26. Sale "The Church of the Lutheran Hour" i because there was an over-produc- starts at 12:30 p. m. Lunch served j war would cost around $9,000 to replace today. Divine worship Sunday morning tion- Except for the returns to a on grounds. Legated 2 miles SW of! Five or six yeans ago contractors allowed at 10 o’clock with the celebration' very few growers the lettuce pro Harper on W side of Malheur riv- j of holy communion. gram collapsed. The potato market er and the railroad. Horses, cattle, j about $1,200 per room to build the average Sunday school and adult Bible1 wn-s P°°r ' ° n the average, carrots farm machinery, dairy equipment dwelling....... today, the cost per room is pilt at hour at 11 a. m. j brought very little. The onion pro- and household goods. L. L. Carson,1 gram was the biggest catastrophe. $ 1 ,8 0 0 / Young people’s meeting In the We had a few bright spots in fall Long, Chopped or Haled If a home owner is still carrying the same church at 8 p. m. Tune In the Lutheran hour at lettuce, but generally the market amount of insurance today that he carried be 10:30 over KFXD every Sunday was not good. You men in the cit fore the war, he is flirting with misfortune. ies should build a monument to the morning. Basis on Farm or Delivered men responsible for bringing the His fire insurance should be brought up to the .iugar industry to this valley. In THE CHURCH OF THE level of today’s building costs. conjunction with the livestock in NAZARENE Home finishings, too, have greatly increased Now you can choose your division dustry, you have provided the E. J. Wilson, Pastor farmer with more nearly year- in the United States Army. Famous in price. 10 a.m., Sunday school. fighting units in Japan. Korea, 11 a.m., Morning worship ser Before the war, approximately $600 was esti the Philippines and other far east vice. mated as the average cost of furnishing each ern countries need replacement 7:15 p.m., N. Y. P. serlvces. of REAL men who enjoy being room....... today, decorators figure that it takes 8 p.m.. Evangelistic service. associated with outstanding, heroic 8 p.m., Wednesdays prayer and PHONE 80 around $800 to furnish a room in the moder "history-makers’’. If you have a praise service except first Wednes- ately-priced home. desire for travel. . . plus exception aay of each month when we have VETERINARIAN al pay Increases, plus many educa Let us check the amount of insurance you missionary and crusaders meetings. tional advantages, plus a good re You are always welcome at the now carry against today’s values. tirement income—then consult church of the Nazarene. 5th st., Box D Phone 135J your local U. S. Army recruiting and Good avenue. officer today! Remember— there's 20 per cent Increased pay allow SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Nyssa. Oregon ance for overseas duty! Elder Robert Aaums, Acting Pastor Sabbath school. 3 p. m , Saturday. 419 FEDERAL BLDG., BOISE, IDA. Prayer meeting 8 p. m„ Tuesday at the home of Mrs Mollle Nelson. I he Gate City Journal Taxi Stand Changed To SALE CALENDAR Signal Station Church Notes PHONE 187J Nyssa Cab Service Notice Flirting With Danger Visit EXCITING Far-away Places. .. AP Expenses Paid — PLUS Good Pay! The Amalgamated Sugar Co. FEED YARDS Dr.J.H. Rerger Notice To Locker Owners On and after December 1 our closing hours will be as follows: Week days Saturday, 6 p.m. 7 p.m. Polar Cold Storage And Locker Plant Frank T. Morgan SUGAR INDUSTRY THEME OF C OF C FU R (('ontiniied from page one) much of the sugar from the Nyssa- Nampa factories went to England and Russia and even China". Frank T. Morgan of Nyssa. presi dent of the association, opened the meeting and called on R. G. Whit aker, chairman of the Nyssa city council, who delivered the address of welcome. In which he welcomed the businessmen to “the finest, most progressive city In eastern Oregon.” In tile response. Bernard Main- waring, editor of the Idaho Free Press at Nampa, expressed the ap preciation of the visitors for Lhe CO ATS FO R Home Talent Show CH RISTM AS A SPECIAL SHOWING OF I Nyssa P. T. A. Benefit; Skits Comedy One and one-half hour of fun. The outstanding home talent entertainment of the year. i 4 THOSE POPULAR Hamilton Furs Monday, Dec.2 — 8 P.M, Music Dancing ► AT OUR STORE !ÌÒ Lay Away A Coat For Christmas Friday And Saturday November 22 t r 23 We will show coats to meet every budget from the cheaper grades to the exclusive qualities. Golden Rule Store Nyssa, Oreg on «