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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1946)
^ ^ J K U V v 7/ie N Y S S A JO U R N A L ITO. 45' NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER'28, 194G Solicitation O f Service Stopped Sugar Company Hospital Funds By Falling Tree Beet Payment Starting Again A tree felled onto the power line To Be Delayed I west For Tentative Plans Building Received From Architects of Nyssa threw the Idano vice In the rural area for several hours last Friday night. J The mishap occurred when a Plans were completed at a crew was felling trees on the Leo meeting of the Malheur Memorial , d u M farm. The short on the line Hospital association board o f dl- damaged a transformer in the rectors Monday night for the sol- j sub-station in Nyssa. The damage icitation of funds, which will be | ^ the transformer caused an un M i conducted throughout the area, The board members decided to distribute materials, such as receipt books and general information, to the solicitors this week. Solicitors have been secured in pracitically all districts, which have been ar ranged by the board. When solici tions are Qompleted the first of the year, the group expects to have enough money to make application for federal help. Tentative plans for the new hospital building have been re ceived from the architects, Roald, Schmeer and Harrington of Port land. The floor plan provides rooms for 32 beds. The three physicians in Nyssa will inspect the plans and make their recommendations to the arch- itects, who will re-draft the plans, A fter the second set of plans are drawn, the architects will meet with the board of directors with the idea of drafting the final plans. Coal Strike Causing W or ry To Amalgamated Officials Power company lines out o f ser i members from Vale. Ontario. Par organized at a recent meeting in Ontario. ma and Emmett, attended the excursion to the newly constructed i from 5:30 p. m. Friday until 4 a. I c o a l | six factories ab- mately 75 ^ sence of lights in Adrian, the school carnival scheduled for day night was postponed MALHEUR COUNTY BAND ORGANIZED £9^5 £ °„ON Lettuce Harvest Finished; Beets Approximately 15 LDS residents of Nyssa and vicinity along with About All Dug group returned Friday evening a l ter going through the temple four times each, making the trip by chartered bus. A program given on the bus included songs, read ings. jokes, and hymn singing. T. Carol Bybee. reporting for the Nys the company's sa G ate City Journal and the process approxi- Oregon Observer, was am cent of total Eastern CPop high 0f beets. Engineers estimate that ong those making the trip. Fri- 1 It requires 3 4 of a pound of coal until to manufacture one pound of sug- to at Eagles Sponsor A Malheur county band was Health Subject O f Addresses A t P T A Gathering _____ j 300 Mexicans Leave Coun The organization is sUU in need Progress Reported On t y • 200 F r o m The 1 musiclans. Rehearsals are held Plans For Home Tal Nyssa Area ¡at present in the school building ent Show in Ontario at 8 p. m. each Wednes- o t Idaho Falls temple. Those in auth ority attending were President The Amalgamated Sugar com- Luther Fife, Bishop and Mrs. Ar W ith conclusion of the lettuce pany, through its president, H. A. ' vel Child, the Vale bishop and his harvest and the near completion , Bennings. notified growers in Ida- i wife, Joseph Bair, who is genfbl- of the beet harvest, 300 Mexican ho. Utah and Oregon that tne ogy chairman of Nyssa, and Stake nationals left the county Monday second beet payment scheduled Chairman Blacker of Ontario. The and the remainder will probably j balanced load on the rural line, Monday will be postponed for at causing the automatic switch in least 10 days due to the coal strike. The sugar company has already the sub-station to intermittently paid growers approximately $8,425, trip out, according to Bernard 000 for beets delivered from the Frost, power company local mana beginning of the harvest through October 31. ger. M r Benning said that there is Lights were out iijtermitttently m. Saturday. Because of the IDAHO FALLS TRIP day. Anyone wishing to Join the band may do so by attending re- hearsal or contacting Jack Daugh- erty, instructor and director, box or 578 S. W. Fourth avenue, Health and its importance to Uie school child was the theme o f the meeting of the Nyssa Parent- Teacher association in the high school building las. Thursday night. leave the end of this week! ; Dr. Moulding, county health officer, speaking on veneral dis A ll of the workers left the Nyssa,1 eases and their effects on the Ontario and Vale camps, but ap- ¡ V ' j Q f l g y D O I l ü t C C l health of the children and proximately 200 remain in the " tile commui u:y, said "W e have Adrian camp. I not been affected as much here as thuse in communities ad- Part of the Mexicans are expect- j defense Jacent to urmy comps, but we have The Malheur county ed to go to their homes in Mexico and part of them are expected to ‘ council last month closed it s books llle problem of transient latufrers. , . ................... .... . . | with a balance o f $132.28, according I " ^ “ ck of understanding between stop .a Arizona to work in hnr- U( H p Logue, co-ordinator. I parent and child is too often the vest work there. j Mr LogUe said the council voted cause uf these unfortunate oases The harvest of the fall lettuce to transfer the remaining balance that come before a doctor. A firm crop believed to be one of t h e , to the Malheur County Public tiand is not always the solution In v e s t in histoiv was comtilehJ Health association to use in the but co-operation of parents and l ist week j eradication of tuberculosis; a na- teachers is a step toward bettering a n o d nf tfii ears o f let Mice tion-wide effort. The association the situation." out that health is the shipped bv Union Pacific has spent over $2000 during th e ’ Pointing out To Health Group the next night. Despite the delay, ar_. , ! The beet contract contains the high school netted approxl-j clauge excusing the grower or the jV vS S Il I 1 O O H s t mately $800 on the carnival. P rill- company from fuflllment of con- » ________ ^ I n i . _ » __ v r . . i c_________ _ 1-1 I t no o f “ Tn th a a ir o n t n f f ir a e fr ilr d c I nn«i ,.1« n ..» V m * u nn J ik a ITIO St. il ll lW I l 't J I’ cipal Stanley Huffman said while tract. "In the event of fire strikes The lod e has voted t0 radro^d^froin 'N y »e i'~ in ' O ctober,1 P“ ‘ >ear on chest X-rays and the 1‘ ^ ‘ n. «itinv in Nvssa Tuesday acts of God and oi the Public ene' .. , . , .. „ accrtrdinir to A cent F r Crandall county program calls for a larger Physician .said everyone is striving siting in Nyssa ruesaay. m y„ sponsor the town basketball team dccdrduig to Agent E. C. Crandall. fxpentUture tWa comlng year for happiness and without lwhlth The tree broke 1116 P °wer llne The company's letter to growers, organized by a group of local play- | ^ easo^ w O l be a v a il-I The Mallicur County Public there can be no happiness. He also severed the telephone line, j follows: "W e wish to advise that ers for Uie 1946-47 season. The able i ext month During October Health association derives Its funds contended that teachers, parents causing an interruption In tne i the beet payment scheduled lor team will be known as the Nyssa Nyssa and Adrian T r i e r s aho I tro u g h the sale of Christmas and the general public can »»amp seals. The association underwrites °ut venereal infection through telephone service in the rural areas. November 25 for beets delivered shipped by railroad 67 cars of Eagles. -------------------------- | during the period November 1 to the immunization ^program in the education. onions and It cars of potatoes. The team, including some of the November 15, will be postponed schools of Malheur county and the Moulding urged parents to R. O. Larson, district manager men who played softball with ttie for at least 10 days. seal sale contract with the Ore- Instill into their children the re- JUNIOR CLASS TO of the Amalgamated Sugar com Nyssa Clowns tn the spring, will gon Tuberculosis association has alization that health is their most “The coal miners' strike, if not pany, said that all of the beets PRESENT MYSTERY a wide interpretation for use of , valuable possession and that the terminated within three weeks, pre play a schedule of home and home remaining in the ground in the Its funds and all funds are used youngsters are responsible for their sents a serious problem to the sug- games with teams In the Snake Nyssa area could be harvested in "W hile empires totter and civili s$ ar beet Industry. I f It appears to river valley. to promote health for citizens of own health. two days with good weather. Ap- zation quakes the mystery thriller The players Include: The Nyssa Bulldogs will open tJe a ]0ng, drawn-out controversy, Two out-of-town visitors are Malheur county. proxm lately 2500 acres of beets goes marching on to new heights their 1946-47 basketball schedule we Dale Willson, a high school star nave to give serious con- Mrs. Katherine Claypool o f Vale, were still to be hauled to the fac of success. W hy this increasing wtth three pre-season games. | sideratlon to exercising our right of Nyssa who had experience with county school superintendent, and tory Tuesday, but many of them SEAL MONEY USED i m a g i n ary preoccupation with T h e Bulldogs will play Parma j under the strike clause in the beet a navy service team. Mrs. Edna Farris of Vale, county had already been topped. crime when the earth is so full of there December 4 and will play j contract. Although our coal in- FOR PREVENTION Calvin Wilson, a former Nyssa public health nurse, who were in the genuine thing? A prominent the Panthers a return engagement ventory is above normal, if no ad- high school player. troduced by Henry H. Hartley, sup- high school and also with a navy psychologist offers a hopeful clue. on the Nyssa floor December 10. CbrlsUnas seal funds are spent erlntciulcut ot the Nyssa public Loyd Wilson, a former Nyssa dittonal tonnage is received in the team in San Diego. People want to escape from reality, Jordan Valley will meet the Bull near future we will not be able high school player, for prevention and control mea schools. P.«’ . VMsorv» form eH Nyssa high of which we are having consider dogs here December 12 HT One of to utilize and process all of the suras, rather than for the actual BIalr r«*«virielM. formerly with Mrs. Farris, giving an interesting school star who played for the care of the tuberculosis patient. able just now.” the few games ever played be beets. In that event we m ay be j an armV team in the Aleutians, talk on health, related some of Taking this as their cue, the. tween "th e two teams. aocording to Mrs. Edna Farris,1 ]lt,r duties as county nurse and Gene Bellon, played with Nyssa Great Falls, Montana air base. obliged to make an averagely re Harold Wilson, former Nyssa county public health nurse. “The personal experiences In dealing with Junior class ha« decided on a The Nyssa boys are now In a duced payment per ton and the high school star. mystery play. The audience will pre-season slump, but are expected accounting necessary to do this latter is beyond the means of , those who come under her supervis- Tom Holman, two-time all-state prlvate agencies" Mrs. Fnrrls said. ion, she emphasized the necessity or be amazed when on leaving the by Coach Howard Lovejoy to will require at least 10 days. guard from Baker and Oregon State "In Oregon we have three state immunization and Its Importance gym after this thrilling mystery start sparking by the time tne college letterman. has been presented that they have season opens. The squad has been tuberculosis hospitals, paid for by concerning the health of th q jtr e - BOY SCOUTS HOLD Sylvester Heiner, former college tax-raised funds. Our Job with school children as well as t h A oi been reminded that not one man whittled to 28 men. The tick and lice control demon player. appeared on the stage the entire COURT OF HONOR Christmas seals Is to find the pa school age. stration at Ike Thayer’s ranch of Lloyd Lewis, former Baker star. evening. Whether this will be tients and get them under treat Mrs. A. C. Newsom reported on MALHEUR CO. OSC Boy Scout troop No. 58 of Nyssa j November 18 was attended by 28 true of the junior class play re ment. Diagnosis and treatment are the progress of arrangements for mains to be seen, but the directors ALUMNI ORGANIZE held a court of honor last Sun- [ interested ranchers and a large NYSSA BOY SCOUTS the work of the hospitals and th e . the home talent show to be pre- day evening in the LDS church group of FFA boys from Ontario promise a very unusual production private physicians. | gented as a benefit for the P.T.A. HOLD INVESTITURE A group of 18 Oregon State with scoutmaster Leo Child in high school, stated George Bain, and a play entirely different from We arc Informed through the in the Nyssa theatre December 2 any that has before been presented. college alumni met at the Moore charge and Junior Assistant Scout- assistant county agent, The members of Boy Scout troop National Tuberculosis association at y p, m It will be given December 6 at 8 hotel Tuesday evening, Novemoer master Cecil Bair conducting t h e ! The demonstration was arranged The pupils of each room are 19 held a special lnvesture service that if all the 1945 Christmas seal to further extend the increasing p. m. in the Nyssa gymnasium. 12 to view a movie of the Oregon- ceremonies. money collected In the United competing In a contest to secure for new members Friday night, No Opening prayer was given by interest in the control and econ- Tickets may be purchased in ad O. S. C. football game of 1945 States last year, 15,500,000, were the greatest attendance of parents season and discuss the O. S. C. Richard Anderson and the theme omic importance of external live- vember 22, at the Nyssa grade spent tn caring for the 500,000 vance. at P.T.A. meetings. An appropriate school. Parents of the boys were alumni association membership by Lee Anderson. Tw o musical se- I slock parasites, persons in this country estimated prize will be given the winning special quests. drive. lections were given by the aaronic | Eight pounds of 50 per cent wet- Honored At School— to have active tuberculosis, the room at the close o f the year. Dick Tuttle, field executive ot Dudley Sitton acted as chairman priesthood chorus, with D. L. And- ' table DDT in 100 gallons o f water Sandra Takehara, Junior at Deni money would cover less than one The contest will be conducted on a the Ore-Ida council of Boy Scouts, son university, Granville, Ohio, of the meeting during the discuss erson directing. Talks were given has proven the most satisfactory week's care for each patient. The percentage basis, giving all rooms showed two short motion pictures. has been made a member of the ion of the membership drive, which by Val Dee Child, with various in controlling ticks and lice, stated At the close of the evening the average length of stay In a tuber an equal opportunity to win. committee of 100, a group appoint he announced would end Novem scouts assisting in demonstrations J Bob Aveiy, extension entomologist Lynn Lawrence, In charge of the scouts served refreshments of sand culosis hospital Is six months. In ed to plan a Christian Emphasis ber 22. Plans were made for a Presentation of awards was con- 1 at Oregon State college, while dis Oregon the money is used to find entertainnsnt program, played a wiches. pickles and cocoa social event, which will be handled | ducted by Leo Child. Each boy re- | cussing the operation with those week program to toe held February and get under treatment tubercu recording, "M y Ideal by Fred W ar consisting oi cetving awards tobk his mother by present. 10 to 14. She is a daughter of by a committee u i i w t c d c losis patients. Ninty-flve cents of ing, and later two other record Tw o methods o f suppfying the ELK HUN I ERS ARE Mr. and Mrs. S. Takehara of route George Bain. Kenneth Chenowlth the arm and ushered her to the each dollar stays In Oregon but ings “Old Kentucky" and “Swanee and Margaret Dearborn. 2, Nyssa. stage, where she received the same spray were demonstrated. The URGED TO REPORT none o f It goes to anyone of the River", sung by Bing Craaby. A definite organization for the award as the son. William J. Beus, spray dip uses a pressure of 65 ________ three state tuberculosis haspltals. Mrs. Ed Frost, president o f the Malheur County O. S. C. Alumni president of the oung M en’s Mut- pounds and applies twenty gallons Examiner Coming— The eastern Oregon elk season association, predHed during the association wak formed with the ual association, presented 14 m erit of solution in five seconds, the ani- A drivers license examiner is closed on November 20 with the Riders T o Meet— business session. scheduled to be on duty in the following officers elected by tne badges to eight boys, congratulating nial carrying off approximately one exception of a ¿mail area along The Owyhee Riding club will Refreshments were served after group: Dudley Sitton, president; them on the splendid work of ach- and one-half gallons. The rest oi the east slope of the Blue moun hold Its next regular meeting Dec the business meeting. Nyssa city hall Friday, November Leeds Bailey, vice president; K ath ievement. A talk was given by the spray is strained through an tains in Baker county, which will ember 6 at the home of Mrs. Vic 29 from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. erine Peterson, secretary-treasur Bishop Arvel Child, who stated onion sack and used again. The remain open until December 22. tor Marshall, with Mrs. Ada Herr front Halfway— er, and Oris Dearborn, publicity. that the boys are "Having an ad- other method demonstrated uttliz- It is anticipated that very few Schweizer assisting. Attends Father’s Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Orover o f Regular meetings will be held vancement contest with other ed a pressure of 400 pounds and elk will be taken in Chls area until C. K. Olson has returned from Halfway, Oregon were overnight and all Oregon Staters will be scouts soon,” and that, "Scouting was applied with a spray gun at Emery. Utah, where he attended the deep snows force the animals Visiting Relatives— guests In the W. L. McBartland is not only for the 12-year-old the rate of approximately one gal- onto the lower ranges as at the funeral services for his father. notified. Visiting at the George Bertsch jiisne Sunday night, boys but for boys 30 and 40 years Ion per animal, Ole Olson, who died November 15. present time the elk are protected and Lon Root homes last week was I old too.” On either side o f the Ourt Ingle syrayed his cattle be- high on the steep timbered slopes. the W alter Krause family of Rev- Attend Concert— Mr. Olson, who was 81 years old. Nursing Home Notes— Parents of children bom recently stage were the American flag and fore putting them on the range visited in Nyssa in .942. Mrs. Ole W hile figures are not available illo, South Dakota Mr. Krause is | M r and Mrs c . W. Buskner Olson returned with her son to were Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. the troop 58 flag. Benediction was last spring and stated that they yet on the kill for the season nephew o f Mrs Bertsch The and Ronnie, Mrs. K. E. Keverrn Wood, Parma, November ?2, boy, given by Kent Bunn. came in this fall in better shape just closed, it probably was the Krause fam ily expect to make an and Mrs W. L. McPartland at- spend the winter In Nyssa. 8 pounds; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald than at any time in the past. He highest ever had in Oregon. In extended visit In California before tended the community concert in Ferrell. Nyssa, November 23. boy Parents of Girl— stated that he believed the spray order for the commission to ob returning to their home in South Caldwell Thursday night featuring Buys Theatre— Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fritz, 4819 ing operation was the biggest fac tain Information on the kill, hunt Dakota. D. L. Anderson, former owner 6 pounds and 5 ounces; Mr. and | John Sebastian, harmonica vlr- of the Owyhee Drug company, Mrs. Elton Jennings. Nyssa. N o Gage street. Boise, are the parents tor in this change, ers are asked to mail immediately --------------■ tuuso. A similar demonstration was con their check-out cards to the game Attend Game— has purchased the Kenton theatre vember 24. boy. 6 pounds 15 ounc of a nine pound daughter born at es; Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker, St. Alphonsus hospital November ducted on Orville Nichol's ranch In the Kenton district of Portland. commission office, P. O. box 4136, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Ju.’d Visit Here— 19th and another Portland 8, regardless of whether of Newell Heights and their son, He left for Portland Tuesday and Nyssa. November 24, boy, 7 pounds, 21. Mrs. Fritz was formerly Miss at Ironside the Phillip Eastman of I j OS Angeles, Mrs. Leo Betty Osterkamp. daughter o f Mr. Is to be put on at Lib Chastain's will take up his option on the i l l * ounces; Mr. and an elk was killed. Tech. Sgt. Maurice Judd, drove brother of Bernard Eastman, and property within the next few days. Oonyer. Nyssa. November 24. girl, and Mrs. Fred Osterkamp, foriper place at Harper the 27th, states to Corvallis Thursday to spend the Mr. and Mrs D. L. Ross o f B rit His fam ily will remain In Nyssa 6 pounds, 5 1/3 ounces, and Mr. residents o f Apple valley. Bain. Attrnd Meeting— week-end with Ellen Judd who Is ish Columbia, were guests o f Mr. until the end o f the school year, and Mrs. Carl Clarkson, Parma. - . - - ---------------- About 25 officers from the LDS attending Oregon State college, and Mrs. Bernard Eastman at din ___________________ November 27, girl, 7 pounds, 5 1/2 DIGGING TRENCHES WITH DITCHER church attended a special meeting While there they attended the ner at the Payette County club T o Speak On R a d io - O. 8. C.—U of O football game. Saturday evening. ounces. < FAR CRY FROM OLD SHOVEL METHOD In Weiser Sunday afternoon. Rev. H. J. Gemhardt. pastor of __________________ Sgt. Judd has Just returned home Laying of the new water main and one in front of the Nampa Guest* at Home— the Methodist Community church. Visit In Nyssa— from Japan, where he was sta- Reclamation!*!« Elect— will broadcast over station K SRV, j Mr. and Mrs. H. Ernest. Mrs along Main street recalls to the Creamery company station at First Mr. and Mrs. At Keuhn and Mr. . tloned for some time, Howard Turner of Madras was Ontario, every afternoon. Decern- 1 N. D. McGuire, and Clifford Blun- I memory o { -old-timers” condi- street and Good avenue. and Mrs. Glea Billings were bridge ' Mrs. Frank Morgan accompanied elected president of the Oregon ber 2 to 7. from 1:30 to 1 45 p. m. don and daughter. Letha. of Lines. ^ ^ ^ >t ^ Unje An open ditch for irrigation ran guests Saturday evening at the them to Corvallis and went from Reclamation congress at a meeting He Im ites the public to listen to Kansas spent Tuesday at the O. E. along each side o f Main street. A Tip Powers home in Ontario Hel- i there to Eugene, where she visited held In Albany November 20, 21 the series of meditations on "Steps Dorman home. Mr and Mrs. Dor Nyssa was engaging In its first row of trees had also been plant ghts. I her son. Clay, and other relatives. and 22. Frank T Morgan of Nyssa. development of a water system. man formerly lived In Lines ed on each side of the street. Most to Security". a director, was named executive- The first water mains were laid Nyssa residents had wells for dom Shop in Boise— ' Attend Grid Game— secretary o f the operations and Return With New T r a c k - in 1913, with men using picks and estic water. S. S. Tim e Changed— Mrs Orant Lewis. Mrs. Bum- Mr and Mrs. Ed Boydell and Dr. maintenance division of the o s Jay Bybee and Harold Wilson shovels to dig the trenches in con Digging o f the trenches and lay all Brown. Mrs. Olea Billings, Mrs. 1 and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer, attended ganlzatlon. The Methodist Community church to trast to the use o f the modem ing the pipe for the present sys- J. L. Church and Bob shopped in the University o f Oregon and Ore- has changed the time o f Its Sunday ven t to Pocatello last Friday home a new Inland Oil ditcher operated in the present tern is developing rapidly. How- Bo use Monday. ! gon State college football game Meeting Date Changed— school hour from 10 a. m. to 9:45 drive company tank truck. They returned project by Nottingham and com- : ever, the work was delayed some- a. m. — : at Corvallia. Saturday, November The W C. T. U. will c h * ig e to Nyssa Sunday. pany of Boise. | what when a plug blew out of Minister Arrives— j 23. Mr. and Mrs Boydell were | Its regular meeting day from the In 1913 the city had two pumps the present water main Tuesday Move T o Twin Falls— Reverynd M. J. Duncan, accom- guests at the home of Mr. and first Friday In every month to GUESTS A T D INN E R and watering troughs for watering while a crew was testing the n e w ; panled by hta family, has moved to Mrs Herb Smith of Corvallis. Dr the first Thursday. The next meet Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt, who Miss Barbara Tucker and Avon the horses of visiting farmers. One line. The accident also caused the Nyssa from Porterville, California and Mrs Bodmer were week-end have lived in the Nyssa area for ing will be held Thursday, Decem more than 40 years, left Monday j Peterson were Sunday dinner guests pump was located in front o f the city to be without water for about to take over the pastorate of the guests of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth ber 5 at the home o f Mrs. J. B. Nyssa Packing company market four hours. Missionary Baptist church here. | Cochran in Albfhy for Twin Falls to make their home, at the D. O. Bybee home Quigley. Nyssa To Flay Parma Dec. 4 Demonstration Well Attended