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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1946)
TheWSSA ~R0. 43' Road Proposal Is Rejected By Only 50 Votes > t NYSSA RESIDENTS ATTEND MEETING Several Nyssa residents went to LaGrande Tuesday night to attend a regional meeting of the League of Oregon Cities. R. G. Whitaker. Harry Miner. George Henneman, Emil Stunz and Grant Rinehart represented the city council, along with City Manager E. K. Burton, and Fred Bracken, George Mitchell and Olean Wells represented the chamber of commerce. The group discussed mostly" pro posed legislation providing for cities to receive more money from the liquor fund and the state gas oline tax fund. Dinner was served at the Foley hotel. League officers attending were Herman Kehrli, executive secretary; George P. Stadelman of The Dalles, president; Fred C. Inkster of Oswego, director, and Virgil Langtry of Eugene, legal consultant. JOURNAl NYSSA, OREGON, TH URSD AY, NOVEM BER 14, 1946 Sugar Industry To Be Theme Of C O f C Meeting HEALTH PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED BIG INCREASE DURING PAST YEAR AT PTA MEETING n y s s a s c h il d p o p u l a t io n s h o w s Nyssa is so overcrowded that that the Nyssa district population A health program will be pre people are living in all types of included 1185 youngsters between buildings in order to gain shelter, ^ e ages of 4 and 20 and the sented at the monthly meeting of to Grant Rinehart, who Arcadia district 100 children of the Nyssa Parent-Teacher associa Armistice Day Prograir Special Weed Control Men From Many Sections according has just completed the annual such age. With the Acradla dis- tion in the high school building Given In Gymnasium Fund Favored; Good- O f Valley To Gather school census. The census figures gathered b y ; trict, which is now a part of the Thursday night November 21. By Legion ell Elected Here Monday Dr. L. A. Maulding of Nyssa, Mr. Rinehart partially indicate the Nyssa district, th e'censu s shows Speaking to a small crowd ai j Figures compiled by the official The program to be presented at city is overcrowded. The popula- j 818 boyS and 766 gjris or a total county health officer, will deliver count of the canvassing board the banquet of the Associated | ^ on ^ school district, includ- Gf 1534. Mr. Hartley estimated an address on health, Mrs. Edna Nyssas annual Armistice day pro--l| following the general election held Chambers o f Commerce of South ing the city and rural areas, be- that the increase represents a Farris of Vale, county health nurse, gram in the Nyssa gymnasium tween the ages of 4 and 20 amounts gain in .families of between 100 Monday night on the subject last week revealea that the pro western Idaho and Eastern Ore to 1584, an increase of 299 during and 150. is also expected to speak. posed special levies for a general gon in the Nyssa high school the Following a business meeting and "W hat Price Freedom?", Rev. H last year. Superintendent j Mr. Rinehart found Nyssa resi- road fund were defeated by a building Monday night, Novemlrer Henry Hartley expressed the dents living in basements and a musical program, refreshments J. Gernhardt of the Methodist j| slight margin. 18 will center about the sugar opinion that the greater part of many types of buildings and per- will be served. The meeting will church declared that "People d i.i The vote on the road fund was industry. the gain occurred in Nyssa. I eons in the rural areas living in be opened at 8 o’clock. not have freedom taken away from I 1631 yes and 1681 no. The Nyssa chamber of commerce The census last year showed barns and other outbuildings. them. They throw It away by sell The proposal suggested a levy will be host to an - anticipated ing themselves into slavery of ap- j of a special tax of 10 mills per crowd of 100 men, gathered from petite, lust, sensuality, greed, ig- j dollar on all taxable property in all sections o f the lower Snake noranee, indulgence and hatred” . Malheur county for a period of river valley. The dinner will be "Men do not have freedom mere six years. served at 7 o’clock. ly by fighting for it once in a while, j The measure to authorize a William Carson o f Weiser, presi They have It by living for it all : special levy for a weed flind for dent of the Nyssa-Nampa District Sugar beet growers in Idaho, The annual ladies' night program of the time. Freedom does not ' Plans have been completed for the fiscal year 1947-48 was ap Beet Growers association will talk Utah and Oregon will receive $8,- come from Washington. D. C. : proved 1618 to 1522. on what the industry has don« o f the Adrian chamber of com the annual banquet to be given ' 413,000 from the Amalgamated Sug- through an election booth. It comes j The result of the vote on both for the valley. Representatives of merce was held Thursday evening, by the Lions club in honor of the “ r company for beets delivered from the heads and hearts of measures was in doubt last Thurs the Amalgamated Sugar company November 7 with a community box Nyssa high school football team ' during October, H. A. Benning, people like you and me." > day. will discuss the new sugar manu social. The ladies furnished the re in the home economics room of president of the company announc- During the program o f talks, The official count confirmed the The county rodent control pro- facturing process that has been freshments by filling decorated the high school building Friday ed. musical numbers and ritual spon election of A. P. Ooodell as county gram is progressing favorably this 1 developed and other phases of the | This payment is based on delivcr- sored by the American Legion post boxes, which were sold to the high night o f this week. commissioner over G. C. Good. week with several crews placing industry. Musical numbers will include ies of 815.000 tons of beets on an and auxiliary of Nyssa, Rev. Gern est bidders. The proceeds amount The vote was 1397 lo r Good and poison bait on some o f the most President Frank T. Morgan of ed to more than $37. whlch will be accordian solos by Reed Ray and estimated harvest of 1,425,000 tons, hardt asked, "W hy Should W e 2451 for Goodell. ¡infested areas. Steve Cox, acting Nyssa, who will preside at the ¡n the interests of the com- selections by an instrumental ¡ The amount of this payment to Keep Armistice Day?" Should A r Formation o f a people's utility 33 supervisor of the program, said business session, said that the munitv farmers is $3,500,000 more than the group conststing o f Duane Holcomo, mistice day give way to V. E. day? district was rejected by a vote of he has work scheduled for sev- group will inspect the sugar factory I After a short business session Bob Church, Jerry Bellon, Merlin initial payment made in 1945, Should it give way to V. J. day? 2565 to 990. eral days and is now trying to after the banquet. Local business i the meeting was turned over to the Anderson, Jerry Crandall and Rich according to Mr. Benning. What's In this business o f com The official count o f the city locate more help to expand the men are invited to attend the Growers in the Boise valley area, program committee, William Toomb ard Anderson. memoration? Why keep It up? ballots made no change in the areas to be covered during the r e - , gathering. Speeches will be made by Coaches serviced by the company's two and L. Kreoger. "Any day and every day which votes for the four positions of maining time that work can be ---------- largest factories at Nampa, Idaho Lovejoy and Keveren and four W illiam Toomb announced the will call citizens of America to real city councilmen as reported in done before the ground is frozen | and Nyssa, Oregon, will receive students, George Iseri, Don Herren, musicial numbers given by the ize their precious heritage of free the Gate City Journal last Thurs Many farmers are doing their iS t u d d lt S Adrian high school choir. The girls student body president; and Don a total of $5,541,000; the Idaho dom, the entrustment of its pres day. The new councilmen are own work and Cox urges that all district including Burley, Rupert entation and the responsibility of sang two numbers directed by the Lowe. George Sallee, R. G. Whitaker, farmers who have time available R. G. Whitaker will be toast and Twin Falls, $2,075,000 and the the exercise and extension thereof music instructor, Ray Weather- Fred Bracken and Lloyd Wilson. try to poison their own land. He Utah district, which includes Web spoon, accompanied at the piano by master. is essential to us and all mankind. Whitaker and Sallee were re-elect said that either carrots or sweet er and Cache counties, $797,000. Betty Jean Toomb. Today Is Armistice day and we The music department of the ed. potatoes work very well as bait Subsequent payments will be Out of town guests were Mr. and ONTARIO TAKES GRID should make the most of it.” and some farmers get good results Nyssa high school will present a Mrs. Harry Sandquist of Ontario. P C AIK] A M X I M V A I T P V made on beets now being delivered Mr. Gernhardt said “ What Price using sugar beets. The carrots or Thanksgiving concert in the gym- Mr. Sandquist showed an interest- until the entire harvest is com Freedom?" is both an interroga 1 ln V A L L L Y other material used for bait, is nasium Wednesday night, Novem- pleted and Jill beets have been tion and an exclamation. ing film entitled, "Story of the Tk Knv 07 sliced into strips about two Inches sent to receiving stations. The Polor Regions ". „ The ° ntar,° T i* ers wl" "T o me It is both, an exclama A program of sami-classlcal long and about one-quarter to one- While Mr. Sandquist was pre- “ “ second payment will be made tion for what we know of ftie half inch thick. Strychnine powder music will be given by the band paring to show the film, Betty ° n‘ " ‘° f,eld i,aturday shortly after November 15 on beets price paid thus far for our free and girls glee cli»b directed by . November 16 at 2 o'clock for the delivered from November 1 to 15, is dusted over the freshly cut Jean Toomb played several selec- . , . . . dom, both to obtain it and retain Forty-three Nyssa hopefuls turn pieces. One ounce of the poison Lynn Lawrence at 8 p. m. The lions on the piano. champ.onship of district No. 1. inclusive. it; an interrogation concerning the ed out for the first basketball will be enough to treat 20 pounds concert will last about one hour. Sugar is now being processed at price we must pay that we may The boxes were then auctioned * ‘ nclUdes a" ° f north,‘astern practice Wednesday night at the The band will umsiot of 26 of the bait, if care is taken to get the Amalgamated factories at Rup may be worthy of our inheritance, o ff by L. Kreager and William reson' ________ call of Coach Howard Lovejoy. pieces. The girls glee club numbers some of the poison on each piece ert, Burley, Twin Falls and Nampa, and retain. Increase, Improve and Toomb. Coffee was furnished by ui^u u , Only three lettermen, Don Herren, 24. of the vegetable. Idaho; Nyssa, Oregon and Lewis extend this freedom. Armistice day the chamber of commerce. , ^ t f 001 W° n ^ Bob Church and Jerry Bellon, are President C. Glenn Brown gave ^ > a l l championship 0f the Snake ton, Utah. It is estimated that at demands that we evaluate our in uniform. FARMERS, BUREAU the conclusion of the campaign freedom which is our inheritance, a speech of appreciation and This year's prospective team is MILK HEARING IS sometime in February, the com that cost others so dearly and AGREE ON PRICES thanks to those appearing on the * ¿ I ™ faster than the team of 1945-46 PLANNED FOR AREA Vale high school on the Ontario pany will have processed approx program. He also announced that which so many of us treat so and are smaller, but better bali A public hearing to consider re field. imately 3,700,000 bags oT sugar or thoughtlessly and cheaply. Officers of the Owyhee Irrigation chamber ________ ___ _ on „ officers will be elected at handlers. vision of minimum prices paid n ,ar 0 f f ored in the first tlU£' r' an increase of nearly 1,020,000 In addition to the lettermen. producers for fluid milk and whole- district met with representatives | the meeting o f the chamber o t 1, "W e are in gross error when we the first: \ W en ° ntario end> re* bags over 1945. think that freedom was conceived most of the other boys have had j salle and retail prices to consum- of the bureau of reclamation fro m 1 commerce, to be held covered a Vale fumble in the end The company's factory at Nyssa the district and regional offices i n \ Thursday in December. on American soli. Through long considerable experience, so that 1 ers in the Malheur county area zone. The point was kicked by is now operating with a contin- centuries men had paid a ter Coach Lovejoy expects a good team wm be held in Ontario at the Boise Wednesday afternoon in the Nyssa office and agreed upon prices A N A T . A M C P I P f T P n E'*aves 1-0 gl'ye Ontario a 7-0 lead, uous diffuser, which has increased rific price to bear in the matrix this year. Moore hotel, at 1:15 p.m., Friday, of farm commodities grown on th e , m c T D I P T n i D r r T A n L l The rest o f the first half was the daily beet slicing rate from of society the germs of life which November 22, according to notices DISTRICT DIRECTOR I played on even terms with neither 2450 tons per day to more than finally took form In this nation. project in 1946. COMPANY SPONSORS issued by the milk control section, The valuations are used in the I team being able to hit pay dirt. 2700 tons per day. A continuous Those life germs go back at least state department of agriculture. Ontario broke loose with a scor diffuser Is now being installed at annual project history report and I ^ Flanagan of Sunset valley WELDING CLINIC as far as the great law-giver, Mos Melvin J. Conklin, field represen are factors in the setting up of has been elected as a S e c t o r ot ing splurge in the second half, the Tw in Falls factory and plans es, who In the exercise o f the A farm welding clinic for all tative of the department, Is in the annual payments for construc the Owyhee Irrigation district for however, to completely submerge have been made to equip the Nam life of freedom gave to mankind a three-year term, succeeding the visitors. Glaves went across pa plant with a similar installa interested farmers in the area will charge of arrangements fo r the tion. the fundamental law on which all the goal on an end run soon after tion in 1947. be held in the Owyhee Truck and hearing, which is expected to es Approximately 20 men attended himself. Jurisprudence rests. tablish official data for minimum the period opened, and tossed a The irrigation district law pro Implement company shop at Fourth the meeting. “ Would you understand the price milk and cream price schedules vides that no one is eligible for irass to Bchanis for another tally and Main streets Tuesday Novem of freedom? Then cltmb a hill cal under conditions now prevailing D c r D election as a director unless nom near the end of the quarter to ber 19. led Calvary where a man named in this area. RECREATION TO inated by petition signed by at make the score 20-0. Two classes will be held. 2:30 to Jesus hung on a cross under a hot The Malheur county hearing Is BE CONSIDERED least 10 qualified voters and filed In the fourth quarter, Glaves 5:30 p. m. and 7 to 10 p. m. A fac Syrian sun and died free that man with the secretary o f the district again tossed one. this time to Hen- tory trained man will be in charge one of a series being held by the ' (Continued on page two) state department of agriculture to Miss Jean Williams, extension 10 days before the election. M r ley. for a touchdown and added of the work. Farmers are invited investigate costs and other factors George Cleaver was elected mas specialist in community and social the point. In the last two minutes Flanagan was the only nominee to do their welding during the affecting the production and dis- organizaton will conduct a recrea- so that lie was automatically elect of the game. Wise, Ontario center, ter o f the Oregon Trail Grange TRAILWAYS WINTER classes free o f charge. trlbution of milk In the bottle and tional training meeting November ed and so declared by the board intercepted a Vale pass and ran Tuesday night at the annual elec SCHEDULES SHOWN can trade, following the removal from 10:30 to 3:30 at the club of directors at their meeting la s t '15 yards for the last tally. AgUn tion of officers. JUNIORS W IN NYSSA of ceiling price regulations of the 18 O ther officers elected are: Over house of the Ontario Women's week. . the extra point was good and the Effective November 10, Pacific HOOP TOURNAMENT office of price administration and club. She will be aassLsted by ---------- game ended with the champion seer, Frank Sherwood; lecturer, Trailways has effected several the cessation of milk subsidy pay Miriam J. Black, home demon Here from Utah— Marie Holmes; steward. Bob Hol changes In runs now operating ' Ontario club In front 34-0. The juniors won the inter-class ments by the federal government, stration agent. mes; assistant steward, Harlan Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown of through Nyssa, O. F. Chester, double elimination basketball tourn July X. Diven; Chaplain. Alice Holmes; traffic manager at Bend, Oregon, Richland. Utah and Mrs. K. Ben Visit in Baker— ament held in the Nyssa high Sends Goods To Holland— nett and two children. Wesley and Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson and treasurer, Charley Grider; secre announced. 4 school last week. The juniors de Go to Portkind— Mrs. Gerrit Stam sent her 100th Annette, of Idaho Falls are visit Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson tary, Coral Hunting; gate-keeper, Run changes are the result of feated the seniors twice to take Mrs. James Oiin, Mrs. Lee Sax package to Holland last week and ing at the homes o f Mr. and Mrs. and family spent the week-end LaVerne Cleaver; graces, Bernice slightly slower schedules for the the title. ton, Mr. Joe Haskins and Miss mailed five more this week to Burnall Brown and Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson Bowen, Jane Parr and Mildred winter months to enable T rail- In the first game the juniors Gladys Grist of Los Angeles left families who are in need. The Waynard Talbert. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp Adams: lady assistant steward, El ways drivers to maintain their defeated the seniors; In the second Friday for Portland to attend to packages were sent to a children’s sie Diven. son of Baker. safety record and still operate "on game the sophomores defeated the business. home and to Mrs. Stam's friends, Here from California— The executive board consists of time”. Mr. Chester explained that frosh; in the third the seniors Roy Holmes, chairman; Alva Oood- the difficulties of winter driving who distributed the clothing and Howard Foster and two sons, Man Is Injured— nosed out the freshmen; In the Annual Staff Chosen— other articles to needy families. Donna Ray and Jimmy of Colusa. Bill Mayden of Nyssa fell from ell and Loyd Adams, past master, were taken into consideration in fourth the Juniors beat the sopho The staff for the Nyssa high ! California were here Monday night. a scaffold Wednesday while work- The meeting was called to order setting winter schedules. mores; In the fifth the seniors, school annual, the Tupelo, has been Visit in Idah They visited Mr. Foster's parents, ing for Leslie Stoker, contractor, by Frank Sherwood in the ab- beat the sophomores and in the chosen. Adrienne Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. His condition is not serious. He sence o f Loyd Adams, who is att- Visit Relatives— championship contest the juniors Jerry Bellon are co-editors. Grant | visited in the Eart Snow home ls receiving treatment in the Nyssa ending the 80th annual conven Visitors at the Holly Smith home trounced the seniors by a score ol Peterson. Nyssa photographer, has near W ilder and the Charles Fox Leg is Broken— tion o f the National Grange at Sunday were Mrs. Julia Smith Nursing home. 24 to 16. arranged to take pictures for the home in Apple Valley Sunday, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and son. Oscar, of Nampa and Mr. Damon Savage is recovering from annual this year. He has already a fracture of the right leg., which Receiving Treatment— will take the seventh degree while and Mrs. Robert Davis and daugh Cottage Meetings Held— begun taking photos. On Hunting Trip— was injured while he was hunting Frank Savage of Nyssa has gone there. ter of Sunset Valley. LDS Missioniers held c o t t a g e Dr. K. E. Kerby, Bernard Frost, Dheasants the last week of* the to RoeheXter. Minnesota to receive meetings at three different homes Inspects Department— Alex Geokan and Dick Stockhani hunting season. He fell into a high- treatment at the Mayo clinic. He Nursing Home Notes— Returns From Visit— during the past week. District pres Miss Marian Hess, assistant state are spending a week near Baker way barrow-pit after tripping on j was accompanied by Mrs. Savage, Several babies were born in the Mrs. O. E. Dorman returned ident Hawkins reported a good at supervisor of home economics, hunting elk. the running board of his car. I who will remain in Rochester dur- Nyssa Nursing home during the home last Thursday night from tendance and special interest tak working under the direction of the --------------- -------- j Ing the time that he is under past two weeks The parents and Moscow, Idaho, where she spent en. state department of education, in Visit Relatives— Attend to Business— | treatment. babies are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. a week with her daughter and son- spected the Nyssa high school home Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mann Frank Rawlins and E. B. Cole j ___________ James Oahan. Nyssa, November in-law, M r and Mrs. Sid Brown. Visiting Relatives— economics department Wednesday. of Spokane visited over the week of the Amalgamated Sugar com- j Here from Hood River— 2. girl, 8 pounds. 6 ounces; Rev. Mrs. Ruth McGee and Orville She will make a report on the de end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bum- pany were here last week from Og Dr. and Mrs. Homer Ireland of and Mrs. C. L. Snyder, Nyssa, No Go to Ontario— partment to Salem. McGee of Oanyonvllle, Oregon have ingham. Mrs. Mann is a sister ot den to attend to business. Hood River were week-end guests vember 4, boy, 9 pounds, 7 ounces; Mrs. Ken Renstrom. Mrs. Joe been guests for the past two weeks Mrs. Burningham. of Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer. Mr. and Mrs Eugene Baughman. Maughan and Mrs. Louise MoOavin at the James Malloy and Virgil Return To California— Visit at Richland— November 3, girl. 8 pounds; Mr were Ontario shoppers Saturday. McOee homes. They left Monday t Mr and Mrs. Nathaniel Steimle Will Give Bazaar— Mr and Mrs. Ward Wieneke On Vacation— and Mrs Joe White. Nyssa, No for their home. Mrs. McOee is the left Wednesday for their home in The ladies of the Adrian branch spent the week-end at Richland, L. L. Booth left Wednesday vember 3, boy. 7 pounds, 6 ounces: Plan Trmple Excursion— mother and Mr. McOee is a bro California after spending several of the LDS Church will hold a baz Oregon at the home o f Mr. and | morning for Kansas to visit rela Mr. and Mrs C. F Mullins. Nyasa, Approximately 15 persons from weeks visiting their daughter. Mrs. ther of Mrs. Malloy and Virgil aar Monday. November 18 at 8 p.m. | Mrs. Buck Saunders, tives for a month. November 7, boy, 9 pounds. 12 1/2 Nyssa will Join others of the W ei McGee. D. O. Bybee, and family. They in the Adrian Legion hall. Dancing ounces.Mr and Mrs. O. L. Haney, ser stake on a temple excursion i Visit at Hospital— were impressed with the many ac- will be started at 9 pm Here from Utah— Nyssa, November 9. boy, 8 pounds. the morning o f November 19. Bus Attend Grid Game— res of fine farm land and t h e ' Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Strlngfellow 134 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred es will take them to Twin Falls. Mrs Burnall Brown and daugh various warehouses. They also went Visit in i went to Boise last Thursday to and son, Dennis, o f Ogden ar Evans, Parma boy. November 10. T h o s e desiring accommodations ter. Marian Grace, attended the through the sugar factory and att Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison visit their son, Victor, who is re rived Sunday to visit Mrs. String- 9 pounds. lO'i ounces; Mr. and should contact the geneology chair Armistice day football game in Boi ended several social functions while spent Thursday in Boise on busi- ceivlng treatment in the veterans fellow's parents. Mr. and Mrs. K en Mrs. John Points. Nyssa. girl, No man. Mr. Bair, of the Nyssa LDS se between Boise and Twin Falls, here. ness. | hospital. neth Cottle. vember 13. 8 pounds, 5 4 ounces. I ward. Adrian Chamber Lions Planning Growers Get 8 Million In Oct. And Ladies Meet Football Dinner Rodent Control Program Begun To Give Concert 43 Turn Out For Hoop Practice ? ♦ Cleaver Elected Grange Master * Gernhardt Urges Continuance 01 Freedom’s Fighl