Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1946)
V TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L, NfrSSA, OREGON TH U R S D A Y, NOVEMBER 21, 1946 C O LU M B IA A V E N U E In honor of their son, Norman, on j and family of Nyssa, Mr. Staples Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Larsson ---------- | his fifth birthday for the follow- j of Coalville, Utah and Larry, Dale Groot were Ontario visitors Fri' and family. Mrs. Jake van Twisk and Tony M r and Mrs. Edward C. L a r s -! ing sweats: Mrs Florence Lars- tmd Janet. day afternoon, »•ere in Ontario Saturday. son entertained at supper Sunday son. Mr and Mrs. Rulan Staples Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot o f Boise visitors Wednesday were House guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Carshadon are their daugh ter and son-in-law and family of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. C. K a t and Rikus van Twisk of Valley View were callers at the Jake van Twisk home la.>t week. Pete Tensen made a business trip to Va.e Tuesday. GORDON PRESENTS Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Mixes i y4 lbs........ 16c 2 Vi lbs. 30c 3 Vi lbs. 37c 5 lbs. 54c Aunt Jemima’s Buckwheat Mixes 1 Vi lbs. 19c 2 Vi lbs........ 39c 3 Vi lbs. 46c 5 lbs. 65c ... Aunt Jemima, in Person Saturday, November 23 PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY Aunt Jemima will serve and demenstrate how to make her famous Southern Pancakes and Buckwheats. “ You’ll like ’em folks they’re heatenly eat in’... so light! so flu ffy.” LOOK ^ 200 PRIZES of 2-WAY TALKIE SETS! Puffed Wheat Sparkies Putted Rke Sparkies Ute Brand Tender Peas 2 tins 25c Gold Bar, 2 % tin Pumpkin 2 for 33c He 13c S pec/»/ 7oc/»y/ Muffets TME ÇR O U N ty SHREDDED WHEAT CEREAL Louisiana Yams lb. 16c Local Celery lb. 9c Crushed, No. 1 tin -| j Pineapple,sugared 1.69 l4c Lettuce, 2 heads 19c Local, solid head PLENTY OF PANCAKE SYRUP PINTS 39c Q U AR TS 65c 3 11_ ID * W ith Colored Pottery ware Q Q OOL Mincemeat Baby Beef Stakes Lunch Meat Boiling Beef Sirloin, grade A Fancy assorted Choice rib 2 lbs. 45c lb. 55c lb. 57c lb. 27c Gordon’s Drive-In Market PLAC E Y O U R ORDERS N O W FO R T H A N K S G IV IN G TU R K E Y S A N D CHICKENS. R E A S O N A B L Y PRICED. the hour of two o'clock P. M. of beet crop. We especially thank Mr. said day and the OounTy Court Reuter and all the Adrian high Room in the City of Vale, Oregon, school boss who came to help. Abo to the Kingman Home Economics lias been fixed by the court as club who iumished anu served -he time and place for the hear- the chicken pic dinner at noon -ng on said account, when and for the harvest crew. where any person interested in j We feel we are indeed fortunate aid estate may appear, file object- in living among such gland people. -ons in writing thereto and be j Again we sincerely thank you all. heard thereon. Said account is for j The Lynn Hurst Family iinal settlement and upon being \ settled and approved, said estate »■ill be closed and said Adminis Serving 5 Counties trator discharged. From th e' Largest Stock of A. L. Fletcher, Administrator <enulne Estate of James A. Kelley, deceased First Pub Nov. 21, 1946 Last Pub. Dec. 19, 1948 CARO OF T H A N K S We wish to take this opportun ity of expressing our sincere thanks to all those who have been so kind and helpful to us during the time Mr. Hurst was in the hospital ami while he is convalescing. We wish to thank all the men for their help and for the use of he machinery in harvesting our Orders Shipped Parts Immediately Manser, Inc. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho FREE C LINIC FOR H AR D OF H E AR IN G ATTENTIO N P A R T IA L L Y -5 - DISABLED CO M BAT O H APTE R IN IT IA T E S WOUNDED VE TE RANS! Golden Rule chapter No. 131. Crder of the Eastern Star, held four army is now offering you an pportunity to re-enltst in an MOS initiation at a meeting Monday evening, November 18. Those ini ippropriate to your training and tiated were Ottilia Boydell and experience. More than 100 grade's low open to you. Check your MOP, Helen Maulding. Lucille Galloway was chairman then see your local Army Recruit- of the refreshments committee, ng Station T O D A Y ! which served during the social 119 FEDERAL BLDG., BOISE, IDA. hour. 5 - * B O Y HONORED Dick Herriman was honored at a party at his home Tuesday, November 19 on the occasion of his 11th birthday. Several school friends enjoyed games and the birthday refreshments. SHOW ER IS G IV EN A pink and blue shower was given for Mrs. John L. Huseby by the ladies of the Parma Lutheran church Tuesday afternoon. Many nice gifts were received and refresh ments were served- — 8— OSCAR P IK E HONORED Friends of Oscar Pike honored him Saturday evening with a birth day surprise party. A ll the guests received a gift. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served to 10 persons. He received some lovely gifts. CELEBRATES F IF T H B IR T H D A Y Celia Carol Bybee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee, was guest of honor at a birthday party Monday at her home in celebration of her fifth birthday. The cake was white and pink, with yellow candles. Movies were taken of tlie children present. She received some lovely gifts. SPE AK S T O CLUB Mrs. Arthur Rothrock of Adams, Oregon was the guest speaker at the A. N. K. Garden club meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Albert f-Teiler last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rothrock is the state Garden club vice-president for the Blue Mountain district. Her subject was "Color and Arrange ment” , and her interesting talk was illustrate,1 with mlmy charts and pictures. Other guests at the meeting were Mrs. E. C. Van Petten and Mrs. D. T . Taggart, Ontario; Mrs. M M. Oreeling. Twin Falls; Mrs. H. J. Burk. California, and Mrs. Jack Oalloway, Mrs. R. F. Russell, and ! Mrs. Louis Pfeller of N^ssa. 8 - GUESTS IN EM M ETT Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomp son and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson motored to Em mett Sunday, where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earp. Mr. and Mrs. Earp are Mrs. Herschel Thompson's par ents. - w ip p . 1 New “ lleartng-Lenses” T o Be Demonstrated At Nyssa Friday 8 — — 8 - : Bernard Eastman - E N T F R T A IN S A T BRID G E Mrs. J. L. Herriman was hos tess at two bridge parties at her Insurance home during the past week. On Real Estate Saturday afternoon three tables were in play with Mrs. John Beck Phone 64 ham winning first prize. Mrs. Frank Morgan seecod and Mrs. Emma Nyssa, Oregon Quinby the traveling prize. On Monday afternoon prizes Scan MdeA a*J went to M^s. A. L. Fletcher, Mrs. Herschel Thompson and Mrs. F. F. Bodmer. - Old English Mother’s Carnival Oats HAVE D INN E R GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson entertained at dinner Sunday In honor of their aunt and uncle, Mr. ind Mrs. Gale Butler. Those pres ent were Mrs. Stanley R effett and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rookstool and son. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rookstool and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Ridder and family, B. F. Rokstool and Keith and the honored guests. -4 - There is a misspelled word in this ad. To the first 10 ladies who bring in a copy of this ad between 2:30 and 3:30 Satur day and have located the mis spelled word we will giv< FREE a 2 Vi pound box of either Aunt Jemima Pancake or Buckwheat Mix. Q U A KER Social News RACE FIVE ___________ TU E SD AY CLUB MEET8 The Tuesday Bridge Club met November 12 at the home o f Mrs. Bumall Brown. Prizes were won by Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell and Mrs. j John Beckham. Ouests o f the club were Mrs. W. R. Campbell, Mrs. j J. L. Church, and Mrs. Olea B il lings. CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y I M. P. Laurence was the inspiration for a birthday party given at his j home in his honor Friday evening.! Refreshments were served to 14. Legal Advertising NO TICE OF F IN A L HEARING N O TIC E HEREBY IS OIVEN. T h at A. L. Fletcher, Administra tor of the estate of James A. Kelley, deceased, has filed In the County Court o f Melheur County, Oregon, his first and final account of his administration and that Monday. December 30th, 1940 at E. M. Hollenbeck, experienced Acoustician, will be in Nyssa to conduct a free clinic for the hard of hearing at the Owyhee Hotel from 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. 1U 4U4*J1? f —« TRAILWAVS EASTBOUND 8:17 am *1:20 pm 3:07 pm •*6:05 pm 10:50 pm •Twin Falls local ••Boise local WESTBOUND 5:00 am 10:05 am *2:25 pm •8:05 pm 11:55 pm •Welser local DEPOT— TOW NE'S GARAGE Pilone 196W Wanted Raw Furs At Top Market Prices C. W. Young 5720 N. E. Glisan St. Portland 13, Oregon Hollenbeck offers his new scien tific, free diagnosis to anyone troubled with any degree o f deaf ness at absolutely no obligation. "This personal diagnosis." said Hollenbeck, ” U based on results ing test' and points out with sclen- ingtest’ and points out with scien tific accuracy the exact liature of a person's defective hearing, Just as a scientific eye examination de termines the degree o f defective vision." New “ Hearing-lenses” Shown One of the most dramatic of the many scientific discoveries made during the war resulted in a dev elopment called 'Hearing-Lenses. These special “ lenses" are now being used in a plan perfected by America's oldest manufacturer of hearing aids, to correct almost any type of defective hearing. The latest development o f these "Hearing-Lenses’, featured In the new Acousticon "Super-Power” Un- ipac, will be demonstrated by H oll enbeck at the free clinic. Hollenbeck pointed out that those unable to come to Che Owyhee hotel could probably obtain the free diagnosis nnd a private dem on stratlon In their homes, by phoning the hotel In Nyssa. P ri vate appointments, he said, would be filled in the order received, as far os possible. Adv. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY W eekly market report for Tues., Nov. 19, 1946 Fat steers $17 to »19.95. Medium steers $15 to »17. Bulls $12.50 to »14. Good cows »12 to »13 Heifers *15.50 to *17. Veal calves *14 to *15.50. Stock calves »14 to *15. Sheep: Lambs »14 to *17.50. Hogs top »25. Feeder pigs »22 to *25. With all markets receiving too many cattle and Packers finding it hard to sell dressed meats at prevailing prices, we look for cattle to continue to work lower with choice cattle in demand and common cattle lower. Our country is in a period o f change, uncer tainty and adjustment including livestock mar kets. However you may consign your cattle, hogs, sheep and horses to Ontario Livestock Com mission Co. where you aye assured of having plenty o f buyers and orders and you will re ceive full market price for your livestock whether one or several car loads. For market information or to arrange for truck transportation reverse a call to 264, On tario. O N T A R IO LIVESTO C K COMM. CO. “ Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Cols. Ellis White and Clayt Tschirgi (Schirge), Auctioneers O N T A R IO — 413-M F R U IT L A N D — 522