Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Adrian A party was held on the Vernon Parker lawn for the Adrian Brown ie troop Saturday afternoon gam es were played. Those present were Effie Rose Smith, Janet Parker, Charlene and Gay Harris, June Ausman, Sherry Reuter, Edith Matthews, Lorraine Van De Water. Franeene Peterson. Anita Pratt. Phyllis Smith and Barbura Thomp son, a new girl, who is joining the troop Mrs. Vernon Parker, Miss Esther Fugleman, the assistant leader, and Mrs. Clyde Steelman, the leader, served the group grape drink and cookies. The meeting was closed after the group gave the Brownie "Good night Song". The next meeting the second Saturday in August, will be held on the Parker lawn. Mrs. Don Robert Patrick left for her home in Glendale. Calif ornia Friday after visiting the past three weeks In the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown, and with friends in Boise. Miss Maxine Cummings of Boise spent the week-end In the C. G. Brown home. Ruby Brown spent several days the past week visiting and shopp ing in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Avery and daughters of northern Idaho vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille sev eral days the past week. Mrs. Av ery is Mr. Thomas’ niece. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille and daughter, Jean, attended a picnic on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Bawtinheimer at Roswell. The pic nic was in observance of the birth days of Dorothy Owens and George De Haven. Jean Dille spent Friday with her cousin, Dorothy Owens, In Roswell. Eight hundred head of cattle were shipped from Adrian Satur day afternoon. They were sold by Gus Davis and were sent to New Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter and children have gone to Waldport, NOTICE WE ARE NOW IN THE MARKET FOR Grain And Chopped Hay Chopped Hay $21.00 a Ton delivered. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, 1946 Oregon. Mr. Reuter will attend an mau was recently discharged from agriculture instructors conference. the service. Hls home !s at Prairie The Adrian Intermediate Girl ! City, Oregon. Betty Jean Tomb was a Sunday Scouts met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Charles Newbill In t inner guest of Ellen Judd in New Newell heights Saturday afternoon. ell heights. Roy Bell of San Fransisco spent Badge work was checked and new work posed out in preparation the week-end visiting in the Elmer Sparks and Ellen Sparks home. for the next meeting. Mildred Sparks and Roy Bell New officers were elected at follows: President, Donna Lee spent Friday evening in Caldwelf. Steelman; vice president, Ada A picnic dinner was held on the Pearl West: secretary, Jean Dille: lawn of Mrs. Ellen ¿parks Sunday treasurer, Donna Peterson; patrol in honor of Roy Bell. Others pres leaders, Jean Dille and Myrna ent were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lane. Mrs. R. E. Dille will be the Sparks and Wayne, Florence Miller, new assistant leader. Registration Fied and Clarence Mull of Nyssa, dues for the new year were taken. Mrs. Gladys Long and son, Billy, Refreshments of fruit juice and and Mildred Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Deffer cookies were served to Loretta Van De Water, Donna Peterson, and children spent the week-end Jn dine Kreager, Jean Dille, Don fishing on the north fork of the na Steelman, Laura Louise Nevin, Malheur river. Howard Hatch, and Donnie and Ada Pearl West and Jennifer Thompson, a new girl who is join Bill Ashcraft left Monday evening for Portland to attend to business. ing the troop. : The next meeting will be held the seccnd Saturday in August at RICHLAND the hon.e of Jean Dille. Mrs. Harry Gardner and chil Bob Eastman spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. dren. who have been In Unity with E. E. Eastman at their home in Mr. Gardner, have returned to Ny Napton siding. He is working in ssa. Mrs. Gardner also visited her daughter, Mrs. Bob Reffett at An Caldwell at the Buick garage. Robert Jackson and Merle Tol- thony lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams were man visited in Adrian and surr ounding communities the past week. Ontario visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Gardner and chil Jackson was on a three-day leave. He is stationed near Spokane. Tol- dren went to Caldwell Tuesday on a shopping trip. V. V. Grider went to Payette Wednesday on business. BILL LANE Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams att ended the meeting of the Owyhee Auctioneer Riding club at the D. O. Bybee ’bone 1161______ Nyssa home Friday evening. Miss Wanda Jeffrey of Nyssa The Amalgamated Sugar CO. Dr. G. W. Graves Optometrist FEED YARDS Now at his new modern offices 718 Arthur St. Rhone 720 Caldwell, Idaho (Directly across from the American theater) PHONE 80 PAGE THREE was a week-end guest of Nan Grid er. Mr. and Mis. Cine Fleshman and Shirley and Donald, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider. NU-ACRES Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Pike and family of Fort Peck. Montana and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Beasley and sons of Salt Lake City have been visiting Mrs. Peck's and Mrs. Beasley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson and Mr .and Mrs. Leon Burt and son of Ortonville, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Pike and family and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Beasley and sons spent July 21 with Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Peterson of Oreenleaf. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of Ny ssa were Sunday evening callers at the Walter LeGrande home. Mr. ad Mrs. Walter LeGrande, who recently sold their farm to Frank Johnson, left Tuesday to visit relatives near Nyssa and Ont ario before leaving for California and Oklahoma for an extended vi lit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Blanchard and family of Westwood, California left the first of last week after spending several days visiting hls brother, Henry Blanchard, and fam ily. Ira Blanchard of Spanish Fork, Utah spent last week with hls brother, Henry Blanchard, and family looking for a location In this vicinity. Mrs. Paul Thomson and children spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvle Lanfear of Caldwell. Mr. Thom son went to Oalwell Sunday morn ing, returning Sunday evening with 'his family. Mrs. Howard Peverly of Rawlins, Wyoming visited two days last week with her sister, Mrs. Me.le Thomson. Mrs. Thomson accom panied Mrs. Peverly as far as Rawlins to spend a few days before continuing on to Lyons, Kanses, where she will visit her mother for two weeks. The Do-More 4-H club enjoyed a swimming party at Caldwell Saturday evening. Sunday evening dinner guests at t.he Henry Blanchard home were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaw and fam- ily of Nyssa and Ira Blanchard ol Spanish Fork, Utah. Mrs. Marion Seuell and Mrs. Bob Blakesley and Mrs. Harry Wood were guests at a bridal shower given lart Thursday night In hon or of Mrs. Bill Blaksley a t the Tackett home east of Frultland. The Frultland "class of ‘45” char- ivaried Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blakes ley Saturday night. Baker Monday to attend a Sunday school convention. Clarice Nothels and Mrs. Charlie Schweizer will teach in the Nyssa "-hooh this term. J. A. Black, who was seriously injured when he was thrown from a horse, is showing slight Improve ment at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. . Gertrude Atkeson, Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves and son, Walter, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ditty of Ny ssa and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dlttv of Wl.consn were callers In the Charles Ditty home one evening last week. Rev. Atwood Poster of Salem was a Sunday visitor In the Rev. Alfred Brim home. Ronnie Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker, had hls tonsils removed last week. I Those wishing ’Grandma’ Bergam "birthdav greetings" gathered Mon day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bergam to help her cele brate her anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tuckness >' Cildwell Sunday. Mrs. Jim Kirkland was a Boise visitor recently. Oregon at those new Chevron Gas Stations Folks h ave a lw a y s enfoyed the thoughtful, interested kind of service they receive at inde pendent gas stations. But many people don’t always know they are "home-owned.” Well, as Chevron Gas Dealers, we’re establishing our identity as independent businessmen in our com munity. That’s the reason for the new Chevron I Signs and the burgundy, cream and green paint f jobs on our stations, REMEMBER.. .th e It’s "only the best” for our customers — and that adds up to products like Chevron Supreme Gasoline and RPM Motor Oii. Our other services and accessories will be the same top grade, too. We’ll be glad to honor Standard of Califor nia’s Chevron National Credit Cards. If you haven’t applied for a Credit Card, drop in any time and we’ll see that you get an application. From Pend— Mrs. Bernice Coad of Bend. Ore- ' formerly of Nyssa, arrived unday for a visit with friends. "rom C alifornia— Mr and Mrs. Robert Rybum of Lindon, California vlslied over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Dr.J.H. Berger The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Marie Holmes Wed nesday afternoon, July 24. » The afternoon was spent em broidering for the hostess. Marie Holmes and Alta Fry were app ointed on the social committee. Eight members and two guests. Ola Chard and Donna Thompson, answered roll call with "a good book I have recently read". Vir ginia Rookstool will entertain the club August 7. Roll call will be answered by “my favorite poem’ . VETERINARIAN Box D Phone 135-1 Nyssa. Oregon GENUINE GOODRICH Rubber Matting 36 INCHES WIDE Suitable for hallways, stairways, corridors j and other places where walking is concentrated. Nyssa Furniture Company Across From Reclamation Office NOTICE Sunset Valley You get friendly, personal service Trail The Intermediate class of the Oregon Trail Sunday school were entertained at a party last Wed nesday evening at the home of their teacher. VL~. «. Bv*r*. Games and contests furnished the entertainment. Refreshments were served. This quarter the class Is conducting a contest between the girls and the boys. Mr. and Mrs. Welter Benson ol Modesto, California and Mr. and : Mrs. Norman Doldorf and son of P -atello were overnight guests Wednesday at the F. G. Holmes Mrs. Aladcan Davenport s)rent last week with her sister, Mrs. J. E Bowen, and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Curran and Mr. and Mrs. B. F Rookstool re turned the last of the week from a vacation trip to the coast. Mrs. Vletor:a~"shwelzer will en tertain members of tfie Worthwhile club Thursday. August 15 at the home of Mrs. Pearl Schweizer. Mrs. O. P. Counsil Is quite ill at her home. John Terra of California Is vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs . 1 Henry Tera. Mrs. Drake of Logan, Utah came last week for a visit in the home ! of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyatt. Miss Joyce Drake, who has spent the past three months in the Wy att home, will accompany her moth er home. Mrs. George Wilson and chil dren plan to leave soon for a visit with relatives in Colorado. Rev. Alfred L. Brim, Rev. At- vood Foster of Salem, district sup- “rintendent of the Assemblies of Tod; and Orville Brown and Ross tagsale of Ontario accompanied Rev. Ernest Bewell of Ontario to That county warrants not presented will be cancelled. Notice is hereby given that the following warrants will be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless said warrants are presented to the County Treasurer for pay ment on or before September 1, 1946. ■nt Claimant No. Date Issued Aug. 5, 1938 E. D. Martin 1.70 5859 School district No. 10 4.25 6696 Dec. 10, 193b .50 6717 Dec. 10. 1938 Miss Johnson Antonio Arana 18.00 6779 Jan. 7. 1939 11.50 7415 June 10, 1939 H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. WORLD'S FINEST Tractor Buck Rake i Moves More Hay FASTER! CHEAPER! Makes Cleaner Hay! same products, the same service, the sam e folks to serve you ADAPTABLE YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT CHEVRON GAS STATIONS B. B. Lienkaemper POWELL SERVICE Brown’s Mercantile Owyhee Garage ADRIAN, OREGON OWYHEE JUNCTION to The*« Standard W heel Tractors: FARMALL JOHN DEERE Operated by the power reel hoUt, the HI-LIFT Buck Bake ride* on iU own rubber-tired whoole, at »peed* up to 20 mile* an hour. It carrloo up to oao ton on each trip. Tho big HI-LIKT pile* of hay euro out awoot and froea. relatin g aun and moiature. You get m ore hay and batter hay. fhe H I-LIFT way! The *ame hoiat operate* the leader, deaer aad ether implement*. See it now a t . . . FORD FERGUSON OLIVER B & M Equipment C o . L S. CHALMERS MOLINE BURNS CHEVROLET CO. BLDG. I 9th and Arthur * Your Mirmeapolis-Moline Farm Store Caldwell, Idaho