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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1946)
t °AGE THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L TW O view of all persons seated in the to grandstand and bleachers. Pop- ^ ular prices will again be charged, as in the past, no seats will be reserved. I he Gate City Journal •CLASS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION - - - - - - KATES - Editor and ---------------- Publisher DUTCH GIVE THANKS FOR OLD CLOTHING AD VE R TISIN G K AT.,3 One Year .....................$2 00 Six M on th*................ .... I l ia Single Coplea............ ............... Oa (Strictly In Advancei Open rate, per Inch......... 38c National, per Inch ......... 35c Classifieds, per word..... „..ate Minimum.... . 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postolflces at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malt., as second class matter, under the art oi March 3, 1879. PROFITEERS REVEALED A fter the first world war, we, the people, decided that if another world conflict occurred there would be no war profiteers. Now, public investigation reveals that the first world war profiteers were pikers compared to the crop that grew and thrived o ff the un wary public at government expense during tin woild unpleasantness completed a year ago. Comptroller General Lindsay Warren has denounced as “ damnable” the “ widespread practice” of army officers obtaining lucrative jobs from war producers whose government contracts they helped to draft and settle while in the service. The practice of war profiteering also appar ently extends into the higher branches o f gov ernment. The most interesting investigation o the activities of persons in high places is th probe of the alleged war munitions activitie of Rep. A. J. May, Kentucky democrat am chairman of the house military committee, whi has denied that he profited from his connec tions with a mid-western munitions concern. The boys who made the money will probably never be punished, but at least the people should know that a man’s position is no guar antee of honesty. Mrs. Gerrlt Stam has received SEVENTH D AY ADVENTIST additional letters of thanks from Elder Robert Adams, Acting Pastor Dutch people Who received used Sabbath school, 3 p. m , Saturday. clothing from Malheur county res Prayer meeting. 8 p. m., Tuesday idents. Mrs. G. H. Palmers wrote from at the home of Mrs. Mullie Nelson. Stompetoren, The Netherlands, as follows: L. D. 8. CHURCH “Our heartfelt thanks for the Sunday, 9:15 a m., priesthood package you sent us. How sweet meeting. of you to send us the tea, cocoa, ounuay, 10:30 a. m„ Sunday soap and all the other things. school. “ I am enclosing a photo of the oi nuay, 7:30 p. m., sacrament twins the way they look when they meeting. go to bed in their American night Tuesday, 2 p. m , Relief society clothes. meeting. “ The coat I received from you First Tuesday of each month at I made over and turned the mat p. m. Primary for children be- erial inside out and it looks like ween ages of 4 and 12. new now and people ask me where I got such a beautiful coat. HE M ETHODIST COM M UNITY “ It stir is hopeless here. No cloth CHURCH ing to buy anywhere yet and it Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor doesn't look like any chance for Sunday school, 10 a. m. Join the better. But my children are a class and attend regularly. tealthy and that is the main thing. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. “ T o you and all the good Amer SUNSET VALLE Y ASSEMBLY Intermediate fellowship, 7:30. ican people many, many thanks.” OF GOD Youth fellowship, 7:30. Mrs. P. Dielman of Axel, Zeeland. Alfred L. Brim, Pastor Young Adult fellowship, 7:30. Netherlands said \ "Yesterday we Sunday school, 10a. m. Hymn sing and Bible message, received a package from you. How Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintendent. 8:30. happy you made us. You will nev Devotional services, 11 a. m. mid-week prayer and Bible er know. Thanks a thousand times. Young people's and children’s ¡tudy, Wednesday, 8 p. m. “The coats are too short for me church, 7 p. m. You see I am rather tall, but I am Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. THE CHURCH OF THE going to make them over Into Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. NAZARENE coats for the boys. From the lin Bib'e study, Friday, 8 p. m. E. J. Wilson, Pastor ings I call make a shirt for each You are cordially invited to a t 10: *a. m„ Sunday school. of them and the light colored lln- tend these services. 11: a. m „ sermon and communion ng will make good shorts. service. “ The shirt was a little large. I ASSEM BLY OF GOD Following the morning service will make this smaller and turn Pastor, C. L. Snider will be a baptismal service in the the collar and it will be like new. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. river on Albert Sewards farm. “The dress fits me exactly. I ’ll Morning service, 11 a. m. 7:15 p. m. N. Y. P. services put a pair of nice buttons on and The Sunday evening service, also 8 p. m. Song service, special sing it will be a good looking dress to the following Tuesday and Thurs ing and sermon. wear on Sunday. day night prayer meetings will be 8 p. m., Wednesday services. “ And that wonderful cake ol dismissed due to the fact that the soap we found in the package. One southern Idaho district camp meet C H R IS T IA N CHURCH would almost forget we ever had ing of the Assemblies of God is in 5th and Ennis Sts. soap like that. All we get once a progress at Weiser, at the Oregon George Whipple, Pastor month is a small piece of house Trail park. Bible school, 9:45 a. m. hold soap and a pack of washing Everyone Is welcome to this camp Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com powder. meeting. munion served each Lord's day. "W e don’t get ahead very fast. In fact it seems to us we are going arena director for the past 11 years, back instead. Butter, fat and meat reports greater Interest among top- are scarcer again than before and | notch rodeo talent and specialty clothing. I f the stores have any performers than ever before and he thing we have to stand in line for CALD W ELL (Special)— The predicted that the riding, roping, hours and then just when we reach stage Is again set for another bulldogging and other arena events our turn they are sold out. thrill-packed night rodeo In Cald will rate with the top .shows of the I can use everything you sent well With the addition of 700 new nation. and many, many thanks, again." •seats, swelling the capacity to grand Increased prices of from $3000 to stand and bleachers to a totgil of $4000 for the four, main events, and 0500 seats, the rodeo executives the lure o f a chance to perform in have done everything passible to i the Madison Square Garden’s show accommodate the throng of fans will bring many of the world’s Articles of Incorporation were expected to pack the gates each champions to Caldwell, Sorenson filed last week by the Malheur night of the show, Agust 7, 8, 9 said. and 10, Each night’s performance will in County Dairy Breeders association, J. C. (Doc) Sorenson, who has clude 12 thrilling events, consisting non-profit organization created to furnished the stock and served as of championship contests in bronc handle business details of the art riding, bareback bronc riding. Brah- ificial insemination program for |ma bull riding, bulldogging, calf- dairy cattle in this area. Ineoroprators are Wendell Rich roping, Brahma bull fighting, fancy trick riding and roping by world- mond of Ontario and James A. famed arena performers, high aer Peterson, Elver A. Nielsen, F. W. • n ial acts, Roman jumping and oth Sherwood and O. C. Vest of Nyssa The bulls which will serve this ers, all topped o ff with music by the Boise Valley Rodeo band of association are owned by the Ore Nampa, and special drills by mem gon Dairy Breeders association and are kept at Corvallis. It is estimat bers of local saddle clubs. Popular among the acts will be ed that 8000 cows will be bred Jack Knapp, rodeo clown and bull through this program next year. THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED RKESUV TE K IAN CHURCH 10 a. m., Bible school with a class for each member of the fam ily. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser mon: "Look On Us", by Rev. Nevln. 8 p. in., evening worship. Devo tions with your favorite hymns. U i _ibslons: adult, “AH Things W.-rk Together For Good” ; young people, "The Meaning of Worship; j Pioneers, led by Mrs. Deffer. Clos- I mg thought by the pastor. | Monday, 7:5578C63Y14mfwypt hr Monday, 7:45 p. m., Boy Scout troop M meets at the high school budding. Wednesday. 8 p. m., chior prac tice at parsonage. Thursday, 2 p. m., M ary and Martha society in reguar monthly 1 meeting. 8 p. m , officers meet at Peterson’s home. Friday, 10 a. m., prayer group. Land Leveling Dragline and Shovel Work C. E. LESEBERG Phone 154J discontined 1. An umbrella when it is raining. 2. A spare tire when you have a flat. for Soothes, cools, protects tender, sunburned skin > Frank T. Morgan .?*»a g NYSSA PHARMACY MOOuCI Travel in Comfort on the U N IO N PA C IFIC hours ■ For Sale 2-3 Ton Brownlipe * 1 Transmission, used fC ^ $150 Wheelbarrows THREE BIG NIGHTS Farm Grinder A U G . 15-16-17 nizes - Western Corru gator Co. »4000 00 CASH S U C K IN G N O IS E S • S K A H m a S U L L S • IU L L D O G G IN G • HOKSC IA C I N G • TKICK 11 D IN G AMERICAN UNITED »H O »» CALF « O flN G HEI SER VALLEY ROUNDOP Eureka Vacuum Cleaners Soflo Water Softener Electric Water Heaters Phone 95J If You Are Interested IN PURCHASING A Corrugator for your tractor we would like for you to see OUR CORRUGATOR BEFORE YOU BUY Deliveries will be made in the order in which we receive requests for machines. Western Corrugator Co. FIRST AND GOOD NYSSA, OREGON DRESS LIGHTNING HITS ELECTRIC LINES fighter, who will keep the audience amused by his chatter and antics and who also will detract the Brah mas away from the demounted buckaroos so that they may es Lightning struck six structure', of cape the vicious horns of the brutes. the California-Pacific Utilities An all-horse parade from the company one and one-half miles business district to the rodeo park, west of Durkee at 6:30 Friday night, in which about 300 Boise valley broke the main connection with riders are expected to participate the Idaho Power company and will precede each night’s perform caused the discontinuance of ser ance a special section In the vice to some parts of the utility bleachers will be reserved for the system for several hours. riders. The storm results was described In addition to the rodeo, the by company men as the worst suf American United shows will again fered by the system in the last hold forth on the carnival grounds 20 years. adjacent to rodeo park, opening on A t one point a two-pole struc Monday, August 5. Many special i ture was hit, the wire was broken attractions have been provided to and had fallen to the ground, open amuse both young and old. ing the circuit with the Idaho The rodeo program will open each Power company. night at 8:15 under the brilliant Crews o f both companies worked 'ights of the rodeo arena in clear until 5 o'clock Saturday morning First and Good BROWER PLUMBING SHOP *22« GYPSY CREAM .3. Fire insurance when you have a fire. several '! BREEDERS GROUP IS INCORPORATED 3 Nice Things To Have for Baker mills and for larger us- which had “ > e„ ^ ^ L a a ralMle district. restore service, CALDWELL WILL CONDUCT RODEO AND SUB-SOILING Nyssa TH U R SD AY, A U G U ST 1, 1946 Clearance Reduction August 2 To 10 These dresses are summer styles and mater Received Another Shipment Many comforts and services which were discontinued during the war have been resumed. Extra fast sched ules reduce time from coast to coast as much as 10 % hours. Make early reservations. TO VACATIONISTS . . . Union Pacific »erve» mor» western scenic regions than any other rail road. These include California, Pacific Northwest, Colorado, Yel lowstone and the National Parks of Southern Utah-Arizona. For complete information, inquire at your nearest Union Pacific ticket office New 1946 Jeeps L — Price is $1259.70 with standard equipment. Extra equipment is in addition. 2. — W e carry in stock, parts for all models W il lys cai-s. Contact us for these. 3. — Cash buyers all models Willys cars. See lu be fore you sell or trade. Highest prices paid. 4. — We have new motors for all models Willys cars from 37’s on. Put in a new one. B e Specific sa y "Union Pacific " UNION PACiriC RAILROAD e» r « THE SEASONED ì T^ ì w / i i k w Am» m i TRAVELER COES BY TRAIN Watts Motor Company Authorized Dealer Malheur and Payette Counties Nyssa, Oregon East o f Post O ffice Ph. 144J ials that must sell to make room for new fall stock. These women’s dresses, sizes 10 to 44, REGULARLY SOLD FOR FROM $5.00 To $19.50 YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS THESE BARGAINS Golden Rule Store N fS S A OREGON f