Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1946)
if 77? e NYS SA V u p u M li IIo s D ita l im p ila i A AAAI G ro u n u r u u p Files Articles Of Incorporation ?l -Î a iN U . 3 0 f . n . r o r d o n p a r m a SUCC IN N U R S IN G o f JOURNAL •I { . ^ A, UKEÜÓN, THURSDAY, AUGUST S H M T B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S IS S U E D Price Of Spuds Climbs Back To $1.90 This Week IN E I G H T UM BS M O N T H S W O U L D H O U S E 7 4 F A M IL IE S HOME L E G IO N D IS P O S E S O F H A L L IN N Y S S A T O J . C . C R IS M O N Nyssa Kids Day Celebration To Be Held Aug. 30 Permits have been issued at the ' P'«** and the buddings covered Nyssa post No. 79 of the Ameri P. N. Rorden of Parma rural city clerk's office during the last I by the permits issued during this year are finished, housing will have can Legion has sold its building route, who lived In the Big Bend eight months for construction of about kt,pt p3ce wlth the Increase Purchase of Site Com community, died in the Nyssa Nur dwellings that will accommodate ¡n population. However, the city Government Not Ship on Fourth m eet and will soon Annual Event Sponsored home Wednesday morning. by C of C and Civic was filled to overflowing before the ping now; Support Price make arrangements for construc pleted ; Association May sing 74 families in Nyssa. Funeral arrangements have not tion of a new building. p , r_ building program started. Club Stands During the eight months, Seek Grant been completed, but announcement How many of the dwellings cov- The post will hold a regular mits totaling $284,183 have been I The price of potatoes paid to meeting August 15 to decide on a I The Nyssa chamber of commerce Artlcles of incorporation have was made that the body will be issued. This figure includes $162,- (ered by the permits have been I started and how many have been I farmers jumped to $1.90 and $21 future meeting place and what an 1 the Nyssa Civic club will hold been filed with the state corpora sent by the Nyssa Funeral home 025 for construction and remodel- ( . known. (.he annual Nyssa Kids’ day cele tion commissioner by the Malheur to Sllverton, Oregon for burial be- ing houses and garages and $123,160 j The residential 18 not and business per I this week following a slump in action to take in regard to build bration August 30. for business establishments. Meinorial Hospital associa 11 o n, ' body of Mrs. Rorden mits were Issued by months as marketing figures a few days ago. 1 ing a new structure. Officers in- The entertainment will start with Survivors include two sons and a A .. recent , check . . of ■ .... orn. Janu- which is sponsoring a project for Wlien the price dropped, the Pleated that the new budding will a parade to be held at 1:30 p. m. . city water , con- .. follows _ December. $24,850 daughter. One son, Fred, lives at construction of a hospital in Nyssa. Wilder. government "stepped into the pic - 1 contain recreation facilities for on Main street. Prizes of $2. $1.50 , ... , , ., . M-ardh $55,650, A.piil, $27,200, M J J , >ure" and started buying potatoes adults and children as well as til, and $1 will oe given tn five div- The names of the incorporators families during the last year, so JwariIli , ...... I j Lions, pet. bicycle, float, costume that when the government houses are Frank T. Morgan. Robert Mc at $1.45. The buying by the govern usual quarters for meetings. I and miscellaneous, or a total of designed for 24 families are com- $22,100. _______ Curdy and Orin Sumner. The Legion, which sold the I $25. ment representatives provided the The organization is a non-profit Impetus that started prices climb present building to J. C. Crlsmon. I After the parade, races will be corporation, which will issue mem R e s id e n t s bought It from the railroad com I held In the city park. Fifteen doll ing again. berships instead of stock. It Is . » « 1 1 »«. * u a tten d c o n fer en c e pany in 1934. It was formerly a ars ln prize money will be given As earlier In the season, this authorized to transact any business dwelling house. to the winners ir. the races. Re week's price Includes the govern in connection with the operation The young people of the Christ freshments will be provided for of a 'hospital. ment's support price of $1.20 per ian churches of eastern Oregon the youngsters. The association, directed up to 'Injured Man Dies on way hundred. met for the first time on their The children will gather a t the Boise (Special»- The Nyssa Clowns the present time by the Lions club, to Hospital in Bak- Nyssa theater for a free show to E. C. Crandell, Union Pacific | _ own conference grounds at Cove has completed purchase of a hos redeemed themselves Sunday night er Aug. 2 agent, said Nyssa produce concerns ( j ¿1 A r id O h OD be given by the management after lost week. pital site from H. R. Sherwood the park program. fur a bad showing ln their first are shipping between 25 and 30 .southwest of Nyssa. The churches have bought a 10- Members of the general comm Warren Blodgett of Nyssa was game here last week by handing cars of potatoes, white rose and An exemption affidavit has been i acre tract just east of Cove in the .... ““ “ i fatally injured in an acident In a ittee are A. O. Wells, Sid Burbidge. a convincing defeat to the Bohem russets, each day. He stated that fded to permit the association t sawmill o l hp pmnlovpd Mrs. Bernard Eastman and Mrs. in which he was employed foothills overlooking the Grande buy government surplus equipment the government had not shipped Bid of $15,611 Submit W. E. Sohlreman. Gther committee Ronde valley. Construction has ian Brewers at Riverside park. , at Unity August 2. at 40 per cent discount. any potatoes for the last three or Tom Holman—whose fast ball , members are Mrs. B. B. Lienkaemp- ' Mr. Blodgett was badly cut by a , been started on the three princt- ted to Nyssa School er, Mrs. J. L. Church. Mrs. Arden . ... lrU ‘!>al' slgm the saw in which he became entangled.1 pal buildings of the camp, a dining had been handled rather roughly four days. He estimated th at the bill recently pa^ed by congress He die() en route tQ a hospital ln room, a chapel and a recreation Board Newsom, Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Oraham-Petre—had the Brewer government had shipped approx-' imately 40 cars of potatoes from providing funds for hospLa s the Lienkanper of the Nys- hall. Each church in the area e x -, Leonard Huseby, Mrs. Glea Billings . __ Nyssa. Nyssa association, Is expected to Punera, home brought the body pects to build a cabin on the gr- batters battled an gave and Mrs. V. O. Anderson. apply for a grant of money to be Local potato shippers are Owyhee Luther Fife of Nyssa has been ounds to house their young people, five hits in posting the victory. to Nyssa. used with funds already raised by Mr. Blodgett was born January The churches plan to use the He also collected two of the j Produce, Malheur Produce com- | awarded the contract to erect a the organization for construction 2, 1902 in Illinois and came to grounds for conference each y ear! C]ownv n hits from Bart Thomas' pany. Max Lutz, Hartley Produce \ garage and shop building for of a building. company, J. C. Watson company, sohool district No. 26C of Nyssa. and for the annual boys’ camp as | this section about 36 years ago. Bids were opened by the school _ „ . . . 1 J. R. Simplot and Eastern Oregon Survivors are two children. Billy well as the convention of the °*rer ngs. | Second Sucker B. Hendricks > Produce company. board at a meeting held last Thurs and Verla Blodgett of Nyssa his church adults. day night and the contract was The 110 students at the confer- paced the winners with four safe- mother, Mrs. Emma Blodgett of Allen C. Sherrill, formerly of later awarded to Mr. Fife. His Cove, uregon Oregon; ; two s sisters, •li* uove, niters, Mrs. wrs. ence. pioneered in a real way,'ties in four tries. by bid was $15,611. The only other Wetser. committed suicide n U l l d i n S r . T h o m M Burton of Elgin. Oregon according to Rev. George Whipple Nyssa 000 120 3—6 11 5 w ; nn J f.i. kin V T nnrinn C irant bid, $18.590, was submitted by slashing his throat after complet of Nyssa. Some slept ln tents and ; and I Mrs. Max Landon n of f Sweet 000 200 0—2 5 8 ing a day of work at the govern P a n t I Q I V l f t V P n Leslie W Stoker of Nyssa. Prelminary ^construction looking Home, Oregon, and a brother, Law- others ln the open. Chapel and Brewers I ltllll la ifio v e u Work on che buUdtng expected ment housing project on King vester services were held along side Holman and Toblef; Thomas and toward establishment of two major i ' ence Blodgett of Nyssa. to be started immediately. Some of avenue ln Nyssa last Thusday stream running Silver. • industries a t Nyssa has been s ta r t- ! Funeral services were held in the the mountain the materials have already been night. ed Igv the*Idah 9 Canning company MetlijbdLst church Monday after- through the grounds. Mr. Whipple ■ The Clowns lost to the Graham The Curry Produce, which has Coroner R. A. Tacke of Ontario and' Avoset corporation. I noon. With Rev. H. J. Gernhardt taught in the intermediate section.' pelre tpam last Thursday night been operated in a building at placed on the grounds, where the building will be erected north of stated that Sherrill cut his wrist, Young people attending from . . .. „ Avuaet has started erection of a I officiating. Miss Claudine Tomlin- Main and Sixth streets for several the high school building. then a vein in his elbow and fin Misses Mildred by a score of M * ' * , quanset h u t’ on the John Pratl s<>n furnished vocal and piano Nyssa were the years, has oeen moved to a new ally his throat in a lavatory the Bibbey, Florence Bibbev, Lucille in* the Bouse out it to a 1 to 0 The building wiH be approxima ranch s o u t h s t Of Nyssa. jrtiere-music T h eN y ssa Funeral home The body 1 “ ore fivt lnft ng!f' " T f* clnderblock block building erected tely 145 feet long, with a shop 30 evening of August 1. the plant cftW W rH ntM m eni ln the and Doris Sanders. players “blew up in the sixth by Ed Wild at Sixth street and by 40 feet. In addition to the re was found the next morning. temporary housing of machinery ’ Nyssa cemetery. inning and the Boise team made Good avenue. Sherrill came to Nyssa last pair shop, the clnderblock building and a temporary office. The quan- I ----------------------- all of its runs in that inning and The new building was erected will be used for storage of 10 Thursday to work for Mel Taylor set hut will be 50 by 100 feet In Guest* In Nyssa the following frame. especially for a produce business. school busses. on a crane, but worked for Wick sire. A steel frame set on short Guests at the Burnall Brown Gra'ham Petre won the first The structure contains separate and Dahlgren Thursday while the concrete piers set in the ground borne last week were Mrs. Brown s half title of the Boise softball departments for cream, poultry and crane was being placed ln operat at intervals and 'huge arches, also s^ er ant* husband, Mr. and Mrs. league and is now tied with the eggs, providing a more efficient ing condition. made of steel, are fastened to the Uorrls Hyer; Mr. and Mrs. Cottle title and sanitary method of handling Sherrill, who lived with Mel Tay Funeral services were held Sun- Bohemian Brewers for the foundation frame. The metal frame J f ^ 'd a y afternoon at 2: 30 in the Meth- of the second half schedule, the produce. lor, leaves no known relatives. He which wm be securely braced, will Ha*1 to SeatUe oiher ^ ebureh for J. A. Black of! The Clowns defeated the Nyssa The cream receiving room Is was bom near Portland 32 years ago. Dr. Tacke said. The young i L d 'm e U l 8 ' C°rrU' X . T were Mrs CampWl £ e r Sunset valley, who died in the Holy j E.ders oh the local diamond Wed- finished with slick plaster, which Directors of a new Nyssa credit man was a veteran of world wur Luther Fife Is in charve of the and daughter. Beverly of Nampa. « “ “ »7 hospital ln Ontario of com- nesday night by a score of 2 to 7 Is painted blue and cream. The building. 42 by 48 feet, also bureau were elected at a meeting II. ere-tion Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown, parents P r i o n s resulting from injuries to gain revenge for an earlier de- contains a cold room, which is of Approximate 30 Nyssa business The body was sent to Welser of Burnall Brown, left for Seattle sustained when he was thrown feat. Considerable lumber has been kept cold with electric refrigera men In the city hall last Friday for burial. last Thursday after a week's visit., irom a horse- \ The clowns wJ1 play Cald' piled on the former Felton farm Miss Pauline Brown of Twin Falls,' **• J. Gernhardt officiated well All-Stars, who will represent tion. All of the rooms have con night. northwest of Nyssa. where the who accompanied them to Nyssa, at the services. Mrs. Hilda T ensen; Caldwell ln the Idaho state tourn- crete floors. The association directors will Special Meeting Planned— Idaho Canning company will con played the piano and Miss Claudine ; ament, on the Caldwell diamond Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curry have employ a person to manage the Orover C. and Mrs. Fret well, rep struct a plant for processing sweet left for her 'home Wednesday. Tomlinson sang. Internment was in Wednesday night of next week. The operated the business since Feb- office, which will handle credit resentatives of the American Equity corn. A toolhouse has been erect reporting and through other conn Association of Washington, D. C. the Parma cemetery with the Nyssa game will probably complete the 'eary, 1989. ed. some excavating has been done Return From Trip— ections will provide for collections, conducted a special meeting at the season for the Clowns. Funeral home in charge. Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom have and other preliminary work started. but will not actually make the Memorial Park in Caldwell Sun The Nyssa team has won 12 Nyssa Calls Missionaries— Mr. Black, a veteran of World George Wisner of' Wei*er hold*' returned from a visit In the east games and lost 2 this year. Five members of the L. D. S. collections. day August 4. The Fretwells were War 1, was born in Wyoming Sept the contract for construction of anc* middle west. After a flve- church here were called to be The directors are J. L. Herrlman, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ember 24 1893. He lived near Nam weeks trip, they returned home .the cannery building. Mormon misionarles and will work Emil Stunz, A. H. Boydell, E. C. N. Pounds of Nyssa, who rendered in a new 1947 Studebaker automo pa, Idaho for several years before Graduation Held— The L. D. S. Primary association in the stake, teaching two nights Wilson, Robert Thompson, J. E. special music and gospel messages. bile, which they boughrt in Duluth, moving to the Nyssa section about held Its annual graduation Sunday each week and holding cottage Brower and Gordon Ray. Mr. A like meeting Ls scheduled to Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom, seven years ago. Survivors are his widow, Marie evening, with *15 boys and glrLs meetings to explain their work Herrlman presided at the meeting be held at the park ln Payette, who were accompanied on the trip Idaho Sunday, August 11 a t 2.30 by their son-in-law and daughter, C. Black, and a brother, Orland receiving certificates from Presi to investigators. They were set a- as temporary chairman. The directors meeting Monday P. M These meetings are Intended Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Boe of Boise, Black, who lives near Lake Lowell dent Ruth Bunn. Two new coun part and ordained for this special selors Mrs. Elwood Flinders and work Sunday at Wetser, where night of this week elected Robert to acquaint the public with the visited friends and relatives as in Idaho. Mrs. Afton Roy, were installed. President Luther Fife and Archie Thompson, president; J. L. Herrl atrocities practiced on the help The Adrian chamber of comm-1 far east as Wisconsin. Mr. Ostrom Garry Bunn and Delbert Peterson Griffin officiated. Elder Arthur man, vice president and J. E. Brow less victims confined in the so- tree, meeting Thursday evening,1 s-aid crops are very good in the Visits Son— Mr. and Mrs. Vibert Kessler have were recommended to the bLshop Hawkins was chosen to be pres er, secretary-treasurer. They de called "mental hospitals" In the August 1, voted to complete a mem- ; middle west. He also stated that orial to war veterans as the new people are curious about new cars as their guest. Mr. Kesler's mother, to be advanced to deacons. Mem ident over the Nyssa district, with cided to call the organization the United States. of Burley. She recently visited ui bers of the graduating class gave Elders Dean Fife and Ned Hlbbert Retail Credit Association of Nyssa. bronze plaque is now ready for in- Go To Canada— most of the program. Other num and DaiThel Pike and Ann Beus Portland with her daughter. Visits Parents— stallatlon Visit Friends— bers were a vocal solo by Charles as missionaries. Mrs. A. L. Fletcher and her sister. Mrs. Ted Waite of Boise visited The chamber, which did not meet Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wagner and Mrs. Clinton Stacey, of Vale left Taylor, Jr., a piano solo, Carolyn in July because of the meeting date Saturday and Sunday with hei Boat Club Plans Outing— children of Parma visited at the last Friday from Boise by plane The Nyssa Boat Club members Duffin and a talk. Rosel Hunter. Junior S. S. Organized— falling on the Fourth of July, dis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dames. A junior Sunday school was or home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Glenn to visit at St. Marys, near Toronto, plan an outing at Payette Lakes cussed plans to contact the Big ganized Sunday morning ln the Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Canada. Mr. Fletcher plans .to join on Labor day. Last Sunday, on the Called To Salt Lake— Bend park board members and all Going on Vacation— other persons Interested to Invite1 Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbidge and Snake river, eleven boats were- seen D. L. Anderson of the Owyhee L. D. S. church to assist ln solving Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Olenn MYrs. Fletcher about August 20 them to attend the chamber of three daughters will leave Saturday cruising around. There was also Drug company was called to Salt the seating problem. The children were neighbors ln Bremerton. and visit In Boston. They expect commerce meeting September 5 on a trip to Portland and other surf board riding. The club now Lake City Wednesday to attend will meet In the cool rooms down Washington, where the men were to be gone about a month. has a membership of 22 persons. the funeral of his sister, Mrs. El stairs until the new chapel can be employed in the Puget Sound navy to consider improvement of the places along the coast. The club meets the second Thurs mer Johnson of Sandy, Utah, built. Sixty-seven adults and 11 yard. Mr. Wagner is employed as Over-NIxht Guest*— park. I ----------------------- Mr and Mrs. A. O. Sheldon of day each month for a business Thursday. He expects to deturn Investigators were present for the an eletrician in Caldwell and Mr Telephone service and street Returns Home— lighting were also discussed, with I Mrs. J. L. Church returned home meeting. Herman Towne is comm, home the end of the week. Mrs. class session ln charge of Leo Olenn Ls employed on the William 8alt Lake City were over-night Beus farm. Child. Johnson had visited in Nyssa. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee speakers emphasizing the linmed- last week after vLsiting In Ogden, odore. They were accompanied home by late need of street lighting. ¡Utah. She was accompanied home Te Give Benefit— Nice Potatoes Shown— Mis* Lucille Sallee who will visit Visiting Here— A lunch was served to 16 mem- by her daughter, Mrs. Boyd Cole, To Attend School— The Royal Neighbors of Amer ln Salt Lake City for two weeks. A quantity of red potatoes raised Rev. George Whipple, pastor of Mrs. R. F. Boggs and grandson. bers. and son. the Christian church, will be absent Dee Shuster, arrived Saturday from by Tom Lowe on the Quacken- ica arlll sponsor a benefit pinochle from the city three weeks immed Lexington, Nebraska Dec Shuster, bush ranch near Mitchell butte card party Tuesday evening. Aug Return* Home— Go on Vacation— Spend Week-end Here— Mrs. Bernice Coad, who has been Miss Betty Tillman of the Idaho1 Oerold and Wells Stephenaen of iately following next Sunday. He'son of Mr. and Mrs Finley Shus- were shown in Nyssa last week. ust 20 ln the I. O. O. F hall for Power company and Miss Dorothy Ogden spent the week-end with plans to enroll In the annual j ter, has been spending the summer The potatoes were especially uni members and friends of Mrs. Letha visiting friends here for a week, Jeffery. Refreshments will be served left last night for her home at Farr of the First National bank their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H summer school session of N orth-' in Nebraska. Mrs. Boggs is Mrs. form in size and prizes given ln the card game Bend. Oregon. went to Payette lakes Sunday for a ! 8tephensen They returned home west Christian college, his alma Shuster's mother. Motor To Boise— Tickets may be secured at Brack two-weeks vacation. Miss Bernice Sunday, accompanied by their sis- mater, at Eugene, for graduate Mrs. Sylvester Heiner and Mrs en's store or from any member of Baby Arrives— King of the Payette office of the ter. Mrs. R. T. Bair, and children, courses helpful ln the ministry. Buy* Beauty Shop— Lloyd Lewis motored to Boise Fri the lodge. Mr and Mrs. Oarlos Buchner Mrs Whipple will fill the Christian Mrs W L. Lane has purchased who have been visiting here for Idaho Power company Is relieving day to meet Mrs. Heiner'» sister. are parents of a son born Sunday the Owyhee Beauty shop from church pulpit during his absence Miss Tillman ln the local power three weeks. at the Holy Rosary hospital at Mrs. Letha Jeffery, who has oper “Jackie" Fullmer, who flew from Parking Violators Arrested— office. Nine persons were arrested by Ontario. The baby weighing 6 ated the business for three years. Salt Lake City on the United Firemen Called— Here from Boise— city police officers Monday on a pounds. 10 ounces, has been named Nyssa firemen were called to ex Mrs. Lane, who is now managing Mainliner Nevada ". Mrs. Clara Davis of St. Louis, Visit in Idaho— charge of over-parking ttielr auto David Carlos. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and Missouri and Mrs E D. Reynolds tinguish two grass fires during the the business, said she Intends to Go To Burley— mobiles The motorist* were accused two children spent the week-end of Boise, aunts of Mrs K. E Ker- last week No damage was caused operate a strictly modem shop a t leaving their c a n parked on Visit* In Bol*e— Mrs. Oscar Pike and Lois Ann with competent operators. by the fires, one last Saturday with Mrs. Frost's parents. Mr. and by. visited in Nyssa Monday. They Main street for more than two Mrs Emil Stunz visited her and Arven Christensen spent sev afternoon at the airport and one Mrs J. W McDowell, at Twin were acorn panted by Mr and Mrs eral days in Burley last week vis houn. daughter. Oreta. who ta attend Falls. : Austin Kerby of Boise, parents of Tuesday afternoon of this week Fly to Portland— ing Boise Junior college at Boise Dr. L. A Mauldin« flew to Port iting friends and relative* at Third street and Good avenue Dr. Kerby. over the week-end. Parent* of Hon— land with Gordon Schmelzer, local -------------------- ■—- Mr. and Mr*. Je*s Huffman of aviator. Saturday and returned Parent* Of Sen— Visit in Wilder— The annual South Dakota ole- Examiner Coming— Mr and Mrs. Ernest Smith are Parma ore parent* of a non bom Here From New York— Miss Lorraine Fischer Is spend- home Sunday Dr Maulding vts- nlc will be held ln the Memorial A driver's license examiner will park hi Caldwell August 18 All be on duty in the Nys*a city hall ing the week ln Wilder visiting at ¡¡ted hi* father Schmelzer flew parents of a son born August 2 at August 7 at the Nysra Nursing Mrs Elneva Caufield arrived last former South Dakota residents a r c . Friday. August 9 from 9 a. m the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank ¡back non-stop in 3 hours and 40 the Nyssa Nursing home. The baby home The buy weighed 7 pounds, Thursday for a visit with her niece, Mr*. Joe Maughan. 13 ouncos. weighed 8 pounds. 4 ounces. minutes. 1 Quigly. to 3 p. m. r t ^ t r L T i: Warren Blodgett Of Nvssa Killed NYSSA In Mill Mishap t srsjrz- Nyssa Divides Boise Contests Fife Will Build arage And Sh At Schoolhouse j Allen Sherrill Takes Own Life New Industries Mart >1 ' Curry Produce Funeral Is Held For J.A* Black Officers Named By Credit Group I invited to attand. Adrian Chamber To Erect Plaque