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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1946)
.CV ä s « .. ' «& & •. r*eNYSSA VO LU M E A X X X t No. 28 Development Of Recreation In Nyssa Proposed DICKIE SETTLES, 3, TAKEN FROM RIVER BY PAUL FLANARY JOURNAL ïSS-T,''PREGON, TH U R SD A Y,'JU LY 25, 1946 Report Given On Milk Production By Local Herds O W YH EE PRODUCE ADDED TO PA C K IN G CONCERNS Mormans Hold Celebration Of Historic Invent Dickie Settles, 3 year old, was saved from drowning in Snake river M it* Monday whan he was meuMI hy 4 5 0 8 C 0 W S a r e p r o d u c i n g Festivities in Nyssa fea Plan sponsored by P T A Paul Flanary son of Mrs. Willie in r Ann j c ° tured by parade, games, 125,000 pounds of outlined by Richard Flanary o f Nyssa. Flanary, who had been hunting and program milk per day Maw with a boy companion, suT down Tlie 99th anniversary of the Tentative plans for development along the river to re.,t and soon A complete report made by Chris arrival of the Morman pioneers in of a program for construction of a thereafter saw an object resembl- Kolberk to the Avoset corpora lioi ■ . „ „„„„„ ling a boy's body gloating down ! Salt Lake valley. Utah was cele- swimming pool and other r e c r e - ^ J ^ Qn Rs back P ju I rushed to of California on the dairy in j sit uation in the Nyssa territory le- I brated in Nyssa Wednesday after ational facilities for Nyssa and tbe and after reaching shore veals that the area covered by Mr noon and evening with a large vi lnity were outlined at a m e e t-la lth him administered artificial ' Kolbeck in his survey is producing ln j of the Nys-a chamb«*r of com- | lespiratian, which he learned in 125.000 pounds of milk daily crowd of church members partici > î£ r ti e t Wednesday noon by Richard a first aid course. Despite a large pating in the festivities. This amount of milk Is produced Maw, representing the new ly-cre-, amont of water in his lungs, Dickie by 4508 cows, owned by 515 dairy The arrival of the pioneers ln ated Nyssa Parent-Teachers assoc- was revived. men living between Ontario and Salt Lake valley on July 24, 1847 iat. a, sponsor o f the project. Dickie went to the river to play Adrian and Roswell and th ■ Fruu has been celebrated ever year since Mi-. Maw expressed the opinion with his oli'.er sister and olher i ianci-New Plymouth highway. The that this community, destined for tvldren an t when he was left average production In the and Is now a state holiday in couilderable growth, is entitled to alone apparently waded too far area per farm is 210 pounds per Utah. greater recreational facilities. Under Lite deep water. He is a son of day. The day's activities in Nyssa Die tentative plans, a park district Mrs. Clara Settles. The 515 dairymen were actually were started with a children's would be organized to levy t a x e s ----------------------- contacted by Mr. Kolbeck over i parade held on Main street under for copstrcutlon and maintenance. ^ # period of two months. Their in the direction of the Primary assoc Tiie district would be limited to ^ ^ ¡ | ( | ( * | * 0 | } ( ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 ^ crease in milk production during iation. City Manager E. K. Burton ID mills in taxes each levying the next year is estimated at 50 gave permission for the parade year. per cent. Other farmeis who have through Uie town and the city The new packing shed and storage warehouse operated by the O .vyhee Produce on the Homedale Mr. Maw suggested that the dis not been actually contacted are ex- police provided an escort, for which branch at Nyssa is shown above, alcug with tne owners cleft to right) B. G. Bybee, W. A. Bybee, trict provide for a park, swimming, church officials are grateful. All The grand opening of the lighted P ^ ‘ ed to ^ t dairying again. Dave Mitchell, S. P. Bybee and D. O. Bybee. and --------------- recieational facilities as well of ---- * * • The greatest concentation *. of the children who participated to, a god course. The district would e ’ ■ dairy farms was found in the Mor were given a prize for taking part probably include all of the property e newes a! oa ” ... . gan avenue area north of Nyssa ln the parade. m che school district. ¡ leld °J . M T t I Mr Kolbeck said the amount of The award for the best group The speaker pointed out that featured W . ; « U ; J u l- 28 at avalIab!e u sufflelent war. was given to the rhythm band, the swimmining pool and oilier « - « by a basetall game between ant e, tabllshment of al, Avoset which was led by Twtrlers Betty * ~ Contractors in charge of con- paik facilities at Caldwell cost $12,- , Wi oer an , ' . ' plant, which will be erected on the Fife and Nani Child and Tonette 000, but he estimated that the cost for the first half championship of former John Prati farm, which the The Owyhee Produce, owned by ' struution of the government houses Players Lorraine Fischer, Carol now would be twice that sum. The the Idaho-Oregon league Fife and Amy Lewis. company has purchased. the Bybee brothers and Dave M il- > to be sent Nyssa have started : w miming pool, he said, is self i Tickets for the event will be Mr. Kolbeck said this area is chell. has started operation of its 1 placing the footings for the nouses, A group o f youngsters riding Return engagements to supporting. |sold by the Nyssa chamber of corn- a fair dairying territory at the stick horses and purporting to rep King Under the district plan, clrcula- meroe at Frank Morgan's office t t, considering the prices I new pac king shed and warehouse which will be erected on give Baker chance resent the Owyhee Riding club of street. None of * the ---- . n lhe Homedale f o il of petitions would be required on Main street. None of * * 2500 * * * ;that the farmers have been r e - ¡o Homedale branch south ot Nyssa and several "Indians" re for revenge and the petitions Would then be available seats will be reserved f o r : celylng for row crops He stated the Nyssa city limits, The houses are scheduled to ceived special mentloh. presented to the county court for the ball game. I that the area will eventually be- The building, which provides arrive here Tuesday of next week, Places for the best entries in each Baker's two best softball teams, further action. " The ftld a y night game wtU1 b e ■ an outstandlng dairy „ „ J storage for 100 cars of on,.ns or but they are" not expected to be division were awarded as follows; Scott's Men's store and Knights Tue program as outlined by Mr. l re’ imlnary to the ninth annual, Thp Ayoet man accompanied by p o ta to «, is 208 feet by 50 feet, with ready for occupancy for two Floats, first, "Peace lo v e and of ColumbU9, will play the Nyssa Maw was approved by the excu- -late s «n l- p r j baseball to«i.nment | ^ Kolbwk left Moday ior San. a 12 foot cement storage basement, months. Liberty": and second, "Owyhee tive board of the P.T.A. at a meet- to be held at Wilder July 30 to pracico to make hLs repOTt u, The basement is completely drain Clowns on the Nyssa school dia Sugar Beet Queen"; covered wag ed to keep moisture from ri.lng. ing held at the home of Mrs. Ed August 5. Ten teams are entered con officials. mond Sunday afternoon in a doub on, first, Daryl Duffln, and sec The building was constructed ot j F.cut P.T.A president, last Thurs- m the tourney. They are Coeur-i p y__________________ le-header program starting at ond, Janeel Fife; best hand cart. uay night d’Alene, leaders of the northern: cinderblocks, with Leslie W. Stoker, j 2 o'clock. Shaw children; best Individual cos ___________ _______ Idaho league; Mountain Home, i? k x C lC T l$ C A C I local contractor in charge. The visiting teams are the two tume, "T h e seagull", by Darlene leaders of the southern Idaho lea- | A h i 1 is | The company operates a full line outfits that the Clowns defeated In Anderson; best tricycle, Nancy gue; Payelte, Homedale. Boise,, P r i n i * i n i l l of modern lettuce packing equip Baker last Sunday by close scores. Skeen; best doll buggy. Miss Nich Middleton, leading the Intermoun-; I l j a i S t l I I l l K I | J c l l ment in one of the buildings and Francis Sylvester Cannon, form The Knights of Columbus of olson; best pet, a hitched goat, ' tain league; Ontario, Wilder Nan I a complete outfit of Ernest brothers erly of the Owyhee section, d ie d ! Baker w o n 'first place in the first Bonnie Doolln; comic characters. pa and Parma. | Prank Parr announced this week equipment . v handling potatoes, July 21 in Nampa. half of their league schedule and The Head Hunter", Jimmy Bunn; Earl Gregory, manager of the that he has resigned as principal which has a capacity of GOO sacks Mr. Cannon was born May 24,1 took secoI>d uoeitlon. The , 7 - iit ,1-nnH i , C n i n r . n m S l° U * ,ook *e-0" d Position. * ne qlown, Gerald Flinders; three over One hundred Mexican nationals w dder team and Idaho's send- of the Nyssa high school, 1918 at Grand Junction, Colorado., lyyo teams are now in ope. two per hour. siwd scarecrows, Kent Bens, Helen arrived in Malheur coumy Sunday pro baseball commissioner, said School officials said the resig- In addition to Mr. Mitchell the He is survived by his mother. Mrs. p,lsltkou.s ln the standings of the Telford and. Carfene ■».'a«/» and from the coast to work with row • \ye want everybody at Wilder in, nation has been accepted, but said owners are B. G.. D. O., S. P. and Jennie Benson of California; two ^ e n d - h a lf schedule. (Continued on Page Tw o) crops on local farms. They were the revival of Idaho's sand lot they have not secured a man to w A Bybee. S. P. Bybee is man- brothers. Dale of Modesto, Call- Tbe Nyssa clowns have register- taken to Vale and 40 other Mex-| and semi-pro basball. Night bxse- fill the position this fall. lager of the packing shed. S. W. fornia and Orval of the United ed tight victories with one defeat leans were sent to the Nyssa lab or! ball Is becoming increasingly pop- Mr. Farr expects to devote h i * j Abersoid is in charge of the office. States navy, and u sister, Mrs. thls se lson camp from Ontario. 1 ular throughout all baseball In the entire time to his 50-acre farm at | The co,Uern is also building an I>au Dalldorf of Pocatello. i The following story on the two Tw o hundred more Mexican United States and we are proud to least for several months. | apartment house at Fifth street and J Graveside services were held I n ! games played [„ Baker last Sunday workers are expected to arrive be leading the way in non-pro- | Mr. Parr came to Nyssa in th e ' King aveiiue for employees, con- the Owyhee cemetery this morn- was wllUen by Marvin Tims, Bak- The mercury soared to 107 deg the first of next week and most fessional ba eball at Wilder, Idaho.” • fall of 1937. He taught for four taining nine apartments, will be ing at 10 o clock with Rev. E. J - Iel. apoi*ts writer: rees In Nyssa last Sunday, but of them will be placed in the j The tournament will be the first ¡years and held the position of finished in about a month. The Wilson of Jthe Nazarene church! Tireless Tommy Holman, hurler dropped some during the week. principal for five years. Nyssa camp. The new arrivals w'll state tourney held since 1941 The maximum temperature was building is constructed of cinder- officiating. Burial was beside the jor ly s s a ’s invading softball team, body of his father. The Nyssa Fun pulled an "lronman" act Sunday 103 degrees on July 22 and 23 and iu.rease the number of Mexican | ------------------------ blocks. Vacation In Utah— eral home was in charge Visits Daughters— workers in the county to 800. afternoon by defeating Scott's Men’s about 100 Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Bumingham and daug Mrs. J. Wesley Anderson of Bur The workers were brought to the The temperature also reached a store 5-3 in the first game of a Attend Institute— county under the sposorship of the ley, Idaho arrived here Friday to hter Tanyo recently spent a week doubleheader, and coming back In maximum of 107 at the Owyhee Rev. and Mrs. II. J. Gernhardt, the night-cap to edge out the dam Sunday. < Malheur County Farm Labor Spon- visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. vacationing with relatives In Utah. Jerry Crandall, Norvelle and Lew- Knights o f Columbus 4-3. The J. E. Brower and Mr. and Mrs. &ois association. Phillip Clowers. Mrs. Brower and Visit Here— ellyn Robbins, Grace Foster,^Hlsako ; games were played at the city ball Here from Salt Lake City— Kldo, Catherine Morse. Darlene park before a good crowd that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell Mrs. Clowers are daughters of Mrs. Mr:. Cora Sherwood of Salt Lake Repair work on the Owyhee pro Sayles, Doris Beers, Ellen Herrman turned #ut in spite of the sweltering City spent the week-end visiting at and son o f Ogden visited ln Nyssa Anderson. Sunday prior to going to Spoknne. ject canal, which broke last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Burl W yckoff heat. fhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry They visited at the Hubert Ch has been completed by the bureau attended the youth institute at j In the first contest It appeared Sherwood. Visit At McCall— J. E. Brower left Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Leon Burt and son ristensen and Lenwood Flanders of reclamation which has sent 100 Wallowa lake July 15-21. Abaut that Nyssa might be a push-over Portland to start work on a con- of Ortonvllle, Michigan, Mr. and homes. second feet of water into the canal. 250 yotiGlis and ome 50 teachers, for Scott batters tagged Holman Attends Conference— tract for removing the plumbing; Mrs D E pjle and fan^iy of Port The flow will be increased each counselors and camp chaperones for three hits and two runs in the Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Anderson and from a housing unit located at 1 Peck. Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Free Undergoes Operation— day until a full head of water is were In attendance. Officers for initial frame. Wright led o ff with daughter, Mrs. Dick Morris of Nam Vancouver, Washington. running, James Spofford of Nyssa, youth on the western district of a walk, Ragsdale singled to center, pa and Mrs. Mary Pruyn attended Marvin Wilson, son of Rev. and man C. Beasley of Salt Lake City Twenty-four housing units will and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson Mrs. E. J. Wilson, underwent a project manager, said. the Idaho conference o f the M eth and "after Grabb and Cline flew out a Friends conference at Payette be moved to Nyssa for erection. Mr. and family of Oreenleaf, Idaho are m ajor operation ln the Samaritan Several hundred acres of land odist church were elected. Nyssa Miles came through with a Texas- lakes over the week-end. was covered by water when the was the only church to place more league single to right field, scoring Brower will install the plumbing vacationing at McCall. The ladles hospital in Nampa Saturday end run the water and sewer lines are sisters and daughters of Mr. break occured in the main canal. than one on the official body. Jerry Wright. Armstrong followed with a ( Returns from South— after the houses arrive ln Nyssa The break Released 400 second feet Crandall was elected president; single that sc died Ragsdale, but I Mr*- E. H. Fleshman o f route 2 and Mrs. F. A. Johnson of Nu- Arrives From Washington— Mr. and Mrs. John Hanks and of water, which caused the Owyhec- Darlene Sayles, head of the comm- Landreth fouled out to the catch er, returned last Tuesday from North Acres. To Hold Revival— son, Keith, of Richland, Washing Nyssa canal to break in two placej. tssion on worship and evangelism to retire the side. i Carolina, where she visited. She Grover C. and Flossie Fretwell | L o o tin g In Nyssa__ ton arrived Wednesday to visit The Owyhee ditch below the other nnd Grace Foster head o f the com Nvssa scored its first run In the ' was accompanied home by her two of Washington D. C. will conduct | Mr. and Mrs. Don Muss arrived Mrs. Hanks' uncle. Ed. Wild, and two canals withstood the flood and mission on community service. The third inning when Belkm playing | children who were attending school a special open air meeting at the bere Monday with their furniture family. prevented further spread of the Nyssa delegation was highly com left field, singled, stole second ‘ here. Mrs. Fleshman brought home Nyssa park Sunday July 28 at 2:30 to make their home. Mr. Moss, who water. mended for its contribution to several large, dried tobacco leaves, (Continued on Page 5) Mr ad Mrs. Fretwell. evangelists Will operate the new Firestone store, Return From Idaho — camp spirit and service. which were picked two weeks ago. and .speakers, are representing the has been living with his fam ily ln Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Renstrom Californians Visit— The leaves are on display In the American Equity association of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray of Visit in Nyssa— returned Friday for a week's vaca Gate City Journal window. Washington. D. C.. of which Sam- ___________________ Alamo and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M c tion spent at Sun Valley, Shoshone, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Raw of Boise ue! Friedman Is director. In their ( visit In Nyssa— Dowell of Maywood, California and a nephew of Mrs. Raw, Roy Atlanta and Nampa. Visits Sister— talk Sunday they will be dealing »•ere overnight guests at the D. O. Krouse of Revillo, South Dakota, Tom Newby and family of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burke and with the atrocities and evil con George Newby and family of Kem - Here from Burns— Bybee home recently while en visited at the home of George Ber- daughter of Jerome, Idaho are vis ditions existing In the mental hos merer. Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch of Bums, former route to their home from Yellow LCh Tuesday. Frank T. Morgan, secretary of the iting at the home of Mr. Burke's pitals over the nation and many Harry Newby of Hagerman, Idaho principal of the Adrian high school, stone National park. Nyssa chamber o f commerce, has sister, Mrs. John J. Smith. startling fact will be revealed, they were week-end visitors at the home visited in Nyssa Wednesday and to- j Undergoes Operation— been notified by Congressman said. Following the meeting free of the brother’s mother, Mrs. L ll- | day. He went to Weiser this after- Move T o Caldwell— Miss Cleo Flinders, daughter of Lowell Stockman that an inspectoi Here from Vale— ice cream and cake will be served, llan Newby, and Mrs. Earl Larsen, noon to visit his (»re n ts before re Mr and Mrs. Douglas McDonald Mr and Mrs. Elwood Flinders, un will be here within the next lew Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith and son, to those attending. The public is have moved to Caldwell. Mr. Mc derwent an appendix operation in days, probobly this week-end, to Garry Allen, o f Vale vLslted last turning home. Invited to attend. Donald, who is employed by the the Holy Rosary hospital ln Ontario investigate the need of a new week oa the home of Mr. and Mrs. Attends Funeral— bureau o f reclamation, has lived Sunday night. Mrs. J. C. Crismon attended the Visiting Son— post office building. Ward Wieneke. Visit on Rural Route— Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown of here since 1909. funeral of her father, James P. Nyssa was placed on the “ eligi Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Carskadon clinel at Bentonville, Arkansas. She Richmond, Utah arrived Wednesday j Here From Montana— ---------- ble" ILst several months ago, but Grandchildren Leave— and daughter, June, of Portola, also visited her son. Troy Ruddick. to visit their son, Bumall Brown, Visit Relatives— Mr. and Mrs. Scab Nix and family no further action has been taken Kay and Paul Fletcher o f Seattle, California, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Car and daughter, Lindy Barksdale, at and family. They were accompanied J Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Templen of | of Bl'llngs, Montana arrived In Erection will have to wait until who have been vLsiting at the home skadon, Jr., and son. Huey, and Peyton, Colorado. to Nyssa by Pauline Brown of Twin Denver and Mrs. Wilmot of Boise Ny-' u last Wednesday for a visit the residential construction pro of their grandfather,A. L. Fletcher, daughter. Carole, and June Mort Palls and Marion Grace Brown, who I visited recently at the home o f , with Mr. Nix' iLiter. Mrs. Lynn gram sponsored by the governme nt for the past seven weeks, left last of Twin Falls were visitors last Club Will Meet— has been visiting in Twin FalLs for George Bertsch, brother of Mr-. Matheny, whom he had not seen is further developed. Thursday for St. Anthony, Idaho to week at the C. H. Carskadon. Sr., The Owyhee Riding club will four weeks. Templen and Mrs. Wilmot. M r .1 for 19 years. The visitors were en vLsIt relatives before returning to home on route 2, Nyssa. meet at the home of D. O. Bybee Templen has been employed in the | route to Los Angeles to visit an- Go to Ogden— Seattle. state house In Denver for more other sister. Mrs. E. H. Cox. Friday at 8:30 p. m. Discharged from Navy— Mrs. J. L. Church left Monday Returns To Salt Lake— John P. Gernhardt. seaman 1st than thirty years. for Ogden. Utah to visit her da ugh- From Coos Bay— Mrs. Cora Sherwood returned to Herr From Colorado— class, son of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Daughter Her ter, Mrs. R .E. Cole and family for i Mr and Mrs. Farl Hewitt and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleaver who Gernhardt. has been discharged Nursing Home Notes— her home In Salt Lake City Mon Mrs. R T Bair and twin daughters, two weeks. Ison, Garry o f Coos Bay. Oregon left day evening after a visit at the ( operate a furniture store In Colo- from the navy at the personnel Mr. and Mrs R. M. Southerland ¡Jeanne and Joanne, of Ogden are j last week after a two weeks visit at home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sher- \ rado Springs are visiting relatives separation center at Charleston, of Parma are parents of a boy. bom , visiting Mrs. Bair's parents, Mr. Here From N am p a - the home o f Mr and Mrs Bernard here. South Carolina. Cemhardt, who July 16. The baby weighed 8 pounds and Mrs C. H. Stevens. wood. Mrs lone Zesiger and daughter. Eastman Mr Hewitt Is Mr fti. r- has been in the navy for one year and 5 ounces. | _________________ Sheryl Jean, of Nampa and Dora | man’s brother. M r and Mrs Law- Guests At Nyssa Home— Visit In Caldwell— and four months, wears the Asia - i Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenberg On Vaealion— Lee and Charlotte Davis visited son Gardner and son. Rich rd. of Mr and Mrs Donn Moss, dr tic-P»clflc. American theater and are parents of a girl born July 20 | Mr and Mrs. Ronald Campbell at the homes of Mr and Mrs. Al- Los Angeles. California are a '.so els Mr and Mrs. Phillip Clowers spent Tuesday ln Caldwell on bus and grandson of Salt Lake City are victory ribbons He was overseas 11. The baby weighed six pounds and 4 and daughter. Annette, left MonJay fred Adams and Mr. and Mrs. ltlng Mr. and Mrs East nan this at the Mary E Bybee home. iness. and one-half months. * ounces. i for Ogden on a vacation. j Harold PlvecoaU this week. | week. Lighten Field Owyhee Produce ;“ v— Shed Operating „ , t -—- Nyssa Will Play Baker’s Best In Softball Games Francis Cannon Dies In Nampa More Mexicans Arriving Here NYSSA MERCURY HITS 1C7 DEGREES BROWER HANDLING HOUSE PLUMBING Repair Work On Canal Finished Need F’or Post Office Probed