Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y J O U R N A L PAGE FOUR TH U R SD A Y, A U G U ST 1, 1946 uealer, Malheur and Payette cour»- Hoxie and Ruth Hoxie, his wife; der bestowing upon the plaintiff have the privilege of attending' second with <63.148. followed by ues. lAtfc. being the heirs of W. B. Hoxie, the and custody of the th re e ; showings of pictures each Tucs- j Marion with $49,408. -----------------------------—---------------deceased; Gertrude Eva Boy deli, i _ minor children of the parties. | day evening at 7:30. W ANTED— Party with power saw a slng;e woman; j Blaney Boy- NEWELL h e i g h t s This summons is published by I " U. tut wood. Mrs. E. P. Larsson, deU a nlan; Arthur H. Boy- order of the Hon M. A. Biggs, CANNING, FREEZING one mile west on Columbia avenue. , deU and Blanche Boydell, his Letty Bronson of Welser was an 25J2xp »-he; Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. circuit Judge, dated July 2, 1940, CHICKENS PROPOSED overnight guest of Ellen Judd Sat W ANTED —T o buy any kind of beer Sarazin. her husband; Elizabeth prescribing that this summons be urday night. Sharp culling of poultry flocks I or teal; also we buy banger cows Nedry f " “ E Britt^Nedry served by publication thereof, once Mr and Mrs. Carl Fugleman and RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter »me month one calls for canning and freezing of ------ U A tlc her ner husband' “ usDana; *” Winifred —**— 1 B. “ ” Thomas, *""**■ each week for four consecutive faintly were dinner guests at the Phone 31M or 06J1. chickens, says Miriam Black, home _____ sole heir of Win S. Brown, deceas- cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. and successive weeks in the Gate M L. Kurtz home Monday night. W A N T E D — Dead or worthless anl- ed, and Louis P. Thomas, her hus- City Journal, a newspaper pub demonstration agent. The bureau Mr and Mrs Fogleman have pur mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep iband; W inifred B. Thomas, devisee lished In Malheur County, Oregon, o f human nutrition and home chased a house In Nampa, where and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, j of H. P. Brown, deceased, and The date of the first publication economics recommends pre-cooking they will move the last o f this P o R SALE— 11 acres, seven-room Payette 560J3. Prultland 3713 or Louis P. Thomas, her husband, and hereof is July 4, 1946 and the j the cut chicken in a saucepan un- week. Afterwards the United Pres MISCELLANEOUS 7Mtfc the unknown heirs, if any of H. F’. date o { the last pUbiIcaUon is til medium done, and then packing byterian church senior young peo house and shop. Inquire at Bill's Nampa 1000. For Sale It, boiling hot, into Jars and pro ple gave a surprise farewell party place west of grade school build W ANTED —Auto mechanic and parts Brown, deceased, and Roy W ill August 1, 1946. oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, cessing it in a pressure cooker at i 20Jtic. A. L. Fletcher, F O R SALE— 1942 Ford Jeep, $950 ing. for them. man. Phone 144 j , Nyssa, post o f- wlfe; also a„ other persons and 10 pounds pressure. Attorney for the Plaintiff, Mrs. Lou Pratt spent last Monday new top and spare tire.1942 Willys FOR SALE—Hay derrick, *50.00. flee box A. lSJtfc. parties unknown claiming to have Chicken with bones is processed visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Residence and Post Office address; Jeep, $850. Dodge 1941 half-ton See Prank T. Morgan. 13Jtfc. . any right, title, Interest In or lien 65 minutes in pint jars and 751 Nyssa, Oregon. De Boer o f Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS $800, top and spare tire. A ll three upon Lot 7 of Block 27, Teutsch's minutes in quart jars, after pre Jewell Wilson was a Sunday din FOR SALFi—2 houses on one lot, in first cass condition. Powell Ser MISCELLANEOUS— We do potato addition to the City of Nyssa. Mal- cooking until medium done. The ner guest at the M. L. Kurtz home. one 3 rooms and bath. One 2 rooms vice station. lAtfc. high temperature of the pressure , igglng, picking and hauling, heur County, Oregon, Defendants. L e ? a i A d vertisem en t Mr. and Mrs. Judd and Ellen, and bath. *3659.00 terms. T o M ALH E U R COUNTY, a pol- ----------------------------------------------- cooker is developed by steam pres- FK>R SALE— New Hampshire Red 3 HOUSES—all have electric water Phone 02R4. Inquire at Owyhee Mr. and Mrs Kurtz and Joyce and 2SJ4xp itical sub-division oi the State of Sealed bids will be received by I slire, not by air pressure. Therefore baby chicks every Friday. Lemon's lank*,, furnaces, buths, garages, j garage Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Overstreet Oregon. H. S. Sackett. County Henry H. Hartley, clerk of School | lt ^ important to have the pc-t- hatchery, phone 111J, Nyssa. lA tfc Good location. Shade and lawns MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed attended the wedding o f Miss Em Clerk and Ex-Officio, registrar ot District No. 26-C, Malheur county, | txx'k open and let the steam and Terms repairing. Complete titles for said Malheur County; Oregon, at his office at Nyssa, an(j mixture pour vigorously from ily Otis of Adrian and Henry Mc- P O R SALFi—Single and double ex- 3 ROOM HOUSE- -with bath, elect- ^ ewing or machine npw fQr machines. Lulu L. Hoxie. widow of W. B. Oregon until August 1, 1946 at 8:30 the petcock for 10 minutes before Oruder, Jr., of Freewater Friday tendon curtain ro»ls, some espec ric hot water tank, garage, lawn ,ncludl electrlc.s. Rebuilt mach Hoxie, deceased; Dewey B. Hoxie P. M. for the construction of a afternoon. ially for doors and sash. Nyssa Fur closing and developing pressure. Laral and David McLaughlin left and trees. $22(10. Ierms. ,,,*»« U Rnv ines mr for kq sale. Buy and and trade. trade. F P and Doris F\ Hoxie, his wife; Helen one story concrete block garage niture company. lAtfc. Chicken can be successfully froz BERNARD EASTM AN "L ete” Sackett, Ontario. 20Jtfc. A. Wilson and Paul Wilson, her and shop building and will then en. One of the favorite methods Saturday morning for their home P O R SALE—Unfinished wooden in Missoula, Montana. They have stools, various heights, handy for FOR SALE—Portable air condition-1 M ISCELLANEOUs —For better ra- husband; Lloyd E. Hoxie and Ruth and there be opened and publicly is to pack the cut chicken into slip- spendlng ^ sumer wlth Hoxie, his wife; Cleston C. Hoxie read aloud. Bids received after the wor(c. .about the house, office and er. Bernard Eastman. 20Jtfc. aio service bring your radlos t0 top tin cans (not over two chick atives. and Lucy Hoxie, his wife: Harold time fixed for opening will not be ens per can) and pour cold water packing sheds, Nyssa Furniture Nordale-Newsom Furniture store Patsy DeHaven was an over company. lAtfc. POR SALE—Five room basement Gene Seybold, radiotrician. 13Jtfc. C. Hoxie and Evva Hoxie, his wife; considered. over it, just before placing fhe house, north Sixth street. *2100. __________ Herbert C. Hoxie and Ruth Hox Plans and specifications may be can In the locker. The water helps night guest of Joyce Kurtz Friday. P O R SALE—Two lots, 50 by 14U, Flank Ray's father and niece 8MUc , MISCELLANEOUS Per Insured ie, his wife, being the heirs of W. examined at the office of Henry to protect the meat from the odor In Parma, house partly built, almost A. L. Atkeson. of Oklahoma are here visiting Mr. enough lumber to finish house. In PO R SALE Automobile Insurance. and first class hauling see Stanley B. Hoxie, deceased; Gertrude Eva H. Hartley, clerk. in the air and from drying out. The board of education reserves A headspace of 1 to Vi inches Ray and family. quire Parma Mobile station before j public Liability, Property Damage, ' Reffett. Phone 76, Powell Service Boydell, a single woman; J Blaney Boydell, a single man; Arthur H. the right to reject any or all bids, should be left at the top for 5 p. m. Melvin Shipley. lA lxp. I T h e il an’d Collision. Placed j Station. 7Mtfc. Boydell and Blanche Boydell, his Each bid shall be accompanied expansion. Whole Chicken may be On Vacation— I in the best companies at lowest J mx & c e l LANEOUS— Duplicate cat* Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McConnell F*OR SALE— 1936 Plymouth coupe,!' Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. Sarazin, by a certified check, cashiers check wrapped twice In special locker 1 possible rates. Bernard Eastman. radio-heater. Clowers broth e r s, left Sunday on a two-weeks vaca and cylinder lock keys made. Gam her husband: Elizabeth Agnes Ned- or bid bond (with authorized sure- paper and frozen, not over two 14Ptfc tion to Doulder dam, Los Angeles, north First street. 25J2xp j ble store. 250afc ry and E. Britt Nedry, her rus-|ty company as surety) made pay- chickens per package is recomm San Francisco and down the coast band; Winifred B Thomas, sole able to the owner in amount not PO R SALE—Modern two-bedloom FO*1 SALE One eleglble to regis- ended. Birds are drawn before BUTCHERING to Eugene. They were accompanied house with basement, three lots, ler milking shorthorn bull roan freezing. Zero degrees fahrenhelt Custom butchering every Mon heir of Win S. Brown, deceased, less than 10 per cent o f the amount by their daughter, Mrs. Forrest and Louis P. Thomas, her hus- of the bid. calf, 2 months old with registra is recommended for locker stor day and Friday. Beef, sheep and trees, lawn, shrubbery and electric Moore, and two grandchildren, Kay o. E. Cheldelln, chairman, age o f poultry. water heater. Earl Gray, Box 336, tion pa pel's $75 William Gregg, 10 por^ sanitary butchering guaran- band, W inifred B Thomas, devisee and Peggy Moore of Nampa. Phone 05R1. All stock must of H F Brown, deceased, and Louis Attest; Henry H. Hartley, clerk Instructions on canning chicken Nyssa. 25Jtfc. miles south, 5 miles west of Nyssa, 18J3XI) come In Thursday or Sunday after P Thomas, her husband, and the route 2. are available at the extension o ff- FX3R S A L E — Hammermlll hay NEWS OF RECORD noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No unknown heirs, if any of H. F. ice.A person should ask for leaf chopper. Also Jersey cow. Robert For Rent M A R R IA G E LICENSES stock accepted on butchering day. Brown, deceased, and Roy W ill let, home canning of meat, AW 3 oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, Stoaks, Eureka avenue. 2 miles Allen Bernard Udllnek o f Home- 110. For instructions on fleaning, PO R RENT- Rooms. One mile | w6st ° f on A ‘^ his wife; also all other persons north and 3 west of Nyssa. 25J2xp Mr. and Mrs.~C_ B. Goodell and ask for extension bulettn 623, food dale, Idaho and Margaret Eliza west Nyssa. Fred Lindner. HJ4xp avenue- Jake plscher' 29Mtic and parties unknown claiming to beth Magnuson of Ontario. 7/22/46 Betty and Charles of Randolph, preservation of freezing. FO R SALE— Baby stroller. Prac have any right, title, interest In Iowa visited the past week at the Henry B. Magruder of Free Legal A d vertisin g tically new. Phone 183W. 25J2xp LOST or lien upon Lot 7 of Block 27, Leslie T op liff arid Alva Goodell water, Oregon and Emily Kingman MOTOR VEHICLE SUMMONS Teutsch's addition to the City of Otis of Adrian. 7/25/46. homes. Mr. Goodell is a brother FO R SALE — Safety roller kates LOST —Lady's yellow gold wrist IN THE C IR C U IT COURT OF Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, C O M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT C O U R T of Mrs. T op liff and Alva Goodell. FUND DISTRIBUTED for beginners. Solid steel one-piece watch between Dr. Cundall's office THE STATE OF OREGON FOR defendants. Orval W. Raymond vs. JuarJta Members of the Out-Our-Way Gordon 's-drlve-in. Reward. wheels for safety. Sizes from 3 to and THE CO U NTY OF M ALHEUR IN T H E NAM E OF TH E S T A T E club who were guests at the Friend SALEM, Ore., July 18.—The state M. Raymond. 7/23/46. Divorce. 10 years. $2,49 a pair. Nyssa P e r Mrs. Elden Pearson, route 2, Parma. | George V. Kirk and James E. O F O REGON: You and each of D. C. Mosley vs. Tom Shipman, lAlxp. ly Neighbor club meeting at the department today distributed *800, iture store. 25Jtfc. Phillips, Plaintiffs, you, are hereby required to appear home of Mrs. Virgil McGee Thurs 000 to counties, the amount being et. al. 7/23/46. Damages. *225. vs. and answer the complaint filed day were Mrs. S. B. Hoffman, the first 1946 installment of motor PO R SALE— Linoleum to cover 14 Grace Hale vs. Reeder Scott j Malheur County, a political sub against you In the above entitled WANTED by 18 room. Phone 10R. 25Jtfc. Hale. 7/27/46. Divorce. Mrs. Jim Ritchie, Mrs. Glen H off vehicle revenues. division of the State of Oregon, court and cause within four weeks Counties are alloted $2,000,000 of PE TITIO N S, PR O B ATE C O URT FOR SALE— Tiny Toy Chihuahua W ANTED— To buy milk bottles, H s Sackett, County Clerk and from date of the first publication man, Mrs. Ray G riffitts and Mrs. highway revenues each year, based Guardianship of Erma Given, et. Leslie Topliff. puppies. 172 East Fourth St. 25J2xp quarts and half-pint sizes. Bring Ex-Officio, registrar of titles for o f this ___ ___________ ____ summons, said first pub- 7/25/46. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Goodell and on the number of vehicles in each al. directly to Shelton's dairy. 1Atlr said Malheur County; Lulu L. Hox- I Ucation date being July 4, 1946, Betty and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. county. The $1.200 000 Installment Estate o f S. D. Thacker, de POR SALE— Willard piano, good and if you fail so answer, for want ceased. 7/26/46. Leslie T op liff and Irvin and Lizzie w111 116 n’ atle ln December. condition. For quick sale, *100. W ANTE D T o buy a~good 1 or 1 ', **'■ widow of W B. Hoxie, deceased: Multnomah county got $2662193 motor. D,'wev D 110x16 and Dorls F Hox‘ thereof, the plaintiffs will apply Goodell spent Sunday at the Top Estate of James F. Westfall, de Douglas Bateman, 451 north First horsepower phase electric Etielton's dairy lA tfc le’ hls Wlfe; Helen A. Wilson and ! to the court for the relief today, the lägest share. Lane was ceased. 7/28/6. street. 25Jtfc. liff demand- ranch near Ola, Idaho. jl Paul Wilson,' her husband; Lloyd ied therein to wit: For a decree Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver FO R SALE—Used mohair daven W ANTED—Silk spotter. Keep-U- E. Hoxie and Ruth Hoxie, hls wife I adjudging the plaintiffs to be the and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver were in lAlxc. Cleston C. Hoxie and Lucy Hoxie, I owners in fee simple of the foll- Neat Cleaners. port. Good condition, *24 Nyssa Ontario Friday. , his wife; Harold C. Hoxie and Rowing described real property sit Furniture Co. Phone HOW. llJulytf SAVE THE POTATOES Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Goodell and W ANTED W ill buy any model Evva Hoxle. hls wlfe; Herbert C. uated in Malheur County. State Charles and Betty, Mr. and Mrs FOR SALE— Good 100 acre ranch. Willys cars, highest prices paid. |______________ ___________________ ___ of Oregon, to wit: Alva Goodell and Alva, Jr., and Oood modern Improvements, *15,000 telephone 144J. Watts Motor coni- Lot 7 of Block 27, Teutsch's add- Donna Belle Spent Thursday after See Frank T. Morgan. 4Jtfc. pany. Nyssa, Oregon, authorized jition to the City of Nyssa, Mal- AND SAVE THE BACK noon at the Owyhee dam. Don M. Graham | heur County, Oregon. That the title of said proper*.» be quited in the plaintiffs: that NEW BRIDGE OVER Insurance Agency With A Good the defendants be required to set SNAKE IS PLANNED forth the nature of their respect- ,ve rights in said property; that A new super-highway of the fu Fire and Automobile the court adjudge and decree that ture will cross the Snake river ap all the right, title, estate, lien proximately five miles south o f On Insurance or interest which any of the de tario, according to Information re fendants have in and to said prop vealed at a Joint meetin of the On Rentals Bonds erty, or any part thereof, is inferior tario, Payette and Weiser chamber: in right to the plaintiffs' estate at Payette. The announcement was therein; that each of said defen made by M att Hally, Idaho state Reasonably Priced dants, and all persons claiming by, highway department official. through, or under them, or any Haily stated the new highway OPTO M ETRISTS E.W. PRUYN of them, be perpetually enjoined would be constructed sometime dur PH YSICIANS and debarred from asserting any ing the next ten years as a unit of I)R. J. A. M C FALL such right, title, estate, lien or a transcontinental highway con- Auto Repairing S A R A Z IN CLINIC interest in said property, or any constructed jointly by states and DR. JOHN EASLY Dr. J. J. Sarazin Reboring, Valve Grind part thereof; that by order of this the federal government. The high- | court, H. S. Sackett as Registrar ls being routed as a through high Dr. K E. Kerby A t Stunz Lumber Yard ing, Lathe work. Parts of Titles, be ordered to cancel way and will miss all but major Physician and Surgeons certificate of title No. 392, and to cities. Hally stated that as part of issue transfer certificate of title the same program the bridge at and accessories L. A. Mauldin?. M. D. in lieu thereof to the plaintiffs Weiser would be rebuilt jointly by Physician and Surgeon covering said Lot 7 of Block 27 Idaho and Oregon as would the one Phone 37 Phone 56w ol Teutsch's addition to the City at Payette. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 of Nyssa, Oregon. Hally's anouncement confirmed Phone 21, Ontario, Ore. Dally Except Sunday This summons is served upon information received by the lora Hon. M. A. Biggs, Judge of the chamber late last week from the .iE w E L R V SCORES above-entitled court, made and en Oregon highway commission. O n Nyssa Post No. 79 tered oi. the 2nd day of July. tario officials had requested thi 1946 directing that summons be highway commission to widen th» PAULUS served upon you by publication present inter-state bridge east o JEWELRY STORE thereof in the Nyssa Gate City town. T ra ffic figures indicate the Union Pacific Time Inspector Journal once a week for four succ narrow bridge Is a hazard to travel, A R IN G POR YOUR essive weeks. JE W E LR Y — DIAMONDS particularly when occupied by FIN G E R A. L. Fletcher. tankers, trucks and buses at the WA1 -MES Remember when The American Legion Attorney for Plaintiffs same time. The highway commis you went to tire cor Main Street „. Second Holds regular meetings Residence address, Nyssa, Oregon. sion answered the request by stat ner blacksmith shop ing that a bigger bridge was being First anti Third Thurs anil the smithy made WYCKOFF SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION planned for a different' location. days, every month. you a ring out of a Classified Advertising Buena Vista Professional And Potato Belt Business Direeiory Nyssa Implement Company CALDW ELL N IG H T All veterans and service men and women are welcome to attend our meetings.______________ DENTISTS —rirTWomr- Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON F. F. BODMER Dentist Ph. 187W _____ Wilson Bldg. JEWELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON Sales Service Supplies W O R LD FAM OUS ELECTROLUX Cleaner vV Air Purifier E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnvside, Weiser, Idaho FLOOR SANDING Now or old floors sand ed perfectly. Large HAY BUYER commercial machine and experienced oper W. F. JA H N Dealer in hav and grain ators. Telephone Boise Third at Good Ave." 16189R horsehoe nail? The ring was not gold or sliver and had no precious stone tot a setting, but It was one o f the most "valuable" rings you ever wore. Remem ber? NYSSA FU N E R a L HOME IN TIIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE C O U N TY OF M ALHEUR Loretta Bell. Plaintiff vs. Mc'vln Bernard Bell. Defendant To Melvin Bernard Bell, defen dant: IN TH E NAM E OF T IIE S T A T E OF OREGON, you are hereby not ified to appear in the above en- Mt’ed court and cause within four nrek- after the date of the first publication of this summons, which date Is July 4th. 1946. to wit; on or before August 1, 1946, said date being the last day of four weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and anawet the said complaint, and i f you fall to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed or ln her omplaint on file herein. This suit Is brought for the pur pose of obtaining a decree o f div orce, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between , the parties hereto and for an or- FOUR BIG N IG H TS CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PROJECTOR ASKED Rev. Callahan of St. Paul' Epis- eopal church of Nyssa announced this week that church services will be suspended during the month of August. Services will b“ resumed September i. M r Callahan requests that .»I members and friends of Et. Paui'sJ church, who have not contributed! to the fund for the purchase of motion picture projector ai.d screen for the Sunday school and who wish to do so send the gift to the rector or Mrs. W E. Schire- man of Nyssa as soon as passible so that the equipment may be purchased in time for use on Sept ember 1. As equipment o f this type Is still very difficult to ac quire. It Is necessary that sufficien t, time be allowed for Its purchase said Mr Callahan, who lives at 285 8 W Third street. Ontario. All boys and girls in Nyssa will i August 7-8-9-10 GATES OPEN 6:30 P. M ALL HORSE PARADE 7 P. M GRAND ENTRY 8 P. M ADMISSION ADULTS CHILDREN $1.80 .90 Federal Tax Inc. A WORLD S CHAMPION RODEO