Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
P R O F E S S IO N A L . OAT* CRT OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST GENERAL 0BREG0N PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS affi. wwM, W. B. GREELEY N OUR BANK IS YOUR BANK * nr : :: fü J. J. SARAZIN Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Phjr8Ìotan and Surgeon OAca hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. WHJL4A.M J. W U M , BOGAR • M. B F O R T N «R t M B PhyaMane and « u rge**« Oftcaa Orar Ftrat N a «o * * l ORUOM ONTARIO, General Alvaro Obregon, who is a candidata for prcaidant of Maxlco. DON S. NUMBERS, P H Y S IC IA N a SURGEON Phone 40 REFUSE LOGANBERRY OFFER Parma, D E N T IS T S DR. C. M T Y L E R D E N T IS T Ontario, Ora. OR. T. O. H UM PH REYS DENTIST Cannarlea Declare 14 Centa Aa De manded T oo Much. Salem, Or.— Marlon county logan berry growers, at a meeting Held here, voted to reject an offer of 18 cents a pound for their 1920 crop. Buyer« representing all of the larger canneries and processing plants of the northwest were present at the meet ing. They explained that it would be impossible for them to pay 14 cents a pound for loganberries, as originally demanded by the growers, but, after an executive session, agreed to make an o ffe r of 13 cents for the season's crop. This o ffe r wa3 flatly refused by the growers. Parma, Idaho Phone 49 Straight talk on Separator« bjr D R A R R O BER T S DdiNTIST Between Depot and Main Street O n t a r i o , O r e g o n , Nyssa Trading Cat A. B. Foster, who was convicted of the murder o f Lawrence Goodell in Portland and who escaped a month ago from the itate tuberculosis hospi Y o u can m ake tal where he had been transferred from the penitentiary has been returned to more money with Salem. Foster was captured at El three cows and a Paso, Texas. Strawberry growers In the W illam ette valley are being offered 16 cents a pound far their 1920 product, but aa yat faw coatracts have been made at that figure. Some o f the growers belltva the price w ill go to 20 cents a pound and are not In favor o f sell ing below that figure. Total taxes levied by counties for the year 1920, baaed on the rolls o f 1919, exclusive o f the fire patrol assess ment, aggregate 832,696,696.03, or ap proximately 87,000,000 In excess o f the amount raised In the year 1919, accord Cream Separator in g to a report prepared by Frank — than you can Lovell, state tax commissioner. A program for paved market roads w ith fou r co w s - In Linn county w ill ba Inaugurated by and an in fe :or the eounty court this year by paving a stretch of seven miles. The first s e p a r a t o r or road to he paved extends from Sclo to Green's bridge, which crosses the gravity skimming North Santlam river, the boundary lias between Linn and Marion counties. This is possible because Application fbr a charter fer the ;he D e Laval Cream Sep Peeples State bank, which it was pro posed to organize at The Dalles, has arator gets at least 25 per been refuied by W ill H. Bennett, state cent more cream, and cream superintendent of banka, on the ground that (ha elty already haa two deposi sciis for more money this taries In operation and a third bank «•>'! on than ever before. scheduled to open Its doors between May 1 aad May 16. : ar » t o r e n e x t The largest moonshine still ever a r e in to w n a t a lk it o v e r found In Clackamas county and prob ably the largest In the state was raided -a te r y o u w i llb u y « near Boring by Sh eriff W ilson and Deputy Hughes and two revenue of ficers o f Portland. The officers found 75 gallons o f moonshine whisky and more than 1700 gallons of mash made i from corn and hops. P h o n e 62 ATTORNEYS C. M. CRANDALL ATTO RNEY A T LAW OREOON VALE W. H. Brooke • P. J. Gallagher ATTO R N E YS -A T-LA W Cinturo, O r W iltto o Bldie R D e Laval W. SWAGLER ATTO R N E Y-A T-LA W Room* 12, 14. 18 Wilson Bldg. OREGON O N TA R IO LESLIE J. AKER atto rney an d accountant INCOM B T A X ADVISER Postoffice Building, Ontario. Oragon. W ATCHES. CLOaKA, JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS Repairing a Specialty FIFE R ’S JEW ELRY STORK AVAL GATE CITY m GARAGE * I? ■ Auto rood ftagolrlac Week ■ m 5 W R IT E the Oo-op » o r e CWdwall to receive fre* ae*eral hundred roc* Auto Aeooaorlw* aa* C.'W. Rebergerjj m k k m u m h u h bottom prices of mdse. Ready mixed paint 83 gel Htfe Unseed Oil W.W. 1 Plug tobacco 86c, U. Leader 88 t o * 24 cane. Ladles »rimmed heb» very latest styles 88.6« lo M -**. ~THE NYSSA BAKERY ( W ith a membership of twenty, the Hood R iver chapter o f the women’s auxiliary of the American legion has been launched. Immediate relief o f shortage o f car* in Baker la demanded by the Baker j county chamber o f commerce or serious labor troubles as well as financial ruin , to the local lumber Industry Is likely to result. Directors o f the Bend school district have authorized the calling of a special J election, the date to be set later, to W. B. Greeley, recently appointed vote on a 832,000 bond issue to finance the completion of the main unit of the head of United State* forest service. high school. 500 French Troops Wiped Out. The St. Helens water commission has hundred j filed application with the state engl- | Constantinople. — F ive | neer for the appropriation of water ! French troops are reported to have from Milton creek for municipal pur been wiped out in the evacuation of poses. This Improvement w ill cost In ! Urfa, in the northwest part of Meso- I potamia. Details are lacking. Am eri the neighborhood o f 812.000. All bids submitted for the purchase can relief workers, among whom was of the $1,000,000 bond Issue offered Mrs. Richard Mansfield, era all ex for sal* by the state highway depart ported safe. ment under the act o f last January, In extenalen o f ths Bean-Barrett act, were Admiral Brittain Commits tulelda. rejected by the state board o f control Washington.— Rear Adm lm l C. B. as being too low. Brittain, chief of staff to the com Mrs. Edward School, o f Hubbard, la mander of the Atlantic fleat, ahat aad dead aad her husband, Dr. Edward killed himself, Secretary Daniels w u School, Is In a critical condition from advised by Adm iral W ileea, eommaad- nervous shock as result o f the auto er in chief of the fleet at Quaataaamo mobile la which they were riding being bay. struck by a northbound Southern Pa cific freight train. Collar-and.Shirt Strike is Declared. TUI Stratton, well known In the John Chicago.— A “collar and-ehlrt" strike Day district, and his w ife are dead aimed at alleged profiteering by hab as a result o f a murder and suicld, erdashers and laundrvmnn, to Login commited in a hotel at Baker. The May 5, to oontlnuo 20 days, was an tragedy la believed to have been caused nounced by a committee o f Chicago by domestic trouble and followed sev ans. eral hours o f quarreling. A. A. Sheaffer, Pr**p. Special for Saturday, May 1 Coffee Cake fh e home of Good Quality Bread, Sweet Rolls, Pastries, etc. T H E M ARKETS Portland. Oats— No. 8 white feed, |94.H a tea. Corn— Whole, 874; tracked, |Td. Hay — Willamette valley timothy, $28®30 per ton; alfalfa, 8*d. Potatoes -O regon, 7 0 7 H « pemad; Gems, 7 H 0 8 o f. a. b. statiea. Butter Fat.— 81c. E g g s —Ranch. 87a par dosea. Poultry— Hens, ll# 8 6 r . Cattle— Best s t e m , $12318; good to choice; $10011; medium te good, $9®>10. Hogs— Prim e mixed, $18.60017.18; medium mixed, $18016.60; pigs, $12.50015.50. Sheep— Spring lambs, $17018; east ern lambs, $17018; vailay lambs, $14.26 0 1 7; ewes, $ 1 0 0 1 * We have purchased the flock of pure bred Black Minorca chickens of Mrs Mary Irvington and will sell eggs for setting at 88.00 fer 16 eggs. Every egg guaranteed fertile. Brown Broe., near power plant. FOR BALE—Fina three year old hone fer $75 26 pounds alfalfa sead at 80 rents Phone or call The Gate City Journal 884/ THE BANK OF NYSSA H. WALTERS Pre*. FRANK D. HALL, Cashier, Fred E. Young, Assistant Cashier. TheverfNami" Ic e C r e a m — Particularly if it cones from our store. W e have Ice Cream for yob to take home or Ice Cream for you io eat here— all pure, unadulterated, healthful Ice Cream. What Dessert More Appeals to the Childrens or Grown-Ups as w ell— what treat isoo.-e ap preciated downtown— than Ice Cream that is Right? You will find it so here. ■ Allies Discover 250 German Cannon, Paris.— German arms and 250 can non have been discovered at Koenigs berg, East Prussia, by the Inter allied commission, according to advices re ceived here. Dm No natural Gothic arch compare« with that formed by two American elm«, where their lofty Jets o f foil a pc •hoot acmes each other's u eendlng curve«, to Intermingle their showery flakes o f green. When one looks through s long double row of these he beholds ■ temple not built with hands, fairer than any minster, with all Its clustered sterna and fluttering capitals, that ever grew In »to o «.— i t : ♦ S o a p S p e c ia l— PURE GLYCERINE -i A _ A Good Bath Soup AUC LAX PHARMACY “ Y O U ’L L DO BETTER HERB” Seattle. H ay— Eastern W a s h in g !«* tlasethy, $43 per ton, alfalfa, $48. Potatoes— Yakim a Gems, 11880190; local. $165 0 175 per too. Butter Fat— 62 0 64c. Eggs— Ranch, 34@40e. Hogs — Prim e, $16.75©17.40; me dium to choice, $15.75016.76; plga, $130 14.50. Poultry— Hens, d/essed, heavy, 47c; light, dressed, 44c; live, 38042c. Cattle— Beef steers. $12.5o®18; me dium to afeolce $10012. Drum W ears Wound Stripe. They were gathering In the wounded after one o f the battles at Verdun, when they came across a drum that had been shot through the head. It was taken to the hospital and given a new one. In a short time it was back The cost o f packing apples w ill soar at the front. In active service again. ' this coming season. W h ile the box Now that the wnr Is over the drum 1 njarket Is still Indefinite, Indications has been ordered hack to the murine ' point to 30-cent box shooks, as com corps camp at Quantico, Va. The regi pared with an average of 18 cents last ment decided to present It with wound year. Growers w ill pay from 1214 and service stripes— but a drum has no sleeves to wear them on. So the centa a pound, for layer boards, to 17 four service stripes were attached to and 18 cents for light-weight wrapping one side o f its hend, and one v aoi paper for papers for their boxes this stripe was placed on the other side.— year. These prices are from 26 to 60 Popular Science Monthly. per cent higher than last year. Five deaths resulted from Industrial Original "Uncle 8am.* During the revolutionary war »her* accident« In Oragon during the week ending April 22. according to a re was a man by the name o f Rainuel port prepared by the state industrial Wilson, who was engaged aa an In accident commission The victims spector o f provisions. H e was known were: W. A. Dutton, hooker, Levering, by his friends ss “ Uncle Sara.” In his work he stamped inspected goods "U. Mich., Russell M iller, logger. Marsh S „” which Initials happened to stand field; Lew is Pearson, logger, Am ity; for his nickname as welt as hla gov Thsedore B. Berg, engineer, Mill City, ernment. Thus the two became Idcn- and J. Bonnlng, carpenter, Portland. •leal. Uncle Sam aa an old man with A total o f 471 accidents were reported w hisker« was tsken from Samuel. WII -on.— Exchange. during the week. EGGS FOR S E T T IN G Everyone hare is at your service, and best of all. we are hap py to serve you. An intelligent, progressive bank service awaits you here. The « is at your command our time, attention and experience, aa well as ouj mechanical equipment, to give vou safety, accuracy aad promptness ELECTION, M A Y 21 STATE ROADS V o te 3 0 2 X Y e s For 4% State Road Bond Limit -B A LL O T TITLE lb AS FOLLOW S: 302 X Y e s 303 No C O N S T IT U T IO N A L A M E N D M E N T —Referred to the people by the Lt-gialuiive Aaecmbly. L I M I T A T I O N O F F O U R F E R C E N T S T A T E IN D E B T E D N E S S F O R J *E R M A N E N r R O A D 8 < -y urpone- T o emend Section 7 o f A r ttr le X l o f the Conatitutiou o fflie ptete of Oregon eo ae to permit the srektiouof debts end liabilities inctouin^ previous debts and liabilities purpone o f buildii g and maintaining permanent road* to the l o f lour per cent o f the «**«**«*! reluetion o f ell the property te o f Oregon, in-teed o f two percen ts* now proyided by law. NO PROPERTY T A X -N O DIRECT TAX NO INCREASE IN AUTO LICENSE FEES NO INCREASE OF GASOLINE TAX Keep th< M! three facts in mind. The present auto license fees and gasoline to x will pay both th e principal and intercut on all the bonds u n der this am en d m en t, an d w ill yield an annual surplus Ix'.sides fo r other state highway w ork . N o additional taxation of any kind. FEDERAL FUNDS MUST EE MATCHED Oregon mui t have sufficient Highway Funds to match Federal apportion ments or Oregon cannot get tlic bei.i fit o/ Federal money for Oregon Road«. Increasing this constitutional tin it is it necessity. Unless limit is increased either state roads mnnot be completed for many, n any yea n ,or must be finished by direct property taxation. This measure averts ilire it property tax for atato l.ighways and makes early completion possible. L e t’s get the roads built now. Income from Present Sources Sufficient to P*y Principal and Interact. T h e fart that ravanopa fmm auto lioanaa (aaa and saaolina tax. w.thuut incr«aaa o f roann t ratra. ill be am- lejto i ay both r ri cipai and internet n three b.nda, ia c ear'v *.-t t rth b y official figure« th»» State Panipl npn 4*t, rnei. fi t> ev« ry r«*"»Pt« ivd voter. K frr t * State Pamphlet for v* r ficeti n. . «lami r.o the teble e corf fully, ft j>n>v*w that no i r t**rty tax ie rwqni »-d and th t r>ri-eent re t«« for md gus tax will r<-d*w»m print?» el end intt r « t a id y ie d a iufp u r p i u« b eid«e it • i r -M r feue end yie.q F <r Intirent T bios, Pamphlets nr further Iuiormation, w rit« to O R E O O N R O A D S A N D D E V E LO PM E N T A S S O C I A T I O N t . L TlOSftM. P r o * * 245 N L . P w M C C M M . ( W e i ft e .* « (a e * «* . A 1 lei? Campaign HfW'Iqu.. t*m, t i l W irrostor Building, Portiaed, Or*g>n VOTE 302 X YES Tor C% State Road Bond Lim it PECKHAM CASE CO. House Furnisher« and Funeral Director«. I. H. Kellar, in charge of P i n u Store Honae Phone 6M S8 Phono IASS Stares at Caldwell aad Parma, Idaho. Oat of Stationery? Well, Call oa Ui—It’* 20