Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1920)
« N y M A T h « Town in THE COUNTRY“ (P , ïYuiU, Vegetatole#, Poultry, Livestock and Dairying—iFWrtning in ' l a m i . <t\)c <&aU Cittì Jlonnutl VOL X V III NO. 33 N Y SSA . M A L H E U R C O U N T Y , OREGON. FR ID AY . A P R IL 23. TH E «T A T E ta th* Stated. Hay, Orate, Stock Raising, In General, tL50 F L * Y E A * «c P it i U l f 1920 OREGON NEWS NOTES NEW RAIL STRIKE 1 NEW RAILROAD LABOR ¡WILL COOPERATE WITH ) IRyssa and Wcinfty OF GENERAUNTEREST | NOW THREATENS BOARD BEGINS WORK LOCAL FARM BUREAU Principal Events of the Week 38,000 Clerks and Freight Organizations Must Comply Farm Record Project Important i Briefly Sketched for Infor Handlers in Chicago A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in i Lire Town— What Your Neighbors Are Doing. matlon of Our Readers. « May Go Out. Jaek Teutsch and Aden Wilson were Mrs A. Schnsiter and little daugh Ontario visitors Sunday. ter, were Ontario visitors Tuesday. I With Law’s Terms to Secure Hearing. A ntw hospital la to be erected at Burns, the county seat of Harney coun ty. There hare been a total of 190* 11- «•»see Issued to real estate dealers of Oregon for the year 1920. Central Oregon Oddfellows will cele brate the 101st anniversary of the or der In Prinevllle on the evening of April 24. Part of Farm Bureau Pro gram tor 1920 J. H, Wolf want to Boise today to ! Mrs C. P. Lackey was a Bone vis Chicago.—A return to Chicago o f a Washington.—The railroad labor itor, Mond y attend a meeting of the Shriners. What did Malhear County farmer* completa freight tie-up and the estab- Elmore McLellan was a Nampa vis- , b“ ard got down to wlth th* get for their labor last year after pay Albert Hinsch and wife were Caldwell 1Uh“ * Bt ° f * draatlc frelght embarg° itor Monday. I elecUon ° f R- ** Berton of Tennes- ing all farm axpeaaes and allowing a on all roads was threatened when 8000 visitors Monday. „ ... . »ee. a member of the public group, aa fair rata af Interest on their invest Barclay Wilson, went to Homedale. freight handlers and 30,000 railroad , ar . „ Ch" ley Cr* w,ord w* re permanent chairman, and the appoint- ment? Some outside interests are of Sunday clerks threatened to Join the switch in Boise Monday. ment of c p CarruUlari ^ Texaa as th* opinion that th* farmers hav* been men's srlke. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wilson, of Nampa permanent secretary. Mr. Carruthers making big money. Th* farmers are J. LaRanson and James Kelley v ere : It was stated by George A. Worrell, Ironside visitors Saturday. were Nyssa visitors again this week. waa formerly secretary of adjustment not ready to accede this statement. chairman of the Brotherhood of Rail Mrs. J. D Lackey was a Boiae vie board No. 1 of the railroad administra The Farm Bures* 1* anxious to l*arn Mrs Stella Hoover hsa substituted way Clerks, that a strike was almost itor this week. tion. tho facta. Why do they wi*h to know? Miss Merl Leuck in the Austad grill. The high school bond election at sure to be called unless tbe railroad All terms of the railroad law under For several reason*. Harry Brown, this weak purchased a Aurora carried by a vote of 62 to 64. averted it by capitulating to the de Miss Lucy Thompson and Miss Geor which the railroad labor board Is creat- tine calf fiona Al Ervington. (7) The bonds will be issued In the sum In th* Arat place, the great nation mands of the freight handlers and rail gia Dennis were week end visitors in of $23,600. wide organisation o f farmers haa in Boise. Tha hash sign sn ths Servies garage ' muat be compUed wlth by " g M r road clerks for a wage Increase. tions of railway employes before griev cluded many thing* in it* program. Four big mountain lions trapped Ed Severe, who has been employed which hsa been eut e f coasmisaion for Ten of the switchmen's strike lead ances can be brought before the board, An outstanding feature la th* realis since the first ot this year, was the ers, including John Gruoau, were re- with the Stsnflsld Sheep company is in some tiara is again in servies. It was announced by the board in a ation that farming must be put on a record made by C. M. Holcomb, of arrested by United States marshals town for s few days Mies Eva Loveland returned from formal statement. business basis and run in a business like Hoaglin on North Umpqua river. Sunday on charges of violating the Checter Dunn had the misfortune to Ironside Monday where she has beenso- The ruling of the board was made manner in order to iniure agricultural Decrees defining and describing the Lever act. One, R. Reading, was sent break his arm one day this week while journiag for sometime. when B. J. McDouy-.ll ot tbe 3t. Louis ability and to help put farming where lights of water users on Three creek, to Jail in lieu of $10,000 ball. Rail cranking his car at Jamtsson. Joe Myers rscently purchased from yardmen’s union and Edward McHugh it belongs They realise that business Snow creek and Hood river were Is road managers report the switchmen’s Mrs. J. W. Wills visited her daugh- H. R. Sherwood, the city property, ad- 0f n 8 w York appeared as representa- that bnainess organisation and business sued by the state water board last strike situation throughout the West ter. Mrs Cole, in Payette, a few days joining the Hetel Western on the east, tlves ot all of the “outlaw" strikers to methods are absolutely necessary today. week. as much Improved. this weak. Stillman Lang, o f Parma, waa a ask immediate wage Increases. The women's debating team of W il A Farm Management survey e f 44 The tew provides that every resource Tho Odd Fellows and Rebel ms will guest at the Ralph Servoss home Sun lamette university of Salem defeated irrigated farm* in this ceumy, taken of negotiations between the railroads give a program and banqnet Tuesday day. College of Puget Sound women debat four year* ago for the calender year Mrs. Grace Hand left last Friday for and their employes must be exhausted 1916, revealed th* fact that the aver evening April 27th *rs by a two-to-one decision at Tacoma. before grievances and differences con Sand Hollow, whsre she will be em Wash. age labor income of these farms was Several Nyssa people were Ashing at be filed before the board. ployed as cook for a shearing crew. An emergency landing place for air $921 00 A farm business survey o f 19 Arcadia lake last Sunday. The catch Tbe statement of the board, which farm* in the Ontario Nyssa irrigated planes Is being prepared near Cascadta Mias Ethel Thompson, book keeper consisted mostly of suckers, prebably was read to representatives of the “ out for ths convenience of planes engaged district for 1919. recently conducted, because they were fishing on Sunday, for the Nyssa Trading Company, spent ■an Remo.—The Important law" striker*, waa interpreted by W. ahowa tbe average I bor income to be In forest patrol work la the Santiam Sunday in Weiser, meeting .1 supreme Mr. and Mrs G. W Dickson, of N. Doak, representing the Brotherhood national forest $898.0<i. A more detailed survey o f the Henry McNee and Roy Cook have me peace conference Ironsido, are »iiitin g at the home of of Railway Trainmen, as a refusal to The Union Oil company o f Cali ooancll t Oregon Slope district is now being un leased the Service garage from C. C. recognise or to parley with the strik dertaken by the Ceunty Farm Bureau. fornia paid to the secretary o f state, la Paris ended, opened here Monday. the letters’ parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton. Taptab*. ers who have recently tied up freight The United States Is without repre $3941.U , covering Its sales of gasoUao Mrs. Shadows and children o f Pipe terminate in the large cities of th* It la hoped that at least 60 records* on and distillate In Oregon during the ses tattoo. 1919 figure* will be available before the • The Ladies’ Aid enjeved a very Line Farm, attended Sunday School at eountrF.. Robert Underwood Johnson, ths nsw month of March. week la over. Bach information con pleasant afternoon tea Wednesday' at the Warren school house Sunday after American ambassador to Italy, who tained therein will, in no manner, be Joe Yee, hopgrower of Aurora, tbe M. E., with a good at neon contracted to deliver his entire conclusive. It should, however, pave H r. M e , stopped off here on his way from Paris tendance. Mss. Robert Msgorden.wa* Born—To Mr. and Mrs Fred L. to Rome, dsolared that President W il for the 19M season to Hugo the way fer a real farm management hostess. *• Sheets this morning, a 9$ pound daugh son will protest against tbe proposal e f New York at a stipulated project based upon earefUlly k.;pt farm Nyssa can boast of on# thing most teg. Tbe little one ha* been named for the partition of Albania and also 46 cents per pound. accounts fer tec, pretest year. small towns cannot; A first class lady Juanita Ellen. A representative meeting of large against the cession of Scutari to Jugo Data o f this kind secured from actual oarotr. Mrs. W, F. Dolan formerly The management o f tbe Liberty eastern Oregon wool growers held et slavia. records kept by the farmers will be e f o f Boise has a chair in the pool hall and Premier Mlllerand Is reported to Theatre ie annouheing two good «bows Pendleton went on record as favoring Washington.— It coat $5,628,174.000 much value in pointing out tho leaks in auction sales of wool at Portland this have suggested to Premier Lloyd aha rapors business is very satisfactory. to appear in Nyaaa soon Tha ads ap to run the government for the first the farm buaiueaa and determining the George that France, England and spring and summer. nine months of the fiscal year, and factors which make for su es#*. It A special maeting of th* city eoun pear in this Issue Petitions having 2682 names and in Belgium jointly occupy the German cil was hald Monday evening to con- The Bois* Payette lumber company taking this as an average, treasury of will assist in the hit question of to d a y - dorsing Herbert Hoover tor president Ruhr district to insure German coal aider the matter of closing th« picture has new scales installed, ready for ficials state that the total government coat e f preduction. Th* farmer, as of ths United States were brought to deliveries if the reichswehr refuse to shew on Sunday evenings. A fter con weighing These are the be t scales In expenditures for the 12-month period much as any oh* sit* is entitled to a halem hy hydroplans and fllsd with evacuate that aone. The French pre ■iderable dissuasion In which interested tnls part of Oregon or tbe adjacent ending June 80, next, would reach ap price which covert cost of production mier is said to have taken ths stand citiaens, both fer and againat, took part e f Idahe. being 16 ton au.o truck proximately $6,760,000,000 or nearly the searatary of state. and a fair prise profit. To get this, a blockade of Germany would part tke ceuncil, ky a tie vote in which type, with registering beam. This type 918,000,000 a day. A special election la vote upea however, thsifdemands must be backed Farther appropriations by congress up facts aad figure*. The farmer* the Issuaaoe of $7000 la hoods for ths give rise to abjections on ths ground Mayor Caldwe l cast the deciding bal- of scales baa double compound bcamt It was “ aot humane." Premier Mille- tempos# of purchasing an aviation lot. voted to let the matter go ovar anjuated to an aecuracy that gives ah and the soldier bonus, which Is esti mnst know whot they are talking about. d further believes the blockade until the November election, at which solutely correct weights on large or mated will cost the government $1,- field asar the city will probably ha Farm records are convincing. A third would retard the restoration ef Ger- time It can he placed upon the ballot mall loads, and will weigh any o f the 000,000,000, are not Included. Laat called soon at Roseburg. big factor, in connection with tho value Twenty sawmills, IX of thorn Just by initiative petition. Geehert and large trucks loaded to their eapacity December Secretary Glasa figured that af each a project ie that it will gtv* tha completed er la process sf constnssUoa, Frettyman voted to to let hhe matter They are set in a solid concrete pit running expenses would amount to farmer tho information necessary for w ill operate la Klamath county this go over and Foster and Magorden with walla 12 inches thick, and hav* a $6,097,237,000, but he did not take filing an accurate and complete income year and It Is estimated that the total againat. Tkare It tom* talk of holding platform 9 by 18 foet large enoagk to Into account the loss in government tax report. To those who are fortu 76 Per Cent of Gallantry Certificates cut will be at lesst 264,404,000 feet a special election, the expenses to be weigh any wagon er truck. These operation of railroads. nate enough to com* In that claaa it Go to Ranker*. H. O. Levans of Burns, county judge The principal Items which go to often moans th* saving e f many dollars defrayed by those wiaeing the show scales are now ready to do all public Washington.— Enlisted men received closed e f Harney county, died following an make up the nine months’ expenses weighing It is expected that. $t least 100 to operation which he underwent at the nearly 70 per cent of the gallantry tre: War department $1,301,606,000; 160 farmers in the irrigated farming railroad administration, $776,590,000; districts will tak* sufficient interest in Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. certificates Issued to the A. E. F., a Ha was $$ years old and a native sf report Issued by the war department navy department, $621,364,000; ship the projects to cooperate with th* Farm showed. Citations In orders for gal Oregon. ping board. $433,100,000, and interest Bureau Record hooka, prepared ea Colonel Georgs A. Whits, who re lantry In action for which no medal pecially for th* formers by the Exten- - turned to Oregon recently from France was awarded Included 3343 enlisted sion Service o f O A. C., and digtribu - men, 1219 company officers, nine gen where he was engaged in active service ________ _________ I ince $14,309.000, and the executive of- ted oy the Ontario National Bank and ' »lth the United States forces, has eral officers and 16 civilians and ¡ices coot $6,177,000. the Malheur BnterpriM Publishing New York.— Dr. James Markoe, a Nótales, Sonora. — General Angel resuaeed his duties as adjutaatgeaeral Aursea. uinpany, will be furnished to all who well known surgeon, was shot and Flores, with 6000 Sonora troops, cap The aecond division led all other of Oregon. arc interested. Furthermore, meet tured Cuitaran, capital of the adjoin killed Sunday while tak Ing up tbe of An unusual condition will exlat at divisions In receiving gallantry cer ing state ot Sinaloa, according to of fering at the morning service in the Tanner* and Manufacturer* Alee ngs to explain th* project an 1 give in tificates, 911 such citations having the coming primaries la Coos ceuaty. struction on th* keeping of accounts ficial announcement from Sonora mili fashionable St. George P totestant pit- Profiteering, Says Economist. There will aot be s candidate on either gone to that division. The third divi are now being held in those communi- copal church. tary headquarters at Hermoslllo. sion waa second, with 631. Washington.—T. M. Robertson, aa the democratic or republican ticket tor iss whero there Is actual demand aad The murder occurred soon after tha economist, employed by tbe federal The Sonora revolutionist* proceeded representative from Cooe ceuaty la the .merest in th* work Be far meetings rector of the church. Dr. Karl Reiland, Escapes from Asylum. immediately to march on Mazatlan, trade commission told tbe senate state legislature. an Important port on the Sinaloa coast. had concluded hia morning sermon. In maaufaoture committee that retail deal ,svs been hald at Cairo and Oregon SL Haul.— Records at the state capi Ods Bate«, >8 years aid, was stabbed Hundreds of ex Carranza soldiers which he had advised Ms congregation ers were principally responsible for diope. Arrangements are being made by Arthur Thompson, a fellow work tal disclosed that Thomas W. Shelley, have joined General Flores since he to be friendly to every att anger visit- ( high prices of shoea. Tannera and o hold further .meetings in the Owyhee also known as Thomas W. Simpkin, man on the Southern Pacific section Ing tbe church. Dr. Markoe was tak manufacturers, he said, have taken nstrict, at Brogan and at Vale. Invaded Sinaloa, It was said. at Riddle, and died within a few who shot and killed Dr. James W. ing up the collection when his assail The telegram said Caranxa forcea .Yiore profits than they should, but minutes. The swn were quarreling Markoe In New York Sunday, was The overall* club” movement. In joining the revolution brought with ant produced a revolver and fired • tlNe retailers have Imposed heavier a former resident of Calgary, Alberta. over s horse trade. them full equipment. Including arms, shot which took effect in the head, burdens upon the public than the tended aa a protest against the high On April 2$, 1917, he was committed Thera were five fatalities la Oregon prices of clothing, is spreading rapidly ammunition and food supplies. The death resulting soon afterward In a due to accidents during the week end to the Fergus Falls, Minn., state In- Other* over th* country. City officials, bank Sonora forces, when they entered Sin- hospital. sane asylum, one of his delualona be Mr. Robertson said the most effect era, doctors. Students, judges, drama ed April It, according to a report pre Before Shelley wag captured outside ive rtmsedy would be for the 'public pared by the state Industrial accident ing that hia life typified tbe life of aloe, were said then to number less of the church he fired another shot to refute to patronize merchants who tlsta, preachers, merchants and bual- than 2500 men. commission. A total ot 412 aocldanta Christ. en generally are rising sn wTiich grazed tbe cheek of J. Morgan cbsrge excessive prices. were reported to the commission, In n sense official sanction Jones, an usher, and wounded Dr. Butt* Unions Get Ultimatum. sf Work on the Grants Pass district Ir- given the movemem, for the George E. Brewer In the leg. Mary pickford Denies Plot For Divorce Butte, Mont.— Butte unions have re , lgatlon project Is being pushed as of the employes In the Nor- He told th* police he had escaped Los Angeles. CaA— A general denial Roumania has placed an order for rapidly as possible. Designs ter the ceived until April 26 to accept the navy yard to wear denim has been from a lnnatie asylum laat week and of the charges of collusion, made by construction of the dlvesslon dam are principle of arbitration as a perma fifty locomotives with the Baldwin ed. told rambling atories of hia earear as the attorney-general <*/ Nevada will being prepared and several miles of nent medium of settling labor disputes I^cemotlve company of Philadelphia. ” i itinerant printer alnc* eomlng to be th* answer ot Mary Pickford Fair Latest figures from the presidential In a massage by the Associated Indus ditch have already been cearpleted. John Reed In Finn Jail, this counter from Ragland. It also banka aad Owen Moore, her former Ths price of a pound of sherries, tries. Business and mining Interest s primary In Illinois show that Gover developed that h* was a deaeatar from husband, to the suit for snnulment of ’nehlngton—John Reed, an Aarar orchard mu, was fixed at I I seats hav* pledged $140,000 to carry through nor F. O. Lowdens plurality over i magazine writer, who waa re- Major-General Leonard Wood was 77,- tha Canadian army, th* polios said. He their divorce, filed In DougUa county, whoa tha cherry growers’ ualoa sf tha arbitration principle. told the police he had never seen or Nevada. recently to have been executed 183. The Dalles dosed with the Libby. Mc Finland, la tat Jell at Abo, Finland. Roger C. Sullivan, 59 years of age. heard of Dr. Markoe. Neil A Libby caaaery at this figure War Workers Want Job*. m a «barge of smuggling. democratic leader of Cook county, and for the entire crop et Royal Aanou. The Urcgon statutes plainly provide Washington — At the request of The directorate e f the Hood River Execs* Profit* Mad* During War Are promlnsat In state and national politics r open and closed seasons for com for 10 years, died at hia home In Chi mercial fishing on tho Rogue river retary Dakar, th* Aewrlcan Rod Crose nd Upholds Frans*. to Be Collected. Apple Growers 'association has rated through IU ohapter* In every Mate to dteconttnue printing fruit wrappers. Washington.— Excess profits of more cago of bronchial pneumonia. He had and any attempt of the Mate fish and ■Th# Polish government ha* The Increased coot of paper and the than $1,040,000 obtained by wool deal been seriously lit a month. the French minister at War- game com mission to abrogate or sus- -will assist In the return to civilian Tbe nation wide railroad strike ap pend these laws In compiles** with an •employment of hundred* of war work high cost of printing, growers say. ert In transaction* during the wartime It entirely approves the action have mads ths printed wrap prohibi period when the national supply was parently haa collapsed. Except in a agreement entered Into betwen the ers la Washington. who are to be dIn In ocompytng Frankfort and all under government regulations will few Isolated sections railroad officials V icleay Estate company, the Roy u* d ia r pod hy the war department before tive. t Representative Hawley's bill sathor- be collected and returned to tbe grow report the bulk of the men who follow River Fish and Game Protective r jao- June It ths city of Myrtle Polst to pur- er* by the bureau of markets of the ed the leadership of John Orunau of ciatlon of Medford, tbe Ashland Fish Hunger Striker* Freed In Ireland. Gives Or Kapp F .'ease 120 scree ot the Oregon h Cali department of agriculture. Tbe de Chicago, had returned to work. The and Game Protective assoc latte „ anlj Dublin — Sixty-four hungerstriking Berlin.— The Swedish gove fornia lead grant for the protection cision announced by the department, strikers, who acted In deflene* of their other kindred orgaalaatlena o f snuth- era have been released, appar of the mantel pel water supply was re followed a bestring on question* re railroad brotherhood chiefs, have gen ern Oregon woald be Invalh*. w -cording has in *-*-* that it will not grant * * , unconditionally, and *» a p a »lt ported favorable from the hoaee publio lating to the valuation and handling erally returned without any definite to a written opinion by Atux .Mg-Oem tradition nf Dr Kapp. Vorwaorte han Wo strike Is considerad off. promise* ef more pay. r«m an authortinttvo m m lands committee, •sal Brown. I"*» PREMIERS DISCUSS GERMAN POLICY GOVERNMENT SPENDS $18,000,000 PER DAY PRIVATES WIN CITATIONS SONORA TR8CPS DR. MARKOE KILLED TAKE CULIACAN IN NEW YORK CHURCH SHOE ERIEF GENERAL NEWS RAILLIONS TO BE RETURNED RETAILERS BLAMED