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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1920)
NYSSA T h e Town In T H E C O U N T R Y ” Fruits, Vegetable«, Poultry, Livestock and Dairying—Farming in General. £i)c C^rttc Cittì Quintal VOL XVIII NO. 35 NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1920 T H B 8TA TB In Ike StotteT.. Hay, Orala, Stock Rataln-, A n i in deaerai, Lumbar lake t r y . M k k I L 50 PU t YEAR ftcPBRCOPn — Ë* OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST A carload of thoroughbred Jersey stock, recruited from farms In Linn and Polk counties, was shipped from Albany by express to Payette, Idaho, for distribution in that state. Thirty- six cows and six calves were included In the shipment. IO c r* A request for the sale of an addition al $1,500,000 of state highway bonds under the provisions of the 1920 amend ment to the Bean-Barrett act to meet federal aid for poet roads and forest projects was filed with the state board of control by the state highway com mission. James T. Jardine, well-known lnveo- tlgator for the United States depart ment of agriculture and author of many practical government bulletins, has beon unanimously elected director of the Oregon Agricultural experiment station. He is expected to assume bin duties July 1. Because of the high , c*-- .’ - a deu by growers for their loganberry orop, the management of the Puyallup A Sumner Fruit Growers' Canning company announced that the corpora tion hae withdrawn from the Willam ette valley and will purchase no more fruit In this section. An tnttlat.Yi petition asking for a place on the November ballot for a proposed single tax amendment to the state oenstltutlon was filed with the secretary of state’s office by J. R. Her man, manager of (he Oregon State Sin gle Tax league. The petition centalaa the namee of 14,525 voters. The sundry elvil bill as reported to the house by the appropaatfsnv com mlttae, carries $170,000 for contlaolas construction and maintenance on thn Umatilla Irrigation projeet and $28*,- 000 for the Klamath project. Orator lake national park receives $25,I*#, and the fish culture station at Cladfc- a mas, $!$<«. Mere Chan 80 witnesses will be call ed for examination and seven law yers Will be engaged in the trial ef Harold Sewell, which started in the circuit court before Judge S. Coke at Coqaille Monday morning. This is tke third trial of the 15-year-old Bandog youtk, who la charged with murder ing Lillian Leuthold last July. Farm laborers of Baker county are severely criticised In a report Issued by the Suited States department of agri culture. The statistics show that the supply af farm labor this year la f l per cent of what It was last year, sad la new *9 per cent of normal. The pres ent demand for farm labor le 114 per cent compared with that of last year, and 127 per cent compared with the nonsal demand. A "gravel hauling picnic" which will hate practical results as well as pro viding a day of good fellowship and enjoyment, will be staged la the near future by the residents of the Oakville neighborhood, southwest of Albany. The plan la for the men of the neigh borhood to spend the day haallag sad spreading gravel on certain reada la the vletalty. A big picnie dinner will be sorted at noon. Boentae of the Inability of the Salem Fruit Union to handle the taet-lacreee- Ing orepe of Marlon county without ex pending large sums of money for Im provements, and the keen competition that has developed between canneries and packing plants in the local field, 296 members of the organisation, at a meeting held In Salem, authorised the directors to take immediate steps to dlspooe of the union's property. At a meeting at Astoria of repre sentatives of all the canneries and cold storage plants on the Columbia rivar, with two exceptions, the prices per pound to be paid for raw fish dur ing the season which opened at noon l-frnirriar ggre set as followi; Cki- PEACE RESOLUTION REPORTED IN SENATE HUGH S. C U M M IN G S Substitute For House Prop:*al Would Repeal W ar Resolutioas. »a n - Independent or any other legal voter who Is registered or may be registered upon election day, has a lawful right to vote upon the measures to be sub mitted at the special election on May 21, according to a legal opinion given by Attorney-Oeneral Brown. The Seufert cannery, near The Dalles, states that, owning to the ex treme low water in the Columbia, fish wheels are practically useless. Scow fishing, however, will not be Interfered Joseph C. Grew, who has been named with. Sufficient water for wheel fish United States minister to Denmark. ing by late June is predicted. ( * TUESDAY The proposed auto trip has been that a truer be euirndted them that /postponed) due to the request of the they may mount upon M a huge ¡Balt Lake Chamber of Commerce; In unaphone, which they claim will a- its place the trade booster - have re waken the dead within a radius f 250 Miles. Mr. C. C. Cotton of the quested that the business men meet S e rv k » Garage la donating the u them at the train r.-hich is due to otf a Ford' truck and is putting a arrive here at 8:30 a, m. next Tues suitable body in same for their use day May 11th. They have requested at his own expense. Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Union streetcar employes of Portland voted to accept the proposal of the company providing for a small Increase in wages for a few shopmen and re taining the present wage scale of the platform men for another year. Nego tiations have been going on several weeks. LAKERS JO S E P H C. G R EW POINDEXTER REQUESTS WITHDRAWAL OF NAME Portland, Ore.— Unable to make a personal visit to the state and antici pating but a small vote at the primar ies unless a personal canvass is made, Senator Miles Poindexter withdrew from the republican presidential race in this state. The request for with drawal, properly prepared and sworn to, was mailed to the secretary of state by J. C. Herbsman, campaign manager for the Washington senator, after Mr. Herbsman had conferred over (he long distance telephone with Senator Poin dexter in Tacoma. As a rwnH of the withdrawal Senator Polnd«xter*a name will not appear on the Oregon ballots S i. Herbsman said, and he will raoel . .o votes In the contest here t- r-j those that may be written In by hie adherents, Salem, Or.— Although confident In his own mind that a caadidate tor president of fhe United States who flies for nomination in Oregon at his per sonal request may withdraw hie name from the contest at any time prior to the primary election, Sam A. Kozer, assistant secretary of state, announced that he had decided to refer to Attor ney-General Brown the affidavit ef withdrawal submitted by Miles Poin dexter ef Washington, together with a request for a written opinion as to whether suoh withdrawal would be le gal and proper under the Oregon stat utes. Sale of Ships Limited. Washington. — Ameriea's first mer chant marine bill, virtually as drafted My a sub committee, was ordered fav erably reported by the senate eem mere* committee. The bill le a sub stitute for the bill passed by the house. TOe senate bill provides that coast wise shipping shall be entirely Amer- ioan owned; that 75 per cent of the stock of American corporations eu gaged in foreign trade shall be owned In thle country, and that Asaerieen vessels can be sold to foreign inter est«, with one exception, enly after the shipping board has approved of the sale. No French Nation-Wide Strike Called. Paris.— May day passed with a series of small rleta and disorders in which at least three psrsens were killed-, one of them a woman, and many WOQhded, bnt without the dedlhgfgea ef a na tlon-wlde genes -.1 s'rftb which the onion workers expected from the gen oral federation ef labor. Bill Would End W ar Acte. Washington.— A bill to terminate all war legislation wag Introduced by Ben ator Smith, democrat, Georgia. Books weighing over eight pounds. 12 eenU; those under elghi-ponnds to be refuded; steel heads 9 rents: blue basks, 9% cents; stlverstdes. 3 cents; shad. 1 cent; white sturgeon. 10 sente, green sturgeon, 5 cent* Because the etete highway oomteia- slon apportioned to dqcne < untile of Oregon sums ef mostly In excess of thdt raised through {he Uniterm tax levy dT 1 mill for market roads while to other counties were apportioned fends in amounts smaller than de rived through their respective levies. A. D Leedy. diatriet attorney of Orant county has filed with the state high way department a written protest He urges a re-dlstrlbutton ef the market road funde together with the granting of such other relief for Orant county at the o.uimteteaa may deem advisable. j Ulyssa and tPfcfnity ( i ^ A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— What Your Neigh bore Are Doing. J f Mr, E Gilds and family havs moved W alter Meade, of Idaho Fallt is vie- to Nampa itmg in Nyssa. Mrs Fred Marsh II wet a Caldwell j Deputy Assessor Daley was In Nyssa v'sitor Monday. ' last week. J. W. Wills hat had bis bouse wired Seymore Rose, of near Ontario w : : for elect* ic lights. visiting in Nyssa Sunday. Nyssa’s enrollment in Its this year was 316 pupils. Mrs. W. F. Wednesday. echoele The N yisa baseball team will play ball at Fruitland, May 9tb. Dotgm went to Boise A large delegation of Nyaeaites at tended tbe ball game a* Ontario Sun Ellis for senator-end put Harney day County back on the map Adv Mrs. Chios Tittle, of Boise, was vis M r and Mr*. J W. Wills were Sun iting relatives here the first ef the day visitors at the Albert Butler home week. Hugh S. Cunnings, recently appoint ed surgeon general of the public health service at Washington, D. C. CITY COUNCIL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION The regular meeting of the city council was held in the council room Tbe work on the stale higoway is on montdi y evening, -May 3rd', and Mr, and Mft. Nichaelson have moved pr-igie^iing nicely and within Ui« next the following bil’s were p-eeeuted into the Jim Fogle residence, Mr. and week the work will be completed from and allowed: Mrs. Fogle having moved to Kingman Cairo to the bridge. A . Crawford........................ $52.60 Kolony, Wi'liam Ho.per, assistant superin C . Mr. and Mra. Flovd Linder, of Pay tend* ni of stale banks, was in Nyssa Geui State Lumber company.. . . 1.76 ette, and Mrs Frederick Wilson, of Monday examiuing the ioeal banks and Gate City Jo urn 1...................... 17.30 Richland, are viailing at the home of found them both in excellent condition. A iL on Bros...................................... #0 Mra. Susie Claybeurn, P. J. Gallagher ef Ontario was in Nyssa Hardware company........ 100.00 Mrs. Mamie Hubble, of Jerdaa Val N y n a the first ot the week meeting 'Service Garage............ *.......... 2.00 ley, is a guest at the beme of her with tne school beard on matrers of idalto Power company................ 70.88 2.5* brother and family, Mr and Mra. S. importance in regard to the bond elec tom Newthy......................... tion, Foster. uiiaoksmlth ................................. 1-*® in Arcadia. Mrs. Sadie Crockett and Mrs. H, “ Bob” and Tom Newby and Stanley if. D. Holmes.......................... Fields ,'eft Tuesday for Skull Springs, Fenn are putting in a pump bouse .Iso James Dennis................ where they will he employed as chefs doin^ cone cte work on tbe John Ward it. Megoruen...................... tor a ■‘b'-aring crew. ranch aw on the Owyhee this week with Bank of N yssa............................ Mr». A. Tennenbaum and two child their new concrete mixer. ..eeorder 10.00 36.00 48.00 20.00 Washington.— A joint resolution pro posing repeal of resolutions by con gross declaring s atate ot war with Germany and Auatrla-Hungury was re ported out by the senate rorelgn re lations committee by • atrict party tete. The resolution won Introduced by Senator Knox, republican, Pennsylvan ia, as a substitute for the republican resolution recently paaec-i by the house. Leaders ef beth parties pre dicted several weeks ef discussion with little prospect for action until near the time set for a recess for national oon 1 rentlona. Straight oat repast ef lutions Is the principal Knox substitute, which the president te establish friendly di plomatic and eommsrcla! relations with Germany and with “the govern ments and peoples of Austria and Hun gary.” Like the house resolution. It would reserve all American rights un der the treaty ef Versailles and provide tor repeal of war legislation and tor war powers of the president. It would hold German property until all Ameri can war claims were satisfied, but does not Include the house provision for ac ceptance of the resolution's terms by Germany within 45 days under penalty of a commercial embargo* FATHER AND SON ARE KILLED BY MEXICANS American Destroyers Ordered to Vera C ru z and Tampico. 25.00 Washington. - wi'wo^Sktoerlaa« oM- *uxie and Reberger................... 18 00 Total......... $400.6« zens, Eben Francis Greenlaw an* his minor son, were killed by Mexican An application presented by Pieter bandits, the state d e p a r t »''.' was In - ensen and J. J. Cancelmo for build formed by the American embassy in ing permit to erect an aufo service Mexico City. ¿-.rage on the north west corner of The killings occurred at rulazadao. lot 4, block 12 original townsite otf about 125 miles from Mexico City. ur-ay last, were: Mr. and Mrs il 1. ¡Members of the American Legion Nyssa, wus allowed. Greenlaw was employed by a British Poet No 67 of Ontario will give a liaison, and children, Mrs. h an y It was voted that the p'ibl c dances lumber firm. Newby ana daughter Jennie, and Mrs. benefit jaza dance on Thursday, May The state department annotated Warren Fell- Oae ol tne larges* and be prohibited within the city limit* 13th, to ageist the poet in filling that It has requested tea Mexican gov most successful conferences ever Beta of Nyssa. its quota for funds to be applied to ernment through tbe American em in the Boise stake was repor eu. Gou. The recorder was instructed to the monument fund, to be erected Green and wife, Mis. acnneiter ana no-ify all water userc of he hours bassy to take "effective measures” im and dedicated to the Malheur County mediately for apprehension and pun Mrs. Warren Fenn went by auto. slo w ed for irrigation purpose* said boys who gtuve their lives while in ishment of the assassins. hours to be from 6 p. m. to 10 p tne service. American destroyers have been ar- MADE TH E TRIP OVER THE The council will meet again Tues dered to V ers Crux and Tampico to An earnest appeal is naae to the HOT SANDS OF THE DESERT day, May 11th at 7 p. m. protect Americans there. public to assist the boys of this post S. D. Gostliert, Frank D. Hall, Huib to put this Quot over the top. Rea- Woltens, Jack .VloConneil, and Tbos. S. F. FOSTER'S NEW jazz music will be furnished) by an FO U NTA IN IN STA LLE D tyO-taiii have returned from Baker out of town orchestra, and the com S. F . Foster has Juat Installed a wnere they n„.d been to lake the mittee, Gordon, Berkhetm and Vick nice new fountain which will be Consistory and also travel over the rey assure every'body of a goal time. quite an acquisition to his store. It hot sands of the desert. They are will insure good cool drinks during now Shrinera. PR ESBYTERIAN CHURCH the hot weather. Washington.— Plans of radical lead W eston F. Shields, pastor era for nation-wide May day demon QUOTO RAISED U. S. Navy at Pie-W ar Strength. strations, involving strikes and plotted Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p m Thinking the friends of the W .C , Wash.ugton.— Demobilization of the assassinations for more than a acort Sunday School at 10 a. in. T .U . will be interested to know the avy from the maximum of 2400 ships of federal and state officials, fell flat Junior Christian Endeavor immedi- results otf he drive Just completed ated during the war, including according to reports to the d partment ately after Sunday Sch -ol. and how Malheur county went over lreds of vessela from battleships of justice. Prayermeeting every Wednesday at the top in raising their quota of the fleet line to yachts and anti- Extra precautions taken by federal $200, 1 give the fo.lowing figures. 7:30 p. m. narlne craft acquired for the emer- and state authorities to block the rad Nyssa, S i . 10; Vale,29 -0; Owyhee, Sermon to the Graduating Class y, is now virtually complete, it Jamieson, *2.i>o; Ontario of the high school in the M . E . $10.79; announced by the navy depart- a "May day show of power" were churoh next Sunday May 9th, at 8 fam in e» men, $-!.»; Ontario Union, _^at. scribed at ths department as decided p. m. Sermon by Rev. W . F. $99.01. Total amount raised $200. ly successful. Secretary Ontario Union, W .C ,T . U . H-ndreds Join In Chicago Rant Strike. Shields Despite the fact, that there were no Chicago.— Although there were many reports o t attempted ssaxs. nation of eleventh hour agreement! reported be public officials, it was sa d that the -seen landlords and tenants and thou government Intended to maintain Its sands of persons moved, hundreds of guard over the persons thr. atened. A really good game of handball is to be given at the Methodist persons went en a “rent strike" May The appeals of the radicals for a may be expected today, when the church next Sunday evening May 9th 1, refusing te vaoate apartments, ac demonstration against the government N'yssa and Ontario high school teams Rev. W . F. Shields will be the »peak cording to leaders In the movement In behalf of soviet Russia alao was without avail, the reports Indicated. w *'l #*•«•*» f » r tire ch*n>p:i>n*h8|> o f er. j ¿aliist high rentals. Incendiary speeches and demands that On Wednesday nirht, May 5, the Mulheur count . FOR ASSESSOR. the United States resume relations The Freehman class presented tbe operetta of "Snow W hite" wc« pre-, I her by announce myself as a with Russia were made at meetings in play and gave a party at the high sen led at tne Opera house by mem - undidate for tbe office of Asteeeor several cities. Assistant Attorney-Qen- school building last Frtiay night and bers of the fitt-h. sixth, seventh, and of Malheur County, »ubjeag to the eral Garvan declared, but the net re M ich credit is dud many are the compliment* being eighth grade til of the He; «.-> io.n rotten at the sult was negligible. treasured by the rookies for their Mtea West and Miss Gibson for the; -’rimary Election, to be held on May splendid presentation of "The B ub feptondld success of the play. 21st, 1920. If nominated and elected, NOTICE TO NYSSA The casta of 'Back to the Farm" shine Clikb.” 1 shall work hard sod try to com BASE B A LL FANG Oil -April 30th the Nyss team a- ha* been bard at work ~f late, prac bine efficiency and economy, with All member» of the Kyuna bate ticing practically every afternoon and gstn walloped the Roswell high school reason. hall team, especially these v.-ho have baseball team by a score otf 11 to 0 e\-niivg. They will give the play first A N D R E W GRAHAM. cars, are requested to m o the man \ splendid record m-y be reen from t D9s Bend, May 8th The Bremen ager to make arrangements tor trip MASONIC LOOK the fact that we have already won itate js May 15th. Sometime next to Fruitland May 9th to play a re Regiiar Communication next Mon- six games amt lost but one. Even •week the play will be given at the turn game with them. —Manager. Jay May 10th. M M. Degree and that one game may be onaiderdd liberty Theatr. Last Tuedioy evening the pupils lunch. All Masons and visiting broth our own as we-out played the visit N E W B USINESS VE NTURE or* and the game was ours in every of Mrs kk Tensen held a piano re ers are urged to be present. N > s u will soon hate » now op- _____________ thing but the score. On May 14 we cital at her home The music wae to-dat* oil and gas station which Is Conveyer Does Double Duty. will either play Fruitland or New I thoroughly enjoyed by all who had now being erected on the corner of One conveying ins'sllatlon in an I !>een invited to attend, and the re Plymouth. -«stern p*|—r mill brings the real to Fhwt and 1C s street The men who The Baccalaureate Service .or the freshments served later In the evea- 'he furnaces nn<l carries -iff tbe -isl-et are making the venture are Messrs graduating e'asa of the high school - in « were also appreciated. at the same Utpe. ren of Toledo, Ohio arrived in Nyssa Mr. end Mrs W. W Foster left the firitot the week for a few weeks Ihurauayfo* Bouider, Colorado, whe.o visit with heJ brother, Itadore Lax and they will help celebrate the gold*- family. wedding anuiversary of tin loin u r » parents. AM ERICAN LEGION BENEFIT Am org those attending confeieuca ol M EM ORIAL FU ND DANCE the Latter Day Sainle in Boise, on Sat MAY DAY PASSES FREE OF VIOLENCE! 1 Brief News of Nyssa School