Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1920)
im un cm mmmi ; w t GATE CITY JOURNAL «*ublish«xl every Friday at Nyaaa. Ore gon, by FRED L. SHEETS. FRIDAY. APRIL 30. l«20 Vntered as aeconu-cuu» matter April .«io , at the poatoffiee at Nvaaa, Oregon, under the Act o f March 3,1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, in advance_______ . . . . $1 60 tS'xmonths in advance....................... 76e SALVATION ARMY RESCUE WEEK MAY 1 TO MAY 10 Following the meeting of the ad visory board representatives In con vention in Portland March 17, John L. Etheridge, appointed to the post of state president e f the Vtaanctal phase of the Haase Service program of 192«. started to torse his coeamit tees under county presidents through out the state. The listen of May 1 to May 10 trera picked for the finamdal campaign to meet the budget of »284,000 approved by the convention, at whli^h were representatives of nearly every county. The period was designed as Rescue Week because all of the funds raised during the period will be devoted to ihe work of rescuing the poor from their poverty, the unfortunate and •lownfallen from their slough of de pond and the girl mothers from their betrayal. The work is carried on among peo ple in all walks of life, among chil dren, among young men and young women who have fallen behind In the race of life, among old men and old women whose years are drawing to a close. The work of the army is always i (instructive. Throughout forty years of work Ir the slums of larger cities the organization has developed lines of service that no other organisation would or could enter upon. PR E9BYTERIAN CHURCH W eat on F. Shield#, twetor Preaching 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:46 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Junior Chrietian Endeavor immedi ately after Sunday School. Prayermeeting every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Sermon to the graduation clasa of the high school Sunday evaning. May 9th at 7:30. Pearla No Oystar Monopoly. True pearls, from 1 32 to 1-16 Inch 1a size, were found In large numbers on the mucons surfaces of a recent shipment of tripe recelred In England from the United States That the oc currence was . not unusual, hut hnd merely escaped previous notice, was shown by the examination o f fresh specimens taken from native cows, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. The pearls were soft, of course, each Imbedded In a cyst, and apparently developed Just as In a bivalve. « w K U O T N COUNTY LIBRARIAN HAS BEEN SECURED Cheerfulness, looking always on the bright eMe of things, determined to always stand tn the sunshine, rather than the shadow—this It is that makes life, with Its knotty problems, contin ually easier. It's the "oil of gladness" that helps in doing the work. SEASONABLE FOODS. Thrift has become the slogan, and to practice It we must Increase our knowledge In re- gard to suitable s u b s t ltutes for costly foods which we have been used to re gard as common and cheap. Meat is the great ex pense In many households. Try using: Baked Calf’s Liver.— Wash and care fully remove the tough portions ami lard with small strips of salt pork. Dust with salt and pepper and brown in hot pork fat. Cover with one cup ful « f hot water and put Into n hot oven, basting twice during the half- hour’s baking. The last basting use one tobleapoonful o f flour with two ta- htespeoofuls of thick sour cream ; sea son well and serve. Spiced Sauce fer Suet cr Bread Pud ding.—Mix well two tablespooufuls of cornstarch end one cupful of sugar; add one plot o f boiling water, the Juice and rind of a lemon, one table spoonful of vinegar, two tablespoonfut* of butter and one teaspoonful o f mixed spices. Cook well before adding the butter, lemon and vinegar. 8quath Muffins.— Mix together three cupfuls of flour, two tablespoon fuls of sugar, four tenspoonfuls o f baking pow der; add one cupful of dry sifted squash with half a cupful o f milk, one egg and another half cupful o f milk. Add two tablespoonfuls of flnely-chop- prd suet, melted. Beat thoroughly and bake in well greased muflln pans lo a hot oven £3 minutes. Peach Bird's Nett Pudding.— Put a layer of canned peaches In a well but tered pie plate and pour over them a ewe-egg cake mixture. Rake in n hot •ven until the cake Is done. Remove the cake from the oven and turn up- aide down on a hot plate. Sprlnkla with sugar, dot with butter and finish with a grating o f nutmeg or cinnamow. Berve hot Cape Cod Codfish.— Soak one poui o f codfish I d cold water to freshew. Boll one minute in fresh water and drain. Boll and mash a few potatoes and mix with the codfish. Fleap on a platter and surround with boiled loos and small beets, covered with • rich white sauce. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■p 1r After many weeks o f unavcidnble delay, owing te the difficulty o f secur ing a competent librarian and to the ' fact that Miss Marvin who wiabed to masist in establishing the Ceunty Li* brary system in Malheur county was for several months, the library board is glad to announce that they have se cured the services o f Miss Helen 8. Dickson as county librarian who will come to Ontario the first o f May to be gin work. Mias Dickson has had two years experience in the travelling de partment ot the state library, under Miss Marvin, so that she is well quali fied to undertake the work. She comes direct from Lander, Wyoming, county seat o f Freemont county. The county library sys'ern is receiv ing widespread notice and ia being started in many states California takes the lead in having established county libraries in fourty four out of fifty eight counties, Utah has followed California's lead and it is predicted that j by 1921 all o f the countiea o f Ut*h will have a county library As early in 1912 in Oregon several counties started libraries governed by j the county court, but in 1919 a new law was passed, making it possible for the ■ largest city in the county possessing a a suitable library building, and willing | to turn its books over to las use e f the county, to enter into a contract with the county to maintain a library. There are hue county library a, stems in operation udder the law. The reports from W ssce, Multnomah and Umatilla counties prove conclu sively thn wisdom and success o f the •yttam. Tne county ilbrary is pecu iarly suited to serving rural populations. It is sup ported by a tax on the entire County: has an adequate ce tral library ad ministered by an expeit librarian at the chief city, has branches in schools, towns, villages and post offices; and serves rural dwellers by means o f a mrcel post system or a book truck that , carries a library of mony voiumea to every farm home in the county. COLDS h Spread I k il l once CASCJ Good Work Clothes, P ERHAPS the Malheur County farmers, and B food «a townsmen, think we looe eight of the fact 'hat they g big part of the time. w. IttU M But you’" hnd the same good values in the things we have her* for work wear. Shirts, overalls, gloves, caps, shoes—an .thing you need at surpris ingly low prices Our satisfaction guarantee -roe« with werk clothes as well a* the reat of our goods; money's worth or money back. DISTEJ INFLUE1N Of all hor am “ SP< TOGGERY BILL Tho home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Oregon Ontario, on the tonj SPOHN’S o G ive the remi on the blood disease by < w ard« otr thi th ey a r e "exp p reven t thost ins: disease. OUS. Sold b y *rs or by the ftnd $1.15 per ED. 8PO H N plan uniq New Yorkers . Continuous Tre A. L. MacLafferty Gives His Views Notka of Salt of Impounded Animal«. The blue print*, aperificationa and liatof build* ins: material* for the garage shown above will be supplied free ef charge at the Briae Payette Lumber Company’s yard. The plan includes all the conveniences of the modern garage and is designed as to make the moat economical use lumber and bnilding materials. Fred Wtlmsley & Co. Nyssa Barber Shop Boise Payette Lumber Co. There caused b e torture unbearab ra fire tation. / lions o f s possible, can only Hy. Tht reached b source. That’s why we have Hart Schaffner & dirx cloties for you They’re stylish; worth the money. K IN i Size 14x20 Seems I 't ’a clothes for “ drasa up” that you’re particular about; they involve more of an investment end they’re the ones you rely -n when yju want to look right Railroads Cannot Own Coal Stock. Washington. — The federal govern ment won Its anti trust suit against the Reading company and affiliated ligion la good. It will take caro of cowl companies in one of the ao-called itaolf ; when it is net able to taka nere P rotect Your anthracite coal cases. The Reading ef itself, and Qed dees net see fit te and Central of New Jersey railroads, Charles W. Ellis, repablican candi taka ears ef it, so that it has to appeal Dcfiry P r o f i t s the court decided, must dispose of date for Joint Senator for Grant Her* to thA civil power for sopperì, it is svi ownership of coal company stocks. ney and Malheur counties is in tewa Nyssa, Ore., Bditor Journal: Wa nane* to my mind that its causa ia a No farmer can afford to be getting acquainted with eur folks. grant the right ef any body .of men to bad ana." without * good cre a m •eels by all proper means te influence Weceuntry people are indeed inter R E W A R D —Will pay liberal reward public opinion in favor of use«« ¡»¡¡»¡cus ested 4ft whet eur town doea along separator— for information leading to the recovery views; but when they attempt to use marni end religious linea. Wa sheuld ef the 60 feet o f 12 inch wooden stave the lawmaking power te compel ethers blush far shame to have tha report sent Buy the V iking and not pipe, 20 feet of galvanized 8 inch iro te set in harmony witn their religious the land that tha town ef Nyaaa, only save in the first cost, and ateel pipe, the iron was 9 iuch one views, we enter an emphatic protest. Oregon, had r.auaad tha arrest and fine, but save time and labor in end and 10 inch the a other, flange* foi We recogniae civil government ss of ar imprisonment, of one of its honor operation. connection* and a six inch steel value divine origin, hut believe in the total able sitisene fer conducting an honor M. E. BAIN, separation of church sad state, as en able basine*# en Sunday. 34-21 Ontario, Oregon, There would ho a mighty shout go undated by the Author of Christianity ia theae words: "Render therefore uato up from tho spirits of darkness, at each Caesar the thiage which are Caesar'*, an act aa that, in thie free America. ! SUMMONS. CREAM end unto God the things that areGod's." Will hi tory repeat itself? Ne Sunday Equity No. We protest against Sunday lews, bo laws far aa, please, 'SEPARATORS IN THE CTRiCUIT OOURT O F THE cause such laws is a step toward the Yeura truly, anion of ehurch and state. STATE OF OREGON FDR E. L. MACLAFPERTT. Doe* your skim We pdetest againet Sunday lews be MAlUHUlIK COUNTY. ming faster and cause. ae expressed in tha pretest better. which gave rise te Protestantism, “ te AlttJIJNE F. RICHTER, Plaintiff, The V i k i n g is ■attars of eencieneo the maiority has va. ma d* with the no pows. ” Have Prates tents teased STRAIGHT DISC NOTICE is hereby given that tha fol HARiRY F. RICHTER, Defendant. skimming de vi c e to protest? We proteat ageiaet Sun lowing daaaribsd animate to wit;— A which haa graven to day lews, because, aa Neander laforms Ona roan mrre brandad four dots on be the best. It te To Harry F. Richter, the afoove nam us, they were the means through which tha laft shoulder, one Dark bay galding easier to wash— in ed defendant: ebureh end state were united in the sures longer life. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE feurth century end instead of praterv- brandad H 2 9 on loft shoulder end wire cut on left hind leg between hook It’s a proven profit F’ OREGON; You are hereby r> iag the Roman Empire, they can maker for the farmer. and stifle, have been taken up for run qHired *o appear and .newer tributed largely to its downfall. They ning at largo an tha streatoaf ’ he town Come in and let us complaint filed a g ain * you In tha will de the asms for America demons t r at e a of Nyssa, Oregon, and are now ia tha above entitled sui', wlhin atv weeks We protest against Sunday law*, be Viking to yoa. Town Pound unclaimed fer more ban from the 26th day o f March, 1920, cause they ate un-American and un throe days prior to the date ef this no ao the date of the first publication at c iristian. tice. We proteat againet Sunday laws, be- this summons; and if you fall ao to of Notice is farther-given, that unless answer, the plaintiff will apply to cauec their primary purpose is to pro tha owners of paid animate shall pay all test a religious institution, rather than the Court for the relief demanded in coots and fines and redeem the same to protect all eitisana in the e'tajoymaa the complaint, to-wlt: before tha 10th day of May, 1929, I FY>r a decree dtoaNvtni: *ne bone, ef their natural sod inalienable rights. will an that day at 3 o'clock p. a , at Benjamia Fronhlin said: "When re of matrimony heretofore and now ex- the I*very barn ia tha town of Nyaaa, Lftlog between plaintiff and defend Expeaa for aate at pubile auction sad J. The floor space provided ia ample for largeat cars with ant. and that plaintiff be torever ab srill aall to the highest bidder fer cash Para*, Idaho all of tha above a ascribed animals. a generous allowance fbrwork bench, tools atoied, para- solutely divorced from defendant end Dated this wtfc day at April. 19». for auch other and further relief as phenalia and anhampered accessibility. H. D. HOLMES. may be found equltaUe. TO THE PUBLIC City Marehall. By virtue o f an order of the Hoa- It is permaneatly substantial, built on a concrete foun Thera appeared In your paper, a oruble Dalton Biggs, Judge o f the notice or soma thing of tho kind that dation and roofed with shingles. The windowed side TAKEN UP—Come tony ranch Nev- above entlt'ed C ou rt made ard en myself and Roy Cook had rented the door adds to the light and convenience of entrance. ■ber M, 1919, en* Hereford Heifer, tered on the 23nd day o f March, 1920 Service Garage, but 1 will say that de not need the Service garage, thU summons 1* published In The have ell I can do at my old stand, breeded J. O. en right hip. This hei This plan may be altered to conform to your desires. Gate City Journal, a weekly newspa Nyssa garage. But if they wish to use fer haa been advertised. If e « ts | Let us discuss sad decide with you on the best home par published in this County, for a kat mean* to butter their bread don’ t cull and claim said heifer she will let thorn go to it Thare is first claas foryourcar. period o f six weeks commencing with workman at tha old Nyaaa garage and he sold to th* highest bidder at aueth ■ate May li, 1920. the Issue thereof of March 2*ah, :#*o. they will stay there, and no one at tha F. A- Callagiy. Manger Nyaaa Yard. ShaviRC>{Hair C M 2t A B MCINTOSH and ending with the Dane o f May Service or eay o'her placa will tell ue when to move. ■•t sad Gold Nyaaa, Oragsn, R F. D. No. 1. Tth, 1920. Pd adv R. H. McNEE. DAVIS A KJBSTWP *Y M A -Discharrow, 14inch walk- Attorneys for Plaintl* I I M I I d sickle grinder Inquire Residing at Vale. Crewe* ( M H M R. S. Fytos, Otages. 81«/ Build a Home For Your Car N. u., S. The Rut we dont; wo Buy not talk so much about them, but thaft buying thorn last bo import â t « "etter with you. ? HONEY FOSTER HAS HEAVY LOSS BY FI k E While Clyde Long and Al Thompson were burning straw near the Pete Ten- sen farm, on Thursday, the wind changed, blowing the sparks into the hay nearby, burning the feed racks snd and fence posts also burning 25 double stands o f bees belonging to W. W. Foster. Bei.ig unable to check the hames they managed to sav 40 o f the bee stands. t vr To make r| 'h e i»lan nf Ol whieli has slm « forest o f 1 lands in each that county. The plans, si are t o develop, to the city pi wonlzed systci «Ards. The r velnpriont o f a Systran. The forests they will serve hoard* along t Use to the woi Its oivn forest maintained hy turn generatior As the trees vMc In the fu "III mean an aerve as an o European totvni operation o f t| their forests, ha requires a greal I n proposed for Th “This pianist for a little mu> tignres It—by tl “ Dunno. He’) racket.” “I'll toy he Is. hv the pound