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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1930)
Friday, March 21, 1930 Gordon Wait s¡ - nt Monday in St. Helens on business. M. E. Carkin visited in Camas over the v. eek end. Jos. Scott spent the v«e“k end at his home in Poi , land. Peter Felong and Y. Muraki of Tophill spent i .turday in Vernonia purchai ing supplies. Albert Schmidlin of Brauns was a Vernonia shopper Satur day. Mi-.. I.. !’. PreVn of Portland has been sj nd i th. h t at th,' home 4 Mrs. 11. Veal. ♦ Cl. us Messing of Pi »pent Saturday in this ci iting with brother, Enol Mess- ing, postmaster. Ra’ph Stalk of Salem, seating the Nelson Bros. Sign company, wu n V< business visitor Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Sawyer of Port land visited with Mrs. Mo at her home in the Cl . apartments over the week Mrs. Rose Fleleher, an em- ploye of Mil'er . iòle COin- puny, spent the v.. .. end m Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miilci' and son Morion attended ti : lo - mobile siiow in Foiii.iMl . in- NATAL « * Noble Dunlap and sun Floyd drove to Vernonia Tie day. Frit". Eller called at the I. 1. McMullin place V\ e-lie Jay. a Clarence Lindsay v. .is. couple of days la t -.'I. Mr. and Mrs. Jal.e transacted busine- . in lalst Wednesday. Miss Beatrice Perry I grandfather, Oliver drove to Vernonia last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dike McMullin and daughter were shopping in Vernonia Tuesday. Robt. Lindsay is pasturing gome young stock at Mrs. Nels Peterson’s plate. Jim Miller drove to Vernonia Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iler drove to Vernonia on business Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer were in Vernonia Friday. Bud Baldridge call’d at the Lincoln Peterson home Thursday. Mrs. Edward Wells wa a bus iness caller alt Vernonia IT .day. Zalc Holme , was a Natal bus in ess caller Friday. Mrs. Lee Osbourn visited her sister, Mrs. Ira Peterson, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kennedy made several businc s Natal Friday evening. Noble Duiikvp Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Three aw home from Pacific university to Floyd Haden and Chester Wie- Local Power Company mil the week end. nicke have returned to school af TREHARNE Building New Lines Mrs, R. 8. Lindsay and son ter being absent on account of irone« called Sunday to see , the measles. Ted Keasey was hurt Tuesday . Lindsay’s mother, Mrs. Nels Mrs. Harold Smith’s parents, In the past week many new morning at Rock creek camp. of Cornelius, spent Wednesday subscribers have been added to Peterson. Cyi ril Flemming bought some Geo. Hull took his place for a with the family. the list of light and power us stuck in this vicinity last week., few days. ers of the Oregon Gas and El rd McMullin called at I Mrs. Vernon Stanton and chil ectric company. ALONG THE FISHHAWK a Tuesday. li. en called at the home of Mrs. New lines extended to several ’escing in St. Lindsay motored to Port- R. Stanton Friday. A. DeRosia is doing a great miles both on the Rock creek, 1. st week end. Mis. F. O’Donnell motored to deal of plowing this nice weather. Timber and Mist roads have Nels Peterson has return- Vernonia last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylas DeRosia been installed and further con hcr home after spending I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Giren of had chicken dinner with his par- struction is still being made. ys in Portland, A construction crew of seven n. Bridgers and Alber- Portland visited at the home of enls, Mr. and Mrs. A. DeRosia, is now engaged, and along with l'avo F ne DeRock were Natal his sister, Mrs. J. Glassner, over Friday evening. lau at the new construction, better Mr. and Mrs. Mike Krall have ment and improvement of the Sunday evening. . the week end. veti;. been ill the past week, but are old line is in prpgress. Clyde Johnson called at Ver-1 Gilbert and Geo. Holt made ____ A son of Mr. and Mrs i. L. 0. 1 .. Monday. a businc. s trip to The Dalles Sat- • reported improving. ! i day. Sunday they intended go-' Miss Inas Kroll has been ab- idrevfs wntj sc; at to a I ’ 1 ortland . ing inu nn ’ni-Vii 1 lis. St. Helens—Portland Electric »ospitai Friday critically ill with on in to i Corvallis. gent lrom school recently oil ac- Pow< r company installing elec- pneumonia. He is now Albert Schmidlin has bought count of i.lo. :.. 't< c line from Burkhcad’s corner road to recovery. a new Ford sedan. RIVERVIEW Milo Deltosi.i has be n doing . mound block as far as school- at some v. ik lor 'it, .«as Keen. Mrs. llarry Condit visited I, man: I house. U I, A. DeRosia took his daughter Johnston-McGraw shingle ie home of 1; r sister, Mrs. C. t Coast Ohler, 1 Friday afternoon. to Clatskanie lor meuical atten mill is shut down on account of Wat a Po. I lend—Secretary of war Some ■ 1 cal f. Ik wi i e up to tion Satui.iay. being unable to get cedar logs latter . ■ pro.od allotment of $21,500 the golf course Sunday. over present road conditions. Basil belt sia went to Port . ,r maint-.'nanfe work on Wil- L st week Toni McCàffery went to Tort- 1 Fra: k Schmidlin bought a land ’ii.tosd.iy. river above Guernsey cow from F. R. Hyland formerly1 latid Tuesday. Paul Kiel. been al the 'famhill river. recently. few days. Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Portland Wilma G 1.1- ner and Loretta were guests at the John Estes Baker spent Sunday afternoon Mrs. Milo DeRosia is visiting place Tuesday. Mr. Mrs. Win. Meadows oi with Mary Treharne. Be it Turpin and family moved Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mrs. Mist- arly of Portland, üway Saturday. Harold Smith motored to Ver- Mrs. A. DeRosia and diu '.ter, spending a week S. V Malmsten and Albert nonij Monday afternoon. I Miss Vivian, visited Mrs. Milo ; eting the con- Parla ar motored to Portland Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon DeRosia Munday. i.ew post office Tuesday, accompanied by Lester visited relatives over the week Mrs. A. DeRosia and (laughter over the week Al owe of the upper Nehalem end. Miss Vivian, culled on Mrs. M. E. Treharne made a business Kroll Tuesday. Mrs. G. W. Plumer of Ve trip to Seattle Saturday. Milo DeRosia has been build- nia ¡pent the afternoon Tuc Who I .i and Mrs. E. Lisenby were ing a new gr gruinery for his fa- h Mrs. Sidney Malmsten .da shoppers Saturday., A. DeRosia. Phil Millis’ children Dooley motored to Forest A. DeRosia and his daughter, measles and some of them Sunday. Miss Vivian, brought Mrs. Henry quite sick. . E. Sunell and children, Locks and her new daughter, I Mrs. K. L. C.Lselman [rs. b . Stanton and (laugh Mis.'- Margaw>t. home from flats I’tiymond and wife went :.',v• sal called at the home of Mrs. l^anie Thursday. Portland Wednesday to vi McDonald Tuesday after- ver YOU HAVZJÎT DEC2P-B L. Casselman, who is in St Klamath Fal's— •onstruetion FAWOV3 UNTIL VOÜ12. ct-if.i hospital. and Mr VZm. Hodge were ' of $50,000 airport will start in A.-.' . > I ONT . A FIVE CE-i<T CIO AV > Mrs. . Str ror.g and turday. : the near future. Emma of the O.-A. Hing f <>n friends in .»esda ay. Otis i Larai more is bus Gi sc days. .rdem Mrs. Henry Mr. 1 .from here ■ hi lvc i a, ’ Corey Mrs. Mr. some plow- wore g of hi Mrs. Neh Pclersou last1 J. Kirk at Pleasant Hili Mond I Miss Christine Rainvy is i ' . ,.y w.'is a visitor in i»g a new Foi-.l sedan, a bit on::i i.lui'day ■ day present from her parent' Wm bridg'. rs gave a sur- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall w biilhd.iy parly at her home' mier geests at the home of mMr o. Miss Minnie McMul- f' daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. ■.Liii 'i ■ evening. I J. Kirk, at Pleasant Hill Sunday. ; and .lira, Irii Peterson and' ’lr- d’d Mrs. Dave McMu-lm \mei.iml were Saturday vis- of Natal were guests of the hit- ££ M t. (tor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston made a busin ss Estes of this place Tuesday. ‘ Just perfect!” What a pleasure to have your family or guests say that about to Ve nonia Saturday. j The E. E. Mills property >n r.i-.e of '.our T i/htfiilly good meals. They’ll ■ .y just that and even more if yon e Sbi:: ! son of Mr. and Mrs.1 Riverview was rent.d to Eve.-ett bry your too ’; at MacMarr’s where every item is fresh, clean and full of ap* Green ' reeov. lin.” from his Prickett, an employe of Gilby 1 tii-i { ■ i nourishing goodness. And lcik at the savings you make! Every pur- .3 and is much bette.- this Motor company, this week. I'jllln is doing some for Wm. Pringle Jr.’ of Riverview spent visiting his sis- MeMullin, and made a trip to McMullin came Liberate Fish Near During the pi st fe CO,000 cutthroat trout, averag- ing better than six inches in length, have been liberated by the state game commission in Washington county. .Streams that received 10,000 each East Dairy creek, Tua'atin er, Nehalem river, McKay < Rock creek and Gales creek LAYER FIGS Fancy white. 2 pounds MacMARR COFFEE I reshly roasted daily in Portland. Special for Saturday and Monday only. 1 lb. 35c. $1.00 WESSON OIL For better salads. Sir 45c CORN MEAL White or yellow. 29c bags . D. Broken Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 21X> cans. Packed by J. D. Dole. 2 cans .... 39C SEEDLESS RAISINS 4 pound hag 25c The new Majesties are here—6 of them! Each with the sensational new Majestic Colotura Dynamic Speaker. The speaker that gives greater richness—greater realism to Majestic’s Colorful Tone—already the finest in radio.The first speaker to reproduce perfectly both voice and instrument! Don’t delay! Hear and see these wonderful new Majes ties! The cabinets are new and beautiful in design, and made of the finest woods. Power has been increased. Selectivity is sharper than ever before. The new Majesties are better radios in every way—and are outstandingly lower in cost! LESS TUBES Sold Complete with Majestic Matched Tubes $1)7.50 4 Great Word Definer Noah Webster Ims been culled “a born deflner of words." Most of the definitions of the 70,tun ,>r mon» words In his dictionary were ere. sted anew, by W»o*ster TRU ELU SODA CRACKERS The BIG 9 53c O lb can MACMARR FLOUR “For the discriminating cook.” lb. bag No. 10 Bag $1.74 TOMATO SAUCE Libby’s or Dei Monie’s. Per "'tP Can 45 c CANDY Pug’s Jelly Beans with crushed fruit centers. 1 Pound e' ............... 1 JLtJU CR1SCO 9 O 11». can.... 67c STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Pure fruit, big 3 lb. pla is jar 59c DROMEDARY DATES Fancy quality in 1A„ sealed packages 1- «7 V PEAS San Wan Sugar, fancy quality, No. 2 cans. 3 f„ 3 lb. box 43c ASPARAGUS TIPS R C Brand, fancy qual ity. No. 1 Picnic cans 15c GREEN BEANS Santiam brand, «fancy quality, packed in Orc- 15c BEANS Small white, pink, red. 3 pounds 25c LENTEN FOODS 111 Took Nam« From Province The first Hrleslsn well was fourni In Europe Io the province of Artois lienee the name " Fresh and crisp. BLUE RIBBON MALT Fancy quality Blue Rose 3 pounds I afC MlfiKTY MOHAI1CH OF THE AIR Model 91 illustrated above Lo.e ?er«w. If looag sirewa sre drawn nut of furniture, dipped Imo glue nml screwed back quickly, they wT stay put. “Baekk.h** The play In a gear train, or any loose motion In connected parts of machinery Is known as a “bacWnsh.” In angling, halt cast ers call a reverse winding on th« reel a backlash. iia.'.i' means a '- tying for other thinro you want._____________________________ RICE II AlilO Same Chane« a. a Z«bra “Say, warden, what's the chance of gettln' n suit with up und down «tripes- theee make me look so darn short " Long Nam« Shortened Cape Ann wna first named Caos TrHgsblgz.ands on John Rinllh'» map of New England, in memory of a woman who befriend ed him while hs was held a sis re by the Turks In bls youth. Savings, Too bars 9 And Aiwa,. Collected The excesses of our youth arc draft« upon our old age, pnyshle with Interest «bout thirty years after dot«.—Capper'« Weekly. They range from the model 90 at $95 (less tubes) to the de luxe combination at $203.50 (less tubes). Never before has such value been offered. Never have you been able to buy so much in radio quality for so little money! Come in today for a demonstration. No cost or obligation. Mac’s Pharmacy Vernonia Oysters SARDINES North Star fancy Nor- v.egian »/fs 99n Per can OOV Gulf Kist Brand No. 1 tins 2 for 25c TUNA FISH White Star V«’ Per can CRAB MEAT Fancy quality Japanese Per can Lindsay Lumber Co QQp t)t)V Treharne w MACMARR MARKET FEATURES CHICKENS, Medium size, dry picked ............................... 33c KIPPERED SALMON ....... 29c POT ROASTS of Beef, Shoulder cuts of choice baby beef..... 23c PORK ROASTS, Shoulder cuts, little pig pork ................... 19c PORK CHOPS, Loin cuts, little pig pork .............................. 35c 2 lbs 45c PORK STEAK, Shoulder cuts, little pig pork .......... 25c CHEESE, Full cream ........................................ 23c CODFISH, 1-pound packages .......................... 2 lbs. 35c PEANUT BUTTER STORES Phone 7F5I C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia