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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1930)
Wanted—More Users of Our Classified Ad Columns. Í60 Attend the Opening of the Longview Bridge ' March 29. Vernonia, Oregon Friday, March 14, 1930 Volume 8 Number 32 C. to Provide Conference W. Ford Elected Editor Answers Open Letter G. Vice 300 Attend c of Transportation Two Plays Oregon to Evangelical Church President Lower The Grange Scouts March 29 Held Here in April Col. C. of Commerce Regarding Construction Of Big Meet At Theatre Hits Butter Power to Upper Nehalem c* Holpns fi Friday Eve Substitutes Vernonia Chamber of Com One of this city’s foremost It is estimated that over 100 merce will provide special trans- citizens and biggest booster, G. from throughout the state will lortation for Scoutmaster G. W. i W. Ford was elected first vice attend the Oregon conference of 'turner and all members of the I president of the Lower Colum- the Evangelical churches in this , local Boy Scout troop, to attend ■ 1 .. in 1- nr-.i 1 *r*L • a bia Associated Chambers of city which will be held April 29! the dedication and opening of Officials or Local Power Line Withdraw. Their Ap- Commerce at the quarterly meet- to May 4. I I the Rainier-Longview bridge at plichtion for Certificate to Build; Hearing Be- ing of that organization held in W. “ Plumer, an offi- Rev. G. “ Sponsoiecl by the Local i'll of the conference, was in- Lower Columbia Holds 2 p.m., March 29. fore the Public Service Commission is Annulled. ( St-^'e^Priday. Denounce Sale of Substi / While a special caravan of strumental in securing the meet- cars will leave this city March Quarterly Meeting P.-T Association ing for this city, which is an tutes at Meeting Mist, Or., Mar. 11 (To the cause if a survey showed them I logical next president of the as 29 to attend the opening, it was sociation. Other officials elected anual nffoir. thought best to provide special Editor)—The Oregon Gas and that line would be an asset in were R. F. Moore of Astoria, The local Chamber of Com ■_T . . ■ • rsi is busses for the use of the scouts Electric company of Vernonia earning power, they had the merce went on record I at its iNorill’Kl LriVCS I alk so that they could attend in a has suddenly taken a new inter means to construct it immediate president; Austin McCoy of Vancouver, Wash., second vice meeting yesterday p'edging its i _________ body and not be leaving with est in the construction of a ly president; G. M. Hafenbrack of rupport where possible to make power line to Mist, Birkenfeld The meetings between pros- Longview, secretary, and Geo. different cars from here. the conference a success. I pective consumers and Mr. Ford, B. Conyers of Clatskanie, treas- J. C. Lindley, president of the and Jewell. Why is this? Protluction of “Farmerette” Ask Merchants Discourage Tours through the big mill County Seat Folk Conduct chamber, appointed a committee This winter, two meetings the first held at Mist, were call I urer. end nearby camps will be ar Given by High School Tours to ail Their In Sale of All Butter I consisting of Lee Schwab, G. W. were held for the purpose of ed as before explained by Lee ranged by a special appointed Alumni I Plumer and Emil Messing to 'making estimate« on possible Schwab, the editor of this paper, dustrial Pianta. Substitutes committee of the chamber handle the details for the trip. consumers. Vernonia was repre who apparently saw the field Governor Norblad to conduct the visitors on sented by Mr. Ford of the Ver for a power oempany to extend Speaks Here April nonia power company and Mr- its lines into a wonderful terri- Tonight at th? Joy theater throughout the valley. Vernonia Athletic 10 at C. of C. Meet At a regular meeting of the gathering estimated at over Schwab of the Eagle. Nothing tory. the production of "Peter Pan” Verne nia Grange held here Sat- I A Club Plans to Hold 1300 attended the Lower Colum- definite was decided at their with its 40. characters played M. E. Carkin Buys Governor A. W. Norblad has urday, over 20 visitors from out- Ask For $8000 bia Tennis Tournament Associated Chambers of meeting at Mist. Another meet-' by students picked from local accepted an invitation extended side Granges of Natal and Bir- Dry Cleaning Plant Commerce meeting at St. Hel- The second meeting, held at by the local Chamber of Com kenfeld were present. ing held at Birkenleld disc.used grade schools and a play, “The er.s Friday, when one of the ' The Vernonia Athletic club the fuiit that Vernonia would Birkenfeld, when the matter of merce to be its guest at some Farmerette,” which has a cast Much discussion was given M. E. Carkin purchased the best belnnced programs ever at- will hold a business and social build, if the people along the $8000 being raised by the peo near date and has chosen April toward discouraging the Verno ___ r___ of seven well known composed Wednesday evening, proposed line would contribute ple along the proposed line to 10. girls from the local high school Vernonia Dry Cleaning establish- tempted by any city a member meeting nia merchants from selling sub ment from Peter Paulus on of the association was enjoyed. March 19, at the Odd Fellows a matter of eight thousand dol- pay one-third of the construc alumni, will be shown. Following the regular lunch stitute butter in direct competi Between the hours of 2 and 4, hall. lars, either in cash or by help tion costs was asked, in the us eon and meeting of the cham tion with butter, especially dur Directed by Mrs. E. Bell, the Bridge street Monday and will Any one not a member of ing in labor or getting out the ual stand taken by utilities com- ber on that date, the public will ing the present period when the play "Peter Pan,” promises to unite his new business with the visitors were taken in cars fur- be excellently portrayed by the City Cleaning and Pressing com- nished by members of the St. the organization, wishing to at poles. Still nothing definite as panies following recommendn- be invited to listen to Oregon’s dairy situation needs all PO8- tions by the public service com-, governor speak. Helens Chamber of Commerce tend, should notify Mrs. E. E. to when they would build. siblc support. local pupils. Billey Bassett, Paul pany which he owns. mission, who advise expenditures i In the near future Mr. Carkin for an inspection of the indus- Yeo, secretary, the organization Jepson, James Rainey and Shel The members present went on Seem Uninterested of $60 per consumer on lines extending a welcome to visitors. by Caton play the leading parts plans to enlarge his business trial plants of St. Helens. record denouncing the sale of 'Final plans for the tennis club This would look as if they invading new fields, and install additional Ovation Given Ballagh in the production. The Charles- quarters butter substitutes, and recom Following the banquet the tournament will be brought up were rather uninterested and! Where construction is done in worth orchestra has been secur equipment. mended that merchants put on . at the meeting. did not know exactly whether a territory thickly settled, this meeting was opened by Edison ed to play several selections be an educational campaign to dis they would construct a power practise of having the consumer I. Ballagh, president of the or courage the buying of this ma tween the acts. linp that would extend to Jew pay a portion may not be prac ganization, who was handling Frank Warren Lumber In addition to the two shows, terial and to discontinue if pos ell or not. So it was never any- tised In many cases where new his last meeting as president, sible the sale of it. Mr. Bush has arranged to show Candidate for Senator thing but talk with them. lines are built. The figures quot- after the most successful per- a feature picture, “Rich Peo This was thought to work in Linquist orchestra of Portland 1 iod ever enjoyed by the associa- ple,” which in itself is worth But now it’s a different story ed by Mr. Ford were given when has been secured to furnish the with the Tradej-at-Home cam- I Portland, Mar. 13 — Frank M. he managed the old power com- music for the dance to be spon naign and it was further point tion, and who was given a great the general price of admission. Warren, prominent Portland bus altogether. The Peoples West pany. ovation for his efforts during < iness Several musical selections with Coast Hydro-Electric company sored by Vernonia post of the ed out that those of the Mist, man, will be a candidate Coaid Not Give Date of Clatskanie, after constructing a solo by R. Noble and singing American Legion Saturday, at Natal and Birkenfeld districts H. E. McGraw, who is a can I the past year. 1 for the republican nomination Ballagh thanked of United States senator in the power lines to all nearby farm did not handle such products as led by Mrs. W. W. Wolff prom- didate for the nomination of' President The old company did not know the local hall. even- those cooperating with him in ises to fulfill an enjoyable Earl Washburn is in charge butter substitutes. representative of the 20th dis May. primaries to run against ers, in the surrounding territor when they could have built a The lecture hour was under ies, have decided to extend a ' line, but the Oregon Gas and El of arrangements for the dance, ing. trict to the state legislature, an-! I bringing the association to its Senator McNary. nounced that if he is nominated 1.»............. ' Present strength and its promin- Alumni Featured ectric, who purchased the Co He is the finance officer of the the supervision of Mrs. Tags. Lumbermen and all dependent line to Jewell. Refreshments were served fol And nqw after making pre- lumbia Utilities, would have de post. elected he would, during | ence in this section. upon that industry are particu Shelln Williams, Betty Rob- and Invocation was rendered by larly interested in electing a man liminary surveys of a line which cided within short notice, had lowing the regular meeting. his wrm term ui of vn.<-v, office, work for T the ’lRev. Cline, nis Leroy Walker followed by erts, Ethel Tousley, Della would take in Jewell, Vernonia development of tile great noitn 'group i . . . led , , by Joe T singing Nau who will strive to secure a pro-* becomes actively interested and they received the certificate of Large Attendance Margaret Shipley, Merle Mills, uevviui west, Oregon, and more espec-j convenience from the public ser tective lumber and shingle tar- At Chamber Meeting McGhee Buys and Wayne Hiebor are those tally, Columbia county. He will, man. I iff. puts up a plea of being first in vice commission. Colorado Bakery Farmer tal;'ng part in "The ~ the field. support the state highway com ” ) The address of welcome to Regardless of what attitude is Nearly 50 were in attendanci rtte.” The entire program is mission in its program of con-' St. Helens, in behalf of the St. First to Show Interest taken by a few, it must be re at the Chamber of Commerci Selling his half interest in sponsored by the Parent-Teacher structicn and advocate the ex-i J Helens Chamber of Commerce Camp Employe True, they were the first to membered that Mr. Schwab ex- meeting held yesterday at the the Vernonia Bakery^ in which association of Vernonia. and the citizens of St. Helens Injured Monday tension of that program as rap pressed himself at the Birken- talk of extending a line down Masonic temple. Following the he has been associated the past Others actively, engaged in idly as reasonable and conserva-1 was made by John L. Foote, dis- feld meeting where he told Mr. the program are Miss Von Hoene , trict attorney of Columbia coun- Camp McGregor, Mar. 10— the valley, but Clatskanie ac Libel and Mr. Melis that he was regular luncheon served by the year with Ben Vickrey, present tive financing will permit. began active operations • A— 1 ladies of the Eastern Star, Miss owner, J. J. McGhee returned supervising the music of “Peter Bruno Rief, employed on the tually DVV-. , 1 He will support all laws bene-.^- in the construction of this Tine, t interested in seeing that terri-, from Grand Junction, Colo., Sun Pan," Mrs. W. W. Wolff direct-, i > k unu agri-! uaii-i A feature - of the » program -___ ___ be.J ficial to the farming and con- steam shovel construction crew It is also interesting to note1 tory obtain P«wer. a"d without' I Norma Anderson and Bodie Hie day and announced that he 1 had ber, two seniors representing the ing the — . i w,|] ad- a(j. sisted »' of "'any many beautiful young or of me the uregon-American Oregon-American compa compa I that tjhe Clatskanie power com- any tween the musical acts, and numbers Mrs. E. Ray'cultural programs , an( and j will oeauurui young he has ever been ac- • purchased a bakery at that city. ----- - — ogreasive laws i„ws ,for for re Iau|ea of injured his arm ct . vocate progressive re-. . 1^1®" »f St Helens who in turn , ! ny, j--- — -- ---- Monday pany «as going to eoaatrwet' *i»e in ^5*>g to create suffi-' local high school, Were called on The "Sally Ann" bakery, for talks. and Miss Taylor in charge i, reclaiming of logged represented local industries and when heTfelt while csrmiwYl forestation, reciuuoiiiK vi 'iv>KKcd - ... ... -a . ■ -v . . ' t “ this- line- with no coat to the' cjent interest among the , offi-j Mv. Hieber talked on v / ob »»' bought by Mr. McGhee, is the Oregon costumes and property. off laid dyking and drainage «ave br,ef outlines of the prod- bdx wf explosives containing consumer but their own house, c‘abl tb® power company to industries and of the undevelop largest bakery between Pueblo, district ’ • ¡nets produced by those concerns;blasting powder, • • ____ ___ i pvlnnd . _ their, linnn lines . vx/iF without »«««« any ed ... mineral resources of _ thh Colo., and Salt Lake City, U., “ He" has picked as his slogan.'tbey represented. ‘ The explosion injured Rief’s wiring expense. by far a better extend delay into the Birkenfeld field. | pounty and vicinity. This was 1 Miss An and is situated in Grand Junc Wilson of Linrtton, Linttton, 1 I arm, causing the bursting of | Sinclair A. 1 “Prdgrissive Economy.” ■J At no time has the editor of derson spoke on the influence tion, a city of 15,000 popula ! a n member WMAVMk««. of ex# 4-1.* 1 the state legisla- ' , .avewnl several blood vessels, And the proposition than the Vernonia ‘_________________ *b® Eagle used any methods to of the business men in the lif< tion. It caters to a large ter ' ture and president of the Linn- injured man was taken to this power company had ever offer- ( attempt to hinder the Clatskanie of the high school student. Both ritory ed the people of this vicinity. surrounding the frolt val- ' — —-------- I VV/11 uaiin, ton bank, gave an an auuicss address UU, on. city for medical attention. power company from building I talks were generously applauded. leyi It looks to us the people along 17*^ I On fr» Fire ■* ira XXZ IVeduf Wednesday /‘Working Out the New Oregon this line as if the Peoples West their line. G. W. Ford, chairman of th« 1 Mr. McGhee will leave the end i Reforestation Law.” Postmaster Hopes to be Coast Hydro-EIectrie company is Gieee PeMicity roads and highways committee of ' this week to take charge of ---- Petite Hope Ballagh, daugh- Dam .ges estimated ot $1000. All the publicity given this Tom Crawford, one of Verno-, the I tor °f Edison I. Ballagh, won In New Building April 1 a trifle too up and a coming project has been done with the told of progress being made on his new bakery. was caused by a fire in t — for the Vernonia concern. nia’s most progressive business the Rainier-Apiary market road hearts of those ---------- present by ‘ ' display room of the,the t..» — -------- — ------ man, sold his business yesterday ! casket Still Vernonia makes the com purpose of seeing this field sup- extension. Plans are being made by the Plan Economy Method Brown undertaking parlor 8 a.m. | he' ’ feature dancing. to J. E. Kerr ui of ui«iibs Grants Tass- I ” j. iverr postmaster, Emil Messing, to plaint they were first and Clats- plied with electricity, Such ac- Emil Messing, on the fish and ...... J..„. M. R. Chessman of Astoria On Hi School Annual morning. move into the new federal quar kanie is not playing a square tivity has not hindered the cause game committee, said a libera) Mr. Crawford, C.______ who has been Wednesday Prompt response to .... an ......... alarm ! spoke . ----------- — -— of -- — „ West ters in the Early building on game by, horning in. After all any, for otherwise it is ques- planting of fish in nearby e, . --- . on w--- "Purpose . , .,_ the in business here five years, has 1 ( sounded, brought the local fire ' Coast Empire Association, maybe it’s Vernonia that is do- tionable whether this territory streams had been secured from , In a progressive economical Bridge street April 1. each year sold more than his department to the scene two) Norblad “ *•-* Speaks “- Charles T. Early, constructing ing the homing in. At least it's would now be in the period of the state fish and game com- manner, the high school student nuota of Ford cars. The new minutes later, and through their quota honored guest of the ev- staff in charge of preparing the Tbe construction. attractive Crawford building was mission. quickly i ening, Hon. A. W. Norblad, gov the new post office and store Vernonia that is holding things ,1930 annual, plan on a change Truthfully, the Clatskanie of- building, hopes to see the con up at present by entering an ap not included in the transaction. efforts the blaze was <. Invited to Cslsbration ernor of Oregon, spoke on “ What of financing their book in or brought under control. | lx, tractors pouring concrete today peal to the public service com- fer is a much better one, and | It will be rented by Mr. Kerr. _____ _____ Several caskets, decorations,, a _ Governor Thinks About,' . and for the floors. that company is a splendid or-| An invitation was read from der to save composition costa. mission for a franchise. After Mr. Kerr has been in the mo equipment Instead of selling inch space pro_ supplies and other c._ ,____ , ! during his talk spoke of the all, is this appeal for a fran- ganization which has a record of 1 the Longview Chamber of Com tor business handling Ford pro -- and were destroyed by fire or dam- I — wonderful possibilities of the giving excellent service, and as merce inviting the members of for advertising purposes the new chise going ducts for about one year and ...» -. ----- to mean if granted - •• as some state of Oregon which he pre- prior to that was a representa-1 n?ed - - by water, as well them a franchise by the public sincere and anxious as this pa the local chamber and all of plan calls for showing the names tive for a large utility company of tbe draperies in the house dieted would eventually be one service commission, that they per was to have the line extend- i the city and vicinity of Verno of those who assisted and the in southern Oregon. He will take department damaged by smoke. I of the greatest dairy states in will build? Or does it mean ed from Vernonia, an investiga-l nia to attend and assist in the amount contributed. the union, and also of the great This will reduce the number speculating by selling the fran- tion has shown that it is now' celebration and opening of the possession Sunday. I crop of tourists, increasing each bridge. of printed pages in the book impracticat The people of Mist chise, when they get a Publication Day good — year, who leave millions of their R. M. Aldrich told of the pos used each previous year for ad- price for it. This would delay and Birkenfeld are to be con Changed to Friday dollars in this state. sibilities of securing the agri vertising display and reduce the New Correspondent gratulated upon their aggressive things for the construction of A young lady whose voice has At a meeting of the board of in this matter, and the cultural and livestock special cost of composition, paper and For Eagle at Wilark In its effort to have the pa-1 governors of the association dur- been heard more in recent years a power line in the near future. stand Eagle sincerely hopes that the train which will tour several presswork. To Complete Soon than any other in Vernonia, per in circulation on its day of'ing the afternoon, tl. ... vm .’«;. the c members satisfactory settling of this ques sections of Oregon to also visit Under Clatskanie’s manage _ ______ added to _ ____ the __ Vernonia _______ publication, the Eagle is chang- of which are C. Clifford Bar- will be this city in June. The matter A._ B. Holman, , manager ____ of cured* ^urslav^as* In^hf ypasT.tead »f W.™tan7E. Eagle staff starting Monday as ment power and light service tion will result in a friendlier was referred to the local cham the People’s ____ West Coast Hydro- was assured by the middle of feeling between the citizens of a correspondent for Thursday as in the past. ¡A. Rose of St. Helens, R. F. circulation manager. ber’s agricultural committee. Electric company, was a visitor all the communities concerned. Miss Macile Roberts, former April approximately. this paper for the territory at I I, Previously, the paper went to Moore of Astoria, G. W. Ford Mr. Aldrich also spoke on get in this city Thursday. Wilark and Clark & Wilson prci1s Wedneada^eveninfK If Mr. Schwab can answer Withdraw From Field o f telephone operator in the local " , ' ’ > a | of Vernonia, Ivan Wilson c- ting cooperation from merchants The Oregon Gas and Electric to furnish a market for eggs of camp, »and first items are to ap-; day sooner _ ..... than —i most of the Skamokawa, Wash., E. M. Orth exchange, will have complete these various reasons why Clats- pear in the next issue of the Columbia - - • ■ county papers, and be- of Cathlamet, Wash., and Guy charge of the circulation depart kanie is not the logical power company has withdrawn their ap this vicinity. He pointed out cause of this missed much j. miurisun Anderson uj of . Lsungview, Longview, Wash.. ------ news — n nusn., ment of this paper and will cov company to extend to Birken- plication for a certificate of con that many cases of eggs arc Eagle. ___________ from ___ the public service Having been a resident < °f. happenings of Wednesday and ( passed on many of the resolu- er the entire valley as her terri feld and surrounding territory venience we would like to see his ans-1 commission and the hearing be- shipped out of town because no tory. Wilark for a number of years, rs, Thursday which appeared in tions presented to this body for Mrs. Hewitt is well known and other papers of that week"s is-1 ‘‘°"rable’ con* ^d c”8 j tween the two power companies, market can be found to any Coming in contact with all, wers appear in the Eagle. very active in all civic better- sue i ' - • l*nvora"le consideration, —B. A. D. which was to have been held great extent here and that the and was inserted in the Tho next meeting of the asso- especially those in the upper Ne- Would appreciate seeing this at St. Helens, March 21, has nearby camps were shipping in A poultry clinic, sponsored by menta. She is a graduate of Ore- Eagle ! the following week, a, ciation will be held at Seaside halem. Miss Roberts will also eggs from Portland. the Imperial Feed & Grain com week late. gon State college. I in the first half of June, with greatly assist in securing items on the front page of the Eagle, been annulled. John L. Foote, district attor as it is always but fair to state The Clatskanie power com- ney, who was the guest of the pany of Hillsboro, will be held Starting with this issue, th- the next meeting of the board of news from time to time. In an effort to secure for its In the Eagle’s efforts to bet- bith sides if a question in de- pany now has an open field and chamber, told of his great pleas in this city Friday, March 21, readers the best possible news paper will go to press Thursday of governors to be held at Wood- coverage of the county and es- afternoon, with an assurance to |and> Wash., on the site of the ter serve the public, this new both sides of a question in de- may resume construction. And ure in listening to the splendid at 7:30 p.m. in the American Burners along this line. i in answer to the open letter by talks given by the school stu- Legion hall, under the supervis position has been created. pecially this vicinity, the Eagle its readers that they will re- f.“;. ..... is securing the most capable and ceive their paper Friday morn- Kiver dam. PETE KNOWLES. Mr. Knowles I wish to say that I '^ilents, and congratulated hhc ion of several well known poul | I was unaware that the Peoples < Chamber active correspondents possible. 1 ------------- - ing. ' of Commerce in show try authorities. IN ANSWER West Coast Hydro-Electric com ing the interest it does in its The purpose of the clinic is Head of Power Company The Oregon Gas and Electric pany was serving ranchers sev students. to assist those raising poultry Visit« Here Wednesday company, with several times the eral miles from Clatskanie along now to diagnose, combat and Foote Recalls Former Days backing of the old Columbia the Mist hill, and must say that prevent the diseases and troub Mr. Foote recalled Vernonir Utility company, took a renew r- i this line does appear the logical C. Y. Bowers, head of the les that are the principal causes 10 years ago when only a few 7 'line to serve the Mist and Bir- ed interest in a proposed power of poultry losses. Oregon Gas and Electric com merchants were located here May Bring in Stack pany and vice president of the The Oregon-American _ team, line to Birkenfeld and Jewell be- kenfeld districts.—Lee Schwab. r and compared that period to the Those interested are invited I Washington Gas and Electric led by J. V. McAlister, defeated present time when the chamber to bring in their sick or un company, spent Wednesday in the Town team in the golf tour-| Register Fer Election Terminal Cafe Open gets a turnout of nearly 50 thrifty poultry and watch the The majority of business men direct connection, many requests city inspecting recent construc- nament Sunday by a score oi Today New1 Quarters The last day for registration business men at each meeting. recognized specialist make a of this city and telephone u#ers have been made previously of tion of new “lines of the local 20H- to 18. will be one month prior to the Rev. G. W. Plumer told of post-mortem examination and In one of the closest matches who have occasion to use the telephone officials, but the mat-' company. election day, April 15. Those the Oregon conference of the show how to save the balance service for out-of-town calls are ter has somehow been sidetrack-) Mr. Bowers said that his com ever played on the local course, The Terminal cafe equipment desiring should register at the Evangelical church which would of the flock. pany had withdrawn its applica the two outstanding players of asking that the local Chamber ed to a later date. Much grumbling is heard from ' tion for a certificate of conven the tournan^ent. Jack Bush for has been moved into the space city hall with D. B. Reasoner. he held here April 29 to May 4. The specialist will also give of Commerce request the public Those who have married or Many visitors attended the a short educational lecture on service commission to hold a those who have occasion to use ience from the public service the Town team and A. L. Kullan-! formerly occupied by the Ben the diseases and troubles of hearing investigating the rates the service between this city- commission to construct a line' der for the O.-A. team, played ' nett Variety store on Bridge changed their voting precinct in meeting as guests of members. swine at the close of the poul- street and will be open in their the county must re-register, ac charged by the West Coast com- and the county seat at St. Hel- I through the Natal, Mist and Bir- a good even game. cording to J. W. Hunt, county Basketball Toarnameat Saturday try clinic. P«ny- ' ens on account of the call hav- ' kenfeld territory. A flag tournament will be new quarters today. The grade school county bas The service is free, admission Favorably impressed with the played this coming Sunday, with Dissatisfaction is also express- ing to go through Forest Grove Herman Schindler expresses clerk, who spent yesterday in ed by the fact that it is neces- and Portland, and the rates are future possibilities of this city, starting time to be between 10 the opinion that his new loca Vernonia going over the regis ketball tournament will be held free, and Dr. E. L. Grubb of Saturday at St. Helens with Ver Omaha, Neb., graduate of the sary to go through the Forest as high as a Portland call, > al al- especially after the completion a.m. and noon. tion, more centrally located, is tration records. A citizen of the United States nonia representing this xone for Kansas State Agricultural eol- The greens are in good condi the best location he has obtain Grove exchange, either to a though ' l'~—>- the distance is only one of the Rainier-Vernonia cutoff, lege and former inspector of Mr. Bowers feels quite pleased, tion and the patronage of the ed since he started in the res having lived in the state six county honors. call in Portland or St. Helens, half. The Vernonia grade team won the U. S. bureau of animal hus months or more is entitled to It is predicted that a petition I that his company has entered course promises to be even bet- taurant business in Vernonia. and many want to know if di vote at this coming May election. its last basketball game to be bandry, will talk on a subject among! this field, and has become qpite'ter than the latter part of last .............. — Vemo- ----- , *dll »h‘ be circulated <■ *■*,-. rect phone - service from 1'oot rtna.t — irrvHieij t»— in i— mis «I..* ./ Those who voted at the last el- played in this vicinity in prepa ever interesting to poultry own tue West tv vcic- hi ine. nia to Portland and St. Helens users of i the Coast tel«. tele- interested this secvion section oi of iK. the! J---> year. ration for the tournament by ers and raisers. Road conditions from Corval ection need not re-register, may be secured. phone, requesting the hearing country. Vernonia is their first) Officials stated that they plan Other authorities on poultry Full information can be ob- winning from Timber junior high According to those previously with the public service commit- venture in the utility field in to make additional improvements lis to Waldport reported to be 12 to 11 last week. diseases will be present. tained from the city hall. yctive in securing service of a lion. Oregon. | during the coming year. in good condition. 40 In Peter Pan Affects Dairying Legion Dance March 15 th McGraw Gives His Platform Ford Garage Sold Here Eagle Staff Is Enlarged Poultry Clinic On March 21 O.-A. Team Win Match Ask For Direct Exchange For Service and Lower Rates For Ix>ng Distance Calls I