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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1930)
Friday, March 21, 1930 Vernonia Fade, Vernonia. Oregon > Mrs. Ways» Lappa, Society Reporter Phone 573 piano acompnniment day afternoon at the home of erts, Frank Hartwick, H. L. Bia- by Sunday. at 7:15, just before the Johns, Mrs. W. R. Culver Miss Louihe Malmsten. Mrs. Geo. \ an Vleet, who en- an(j ¡^¡sg Maei|e Roberts. services. Some Spring children Mrs. M. F. Ruhl. Girls Hold tertained the bridge club which next Scnday: Sunday Mrs. Forrest Harding meets on this afternoon every school 9:45 a.m. The pastor willl ‘ * ~ Receives High Score two weeks. Reminders day Last at Sunday The Missionary society of was a wonderful preach at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ceremonial F. Claude Stephens, Minister At Bridge Party j A two-course luncheon was^ Christian church will meet the the church. One of the J The subjects all keep Lenten at EVANGELICAL CHUURCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Camp Fire girls, 05 in all, held a local council fire at the Camp Fire cabin in teh city park last Thursday. During this meeting four new groups of the Camp Fire and Bluebirds were organized. The Lolila group, lead by Mrs. E. J. Bell, sang and conducted the fire lighting ceremony, and afterward the Nawawaku group conducted the fire extinguishing ceremony. Members of the advisory board present were Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. Hamp Roberson, und Mrs. Lee Beveridge. The evening was rpent playing games and the ad visory board served hot dogs, buns, home made cookies, and punch. Mountain Heart Lodge Meets at Bays Home The Mountain Heart Rebekah club met at the home of Mrs. A. P. Bays last Wednesday af ternoon. The hostess served a delight ful luncheon after the business meeting. Members present were Mesdaines E. B. Miner, A. Webb, W. Linn, P. O. Mellinger, E. Sunell, It. Spencer, Sarah Spen cer, Wm. Hodge, K. Kilby and F. O'Donnell. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. O'Donnell in Treharne April 10. Attend Grand Birthday Council of Camp Fire Girls at Portland Two groups of Camp Fire girls, the Lolila and the Nawa- waka, with the guardians. Miss Charlotte Hilts and Mrs. E. J. Bell, attended the grand birth day council fire in Portland, held at the armory Saturday evening. Those who attended from Ver nonia were Misses Nelle Green, Louise Roberson, Katherine Malmsten, Edna Owens, Joy Bush, Sara McGee, Lorraine Space, Marjorie Holtham, and Dorothy June Wolff. Those who received fire mak er’s rank were Lorraine Space, Dorothy June Wolff, Marjorie Holtham, and Sara McGee. 10 a.m. Bible school. 11 a.m. | Divine morning worship. Theme: I "Two Men Went Into the Tem ple to Pray.” 6:30 p.m. Christ- ian Endeavor, in the interesting service. 7:30 p.m. Attractive ev- ening services. Theme: “The Good Shepherd.” The beautiful song, “The Ninety and Nine,” willl be presented in song. The orchestra leads in their opening prelude at the evening service. ' served after the ploy of cards, the home of Mrs. E. Knight on Your sweet peas should be in fine things was a trumpet solo, ¡season in mind. The young peo-| "Nearer My God To Thee," by:pie meet at 6:30 p.m. Miss Grace Mis. Forrest Harding receiv- The guests were Mesdames Wm. the O.-A. hill Tuesday afternoon, the ground now. Mason, played by E, J, Douglas Condit wilt hr tlie leader - cd high score at bridge Wednes- Briot Jr., Wm. Fogci, Thor Rob- March 25. It is also a good time to plant the garden peas, onion sets and early lettuce. •» Pick the daffodils when the bud is about to bloom and the ! open flower will be much pret ! i I tier and last longer. It is a good idea to expert meat on tlie different annuals you are not familiar with. One innious flower lover has started at the beginning of the alphabet md Ims tried every flower list ed that could be grown in his The Junior Art club, , super part of the country. is vised by Mrs. E. J. Bell, 1 When planning your flower making oilcloth art books with bolder use some of your own original cover designs. ideas- but follow the basic rules of landscuping. Many artistic Lincoln School combinations will be the result ' Fifth grade pupils receiving of u little more effort. 100 in spelling are Bonita Buff mire and Leona Fetsch. Herbaceous lupin and coin tri Fourth grade pupils receiving •line are both acid loving plants 100 in spelling are Robert lto- and do not care for bone meal macly, Melvin Boeck, Billy Fo dressing in the soil. Make a gel, Clinton Allard, Edith Lud pocket where the plant is placed wig, Claude Miller, Bonnie and mix the soil with a quantity Thompson, Fred Ervin, Aubrey of well rotted leaf mold. Fitzgerald, Edith Holgate and Bertha Thompson. It is a good time to plan yourj Third grade spelling 100’s are trips throughout the Willamette Charlie Koto, Montana French, valley to see the beautiful dis-1 Violet Johnson and Marjorie Na- play of acres of golden daffo I vinger. dils. A little later the tulips will Second grade pupils who re be on display, then the gladiolus- ceived 100, in spelling last week were Virgie Killian, Helen Tis Friends Entertained dale, Lois Howell and Beverly At Home of Mr. and Crawford. Grade Schools this intensely interesting rBOOK VI,r. STOÎ-Y of J ournal Mrs. Hamp Roberson Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson Entertain Friends at Party St. Patrick’s day sentiment and colors were the motif foi the fnvors, score cards and re freshments served at the even ing of bridge at which Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Anderson entertain ed Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gregory received high scores for the evening. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davidson, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes. Several Students are Entertain With Card Spending Spring Party at Home in Vacation at Home Riverview Saturday J nncKtEY Mr. and Mrs. llamp Roberson ?ntcrtained friends at their home Saturday evening, March 15. The evening was spent in dancing after which delightful refreshments of sandwiches, fee, and cake were served. Those present were Mrs. Geo. Drorbaugh, Mrs. Taylor Lilly, Mr. Andy Kostur, Mr. and Bassett, Frank Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cleveland. Club to Give Card Party March 28 Mountain Heart duh will give a card party Friday, March ut the I. 6. Q. F. hall in city. Celebrates Birthday Miss Phoebe Greenman, who is Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Willard Anniversary Monday and Mrs. Willard's sister, Miss attending St. Helens hall in Port land, is spending her spring va Melba I.aramore, entertained at Celebrating her sixth birthday an elaborate card party at the cation at her parents’ home. anniversary at her parents’ home Misses Phyllis Nelson. LaVelle Willard home near Riverview Miss Feme Gough entertained Saturday evening. Miss Myrtle Gosa and Gladys Krinick are several of her little playmates Pye received high score for the ¡home from Monmouth for their Monday afternoon. Ice cream spring vacation. evening . Students from University f and cake with green frosting The luncheon, served after were served after several hours the play of cards, was in keep Oregon who will be home this of playing games. ing with St. Patrick’s day motif, week end for their spring holi- The guests were Delilah Con- the ice cream having a sham- ¡days are Misses Amy Hughes and dit, B. Riggs, Dorothy Bushnell, Helen Ilieber and Hale Green rock in the center. Small can Jimmy Rachal and Cecilia Gough. dies were served during the ev mail and Burford Wilkerson. ening shaped as hearts, spades, Rebekah Lodge to diamonds and clubs. Many Attend St. The guests included Mr. and Sponsor Contest Patrick’s Party Mrs. E. Condit, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heath, Misses Florence The Mountain Heart Rebekah The Tiny Tots who attended Sunt, e, Marie Kirkpatrick, Myr the St. Patrick’s party in the lodge is sponsoring a contest for tle Pye, Dorothy Von lloene, classrooms all members. Edna — Linn, noble of the Christian i_____ _______ ____ ..... , ____ Ruth Taylor, Messrs. Robert No church last Wednesday afternoon ' grand, and Marie O’Donnell, vice ble, Wilfred Thomas, Wallace were Forrest Acord, Donald grand, have been chosen as cap- McCrae and Fred Spring. Haight, Victor Haight, Sylvia tains of this contest. llrady, Dean Brady, Wesley Bra- The next meeting will be held Bridge Club Holds dy, Beverly Wridge, Vera Lee. Thursday. March 27, at which Joyce Knight, Joy Moe, Billy several new members will be in Meeting at Home Fay Jackson, Eleanor itiated. A special social evening Of Mrs. F. Dickson I Jackson. Woodruff, Marjorie Lolley, Roy is planned by the committee, as ' Armstrong, Katherine Lolley, Le- it is desired to have all members Mrs. K. A. McNeil received i>nn Fielding, Eleanor McClincy, attend. high score for the afternoon at i and Katherine Crawford. the bi-monthly meeting of the Catholic Church Lenten Service* Tuesday Afternoon Bridge held at the home of Mrs. Frank Mr. Schmidlin Presents Every Thursday evening at Dickson this week. Flowers to Eagle Staff 7:4 15 o’clock Lenten devotions Mrs. A. J. Hughes and Mrs. 1 I will be held at the Catholic E. A. Green substituted for! Albert Schmidlin of Brauns ■ church. A sermon will be preach-1 two of the members who were brought a large bouquet of the 1 ed each evening by Father Clan unable to be present. Refresh-1 first daffodils <rf the season to cy of St. Helens. Meditations on mints were served after the play the Engle office Saturday. I the Way of the Cross will be of cards. Other members attend “We have many more like followed by Benediction of the ing were Mrs. A. L. Kullander, this nt our place,” said Mr. Blessed Sacrament. Instructions Mrs. J. C. Lii^lley, Mrs. Robert Schmidlin. in religion will be given to the I everyone Educational Fred Lockley has written for you a fas cinating history of The Journal and its great founder, C. S. Jackson. Wrapped up as it is with the development of Oregon, The Journal’s story is really a story of its state—an intimate picture of your own Oregon of the past two decades, You’ll like this story— a ; straig’ ward account of how in 1902 C. S. Jackson came from Pc-cT tr.n to Port land to establish a < rent newspaper, where some said there was no place for another newspaper. It is a gripping story of the pre vailing power of great prin ciples. A Ax What do you know of the processes by which a great Dramatic! S11 o u newspaper is produced? This little book tells, also, the various steps by which the news of the world, of the United States, of Oregon—of your very own community — is assembled put into type and given to you in a clean, crisp newspaper every day. By picture and by word, briefly, this free book gives you an insight into the interesting methods by which Oregon folks re ceive “Today’s News Today.” By all means write for this book. It has .been written for you by one of Ore gon’s foremost wt iters, and it is free. You will treasure your copy. Just fill in the coupon below and put it into the mail today. The JOURNAL P ortland , O regon Fill In this coupon now— Mail it today to get your book! •*01 THE JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON Please send me Fred Lockley’s book about The Journal. (Tour Name» i 1