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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1930)
Wanted—More Users of Oui' Classified Ad Columns. Attend the Opening of the Longview Bridge March 29. Vernonia, Oregon Volume 8 Friday, March 28, 1930 Number 34 Clean-Up Campaign April 4th Student Local Troop Boy Longview Ready To Longview Australian Visits Camp at Wil- Scouts Very Active Norblad ark and Mill Here Welcome Thousands At To Honor Visits Here Bridge Opening Saturday Engineer April 10 Many Stores Close Well Known Here The Local Boy Scout troop, under Scoutmaster G. W. Plum Wilark, Mar. 25—R. F. Turn er, has outlined an interesting bull, a student of the Council program of activities and during for Scientific and Industrial Re the past weeks the attendance search of the Commonwealth of has shown a steady increase. Australia, was a visitor in qamp Last week the scouts engaged several days recently studying Hundreds From This City and Upper Nehalem Will forestry and logging operations Join in Giant Celebration; Those Going Call for in a game of volley ball against Evangelical church team and To Speak at Vernonia Famous Engineer’s Wish at the Clark & Wilson camp. All Organizations Plan Free Automobile Tags at Vernonia Eagle Office. the while defeated played a good Sunday, Thos. Hewitt, an em game. Regular scout meetings Now Realized. t ploye of the Clark & Wilson To Cooperate. Chamber Meeting. company, accompanied Mr. Turn I At 2 p.m. tomorrow the golden Nehalem and other Columbia are held every Tuesday evening key of the White House tele county cities joining in the motor at 6:30 p.m. bull to Vernonia where they All scouts planning to attend were shown through the Oregon- graph system will be pressed in caravan. to use when President Herbert _ __ _____ _____ A special bus has been char- the dedication and celebration American mill by Wayne Lappe, the electric spark tered for conveying the Boy of the new Longview bridge, superintendent of grades and Hoover flashes 1______ •___ „r 4.L.- a • V that opens the barrier of the Co 1 , Scouts under the guidance of wishing to go in the special bus manufacture. lumbia River Longview bridge. Scoutmaster G. W. Plumer. The provided by the Vernonia Cham Grade School Students Will Townsite of Long- Selected The Australian plans to spend No Clean-up Day Here The flash will signal the link I transportation has been arranged ber of Commerce should congre a year in the experimental lab view; Own House First Years; Boy Scouts Hold Program for oratories of the forestry depart ing of the new gateway between by the Vernonia Chamber of gate in front of the scoutmas Wesley Vandercook Built. western Oregon and western Guest. To Assist. Commerce. ter ’ s home at noon Saturday. ment of the University of Wis Washington, the dedication and I Vernonia will carry a special consin at Madison. Declamatory Contest opening of the bridge that forms I page in the special edition put chief en- Mayor Guy Mills and the city The Chamber of Commerce an important link in the Pacific out by the Longview Daily News Principals From Here Held Here Friday Wesley Vandercook, gineer of the Long-Bell Lumber Mist Home Damaged has secured Governor A. W. councilmen have set aside Fri- highway. covering the bridge opening. To Attend Meeting Norblad as principal speaker at day, April 4, as Vernonia clean The declamatory contest for company, was one of the first By Fire Last Week The new bridge, the highest Free Car Tags Supplied At Spokane April 9 the regular meeting Thursday, up day. over navigable waters in the zone 5 will be held Friday ev men to enter the delta of the Special car tags, “We’re From April 10. A snappy program will The Garden club, who started ening at 7:30 p.m. in the Wash Cowlitz when R. A. Long and Mist, Mar. 26—The home of world, is the outstanding mechan- Principals of schools in Co be arranged with the Mist quar his associates began to cast Mrs. Julia Whittig was consider ical achievement to be finished Vernonia,” will be given free the movement here, has been ington grade school. to those calling at the Vernonia lumbia county have been invited tet featured to render several promised the cooperation of Those entered from this dis around for a modern townsite ably damaged by fire last week in the west this year. Eagle, for most cars will show to attend the Inland Empire ed vocal selections. those merchants having available trict are June Michener, Doris on the lower Columbia. Through, of unknown origin. Mrs. Whittig Several Governors Coming which section of the country ucational meeting which la to Luncheon will be held at noon trucks in which to haul away Anderson, Willa Crowder and Vandercook’s efforts the options was in the yard hanging out From all sections of the west they are from. be held at Spokane April », 10 at the Masonic temple and the necessary for the townsite of I clothes when she dissevered the rubbish. Other organiza Hamp Roberson. governors will gather to be The celebration starts at 2 and 11. Longview were obtained, and public is invited to be present tions such as the American -Le The county contest will be smoke coming from the roof. present at the bridge opening, p.m. when thousands of cars will J. B. Wilkerson and Edwin to listen to Oregon’s governor gion, Boy |lcouts and city lead held at Clatskanie Friday, April under his supervision the first and from Oregon and Washing . travel in both directions over Condit of this city will probably give an address. reconnaissance work was carried ers will join forces in a city 4, at the high school. ton thousands of cars will as j the new $6,000,000. bridge. Ar attend the meeting. out. For more than a year be- Playground to be wide clean-up campaign. Arrangements have been made semble to pass over the famous my airplanes from Pearson field, fore the actual work of building Installed for the for Governor Norblad to visit A concentrated drive will be bridge on its opening day. I commanded by Lieutenant Ken the city began Vandercook car- Kiddies at Wilark Those unable to attend can nedy, will fly over and under all our schools, and with wea made starting early in the morn ried on. Not only was the ques- ther permitting the Lincoln and ing and trucks will cover the en tune in from most any station, I the bridge. Special boats carry tion of the city to be considered, Wilark, Mar. 26—Playground Washington students will con tire city and vicinity, but sites for the gigantic mills equipment for the Wilark chil the program being broadcast ing delegations from cities along gregate at the Washington After premises 1 have been had to be selected and the vast dren, ordered some time ago, over a network of stations prac- the river will be on hand. ichool where a short program Longview, Kelso and Rainier cleaned up the waste and rub- timber holding had to be sur- arrived last week. The children tically covering the entire Unit- will be held outdoors in honor will join united in one of the bish is to be packed in boxes At one time there were of the employes of the Clark & ed States. >f the distinguished visitor. Arcadia park, located three veyed. Busses loaded with school chil- _ _ largest celebrations ever staged or sacks in a place where trucks at work un- more than 350 men The Vernonia post of the Am Announce Time Later can drive closely to facilitate miles from Vernonia on the For der Vandercook in the Cowlitz Wilson Logging company have dren, Boy Scouts, and hundreds in the west, where it is estimated I est Grove road, has been recon- been impatiently waiting for the of other cars will leave here,' that more than 50,000 visitors encrni Legion will give a carni- loaded without any delay. In the next issue of the Eagle watershed. Of this number 100 arrival of this equipment. . tructed during the past six were civil engineers. vul, which several years ago wat the exact time which the school with many living along the upper will be present. Much Work Expected months into a beautiful recrea an annual affair, known as the programs will be held will be Interested in Struggle for Bridge Dance at Timber “Flying Ape Circus and Carni announced and parents of school On account of not having a! tional park. Spring Golf Opening Sundland’a Orchestra The city built, and Vander Dances will be held every Sat- val," at their hall April 25 and students are urged to attend. clean-up day last year it is ex-I With its large log cabin dance To Be Observed Sunday 26. pected that this year’s work will hall, additional tables and swim- cook’s own home was one of the urday evening at the Timber To Play at Dance Governor Norblad will address the park promises to first to be started, this veteran dance hall which is now under be much heavier than previous ming pool, . Here on April 5 “The Flying Ape,” a newspa .he high school student body im years, which is one of the rea-! be a popular mecca this spring engineer became interested in new management. per sponsored by the post anu Vernonia will have its grand mediately following the Cham __ __ of Timber is man- spring golf opening Sunday, the struggle for a bridge to A. D. Legg sons the Garden has asked\ and summer. .Sundland’s orchestra, whose edited by Legionnaire L. Schwab, ber of Commerce luncheon and Arcadia Park Dancing club has 1 unite the lower Columbia com- ager of the hall and also plays for the cooperation of every cit-1 _ _ _ March 30, offering prizes for music is enjoyed by those attend will again be published preceding meeting. izen in this movement which been formed, with tickets now ! j munities mu! on either side of the in the orchestra. many events. ing the Three Link club dances the carnival several days, with — entitling -.......... .. the .— --------- .------------------------- tends to make this city a better being _ sold holders - ] „,g big river. When it was seen) thousand copies is- The first and second prizes at the I. o. o. F. hall, will several 3t. Helens Man Opens ‘ ' ....................... | tn ■* 1 -L --- ! — . attend the Saturday evening that it would be many years, if Westimber Store place in which to live. will be offered for the lowest again furnish music for the sued and distributed throughout entire valley. the Sandwich Shop Here Instructors and school chil dances, where C. Shay, manager, ever, before the states of Ore-1 scores turned in during the op dances Saturday, April 5 in this Bought by Joe Carl Davidson, superintendent dren will be solicited to aid in promises a Portland orchestra to ‘ gon and Washington would build! ening day, the contest including city, Wheeler Last Week both men and women. the movement. Other cities furnish music and girl entertain- such a structure, Vandercook j M. E. Turkington, owner of j The Sundland players, wk* of the Oregon-American Logging throughout the state are stag ers from the city to do some took the lead to induce private | Al a p.m. a mug unvoig c..- 1’™ ftl the vicinity of Mist Mit and company, has been appointed by the Turk Sandwich shop at St. At 2 long driving con-!---- Westimber, Mar. 25 — The Tim- feature dancing during intervals, capital to span the stream. One Commander Connie Anderson at Helens, purchased the New Hol ing their annual clean-up days ' i are well known will be held. - First __ prize ___ will ___ 1 Birkenfeld, Open Saturday, April 19 I of the men of vision and cour- ber Mercantile store at Westim- test . awarded > for «• . 1. . i best _ ______ throughout iicrErziit' the valley as capable general chairman of the event, lywood restaurant from Mrs. R. which usually occurs during the b# the average which promises tq be the largest I The park will be open to the *** who enlisted under the Van- ber was recently purchasedI from of three balls and second prize musicians. Jarroll last week and opened for early spring days. ever staged by the local Legion business as Turk Sandwich shop public Saturday, April 19, at dercpok bsinner was W. D, Co- Tony K.lburg by Joe Wheeler, Members of the Garden club public for the longest ball driven of naires. which date date the the management management mer of Seattle, bond and invest- owner of the Eagle Lumber com-1 No. 2. ask that by the time the trucks which Attend Teachers’ pany, and is now being operated the three. Arrangement of equipment arrive at the hrfmes all ,waste hopes to have the 10 summer ment banker. Through the years as a Red and White store. More prizes will be given in Institute at St. has been altered so that the es should be piled and ready, and' cottages which are to be built of discouragement and opposi Vernonia Gets High best performances in approach tablishment can be operated by that the clean-up campaign start on the side of the park toward tion, Comer and Vandercook Helens Saturday Rating in P.-Ì. A. ing and putting contests open carried on till they saw their Ben Cline Buys the one man if necessary, with the Vernonia, finished. immediately. to men and women. Work in this State ange and other equipment be Many of the proposed new dream come true—the giant The annual local institute for Howell Furniture Governor Here April 10 Proclamation Issued ing moved to the front room. cabins have already been leased, span that will be dedicated to teachers of the three- and four- Store Last Week On his visit to this city Thurs according to Mr. Shay, and mod morrow to the progress and con Last year Mr. Turkington op Scappoose, Mar. 25—Mrs. W. The governor’s proclamation room and graced schools of Co day, April 10, it is hoped that ern plumbing and other conven venience of the Pacific coast. setting aside Sunday for the lumbia county was held at St. T. Brice, state president of the erated stands at the county fair i Ben Cline, a pioneer business Oregon’s governor, Hon. A. W. iences will be installed. Oregon Congress of Parent- ground at Deer Island. The new Vandercook a Son of Engineer man of this city, who has con public golf course opening fol Helens Saturday, March 22. Norblad, will see a city in its ! Plans are under way to install Those attending from this city Teachers, complimented Vernonia proprietor is well known in this Vandercook, a native of Ohio, ducted the Cline Shoe Repairing lows: i best dressed up condition," said many new tables and chairs who received his early schooling The passing of time brings us were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Con- association on its splendid work jity, and will manage the shop shop here for a number of years, Mrs. R. Veal, president of the throughout the park, and the himself, his wife being in charge once again to that season of the dit, Misses Ruth Taylor, Myrtle this year, according to Mrs. A. of the St. Helens restaurant purchased the Howell Furniture (Please turn to page 8) Garden club, “as Governor Nor project, Arcadia park, is now the Pye, Marie Kirkpatrick, Messrs. R. Dorris, Columbia county pres 1 year when thousands in store on Bridge street from John blad will spend the entire day being well advertised in Port j state of Oregon, impelled by a Wilfred ThomaB, R. McCrea and ident who attended tile meeting Howell last week. in Vernonia visiting the schools, land. of the Oregon board of managers Russian Sawmill Duke Wellington ! rapidly growing interest in golf, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilkerson. Mr. Cline within the near fu attending a Chamber of Com The management has invited Saturday. Files Candidacy cares will turn aside from the ture will move his repair shop Engineers Visit merce meeting and looking over the Chamber of Commerce from Club work in Columbia coun to his new store. of the business world and seek For County Judge the city. this city to hold one of their ty, both 4-H and study, received Here Last Week recreation in this popular form special comment. Outstanding Vernonia’s clean-up days in meetings within the near future of sport. . St. Helens, Mar. 26-(Special)- features were: Scappoose, city the past years have been spon at the park. Jacob L. Koltunov, B. I. Tal- Practically every community | The race for the republican nom- library; Warren, spiritual train- evich and A. F. Varanov of sored by the Study club and the haB one or more in the state I ¡nation for county judge became ing; South Scappoose, programs, American Legion. The Legion, Legion Moscow, Russia, in the employ Team Wins . three.cornered aMair Tuesday golf courses, More are being and Vernonia, all around activi- of the Soviet government as through Commander Connie An built as the call of the out-of- In VzOlr 1 OUrnament w ben J. H. Wellington, formerly ties. derson, has promised their sup sawmill engineers, are in Amer doors grows. Believing that it is --------- sheriff, filed with the county St. Mrs. Brice pointed out the ica studying American methods port in handling trucks and good for mankind, mentally and E. I. Helens, Mar. 26-(Special)- The golf tournament held cierk. His slogan is “Economical Ballagh announced today picking up waste throughout the here Sunday between the Legion Expenditure of Public Funds.” physically, to get out in the sun that he was seriously considering necessity for getting publicity of manufacturing. into the local newspapers. city. The three engineers were in It was reported Tuesday that shine and relax: team and the business men’s Mr. Wellington stated that he becoming a candidate for the Vernonia Friday as the guests Mayor Mills and the city coun team was won by the former 21 had been approached by a num- Dr. R. A. Olson, an enthusiastic Now, therefore, I, A. W. Nor- republican nomination for joint of Judd Greenman, general man cil have asked the merchants to to 18. j ber of his friends and requested golfer, made a hole in one, at blad, governor of the state of senator from the 14th senatorial Lindsay Lumber Co. ager of the Oregon-American observe a half holiday Friday,! T"„„ The feature match was played ¡to make the race and gave the the local golf course early Tues- Oregon, do proclaim March 30, district, which comprises Clack Buys Timber for 2% Lumber company, and during April 4, the stores to be closed between Frank Hartwick repre-| . ' matter much ^consideration be- day morning while playing with 1930, as the public golf day. amas, Columbia and Multnomah Years of Operations their visit inspected the mill. from 1 to 5 p.m. or for the rest senting the business men and fore arriving at his decision, but M. E. Carkin. ! Let all so minded aid in ob- The Soviet government plans of the day so that all can de- j Carl Davidson f ___ he is in the race, he The feat happened at the serving this day and thus bring counties. of ‘ the Legion. I now that Jos. E. Dunne of Portland, The Lindsay Lumber company to introduce improved methods vote this time to taking care of Their match entered all even for intends to make an aggressive fourth hole from a distance of about a crystallization of golf- incumbent, and Frank Hilton, al has secured a timber folding of lumber manufacture in Rus mindedness and a love for the their own premises and assisting the 18 holes, neither being one campaign and meet the voters 155 yards. so of Portland, are the only an near the WashingOonjColumbia sia. in the general clean-up cam up on his opponent during the of the county. out-of-doors. nounced candidates. Mr. Ballagh Two of the members of the county line with an estimated Let this day serve as the of paign. ‘ whole match. He was sheriff eight years. Teachers’ Annual ficial opening of the golf sea points out that only once has a 10,000,000 feet of timber which party were dressed in the con He has resided in the county citizen of Columbia county been will assure the local mill two ventional business suits of tho Institute at St. son for 1930. more than 25 years and is a vet state senator and inasmuch as and one-half more years of op American, but of the distinct Helens Sept. 4-5 In testimony whereof I have a Clackamas eran of the Spanish-American has a senator, Colum eration. European cut. The third mem , hereunto set my hand and caus- war and the world war, having The teachers’ annual institute , ed the great seal of the state bia county is entitled to recogni The Lindsay mill is now being ber wore the traditional blouse I served in the navy. this fall will be held in St. Hel jof Oregon to be hereunto affix tion. overhauled so that 60-inch logs of the Russians. ens, September 4 and 5. This ed this 20th day of March, A. can be sawed. For past weeks it Many Attend Poultry is the earliest the institute has D. 1930. had been rumored that the W. T. Lilly Wins Clinic Last Friday ever been held in this county , Lindsay company was finished in Prize in Liberty Locating on a tract of land to the careful methods used, Mr. ( though it has been customary Postal Department this vicinity and would move Magazine Contest their equipment to another sec- near the top of Corey’s addition Biddle following the Oregon I Many poultry raisers through- to hold it at the beginning of Promises City Mail some three years ago, E. S. State college extension service (out the Nehalem and this city the year in most of the coun tion of the state. Biddle has during his spare hours suggestions throughout his en- attended the poultry clinic held ties of the state, Delivery by July 1 W. T. Lilly, well known Ver- from his regular work, cleared tire work. noniaite, won a prize of $25 in jat the American Legion hall last This will give the teachers a More Neon Signs his six lots and todaj( produc | “Strawberries can be _ grown Friday evening when Dr. E. L. chance •to become acquainted Word has been received by a contest recently held by the A benefit dance will be given sufficient vegetables to feed his successfully in this vicinity, and Grubb, one of America’s fore and to make plans that will af- Postmaster Messing from the 1 I Liberty, a nationally magazine, Several more merchants or by Natal Grange at the Natal family consisting of his mother,' I hope to see the day whan ber- most authorities on poultry dis feet all the schools at the very ¡postal department at Washing-1 The contest, known as "The dered neon signs for their places Grange hall Saturday evening, inn D. D C., r. fhnf citv mail deliv- ricliv- ' Patriotic Camp PrpRidpnt« ’* of business last week. Those to April 5, at 8:30i p.m. Excellent Mrs. M. B. Biddle, his wife and ries will he l_ grown „ _ quan- ___ eases, spoke and made several beginning of the shool year. ton, that city Game nf of Presidents,' in __ such daughter, age 2 years, and be-1 tities as to warrant the build post-mortem examinations of Most of the schools of the coun ery service is to be inaugurated had $25,000 worth of prizes, the install signs are: Mac’s Phar music will be furnished and the sides has sold more than $200 ¡ng of a cannery here,' ,” said Mr., sick chickens brought to the clin ty will either open Septemver 2 at Vernonia on or before July first being $5000. Twenty five macy, Terminal Cafe, and the proceeds of the dance will be worth of vegetables alone last Biddle. ’" or 8. I 1 of this year. I $25 awards were made. ic by those interested. Kerr Motor company. added to the Natal Grange build year. ing fund. onions, parsnips, Cabbage, The public is invited to attend. squashes, carrots. cauliflower, and berries are raised, and this S. P. & S. Start* Bridge year a patch of alfalfa has been Construction on United planted besides some celery. Keeping the grocery bill down Railway*’ Line* Early to $6 a month seems no great feat, according to Mr. Biddle, Three bridges on the United who keeps one thrifty goat, Railway within 12 miles of this which supplies sufficient milk city are now under construiAion. for the family needs, chickens receiving concrete foundations. that keep them supplied with The work is being done by eggs, and some rabbits. contractors, the majority of the Larger Scale This Year bridge gangs on the S. P. A This year the thrifty farmer system working on general main tenance and repair work. intends to go in the chicken and The contracts for building the egg business on a larger scale concrete foundations were and has hopes of purchasing ad ditional property adjoining his Our city officials—our progressive merchants—-our civic April 4, has been set aside for a concerted drive on the dress up your premioeo. . . . The cooperation of every cit awarded earlier than first plan land. improvement clubs—our city leaders, have joined forces 'dirt that accumulates during the winter months, Every izen in this movement will, indeed, make Vernonia a better ned, the railroad cooperating The interesting part of the with the Vernonia Garden club in a big city-wide “Clean citizen of Vernonia is hereby requested to join in this place in which to live. Remember, one week from today, with President Hoover’s plan to open up ail available construc successful farming on the Biddle . , to start tract is due in a large measure l,P »emonia campaign. . . By mutual agreement Friday, campaign of civic improvement. Clean up, plant up and but right now io not too tion work immediately. Will Visit Schools Arcadia Park Opens in April Flying Ape Circus Soon I Reported Making Hole in One On Local Course Ballagh May Enter Race For Joint Senator Elbow Grease by Part Time Farmer Keeps Down the High Cost of Living in V ernonia Grange To Give Dance Friday, April 4