Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1950)
November S, 19*>0 6— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HOUSE TRAILER WANTED Wants and Sales LYONS By EVA BRESSLER The Fox Valley cemetery has just received a thorough cleaning, thanks Client will trade equity in FOR SALE—Bargains in oil circulat FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart to Mrs. Gladys Mason of Mill City. ing heaters. Red’s Hill Top Trad ments, unfurnished, hot and cold furnished 2-bedroom modern Mrs. Mason who is president of the water, ■ $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. ing Post. 40tf home for good house trailer. Fox Valley cemetery association did Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf most of the work herself being as FOR SALE—1942 model, 24-ft. east Balance easy terms. ern built house trailer. Bargain WE BUY fir pitch 75c per gallon. sisted a short while by a couple young See us for containers. Also sell us price, can be financed. Wilson boys. This is quite an undertaking C. E. Coville Real Estate Park, Santiam Trailer Court, Gates, i your used burlap bags. Red’s Hill for a man, say nothing of a woman Phone 2207 Top Trading Post. 40tf 44-3p trying to do the job. A fine job was i done and the cemetery looks nice in WE REBUILD Furniture like new. «XPERT AUTO and home radio ' spite of all the rain we had in Octo Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay service, 20 years experience, all | makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE—One good 5-ft bath tub ber, and many thanks and apprecia ton Upholstering. Rt 1, Box 177A, Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf with legs. Amos Hiatt, Lyons, tion is due Mrs. Mason for her splen Ore. 45-1 did piece of work. FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in FOR RENT Completely furnished Mrs. Herman Free was hostess for quire at Enterprise. 33tf apartment, one bedroom, block from WILL PARTY who picked up small postoffice. Phone 2652. 45tf brown pup Sunday on hiway 222, the afternoon card club with the party FOR SALE—Tarps, new, waterproof, 2>4 miles west of Mill City return held at her home Wednesday after selection of sizes. Red's Hill Top BARGAINS—In some good used calk him to E. S. Peterson, Route 1, noon, several tables of 500 were in Red’s Hill shoes, sizes 6*4 to 9. Trading Post. 44tf Lyons. 43-3p play, following a one thirty dessert 40tf Top Trading Post. FOR RENT—Clean modern cabins, FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, luncheon. High honors were held by by week or month, winter rates. $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale modern. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west Mrs. Merrill Brassfield, second high paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug Lyons Motel, Phone 114. 43-3 high school. 42tf went to Mrs. Bob Free and Mrs. Earl las Fir logs suitable for piling. High FOR SALE — White enamel wood prices paid for barkie poles and WANTED — Second-hand upright Allen held low, present for the after range, good condition $30 00. W. L. piling. Call Albany 1287 or write piano. See “Santiam Sam" Steffy. noon were Mesdames Percy Hiatt, Peterson, Swift addition. 35 Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price 45tf Pat Lyons, Bert Lyons, Chester Roye, Roy Heineck, Sam Bridges, Earl lists. 31tf NEED A TELEPHONE’ —Stop in FOR SALE — Four-poster bed and Helemn, Kenneth Helmn, Orville and see the new Lech combination WANTED—Cedar pole peelers. Bunk coil springs. E. D. Cooke. 42tf Downing, Floyd Bassett, Albert Bass, desk or wall phone, also used house jobsite. L. D. McFarland Arthur Olmstead, Bob Free, Earl phones from $10.00 up. Telephone Company, Milwaukie, Ore. Tele- TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma Allen, Merrill Brassfield, Oscar Naue, and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. chines. We sell, rent, repair and 43tf phone Milwaukie 2-5781. swap all makes. Trade your old George Huffman, Mrs. Cora Jenner Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance. 39tf LIST YOUR homes and farms with machine towards a new one. ROEN, and the hostess Mrs. Free. FOR SALE—Used washing machines me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, 456 Court St., Salem. 35 A The eighth grade room mothers reconditioned and guaranteed. Ex Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M. have sent out invitations’to the resi pert repairs on all makes of wash Reid, Real Estate. FOR RENT — Mod. furnished house 3tf ers. Jenkins Hardware, Mill City. See Martin Jepson, Mill City. 44- p dents of the community asking them to participate in a shower for the 41tf FOR SALE—Two double beds, com FOR SALE—The Levi Garrison place school kitchen of the Mari-Linn plete with double coil springs and FOR SALE—30-ft. trailer house, used of one lot and dwelling school. To be given November 9 mattress. Call 1957, or see at Mill i consisting only two months, double bedroom at Lyons, Oregon. Will be sold to from 7 to 9 p.m. At which time open City Lodge. 45-lp and bunk beds, bathroom. Low highest sealed bidder. Bids to be down payment. Nate Bond, San- A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum; left in sealed envelop at office of house will be held with the children’s tiam Trailer Court at Gates. 45-lp Bell & Devers at Stayton, Oregon. work on display. Due to the fact yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per No bids accepted after 8 P.M. Nov. that there is bound to be so many sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. FOR SALE—22-foot trailer $525.00. 21st, 1950, and right reserved to duplications of the same articles, they Fir Grove Trailer Court, Joe Alli are asking for as many cash dona refuse all bids. son. 45-lp SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks tions as possible. Dishes, silverware and washbowls. Red’s Hill Top ' and cooking utensils must be uniform Trading Post. 38tf FOR RENT—Completely modern 6- j in size for easy storing. Any one room house, good deep well, large at a loss as what to give, a donation woodshed and store room, fruit PLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. room. Adjoining Gates grade and will be gladly welcomed. Write, telephone or visit Personnel high schools. See J. J. Butler at A neighborhood party was held at Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated T. B. Hospital, Salem. Keys at the old school house in Fox Valley and Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Parker-Hutcheson Furniture Store. j one night last week, with approxi 44-3p mately 50 present. The evening was FOR SALE—Soil pipe, cast iron, 85c I spent in games followed by refresh foot. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. WANTED TO BUY—Unpeeled Doug ments with Mr. and Mrs. Harley las fir poles, delivered to Lyons FAMILY STYLE MEALS Scott hostess. Present were Mr. and yard. For further information call FOR SALE—Wood circulating heat er, excellent condition, reasonably or write Allen Goold, 1424 Filbert Mrs. John Lengnescher, Mr. and Mrs. roder New Management priced. Chas. Dolezal, SW. Ivy, Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Glen Julian and Glen Jr., Mr. and Mill City. 45-3p Timber Co. of Oregon. 45tf Mrs. Ray Mohler, Shirley and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle, Joann, Judy, Juanita and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. John Worden and Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Kathryn and Kenton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Downer and family and his mother Mrs. Downer, Mr. and Mrs. James Nye and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. Julian, and Grandma Julian, Rex Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson SHELL PRODUCTS and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weid One Mill F.ast of Detroit AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES man and family, Mr. and Mrs. George ZENITH TIRES Nydigger and Larry, Ward Forrest JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Harley FISHING TACKLE Johnson of Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis of Gates and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott and family. Mrs. Vern Nydigger has returned home from the Salem Memorial hos For Guaranteed Cleaning pital after spending several days there for medical treatment. it’s the Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of Sil- ' verton were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott GENERAL AUTO and and family. TRI CK REPAIR Santiam Valley Grange held their 24-HOUR SERVICE social night at the hall Friday eve Arc and Acetylene ning cards furnished the entertain Mill City ment with a small crowd present. Welding There business meeting will be held ( I<>»<■« at 6 P.M. Phone 3452 Friday evening) Nov. 17. the meetings Populare - - bacauM it’* were exchanged due to the elk hunt ing. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson of Salem were Sunday evening dinner guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son Cecil ■ visited Sunday in Corvallis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett Um. Jf I euliiK Jr., HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN another son of the Bassetts. Physician and Surgeon Attorneys at Law Real Estate Phone 6602 SALEM Mill City MILL CITY Mill City Maim Street by Ralph Stein Traveier» Safety Serrice Mill City Hotel Boarding House Mill City Plumbing & Heating “We Aim To Please” FOR FREE ESTIMATES SEE MARTIN J. HANSEN TAVERN PHONE 503 Weather Forecast: COOL WEATHER AHEAD! Now Is the Time G\K \GE NU-METHOD * TO GET THAT PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER AND ENJOY IT ALL SEASON! WE CARRY ALL TYPES FROM MASTER ntM j $6.95 up . Al SO THE FAMOUS NORGE OIL HEATERS FROM Business - Directory $59.95 UP Stifflers Radio & Appliance Co. “35 miles from nearest parking meter Sales and Service Phone 902 MILL CITY DAVID M. REID HARLOW L WE1NRICK Attorney at Law 318 Broadalbin ■HF**W*WNWM«I X** lu t, Albany /------------------------------------------------ MTUM?HtHwwt HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hoalerv -1 Jngr He-1 trease. ■ Smock. 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 nonontncieiciviuzinnBiaiafia&cinea« VERNE’S MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE BARBER SHOP 2nd A Broadway Mill City Hour.: 10 to 7 J Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc weekly pickups $1 per month. Alsn light hauling. leonard Herman Phone 1325 nnnnanHan«aaaanaBaas»nneian - NEW STOCK Septic Tank, and Sewers < leaned ♦ FLOWERING ANO SHADE TREES Cotton Blankets — Cretans SHRUBS AND BIT BS Phone SAIJLM 3-M6Ä. (XMJJCCT ♦ Indian Robes — Oil Cloth — Pillows SI» W. Wash. St. Stayton 1079 Elm St., W Salem Orders taken for Phone 36144 Christmas Cards Can von Garage 1 Expert Repairing NHEIJ. OIL PRODI <ns T. S. ROYAL TIRES M P. E. Fry. Mgr. ♦ : FLOWERS Hendrieson’s Store In the Onwea Bldg. GOODE’S ELOWER SHOP Phone Blue 64 B Stayton, Ore. C. E. Coville IT PAVS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE ---------- r~ MIKE’S Septic Service : WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Real Estate Modem Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON West Side Mill <My Ph. MO7 IJSTINtrS WANTED Complete Supply of All Your Dui Idi up Needs . . . . ------------------------------------ " SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FT ATI RING NEW I OW PRICKS ON MONTEX— THE PAINT WITH THE SAND FINISH I__________________ _ KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS PHONE IRIS RUSSELL KELLT, Manager !