Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
> Anniversaries Do Come anti Go! T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: mu . i. cm DETROIT ELKHORN We begin our second year this week <. \TES publishing The Enterprise. Coming to IDANHA Mill City to publish the paper has LYONS been an exciting experience most MEH\MI pleasant and invigorating. I have MONGOL!) enjoyed working here and the many associations very much. Yes, some times I have ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEW AY IX) Tilt: HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE wished I had n’t come, be cause of the long hours and and hard work I have found it nec essary to put in to accom- plish our tasks. I look around and find that there are others among us who have likewise found it necessary Advance Gifts Division \ of the . port meetings, which will be made in to work long hours to get started Santiam Memorial Hospital building Mill City, will be announced later. in a new’ venture and thereafter I campaign is completely organized, General Organization don't feel so abused. according to Dr. Wm. H. Burrell, Plans for organizing for general Chairman. I have learned that Don Jenkins, | solicitation of funds are now being Advance (lifts Division A, under made by R. I.. Stewart, chairman of Johnny Muir, Jack Colburn, Mayor the chairmanship of Dr. Wm. H. Bur the general organization. Chairman Toman, Dewey Flatman, D. B. Hill, rell. with J. C. Kimmel, associate ' Stewart announces that in the Stay Lowell Stiffler, Harold Kliewer, Lee chairman, is divided into 3 groups ton area it is planned to enlist an or 4 Knowles, Doctor Teutsch, and many of volunteer workers: others are working just as hard to ganization of 50 volunteer workers; get established in their partiular en Group 1- -Walter Bell, manager; men who are in a position to spend deavor. G. W. Schachtsick, assistant; Merton . several hours a day or in the evening F. Cox, E. A. Ditter, M. F. Headrick, ; working with the organization and The ambition of every man I be B. J. Minden, Roy Philippi, Joe Pie- insofar as possible attending noon day lieve is to someday be independent ser, L. E. Spraker, M. Van Driesche, report luncheons during a period of and have his own business. That is A. C. A’an Nuys, Everett Ward. ’ 10 days or two weeks. commendable. That is our heritage in Group 2—M. J. Martin, manager; According to Chairman Stewart, a a free, democratic America, that our T. G. Freres, assistant: Jos. M. Dev number of citizens in the towns and Ancestors have fought w’ars with both ers, Wm. J. Lulay, John J. Mackie, rural parts of the Stayton area have bullets and ballots to maintain. H. S. Pendleton, Irvin Schumacher, already volunteered to serve. He said, In America we have progressed be John Silbernagel, W. M. Tate, Gene ' “We issue an urgent appeal for men cause we were experimenters, al Teague, L. H. Wright, S. H. Wright. I to volunteer to serve as volunteer ways trying something new and Group 3—Anton Moravec, Jr., man workers. The question of obtaining a eventually coming up with better ma ager; Dr. Wm., H. Burrel, assistant; | hospital to protect our families and thods of tending our fields or of im Dr. R. P. Anderson, Edw. J. Bell, j neighbors can be settled, if all men proved processes of manufacture, of Gale Christensen, K. B. Farwell, F. who are in a position to work a few of securing for ourselves and our M. Forrette, Kenneth Hanson, Wilbur hours a day volunteer now. We be- neighbor a better community in which F. Lesley, I. E. Parberry. W. N. Sim- | lieve that all citizens realize that, if we can live and raise our children. we are to obtain hospital protection, it Mayor Albert Toman, Police Chief J. T. King and Patrolman Kenneth Hunt inspect part of the radio equip I mons, F. M. Smith. We have learned to live among our The members of this, Division A, must be done now or never and it is ment installed recently in Mill City’s up-to-date, two-way radio equipped patrol car. This new radio links neighbors in peace and in a democracy Mill City to the Salem police and the Marion County sheriff's office. The Mill City police last July sponsored . Advance Gifts committee will meet their problem as well as that of the because we found we could settle our Wednesday night, November 8th at volunteer workers who are now as a policeman’s ball, and the proceeds thereby raised partially paid for the new police radio equipment seen in differences by the use of the ballot, !a 7:06 dinner at the American Legion suming their share of the responsibil (Photo courtesy The Statesman and Robert Veness) but it was necessary to have certain the above picture. hall. Stayton, for the purpose of or ity. I am certain that all men who elements to use as standards of opera ganizing and receiving instructions. can do so will enlist now in order tion. Among them were the Four I Thereafter, they will meet every noon that we may assign them to service Freedoms; freedom of speech, free at 12 o’clock at the American Legion groups.” dom of religion, freedom from want,' hall for the purpose of receiving fur and freedom from fear. ther instructions and making reports. Perhaps the oldest of these is the I Division B under the leadership of freedom of speech and the press. It | One billion dollars slipped through to Treasury Dept, estimates, the gov | J. C. Kimmel, associate general chair- is very important that we keep it so. | Uncle Sam's fingers when the Senate ernment will continue to lose $170 million in taxes. Why? People “for I man of the campaign, is now being Exposing chicanery of groups or indi passed the tax bill Sept. 1. organized. Division B. will consist of viduals is a cardinal duty of the press | Democratic Senators Hubert Hum get” to report to the Treasury the groups of volunteer workers in the if we are to maintain our democratic phrey (Minn.) and Paul Douglas dividends they get from corporations. I Mill City, Lyons, Gates, Idanha anu freedoms from the control of fascist I (Ill.) wanted Uncle Sam to get his PHONY PARTNERSHIPS Mr. Herbert Maw, former Gover Detroit areas. Headquarters will be hands on that big hunk of dough. or communist forces. Early morning dawn revealed a By setting up fake partnerships nor of the State of Utah, high Our only guarantee that we do not But members of the Senate Repub- many businessmen cut their taxes lighted his address on “The Demo established in Mill City for the con i powerful scene near Mill City’s high lose our freedoms comes from the lican-Dixiecrat bloc—men like Rob in half. There is case of an ac crats‘Like Opposition” with direct venience of the workers of this divi way and railroad bridges. Mill City free and positive use of our privilege ert Taft (R-Ohio), Eugene Millikin countant who made his year-old son quotes of statements of influential sion, whose names will be published inhabitants rousing to consciousness to cast our ballot on election day. We (R.-Colo.), Walter George (D.-Ga), a partner in his firm. The manu personalities in United States history at an early date. The members of Division B, Can I this morning soon were troubled by must not' be too busy to go to the and Harry b>rd ii»-Va.) — said: facturers of the Stanback headache a couple weeks ago in the Salem yon Area, will also meet with Division 1 a peculiar and disturbing rumble in polls—if we are—then just as surely, No! No! No! remedy listed four children 1, 8, 15 Armory before those assembled in a A, at the dinner Wednesday night, . the air. someday we will again be forced to Investigators discovered that the Uncle Sam will lose $1 billion and 18 years old, partners in their Democratic rally. : November Sth for the purpose of in bear arms to defend our freedoms, year because Taft. Millikin, George business. Ex-Governor Maw developed his structions. The schedule for their re- ! usually decorous North Santiam riv When we go to the polls and fail & Co. don't want to seal up the er roars powerfully as it giddily These smooth schemes mean topic with the idea that those seek to find a candidate we can vote for, loopholes. throws hefty logs and debris over ing to promote the general welfare, plenty of dough to the big boys. then it becomes our duty to become rapids near the bridges and clunks the Liberals and Democrats have A man with a net annual income of Who scampers through those loop a candidate and get out and exercise bridge footings with them. always had to fight those who stand $50,000 has to pay a tax of $23,181. our “free speech’’, otherwise we cannot holes, pulling huge bags of profits From the spillway-effect created by four - square against beneficial If that same man sets up a "part justly criticize what our elected offi with them? Why, big business and its the bridge abutments shepherding the changes such as federal aid to high nership'' and distributes his income friends. That ’ s why Taft, Millikin cials do for us. wild stream, the trash and soil laden way construction, a Pure Food & We are in a favored spot in this and the rest of the boys didn’t want among his wife and three children. Drug Act, the Minimum Wage Law water spews forth and cascades in (Continued on Page 8) canyon of beauty that springs from the Senate to close the loopholes. a torrent down a swollen channel and Federal Deposit Insurance. In one of the finest tax speeches J. C. Kimmel, chairman of the San- nature’s own, opportunities are here “When the bill for maternal and tiam Memorial Hospital campaign in to finally slide into the rising Willam but we who are here must step for ever made in the Senate, Humphrey, child health service was before Con this area, in an interview today in ette river near Jefferson. Linn County Demos On Air ward and make progress if we hope explained the billion-dollar loopholes Awed townspeople this morning gress in 1921, an American Medical for growth and prosperity in our August 29. Orval N. Thompson. State Senator, Association spokesman said of it, dicated that a modern well-equipped s collected in queues on and near and staffed hospital in Mill City is Here are some of the loopholes midst. Men must have year around will act as moderator for a forum ‘Socialistic scheme!’, and Congress the bridge vantage points in Mill City employment. More industry is needed, Humphrey exposed: of Democratic candidates of Linn man Green from Vermont exclaimed, not economically practical or advis —their conversations punctuated by the raw products are here in abund TAX-FREE DIVIDENDS county to be released over KWIL at ‘Nationalization of medicine’!” Maw able at this time. J speculations on the sudden rise in the Kimmel disclosed that local resi I river from its level early last night. ance, if only we will help it along, and 6:15 p.m. on Monday evening, Novem disclosed. There is no withholding tax on dents ’ aspirations of a Mill City hos encourage industry to come and grow. Recent high elevation snows are "Alfred M. Landon had this to say Humphrey wanted to ber 6. The forum will be a discussion What does a man or group of men dividends. of campaign issues and the various in 1933 in regard to Federal Deposit pital have a laudable desire, but, even melting rapidly due to warm weather put one on. One billion dollars with state government taxing ma looking for a site to build on look goes tax free annually because candidates will be asked to state their Insurance ’. . . will destroy the entire chinery assisting, a standard hospital conditions and heavy rainfall in the for? position thereon. canyon area. banking system’!” Maw commented. But the I think they will look for Several there is no such tax. Candidates participating in the for “The eight-hour day law came up would be a financial liability to this At 2:30 a.m. this morning the San Senate refused to follow Hum fundamentals as being necessary for um will be Walter Shelby, Elmer in 1903 and the National Association community. tiam reached a peak possibly higher phrey ’ s suggestion. Kimmel commented, “Nurse and than at any time in recent years. The good living conditions, among them Sahlstrom, Fred Mespelt, Dave Epps, of Manufacturers labeled it, ‘anarchy, doctor lack already seriously hampers destructive mien of the river creates I would place roads and streets, hous That means every year, according and Earl Mason. despotism, socialism and confisca proper medical care. Several com ing, schools, and communication ser concern for Detroit Dam operations tion',” Maw said. « munity hospitals in the canyon area vice. “After losing the battle on the would aggravate this situation; also above Mil) City. More than likely most everyone An old-time log-jam landmark be eight-hour day law the opponents of much duplication of expensive techni coming here became accustomed to low the dam melted away under the the Pure Food & Drug Act in 1904 cal machinery would result.” these necessities and conveniences powerful surge of the onrushing wa continued their smear tactics as Fourteen Churches in the Santiam Valley and Canyon area will Upon the completion of the new ters, sending large logs ramming and when they don’t find them all Republican Senator Aldrick of Rhode observe Hospital Sunday, November 5, with appropriate sermons or Stout Creek-Mill City highway, the downstream. Reports of uncertain na here they will be discouraged and look Island said of this act, ‘Man's liberty distance to Stayton and the planned reference made to the present movement to build Santiam Memorial elsewhere for locations. put in peril’ and Republican Senator Memorial hospital from the upper ture continue to filter in to Mill City Hospital. The following is a joint statement issued by the pastors: It is up to us to get on the ball if Warren of Wyoming branded it, ‘pa canyon areas will shrink, Kimmel be- on flood conditions at the damsite. “We endorse the observance of Hospital Sunday, November Sth and we don't want a ghost town on our For the second time in a week, the ternalism and socialism’,” Mr. Maw lives. urge all church members who are in a position to co-operate to aid in hands some day in the future. The North Santiam river has skipped over proceeded. the present movement to build the Santiam Memorial Hospital. workers will be leaving if they don’t the Detroit Coffer dam instead of Going further back into history to “For centuries churches have been the first to establish and maintain get work here when the dam is finish proceeding in an orderly manner the year 1850 Mr. Maw commented, hospitals. Here in America many of the best hospitals are operated ed. They will go to some neighboring through the diversion tunnel con "Public schools were hailed as ‘ state by churches, universities, fraternal orders and memorial organizations. (Continued on page 5) structed for its use. monopoly, state despotism, state so The proper care of the sick and injured is one of the basic teachings of cialism’.” Christ. The parable of the Good Samaritan clearly shows the obligation “In 1913 the minimum wage law of each citizen to aid in protecting the lives and health of his neighbors supporters won against the smear by affording adequate hospital protection. Shades of “The Great Gildersleeve Boy Scout Court of Honor ing done by the N.A.M. who said of “When it comes to relieving human suffering and saving human FRIDAY— invades Mill City’s councilman race the minimum wage law, ‘Pure social Held at Detroit School lives, a Christian does not draw city or other false boundary lines. The 1.0.0 F. meeting these hectic days. ism in its origin; against the estab Mill City IWA meeting last Friday 1 Santiam Memorial Hospital will serve the people of this section of the Ixical citizens are non-plussed by Boy Scout Court of Honor was lished order’,” Maw continued. Santiam Valley and the stranger in our midst. such campaigning as that done by held in the Detroit school auditorium SATURDAY— (Continued on Page 8) “The hospital will be a living memorial in honor of the men and Jim O’I>eary in earnestly soliciting Monday night for Scout troop 43, Lions Auxiliary card party 8 p.m. women who served their country in war and will be dedicated to preserv votes for Paul Ressler for Mill City The Star award was presented to MONDAY— ing the life and health of the residents of the Santiam valley. Councilman and Mr. Ressler returning Dick Woodward by Scoutmaster Don Lions club meeting. Civilian Defense Program “The people are uniting in an effort to make this hospital possible. the favor by extolling the civic vir Striggow. Merit badges were AF. 4 AM No. 180 stated meet Its service to the sick and injured will be another demonstration of tues of Mr. O'Leary! awarded to Dick Woodward and Rob Organized in Canyon ing third Monday. Christianity at work in our midst. It will be worthy of any sacrifice and When queried today concerning a ert I-ady by S. T. Moore. First class service that any of us may make to fulfill this—our great community TUESDAY— Gates—Sheriff Denver Young with political ad for himself in this issue pins were presented to Donald Wat need. ELECTION DAY! GO VOTE! Col. Mark Hillary were in the canyon of the Mill City Enterprise, O'Leary kins and Robert Lady by Mrs. Ray Rev. David J. Ferguson, Presbyterian Church, Mill City Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday Friday, calling or. the respective expressed interest—he investigated Watkins. Second class badges were Rev. Clyde R. Freeman, Christian Church, Stayton American Legion Auxiliary 2d Tues mayors of Mill City, Gates and Idan the cost of an ad boosting Paul Ress awarded to Hopson, Jimmie Rev. A. J. Gelinas, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Shaw- Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tuea ha with the purpose of organizing ler for Councilman! Ressler was in a Stahlman, Frank Barton and Donald Rev. L. C. Gould, Free Methodist Church, Mill City short time later—you guessed it— Snyder by Mrs. A. R. Snyder. a civilian defense program. WEDNESDAY— Rev. Glenn Hoemer, Wesleyan Methodist Church, Aumsville Chief of Police King of Mill City wanted to know how much posters for Scouts came in costumes and Stan Altar Society meets 3rd Wed. Rev. Math Jonas, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Stayton will act as civil defense director and O'Leary for Councilman would set ley of Portland, Hiebert of Idanha Mill City PT A meets 2nd Wed. Rev. O. Leonard Jones, Methodist Church, Lyons will be sworn in as such at Salem. him back! and Moore of Detroit judged prizes Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m Rev. Carl Mai, St. Catherine's Catholic Church, Mill City Such modesty! Surely, retiring to go to Tod Pantie for the effeminate November 3. Under him will be at Detroit school building Rev. Gertrude L. Musson, Methodist Church, Stayton three deputies chosen to serve, one Councilman Harold Kliewer has not costume, to Donald Watkins for the Santiam Rebekah 160 1st and 3rd Rev. Nick N. Neufeld, Baptist Church, Stayton each, at Mill City, Gates and Idanha. been so roundly abused by local citi most humorous, to Donald Ellington Wed. at 8 p m Rev. Bernard Neumann, St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, Scio Sheriff Young and Colonel Hillary zens that prospect of being a public for the most original, and to Mvrlo THURSDAY— Rev. I-eander .Schneider, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Lyons and will meet with the group in the near officer frightens such stalwarts as James for the ugliest. Gates FT A 1st Thursday 8pm Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Jordan future te explain fixed plans for pro O’Leary and Ressler! The boys chose sides and played American Legion 2d and 4th Thun Rev. Walter R. Smith. Community Church of Christ, Gates Wonder what the odds are on this basketbail after which cider and tection, evacuation and for any emer Rev. P. C. Walcher, Assembly of God Church, Stayton. ” Garden club fourth Thursday gency that may arise in case of war. election? doughnuts were served to all present. Advance Gifts Campaign For Hospital Organized Loopholes In Tax Law: Ex-Gov. Maw Explains Tact Of Opposition North Santiam Inundates Dam Kimmel Views Local Hospital Hospital Sunday November 5 Coming Events: Ressler and O’Leary Run Paradoxical Race