Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1950)
Fire Fighters Open House Sat., Nov. 18 The Sixth Annual Firemen's Bene fit Dance activity for this Saturday, November 18, at 6 p.m. now enliyens the improved Mill City Fire hall near the Mill City city hall. Harold Wiltse, chairman of the Firemen’s Benefit dance and games, revealed that this year’s guests will see and enjoy a vastly more pleasant and improved firehall which is now more adequately equipped—thanks to last year’s benefit. Wiltse believes the new addition to the firehall with its new floor and other conveniences can not fail to help make this, the Sixth Annual Firemen’s Benefit, a resounding suc cess. Closely guarded are the $1500 worth of prizes scheduled for those attend ing the Firemen’s Benefit this Satur day night. Housewives and husbands can restock larders wtih ham, turkey, bacon, etc. door prizes as well as enjoy themselves in the gala dance, Wiltze indicated. Frank “Tex” Blazek, president of | the Firemen’s Association, plans use | of the profits of the Sixth Annual Firemen’s Benefit in further improve ment of the firehall and for new fire I fighting equipment to replace and add I to present facilities. President Blazek and the Mill City firemen hope the public will show j. their support of the work of the Fire department by turning out in force for, and enjoying themselves in their Sixth Annual Benefit this Saturday night in the Mill City fire hall. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES ID KNH I LYONS MEHAMA MONGOI D ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY’ TO THE HEART OF NATl RE’S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. 46 MILL CITY, OREGON. TH I RSDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1950 < • ¿aß A —J Mu -s ■Ä' $2.50 a Y’ear, 5c a Copy Plans Shaping For General Entreaty On New Hospital The Canyon Area headquarters for the Santiam Memorial hospital has tai, “The building of Santiam Mem been opened at Stiffler’s Appliance orial hospital is possible if each per store, Mill City, with Mrs. Edna Ross son in agriculture, business and in in charge of the office. dustry alike subscribe according to Chairman J. C. Kimmel, associate his or its ability. We are well pleased Ä3E general chairman of the campaign, an : with the cordial reception given the nounces that groups of workers in the i volunteer workers by 99% of the money raising campaign will meet I people they contact. We are satis- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at I fied that when the prospective sub noon in the Odd Fellows hall for re scribers understand that memorials port luncheons. It is understood that and memberships may be paid for on report meetings are being arranged the installment basis to accommodate for at other points in the Canyon their wishes that many will subscribe Area. at this time. We appeal to all who The Canyon Area under the leader can take memorials to do so within ship of Mr. Kimmel, is being well the next two weeks; this will ease organized by the associates: the burden now resting on the Ad Group 8: A. J. Frank, manager, vance Gifts Committee.” and Ervin S. Peterson, assistant. Group 9: Albert Toman, manager, and R. B. McClain, assistant. Group 10: J. T. King, manager, and George Veteto, assistant. Group 11, Lyons: George Huffman, manager, and Burl Smith, assistant. Group 12, Gates: O. K. Hirte, man ager, and J. F. Bowes, assistant. Group 13, Idanha: Huber Ray, man The Mill City high school student ager, and Sam Palmerton, assistant. body play, “Goodnight, Uncle George” Group 14, Detroit: Nolan P. Ras- This huge pile of saw-logs is a "cold deck’’. This “cold deck” can be seen at the Ereres-Frank mill west of nick, manager, and R. D. Johnson, takes the spotlight this Friday, Nov. Mill City. It contains approximately two and a quarter million board feet of lumber. These piled-up logs 17, at 8 p.m. in the Mill City high Donald E. Sheythe, chairman of the assistant. • have been brought down to the Freres-Frank mill from the Detroit dam reservoir clearing project above school auditorium. Mill City School District 129-J, in an The campaign headquarters reports Miss Hope Baney, high school interview this week announced that, | Mill City. Arlo Tuers, superintendent of the mil], estimates that the logs in the picture will provide saw that the Advance Gifts Committee's material for some four months’ operation. Shown is a pile of logs some 60 feet high and 300 feet long, teacher and director of the play, in subject to the stamp of approval of work is gaining momentum. ‘ Reports The man on the “ cold deck ” is “ rigging" a log for its trip into the pond. The man in the foreground is riding a Portland bonding firm, work will at the daily luncheons, at the hall, dicated the Friday evening three-act a log—“poling it”—to the mill for sawing into lumber. (Photo courtesy of The Statesman and Robert Veness) begin immediately on the grade school indicate continued progress. Large comedy is a take-off on the trials additions. memorial subscriptions are being re and tribulations of one Junior Allen, ported each day and many citizens a high school-age lad. Thad Roberts Mr. Sheythe disclosed that the $44,- of this section of the Santiam valley depicts the young character, Junior 000 bond issue has been sold and the are planning to establish memorials Allen. contract let for the grade school im for themselves or some loved one Miss Baney cast Alona Daly as provements, however actual construc whose memory they wish perpetuated “Jeannie i” 1 , Arlone Kuhlman to play tion work hinges on the decision of the bonding firm as to the legality Norman Brandvoid of Salem re For long and distinctive service to in the memorial section of the hos “Stella , Donna Bengston in the part of the bond issue involved. the people of the Canyon Area, Dr. pital. Many business, industrial and)of Bessie”, Mary Jo Wolverton to ceived compound fractures of his jaw Mr. Hugh Jull, formerly of Joliet, Mrs. Edna Ross, clerk of the local and other serious head and body in Montana, begins his ministry in the David W. Reid of Mill City was un civic organizations plan to establish represent “Mary”, ami Pat Brown to school board, has complied with re juries in an automobile accident east First Christian church in Mill City animously elected an Active and Hon- memorial donations in order to make act out “Mrs. Allen”. Marlene Tickle takes the character quests n.sde by /he Portland firm of Mill City last Sunday, November Sunday, November 19, Mr. Glen E. ; orary member of the Santiam Mem- the hospital possible for the better of “Betty”, Leia Kellv assumes the for information on the proceedings 12, at 8:30 p.m. | orial hospital at the organization protection of the people. According to Walter H. Bell, presi responsibility of "Nancy”, Vera dealing with the grade school im meeting of the medical staff accord- Brandvoid was taken to the Salem dent of the Santiam Memorial hospi- Loucks acts as “Peggy”, and Gary provements bond issue. Stayton at Memorial hospital under orders from | ing to Dr. Burl Betzer, president. Dr. Peterson plays “Butch”. torneys are now working to clarify Dr. Jack Reid of Mill City. Dr. Reid ! H. A. Beauchamp of Stayton is the the situation, Mr. Sheythe revealed. rendered first aid to the injured man. ! other Active and Honorary member | Richard Verbeck was chosen by Chairman Sheythe indicated that of the staff. Miss Baney for the character of Norman was half-way in the door possible past election technicalities of the parked panel truck when it At the request of the board of di “Bill”, Denny Marttala was assigned may make it necessary for the bond was struck from behind by a car rectors, the doctors who will practice the part of “Bert”, Bob Shelton as ing firm to require a re-vote on the driven by Don Israel of Mill City. in the hospital adopted a standard set “Mr. Allen”, Robert Keyes to the grade school bond issue. j of rules, regulations and by-laws for part "Harold” and Dick Williams to Norman Brandvoid and his brother, Mr. Sheythe is of the opinion that, Howard, a medical staff. These provide for enact “George”. were returning to Salem S. H. M. “ Tex ” Agee and W. until Portland approval of the $44,000 from Bend. They parked their truck active members; courtesy members "Goodnight, Uncle George” has bond issue is forthcoming the situa and were changing drivers when the (qualified doctors from neighboring ReMine, well known businessmen of been great fun in rehearsal, members tion remains as it is and no grade collision occurred. Howard was not cities); specialists (called from other Mill City open this Saturday, Nov. 18, of the cast disclosed. school improvement can be under j in the truck at the time of the impact. cities for special cases) and honorary the new Mill City Appliance Store Tickets may be purchased at the taken by the school district. members (those doctors of excellent located in the same building as Muirs* auditorium door. Don Israel sustained minor head , reputations and long and distinctive Bakery on Broadway in Mill City. Assisting Miss Baney in the pro injuries and sprains. He was given “Tex” Agee, formerly associated duction of “Goodnight, Uncle George” service to the community). i first aid by Dr. Wm. Teutsch of for some time with Don Jenkins in are Sue Mikkelsen, editor of the high Mari-Linn Open House Mill City. Jenkins Hardware in Mill City, not school publication, "Gaze-at-’er”, and long ago together with Mr. ReMine Dolores Poole, assistant editor of the Arouses Much Interest Local Community Church established the Northern Lumber com school paper. Delmar Skillings and pany located near Mill City. The Mari-Linn school open house Bob Baltimore are stage managers. Observes Thanksgiving Mr. Agee manages the new Mill last week saw the Lyons school build- j Wanda Vandemeer, typist for the ing filled to capacity with parents Rev. W. W. Watkins, Mill City City Appliance Store and handles "Gaze-at-’er”, and David Keyes will MR. HI GH JULL the sales and service aspect of the and visitors. Community Church minister, an provide the musical background for Shelton, chairman of the local Chris nounced today his congregation is business. He has attended General the comedy play, “Goodnight, Uncle Invitations were extended to all parents to attend and inspect the new j The Marion county chapter of the tian church board, revealed today. preparing another Thankagiving din Electric and Bendix Appliance schools George” this Friday night at the Mr. and Mrs. Jull, a daughter, ner for devotees and friends of the specializing in automatic washers and high school. building and meet the teachers as well j National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis has announced the appoint- __ Wilma, high school senior, and a son. I church, Thursday, Nov. 23, in the clothes dryers and has worked in re- as to _________ observe the _____ pupils ______ ’ work. A kitchen shower was held to aug- i ment James E. Keys, public ac- Ralph, eighth grader, will live in the IOOF hall in Mill City. j frigeration in Oakland, Calif. ment the hot lunch fund which is countant of Salem, as campaign di parsonage adjoining the Christian Reverend Watkins provides the "Tex" has a wide background of Another son, William, re Thanksgiving birds for the holiday appliance experience and enjoys in j Lyons Church Group being promoted by such donations rector for the 1951 March of Dimes church. mains behind in a college in Billings. celebration. Indies from the parents and interested peo in Marion county. of the Mill City much good will because of 1 __ congrega __ At a recent Pacific Northwest con Montana. ple. Many useful items were re tion are preparing pumpkin pies, all his consideration of the needs of the Meets Election Day In coming Mill ---« City -------- First (kinds ' ceived as well as $51 in cash. Pupils ference held in Spokane attended by I — ------- - to the —----- of cakes, coffee and the other public. The Womens Society of Christian Mrs. George Fleming of Gates will Service met at the community club and teachers enlivened the evening by officers of the National Foundation Christian church Sunday, Mr. Hugh bountious and delicious foods asso- office in New York City and by Keys, Jull closes a ten-year period of min- 'ciate(1 with Thanksgiving Day. assist “Tex” in attending to the busi house Tuesday afternoon, following selling refreshments in each class a full review of the financial aid pro I istry in Joliet, Montana. room. Mr. Norris Thomas of Mill City has ness of the new appliance store. an election day dinner. The dinner gram to chapters was discussed. Mr. Jull and his family arrived in furnished the pumpkins for the tradi “Tex’* plans a spring cooking school netted the society $30. Mrs. Har- In the report it was mentioned that Mill City today. tional pumpkin pies for the dinner. if the necessary stoves, etc., become greaves presided over the business j the Marion county chapter received Mrs. Mae Watkins manages a con plentiful enough by that time. part of the meeting. assistance this year due to inade Mr. Agee was born in Kentucky, is siderable portion of the cooking for Plans were discussed ’ for the an FRIDAY— quacies of funds available in 1950. the holiday event. Ralph Jones, su married and has two daughters, nual bazaar which will be held at the Gaarenstroom Warns of Keys indicated that because the I.O.O.F. meeting. perintendent of the Community Joellen, 7, who is in the second grade, Rebekah hall Wednesday, November Mill City TWA meeting last Friday public is fully aware of the urgent A Bonus Payment Delay Church Sunday School will lead the and Alliene, 3‘/i. “Tex” and family 29. A turkey dinner will be served need for financial support, he an have lived in the canyon area for in the evening. Also there will be day’s activities. MONDAY— Oregon veterans’ bonus payments This repeat Thanksgiving dinner some six years. ticipates the 1951 campaign will be on sale fancy work and home-made American Legion Auxiliary 2d Mon verv successful. must await action by the 1951 legis fete marks one of a series of such Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ReMine are candy. Various committees were ap Boy Scouts 0:30 p.m. He announced the time of the com lature, William F. Gaarenstroom, di dinners which are a get-together of at present visiting in Alta Dena, pointed. Lions club meeting. ing drive as being January 15-31. rector of the Oregon Department of the congregation with the patsor, Calif. Mr. ReMine is part owner of It was voted also that the ladies of A.F. A AM No. 180 stated meet Veterans’ Affairs indicated today. the Mil) City Appliance Store. officers, and friends of the church. the church serve the dinner for the ing third Monday Gaarenstroom explained that word Reverend Watkins welcomes friends , auction sale at the Paul Johnaton TUESDAY— Mill City Firemen Douse ing of the constitutional amendment to this Thanksgiving Day dinner fes farm Saturday, November 18. Mrs. creating the act prevents accepting Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday tivity. Willard Hartnell, Mrs. George Huff Otizens of Gates Vote Storeroom Fire Prontol Women's club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Tuea. applications and making payments man, Mrs. Clyde Bressler and Mrs. Frank “Tex” Blazek, president of until the legislature determines how Clinton Hubbard make up the dinner WEDNESDAY— Gty Charter For Gates the Firemen’s association yesterday the bonds are to be sold. committee. Chamber of Commerce 8 p.m. Gates citizens now live in an in- observed smoke pouring from the The bonus act provides payment of It was also voted to pay $25 to Altar Society meets 3rd Wed corporated city as a result of voter wards shingles for the Christian store-room of Mountain State Power 110 for each month of domestic serv Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. A DAUGHTER-To Mr. Mrs. and Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m. company near the Mill City post ice and $15 per month of foreign duty Roy Pate, Lyons, Nov. 14, at Salem approval of the Gates city charter in church, and $25 into the benevolence the November 7 general election. office. to a maximum of $«00 for those who fund. The next meeting will be held at Detroit school building. Memorial hospital. "Tex ” called his firemen, Two were bonda fide Oregon residents for Of the 81 voters expressing their November 21 at the home of Mrs. Santiam Rebekah 16«—1st and 3rd A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Lyle opinion election Tuesday on the char Alex Bodeker. minutes later they were on the job. at least one year immediately prior Wed. at 8 p.m. A few minutes more and a possible to World War II active duty. They Ray, Mehama, Nov. 14, at Salem ter for Gates, only 14 opposed it. Present for the election day meet THURSDAY— had situation became just a little fire must have served at least 90 days Memorial hospital. The Gates city councilmen indicated ing were Mesdames George Huffman, Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. damage. between Sept. 18, 1940. and June 30. A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. they were pleased with the vote of I Conard Jones, John Hargreaves, American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs Local citizens—when they caught - 194«, and have been honorably dis- Edward Stiff, Gates, Nov. 15. at confidence given them on the incor George Clipfell, Alex Bodeker, Clin their breaths—sighed—some firemen! I charged. Garden club fourth Thursday Salem Memorial hospital. poration issue. ton Hubbard and Loren Chamberlain. Goodnight, Uncle George’ Takes Spotlight Friday New School Addition Awaits Green Light Norman Brandvoid Receives Fractures Mr. Jull Opens Dr. D. W. Reid Made Christian Work Honorary Physician Agee-ReMine Open Store James Keys Heads March of Dimes Coming Ivents: Just Arrived.. 'Goodnight, Uncle George’ - Friday Night, 8 PM 6th Annual Fireman’s Benefit Dance * Games - Fun Presented by Associated Student Body — High School Auditorium Mill City Fire Hall -- Saturday Night, 6 PM -- $1500 in Prizes