Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE IIHHI Romey*Wrigglesworth Married in Albany Nowember 9. 1950 PAGE IWCI.TV1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY' Nov. 10th and 11th Ruth Roman and Dane Clark in “BARRICADE” In Technicolor — Plus — Sabu. and Gail Russell in ' SONG OF INDIA” St. Catherine s Parish 1st Communion Scene Gates — Mrs. Louisa R. Romey, daughter of Mrs. Rosa Roten, was St. Catherine’s Parish a week ago married to Ernest J. Wrigglesworth last Sunday morning was the scene Saturday afternoon, Nov. 4. The of a First Communion ceremony for ceremony took place in Albany at a class of seven conducted by Father the First Christian church. Mr. and Carl Mai and Sisters from Sublimity. Mrs. Edmund L. Davis were the only Richard Tickle, son of the Wm. attendants. Both the bride and groom have been residents of Gates for years F. Tickles; Lee McNealy, son of the and a host of friends wish them hap Joseph McNealys; Dee Anna Steiner, daughter of the Ray Steiners; Sylvia piness. Peterson, daughter of the Don Peter- Upon the return of the couple fol isons; Joan Bigger, daughter of the lowing a short wedding trip they were Ken Biggers; Larry Ziebert, son of greeted at the home of the bride by | the Tony Zieberts; and Edward a group of relatives and friends. Din Haney, son of the Frank Haneys ner was served by the bride’s mother, were the seven members of the Com Mrs. Roten to Mr. and Mrs. Wriggles munion class of St. Catherine's parish. worth, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis, Misses Mary Jane and Phyllis Cox Mr. and Mrs. William Wight, Mrs. Mary Howell, Truman Tibbets, Ed ’ gave the lovely white chrysanthe Keith Oliver, Daniel, Edward and mums that decorated the altar for the Herbert Romey, sons of the bride. I occasion. Mrs. Wm. Tickle and Mrs. | Robert Bowes had charge of arrang-j ing the altar. Mr. Clarke, father of Mrs. Cecil Mrs. Tony Ziebert and Mrs. J. O. Lake and grandfather of Mrs. Eddie Murray prepared fresh linens for the Stone passed away in Hardin, Mont., Parish altar. Parents of the chil Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lake and dren of the Communion class ex Dick Cain are there. pressed their appreciation for the time and effort of those making the service a beautiful one. Special thanks were given to Father Mai and the Sisters, who, for the past year, j have given the seven children cate-1 chism instruction. After the completion of the First j H. F. HINCH, Prop. Communion ceremonies, the Commu- [ nion class members. Father Mai, and “JUST GOOD the Sisters enjoyed a special break fast at the home of the Ray Steiners, I FOOD” SPAR CAFE KID'S M ATIN'EE — 2 p.m. Sat. Ranger of Cherokee Strip’ Hale 3 Cartoons and Serial SI NDAY and MONDAY Noi. 1 2th and 13th JAMES STEWART and DEBRA PAGET in Broken Arrow Technicolor TUESDAY mid WEDNESDAY N m , 11th and 15th BRIAN IIONLEVY, ROBERT PRESTON and WILLIAM BENDIN ia Wake Island lour boys and three girls received their first communion during mass October 29th at St. Catherine's Catholic church here. The girls, left to right in first row, are Sylvia Peterson, Joan Bigger and Dee Anna Steiner. Boys in second row are Larry Ziebert, Edward Haney, Richard Tickle and Lee McNealy. Altar boys and pastor in back row are Michael Peterson. Ray Steiner Jr., the Rev. Carl Mai, pastor, Robert Ditter and Gregory Peterson. (Photo courtesy of The Statesman and Robert Veness) L. R. Pinkstons Announce Troth of Their Daughter Gates PTA Enjoys Regular Business Social Meeting Mr. Arthur Kriever, Southern Pa Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Pinkston today The Gates Parent-Teacher associa cific trainman is in the SP hospital in San Francisco for a physical check announced the engagement and com tion met Thursday evening, Nov. 2, F up. ing marriage of their daughter, Le- in the recreation rooms of the high dora, “Lee”, to Mr. David A. Kelly, school with a large attendance. Har the son of Mrs. Emma Kelly of Port old Wilson presided at a short busi ness session. Reports from the va land. The wedding ceremony will be per rious committees were heard. Mrs. formed in the First Presbyterian A. Meirose gave a short talk on the church in Mill City by Dr. David J. most out-standing measures to be Ferguson, minister of the Mill City voted upon at the coming election. The results of the recent member FOR A GOOD SELECTION OF church, on December 2 at 8 p.m. Only the family are attending the ship drive were announced. The side church ceremonies. After the wed under Mrs. Joe Joaquin and Mrs. Bur New and Used Furniture ding vows, a reception with buffet rell Cole had secured the names of supper at 8:30 p.m. in the American 69 renewals and new members; the OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT! Legion hall in Mill City has been ar other contestants. Mrs. Riley Champ ranged for some 150 guests from and Mrs. Elmer Stewait reported 46 PHONE 5915 GATES, ORE. new names. The side securing the Mill City, Salem, and Portland. lesser number will entertain those on Miss Pinkston is now employed in the winning side at a future date. Salem as an accountant for the May La Veta Powelson and Earl Hen- flower Milk Co-op. Mr. Kelly is an l ness, members of the high school engineer on the Detroit dam project. . drama class were presented in a one- act play, “Impudence of the Crea- | ture”. Mrs. Don Miley gave two piano solos. Refreshments were I Carmen E. Stafford served by the hostesses, Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. Walter Thomas, Mrs. Announces Marriage Charles Tucker and Mrs. Hollis Turn- Miss Carmen E. Stafford, daughter idge. The prizes awarded to the of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stafford room having the most parents in at of Gates, annonuced today she will tendance at the PTA meeting in Octo marry Mr. David H. Barnhardt. form ber was given the sixth grade, Mrs. erly of Pasco, Wash., Saturday, Nov. Olive Barnhardt, teacher, and to the II at 8:30 p.m. in the First Presby tenth grade in junior high. terian church in Mill City. The next meeting of the PTA will beginning Oct. 9th Dr. David J. Ferguson, minister be held at the high school Thursday of the First Presbyterian church will evening, December 7. perform the marriage ceremony. Friends of the couple and family are CLAUDIA PARK CELEBRATES invited. SIXTH BIRTHDAY’ AVITH PARTY At the present time*Miss Stafford Gates—Claudia Park was all of six is employed at Stewart’s grocery in years old Friday, Nov. 3. To help Mill City, and Mr. Barnhardt is now her celebrate the happy occasion her doing construction work in Salem. mother, Mrs. Wilson Park, nvited Miss Stafford indicated that after a number of Claudia’s little friends marriage they will live in Gates. to her home for an afternoon of fun and games. A birthday cake and Come Early Friday and Saturday to Insure a Table Thomas Jefferson aided in estab small individual cakes, each centered by a tiny candle and ice cream were lishing the National Gazette in 1791. served at the close of the afternoon by Mrs. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. Glen . Hearing, Mrs. James Fish of Mill City, and Mrs. J. Harden, to Claudia, her brother and sister Sue and Bobbie, Sharon and Jimmie Hearing, Mickie | Plant, Johnnie Reeves, Linda Harris,' Martha Harden, Butch Putman and Jimmy Fish of Mill City. IDANHA, OREGON Hiway 222 ON MOST MODEL Passenger Cars and Trucks YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER * iirnr. DR. MARK tAHHILKiyS REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Will be at Ills Mill City office In the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoon« 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. HOME OFFICE: SIS W. FIRST, ALBANY H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment SPECIALTY CARDS TOYS AND DOLLS MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES MODEL AIRPLANES MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS Une Our Mall Order Service SALEM'S ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop 163 N. Commerciai SALEM Phone 2-1531 GENE’S MARKET KEN GOLLIET’S € MH* .*4 Í A — SPECIALS — 1 K-3 4(1 vnfywtrl Saq Ai ai m m m ' Mrib ---- O«d PHONE 2341 OATES l-HONE 5951 *•» r.- " " Any WÌ O QOod **’'• Gene Teague Chevrolet IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI at /Al i) A * * Doors open at 7:20 PAL > ) Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 EVENING APPOINTMENTS I .oca ted Next to Furniture Store Saturday and Sunday â Football Story I'efliie’s lleiiul.i Sahin Open Only Immediate Delivery Easy Living The forest products industries in the United States directly or indi I rectly provide 3 million jobs. Parker-Hutcheson Furniture STAYTON. ORE. THURSDAY November 16th LUCILLE BALL nul VICTOR MATURE in how Mayflowt’ whole ♦’'joyv ftl covnlry fresh Hovor! MAYFLOWER • Í» . Pork Shoulder Roasts . . lb. 45c Pork Steak . . lb. 49c ▲ “ GET YOUR LOCKER BEEF NOW — WE SPECIALIZE IN CUTTING AND W RAPPING ▲ “