Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1950)
THE MILI. (TTY ENTERPRISE September 21, 1950 SPCRTS PAGE Engineers Take 7th Straight Kellys Win Close One From Firemen by 4-3 IV. U. Bearcats Romp Saturday in First Game in Stadium September 23rd will be dubbed Salem day in recognition of Willam ette university’s first home game of The Kelly ball club tilted the Mill the 1950 season and the first game City Firemen with a four to three to be played in the new McCulloch decison in softball play last Thurs Stadium, part of the $200,000 ath The CBI Engineers racked up their day. letic plant. seventh straight Mill City league vic Kelly’s had six hits, four runs and Central Washington college of tory Sunday to win the “league pen ( two errors against the Firemen's Education from Ellensburg will be ant” as they downed the Swingsters ! three hits, three runs and three the first opposing squad to test the 10 to 7. Willamette bearcats in action on the errors. The Engineers got three runs in I Good, solid ball was dealt by the new field. the first, and two more in the second I two clubs as the game continued a Both season and individual tickets to take a quick lead. However, the I tie game from the fourth inning until are now on sale at Willamette uni Swingtsers bounded back with a run I the last half of the seventh. versity and the Howard Maple Sport each in the first and second. Pitcher Don Carey’s two-bagger ing Goods store. Season tickets are After the Engineers had increased | brought home Gale Carey to salt selling for $10.00 for the coliseum. their lead to 9 to 2 with a three run down his game for Kelly’s. Those holding the season passes will blast in the fifth, the Swingsters Chuck Stewart tossed and Ed Sut- be seated in section D on the 50 Architect’s drawing of proposed new football stadium at Oregon State college for which alumni have came right back with a four run i ter caught for the losing Firemen. yard line. launched a statewide gift campaign. Sketch shows completed stadium with 62,000 seating capacity, blast. C. Carlile caught for the winning Individual reserved seats will sell though first objective is two side stands, one covered, with bleachers at the ends, giving an initial Harry Roberts, who was hit by a ' team. for $1.80, general admission will be capacity of 35,000. Present wooden Bell field stadium has scant 20.000 capacity and is beyond the batted ball in the fifth, was replaced Pitcher Don Carey allowed two $1.00 and high school and college stage where rebuilding is feasible, engineers have informed college officials. by Gail Lowery in the sixth. How walks in the first inning, one devel students showing student body cards ever, Roberts chalked up his third oped into a run; and one walk in the will be admitted for 60 cents. Twenty-eight Chinese students at- ance—both desirable in the uphols Win without a loss in league play. fifth inning. j tended Oregon State college during Lights and goal posts will be raised tery industry. Top Engineer hitters were Lyle Chuck Stewart walked two in the at McCulloch next week. Finishing Mrs. Carter says the chief difficul ¡the 1949-50 school year. Gould with 3 for 4, and Eldon Lents first inning also, but walked three touches will be placed on the press ty with the natural material has been Marion county sold $302,475 of and John Nicholas with 2 for 4 and more in later Innings. box which includes all the latest insu a problem of supply and quality. In bonds in the Independence bond drive. a homer each. The first football game on schedule R H E lation and equipment for such a Short score: Baltimore lead the Swingsters with for the Mill City high team is to be Argentina, the wild horses seem to Oregon State college had 122 for 102 000 0—3 4 3 structure. Firemen a pair of doubles in three trips. held on the local field. Chemawa is be becoming more scarce and the eign students during the past year. 100 300 1—4 6 2 Kellys 1 the opponent for the game, Septem quality of the hair has also been Short score: - RHE ber 22. Although it is not a league going down. Engineers 320 130 1—10 15 3 Present production of caslen is re game, it is very, important, as our Swingsters 110 040 1— 7 9 3 stricted for furniture and bedding | next game, a week from Friday at Batteries-Roberts. G. Lowery (6) ! Chemawa, is our first league game. stuffers, and for filters. In the future, and Simbeni; Benny and Siler. Games with the Indians are always this material will be used for a wide very interesting. All the public is variety of purposes. In an uncurled MILL CITY NOITBALL LEAGUE form, for example, it may be blended The "Smoke Eaters” doused the I urged to come. W L Pct. Standing*: into textiles to produce novel effects. Pairings have been released for the "Nite Crawlers’ ” seventh inning fire The schedule for Mill City high for , 0 1000 (softball jamboree this Sunday. The to hose down the Tuesday softball 7 Engineers Use of the new material will also the year 1950-51 is as follows: .858 opening game will decide who is the league game after some fast playing 6 1 Teamsters be good news to persons allergic to .572 I possessor of the cellar position in the in the fourth inning. 4 3 Sept. 29 — Chemawa there. Firemen horsehair, as well as to the dairy in .500 ¡Mill City league. 3 3 Oct. 6 — Gervais here. Kellys The Swingsters dustry since it is an outlet for skim The "hot ” Firemen hammered out 000 and Graveyarders will open the triple 6 0 Oct. 13 — Jefferson there. Swingsters med milk. four hits and brought in five runs in 000 bill at 1 p.m. Following this game 0 7 Oct. 20 - Sublimity here. Graveyard the fourth inning establishing a lead Oct. 27 — St. Paul there. at about 2:15 the Kellys and the Fire the Nite Crawlers never could break REGISTER TODAY — ONLY 15 REGISTER TODAY — ONL Y 15 men will go at it. These teams split down in the remaining innings in • Nov. 3 — Philomath here. DAYS LEFT! DAYS LEFT! their two league games so both will spite of a strong comeback in the • Non-league game. You Don't Need Cash To Buy be anxious to win this one. In the seventh. .miunirr..... .......... ■ “ ““ " '«■ the Things You Need ... third game of the afternoon first Wiltze got on first on a walk and place in the Mill City league will be later scored. C. Stewart, Ward and at stake with the Teamsters and the D. Stewart each singled adding up . Engineers battling it out. Dating runs for the Firemen. Cole hit a | back to the Detroit dam league the nice two bagger to push the Firemen (Teamsters lead the series two games into top dog standing in the game MILL CITY to one, but the Engineers took the that afternoon. A new upholstery fiber, caslen, [opening Mill City league game 6-4. Ward smacked a three-sacker in appears likely to put some horses out [and have not lost since then. A FRIENDLY of business in Argentina. Interested groups have not been the sixth, but lost out on third. FAMILY Ray Stiener and Bill Stouse toted The new fiber, a by-product of the able to get donation of 10 80-foot I cedar poles. If anyone is interested up the two runs for the losing Nite milk industry, has several advan ATMOSPHERE B tages over natural fiber for stuffing or has information as to these poles Crawlers. PREVAILS upholstery, according to Miss Myr Short score: RHE they can contact Burton Boroughs Graveyarders 000 100 1—2 7 0 tle Carter, Oregon state college ex 1 at the high school. » Firemen 000 500 x—5 7 1 tension home furnishings specialist. First it beats the older, natural fi Center and Liberty 8ts. ber on that important item, price. It CHANCE DISCHARGED SALEM,. OREGON is cleaner, and it has a controllable FROM HOSPITAL Kenneth Chance returned today to diameter and staple length. It is non- Mill City after undergoing surgery allergic and may be treated to give mildew, moth and bacteria resist upon his spine in a Salem hospital. Shuffleboard Good Music Mr and Mrs. Chance are staying ance. with Kenneth's parents until he re Curled horsehair, standard as an cuperates from his operation which upholstery stuffer for centuries, is was rather painful. produced by a laborious, time con suming but none-the-less interesting process. Most of it is imported from Argentina where wild horses are rounded up and given a haircut. The Where Friends Meet raw hair is then exported to the United States. On Highway 222, Linn County Side A ropelike roving, about 80 feet in MILL CITY length, is softened by steam, wound tightly by hand, and then hung for six months to give it a permanent Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter curl. Thus, when the length is tom apart, it has a soft, springy appear Timberwolves Play First Football Game Friday Pairings Released For Triple-Header Les’s Tavern Smoke Eaters1 Douse Night Crawlers’ 5-2 Cow Product Puts Horsehair in Shade 'Firestone TIRES HOME and i AUTO SUPPLIES this senseless killing ! Firestone Stores : MEANDER INN If Your Car Is Worth Owning It Is Worth the Best of Care! tfjTO PAINTING -a Fine Art//, . Skilled Refinishing Body and Fender Repair By Master Craftsmen Free Estimates! Competitive Prices! Gene Teague Chevrolet 116 3rd St. Stayton .... Phone 2344 i :