Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
«5SÎ. T he MILL CITY Attended by Large Crowd ENTERPRISE Serving: Mil 1 till l>l IItOI I ELKHORN i. Al t - ll> AMI A LYONS MEHAMA 5 ION GO 1 D The Santiam Valley Grange Fall Festival in Lyons last week saw some ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HE ART OF NATI'RE'S EMPIRE 300 people take part in the festivities. Edward J. Bell of Stayton acted as S'J.50 a Year, 5c a Copy master of ceremonies of the program MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1950 that capped the events of the day. Included in the program were several numbers by the Union high school 4-J Band of Stayton led by Dwayne Burgess, who also led group singing. Cecil Bassett, accordianist and Shir ley Johnson, pianist played a duet. Albert Julian gave a reading. In the door prize drawing small sacks of sugar, coffee, oat meal, a sack of onions and blueberry plants $100 Merchandise Given constituted prizes won. Festivities Start With Mrs. Katherine Julian received a casserole as the oldest mother pres Free Drawing at 7 PM ent, and Ed Taylor got a billfold for being the oldest man present. George Steffy. chairman of the Mill City Chamber of Commerce industrial Mrs. Dallas Franklin, chairman of development committee*, recently vid- the home economics committee serv ing chicken dinners at the festival The Alarion County Democratic ited with candidates for public office reported at 8:15 p.m. that all the District Committee in the North at the* general election in November, food was sold. Santiam Canyon Detroit area is among them Austin Flegel, democra The Mill City garden club took top staging a get acquainted dance in tic candidate for governor, with the honors in floral arrangements. Other the Blue Moon Cafe in Detroit this idea in mind of selling them on the greater development of the Canyon flower award winners were: carna Friday, September 29th at 8 p.m. tions, snapdragon, cosmos, Mrs. M rs. Alvin AA hitlaw, secretary of communities’ resources. Bellin; crocus, Mill City garden club As a direct result of these confer the Marion County Democratic Cen and Mrs. May Patton; aster, Mill City tral Committee, invites all those ences a political rally blossoms forth garden club and Mrs. Warren Hamp attending the political rally in Epps in Epp's Furniture Store in Mill City ton; michaelmas daisy, Mrs. Warren Furniture Store this Friday to come this Friday. Hampton and Mill City garden club; Never one to miss a good bet, “San on up to the Detroit clambake after potted plants, Mrs. May Patton; tiam Sam” Steffy ties politics to com the Alill City rally. roses, Mill City garden club, Steve The Detroit dance honors con- mercial development and invites one Dark, Mrs. Floyd Bassett, Mrs. Wil gressional, state and Marion county and all, democrats and republicans son Stevens and Mrs. May Patton; local candidates and affords voters alike, to take part in the entertaining petunias, Mill City garden club and LYONS—The large corn stalks shown here were only a small part of the many attractions here when and office seekers opportunity to political rally-drawing taking place Mrs. Albert Julian, dahlias, Mill City the Santiam Valley Grange staged its annual fal I festival. The photo. taken in the Granar hall size each other up for the coming Friday evening. garden club and Mrs. Paul Gerath; shows a few of the hundreds who attended the festival looking over the outstanding exhibits. November elections. Over $100 in merchandise prizes sunflowers, W. R. Stevens and Joe (Photo Courtesy Statesman and Robert Veness) Mrs. Betty I’ittani. democratic will be raffled off to lucky persons Toepher; fushias, Mill City garden precinct committeewoman, and Mrs. attending the rally. The only catch club, Mrs. Luther Stout, Mrs. Chet AAinifred Booth, popular telephone is that in order to participate, one Blum and Mill City garden club; “ operator of Detroit have made on- must be registered and eligible to marigold, Mill City garden club and i the-spot arrangements for the vote in the fall election. Registrars Mrs. Albert Julian; delphinium. Mill I will be present to take care of any dance which will run on into the City garden club; zinnia, Mrs. War one desiring to register, so come night for the benefit of construc ren Hampton, Mill City garden club, tion workers, engineers and other early says “Santiam Sam”. The Mill City Police department Mrs. John Lingescher, Mill City personnel on the Detroit dam. Monday obtains a new piece of law Steffy wants the following fact garden club and Mrs. George Berry; Democrats and Republicans arc called to everyone's attention: He has enforcement equipment in the form of gladiola, Mill City garden club and welcomed. a two-way <hort wave radio installed neither asked for, nor does he expect Mrs. John Lingescher; tuberous be Registrars »ill be present Io i sc- gonia, Mill City garden club, Mrs. Persons ill with tuberculosis will in their patrol car. Tom Rock forest fire, burning since cept registrations during the eve- any “political plumbs” from any po Chief of Police J. T. King stated Saturday a week ago and consuming litical party or faction. Paul Johnston, Mrs. Chet Blum; not be subject to the “means test” cocks comb, Mrs. Wilson Stevens; I but will be eligible for free care and today that Salem police radio me some 1,000 acres of second growth ning. Steffy believes in advertising, and agradium, Mrs, Albert Julian; colius, I treatment in state tuberculosis hos- chanics will do the installation work timber, snags and brush, now sim barring now unforejpen develop Mrs. I.uther Stout and Mrs. '"het I pitals in Oregon, except for those who on the new radio set-up. ments, promises to put the North mers in its final stages within good The new radio will give Mill City fjre lines and under the watchful eyes Blum; flox and verbenia mixed bou volunteer to pay. if the Oregon Santiam canyon communities on the police constant contact with the Sa quet, Mrs. John Lingescher and Mrs. Tuberculosis and Health association map. "Santiam Sam” knows that of forest department observers can AVarren Hampton; verbenii, Mrs. is successful with proposed legisla lem police broadcasting station. A vassing the burned area. candidate Flegel does plenty of “map John Lingescher and Mrs. Chet Blum; tion in the 1951 session of the legis radio car for Mill City has long been j work” these days! ‘ Thank to favorable weather con a dream of local law officers. pink daisy, canterbury belt» and cor lature next January. i Seeing tYv. Detroit dam rise from ditions in the form of soaking rains Chief King has repeatedly ex sage, Mrs, AVarren Hampton. i the bed of the North Santiam river Decision of the executive commit and h *avy dews, Tom Rock fire has pressed his appreciation to citizens Baking winners: white cake, Mrs. because of the effective co-operation tee of the OTHA to seek to remove of Mill City for their generous co-op shrunk form a horrible threat to a Dallas F rankland and Mrs. Keith all Three new extension truck crop of political, economic and social charges from the state tuberculo eration in the Policemen’s dance memory to the citizens of Mill City. Phillips; biscuits. Mrs. Dallas Frank- sis hospitals bulletins have been added to the list forces, Steffy envisions the respon- was made at the meeting staged last July to raise funds for a land and Mrs. Ed Taylor; pie, Mrs. of the executive committee in August, Fortunate logging companies es of those available from Oregon State sibilities of the canyon’s citizenry, Frank Basl; cookies, Mrs. Albert according to A AA’. Lynn, president, police car two-way short wave radio. caped loss of their valuable timber college, and each is written by re" | The state of Oregon owes to the re- This new communication agency stands since the area burned con Julian, bread, Mrs. May Patton and cently retired Professor A. G. B 1 mainder of the United States the ob- Mrs. Keith Phillips; candy. Mrs. War who said that several factors had in puts Mill City on the map again. tained little valuable timber. Bouquet, longtime floriculture de- j ligation to use well our natural re- fluenced the members in their deci ren Hampton. Forestry officials were cheered this partment staff member. source* — that is where "Santiam Produce winners: Goat milk, goat sion. ALLEN KEITH ANNOUNCES week when they discovered safe the Sam” Steffy sponsoring Austin Fle Order number and title of each of "The association has long been con SALE OF SERVICE STATION milk cheese, Mrs. Warren Hampton; seven vehicles feared lost in the the new extension bulletins is: No. gel and other prominent and import butter, Mrs. Frank Basl; eggs, Lloyd cerned with the “means test" and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Keith an- 704. "Sprouting Broccoli”; No. 705. ant candidate* fits into the picture the effect of the charge of $65 00 nounced this week the sale of their sweep of the fire. Sletto. Old Camp 26, site of command “Growing Snap Beans for Market i as they take part in a rally here in Canning winners: Meat balls, as placed upon a tuberculosis patient in business, a service station in Mill In fact, City on highway 222 to Ralph Nibbier headquarters of the state forestry de and for Manufacture," and, No. 706. 'our Mill City. paragus, strawberry jam, blueberry | need of hospitalization, partment on the operations of the "Growing Sweet Com for Market and jam, Mrs. Tony Moravec; cherries, said Lynn, "we are deeply concerned of Stayton. Mrs. Alvin Garrison and Mrs. Ed. ! with anything that delays hospitali- The Keith's indicated that in a week Tom Rock fire now resumes its lone- Manufacture." Copies may be ob tained from county extension offices Taylor; beets. Mrs. Tony Moravec zation, keeps a patient from being or so they will go on vacation and liness. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens; prunes, hospitalized, or causes a patient to in due course journey to Texas for Unless a strong east wind develops or by writing direct to the college. Mrs. May Patton and Mrs. Frank i leave before being discharged by the a visit with Mrs. Keith's family there. soon over the area drying out now In the snap bean bulletin, Bouquet Basl; chicken, deer meat, elk meat, ! hospital.” No further concrete plans have been damp materials, Tom R.'xtk fire will writes that this crop occupied only John Lambrecht; dill pickles, Mrs. The "means test” is an admittance made by the couple. burn itself out in a few more days. 900 acres of land in Oregon as late as 1934 Last year 6,600 acres pro H. A. “Mike” Southard, sheriff of Steve Dark; rassberries, Mrs. Keith test applied on the basis of the duced a crop estimated nt 54,100 tons. Linn county, hi* deputies and state Phillips and Mrs. Ray Roberts; boy patient or his family’s ability to pay The crop brought growers almost six I police near Gate*, last week in a for hospitalization -it is informaton senberries, Mrs. Keith Phillips; green and three-quarter million dollars. bawdy house raid, rounded up seven beans, Mrs. Tony Moravec and Mrs. regarding the financial resources of Last year’s acreage of sweet corn persons. Ray Roberts; sauer kraut, Mrs. Frank the patient and his family even down which w*ent into processing channels Taken during the raid were Lois Basl and Mrs. Tony Moravec; sweet to the mortgage on the home, if there totalled 11.500 acres. Shaw, allegedly the operator of the pickles. Mrs. Tony Moravec and Mrs. is one, or equity in the family car. Bouquet indicated that approxi- property, charged with keeping a Chet Blum; bread and butter pickles, imatcly one-sixth of the frozen broc bawdy house; Naomi Henderson, Mrs. May Patton and Mrs. Chet coli produced in the United States >charged with vagrancy and Jean Blum; peaches, Mrs. Wilson Stevens is grown in Oregon and Washington. 1 Foreman, Peggy Evans and Luella and Mrs. Tony Moravec; honey. Mrs. Hill Top Store Offering In each of the bulletins, Bouquet, a Fotser, each charged with being a dis- May Patton; pears, Mrs. Frank Basl widely recognized truck crop author- . solute person living in a house of ill and Mrs. Ed Taylor; corn, John Lam Free Rogers Silverware discusses such topics as varieties i fame. brecht and Mrs. Keith Phillips; toma Albert Toman, proprietor of Mill strains, climatic adaptons, soils Police arrested two men also who toes, Mrs. Frank Basl and Mrs. Wil City’s modern Hill Top General Store, fertilizers, culture, maintenance, were charged with vagrancy. All de announced today that arrangements son Stevens. harvesting. fendant* were admitted to bail by Fruits: damson prunes, egg plums, have been made with the distributors Control recommendations for Justice Harlow Weinrick in Albany. date prunes and wine, grapes, Ed of Wm. A. Rogers Silverware for re eleven-spotted beetle, a common bean Taylor; concord grapes, white grapes deeming business cards received by Hearings on the charges made were insect problem, is discussed in the i set for the latter part of this week and everbearing strawberries. Mrs. customers in the regular course of Bouquet before Judge Weinrick. snap bean publication. Jack Teeters; baldwin. gravenstein. trade. states that use of 5 percent methoxy The seven person* spent one night snowflake, gloria monday apples, pe- Mr. Toman states he is offering chlor dust applied at the rate of 20 in the Linn county jail after being i Continued on Page 8) this unusual bonus to patrons in ap to 25 pounds per acre has given ef- arraigned. preciation of their trade and has gone fective control. The insect eats to much trouble and expense to bring leaves and pods. about the special offer. The corn ear worm is sometí mea The silverware given in exchange troublesome in sweet corn produc- Chevron Service Station FRIDAY— for the business cards is as fully tion, the author writes, but it may be Registration rally 7 p.m. guaranteed as any Rogers Silverware effectively controlled by use of re Under New Management I.O.O.F. meeting. sold elsewhere. peated 5 percent DDT du*t applica- Ralph Nibbier of Stayton purchased MONDAY— tions. Allen Keith’s Chevron Service Sta Broccoli, meaning a shoot, comes tion on highway 222 on the way to Boy Scouts 6:30 p.m. from the Latin work, “brocco." the the Detroit dam in Mill City this Lions club meeting. Chief King Explains Bicycle author records. A F & A M No. 180 stated meet week. Ordinance to 7th and 8th Grades ing third Monday Mr. Nibbier is changing the name Mill City’s chief of police, J. T. “DOC" KIMMEL WINS DRAW of the station to "Ralph’s Chevron TUESDAY— King this week gave an informational WITH HOME POAA ER S AAA Station” and has been managing the Chamber of Commerce 8 p.m. “Doc” Kimmel csme to work thia station since Wednesday of this week. Women'« club 8 p.m. 1st, 3rd Tuea talk on the city’s bicycle ordinance and traffic laws to seventh and eighth morning looking more like Joe Louis Having had over five years of both WEDNESDAY— graders at the Mill City grade school. thsn the genial local druggist, we all pre-war and post-war experience with Altar Society meets 3rd Wed The main portion of Chief King’s know him to be. He is wearing a Chevron stations and products, Ralph Mill City PT A meets 2nd Wed. speech was devoted to familiarising beautiful black eye framed with a feels qualified to expertly service the Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm. children owning and using bicycles well-placed band-aid over the right needs of the former customer* of at Detroit school building in going to and from school with city optic, with one of the lena of his Allen Keith and others of the public. Uona club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. safety rule*. glasses missing. Mr. Keith expresses confidence that Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd “Doc” says a board he waa sawing the station will continue its fin* Miss Shattuck, teacher of the Wed. at 8 p m. on his home work power aaw slipped service. young^ers in the seventh and eighth and hit him in the face, doing the Mr. Nibbier together with hi* wife grades, requested Chief King to ad THURSDAY— Austin Flegel, democratic candidate for governor and George _ Steffy, <iamage described above. and daughters, Patty, Jackie, Bobbie, dress the group and in addition mim Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. live-wire chairman of the Mill City Chamber of Commerce industrial “Doc” feels no ill effect* end his and Mary Lou still resides in Stayton American Legion 2d and 4th Thur*. eographed copies of the bicycle ordi development committee, talk it up after “Santiam Sam" Steffy ha« pre nance which were distributed to the sented his “pitch" on the North Santiam Canyon's development pos right eye will be none the worse in because of lack of a place to live in Garden club fourth Thursday a few days. Mill City. sibilities. Mill City TWA meeting last Friday children during the lecture. Gala Evening Planned at Registration Rally Friday Democrats Stage Get-Acquainted Dance at Detroit f J* Means Test’ Ban Asked New Police Radio To Be Installed Monday Tom Rock Forest Fire Is Now Under Control Crop Bulletins Now Available at Oregon State College Linn Sheriff Arrests Seven in Raid Coming Events: