Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1950)
Hi way Safety Needs Increase Daily I MILL CITY MEHAMA GATES THE MII.l. CITY ENTERPRISE Church Activities September 21, 1934 FREE METHODIST 1TIURCH Mr and Mrs Glen Hoff and three By JEAN ROBERTS By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP North Mill City School children, estimated at 100,- i children of Salem spent Sunday with A forest fire caused by lightening The city council is at work on Sunday school at 10 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 000 strong, are now riding Oregon ■ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shel- and burning out of control on Tom plans to open up the streets through Services every Lord's day Morning worship 11 a.m. school buses in all sections of the I ton. Rock, above Mill City caused a furor Butler's trailer court on Jefferson state, reminded the Secretary of Sunday school 9:45 p.m. Guests of Misses Mary Jane and in Mehama Sunday morning. A call street to O'Toole thence north to the Junior church 11:00 a.m. State’s Traffic Safety Division. Morning worship 11:00 A M. : Phyllis Cox several days last week came to Ercill Wilson to bring 10 men Morris residence. Evening service 7:30 pjn. To grade and By the end of school next spring, were their mother. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. to fight fire rumored to be threat gravel the street behind the Gates Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. aggregate school bus travel will Hart of Portland. Evening worship 7:30 P.M. Phone 1906 Rev. L C. Gould, Pastor ening the Mt. Jefferson holding in General store for two blocks and • • • reach ten million miles. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Drappella of that area. thence out to the road from the The safety of the young passen Lebanon attended funeral services for About 12 Mehama men responded Adams court. To grade and gravel LD.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC gers, the division points out, depends Stoney Wells, Saturday afternoon. and worked all that day. As the fire the new street through the Park and Detroit CHURCH. MILL CITY in large measure on how well other The Drappellas were next door neigh was still out of control in the eve Davis addition. Sunday school each Sunday 10 am Mass at 9 A.M. drivers observe the necessary cau bors to the Wells family when they ning. the entire crew of the Wilson The subject of street lighting was in high school building, Detroit Confessions heard before Mass. tion when encountering a school bus. lived in Mill City. Logging company returned on Mon discussed and some progress made. Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.m. Oregon law requires all vehicles to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heath and BUI day as did employees of Western The lights have been ordered from Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Zealand Fryer, Presiding Father C. Mai, Pastor come to a complete stop when ap moved into the duplex owned by Mr. Wood and Mt Jefferson. Most of the the Mountain States Power Co. for • • • proaching or overtaking a school bus | and Mrs. Frank Smith of Sheridan. mills and logging companies in the installation at important points. stopped to load or unload passengers. Mrs. W. A. Bolmeier of Silverton IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Muir of Port area have sent crews to assist in The law further states that vehicles land were weekend guests of Mr. and fighting the fire. spent the past week at the home of Sunday school 10 a.m. may not proceed "if and so long as Mrs. F. H Hollyman Although there was a slight delay | her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Morning service 11 a.m. any children are leaving the bus or Word was reecived here Saturday I distributing books at the beginning ■ Mrs. Don Miley. Sunday dinner Evening service 7:30 p.m. crossing the roadway.” \ of school, the course of study seems guests at the Miley home were her Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. of the death of Mrs. Florence John AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Jacob Wiensz, Supply Pastor Violations of this law brought 250 son of Seaside. Mrs. Johnson died | to be progressing smoothly now. father, W. A. Bolmeier from Silver- • • • arrests by state police during the unexpectedly. She was the mother The school house has been repainted ton and her aunt, Mrs. Haven Bol 1949-50 school year, the division of Perly Cribbs and a neice of Mrs. inside since last year. A new refrig- meier. her son Roger and her mother GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH said. ’erator is in the lunch room. All the ! Mrs. Johnson all of Salem. Charlie Cruson. OF CHRIST I desks in the primary room have been ' The Gates schools opened Monday Sunday school at 10 a.m. Linda Sigfrit is spending the week li :<.\ i \i>\ t.i; i i-i\<. in Portland with her great aunt, Mrs. replaced by small tables and chairs. , morning with an enrollment in the Morning worship 11 a.m. i A new chalk board and wash basins ■ junior and senior high of 58 students W. W. Muir. SUMMONS and 110 in the grades. This number Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. In the Circuit Court of the State of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton and have been purchased. Evening worship 7:30 pin. Oregon for the County of Linn Dale and Mrs J. M Dickinson of It has been decided to have room i is quite an increase over last year's Walter Smith. Pastor ! mothers this year to lend a helping ■ enrollment and several more pupils MARTHA ANDERSEN. Plaintiff Salem spent Sunday at the Lowell • • • vs. hand in activities of each room. are expected to start next week. Hot Cree home JOHN ALLEN ANDERSEN. Mrs. Ercill Wilson will again su lunches will be served the pupils and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Defendant. Ruth Higdon spent last week in pervise the music each week, as was j teachers again this year and were Morning worship 11 a.m. Detroit with her sister, Mrs. Ralph To JOHN ALLEN ANDERSEN, The Sliver Dollar done last year. started Tuesday, the second day of Music by choir. Budlong, Above Named Defendant: By Honey Dreamers Three Mehama youngsters left over school. Mrs. Velma Carey, assisted IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reveal of Salem the weeeknd for institutions of higher 1 by Mrs. Louisa Romey has charge Dr. David J. Ferguson. Preaching spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. OF OREGON YOU are hereby re Hoop-Dee Doo Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs learning. Leonard Smith plans to ( of the kitchen. quired to appear and answer the Grace Dart. By Perry Como Arthur Krelver, leader. attend Linfield college at McMinn First Lt. Norman Carey of Albany, complaint brought against you in the The 3 Links club met at the home • • • ville. Susie Teeters is enrolled at son of Velma Carey, has received his above entitled suit on or before the of Mrs. Wilma Stewart. Mrs. W. W. The Old Piano Roll Blues COMMUNITY CHURCH expiration of four (4) weeks from Henderson, president of the club pre Oregon state at Corvallis and Donna , orders to report for military duty at By Eddie Cantor the first date of publication of this sided at the business meeting. Pres Lee Dunbar will take a business Fort Ord, Calif., September 27. Lt. Full Gospel Preaching summons, to-wit: the 31st day of ent were: Mesd. Floyd Fleetwood, course at Oregon Tech at Klamath j Carey is a veteran of World war II. Sunday school 10 A.M. Play a Simple Melody- (45) August, 1950, and if you fail so to Falls. having seen duty over seas. He was Morning worship 11 A.M. By Gary Crosby and Friend appear and answer, for want thereof, Ruby Brisbin, Rachel Olmstead, Mel Plans for the Ladies Aid annual in the service for 38 months before Evangelistic service 8 P.M. plaintiff will apply to the Court for Robinson, Letty Swan, Frankie John dinner and bazaar were discussed > his discharge from the army. Come In and see our wide selections the relief demanded in her complaint son, Arnold Syverson, Fred Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis accom Preaching services Wednesday and of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old to-wit: a decree dissolving the bonds Maude Davis, Louisa Romey. W. W. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Meral Friday 8 P.M. of matrimony now existing between Henderson, Jessie Heath, Marie Teeters during the Ladies Aid busi panied by Mrs. Louisa Romey and her Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Timers, Classical, and Seml-Classlcal the plaintiff and defendant: award Stewart, Alma Thomas, Clayton Bal ness meeting. Members attending son Herbert made a recent trip to Records. • • • ing to the plaintiff the sole care, timore, Goldie Rambo and the host favored the dinner early in Novem McCall, Idaho, to visit Mrs. Romey’s DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ber instead of September as was done son Daniel who is employed there. custody and control of the minor ess. children of these parties, Katherine Guests Friday at the F. H. Holly last year. Mrs. Velma Carey was a Portland Sunday school at 10 a.m. Elizabeth Andersen and Robert Allen Presiding over the meeting was visitor several days last week, where Preaching at 11 a.m. man home were Ann McKay of Bend Andersen; for a judgment requiring Mrs. Eula Monroe in the absence of she was a guest at the home of her Youth Fellowship in evening will | "First With What You Want Most" and Louise Herrold of Redmond. the defendant to pay to the plaintiff Mrs. Violet Wallen, chairman. There monthly the sum of $30.00 each for David Karr has returned to Eugene were nine present. It was decided to son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene be announced. COMPLETE APPIJANCE SERVICE Carey. the support and maintenance of said , where he is entered as a sopohomore invite Mrs. Mildred Allen, a speaker, Mrs. Rosa Roten and Mrs. William minor children; Awarding to the [ in the university’s school of business The first printing press was im Radio, Washer, Refrigerator plaintiff judgment against the de administration. He plans to live in from Mill City for the next meeting Wight were recent visitors in Banks, ported into this country in 1639. and Electrical Appliance September 28. Ore., where they visited at the home fendant in the sum of $100 00 for her the John Strob hall. attorney’s fees herein and a further Vernon Todd, superintendent of It has long been said that Oregon of one of Mrs. Roten's old school Stayton 215 Newspapers selling for a penny Mill City 1884 judgment for her costs and disburse ians have web-feet, and many per teachers. apiece originated in England. j schools spent Thursday in Salem on ments herein incurred; and for furth sons in this area are anxiously await Miss Jean Oliver of Salem spent er relief as to the court may seem business. ing a rain. the weekend at the home of her par proper. This summons is published Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wall have ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver. Miss in the Mill City Enterprise, a legal been carrying water for some time as Jean is employed in Salem. newspaper of Linn County, Oregon, their well is dry. Chet Smith also re Mr and Mrs. Harry Barnhardt, by order of the Honorable Victor ports a failing water supply. newly weds, of Mill City were din Olliver, Judge of the above entitled A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs. Andy Spriggs also states he is ner guests, Sunday at the home of court made this 22nd day of August, George McBride of Gates. Sept. 17. 1950, and the first day of publication somewhat worried about his low his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs Arvel water level. of summons is August 31, 1950, and Greubel of Mehama, Sept. 18 at The Mehama Hot Lunch club meet A. T. Barnhardt. David Barnhardt the last day is September 21, 1950. was also present. HARLOW L. WEINRICK, Salem Memorial hospital. ing Thursday night was attended by Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Attorney for Plaintiff. Supt. Arnold of Stayton, who urged and Mrs. Norman Garrison were her Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! P.O. Address: Albany, Ore. the school to continue as usual. Hot j brother and family of Scio, Mr. and lunches, served the Mehama school I Mrs. Herman Zeller, daughter Deloris children, are considered exceptional and son Jean. by school officials. It is reported A. D. Scott is in Salem at the home ' that other schools would like to pat of Mr. and Mrs. Gwen Gates. Scott tern lunches after the Mehama plan. was injured when he was thrown Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckler were from his car, which was wrecked in pleasantly surprised by the arrival a collision here Sunday afternoon. of Mrs. Bucklers’ sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, their I Mr. and Mrs. James V. Keep. They daughter Carol Sue and Mrs. Ball's had just received word that the sister Idabelle Blackburn have re Keeps were leaving for Florida for turned from a trip to Crater lake, the their vacation, when they arrived in Oregon caves and into California. Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Keep are They made the trip by motor and printers for the Indianapolis News at report a grand time. I Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moses were Arriving recently for their annual called to Grants Pass, Friday by [ vacation were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. news of the sudden death of her j Mitchell of Garden Grove. California. mother. Mrs Frank McConnell. A daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bill Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boaz and 10 to 34 feet | accompanied them. They were joined three children, formerly of Salem | here by Mr. and Mrs Clive Mitchell have moved to Gates and are resid from Coquille. ing at the Gessner place, east of NEW AND USED town. Boaz is Mrs. Gessner's son. Claude Alexander has returned to JUST ARRIVE» A SON—To Mr and Mrs. Ronald Gates from Kodiak, Alaska, where he I Swan of Portland, September 16th. was in business all summer. Mrs LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE | The newcomer has been named Lynn Alexander met her husband in Seat tle. The Alexanders plan to move to Ellis. IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E Mr. and Mrs. John Swan of Mill Seattle in the near future. City are the paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap spent and Mr. and Mrs. John Shelton of Wednesday of last week in Stayton Scio are the maternal grandparents on business and while here visited at the home of their daughter and of little Lynn Ellis. Mrs. John Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Wil son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund liam Swan and son, Ryan. Sunday Klecker. visited Mrs. Ronald Swan and baby Miss Eileen Eccleston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eccleston left in Portland. this week for Medford, where she will attend business college this winter. REGISTER TODAY — ONLY 15 She will be at the home of her pa ternal grandmother, Mrs, Minnie DAYS LEFT! j Brotherton. Eileen graduated from ! the Gates high school last June. 1 PORTER & LAU Just Arrived... MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS TRAILER HOMES Kits - Bales Aero Kenskill - Angeles South Side Trailers G.E.THOMAS, Mill City 7 New and Used TRAILERS THE WORLD'S 10 TO 37 WINDOW Bank Terms Stewarts Universals Rollaways NEW TRAILERS! Here's the sensational, new wood window you can lift out and wash in the sink! Just a slight side pressure releases the sash. You've seen it nationally advertised. FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill Citv FEET Stas ton rial*. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. l et u* give you a free estimate. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA Baktr's Mill City Jewelry CT1. J. USED TRAILERS OF MANY MAKES Fir Grove Trailer Sales ONE MUX WEST OF MILL CITY ON HIGHWAY 222 I